Bathing bears in bianki. Open lesson "bathing teddy bears"

"Bathing Bear Cubs" by V.V. Bianchi

Story for children
read by A. Gribov

Our acquaintance hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree. A large brown bear came out of the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a pestun - her one-year-old son, a bear nurse.

The bear sat down. Pestun grabbed one teddy bear with his teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river. The bear squealed and floundered, but the pestun did not release him until he had thoroughly rinsed it in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest. Pestun caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water, like the first. Rinsed, rinsed it - but inadvertently and dropped it into the water. The bear cub will howl! Then, in an instant, a bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and slapped the pestun so much that he, poor man, howled.

Bianki Vitaly Valentinovich (1894-1959), writer.
Bianchi is an Italian surname, and the writer's ancestors were indeed from Italy. Vitaly Valentinovich himself was born on February 11, 1894 in St. Petersburg. His father was a renowned ornithologist, an employee of the Zoological Museum of the Academy of Sciences. It is not surprising that Vitaly entered the natural sciences department of the Physics and Mathematics Faculty of St. Petersburg University. In 1923, the Sparrow magazine published Bianca's first story, The Journey of the Red-Headed Sparrow. Soon his stories and tales about animals began to be published in all children's magazines in the country. The writer's books were also published annually. In 1924-1925. Almost every issue of the "Sparrow" magazine published "Lesnaya Gazeta" - a seasonal calendar of nature. It consisted of small stories by Bianchi himself and messages from "lescor" - children and adults (scientists, hunters, foresters). The Lesnaya Gazeta was first published as a separate book in 1928 and was published more than ten times during the author's lifetime.

Gribov Alexey Nikolaevich
(18) January 31, 1902, Sokolniki, Moscow - November 26, 1977, Moscow.

Born in Sokolniki, in a working class family. As a child, he helped his father, a car driver. In 1916, when he was called to the front, Alexey, as a senior, was forced to go to work as a clerk in the management of a silk weaving factory, then, after the revolution, at the Krasnaya Roza combine. He studied at the school for working youth, became interested in theater.

In 1924 he graduated from school at the 3rd studio of the Moscow Art Academic Theater. He joined the troupe of the theater, on the stage of which he played for over 40 years. In Gribov's art, extreme simplicity was combined with vivid scenic expressiveness and outstanding skill. Alexey Nikolaevich created deeply popular images that embody best features Russian people - wisdom, sincerity, honesty, humor. Member of the CPSU (b) since 1944.

One of the main theatrical successes of Alexei Gribov, since the 1930s, was the unforgettable Foma Opiskin in a play based on the satire by F.M. Dostoevsky "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants". In 1973, the Moscow Art Theater TV show of the same name was released. Gribov has surpassed himself, reliably resurrecting the brilliant image of not just a cunning opportunist, but an energy vampire and a behind-the-scenes schemer, a social manipulator and a psychological sorcerer.

The Moscow Art Theater was the most visiting theater - Japan, England, France. Gribov went on all tours and was a resounding success everywhere. It seems that Firs was not the most important role in The Cherry Orchard, but the French were delighted! He was called "Russian Jean Gabin". Dead Souls was played in London. The unsociable, sullen Sobakevich made a strong impression on the British.

Since 1970, he taught acting at the Moscow Art Theater School.
After a stroke, suffered during one of the performances on tour in Leningrad, he was paralyzed. For almost three years, the actor was bedridden. Over time, speech was restored, he began to walk, although not too confidently. In a firm memory, in a firm mind, he even began classes with the students of the Moscow Art Theater. But he never went on stage.

Honored Artist of the RSFSR (1938).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (1943).
People's Artist of the USSR (1948).

The actor was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Our acquaintance hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came out of the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a pestun - her one-year-old son, a bear nurse.

The bear sat down.

Pestun grabbed one teddy bear with his teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river.

The bear cub squealed and floundered, but the pestun did not release him until he had thoroughly rinsed it in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

Pestun caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water, like the first.

Rinsed, rinsed it and accidentally dropped it into the water. The bear cub will howl! Then, in an instant, a bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and slapped the pestun so much that he, poor man, howled.

Once again on the ground, both teddy bears were very pleased with the bathing: the day was sultry, and they were very hot in thick shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well. After bathing, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

Issues for discussion

Do you think V. Bianchi's story is funny or sad? Who is this story about? How many bears were there? Why did the bears come to the river? Who bathed the cubs? Tell us how the pestun bear bathed the cubs. What happened when the pestun dropped the bear into the river? How did the story about the bathing of the cubs end? Who did you like the most in the story? What part of the story did you find most interesting?

Olga Bokova
GCD for the development of speech "Retelling of V. Bianchi's story" Bathing Bears "

Target: teach children retell a literary text.

Tasks: activate the dictionary. Develop phonemic hearing ... Attach to the artistic literature: to continue acquainting with the work of the animal writer V. Bianchi.

Vocabulary work: bear, teddy bear, slap, collar, dip, caught up, slapped, scared, brown.

