Alba Italy. Alba (Alba), Piedmont, Italy

During the flourishing period of the Roman Empire, it was an important strategic and shopping centerIn which construction was actively conducted, including a aqueduct to supply the city with water, as well as the sewer network.

Medieval walls of the city are an excellent protection system: built on the foundation with a height of more than two meters and a thickness of half a meter, the walls were reinforced with the fortress towers and around the perimeter are surrounded by defensive moat. Each of the five city gates also had one or two observation tower.

Alba in winter city.

In the XVI-XVII centuries, the Alba has long remained the subject of discord between the French and the Spaniards, survived several earthquakes and the epidemic of the plague, which led to some decline, which continued until the XVIII century, when finally the art and literature began to flourish in the city. The Academy of Literature was formed, new buildings were built: the Hospital of St. Lazarus, the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, Church of St. Mary Magdalene.

Reconstruction and architectural update of the city began in the XIX century on the initiative of Carlo Felice. After the destruction caused by the French revolution, it was a necessity. Magdalene Monastery, Public theater, Mirolio Palace, Savon Square and Roman Street appeared.

View of the albu
Photo: Rostislav Glinsky photography (Rostislav glinsky photography)

In the twentieth century, various fairs are also beginning to be organized in Alba with great success. Fair of truffles, born in 1929, the holidays of wine and vintage contributed to the strengthening of local traditions and the spread of local products. These traditions are actively supported and now: truffles, sweets, abundant on the Alba showcases, organically fit into the medieval landscape of the historic center.

The interesting city

Alba is known as the city of a hundred towers, all of them are built in the XIV-XV centuries. Now they are left of them, mainly on the segment between the Renaissance area and Via Cavour, besides, many of them were shortened to the level of roofs or invisible now for high buildings.

VIA Vittorio Emanuel, the main street Alba, starts from the Renaissance area and passes through the entire historical center. It is a favorite place for walking locals and tourists, also because you can observe a variety of architectural styles - from the Middle Ages to Liberty.

One of the Alba streets. Photo: Rostislav Glinsky photography (Rostislav glinsky photography)

Alba Cathedral is towers on the Renaissance. Over the centuries, Duomo has repeatedly restored and rebuilt, trying to bring in accordance with the architectural style of a particular era. Tower of the cathedral, one of the highest in Piedmont, hides in himself an ancient bell of the XII century. On the facade you can see the figure of St. Lawrence of the Roman and the symbols of the four evangelists. Inside the Cathedral of interest is the Kroplitsa 1503, numerous frescoes.

Facade Duomo. Photo: Rostislav Glinsky photography (Rostislav glinsky photography)

There, on the Renaissance, there is a municipality building. On the interior walls of the building of the building can be admired by the frescoes from the Church of St. Domaine, among which the "Pieta" of the XIV century and the "worship of the Magi" stand out.

Duomo, photo: Rostislav Glinsky (Rostislav glinsky photography)

The Church of the Holy Domenic, renovated in the 70s, is currently used as a place for exhibitions and concerts. Not far from it is the church of Holy Katerina, the construction of which in the style of Baroque refers to XVII century. In the Church of St. John there are many interesting works Art of the XIV-XVI centuries. The more modern church of St. Paul, towering on the Square of the same name, was built in 1925.

Christmas tree on Duomo Square in Alba.
Photo: Rostislav Glinsky photography (Rostislav glinsky photography)

On Vittorio Emanuele, there are two more interesting churches. One of them is dedicated to St. Mary Magdaline and in the XVIII century belonged to the monks of Dominicans, for many believers it was the goal of pilgrimage. Almost opposite it is the Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian, a very old, built on the ruins of Roman walls, the first mention of it in the documents refers to the XIII century.

The urban museum, founded in 1897 by the historian and the archaeologist Federico Eusebio, now carries his name. The museum began as a collection of archaeological collections, only recently he enriched and expanded at the expense of various departments of natural sciences.

In addition, albey is one of ten Italian winemaking. educational institutionsFounded in 1881 is a Umberto-Agrarian Institute of the University I, whose graduates specialize in viticulture and winemaking.

Traditional products and local holidays

Every year in October in Albe fair of white truffles. Born at the initiative of the restaurant Jacomo Morra in 1928 as one of the directions of the Vintage holiday, subsequently the fair of white truffles became an independent event. In 2007, she received the status of international.

By the way, in the XVIII century, Piedmont truffles were worshiped by all European courtyards as one of the most sophisticated dishes. In particular, the White Traofel Alba, the one that is collected in the vicinity of Lange, Roero and Monferrato, has always been considered among the truffles most valuable.

