Map of Hungary with sights in Russian. Vacation in Europe: Where is Hungary on the world map in Russian? Map of Hungary with cities

Hungary is a state in Central Europe, which has no way out to the sea. On a detailed map of Hungary, this country borders with seven states:

  • with Slovakia in the north;
  • with Ukraine in northeast;
  • with Romania in the East;
  • with Serbia and Croatia in the south;
  • with Slovenia and Austria in the West.

Hungary is an industrial-agricultural country with developed machine-and instrument making, chemical and aluminum industry, gardening and viticulture.

Hungary on the world map: geography, nature and climate

Hungary on the world map is located in Central Europe, between the Carpathians in the north and the Alps in the West, in one of the most favorable climate and relief of Europe. The territory of Hungary stretched from north to south by 319 km, the West of West to the East - at 528 km. Most borders - 2009 km.


In Hungary, there are no major deposits of minerals. There are small fields of oil and gas, brown and stone coal, copper and iron ores, bauxite and manganese.


The main part of Hungary is located on the Middle Indian Plain, consisting of several parts:

  • hilly Western - Danantul, with heights up to 300 meters;
  • low-lying eastern - alfeld, with altitudes up to 200 meters;
  • lowest North-West - Kishalfölde, with heights up to 100 - 150 meters;

On the map of Hungary in Russian in the north-west of the country, we can find the mid-andger mountains, and in the southwest - the muffled mountains of the sword, the height of which does not exceed 700 meters. High Point of Hungary - Mount Kekes (1014 meters), located in the foothills of the Western Carpathians in the north of the country.

In the northern mountains on the border with Slovakia, there is a house cave, with a length of strokes 24 km and a depth of 116 meters.


Danube - The main river of Hungary, the total length of which is 2848 km (from them in the country - 417 km). All other rivers of the country belong to the Basin of the Danube and have snow-rated food. The ice cover of local rivers is inconsistency and not installed in every years.

In the West of Hungary, there is the largest lake of Central Europe - Balaton, 594 km 2. In this part of the country, the largest thermal lake of Europe is also located - Heviz, the water temperature in it does not fall below 24 ° C even in winter.

In Hungary, there are 10 national parks, the largest of which, Hortobad, includes intact steppes, swamps and lakes, oak groves.

Flora and fauna

Most of the soils are fertile black soils, and salt marshes, burze and rendzins are found on the territory of the country (in the mountains).

The area of \u200b\u200bHungary is currently predominantly steppe, forests occupy only 20% of the country area. In the plain forests, oaks, birch, linden and chestnuts grow, and in the mountains - spruce and fir.

The most common fauna representatives - boars, hares, foxes, deer, beavers; And Ornithofauna - storks, cranes and swallows. In Hungary's water bodies, carpets, sazans, slanders, perch, lines, porshi and other fish are found.


Moderate continental climate of Hungary is due to the interior position of the country, the average annual temperature is +11 ° C. Winter soft and short, snow cover lies not more than 30 - 40 days a year, the average January temperature is -1 ° C. Summer roast and long-lasting (up to 5 months), with the average temperatures of July +22 ° C. On average, in the country per year drops from 450 to 900 mm of precipitation. The average annual air humidity is 75%. Hungary is one of the most sunny European countries - a sundial amount to 45% of all days a year.

Map of Hungary with cities. Administrative division of the country

The territory of Hungary is divided 19 Medne (regions) and the city with the status of Medary - Budapest.

Largest cities

  • Budapest - The capital and largest city of Hungary, located in its northern part, on both shores of the Danube River. Budapest is not only an economic and transport center of the country, but also its main cultural and resort attraction - here are the Buda Fortress (inside it - the Royal Palace, the Matyash Cathedral, the Museum of the History of Budapest) and hot mineral springs. 1.8 million people live in the city.
  • Debrecen - The second largest population (203 thousand people) city in the country, on a map of Hungary with cities in Russian, it can be found 30 km east of the border with Romania. The city has one of the best universities in Central Europe - Debrecen University. Here developed a flour and cereal and fruit-vegetable industry, a chemist-pharmaceutical industry and instrument making.
  • Szeged - City in the south of Hungary, the center of sausage production of the country. Main attraction - Szeged Cathedral, built of red brick in neoroman style. The population of the city is 162 thousand people.

