Tolstoy children's stories read. Lion Tolstoy All the best fairy tales and stories

The great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy (1828-1910) loved the children very much, and even more he loved to talk to them.

He knew a lot of fables, fairy tales, stories and stories who told the children enthusiastically. He was listened to as native grandchildren and peasant children.

Having discovered a school for peasant children in a clear Polyana, Lev Nikolayevich himself taught in it.

He wrote a tutorial for the smallest and called her "ABC". The author's work, consisting of four volumes, was "handsome short, simple and, most importantly, is clear" to understand the children.

Lion and mouse

Lion slept. The mouse ran around his body. He woke up and caught her. The mouse began to ask him to let her; she said:

If you enjoy me, and I will welcome you.

The lion laughed that the mouse promises him to do it, and let her.

Then the hunters caught the lion and tied the rope to the tree. The mouse was assisted by the lion's roar, ran, overgrown with the rope and said:

Remember, you laughed, I didn't think that I could do you to do, and now you see, - it happens from the mouse well.

How did the thunderstorm found me in the forest

When I was small, I was sent to the forest for mushrooms.

I reached the forest, scored mushrooms and wanted to go home. Suddenly it became dark, it went raining and stuck.

I was afraid and sat down under great oak. Lightning flashed such a bright, that I hurt my eyes, and I climbed.

Over my head, something shine and stuck; Then something struck me in, head.

I fell and lay until it stopped raining.

When I woke up, all over the forest dropped from the trees, sang the birds and played the sun. Big Oak broke, and the smoke walked out of the stump. Around me lay a secret from oak.

The dress on me was all wet and liplot to the body; There was a bump on my head, and it was a little hurt.

I found my hat, took mushrooms and ran home.

There was no one at home, I took a bread in the table and got to the stove.

When I woke up, I saw from the stove that my mushrooms were frozen, put on the table and already want to eat.

I shouted: "What do you eat without me?" They say: "What do you sleep? Go more, eat."

Sparrow and swallows

Once I stood on the yard and looked at the socket of swallows under the roof. Both swallows were flew away, and the nest remained empty.

At the time when they were in the absence, from the roof flew the sparrow, jumped on the nest, looked around, waved the wings and whisen at the nest; Then he dried his head and stupid.

Soon after he flew to the jack of swallow. She jumped into the nest, but as soon as the guest saw, sheepdown, he shoved the wings in place and flew away.

Sparrow sat and tweet.

Suddenly, herd of swallows flew: all swallows twitched to the nest - as if in order to look at the sparrow, and again flew.

The sparrow was not Roblast, turned his head and tweeted.

The swallows again cleared to the nest, they did something and flew again.

The swallows were not forgotten: they brought every in the keyboard dirt and gradually smeared the hole of the nest.

Again, they flew and again swallowed swallows, and more and more nested the nest, and the hole was getting closer and closer.

First, the neck of the sparrow was visible, then one head, then the nose, and then nothing became visible; Swallows completely shook him in the nest, flew up and with a whistle began to spin around at home.

Two comrades

Two comrades walked around the forest, and a bear jumped on them.

One rushed to run, got into the tree and hid, and the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do - he fell to the ground and pretended to be dead.

The bear approached him and began to sniff: he stopped breathing.

The bear sniffed his face, thought that the dead, and went away.

When the bear left, that tears from the tree and laughs.

Well, - says, - did you say a bear in your ear?

And he told me that bad people Those who are in danger from comrades run away.


The boy is unfortunately sheep and, as if he saw a wolf, began to call:

Help, wolf! Wolf!

Guys came running and see: not true. As he did, and two and three times, it happened - and the wolf came to mind. The boy began to shout:

Here, more, the wolf!

The men thought that again was always deceiving, - did not listen to him. The wolf sees, nothing to fear: everything flock cut on the square.

Hunter and quail

I caught quail to the network to the hunter and began to ask that the hunter would let him go.

You only let me go, - says, - I will serve you. I have other quails to you on the network.

Well, quail, - said the hunter, - and so it would not let you, and now and is suppressed. Completed the head for the fact that you want to give out.

Girl and mushrooms

Two girls walked home with mushrooms.

They needed to move through the railway.

They thought the car was far away, closed the mound and went through the rails.

Suddenly there was a car. The older girl ran back, and the smaller - moved across the road.

The older girl screamed her sister: "Don't go back!"