White truffles. Photo

This year, the 81st International Fair of the White Truffle Alba will work from October 8 to November 13 under the motto of this year "Love above the crisis". One of the main events of the fair is the world truffle market (Mercato Mondiale del Tartufo), open in the historic center of Alba, on which on Saturdays and Sundays it will be possible to buy a favorite truffle.

Choosing a truffle. Photo

In addition to actually truffles, other enogastronomical wealth of the Lange and Roero regions will be offered at the fair. It is in abundance presented for sale or on wine tasting, cheeses, sausage and confectionery.

As a rule, the truffle fair is accompanied by a variety of cultural events. These are exhibitions, theatrical productions, historical staging, meetings with famous creative personalities. In particular, on October 2, the Fair will open with donkey races and the Knight's Town Tournament.

Every year the organizers of the holiday give the best instance of the truffle of the invited celebrity. Such gifts have already received Alfred Hitchcock, Joe Di Mago, Alain Delon, Hugo Tyunsyzzi, Gerard Depardieu.

Celebrities with truffles. Photo

If the honoring of truffles in Albe is held in the fall, the spring comes the queue of wine: for three weekends in April-May, it turns out here Holiday "Vinum" - Demonstration of wine products of Lange and Roero regions. Wine here is honored not only as the main character Tastings, but also as a drink, closely associated with the culture and history of this edge. In the historical center of the city, more than 250 distillers offer enotourists to taste their products, pouring wine into a glass, suspended, as the tradition is required by the top of the tourist. And on this holiday, you can try and acquire other traditional products in the region, to evaluate the art of chefs of local restaurants, as well as participate in tastings, exhibitions, meetings, concerts.

Among the world's famous products presented at this holiday - Wines and the top ten most best Wine in the world. Both are produced from the grapes of the Bisciolo variety, which is grown in the Lange and Roero regions, both are marked by a DOCG sign that guarantees and controlling their origin.

Vineyards of Lange region. Photo

The name Barolo originates from the notable family Falletti, the marquizes that began to grow grapes. It is said that once Marquis Falletti presented as a gift to King Carl Albert 300 barrels (every 600 liters each) Barolo's wine, because the king wished to try this "New Wine". Karl Alberta so appreciated the gift that he decided to buy all the estate Verduno to engage in the production of wines.

Collection of wine Barolo. Photo

Barbaresko wine (then called "") received a gold medal at the exhibition in London in 1862, and thirty years later, it began to produce this wine in the lock Barbaresko, from where it went to his current name.

Grapes for wine Barbaresko. Photo

Barolo is well combined with meat cooked, game, solid cheeses and truffles. Barbaresco is also perfect for any meat dishes.

Another widely known traditional product This zone is a nut, or rather, Piedmont Funduk. In the fields of Lange and Monferrato, "Noble Round Walnie Langhe" (Nocciola Tonda Gentile Delle Langhe) is grown, characterized by particularly valuable qualities. Since 1993, he has been marked with an IPG sign that protects its geographic origin, with the name "Nocciola Piemonte".

Piedmont hazelnut. Photo of

In the two small towns of Kortemiilia and Kravazan, located about 30 km south-east of Alba, as always, at the beginning of autumn, is a holiday of Piedmont Walnut. This year, the date of its holding - September 24-25. The National Forum "City of Walnut" will be held in Corgeta, while culinary events, tastings, competitions and presentations will unfold in Kravancene, everything is somehow connected with the hazelnut.

The famous Ferrero company is inextricably linked with Piedmont Walnut. In 1942, she founded in Albu's Pietro Ferrero entrepreneur, setting a goal to come up with new and inexpensive sweets using a local product - hazelnut. Four years later, he had the idea to create a sweet cream on the basis of a hazelnut, who acquired great popularity from consumers.

In April 1964, "NuTell" appeared, then the line "Kinder", "Rafaello" and many other confectionery, which became popular all over the world. Now Ferrero has already turned into a multicational concern with a center in Luxembourg, and its Italian center is located in Pinot Torinez.