Hungary - real Paradise for Travelers. Now every tourist will find entertainment to taste, be it excursions to historical and cultural places of Hungary or great places to relax with loved ones.

Hungary was formed in 896, but long before the arrival of the Hungarian tribes, the territory of the future country was inhabited by Romans, Germans and Slavs.

Geography of the country

Hungary lies in Central EuropeHer neighbors:, Slovakia, Ukraine, Serbia, and Slovenia.

The population of Hungary is 9,849,000 people. State language It is Hungarian, it is native for 95% of the country's residents. Administratively Hungary is divided into 19 regions and the capital of the state; Areas are divided into districts, counties on cities and communities. The capital of Hungary is divided into areas.

The capital of Hungary is Budapest, also, this city is the largest in the country. The number of its inhabitants is 1,732 million people. The city ranks 8th in the EU. Budapest was founded in 1873.

Almost half Hungary shares The Danube River, in the eastern part of the state flows the Tis River. The flows of both rivers move from north to south. Half of the country occupies a mountainous area, the remaining part lies in flat lowland.

Locality Near the shores of the Danube, it takes mainly hilly lowland - transdanubia, the mountains of limestone are cut down, which form a small plateau with a height of only 400-600 m. The north-eastern border is occupied by the mountains, the maximum point lies on Mount Matra. The highest point of the Hungarian Mountains is Mount Kekes, 1015 m above sea level.

In the western part of the country is located lake Balatonwhich is the largest not only in Hungary, but also throughout Europe. Also, Balaton's waters are warm throughout the region.

Climate and Nature

The climate of Hungary is moderately continental, so winter is harsh here, and the summer is hot. Sea wind only sometimes reaches the central part of the country. average temperature In the capital, it is 22 degrees in the summer, in winter it descends to 0 ... -2 degrees. The sediments are infrequently annual norm is 600 mm. And autumn in Hungary is always warm and long.

In winter, especially cold intervals are replaced by temporary warming, this is due to the effects of the air masses of the Atlantic, which come to Hungary from the western part of Europe.

Snow lies long enough, from 30 to 40 days, at this time the Danube River completely freezes.

Basic rivers Hungary - Danube and Tees, which flow throughout the territory of the state from north to south.

Nature of Hungary, largely underwent artificial changes. Most of the country occupy Fertile fields, gardens and vineyards. Forests have been preserved only in the mountainous location, they take up only 20% of the total territory of Hungary.

Sights of the state

Hungary is considered state MuseumHere there are in harmony monuments of the history of different times: the Roman Empire during the times of Turkish conquest, Romanesque churches and medieval fortresses.

The cities of Hungary are made in a special architectural style, which is characteristic of not one historical era.

They are preserved at home, temples, castles that belonged to nobility and royal persons. IN state museums and galleries stored a huge number Art objects of various eras and centuries. The country is known for its healing sources, lakes and wellness resorts.

Most sights Preserved in the main city of the state - Budapest, which in 1934 was considered the chief city resort of Europe. Such an honorary title Budapest won almost two hundred natural sources and wells with healing water located on its lands.

An excellent panorama on the Danube River is revealed from the city center, also the central historical part of the city is located in the UNESCO list.

In the city there is something to see: the Vintage Bridge Lenzhid, the Temple of St. Anna, St. Trinity Street, the Royal Palace, the National Picture Gallery, the Temple of Mantisha, the Hungarian Museum, the Badaysk fortress, the chapel of St. Michael. All these attractions will help to make a full-fledged opinion not only about Budapest, but also Hungary.

