Tasks on the syllated structure of the word. Didactic games and exercises for the formation of the word syllated structure

System gaming exercisesaimed at development

syllated structure word

The speech therapy work to eliminate violations of the syllated structure of the word in preschoolers involves the impact on all components of the speech system.

Complex system of speech therapy effect includes:

  • development of common, shallow and articulation motility;
  • development of speech breathing and voice;
  • correction of sound proof (setting, automation, differentiation of sounds);
  • development phondeMectic hearing, formation of phonmethic perception skills;
  • work on the syllated structure of the word;
  • expansion and enrichment of the dictionary (active and passive);
  • the development of the grammatical system of speech;
  • formation of the intonational and expressive side of speech;
  • formation of connected speech;
  • education of self-control over the speech;
  • the formation of practical skills and the skills of using the right speech.

The development of the syllated structure of the word in preschoolers with dysarthria was carried out through the system of game exercises. Their goal is to promote the formation cognitive activity Child. Correctional work was carried out on individual and subgroup speech therapy.

Correctional work to overcome violations of the syllable structure of words is made up of the development of the resilk perception and speaking skills. You can allocate two stages:

  • preparatory; The purpose of this stage is to prepare a child to absorb the rhythmic structure of words native language;
  • actually correctional work; The purpose is the correction of defects of the syllable structure of the child.

Preparatory stage.

At this stage, play exercises are offered first on non-verbal material, and then on the verbal.

Work on non-verbal material.

  1. Gaming exercises on the development of the concentration of auditory attention, auditory gnosis and auditory memory on the material sneven sounds (Where did you get a call? Find out the musical instrument by sound. How many times did you hit the drum?)
  2. Work on the rhythm (first above the simple, and then over difficult). These are offered various methods Rhythm reproduction: collapses in your hands, rejecting the ball on the floor, the use of musical instruments - drum, tambourine, metal fond.

Types of tasks:

Clap your hands as many times as points on a cube;

Comparison of rhythms :! - !!, !! - !! -;

Recognition of rhythms and correlating them with a certain rhythmic pattern recorded by symbols;

Reproduction of a specific rhythm for a model of a speech therapist, according to a given figure;

Arbitrary reproduction of a rhythm by a child with a subsequent recording of a rhythmic pattern with symbols;

Reproduction of long sounds (twin, lifting harmonica - symbol "-" and short "+" - drum, tambourine). The rhythmic pattern may be as follows: - ++, ++ - + - and so on.

  1. Formation of overall coordination of movements for rhythmic music:

marching, easy run.

  1. Exercises for the development of dynamic Praxis of the hands: Performance of movements (left, right hand, two hands) according to the sample, according to the verbal instruction or on the expense: a fist, a fist-palm.
  2. Exercises for the development of coordination of hands: performing movements at the same time with both hands (fist of the left hand - the edge of the right hand, etc.)
  3. Graphic exercises for switching (continue line): 0-0-0 ...; + \u003d + \u003d ...

Work on verbal material.

Game exercises aimed at the formation of space-time representations, as the beginning, middle, end; before, for, after; The first one. These concepts are important when assimilating the sequence of the sound-slope, sound-perplexability of words of a simple and complex syllated structure.

Exercises for the development of optical-spatial orientation.

Exercise 1.

The child sits on a chair, eyes closed. Adult rings to the bell., Holding it in front of a child, behind him, above and under the chair, on the right and left. It is not enough to say that the bell rings.

Exercise 2.

Adult calls the action of the subject or object. The child answers, far or close.

(Pencil lies, palm trees grow, the aquarium is standing, the doll lies, mom works, etc.)

Exercise 3.

The child moves in space according to the instruction of an adult.

The robot goes forward ... Stop. Right ... Stop. Down ... (under the table) ... Stop. Left ... Stop, etc.

Exercises for the development of sodato-spatial orientation.

Exercise 1.

After the adult, the child repeats the movement, answering questions.

Adult. Where is the heart?

Child. Left.

Adult. Where is your topic?

Baby. Seest.

Adult. Where is your back?

Child. Rear.

Adult. Where is the stomach?

Child. Front.

Exercise 2.

The child independently shows: Left Mysinette, right elbow, right sock, left wrist, left thigh, etc.

Exercises 3.

The child performs the "cross" movement, showing: right hand left cheek, left side right hand, left hand right temple, maiden's right hand left eye, etc.

Exercises 3.

Adult silently performs movements, the child must repeat the same hand or foot, avoiding the mirror: right hand up, left foot to the side, etc.

Exercises 4.

An adult asks to perform the names of the movements without displaying the sample.

Exercises for the development of orientation in two-dimensional space.

Exercise 1.

Put the leaf at the top of the sheet, downstairs the wand, draw the right cross, on the left of the bird, spend in the lower left corner the wave, etc.

Exercise 2.

From the point put on a sheet, without tearing hands, the child should draw a line under the team of an adult.

We are moving right, stop, up, stop, right, etc.

Exercise 3.

The child must continue the series: XX \\ xx \\ xx \\; ...

Exercise 4.

Copying a child of various figures from simple to more complex.


Adult and child draw room plan, pointing the position of windows, furniture doors.

Exercises on the development of temporary-spatial orientation.

Exercise 1.

Graphic dictation. (Draw first the house, then a person, at the end of the flower, etc.)

Exercise 2.

Tasks: At first, jump out, then sit down, at the end of a slap in your hands, etc.

Exercise 3.

Adult interrupts the performance of the child and asks questions.

What did you do before? What are you doing now? What will you do then7

Exercise 4.

Outdating pictures on the themes "Seasons", "Parts of the day".

Exercise 5.

An adult and the child talk on the topic "Yesterday, today, tomorrow."

Exercise 6.

Transition to working with speech material. Adult Specifies the child task.

  1. Listen to the words: poppy, soup, smoke. To count. Name the second word, the first, third.
  2. Listen to sentences: The fire is burning. Bird flies. Snow goes. To count. Name the third sentence, the second, first.

Exercises for the development of the dynamic and rhythmic organization of movements.

Holding dynamic programs. The exercise consists in a multiple self-repetition by a child actions after the instructions for adults.