But the car was so close and so loudly noisy that a smaller girl did not hear; She thought she was told to run back. She ran back through the rails, stumbled, dropped the mushrooms and began to pick them up.

The car was already close, and the driver whistled that was forces.

The older girl screamed: "Throw mushrooms!", And the little girl thought that she was told to collect mushrooms, and crawled on the road.

The driver could not hold the car. She whistled with all his might and hit the girl.

Senior girl screamed and cried. All passing looked from the windows of the wagons, and the conductor ran to the end of the train to see what was happening with the girl.

When the train passed, everyone saw that the girl was lying between the rails head down and did not move.

Then, when the train has already drove away, the girl raised his head, jumped on his knees, gathered mushrooms and ran to her sister.

Old grandfather and granddaughter


Became Grandfather is very old. His feet did not go, the eyes did not see, the ears did not hear, there was no teeth. And when he ate, he flowed back from his mouth.

The son and the daughter-in-law stopped planted him at the table, and let him dine behind the stove. Demolished him to dine in a cup. He wanted to move her, yes dropped and smashed.

The daughter-in-law began to marry the old man for the fact that he is all spoils in the house and the cups beats, and said that now she will give him to dine in Lohanka.

The old man just sighed and said nothing.

They sit the husband with his wife at home and look - the son playing them on the floor plays - something is famous.

Father and asked: "What do you do, Misha?" And Misha and telling: "This is me, the father, I do a loyal. When you with the older older, you will feed you from this lochank. "

Husband with his wife looked at each other and cried.

They became ashamed for the fact that they were offended by the old man; And since then, to plant it at the table and care for him.

Little mouse

The mouse came out to walk. I walked around the courtyard and came again to the mother.

Well, Mother, I saw two beasts. One is terrible, and the other is kind.

Mother asked:

Tell me what are these animals?

The mouse said:

One terrible legs of his black, Khokhol - red, eyes on the picness, and the nose with a crochet. When I went past, he opened the mouth, his leg raised and began to shout so loudly that I didn't know from fear where to leave.

It's a rooster, she said the old mouse, he did not make evil to anyone, do not be afraid. Well, and another beast?

Another lay in the sun and he walked. She had a white, her legs are gray, smooth. Summary licks her white breast and a sniffer slightly, it looks at me.

Old mouse said:

Fool, you are a fool. After all, it is the cat itself.

Two men

We drove two men: one in the city, another of the city.

They hit the sleigh by each other. One shouts:

Give the way, I need to easily in the city.

And the other screams:

You give the way. I need to go home soon.

And the third man saw and said:

Who is more likely to be the besiege back.

Poor and rich

In the same house they lived: at the top of the rich-barin, and the bottom up the tailor.

Tailor at work all sang songs and interfered with Barina to sleep.

Barin gave the tall bag of money so that he does not sing.

The tailor became rich and all erased his money, and not to sing no longer.

And it became boring. He took the money and demolished them back Barina and said:

Take your money back, and I already allow the song to sing. And then I was attacked by longing.

Conversation for children 5-9 years old: "Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy"

Butler Tatyana Nikolaevna, GBOU School №1499 to №7, educator
Description: The event is intended for children of senior pre-school and junior school age, educators preschool institutions, teachers of junior classes and parents.
Appointment of work: The conversation will introduce children with the Great Russian writer Lvi-Nikolayevich Tolstoy, his work and a personal contribution to children's literature.

Purpose: The acquisition of children of senior pre-school and younger school age to the world of book culture.
1. To acquaint children with the biography and the work of the writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy;
2. To introduce children of senior pre-school and younger school age to literary works; 3. form emotional responsiveness to literary work;
4. Rail in children interest in the book and her heroes;
Attributes for games: Rope, 2 baskets, mbage mushrooms, hat or mask - Bear.

Preliminary work:
- Read fairy tales, stories, Basni Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
- organize an exhibition of children's drawings on read works

Entrance word in verse

Butler T.k.
Soul man big
Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy.
Famous writer talented from God.
Wise teacher with a pedagog soul.
He was a generator of bold ideas.
School discovered for peasant children.
Lev Nikolayevich is a great thinker.
Investigator, benefactor.
Noble kind, graf blood.
I thought about the troubles of ordinary people.
After leaving her heritage
Knowledge became encyclopedia.
Proceedings His and experience invalid capital.
For many generations, it became the foundation.
The writer is famous, and in the 21st century
We proudly tell about this person!

