Flooding in South Asia. Flood in South Asia (2007)

The world suffers from various devastating natural disasters every year. But the scale of disasters in 2016 cannot even be compared with the number of natural disasters in the outgoing year.

In 2017, the Earth was rocked by a series of devastating earthquakes and hurricanes that claimed thousands of lives. Some regions suffered from fires, which even burned out cities, in other regions people froze to death from the abnormal cold. According to scientists, this is how nature reacts to global warming.

It is time for the inhabitants of the planet to think about the negative consequences of human activities, so let's remember how nature took revenge on humanity for indifference to ecology in 2017.

Natural disasters that shook the world in 2017

Abnormal frosts

When: january 2017
Where: European countries (Poland, Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Ukraine and others), Balkans, Turkey, RF
Victims: at least 61 people

This year in January, most Europeans experienced abnormally low temperatures for countries in winter. Cold weather came from Scandinavia - about -42 degrees of frost was recorded on the border between Sweden and Finland.

Abnormal frosts in Europe: Bucharest covered with snow

Arctic air mass covered a significant part of Europe, the Balkans, Turkey and Russia. In European countries, the air temperature dropped to -14 ...- 20 degrees of frost, in German Bavaria, the columns recorded -26.7 degrees, in Russia in some places the thermometer showed -30 ...- 40 degrees of frost.

Due to snowstorms and strong winds, flights were terminated, the work of some services, there were problems with power supply. For the first time in 60 years the Danube River froze over, the Black Sea shores in Bulgaria were covered with ice - also for the first time in the last 63 years.

Black Sea frozen in Bulgaria - for the first time in 63 years

Over 60 people died from hypothermia, most of all frost victims in Poland and Italy. Most of those killed were homeless or migrants.

Series of earthquakes in Italy

When: january 2017
Where: Montereale, Central Italy
Victims: 34 people
Victims: 11 people

Central Italy (between Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria) was rocked by 4 earthquakes ranging from 5.2 to 5.7 on the Richter scale. They all happened in less than 5 hours. The epicenter of the earthquake lay at a depth of 9-10 kilometers. Scientists note that a series of earthquakes is new unusual phenomenon, since this has not been observed before.

According to experts, there is a possibility that these earthquakes caused an avalanche that covered the hotel in Farindoli, as a result of which 29 people died. In addition, the earthquakes took another 5 lives. Eleven people were injured.

Wildfires in Canada

When: July 2017
Where: Provinces of British Columbia, Canada
Evacuated: over 45 thousand people

In July, the province of British Columbia declared a state of emergency for the first time in 14 years - more than 1 million hectares of forest were on fire. The massive fire caused $ 127 million in damage. The fire destroyed over 300 houses.

Nearly 1 million hectares of forest burned in British Columbia

Large-scale fires were provoked by lightning strikes and human error. Over 45 thousand people and about 30 thousand head of livestock were evacuated because of the fire.

Large-scale wildfires in Canada in July 2017 - video

Floods in Asia

When: July-September 2017
Where: India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan
Victims: 1288 dead
Victims: more than 45 million people, of which 16 million are children

Severe flooding has engulfed the countries of South Asia due to the monsoons. Citizens of India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan were affected.

Monsoons are sustained winds in the lower troposphere that reverse direction twice a year. And for Asian countries, this is a common occurrence, every year they last from June to September. However, the monsoons in 2017 were slightly different - the monsoons were much stronger than usual. Due to heavy rains, the regions suffered from floods and landslides.

India suffers from large-scale floods- video

Floods in South Asia were the largest in decades, researchers said. They are convinced that the severe floods were caused by the inevitable climate change.

Floods caused the most trouble in India- more than 1000 people died, more than 31 million people were injured, more than 800 thousand houses were damaged or destroyed.

Floods in India claimed more than a thousand lives - video

IN Bangladesh killed about 140 people, injured more than 6 million. Here the disaster destroyed or damaged almost 700 thousand houses, 4.8 million hectares of farmland were flooded, floods destroyed thousands of kilometers of roads.

IN Nepal 143 people became victims of bad weather, 1.7 million were injured. Floods have flooded more than 34 thousand homes and another thousand were destroyed. IN Pakistan killed 23 people.

Shift in Sierra Leone

When: august 2017
Where: Freetown, Sierra Leone
Victims: according to official data - 499 dead, according to unofficial data - 1050 victims
Victims: more than 3 thousand people

A landslide and flooding as a result of heavy rain covered the capital of Sierra Leone, Freetown. A natural disaster destroyed the homes of more than 3 thousand residents of the city.

Because of the mass graves, the city authorities resorted to emergency measures to prevent cholera - more than 500 thousand people out of 1.2 million people were vaccinated in the city.

Shift in Sierra Leone claimed more than 500 lives

In addition to heavy rainfall, several other factors also caused the disaster. In particular, due to flooding, drainage systems are often blocked by waste waste, and the forests that are massively cut down here kept the slopes from scattering. In addition, the city of Freetown is densely populated and lies at or below sea level.

Shift in Sierra Leone in August 2017 - video

Eruptions of Agung

When: August 2017 and continues to this day
Where: Bali island, Indonesia
Evacuated: more than 120 thousand people in September, over 40 thousand people - in November

The first eruptions of Mount Agung in 2017 occurred on 13 August. Further, the volcano made itself felt in September and November. In September, due to seismic activity around the volcano, about 122.5 thousand people were evacuated, the Indonesian government announced a 12-kilometer exclusion zone around the volcano.