  1. Articulation exercises.

Open your mouth, cushing your teeth, inflate cheeks;

Language for the right cheek, lips tube, language on the bottom lip;

twice click the tongue, pitch once;

Tighten your cheeks, click on the tongue, pitch once;

Silently articulate vowels (and - uh);

  1. Hand exercises.

-Sal finger alternately concerned the index, maiden, medium;

Put a hand brush on the table with a fist, edge, palm;

Show ring from fingers, palm vertical, "bunny ears";

From and. n. "Fist on the table" to show alternately thumb, Myysinetty, index finger;

3. Body:

Lean to the right, squatting, get up, clap your hands;

Mastowing over your head, remove the hands behind the back, jump in place;

Heat the foot, hands to the shoulders, down, lift the head, omit.

Exercise 7.

Repetition of rhythmic drawings for adults -Osturbation, collapse, podding.

Correctional stage

Work on vowels

Accurate perception and clear articulation of vowels provide the correct transmission of the syllable abris of the word, and also warn the substitution of vowels and rearrange the syllables.

Exercise 1.

The child repeats the couples, the troika and a large number of Sounds from more contrasting to less contrasting. Sound are offered:

A - and a - and - oh - a - and - about

A - y - a - and uh - a - and

And - about and - o - s - and - o - s

- and e - y - a and - e - u - a

Y - uh - about y - ay -o

A - about and - s - e about - and - s

O - O -U - A E - O - Ya

Exercise 2.

Height training, volume, voice strength and pronunciation tempo. The child utters a number of vowels:

  • on one exhale, while smoothly;
  • loud (quieter, completely quiet);
  • alternating volume within one row;
  • with changing the height of the voice (on behalf of different family members);
  • fast slow).

Exercise 3.

Additional tasks. To secure work on vowels, a child is offered:

  • count the number of sounds;
  • show the same number of fingers as sounds;
  • sleep sounds silently;
  • stand when a series of three sounds sound;
  • name alone two (three, five) vowels;
  • come up with so many sounds as stars are drawn;
  • recognition of a series of sounds on silent articulation and pronounce them with voice;
  • repeat sounds in reverse order.

Work on syllables

Exercise 1.

The exercise consists in repetition of the ranks, starting with two to three syllables. Take syllables:

  • with general consonants:

Ma - Mo - We - ME;

  • with general vowels:

Bu - ku - nu - do;

  • reverse:

An - Yun - He - En - Un

Of - OP - Oh - Ohm;

  • closed syllables, their ranks and couples:

Mac - Mok - Muk - Mak - IEC

Cap - Dad Puffed

Tuk - flour side - wok;

  • direct and reverse syllables with hard and soft consonants:

Ba - Up - El

Wu - VU UV - UF


Exercise 2.

To secure work on syllables, the child is offered:

  • count the number of syllables;
  • lay out sticks by the number of syllables;
  • make so many steps, jumps, how many syllables were;
  • determine the same sound in a row;
  • come up with syllables with the same vowels (consonants);
  • come up with and ("make") syllables with this consonant;
  • repeat a number of syllables in the reverse order;
  • repeat only the first and last syllable of a series;
  • pronounce smoothly (detachly), loud (quiet), different in height, quickly (slow);
  • highlight the shock syllable (reflected);
  • call the first (second, third) sound of the syllable;
  • make a syllable from the given sounds (K), (P), (a) so that in the middle there was a vowel;
  • compare two syllables: Ma - AM, UT - Kut, Cop - Pok, Vyne - Pyun.
  • building symbols;
  • reduction of the number of syllables;
  • returning the sludge chains.

Work on syllables with consonants.

Exercise 1.

Sound are offered:

  • open and closed:


dmo-ODM TMO-Ot


With opposition consonants:




Slots chains:




Sounds with changing the consonant position:




zba - BZ

Exercise 2.

To secure work on syllables with consonant child offering:

  • analyze the syllable (call the first, third, second sound);
  • create a syllable from these sounds so that the consonants (or vowels) are going on at the beginning;
  • come up with a syllable from two consonants and one vowel;
  • compare syllables:

On - KNA


Int -

UBR - Ex.

Types of syllable word structure.

  1. Two difficult wordsconsisting of open syllables: Melon, water, fly, wool, etc.
  2. Treated words consisting of open syllables: shovel, dog, cubes, Panama, etc.
  3. Single-staple words consisting of a closed syllable: poppy, onions, juice, whale, etc.
  4. Double words consisting of one open and one closed syllable: lemon, banana, sofa, bouquet, etc.
  5. Double words with a crossing of consonants in the middle of the word: bank, skirt, duck, thread, etc.
  6. Double words with a closed syllable and a crossing of consonants in the middle of the word: Cactus, Bear, Soldier, Peacock, etc.
  7. Treated words with a closed syllable: tomato, suitcase, parrot, shop, etc.
  8. Treated words with a crossing of consonants: apple, sausage, cuckoo, girl, etc.
  9. Treated words with consonant and closed syllable: bus, gardener, orange, grapes, etc.
  10. Three-sided words with two concord confluences: toys, light bulb, rope, strawberry, etc.
  11. Single-staple words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning or end of the word: leaf, bush, tank, umbrella, etc.
  12. Two-way words with two concord confluences: a star, nest, nails, beets, etc.
  13. Four complex words consisting of open syllables: piano, corn, buttice, caterpillar, etc.
  14. Four-sided words with consonants: refrigerator, motorcycle, tutor, towel, etc.

14 types of syllated word structure are offered by an increasing degree of complexity (classification of S.E. Bolshakova).

Work on words.

Stage 1.

Exercises for distinguishing long and short words.

Exercise 1. Table long and short paper strips. Speech therapist pronounces long and short words. Hearing the word, the child puts the chip, respectively, under a long or short strip.

Words: bitches, bicycle, soup, beetle, mugs, etc.

Exercise 2.

In front of the child pictures with single-sided words. You need to divide them into two groups.

Exercise 3.

Two children are selected from the group of children. One child is looking for in the room with short names, the other, with long. Finding an item playing2 calls him.

Exercises for explaining the meanings of unfamiliar words.

Because knowledge lexical meaning It is necessary for mastering right pronunciationYou should specify the meaning of the word (for example, including it in the proposal).

Exercises on the reflected chant repetition of the words studied.

Exercise 1. Training skills to take pauses between words. The speech therapist calls the word. The child must repeat and dismissed it on the table. At the same time, if an adult raises his hand, you need to keep a pause while the hand does not fall.

Example: Boo ... ..s, not ... ..bey ... ..dy, ko ... .. and but (ko-le ... .. but), oh ... .. .. .. -In), si ... .. tsa (si or ... .. s).

Exercise 5.

Sound analysis and synthesis.