Leading: Dear guys today we will get acquainted with an amazing person and a great writer.
(Slide number 1)
Under the city of Tula, there is such a place of Clear Polyana, where September 9, 1828, the great Russian writer Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy was born. He was the fourth child in a large noble family. His mother, Princess Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya. His father - Count Nikolai Ilyich - led his pedigree from Ivan Ivanovich Tolstoy, who served as a governor under the king Ivan Grozny.
(Slide number 2)
Children's years of a small writer passed in a clear glade. Lev Tolstoy primary education Got at home, the lessons were given French and German teachers. He lost her parents early. The mother of Leo Tolstoy died when he was a year and a half, and his father died when the boy was the ninth year. Wostering children (three brothers and sister) took them their aunt who lived in Kazan. She became a guardian of children. In the city of Kazan, Lion Tolstoy lived six years.
In 1844, he entered Kazan University. Classes on the program and textbooks have grown it and studied 3 years, he decides to leave the institution. Lion Tolstoy left Kazan, in the Caucasus, where his older brother Nikolai Nikolayevich Tolstoy served in the current army in the rank of an artillery officer.

Little Lion Tolstoy wanted to test himself, whether he was brave man, and see his own eyes what kind of war is. He entered the army, at first he was a junker, then passing the exams, received the junior officer rank.
Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy was a participant in the defense of the city of Sevastopol. Awarded the Order Holy Anne with the inscription "For courage" and medals "for the protection of Sevastopol.
Russian people have long been praised courage, courage and courage.
Listen to which sayings are praised in Russia:
Where courage, there and victory.

Do not lose courage, back either step.
The soldier's business is to fight brave and skillfully.
Who in battle did not have, he did not experience the courage.
Now we will check what our boys are bold and brave.
Go to the center of the hall. The game is held: dragging the rope.
Lion Tolstoy twice traveled abroad in 1850 and in 1860.
(Slide number 3)
Returning back to the Clear Polyana, the generic estate of Lion Tolstoy opens up a school for serfs. At that time, the country was serfdom - this is when all the peasants obeyed and belonged to the landowner. Previously, even in the cities of schools there were not many, and only children from rich and noble families studied in them. People lived in the villages and they were illiterately illiterate.

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy announced that the school would be free, which would not be corporal punishment. The fact is that in those days it was customary to punish children, they were beaten by rugs (subtle twist) for bad behavior, for the wrong answer, for a not learned lesson, for disobedience.
(Slide №4)
First, the peasants shrugged: where it is seen, so that they have been taught free. People doubted whether GOB would be from such lessons, if not to notice a mischievous, and a lazy child.
In those days in the peasant families, children were a lot of 10-12 people. And they all helped their parents.

But soon they saw that the school in a clear glade was not similar to any other.
(Slide number 5)
"If, - wrote L.N. Tolstoy - the lesson will be too difficult, the student will lose hope to fulfill the specified, will take others, and will not make any effort; If the lesson is too easy, it will be the same. We must try so that all the attention of the student can be absorbed by the specified lesson. To do this, let's make a disciple such work so that every lesson felt his step forward in the teaching. "
(Slide number 6)
The strength of knowledge has been preserved and lived to our days. Folk proverbs:
Standing of the century Book Grow man.
Good to teach who listens.
Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.
Live and learn.
The world is lit by the sun, and man knowledge.
Without patient there is no teaching.
Letting learn - always useful.

(Slide number 7)

In a tolstovskaya school, the guys learned to read, write, consider, were their lessons on history, natural science, drawing and singing. Children felt at school freely and fun. In the class, small disciples cleared, who wanted: on the shops, on the tables, on the window sill, on the floor. Everyone could ask the teacher about everything that wishes about anything, talked to him, consulted with his neighbors, looked at them to the notebooks. The lessons turned into a common interesting conversation, and sometimes in the game. At the house of lessons did not ask.
(Slide number 8)
On changes and after classes, Lion Tolstoy told the guys something interesting, showed them gymnastic exercises, played with them to the game, ran a chairs. In winter, I rode with children on sleds from the mountains, in the summer he drove them to the river or in the forest for mushrooms and berries.

