Technical school economy rights and management. Distance Education in GTEP

Our college is a structural division of NOU VPO "Moscow Institute of Economics, Politics and Law". He prepares specialists in the program of secondary professional (economic and legal) education in the following specialties:

  • 080114 Economy and Accounting - Qualification "Accountant";
  • 030912 The right and organization of social welfare - the qualification "Lawyer".

To date, these are the most popular and prestigious legal and economic specialty in the job market. It should not even say that any commercial or state-owned enterprise, institution, firm, production cannot do without legal assistance and accounting, a qualified lawyer and accountant. Studying in our college, you will receive not only basic training for these specialties and a qualified specialist diploma, but also acquire the necessary experience in working, which is important in employment.

Our economic and law college carries out its work within the system continuing education. Therefore, college graduates who have successfully passed the basic professional training Get the opportunity to go to the first course of the Institute of MIEPP on preferential terms. For many school graduates, this is an excellent chance to get a higher legal or economic education in one of the best universities Moscow.

If you intend to get high-quality economic and legal education to have prestigious work, welcome to our college. If you intend to continue your training in one of the best universities in Moscow, but you have only incomplete secondary education - enter our college, and after two from a little year your dream will come true!

Legal training program (030912)

College Graduate Qualification - Lawyer

"The right and organization of social security" It gives students the opportunity to get acquainted with the main prescribed laws of the possibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of health protection, the prospects for the development of the Sobes system, modern areas of pension reform.

The main task is to study the most important legal institutions of social welfare, in particular, labor, state pensions, unemployment benefits, for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth and others.

During his studies, students acquire knowledge about the system and the content of legislation governing the social security of citizens, and the practice of its application in modern conditions.

Economic learning program (080114)

College Graduate Qualification - Accountant

"Economy and Accounting" It makes it possible to students acquire the skills on accounting for property and obligations of the Organization, conducting and issuing business operations, processing accounting information, settlement with budget and extrabudgetary funds, the formation of accounting reporting.

As well as master the main activities: - documenting economic operations and maintenance of accounting of property of the organization: work with primary accounting documents; accounting sources of property formation; Conducting settlements with budget and extrabudgetary funds: the implementation of accounting postings on the accrual and transfer of taxes and fees to the budgets of various levels; Compilation and use of financial statements.

What gives training in college?

The ability to continue learning in the highest professional educational institution. The ability to get in demand and prestigious specialty. The opportunity to work out and have high-paying work in the future.

IN educational process College actively apply modern educational and information Technology. There is access to big electronic library. The form of training with use is particularly popular. remote technology. There is training on a reduced program. We have a unique faculty, for 20 years of activity, the traditions of a qualitative and high educational level have developed.

Distance learning in college

If you do not have the opportunity to study on the day office, you have to work or you live in another region of Russia - College at MEPP will be happy to take you among your students on the remote form of training. Distance learning College will save you time on the road and money. This is a very suitable form of training lawyer, economist, accountant. The quality of distance education in economic and legal specialties can be at all worse than full-time, only your motivation and diligence are important. From our part, a high practical relevance of materials and necessarily understandable method of their filing, which is being worked out and improved by our teachers constantly.

Come to us!
Successful career of economist, accountant, lawyer begins in our college!

Training in the International Open College. Secondary vocational education and state diploma

Welcome to the official website of "International open College"! "International Open College" - College of the New Generation, where students are the main participants in the educational process.The main difference of our college is that we are young and dynamic, so they organized the learning process in such a way that it corresponds to the ideas of young people about modern professional education. "International Open College" was created in 2018 active participation and at the request of a number of leading institutions and employers in Moscow.Our goal is not easy to train specialty, but to help students find a real vocation and highly paid job that will be pleasure and will take place in life. In the "International Open College", as in other colleges of Moscow, can be received after grade 9 and after grade 11 on full-time and absentee (remote) form of training.Our educational institution makes it possible to master the prestigious specialty according to one of the areas in the field of economics, the rights, commercial or banking sphere, logistics, pedagogical activity and psychology.

Advantages of the International Open College

Admission to college without passing exams and OGE;

Admission B. International Institute informatics, management, economics and rights without exams and exam;

IN the level of professionalism and many years of experience in the work of the teaching staff of the technical school;

Wide selection and high efficiency of educational programs;

The possibility of obtaining a delay from service in the army;

An affordable cost of learning fixed for the entire term of study under the contract concluded;

Passage labor practice in various Moscow companies with the possibility of subsequent employment;

Organization of a variety of leisure activities of students who contribute to the comprehensive harmonious development of young people;

Own table college and organizing the right healthy nutrition of our students.

International Open College at the Institute

Economic College - Economics and Accounting.

Legal College - Law and Organization of Social Security.

College of Nizhrodics and Programming - Applied Informatics by industry.

College of Psychology and Pedagogy is a special pre-school education.

Get higher, second higher education. Faculties

Faculty of Economics and Management - Economics, Management, State and Municipal Management.

The Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogy - Psychology and Pedagogy.

Faculty of Law - Jurisprudence.

Faculty of Defectological Education - Special Defectological Education.

Faculty of additional education.

Forms of study in the International Open College

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