  1. Counting syllables, calling one, two, etc. Slots in a row, or in a disaster at the request of the speech therapist.
  1. Laying strips by the number of syllables.
  2. Choosing a suitable word scheme.
  3. Analysis of each syllable (counting and enumeration of sounds). This type of work is important when studying words with consonants. Offered:

1-double words with spending in the middle of the word, starting with the vowel sound: needle, sheep, glasses, etc.

Then-Slov, starting with the consonant sound: heel, nails, bag, etc.

Words with two propelutions of consonants: Swallow, sunshine, leaves, etc.

2-Court in the end of the word (bone, bridge, bandage, etc.)

3rching at the beginning of the word (Chair, kvass, key, etc.)

4- single-stroke words with two concrete (tail, nail, pillar, etc.)

5-multifaceted words with concision (saucepan, medicine, library, etc.)

Exercise 6.

Isolated pronigrating the words "go on the ladder". The child must, repeating the word for the speech therapist in the syllables, climb her fingers on the steps of the toy ladder.

Exercise 7.

Repetition of words close to sound composition:

Differing in vowels: bitch juice, sword ball, whale cat, forest fox, self-som;

house-smoke-ladies, fur-moss; Bull-tank-bokeh;

ski-puddles, hands rivers, crayfish, etc.

Different consonant sounds: SUK-soup, nose-knife, fur chalk; Oak-cubic soup, horse-kom cat-col; balls gifts, honeycomb sheets, teeth-fur coats, etc.

Distinguished by consonant sound and stress place:

water soda, goat rose, hand-beetles, leather-goat, etc.

Exercises for repetition with the highlight of the shock syllable.

Exercise 1.

The child repeats behind the speech the speech first all the word in the syllables, and then calls only the shock syllable: Ko-Fe ... ..ko-Fe, Co.; Li-sa ... .. Li-sa, sa.

Exercise 2.

Using support on graphic image Accents on the word scheme of the child are offered:

Guess the Word that another student went through;

Come up with a word to a scheme;

Put strokes in diagrams (in the form of dictation).

Exercise 2.

Calling words by sound composition, but differing by the place of the shock syllable (horns-rye, in the mock-in-mock, Mu-ka-mu-ka, etc.

Exercises with rearrangement of syllables.

Exercise 1.

Change the characters in places, call the resulting word:

Words: Ly-lies (La-Yu, Ly-Co, on-Weight, Ki-Pyat, on-SOS;)

Sounds: Ka-Ma, Ma-up, Pa Li, Ka-Sum, Va-Tyk, Zhu Lou, Duk-Song, Dysh-Lan, Tuk-Headlights, etc.

Exercise 2.

Three syllables are pronounced. Children make up the word of them: ki-ki-bi, sa-in, ma-on-lee, co-co-le, as-son and others.

Exercises to assess regulativity.

Exercise 1.

The speech therapist reads words. Children raise the green check box if the word sounds correctly. If incorrectly red.

Words: Pavuk, Spider; Vutka, duck; Cockfly, window; Isa, scales; Delero, tree; Moko, milk; MONON, LEMON; Manina, Raspberry; Domestic, furniture; Okonik, Hunter; Tameya, Snake; Tol, table; Melon, during the day; Pinino, piano; Mociclist, motorcyclist, etc.

Exercises for the transition to jumped pronunciation.

Exercise 1 "Guess, say the word."

Sounds: Vedas, Set-, kitchenware, DO, White, Met-, Vaf-, Ceis-

Exercise 2. The child adds the first syllable and calls the word: -Gama, -shin,

Of the year, -etrum, -imdor, -reb, -thet, etc.

Exercise3 speech therapist calls the word, making cotton instead of the second syllable. The child adds a syllable and calls the word entirely.

Sounds: Sa -! - Years, Py -! - SOS, PA -! - Stroke, Those -! - Background, Mo -! - Current, Vita -! - We, Ba -! - Rina, etc.

Exercise 2

The child calls his name. According to the teacher's sign, each player should get up next to those in which the name of the same syllables.

Exercise 3.

Syllated analysis and synthesis. From the proposed pictures to be called in which there is a given syllable (for example, Ma): Raspberry, Eskimo, Macaque, Ant, Lipstick.

Put the pictures so that the last syllable of the previous word and the first syllable of the next word were the same (owl, wool).

Beetle-movies-legs, neck-pit-poppies, pin-swing-lemon, eskimo-milk-kolobok, etc.

Exercises on the formation of phrases.

Exercise 1.

Writing phrases:

Little light bulb, little swallow, little ribbon, etc.

Words: jacket, blouse, brush, book, bench and d.;

Delicious pumpkin, tasty egg, tasty waffles, tasty watermelon, etc.

Words: Bulk, carrots, apple, chicken, cheesecake, apricots and d. R.;

Exercise 2.

Education of the genitive case multiple number Using the word "a lot": melon ... a lot of melons, owl ... a lot of owls, goat ... a lot of goats, etc.


The speech therapist calls the item, and the child corresponds to the phrase using the words round - oval: the moon ....luna is round, cloud ... oval;

words: beads, ball, head, cucumber, frying pan, drum, leaf, checkers, etc.

Exercise 4.

The speech therapist calls the subject. The child meets the phrase with words triangular, square, rectangular:

newspaper ... Razeta Rectangular, Screen ... .. Square screen, Cap ... Crack triangular;

words: Cubes, Christmas Tree, Window, Book, Door, Soap, Towel, Refrigerator, etc.

Exercises for the preparation of short sentences with the words studied.

Exercise 1. It is credited to choose the right action to the name of the subject (it is worth it) and make sentences:

Kettle ... ... the kettle is worth it. Dolphin ...... Dolphin sleeps. Bear ... .. Bear is sleeping.

Exercise 2. Put the words in the correct order and call the offer.

In, tomatoes, greenhouse ....... In the greenhouse tomatoes.

Apple tree, under, apples ...... .. Apple apple tree.

Eskimo, table, on ...... .. Easy on the table.

The words. Over, icicle, window. Tree, on, cuckoo. Y, chess, boy. House, over, clouds. Candy, girls, y.

Exercises for differentiation of words studied type with the words of greater or less contrast in the syllated structure.

Exercise 1.

"In our zoo brought animals. We must settle them in cells. In the first place animals, in the names of which one syllable. In the second, with the names of two syllables, etc. "

Pictures: Lion, Yozh, Elk, Elephant, Fox, Hare, Squirrel, Zebra, Giraffe, Camel, Hippo, Monkey and D. R.