Overview of the main attractions of Budapest, see the following video:

Medical resorts Hungary is valued all over the world. These are real treasures that nature bestowed humanity. As you know, almost any disease can be cured in Hungarian resorts. Lake Balaton, on the shores of which are balneological hospitals, are business card countries. Also, on the coast of the lake, you can go fishing or windsurfing.

View by castle Grastchlakovichi captivates all tourists. On its territory there are splashing gardens, in which you can walk or just relax. Also, the People's People's People's People's People are preserved on the territory of the country, the center of Beethoven in Broinswick, Fesheich on Lake Balaton. Each city is worthy of attention, each of them there is something to see.

It is also worth noting the unique Hungarian cuisine, which includes many fish and meat dishes. Also, Hungary is the birthplace of the frame and Tokay wines.

Hungary - real Paradise for Travelers. Now every tourist will find entertainment to taste, be it excursions to historical and cultural places of Hungary or great places to relax with loved ones.

Hungary was formed in 896, but long before the arrival of the Hungarian tribes, the territory of the future country was inhabited by Romans, Germans and Slavs.

  • Geography of the country
  • Climate and Nature

Geography of the country

Hungary lies in Central Europe, Her neighbors: Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia.

The population of Hungary is 9,849,000 people. State language It is Hungarian, it is native for 95% of the country's residents. Administratively Hungary is divided into 19 regions and the capital of the state; Areas are divided into districts, counties on cities and communities. The capital of Hungary is divided into areas.

The capital of Hungary is Budapest, also, this city is the largest in the country. The number of its inhabitants is 1,732 million people. The city ranks 8th in the EU. Budapest was founded in 1873.

Almost half Hungary shares The Danube River, in the eastern part of the state flows the Tis River. The flows of both rivers move from north to south. Half of the country occupies a mountainous area, the remaining part lies in flat lowland.

Locality Near the shores of the Danube, it takes mainly hilly lowland - transdanubia, the mountains of limestone are cut down, which form a small plateau with a height of only 400-600 m. The north-eastern border is occupied by the mountains, the maximum point lies on Mount Matra. The highest point of the Hungarian Mountains is Mount Kekes, 1015 m above sea level.

In the western part of the country is located lake Balatonwhich is the largest not only in Hungary, but also throughout Europe. Also, Balaton's waters are warm throughout the region.

Climate and Nature

The climate of Hungary is moderately continental, so winter is harsh here, and the summer is hot. Sea wind only sometimes reaches the central part of the country. average temperature In the capital, it is 22 degrees in the summer, in winter it descends to 0 ... -2 degrees. The sediments are infrequently, the annual norm is 600 mm. Spring and autumn in Hungary are always warm and long.

In winter, especially cold intervals are replaced by temporary warming, this is due to the effects of the air masses of the Atlantic, which come to Hungary from the western part of Europe.

Snow lies long enough, from 30 to 40 days, at this time the Danube River completely freezes.

Basic rivers Hungary - Danube and Tees, which flow throughout the territory of the state from north to south.

Nature of Hungary, largely underwent artificial changes. Most of the country occupy Fertile fields, gardens and vineyards. Forests have been preserved only in the mountainous location, they take up only 20% of the total territory of Hungary.

A part of Hungary with me: What to bring as a souvenir? The best ideas for gifts are in our next article.

Sights of the state

Hungary is considered state MuseumHere there are in harmony monuments of the history of different times: the Roman Empire during the times of Turkish conquest, Romanesque churches and medieval fortresses.

The cities of Hungary are made in a special architectural style, which is characteristic of not one historical era.

They are preserved at home, temples, castles that belonged to nobility and royal persons. In state museums and galleries stored a huge number Art objects of various eras and centuries. The country is known for its healing sources, lakes and wellness resorts.