(Slide number 9)
Let's guys, and we will play in the game: "Mushroomniki"
Rules: Children are divided into 2 teams, each team has 1 basket. At the signal, children collect mushrooms.
Condition: In hand, you can only take 1 mushroom.
Music sounds, children collect mushrooms and put into their common command basket.
The music calms down, a bear comes to the clearing (begins to roar), the mushrooms will die and do not move. The bear bypass mushrooms if the mushroom stirped, the bear eats it. (The eaten mushroom sits on the chair). At the end of the game, mushrooms are counting in baskets. The team wins the team that gathered more than all mushrooms and who in the team more mushrooms remained intangible and unharmed.
(Slide number 10)
At that time, books for children were little. Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy decides to write a book for children. ABC came out in 1872. In this book, Lev Nikolayevich gathered the best fairy tales, fables, proverbs, stories, epics and sayings. Small instructive works, force children around the world to sympathize and worry, rejoice and disappear.

(Slide №11)
Works written by Lvi Nikolayevich Tolstoy, keep useful and wise advice, teach to understand the world and relationships between people.
(Slide number 12)
The creativity of Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy real pantry for children. Children are small and attentive listeners who learn love, kindness, courage, justice, resourcefulness, honesty.
Children are strict judges in the literature. It is necessary that the stories for them are written and clear, and entertaining, and morally ... Simplicity is a huge and hard-to-find dignity.
L.N. Tolstoy.
(Slide №13)
Lion Nikolaevich Tolstoy was a master to invent various games and fun for children. Here is some of them. Try to guess the guys, interesting riddles.
By sea goes, and it comes to the shore - disappears. (Wave)
On the courtyard of the mountain, and in the water - water. (Snow)
Located, bowed, comes home - it stretches. (Ax)
Seventy clothes, everything without fasteners. (Cabbage)
Grandpa without an ax bridge bridge. (Frost)
Two mothers in five sons. (Hands)
Twisted, connected, dancing on the holy. (Broom)
Wooden himself, and iron head. (A hammer)
Any boiler along the chealarel. (Signet)

(Slide №14)

Lion Nikolayevich Tolstoy wrote for children sayings.
Where a flower, there and a naked.
Unknown friend, not good for services.
A friend how much can help.
Red Bird Feather, and man mind.
The drop is small, and dropwise the sea.
Do not take a handful, but take a pinch.
Want, there are Kalachi, do not sit on the furnace.
Summer collects, winter eats.
Quality to take, mind and give.
We will not learn everything at once.
Learning light, not by studying darkness.
The end is the case of a crown.

Leading: Well, at the end of our event we invite you to play a moving game:
"Golden Gate".

Rules of the game: Two leading are taken by arms and build a "gate" (raise closed hands up). The rest of the players are taken by arms and begin to drive a dance, passing under the "gates". Horror cannot be broken! It is impossible to stop!
All playing chorus utter words (solder)

"Golden Gate, pass, gentlemen:
For the first time says
The second time is prohibited
And for the third time you will not miss you! "

When the last phrase sounds, "the gate closes" - the leading hands down and catch, they lock those participants in the dance, which were inside the "gate". Those who caught, also become a "gate." When the "gate" will grow up to 4 people, you can divide them and make two gates, and you can also leave and just a giant "gate". If in the game "Lord" there was little left, coming at the goal preferably moving snake. The game, usually, goes to the last two not caught players. They become new leading, form new gates.
(Slide №14 and №15)

Thanks for attention! To new meetings!

Tolstick fairy tales Includes fairy tales written by A. N. Tolstoy. Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy - Russian writer, poet, born in Nikolaevsk Saratov region in the family of the graph.

Tolstick fairy tales

  • Golden Key, or Adventure Pinocchio (1936)