Exercise 2.

When using different words, you can make a different number of steps (for example, a cheese - aircraft). Then children are stuffing called the words called the speech.

Exercises for fixing the material.

Repetition of proposals for a complex sludge.

A long-legged stork flies over the house.

Aunt Dean sits on the sofa.

Nikita bought sneakers and cap.

In the refrigerator eggplant and apricots.

The bread box is on the refrigerator.

In the buffet purple sugar bowl.

Maxim loves to be photographed.

The librarian gives books.

Plumber repair plumbing.

The policeman regulates outdoor traffic.

The postman will pave letters, newspapers, magazines.

The guide spends excursions.

The border guard guards the border.

Studying the syllable structure of words on the material of cleanlates.

(B) BBB, goes smoke from the pipe.

Brass beavers in random cheeses. Hippo broke his mouth, the bell asks forge.

A funny monkey threw bananas.

Throwing bananas funny monkey.

BBB. Buzzing a car without gasoline.

(P) UP-UP-UP, Mom cooks soup.

Says a parrot parrot:

I am a parrot, parrot.

Petushk jump on the threshold:

Give, baker cake.

(P-b) Beads were lost from our babous.

Babkin Bob grows in the rain.

Bublik, Barank, Baton and Bukka Baker from the dough. Upgrades.

Beat his foreheads at the fence two bull.

I knew all the sides in a noisy dispute.

(C) Va-Va-Va on the bitch sits Owl.

Three crows on the gate.

Water Viola Water from the water pipeline.

Delicious Halva-Master praise.

The walled wind pulled the gate as the turntables.

(F) AF-AF-AF, in the corner there is a wardrobe.

Fanie Fuffayka, and Fedi's shoes.

The fleet sails to native land, the flag on each ship.

Fedya was asked for candy in the buffet, the fact that there will be no sweets in the buffet.

(In-f) Our filat is not to blame.

Wolves fear into the forest not to walk.

Mikhail played football and scored a goal.

Filin even does not see anything with a lantern day.

(D) GU-GU-GU, graze geese in the meadow.

On the grief they are soldered, the fire burns under the mountain.

The city is the road to the mountain, from the city from the mountain.

On Iva Galka, on the shore of Pebbles.

(K) Ko-Ko, do not go far.

Tuk-Tuk, I nail a heel.

Our river wide as an eye.

Bitched the pussy of the fly and hurts in the kitty ear.

Cat with kitten, chicken with chicken.

(Kl) go to the Gusak Gusak for the hussack.

Grup on the sun warms side. In the body, go fungus.

(X) Haha, do not catch you a rooster.

Prokhor and steamed riding.

Mukha-Thai village in the ear.

(E) Du do-Du, plant an apple tree in the garden.

Daria gives Deine Melon.

Woodpecker Delbed, grandfather was awakened by his grandfather.

Grandfather Danil Melon Deliel.

(T) the ta-ta, the tail is fluffy at the cat.

Our guest bought a cane.

Again, the guys found five of them.

(Dt) The dog Tom will fit the house.

Woodpecked treated ancient oak.

I am a shaggy, I'm kudlaty, I am in winter above each hut.

(M) Mu-Mu, milk who?

Mom Mila in soap bath.

Where honey, there are flies.

On the bench at home the whole day was sitting Toma.

(H) An-en-en, dad is reinforcing the crane.

Nanny Nyantchit Nadia with Nina.

Nina plays a piano.

Dressed legs in new boots.

(C) SA-SA-SA, fox runs in the forest.

AC-AS, we have gas went out.

OS-OS, a lot of OS.

Kosi Ekos so far dew.

Little Sani Sani ride themselves.

Wears hay hay in the senia.

Sony and Sani in Som networks with mustache.

(H) In-for, go home goat.

Zuz-Zu, Katya, my pelvis.

The bunny boobs got into teeth.

(C - Z) Saa, Sa-for dragonfly flew away.

In-sa, in-sa, flew to us wasp.

Sonya Zina brought elderos in the basket.

The cuckoo clinched behind the bitch.

(C) Tso-Tso-Tso, on the hand of ferry.

The rings have no end.

Two chicken run right on the street.

Heron standing on the porch wrote the letter C.

(C-C) co-century, co-century, demolished the egg chicken.

Sinitsa-funny birds.

The chicken demolished the egg under the porch.

From the neighboring well, the whole day of the water is drinking.


Sona in the window brightly shines the sun.

(W) Sha-Sha-Sha, Mom washes the baby.

Shu-shu, I write a letter.

Ash-Ash, Pasha Paradash.

Cherry, mice, cat on the roof. Cheat-he hears.

Our car was given manna porridge.

I will not find the ears at this frog.

Masha, porridge donation, mom no longer interfere.

(S-W) Su-Shu, I write a letter home.

Shu-Su, Mishka met in the forest.

Sasha loves drying, and Sonya Vatrushka.

Cones on a pine, checkers on the table.

Bought Sasha drying.

(G) Forces, there are needles at hedgehog.

Zhu-Zhu, milk we will give a hens.

Hedgehog Herpathy, Has Horror.

Do not live becks where hedgehogs live.

Dinner is needed beetles and left.

(Shh) Shah, Sha, we saw hedgehog.

Zhay Sha, Zhenya feed baby.

Glue at the mouse, the bumps at the martyrs.

The cat lies with a spoon in a lukshka.

Good patty, inside cottage cheerle.

On the roof of Shura lived crane Zhura.

Washed the midge lamp, warm thin legs.

Caution, midges, burn legs.

(Sh) SchA, we carry a bream home.

Ash, I put on raincoat.

Wolves are chipped, food is looking for.

Puppy is complaints about.

(H) Cha-cha cha, the room is lit candle.

Chu-Chu, I knock the hammer.

Och-Pts, night came.

Flake fur coat warmer every stove.

The student taught lessons, in his ink cheeks.

It is an ice cream on a plate on a plate.

(Ts-h) Tsu-Chu, I'm flying on the rocket.

Chu-tsu, gave the chicks chick.

Very often fighting a saucer.

Pupilian-najnitsa received a unit.

(L) La La La, I have Yula.

Lo-Lo, on the street warm.

We were catching at Melie.

Mom Mila Soap Soap.

Julia is small and drunk

like a yula.

Blank coal.

Sea wave strong and free.

(P) Ra-Ra-ra, on the street heat.

Ro-Ro-Ro, on the street bucket.