Due to the activity of Agung, flights were stopped in November, as a result of which 59 thousand passengers were stuck at airports. More than 40 thousand people had to be evacuated from 22 villages near the volcano.

Volcanic eruption in Bali - video

Hurricane Harvey

When: August 17 - September 3, 2017
Where: Guyana, Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, Cayman Islands, Yucatan Peninsula, USA - most in Louisiana, Texas
Victims: 91 people
Evacuated: over 32 thousand people

The first large tropical cyclone in the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season reached Category 4, accelerating to 215 kilometers per hour. Going ashore, caused catastrophic floods in Louisiana, Texas, which flooded hundreds of thousands of homes.

In the capital of Texas, the city of Houston, a curfew was even imposed due to cases of looting. In addition, Washington has declared a state of emergency in the natural disaster.

Due to flooding in Texas, two chemical plants were severely exploded. Hurricane Harvey caused nearly $ 200 billion in damage to America.

Hurricane Harvey hits Louisiana, Texas

Hurricane Irma

When: August 30 - September 16, 2017
Where: Cape Verde, Saint Martin, Virgin Islands, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Bahamas, USA - especially Florida
Victims: 134 people

Hurricane Irma, which originated near Capo Ferde, reached the 5th category, with gusts of wind reaching up to 295 kilometers per hour. The devastating disaster caused nearly $ 67 billion in losses and nearly 150 lives. The dimensions of the tropical cyclone reached almost the area of ​​France, which is more than 600 square kilometers.

Hurricane Irma reached the shores of Florida - video

The hurricane caused catastrophic losses in Barbuda, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, Anguilla and the Virgin Islands, and residents of these regions survived a Category 5 hurricane.

Destruction after Hurricane Irma in Road Town, Tortola Island

Earthquakes in Mexico

When: 8 and 19 September 2017
Where: Chiapas and Mexico City, Mexico
Victims: September 8 - 98 dead, September 19 - 370 dead
Victims: September 8 - about 1.5 million people, of which more than 300 were wounded, on September 19 - 6011 wounded

As you know, Mexico is one of the most seismically active regions in the world, as it is located on several intersecting tectonic plates.

On September 8, in the Gulf of Tehuantepec near the state of Chiapas, a the most powerful earthquake 2017 - 8.2 points out of 10 possible. Because of the earthquake, a tsunami was formed, up to 2 meters high. For Mexico, this earthquake was the strongest in the last century.

More than 41 thousand houses were damaged in the state, about 1.5 million people were affected by the earthquake.

8.2 magnitude earthquake in Mexico

On September 19, Mexico was shaken by another earthquake, weaker than the previous one, but much more deadly - a natural disaster of 7.1 points claimed 370 lives and injured another 6 thousand. Such big cities like Mexico City, Morelos and Puebla.

Mexico earthquake claimed 370 lives - video

California wildfires

When: October, December 2017
Where: California, USA
Victims: 44 people died in October, 1 person died in December
Injured: in October - 192, in December - 17 people

In October, large-scale fires engulfed Northern California - almost 100 thousand hectares burned. The fire completely burned out several towns, a total of 8,900 houses were destroyed.

Shocking information about the natural disaster that struck the US states of Louisiana and Texas was covered in many world media. Indeed, this flood has serious consequences. However, an equally terrible natural disaster struck in South Asia during the same period. And little attention was paid to this event.

Flooding in Asia

Monsoon rain is a seasonal phenomenon that causes flooding every year. This year, the natural disaster in Bangladesh, Nepal and India is global in scope. It brought with it massive casualties and colossal losses.

The rainfall was so great that it caused landslides in Nepal, destroying entire villages in Bangladesh and India. Over the past 10 years, there have been no such disasters in these places that would have led to such large losses.

Monsoon aftermath

The natural disaster resulted in the death of 1200 people. Also, over 40 million residents had to be evacuated from the disaster zone. Countries affected by the flooding suffered serious losses. But it will be possible to truly assess the damage only after the water recedes. Agriculture was particularly affected.

Monsoons are common in South Asia. The rainy season lasts from June to September. But these regions have not seen such strong floods for a long time.

Bangladesh has suffered greatly, with a third of its territory flooded with water. Also, do not forget that rains are expected until the end of September, and this can aggravate an already difficult situation.

Save the Children Mission Director General Thomas Chandy, who works in the disaster area, said the water has receded somewhat in some areas. This gave the rescuers a little respite. The main task that stands today is to prevent outbreaks of infectious diseases, among which cholera and intestinal disorders are especially dangerous.

More than 440 thousand hectares of agricultural land were affected. As the flooding occurred during the height of the planting season, food shortages will be an issue in these areas. There is already a shortage of drinking water.

Closing schools

Due to the natural disaster, about 18 thousand schools were closed in these regions, which means that about 2 million children will not receive an education.

The people living in these Asian countries are among the poorest on the planet. As statistics show, many children who interrupted their education due to natural disasters, no longer return to school, even when everything is fine and they are no longer in danger.

    South Asia- This article should be wikified. Please, arrange it according to the rules of article formatting ... Wikipedia

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    Bangladesh- People's Republic of Bangladesh, state in the South. Asia. Bengalis are approx. 98% of the country's population, which is reflected in its name Bangladesh is a country of Bengalis (in Bengali language bangla Bengali, des country). See also West Bengal. ... ... Geographical encyclopedia

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    Dal (lake)- This page requires significant revision. Perhaps it needs to be wikified, supplemented or rewritten. Explanation of the reasons and discussion on the Wikipedia page: For improvement / November 15, 2012. Date of staging for improvement November 15, 2012 ... Wikipedia

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