Full list of Tolstoy Alexey Nikolayevich's fairy tales

  • 1. Bike about Tether
  • 2. Bean grains
  • 7. War of Mushrooms
  • 8. Wolf and kids
  • 10. Clay guy
  • 11. Stupid wolf
  • 15. Geese - Swans
  • 19. Crane and Heron
  • 21. Hare - Mis
  • 22. Beasts in the pit
  • 24. Winter animals
  • 25. Golden Key, or Adventure Pinocchio
  • 27. Ivan Cow Son
  • 28. Ivan Tsarevich and Gray Wolf
  • 30. How Lisa learned to fly
  • 31. How old has found a lap
  • 34. Kobyals Head
  • 35. Goat - Dereza
  • 37. Kolobok
  • 38. Cat - Gray forehead, goat yes Baran
  • 40. Cat and Fox
  • 41. Kochetok and chicken
  • 42. Rough curve
  • 43. Kuzma Sorrowful
  • 45. Ryaba chicken
  • 46. \u200b\u200bLion, pike and man
  • 48. Fox and wolf
  • 49. Fox and Drozd
  • 50. Fox and crane
  • 51. Fox and hare
  • 52. Fox and cock
  • 53. Fox and cancer
  • 54. Fox and Tetra
  • 55. Fox Perechaya
  • 56. Fox Topit Jug
  • 57. Fox-sister and wolf
  • 58. Boy with finger
  • 60. Bear and Lisa
  • 61. Bear and Dog
  • 62. Bear and three sisters
  • 63. Bear Lime Leg
  • 65. Mizgir
  • 67. Morozko
  • 69. Many and Bear
  • 70. Guy and Eagle
  • 73. No goats with nuts
  • 74. About the pike tooth
  • 75. Sheep, Fox and Wolf
  • 76. Rooster and Harvesters
  • 78. Cockerel - Golden Scallop
  • 79. By whining the vein
  • 80. Look there - I do not know where, I bring it - I do not know what
  • 86. Bubble, straw and lap
  • 88. Repka
  • 91. Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka
  • 92. Squa Burk
  • 94. Tale of Molding Apples and Living Water
  • 95. Single and fox
  • 100. Old man and wolf
  • 102. Teremok
  • 103. Tereshchka
  • 106. Havroshka
  • 108. Tsarevna Frog
  • 109. Chives, Chives, Chivychka ...

As you can see fairy tales of the thick list, plucked 109 fairy tales.

Tales A.N. Tolstoy

The first experiments on the fabulous prose, the writer published a separate book in 1910: "Supi's fairy tales" (SPB., Publishing house "Public benefits"), with the dedication to his wife S. I. Dymshits. The book actually came out at the end of 1909. The compilation included 41 fairy tale:

Tolstick fairy tales

  • Hero-boat
  • Magpie
  • Mouse
  • Sage
  • Lynx, man and bear
  • Cat Vaska.
  • Owl and Kot.
  • Goat
  • Rachie wedding
  • Gelding
  • Camel
  • Witcher
  • Wildlife
  • Ant
  • Chicken God
  • Wilder
  • Gander
  • Masha and Mouse
  • Ax
  • Picture
  • Powers
  • Pot
  • Petushki
  • Giant
  • Master
  • Kimikora
  • Messenger king
  • Water
  • Bear and Lesy
  • Bashkiria
  • Silver doodie
  • Restless heart (under the other name "mermaid")
  • Damned tint
  • Ivan da Marya
  • Ivan-Tsarevich and Alay Alitsa
  • Smire husband
  • Wanderer and Snake
  • Bogatyr Sidor.
  • Straw Groom

In the book, the fairy tales have not yet been divided into cycles: "Rus Mulching fairy tales" and "Supi Tales". This division was produced in 1923 in the collection of a spell.

"Golden key, or the adventures of Buratino" - The story-tale of Alexei Nikolayevich Tolstoy, written according to the fairy tales of Carlo Collodi "Adventures Pinocchio. History of wooden doll. "

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe folklore edition appeared at Tolstoy in Leningrad in a conversation with "local folklinists" (PSS, 13, p. 243), and the books of fairy tales were part of the conceived extensive "arch of Russian folklore". "Code", according to the writer, was supposed to include all the edges and types oral creativity Russian people. The folklorist writer A. N. Nechaev testifies: "The whole winter of 1937/1938 gone to preliminary training" Plan "Code" (A. N. Nechaev, N. V. Rybakova, A. N. Tolstoy and Russian folk fairy tale. - Appendix to PSS, 13, p. 334). All accumulated folklore funds "in the form of multi-volume edition" (PSS, 13, pp. 243) had to be collected. Work on the "arch" The writer attached high social importance and the meaning: "The publication of the Russian folklore edition will be not only a valuable artistic contribution to world literature, but it has a huge political importance, as it reflects the rich spiritual culture of the Russian people and the country to which Restracted the eyes of the whole world "(PSS, 13, p. 244).

The prominent folklorists of the 1930s were involved in discussing the problems of training "Code": M. K. Azadovsky, Yu. M. Sokolov, N. P. Andreev and others. During the discussion, the plan was clarified and expanded: it was supposed to publish not only the "Arch of Russian Folklore", but also the "Code of Folklore Peoples of the USSR". The past meetings in the institutions of the USSR Academy of Sciences, reflected by the relevant documents and transcripts, are covered in Articles: Yu. A. Krestinsky. Unfinished designs A. N. Tolstoy - Academician ("Questions of Literature", 1974, No. 1, p. 313-317); A. A. Gorelov. A. N. Tolstoy and the arch of Russian folklore. (In the book: "From the history of Russian Soviet folklores." L., "Science", 1981, p. 3-6.)