Arge-Arge-Art, a lantern hangs on the wall.

Three trumpets drum into the pipes.

Pronounced Voronene.

Oaks grow on the mountain, grids grow under the mountain.

Quick Egorka says patter.

(RL) La Ra, La Ra, the game begins.

Lara soap floor, Lily Lara helped.

Lara at Vali played on the piano.

Fishing fishing a fisherman, the catch was flooded in the river.

In Tetradi, Kradat rank a square.

Vese ship Caramel, sniffed ship stranded.

And the sailors are three weeks caramel on Meli ate.

Thus, the types of exercises were chosen depending on the level of speech and intellectual development of children, their age and the type of speech pathology. The work on the correction of the syllated structure of words was carried out for a long time, systematized, according to the principle of simple to complex, taking into account the leading type of activity of children and using clarity. Due to this, significant results were achieved in the formation of the word syllated structure in children.

In accordance with the principles of the psychological and pedagogical classification of speech violations, a category of children with such a violation, as a general underdevelopment of speech, in which the lack of formation of all linguistic structures is noted. The speech suffers as a holistic functional system, in which all its components are disturbed: the phonetic and phondematic side, vocabulary, grammatical system.

ONR in children of preschool age can manifest itself in different ways. With complicated forms of this violation, in addition to the listed components of the speech, the syllable structure of the word is additionally violated. (Under the concept of "syllable structure", the words are customary to mean the interjection and connection of the syllables in the Word.)

In this case, the speech of the child has pronounced deviations in reproducing the syllable composition of the word. These deviations are one or another nature of changes to the correct sound sound and can manifest as follows:

1. Violation of the number of syllables:

Reduction (skip) syllable - "Motok" \u003d "hammer"

Lowering the group-forming vowels - "Pinino" \u003d "Piano"

Increase the number of syllables due to the insertion of vowels in the coherence - "comanate" \u003d "room"

2. Violation of the symbol sequence in the word:

Reduction of syllables - "Devore" \u003d "Tree"

Rearrangement of the sounds of neighboring syllables - "Gebemot" \u003d "Hippo"

3. Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:

Reducing the propelutions of consonants - "Tul" \u003d "Chair"

Inserts of consonants in the syllable - "Lemon" \u003d "Lemon"

4. Climbing syllables - "Cockoks" \u003d "Apricots"

5. Perselevings (cyclic repetition, persistent playback):

- "Bey ... beat ... bilitecar" + "librarian"

6. Anticipation (replacement of preceding sounds subsequent):

- "Nananamas" \u003d "Pineapples".

7. Contamination (word mixing)

- "In the refrigerator" \u003d "in the bread and refrigerator."

The predominance of errors expressed in the permutation or adding syllables indicates the primary underdevelopment of the child's hearing perception. Errors like reduction of the number of syllables, the likelihood of the syllables of each other, the reduction in the concrete concrete points indicate the predominant violation of the articulation sphere.

At the same time, the violation of the syllable structure of the word is held in the speech of preschoolers with ONR longer than the shortcomings of pronunciation separate sounds. The syllable structure of the word learned in an isolated pronunciation is often distorted when the word is turned on in the phrase or independent speech.

Of great importance for the correct pronouncement of the word syllable composition plays a degree of acquaintance with the word. Unconscious words are distorted more often than words well-known to the child.

Classification A.K. Markova,

which allocates 14 types of syllated structure of the word as an increasing degree of complexity. Words are complicated both in the increase in the number of syllables (words single-strokes, two-referred, three-sided and four) and in terms of the complexity of the syllable (open and closed, direct and reverse, syllable with a crossing of consonants and without it):

1. Two-sided words from open syllables.

2. Three-sided words from open syllables.

3. Single words.

4. Two-sided words with a closed syllable.

5. Double-letter words with consonants in the middle of the word.

6. Two-sided words from closed syllables.

7. Three-sided words with a closed syllable.

8. Three-sided words with a crossing of consonants.

9. Three-sided words with a coherence and closed syllable.

10. Three-sided words with two concrete concretions.

11. Single-staped words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning or middle of the word.

12. Two-sided words with two concrete concrete.

13. Three-sided words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning and middle of the word.

14. Sultiple words from open syllables.

M.: TC Sphere, 2007.

The benefits are highlighted by the features of the correctional work on the formation of the syllable structure of the word in children with severe speech disorders. Systematization and selection of speech and didactic material, lexical saturation of classes will help teachers speaking to solve these problems taking into account the main stages of the development of speech skills in preschool children.

The material is selected in such a way that when working on the automation of one sound, the presence in the words of others, difficult to pronounce sounds. The above illustrative material is aimed at the development of shallow motility (pictures can be painted or shaded), and the order of its location will help the formation of a syllable structure at the stage of sound resistance.

The manual is intended to spend the speakers, educators and parents working with children with speech pathology.

Introduction 5.

Features of the formation of a syllable structure of the word in children with severe violations of speech 9

Features of the non-deformation of the syllated structure of the word at different levels of the general underdevelopment of speech 9

Methods of work on the formation of a syllable structure of the word in children with severe violations of speech 10

Propedeutic Stage 11.

Features of working with non-corrugated children 11

Development of understanding of speech from non-law children 12

Activation of speech imitation 13

Formation of the first forms of words 15

Features of the formation of a syllable structure of words with a crossing of the consonants 17

Features of the formation of the syllated structure of the word on the material of phrase speech 18

Lexical tasks 19.

Sound resistance 19.

Two-sided words from open syllables 21

Three-sided words from open syllables 24

Single words from closed syllables 27

Two-sided words from closed syllables 29

Two-sided words with a crossing of consonants in the middle of the word and open syllable 33

Two-sided words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning of the word and open syllable 36

Two-sided words with consonants in the middle of the word and closed syllable 39

Two-refused words with consonants at the beginning of the word and closed syllable 42

Three-sided words with a closed syllable 44

Three-letter words with consonants (in different positions) and open syllable 47

Three-sided words with consonants (in different positions) and closed syllable 49

Single-staple words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning and end of the word 50

Two-sided words with two concrete buds 52

Three-sided words with two concrete 53

Four-sided words from open syllables 54

Five-seat words from open syllables 56

Four-sided words with a closed syllable and (or) concrete 58

Five-seat words with a closed syllable and (or) concurrents 60

Words with complicated concrete concrete (three and more consonants nearby) 62

Offers using the words of a complex syllated structure 64

Appendix 71.