Preliminary work: looking at the picture and... Shishkin "Morning in a pine forest", a conversation about bears reading fairy tales, poetry about bears.

Methodical techniques: verbal (reading, conversation, request, analysis, encouragement, visual ( consideration, game (surprise moment, physical minute).

Materials and equipment: magnetic board, portrait of V. Bianchi, illustrations for the work, an envelope with a letter, d / and "Where does sound live?"

Individual work: Nastya M., Seryozha B. - help with retelling, Vika F. - location of sound in a word.

Carrying out.

Organizing time. Educator: "Guys, in this envelope there is a task for you, do you want to know which one? Guess from the verbal description who is speech: these animals live in the forest. They are big and strong. In winter, they love to sleep. They are called sweets because they love honey. "

Educator: "Guess what kind of animals?"

Children's answers: the Bears.

Educator: "That's right, it's the Bears... And what do you affectionately call bear?"

A word game "Name a word" ( bear, teddy bear, bear, bear, misha, Medvedko).

Educator: "Now, I will read to you story by Vitaly Bianchi which is called " Bathing teddy bears".

The hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

From the thicket came a large brown bear and with her two funny teddy bear. The she-bear grabbed one teddy bear teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river.

The bear cub squealed and floundered, but his mother did not release him until she had thoroughly rinsed it in the water.

Another teddy bear frightened by the cold bath and set off to flee into the forest.

Mother caught up with him, slapped him, and then - into the water, like the first.

Once again on the ground, both teddy bear were very satisfied bathing: the day was sultry, and they were very hot in thick shaggy coats. The water refreshed them well. After bathing bears again disappeared into the forest, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home. "

Conversation on the work. Questions for children.

What is the title of the work?

Why was the hunter scared?

Where did he get from the fright?

Who appeared on the river bank?

What began to do bear?

Why is one of the cubs ran into the forest?

Why the cubs were happy with the bath?

Do you think the hunter was interested in watching bear family?

Will tell whether he to his friends about what he saw?

And you would tell?

Phys. minute "Three bear".

Three the bear went home, (follow each other)

Dad was big, big (walking on their toes)

Mom with him is smaller, (hands at chest level)

And my son is just a baby (go with a squat)

He was very small

I went with rattles.

Re-reading with setting to retelling.

Retelling of the work by children: one after another, based on pictures. One child can be summoned retell the whole work is individual.

D / I "Where does sound live?" (Working with hand-out cards, determine the place of the sound "F" in words).

Outcome: "Guys, today you did a good job. Well done! You need to draw a plot at home for story"Bathing teddy bears", and tell his parents".

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Abstract educational activities

"Retelling of V. Bianchi's story" Bathing Bears "

for older children

Tkachenko Larisa Anatolyevna,

educator MDKOU " Kindergarten"Sun",

v. Amosovka, Medvensky district, Kursk region.

Target: the formation of skills for a coherent sequential retelling of the text based on graphic schemes.


  1. To form in children active auditory and visual control of the correctness of the retelling.
  2. Teach children how to plan their own story.
  3. Activate and enrich vocabulary.
  4. Strengthen the skills of grammatically correct formulation of the statement.

Methodical techniques: reading, conversation, examination of subject pictures, graphic diagrams; selection of words-objects to words-signs; embedding a graphic mnemonic track to the story; negotiating proposals by children; improvisation of movements to the beat of the poem.

Equipment: subject pictures with the image of wild animals, a set of diagrams for a graphic plan.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading the story of V. Bianchi "Bathing Bears".
  • Study lexical topic"Wild animals".
  • Examination of illustrations, pictures.
  • Drawing, modeling according to the content of the story.

Lexical material:

Words that are complex in semantics - hunter, slap, collar, dip, sultry.

Words complicated by syllabic structure: teddy bear, she-bear, rinsed.

The course of educational activities:

1. Organizational moment.

Educator: I invite you for a walk in the forest. We got up on a meadow, made a circle.

And finger gymnastics will help us get into the forest.

Finger gymnastics"On a visit to the bears"

Bears called us to visit

(palms on cheeks, shake our head),

And we went along the path

(fingers "step" on the table).

Top-top (palms slap on the table)

Jump-jump (fists banging on the table)

Chiki-briks (palms slap alternately on the floor),

Chiki-brik (cams are knocking alternately on the table).

We see a tree high

(we point the cams over each other),

We see a deep lake

(wavy movements with brushes).

Jump jump


Chiki Brick

Birds sing songs (palms cross - "bird")

Grains peck everywhere:

Here they peck and there they peck (fingers of one hand “peck” the palm of the other and vice versa),

They are not given to anyone (palms in front of you, alternately clenching and unclenching your fist).

Top-Top, Jump-Jump Chiki-Briki

Chiki Brick

We came to visit the bears

(show with the hands a triangle - "roof"),

We found the door in the hut,

Knocked: one-two-three

(knock your fist on your palm),

Quickly open the door for us!

(clenching and unclenching fists).