The war began in 1941 and the death of the writer interrupted work on the "arch", part of which was the preparation of the "full arch of Russian fairy tales". Of the five intended books of fairy tales A. N. Tolstoy managed to publish the first book in 51 fairy tales - all the so-called "fairy tales of animals". The writer began to work on the second book - "magic fairy tales," - prepared for printing 6 texts and "promotion" (published in 1944). In the archive of the writer, until 1953, there were unpublished 5 fairy tales, which were included in the collected works (PSS, 15, p. 303-320). And with the incompleteness of all the idea, the exit to the light of folk fairy tales prepared for the press Tolstoy became a significant event in Soviet literature and folkloristic. The publication of the first book was carried out in 1940: "Russian fairy tales", t. I, m.-l., With preface A. Tolstoy, " Magic fairy tales", Prepared by the writer to the press, saw the light in the publication:" Russian folk tales In processing A. Tolstoy. " Pictures I. Kuznetsova. M.-L., Detgiz, 1944 ( School library. For primary school).

In the work on fairy tales, Tolstoy carried out a special principle of creative editing, which is fundamentally different from the literary "Recode" oral text. In the preface to the book of fairy tales (1940), Tolstoy wrote about this: "There were many attempts to redo Russian folk fairy tales ... The compilers of such collections were usually taken for the processing of fairy tales, and he retells them not by popular language, not folk receptions, but" literary ", that is, Conditional, book language that has nothing to do with people. " The fairy tales retold in this way, according to the writer, "lost all meaning": "... People's tongue, wit, freshness, originality, was some incomplete work on their text. In particular, ZTO becomes apparent when comparing the text of a thick "fox, the pitcher" with a source - option of Smirnova No. 29a. Although compared to the source, the fairy tale is stylistically straightened, but the writer wished to avoid a simple retrace of the plot where a live image was required. So, for example, in the version, Smirnova says: "Once the fox came to the village and hit somehow in one house, where, using the lack of hostess, found a jug with butter." Tolstoy eliminated extra words, book participial turnover (Allocated in italics), but the intonational phrase remained heavy. The writer suggested its version of the text, only attentively reviewing all the available folk versions. Judging by the archive, other versions of the fairy tale did not have a writer. Publication of fairy tales found in the archive characterizes the process of careful work of the writer over the text of fairy tales and the more interesting.

Lion and doggy

In London, they showed wild animals and for the examination they took money or dogs and cats on the feed of wild beasts.

One person wanted to look at the animals: he grasped a dog on the street and brought her to the animal. He was allowed to look, and the dog was taken and thrown into the cage to the lion at the edoo.

The dog caught the tail and pressed into the corner of the cell. The lion went to her and sniffed it.

The dog fell on his back, raised his paws and began to wave a tail.

Leo touched her paw and turned over.

The dog jumped up and began to lion on the rear paws.

The lion looked at the dog, turned his head from the side to the side and did not touch her.

When the owner threw a lion of meat, Lev pulled off the piece and left the dog.

In the evening, when the lion lean to sleep, the dog lay down beside him and put her head on his paw.

Since then, the dog lived in one cell with Lvom, the lion did not touch her, ate food, slept with her together, and sometimes he played with her.

Once Barin came to the Wisther and found out his dog; He said that the dog is his own, and asked the master of the crowd to give him. The owner wanted to give, but as soon as they began to call the dog to take it out of the cage, the lion was sophisticated and buried.

So lived lion and dog whole year In one cell.

A year later, the dog fell ill and flowing. The lion stopped eating, and everything sniffed, licked the dog and tried her paw.

When he realized that she had died, he suddenly jumped, she was silent, began to whip himself his tail on the sides, rushed on the wall of the cell and began to nibble the absentee and the floor.

He fought all day, rushed into the cage and roared, then Loe is a dead dog and fell. The owner wanted to carry a dead dog, but the lion did not let anyone.

The owner thought that the lion would forget his grief, if he was given another dog, and a lively dog \u200b\u200bcould be in a cage; But the lion immediately ripped it into pieces. Then he hugged his lips a dead dog and lay like five days.