Illustrations to the separation section 71


Every year the number of children suffering from severe speech disorders increases. Most of them in one degree or another there is a violation of the syllable structure of the word. If this violation does not correct in time, in the future it will lead to negative changes in the development of the identity of the child, such as the formation of closetness and commissionality, which will disturb him not only in training, but also in communicating with peers and adults.

Since this topic was not sufficiently studied and covered in educational and methodical literature, teachers-speech therapists experience difficulties in organizing work on the formation of a syllable structure of the word: in the systematization and selection of speech didactic material, providing lexical saturation.

A.K. Markova allocates the following types of violations of the word syllated structure.

♦ Truncation of a syllable word circuit due to the loss of a whole syllable or several syllables, or the group-forming vowel (for example, "Weavped" or "sized" instead of "bike", "Prasonik" instead of "piglets").

♦ Inert jam on a syllable (for example, "WHO-Dick" or "Va-Va-Water"). Particularly dangerous to the first syllable perception, because it may turn into stuttering.

♦ Make a single syllable to another (for example, "Mimidor" instead of "tomato").

♦ Adding unnecessary boring vowels at the consonant junction, due to which the number of syllables increases (for example, "Dupello" instead of "hollow").

♦ Violation of the symbol sequence in the word (for example, "Chimhistka" instead of "dry cleaning").

♦ The merger of parts of words or words in one (for example, "Persian" - Peach and Orange, "Mew" - a girl walks).

In this manual, it is proposed carefully selected speech material Taking into account the classification of productive classes, developed by A.K. Markova, with some changes:

Sound resistance;

Two-sided words from open syllables;

Three-sided words from open syllables;

Single aluminored words from closed syllables;

Two-sided words from closed syllables;

Two-sided words with a coherence in the middle of the word and an open syllable;

Two-sided words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning of the word and an open syllable;

Two-sided words with consonants in the middle of the word and a closed syllable;

Two-sided words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning of the word and a closed syllable;

Three-sided words with a closed syllable;

Three-sided words with a crossing of consonants (in different positions) and an open syllable;

Three-sided words with a crossing of consonants (in different positions) and a closed syllable;

Monosyllast words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning and end of the word;

Two-sided words with two concrete

Three-sided words with two concrete

Four-sided words from open syllables;

Five-seat words from open syllables;

Four-sided words with a closed syllable and (or) concision;

Five-seat words with a closed syllable and (or) concision;

Words with a complicated coating (more than three consonants nearby).

Work on the formation of a syllable structure of the word at a non-corrosive child should be started with the development of sound resistance.

If the child has violated all the groups of sounds and the formation of the phonetic side of speech was carried out, then we recommend using the material of the first paragraphs from each partition in operation on the syllated structure. Sections are located in such a way that their consistent use involves compliance with the structure of classes for the formation of a syllable structure in children with severe speech disorders. The manual is supplemented with an application and illustrative material to the "Sound-resolution" section.

In case, in parallel with the work on the syllated structure of the word you automate any sound, we recommend using the corresponding speech material. It is selected in such a way that excludes the presence of other sounds in the words of others, difficult for children. For example: the material on the sound [sh] does not contain such sounds, as [F], [C], [C "], [s], [s"], [C], [l], [l "], [ p], [p "]. The material on the sound [L] does not contain such sounds, as [W], [F], [C], [C "], [z], [z"], [p], [p "], but start work Still, it follows from the first paragraphs. Cleaners also contain simple pretexts, such as on theand y

Each vocabulary also complies with the systematization: nouns single and multiple numbers, noun nouns, adjectives, adverbs, verbs.

Material containing four-seat and five-sacted words, as the latest suggestions, is final stage Work on the formation of the word syllable structure, but it will not be superfluous and in the work on the development of speech skills in children who do not have severe violations. It should be noted that in each case there should always be an opportunity to vary the sequence of work with the individual characteristics of each child.

The work of the speech therapist cannot and should not be standardized. Activation of various analyzers during classes using this lexical material (when a child should blame, listen to the name of the subject or actions, to portray the designation or purpose, to call himself) contributes to a stronger consolidation of the material. We recommend using a predominantly game form of classes, only in this way you can cause a need to communicate, interest in exercises, which, in turn, will ensure the emotionality of impact and promote the development of speech imitation.

How to overcome violations of the syllable structure of words.

Practical material for teachers primary classes and parents of younger schoolchildren.

There is a dependence of mastering the syllable structure of the word from the state of the phonematics perception, articulation capabilities, semantic failure, the motivational sphere of the child, and according to the latest studies - on the peculiarities of the development of neustic processes: the optical-spatial orientation, rhythmic organization of movements and actions, serial-consistent ability information. (G.V. Babkina, N.Yu. Safafkin). These nonsense processes are basic prerequisites for mastering the word syllated structure.

Among the variety of violations of speech in younger students, one of the most difficult to eliminate is the violation of the syllable structure of words. This defect speech Development It is characterized by difficulties in pronouncing words of various sludge.

In the history of children suffering from violation of the syllable structure of words, there is a delay in speech development at an early age and the appearance of the first words in a long form.

Types of errors characterizing the violation of the syllable structure of the word:

    Violation of the number of syllables:

    reduction of the syllable (Mociclist) -motococcalist;

    the lowering of the group-forming vowel (Pinino) - piano;

    increasing the number of syllables due to the insertion of vowels in the host of consonants: (genera) - milk.

    Violation of the symbol sequence in the word:

    reduction of syllables (Aklavangist) - aqualant;

    reduction of the sounds of neighboring syllables (mozzothel) - a motorcycle.

    Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:

    reducing the propelutions of consonants: (Tol) - table;

    inserts of consonants in the syllable: lamp - (lamp).

    Climbing syllables: apricots - (cocos).

    Persevers- (stuck in speech beat ... beat ... bilitecar)

    Anticycles (replacement of preceding sounds subsequent) : (Nananas) - Ananasas.

    Contamination (mixing words elements): (in the refrigerator) -in refrigerator and bread.

Error data may be due to the state of phonetic and articulation capabilities of the child. Errors of the type of permutations or adding syllables indicate the primary underdevelopment of the child's hearing perception. Errors like a reduction in the number of syllables, approach the syllables to each other, reduce the consonants indicate a violation of the articulation sphere and are more persistent. (T. B. Filichova, G. V. Chirkin.)