Breakfast with "Nutuxer". Photo

Major Alba Doctor -

  • Palazzo Comunale - built in the 13th century.
  • some tower 14 - 15 centuries. Alba. Once famous for the "city of hundreds of towers".
  • town HallXIII century,
  • gothic church San Domenico(SAN Domenico., XIII-XIV centuries) - the most significant church in the city from an artistic point of view. An outstanding portal with a triple arch, a polygonal apse. In the times of Napoleonic wars, the church was used under the stables.
  • gotachec san Lorenzo Cathedral ( Duomo. dI Alb.a., XII - XV century) - built by the Romanesque style in 12 V, most likely on the site of the ancient Roman temple. In the 15th century, the cathedral was rebuilt by the Bishop of Andrea Novelli, and after reconstructed several times. The current appearance of the cathedral received after restoration in the 19th century, and the crypt and three portals were stored from the initial building. The cathedral is known for its carved wooden choirs created in 1512 Bernardo Fosseati. The current bell tower of the cathedral dating back to the 12th century includes elements of the initial building.
  • baroque church of St. John the Baptist, which is the image of the Madonna of the work of Barnabas Yes Modena (1377 g) and "Madonna with Saints" (1508 g) Macrino d'Alba.
  • Museum of Archeology I. Natural Sciences F. Obebio.

Besides Alba Iskal Kak Protto piedmont Truffle.

Alba city map:

Territory Alby It was inhabited from time immemorial. Once it was settled by the nomads tribes, who dated in one place, building a hut, they began to engage in hunting and grown vegetables. Later, these tribes merged with liguras or celts.
The city received his name during the Romans, Consul Gneo Pompei Strabo delivered Edict about the formation of the city named Alba Pompeia (Alba Pompeia). Already in the Roman era had important strategic and commercial importance. City buildings were built in the city, among which the aqueduct, in which the water was walking from the Tanaro river, supplying the necessary moisture Alba.
Management in the city was autonomous and consisted of a magistracy, which included five orders: decorions, the priests of Augusta, riders, contractors and freeds. All the people shared on the college of artisans. Agriculture and animal husbandry were the main classes in Roman Albe.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, the city was destroyed by burgundy, later in 640, Langobard and Frank were invaded, Saracin raids. It is all weakened Alba, forcing you to unite with Asti and Savonoy.
A two-meter fortress wall with towers was erected around the alba.
Monasteries and hospitals were built, including hospital for lepers and infectious patients. At this time on the coat of arms Alby A red cross appeared on a silver field.
In 1259, Alba concluded an alliance with Karl Anzhui, against the neighboring Asti. It was a period of rivalry and the struggle between the Glevrophs and the Gleellin, who argued because of the territories. Asti He became an "enemy" due to the fact that he wanted to deprive the albu of the domination in the valley of Tanaro. The symbol of this struggle became the towers that were used as prisons.
In the XII century The city became a commune and joined the Lombard League.
In the next centuries, Alba performed a battlefield between the French and the Spaniards. The churches, palaces and art objects were injured in numerous battles.
After the Kato-Cambreyian world in 1559, the Alba was transferred to the genus of Gunsaga from Matou. It was the period of peace and tranquility, which violated only earthquakes. After the death of Francesco IV Gonzaga, Alba Charl Emmanuel I Savoysky, and in 1623 he managed to capture the city.
In 1630, the city and nearby territories covered the plague that took many lives.
End of the XVII century. Brought literary and artistic dawn. Alba opened the Academy of Philharmonic and Literature. At this time, new buildings were erected: San Lartzaro Hospital, Church of Svv. Cosmas and Damia and the Church of St. Mary Magdalena.
At the end of the XVIII century. Alba took part in the French Revolution, happily met by Napoleon's troops Bonaparte in 1796, but, without taking all French innovations, seeing the relationship of the French to the monuments of architectures and art (so in the church of St. Dominica there was a stable), dust of residents Alby Patch. When the French authorities announced that the city should pay the unheard of 123 thousand LIR to military needs, two ambassadors were sent to discuss this situation, but one of the ambassadors was simply shot.
The French period brought the city emptying and ruin. Alba's restoration began Karl Felix Savoy. He built a Magdalena monastery. Passed new roadConnecting Alba with Savona. The architect Giorgio Buska was invited, which offered a project of new buildings, such as the theater, the Palace of Mirolo, and new streets and squares.
After the First World War, in Albeas in all Italy The era of fascism came.
During World War II, it was proclaimed by the "Free Republic". For 23 days (from October 10 to November 2, 1944) became the partisan republic, having received a gold medal for the military valor.
In 1948 and in 1994, severe floods were happening, which caused damage to the city.
After World War II in Albe There was no industry, but at present the situation has changed in the root. Now there are textiles, food, clothing. Famous Wood Factory for Candy Production Factory Ferrero. was opened in Albe.

Central Square Alby is an piazza Risorgimento.. Here is the city palace and Cathedral (Duomo).