For the sixth day, Lev died.


There were brother and sister - Vasya and Katya; And they had a cat. Spring cat disappeared. The children were looking for her everywhere, but could not find.

Once they played near the barn and heard - someone's heads over her head with thin voices. Vasya got along the stairs under the roof of the barn. And Katya stood and everything asked:

- Found? Found?

But Vasya did not answer her. Finally Vasya shouted her:

- Found! Our cat ... and she has kittens; so wonderful; Go here rather.

Katya ran home, pulled milk and brought a cat.

There were five kittens. When they rose a little bit and began to get out of the corner, where they gave themselves, the children chose one kitten gray with white legs, and brought to the house. The mother distributed all the rest of the kittens, and this left the children. The children fed him, played with him and put to sleep with them.

Once the children went to play on the road and took the kitten with them.

The wind moved a straw along the road, and the kitten played with straw, and the children rejoiced at him. Then they found the road sorrel, went to collect him and forgot about the kitten.

Suddenly they heard that someone shouts loudly: "Back, back!" "And they saw that the hunter jumps, and a kitten saw ahead of his two dogs and want to grab it. And the kitten, stupid, instead of running, sat down to the ground, burned his back and looks at the dogs.

Katya was scared of dogs, shouted and ran away from them. And Vasya, that was a spirit, started to the kitten and at one time with dogs ran up to him.

Dogs wanted to grab the kitten, but Vasya fell a belly to the kitten and closed it from dogs.

The hunter prompted and drove the dogs, and Vasya brought home the kitten and no longer took him with him in the field.


Forest hares at night feed the bark of trees, hare fields - winter and grass, gemniers - grain grains on the gum. During the night, the hares are paving deeply in the snow, a prominent trail. Hunters are both people, dogs, and wolves, and foxes, and crows, and eagles. If the hare went simply and straight, then in the morning it would be found in the next and caught; But the hare is cowardly, and the cowardice saves it.

Hare walks at night in the fields and forests without fear and paves direct traces; But as soon as the morning comes, the enemies wake up him: the hare begins to hear the bark of dogs, then the squeal sanguage, then the voices of the men, then the crash of the wolf in the forest and starts to ride from the side. Skipping forward, scares something - and run back on my trail. Still hear anything - and from all over the scope jumping to the side and rake away from the former trace. Again knocks something - again the hare will turn back and again stroll to the side. When light will become, he will fall.

Nutro hunters are beginning to disassemble a hare trail, confused by double tracks and distant jumps and surprise the tricks of the hare. And the hare did not think sick. He is only afraid.


I had a face. Her called the boulder. She was all black, only the tips of the front paw were white.

In all the facesties, the lower jaw is longer than the top and the upper teeth enter the lower; But at the buns, the lower jaw was so outstanding that the finger could be laid between the lower and the upper teeth. The bung on the boulders; The eyes are big, black and shiny; And the teeth and fangs are always sticking out. He looked like Arap. Bulka was humming and did not bite, but he was very strong and chains. When he, it happened, cling to something, then grit his teeth and hangs like a rag, and his, like a stick, could not be pulled out.

Once it was allowed to the bear, and he clung to the bear in the ear and hung like a leech. The bear beat his paws, pressed to himself, threw out of side to the side, but could not tear off and fell on his head to crush the bug; But the boulder until it was kept until it was cast with cold water.

I took it with a puppy and focused himself. When I was driving to serve in the Caucasus, I did not want to take him and left him slowly, and he ordered him to lock. At the first station, I wanted to sit in another crossed, as Suddenly I saw that something black and brilliant rolls on the way. It was a bug in his copper collar. He flew in the whole spirit to the station. He rushed to me, licked my hand and stretched in the shadow under the cart. His tongue was leaned with a whole palm. He then pulled him back, swallowed saliva, then again turned on a whole palm. He was in a hurry, did not breathe breathe, his sides were jumping. He turned with her side on his side and tapping the tail about the Earth.

I learned later that he struck the frame after me and jumped out of the window and straight, in my footprint, crushed on the road and slipped so worst twenty in the hottest heat.

How wolves teach their children

I walked along the road and behind myself heard a cry. Screaming a shepherd boy. He ran the field and showed someone.

I looked and saw - two wolves run on the field: one guy, another young. Young nest on the back of the slaughtered lamb, and kept his teeth. Mature wolf ran behind.