Violation of the syllated structure of the word adversely affects the formation of the lexical and grammatical side of speech, phonematical perception, Mastering children in writing speech, have a persistent character. Often these errors are preserved and at schoolchildren of the senior school. Most children have disruption of optical-spatial orientation. The distortion of the syllated structure adversely affects the formation of vocabulary, grammar, formation written speech, it makes it difficult to communicate in general.

In order to overcome violations of the syllable structure of the word, it is necessary to attract the attention of the child to the syllable, articulation, phonetic and morphological composition of the word. Exercise in the form of games and exercises will be successfully able to cope with this task.

System of game exercises aimed at development

syllated word structure.

Sections: Logopedia.

The formation of children in grammatically correct, lexically rich and phonetically clear speech, which gives the opportunity speech communication and preparing for school training, is one of the important tasks in the general system of working on the child's learning native language in kindergarten and in the family.

To educate a full-fledged person, you need to eliminate everything that prevents the free communication of the child with the team. It is important that children have mastered as early as possible native speech, they spoke correctly, clearly, expressive. The correct pronunciation of sounds and words becomes especially necessary for the child when he begins to master the diploma. The practice of speech therapy works shows that often on the fore preschool age The correction of sound suspension is put forward and the importance of the formation of the syllable structure of words is underestimated, and this is one of the reasons for the occurrence of dysgrafy and dyslexia from schoolchildren.

Among the variety of violations of speech in preschool children, one of the most difficult for correction is such a special manifestation of speech pathology as a violation of the syllable structure of words. This speech development defect is characterized by difficulties in pronunciation of words of a complex slope (violation of the order of syllables in the word, skipping or adding new syllables or sounds). Violation of the syllated structure of the word is usually detected with a speech therapy examination of children with general underdevelopment speech. As a rule, the range of disorders varies: from minor difficulties of pronunciation of the words of a complex syllable structure in conditions spontaneous speech Up to coarse disorders when repeating the child of two and three-sided words without a port of consonants, even with a support for clarity. Deviations in the playback of the word slope can be manifested as follows:

1. Violation of the number of syllables:
- reduction of the syllable;
- lowering the group-forming vowels;
- Increase the number of syllables due to the insertion of vowels.
2. Violation of the symbol sequence in the word:
- rearrangement of syllables;
- Rearrange the sounds of neighboring syllables.
3. Distortion of the structure of a single syllable:
- reduction of concrete concretion;
- Inserts of consonants in the syllable.
4. Laying syllables.
5. Perseversions (cyclic repetition).
6. Anticipation (replacement of preceding sounds subsequent).
7. Contamation (mixing the elements of the word).

The violation of the syllable structure of words can be maintained in children with pathology of speech development for quite a long time, discovered whenever the child faces a new sound-syllable and morphological structure of the word.

The choice of methods and techniques of correctional work to eliminate this violation is always preceded by a child examination, during which the degree and level of violation of the syllable structure of words are revealed. This will allow you to establish the boundaries of the level available for the child from which the correction exercises should be started.

The basis of this type of work is the principle of a systematic approach in the correction of speech violations and the classification of A.K. Markova, which allocates 14 types of syllable structure of the word as a growing degree of complexity:

1. Two-sided words from open syllables (Iva, Children).
2. Treated words from open syllables (hunting, raspberry).
3. Single vocational words (House, juice).
4. Two-sided words with a closed syllable (sofa, furniture).
5. Two-sided words with a crossing of consonants in the middle of the word (bank, branch).
6. Two-sided words from closed syllables (Tulip, compote).
7. Trec chown words with a closed syllable (Hippo, phone).
8. Tri-selected words with a crossing of consonants (Room, shoes).
9. Treated words with a coherence and closed syllable (lamen, midnight).
10. Treated words with two concrete concrete (Tablet, Matryushka).
11. Snecessted words with a crossing of consonants at the beginning of the word (table, wardrobe).
12. Snecessted words with a crossing of consonants in the end of the word (elevator, umbrella).
13. Two-sided words with two concrete concrete (Flap, button).
14. Four-sided words from open syllables (Turtle, piano).

Correctional work to overcome violations of the syllable structure of words is made up of the development of the resilk perception and speaking skills. I built my job in two stages:

- preparatory; The purpose of this stage is to prepare the child to assimilate the rhythmic structure of the words of the native language;
- correctional; The purpose of this stage is the direct correction of defects of the syllable structure of words from a particular child.

At the preparatory stagei spent the exercises first at the non-verbal level, and then on the verbal.

Exercise "Repeat the same"

Purpose: Learn to reproduce the specified rhythm.
Materials: ball, drum, tambourine, metallophone, sticks.
Structure of the exercise: the speech therapist asks a rhythm with one of the items, the child must repeat the same way.

Exercise "Corresponding to the right"

Purpose: learn to count the sounds.
Material: Children's musical and noise tools, cards with numbers, cube with dots.
Structure exercise:
Option 1. The baby whips in your hands (knocking in the tambourine, etc.) as many times as the dice fell on the cube.
Option 2. The speech therapist reproduces the sounds, the child considers them and raises the card with the corresponding digit.

Exercise "Choose the scheme"

Purpose: Learning to correlate a rhythmic pattern with its scheme on a card.
Material: cards with rhythmic patterns.
Structure exercise:
Option 1. The speech therapist sets a rhythmic pattern, the child selects the corresponding circuit on the card.
Option 2. The baby reproduces the rhythmic pattern according to a given scheme.

Exercise "Long - Short"

Purpose: Learning to distinguish between long and short words.
Material: Chips, Long and Short Paper Strips, Pictures.
Structure exercise:
Option 1. The speech therapist utters words, the child puts the chip on a long or short strip.
Option 2. The baby calls words in the pictures and laying them into two groups: to a long strip and short.

On the correctional stage The work was carried out at the verbal level with the obligatory "inclusion" of the auditory, visual and tactile analyzers.

Sound level exercises:

  1. "Surify the sound and as many times how many points on the cube. Say the sound about as many times as I slam your hands. "
  2. "Find out what kind of sound (series of sounds) I said." Learning on silent articulation, pronounced voice.
  3. Determination of shock vowel in a shock position (in a series of sounds).

Exercises at the syllables level:

- Sell a chain of syllables with simultaneous rings on a pyramid (building a turret from cubes, shifting pebbles or beads).
- "Fingers greet" - pronunciation of the chain of syllables with a touch on each touch of the fingers with a thumb.
- to count the number of syllables uttered by the speech therapist.
- Name the shock syllable in the chain of the heard syllables.
- memorization and repetition of the chain of the syllables of different types.