Cathedral. Alba

Cathedral is dedicated to the saint patron Alby - Lorenzo. The modern view of the cathedral was received in the XIX century. In the style of late gothic. The Cathedral's bell tower is one of the highest in Italy It includes an oldest bell tower related to the XII century. Another Negri Tower was opposite the facade, but she was demolished in 1867. On the facade of the cathedral, the figure of St. Lorenzo - Patron Alby, the works of Luigi Kokold in 1878 in the Cathedral there is a valuable fringe belonging to 1503

From Piazza Risorgimento. Reads Via Vittorio Emanuele. - the main street Alby, intersecting the entire historic center, here are medieval buildings, arches, filling the streets with a special atmosphere of the old city. And among numerous shops and cafes, the locals love to walk so much.
But before going down the street, we will overtake piazza E. pertinace.
Here is located chieces San Giovanni (Chiesa di San Giovanni)In which various works of art are stored, among whom Madonna with a baby (1377) works of Barnaba da Modena, "Looking" (1508) Maccino d "Alba.

Church of San Giovanni. Alba. Piedmont. Italy.

Opposite the church - next to palazzo Marro. You can see what remains of the ancient roman temple The time of Alba Pompey.

Palazzo Marro.

On Peretinace Square, 3 is the historic shop of truffles - Tartufi Morra.. This shop in 1930 was opened by Jacomo Morra, thanks to which truffle from Alba Steel are famous for the whole world. Now the store is owned by the heirs of morra. Throughout the year, they can buy canned delicacies with truffles, and in the collection of fresh.

Every Saturday, the farm market is unfolding on the square, where you can buy any gastronomic gifts, whether fragrant truffles, cheeses and sausages, sweets and famous wines.

Alba. Piedmont. Italy.

On the other hand via Vittorio Emanuele. located san Domenico Church (Via Calissano). Church founded in the XIII century. Now there is no exhibitions and concerts. Archaeological excavations They showed that a Roman house was located under the Church.

Church of San Domenico.

Alba \u003d "" Align \u003d "Left" width \u003d "450"\u003e One of the important events is an international fair truffle fair that passes every fall. (Fiera Nazionale Tartufo Bianco d'Alba).
For the first time, the fair was held in 1928, since many famous characters visited Alba For the sake of fragrant white truffles. The collection of these valuable fungi occurs in the fall (from September to January), the fair is confined to it.
Fresh truffles are stored at no more than a week at a temperature of from 3 to 6 degrees, after heat treatment, they make sauces and pastes that are stored significantly longer. But freezing the truffles do not advise, because during freezing they lose all their properties and aromas, the same thing happens during salting.
Fresh truffles are carefully soaked, without removing the peel, cut with thin plates (rub on the grater is considered to be movieton) And they eat in raw form together with pasta, omelet and other dishes.
Truffle Fair website:

Fair of truffles preceded historic holiday - costume procession and babies on donkeys.

The story of Palio is: in 1275 and Asti were in a state of war. Asti residents approached the Alba's urban walls and brought with them banners won on the jumps of a sign of future victory. And then the inhabitants of the Alba as ridicule over the enemy, decided to arrange inside the urban walls of racing on the donkey.
Now on the first Sunday of October remember this day.
Every district of the city is preparing for this an important event: sew medieval costumes, make decorations, put mini performances in which children, and adults are involved, and even horses.
Colorful columns are marched through the streets of the city, carrying banners of their area, to the central square, on which there are short performances with scenes from medieval life. Here and courageous syntoras are fighting for the castles, and the peasants sell vegetables and wine, they burn the witches, arrange the uprisings, and at the end of the judge will choose the best team, assessing costumes and scenic skills.
They will not leave indifferent teams of juggler flags, which synchronously throw up, cool, catch developing banners.
Second part of the holiday - palio on donkeh. Racing on donkeys in which representatives of districts are involved Alby. Stupid animals refuse to go to the start, begin to run in the other side or suddenly stop, throwing riders. Wins the one who manages to find a key to a wayward donkey and reach the finish line first. Positive emotions and cheerful laughter for viewers are guaranteed!

*** On Palio and performances, you need to buy a ticket. The cost depends on the category Tickets: The most expensive seating places with exactly defined place, then go sitting space without a certain place and the cheapest standing places. Tickets can be bought a few days before the holiday or on the day of the holiday.

Another popular holiday passing into Albe in the fall - festa Del Vino).

All central streets of the city turn into a large winecard. Local winemakers bring their wines for the holiday, sausages are sold with wine, the atmosphere of the holiday and carelessness reigns.
Visitors buy a ticket (10 euros) and get a glass in a pocket, which is hanging on the neck. Now you can go around all the tables, taste the wine, walk through the streets of the city with a glass of magnificent wine and enjoy holiday Wine in Alba.
Website of the limitators:

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