When I saw wolves, I beat them with her shepherd, and we began to shout. Men with dogs came running to our cry.

As soon as the old wolf saw the dogs and the people, he ran up to the young, snatched his lamb, shouted his back, and both wolves ran rather and disappeared from the eyes.

Then the boy began to tell how it was: a big wolf jumped out of the ravine, grabbed the lamb, stabbed him and bent.

Towards the wolf chat ran away and rushed to the lamb. The old gave the lamb to the lamb with a young wolf, and he flew himself near himself.

Only when the trouble came, the old left the study and took the lamb himself.

Copyright Tolstoy fairy tales How can not be suitable for family reading. The list includes works that are interesting to preschoolers, demanding adolescents and completely adult readers. Fairy tales are bright, kind, truly ingenious, like all the work of this outstanding literary figure.

Lion Tolstoy: Tales and other works for children

Peru a writer belongs to a huge number of works. From the diversity of the genres in which the Great Wizard worked, the author's tales of Tolstoy could be distinguished into a special group.

Their appearance can not be called random. The writer very seriously interested folk creativity. He communicated with the testers, peasants, other ordinary people who were connoisseurs from their words he recorded proverbs, sayings, folk signs And other works of folklore. So appeared in manuscripts, and later fairy tales were published in processing. The list of such works is quite large - "Three Bear", "Wolf and Goat", "Water and Pearl", "Squirrel and Wolf", "Baba and Chicken" and a few more dozen short instructive stories in the heritage of the writer. The language of Tolstoy fairy tales is distinguished by expressiveness, the ultimate clarity of the presentation, which is very important for the consciousness of a small reader. Morals that are necessarily present in fairy tales, very short and accurate. It helps the child to fully understand and remember the idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.

Pedagogical activity of the writer

In the rich event, the biography of Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy stands out the period when he actively worked on the field of learning and raising children. This refers to 1871, when schools for peasant children are created, work on creating books to teach schoolchildren to reading. His "ABC" is published in 1872. Together with other works in the content of books, both the author's tales of Tolstoy.

In 1874, the article "On Folk Education" is printed, and in a year "New ABC" and four volumes of Russian books for reading are published. In the tables of these collections, there is a list of Tolstoy fairy tales. Copyright and treated folk tales, stories, were, parables introduce readers with the life of peasants and ordinary people. The list of works entered into collections is very large. The most famous are the following: "swans", "kitten", "hares", "king and shirt", "righteous judge", "girl and robbing", "award", "lion and dog", and others. Together with the books of Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky collections of Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy for a long time were the only books for which children were taught to read. Their popularity was so high that they were withstanding over thirty publications. The textbooks diverged by millions of chairs in all provinces of Russia.

Publishing House "Mediator"

In 1884, Lion Tolstoy, obsessed with the idea of \u200b\u200benlightenment of a simple people, conceived the opening of a special publisher, where the works for popular reading would be printed. The innovative idea was embodied. The publisher began to work and got the name "Mediator".

Specially for this project were written by the author's fairy tales of Tolstoy Lion Nikolayevich - "Two Brothers and Gold", "Whether a man of land need," Ilyas, "a fairy tale about Ivanka", "Where love, there is God", "miss Fire - do not extinguish, "" two old old "," candle "and many others. As you can see, the list is not limited to fairy tales, it includes fables, there were, stories, parables.

The attitude of the writer to children's literature

Author's fairy tales of Tolstoy Leo Nikolayevich to this day are a sample fiction Not only in Russia, but throughout the world. First of all, it became possible thanks to the unique talent of the writer.

But you should not lose sight of the fact that Tolstoy believed to writing works, he wrote, pondering every word. Often he had to rewrite them several times. After all, any of his narration, besides the description of some events or facts from life, also kept morality, was careful. The result of the painstaking work of the writer was the emergence of a whole library of works for children, through the reading of which the diligence, kindness, courage, honesty and other positive little man are brought up.

Lion Tolstoy - Expert of the Human Soul

Analyzing the content and list of Tolstoy fairy tales (copyright and retold people), it is not difficult to conclude that the writer created them, taking into account the knowledge of the singularities unobtrusively, correctly he simulates the behavior of a small citizen, and an adult gives the competent advice on raising a child. Nomudine simple stories described in his works always end so that the person wants to express his own attitude towards heroes, their actions. The author is not difficult to conclude himself, but he intentionally attracts the reader to this work, who to some extent becomes co-author of the Great Master of the Russian Word.

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