Most sights Preserved in the main city of the state - Budapest, which in 1934 was considered the chief city resort of Europe. Such an honorary title Budapest won almost two hundred natural sources and wells with healing water located on its lands.

An excellent panorama on the Danube River is revealed from the city center, also the central historical part of the city is located in the UNESCO list.

In the city there is something to see: the Vintage Bridge Lenzhid, the Temple of St. Anna, St. Trinity Street, the Royal Palace, the National Picture Gallery, the Temple of Mantisha, the Hungarian Museum, the Badaysk fortress, the chapel of St. Michael. All these attractions will help to make a full-fledged opinion not only about Budapest, but also Hungary.

Overview of the main attractions of Budapest, see the following video:

Is it necessary in Hungary Schengen and what is a Schengen visa? The answer to these and other questions is here.

Medical resorts Hungary is valued all over the world. These are real treasures that nature bestowed humanity. As you know, almost any disease can be cured in Hungarian resorts. Lake Balaton, on the shores of which are balneological hospitals, are the country's business card. Also, on the coast of the lake, you can go fishing or windsurfing.

View by castle Grastchlakovichi captivates all tourists. On its territory there are splashing gardens, in which you can walk or just relax. Also, the People's People's People's People's People are preserved on the territory of the country, the center of Beethoven in Broinswick, Fesheich on Lake Balaton. Each city is worthy of attention, each of them there is something to see.

It is also worth noting the unique Hungarian cuisine, which includes many fish and meat dishes. Also, Hungary is the birthplace of the frame and Tokay wines.

(Hungarian Republic)


Geographical position. Hungary is a state located in Central Europe. In the north, it borders with Slovakia, in the northeast - with Ukraine, in the east - with Romania, in the south - with Serbia, Croatia and Slovenia, in the West - with Austria.

Area. The territory of Hungary takes 93,030 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative division. The capital of Hungary - Budapest. Largest cities: Budapest (2 017 thousand people), Debrecen (215 thousand people), Miskolc (193 thousand people), SEGED (187 thousand people), Peat (170Dis. People). The country is divided into 19 copiers (regions).

Political system

Hungary - Parliamentary Republic. Head of State - President. Head of Government - Prime Minister. The legislature is a unicameral state meeting.

Relief. The territory of Hungary is mainly flat. Danube, which forms part of the Hungarian-Slovak border, sharply turns south, sharing the country into two regions. The Middle Indiana Plain occupies most of the region to the east of the Danube, in the east, entering the territory of Romania, and in the south - Serbia. In the north there are spurs of the Alps and the highest point of Hungary - Mount Kekes (1015 m). In the West there are low mountains bags and baccoon, as well as the largest lake of Central Europe - Balaton.

Geological structure and minerals. On the territory of Hungary there are deposits of bauxite, coal, natural gas.

Climate. The climate of the country is continental, dry, with hot summer and cold winter. The average January temperature is about -1 ° C, the average temperature of July is about + 21 ° C.

Inland waters. The main rivers of Hungary - Danube and Tisa; Lake Balaton is the largest in Central Europe, its surroundings - a large resort area.

Soil and vegetation. The soil is predominantly chernozem. Approximately 18% of the country is covered with forests. These are mainly deciduous forests in which oak, birch, linden and other trees grow.

Animal world. Forests are found in the forests, hare, deer and wild boar. Among the birds most often found a stork, heron, wild duck and crane.

Population and language

The population of the country is about 10.208 million people, average density The population is about 108 people per 1 square meter. km. Ethnic groups: Hungarians (Magyars) - 89.9%, Gypsies - 4%, Germans - 2.6%, Serbs - 2%, Slovaks - 0.8%), Romanians - 0.7%. Official language - Hungarian, many Hungarians know one of foreign languages - English, German, Russian.


Catholics - 67.5%), Protestants (mostly Lutherans and Calvinists) - 25%), Jews.