  1. Preparation for the perception of the text. Clarification and activation of the subject vocabulary and words - signs on the topic "Wild animals".

Different animals live in the forest. Look closely at the pictures. Find out who I'm talking about. Clubfoot (bear), cowardly (hare), dexterous (squirrel), strong (moose).

Now, try to name the signs of an animal so that we can guess who you are talking about (fox, hedgehog).

And which of the animals is called the master of the forest? (bear). How can you call a bear affectionately? (bear, bear, bear, bear).

  1. Reading a story. Development of auditory attention and memory.

Reading the adapted story:

Our acquaintance hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came out of the thicket and two funny bear cubs with her. The she-bear grabbed one teddy bear with her teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river.

The bear cub squealed and floundered, but his mother did not release him until she had thoroughly rinsed it in the water.

Another bear cub got scared of the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

Mother caught up with him, slapped him, and then - into the water, like the first.

Once again on the ground, both teddy bears were very pleased with the bathing: the day was sultry, and they were very hot in thick shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well. After bathing, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

  1. Conversation on content. Development of dialogical speech. Children give complete answers.

- Where was the hunter going? (The hunter walked along the bank of the forest river).

- What did the hunter hear? (The hunter heard a loud crack).

- Where did the hunter get in? (The hunter climbed a tree).

- Who came out of the thicket? (A large brown bear and two merry bear cubs emerged from the thicket).

- How did the bear grab the bear cub? (The bear grabbed the bear by the collar and began to dip it into the water).

- What did the bear cub that the bear bathed? (The bear cub squealed and floundered).

- What did the other bear do? (The bear cub got scared and started to run away into the forest).

- What did the mother do? (Mother caught up with him, slapped him and began to dip him into the water).

- What were the cubs after bathing? (The cubs were happy after bathing. It was sultry and hot in thick shaggy fur coats).

- Where did the bears go after swimming? (after swimming, the bears disappeared into the thicket).

- Do you think the hunter was interested in watching the bear family? Will he tell his friends what he saw? Would you tell?

  1. Physical education "Vodopoy".

On a hot day, the animals walked along the forest path to a watering hole.

A moose calf stomped behind a moose mother (They walk loudly)

A fox was sneaking behind a fox mom (sneaking on tiptoes)

The hedgehog was followed by a hedgehog, (Squat, slowly move forward)

A bear cub followed the mother bear, (They waddle)

Little squirrels galloped after the squirrel mom, (They jump squatting.)

Behind the hare mom - oblique hares, (They jump on straight legs)

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs, (They walk on all fours)

All mothers and children want to get drunk.

  1. Collective compilation of proposals for the reference word.

By drawing up sentences, the teacher, together with the children, builds a graphic plan for the story from the diagrams.

Walking ... I heard ... I got scared ... They went out ... I grabbed ... Another ... I caught up ...

Remained ... Day ... Hot ... Hidden ... Tears ...

  1. Re-reading the story.

Educator: I will read the story again. Try to remember it well. The diagrams will help you with this.

  1. Retelling according to the graphic plan. Development of coherent speech, memory. All children retell the story in a chain. Finally, one child repeats the entire story.
  2. Reflection.

- What did you do?

- What have you learned?

- What do you remember?

Consolidation of the studied material outside the GCD:

  • Exercise children in building a graphic mnemonic path - a story outline.
  • Repeat the exercise "Pick a sign for the subject."
  • Repeat the story based on the graphic plan (optional).


  1. Ushakova O.S., Strunina E.S. Children's speech development preschool age Moscow Publishing Center "Ventana-Graf" 2007
  2. Novikovskaya O.A. Summaries of lessons on retelling with children 5-6 years old St. Petersburg - "Parity" 2007
  3. Lebedeva L.V., Kozina I.V. Summaries of classes for teaching children to retell using support schemes. Senior group. Study guide M- Center teacher education. 2008.

This is a story for younger students. A story about bears to read in primary school and for family reading.

Bathing the cubs. Author: V.V.Bianki

Our acquaintance hunter was walking along the bank of a forest river and suddenly heard a loud crackling of branches. He got scared and climbed a tree.

A large brown bear came out of the thicket, with her two cheerful bear cubs and a pestun - her one-year-old son, a bear nurse.

The bear sat down. Pestun grabbed one teddy bear with his teeth by the collar and let's dip it into the river.

The bear cub squealed and floundered, but the pestun did not release him until he had thoroughly rinsed it in the water.

Another bear cub was frightened by the cold bath and started to run away into the forest.

Pestun caught up with him, slapped him, and then into the water, like the first.

Rinsed, rinsed it and accidentally dropped it into the water. The bear cub will howl! Then, in an instant, a bear jumped up, pulled her little son to the shore, and slapped the pestun so much that he, poor man, howled.

Once again on the ground, both cubs were very pleased with the bathing: the day was sultry and they were very hot in thick, shaggy fur coats. The water refreshed them well.

After bathing, the bears disappeared into the forest again, and the hunter climbed down from the tree and went home.

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