Word exercises:

Game with ball

Objective: Learn to shake the syllable rhythm of the word.
Material: ball.
The course of the game: the child beats off the ball asked the words set by the speech therapist.

Game "Telegraph"

Objective: Develop the ability to divide words to syllables.
Material: sticks.
The course of the game: the child "transmits" the specified word by leaving its rhythmic pattern.

The game "Corresponding, not mistaken"

Material: Pyramid, cubes, pebbles.
Game Travel: A child pronounces the words given by the speakers and lay out pebbles (pyramid rings, cubes). Compare words: where pebbles are larger, then the word is longer.

Purpose: Learn to divide words to syllables, simultaneously performing a mechanical action.
Material: ball.
The course of the game: the children pass the ball to each other and at the same time call the syllable of the specified word.

Game "Name the right word"

Purpose: learning to distinguish correctly sounding words.
Material: pictures.
The course of the game: the speech therapist utters the words wrong, the child calls words correctly (if the child is difficult to perform the task, then pictures are given to help).

Exercise "What has changed?"

Purpose: learning to distinguish between the different syllable structure of the word.
Material: pictures.
Structure of the exercise: the child explains the difference between the words.
Words: cat, cat, kitten. House, house, domic.

Exercise "Find the longest word"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to divide words to syllables.
Material: pictures.
Structure of the exercise: the child chooses from the proposed pictures of the one on which the longest word is depicted.

Exercise "Call, not mistaken"

Purpose: Fasten the ability of children to divide words to syllables.
Material: pictures, cards with numbers.
Exercise Structure: The speech therapist shows pictures, children show a digit corresponding to the number of syllables in the word (complication option - the digit of the shock syllable).

Exercise "What word is different"

Purpose: learning to distinguish words with a different rhythmic structure.
Material: pictures.
The course of the exercise: the speech therapist calls a series of words, children define an excess word (use pictures if children are difficult).
Words: tank, cancer, poppy, branch. Car, bud, Baton, plane.

Exercise "Name the same syllable"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to compare the syllable structure of words.
Material: pictures.
Structure of the exercise: the child should find the same syllable in the proposed words (aircraft, milk, straight, ice cream).

The game "End of the word is behind you"

Purpose: Learn to synthesize words from the syllables.
Material: ball.
The course of the game: the speech therapist starts the word and throws the ball a child, he adds the same syllable of Sha: ka ..., va ..., yes ..., ma ..., mi ...

The game "What word happened?"

Purpose: Exercise in the simplest syllable analysis.
Material: ball.
The course of the game: a child, throwing the ball a speech therapist, says the first syllable. The speech therapist, returning the ball, says the second syllable and asks the child to name the word completely.

Baby: Speech therapist: Child:
Ket bouquet
Fet Buffet
Bu tone bud
Ben Buben

Exercise "Nazis Laskovo"

Objective: to teach clearly pronounce the words of the syllated structure of the 6th type in the formation of nouns.
Material: ball.
Structure exercise: speech therapist, throwing the ball a child calls the item. The child, returning the ball, calls him "gentle".
Bow - Bow, bandage - Binket, bush - bush, scarf - scarf, sheet - leaf.

Exercise "Name the word correct"

Objective: to teach clearly pronounce the words of the syllable structure of the 7th type, develop auditory attention and memory.
Material: Side pictures.
Exercise Structure: The speech therapist shows the picture and says the sound. The child raises his hand when he hears the correct name of the subject and calls it.

Speech therapist: baby:
Looks plane

Slot Cubes game

Purpose: Exercise in the synthesis of two-letter words.
Material: Cubes with pictures and letters.
Game Travel: Children must collect words from two parts.

Game "Chain of Words"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to analyze and synthesize two-time words.
Material: cards with part-in pictures and words.
The course of the game: Children lay out a chain of words (pictures) by the type of domino.

Game "Logocub"

Purpose: I exercise in a syllable analysis of single-two and three-way words.
Material: cube, set of object patterns, cards with numbers.
Game Travel: Children choose from the total set of pictures that correspond to the specified number of syllables and fix them on a certain face of the cube.

Game "Train"

Purpose: Learning to select words with a given syllable scheme.
Material: Train with trays, set of object patterns, syllable word structure schemes.
Games: Children are invited to help "send passengers" into wagons in accordance with the number of syllables.

Game "Pyramid"

Purpose: Fasten the ability to analyze the syllable composition of the word.
Material: Set of object patterns.
Game move: The child should arrange the pictures in a given sequence: one above - with a single word, two in the middle - with two-sided words, three below - with three-sided words.

Exercise "Collect the Word"

Purpose: Learn to synthesize two-time words.
Material: cards with syllables on toned paper.
Structure of the exercise: every child lays down one word. Then exchange cards and the game continues.

Exercise "Pick up the word"

Purpose: Fix the ability to analyze the syllable structure of words.
Material: Side pictures, cards with syllable structure. Cards with words (for reading children).
Structure exercise:
Option 1. The baby picks up the schemes for pictures.
Option 2. The baby picks up pictures to the schemes.

Game "go order"

Objective: Improve syllable analysis and synthesis.
Material: Set of cards with syllables on toned paper.
Games: Children choose from the total number of syllables and arrange them in the right order.

"Who more" game

Purpose: Improve the ability to synthesize words from the syllables.
Material: set of cards with syllables on paper of one color.
Game stroke: From the total number of syllables, children lay out as many words as possible.


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  2. Bolshakova S.E. Overcoming violations of the syllable structure of the word in children. Moscow: Sphere, 2007.
  3. Volina V.V. Learning playing. Ekaterinburg: Argo, 1996.
  4. Kozyreva L.M. We read in the syllables. Complex of games and exercises for children 5 - 7 years. Moscow: Gnome and D, 2006.
  5. Kurdvanovskaya N.V., Vanyukova L.S.Formation of the syllable structure of the word. Moscow: Sphere, 2007.
  6. Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Correction of general underdevelopment of speech from preschoolers. St. Petersburg: Union, 1999.
  7. Lopukhina I.S. Speech therapy. Moscow: Aquarium, 1996.
  8. Tkachenko T.A. Correction of violations of the word syllable structure. Moscow: Gnome and D, 2001.
  9. Phileeva T.B., Chirkin G.V. Preparing for the school of children with a general underdevelopment of speech in a special kindergarten. Moscow: 1991.
  10. Chetverushkina N.S. Slave structure of the word. Moscow: Gnome and D, 2001.
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