Brief historical essay

Modern Hungary was in ancient times part of the Roman province of Panels and one of the first was conquered by Germanic tribes in II century. After that, the country was under the rule of the Huns, Avarov and Franks.

At the end of the IX century. Panonya was captured by Magyars. The first king of Hungarians became Istvan I (Holy) in 1000, having received the blessing of Pope Sylvester P.

For almost 300 years, the Hungarian kingdom was independent, but after mongolian invasion in 1241 royal Power It began to weaken, and at the beginning of the XIV century. The country began to edit foreign dynasties.

In 1521, Turkey began a successful war against the Hungarian king, after which the country actually broke into several relative to independent regions and was in such a state for almost 150 years.

IN early XVIII in. Power in the country moved to the Austrian royal house of the Habsburgs, and after 150 years, Austria and Hungary became independent kingdoms under the control of one emperor and in 1867 an Austria-Hungary originated.

On November 11, 1918, the empire was officially liquidated, and after another five days Hungary was proclaimed by the Republic.

In the 20s, the monarchy was restored with the establishment of the Fascist Regime of Horti, but in 1945 Hungary became the republic again.

In 1946, the Hungarian People's Republic was proclaimed and the communist regime was established. An anti-communist uprising of 1956 in Budapest was brutally suppressed by Soviet troops.

In 1989, the Hungarian People's Republic was renamed the Hungarian Republic, the Communists were actually suspended from power, and in March - April 1990 were the first multi-party elections in 45 years.

Brief economic Essay

Hungary is an industrial-agricultural country. Mining bauxite, oil, natural gas, iron and manganese ores. Mechanical engineering, including motorway (Ikarus plants), locomotive-shipbuilding, agricultural, production of communications, computing equipment, medical equipment; Chemical (organic synthesis products, mineral fertilizers, pharmaceuticals), light (textile, shoe) and food industry. In the structure of agricultural production, the shares of crop production and animal husbandry are approximately equal. Sein crops. Grow sugar beets, sunflower, hemp. Viticulture, fruit growing, vegetable growing. In animal husbandry, pig breeding and poultry farming are most developed. Foreign tourism (30 million people per year).

Monetary unit - Forinth.

Short essay of culture

Art and architecture.

Budapest. Palace complex with a temple in the Gothic style in Buda; Parliament Building (1896) in Pest. National Historical Museum of Hungary with a rich collection of Magyarian history exhibits starting from the IX century; Hungarian Art Museum and Hungarian National Museum of Natural History. Cebrecen. The Protestant temple in which in 1849 was proclaimed by the independence of Hungary from the Habsburg Empire. Mshikol. The museum possessing one of the best collections of exhibits of the Scythian culture and the items of the Bronze Age. Pen. Cathedral of the XI century, two Turkish mosques. SEGED. Tower xiii century; Big Cathedral with two spiers. Temkeke Herbar. Cathedral of the XVIII century. on the foundation of the Church of the XI century. The museum having a richest collection of ancient exhibits of the period of the Roman Empire. Sailline. The museum, famous for the rich collection of archaeological exhibits. Sharbaters. Remnants of the ancient Roman settlement; Episcopal Palace of the XVIII century. Estergom. The largest cathedral of the country, the dome of the Cathedral repeats the form of the dome of the Basilica of St. Peter in Rome; The Cathedral stores a cross, presented to the King of Ipppan I (Holy) Pope Sylvester P in the X century.

The science. F. Muller (1740-1825) is a mining engineer who opened Telllur, L. Et-Wesh (1848-1919) -physics, the author of labor on the theory of capilequigity (Ethe-Shah) and gravity equation; K. Kando (1869-1931) - Electrical engineering, which has developed a synchronous phase converter, which applied to electric locomotive.

Literature. S. Petfi (1823-1849) - the poet, who led the uprising in the feather during the revolution 1848-1849; For Petfi poetry, the unity of social and analytical realism and romance is characterized.

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