When the Caspian Sea blooms. Why can the Caspian Sea be called neither by the sea or the lake? Animal and vegetable world

, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Iran, Azerbaijan

Geographical position

The Caspian Sea is a view from space.

The Caspian Sea is located at the junction of two parts of the Eurasian continent - Europe and Asia. The length of the Caspian Sea from north to south is about 1200 kilometers (36 ° 34 "-47 ° 13" S.Sh.), from west to east - from 195 to 435 kilometers, an average of 310-320 kilometers (46 ° -56 ° C. d.).

The Caspian Sea is conditionally divided by physico-geographical conditions on 3 parts - the North Caspian, the average Caspian and South Caspian. The conditional boundary between the Northern and Medium Caspian passes through the line about. Chechen - Cape Tuba-Karagan, between the Middle and South Caspian - on the line about. Residential - Cape Gan-Gulu. The Northern, Middle and South Caspian area is 25, 36, 39 percent, respectively.

Coast of the Caspian Sea

Coast of the Caspian Sea in Turkmenistan

The territory adjacent to the Caspian Sea is called the Caspian.

Peninsula of the Caspian Sea

  • Ashur Ad.
  • Garasu
  • Zienbil
  • Hara-Zira
  • Senga-Mugan.
  • Cheygyl

Bay of the Caspian Sea

  • Russia (Dagestan, Kalmykia and the Astrakhan region) - in the West and Northwest, Length coastline About 1930 kilometers
  • Kazakhstan - in the north, northeast and east, the length of the coastline is about 2320 kilometers
  • Turkmenistan - in the south-east, the length of the coastline is about 650 kilometers
  • Iran - in the south, the length of the coastline - about 1000 kilometers
  • Azerbaijan - in the southwest, the length of the coastline is about 800 kilometers

Cities on the Caspian Sea coast

On the Russian coast are located cities - Lagan, Makhachkala, Kaspiysk, Election and the most southern City Russia Derbent. The port city of the Caspian Sea is also considered to be Astrakhan, which, however, is not on the shores of the Caspian Sea, but in the Volga delta, 60 kilometers from the northern coast of the Caspian Sea.


Area, depth, water volume

The area and volume of the water of the Caspian Sea varies significantly depending on the water level fluctuations. At water level -26.75 m, an area is approximately 371,000 square kilometers, water volume - 78,648 cubic kilometers, which is approximately 44% of the world's reserves of lake water. The maximum depth of the Caspian Sea is in the South Caspian depression, 1025 meters from its surface. The magnitude of the maximum depth of the Caspian Sea is inferior only to Baikal (1620 m) and Tanganic (1435 m). The average depth of the Caspian Sea, calculated on the batigraphic curve, is 208 meters. At the same time, the northern part of the Caspian Seamy, its maximum depth does not exceed 25 meters, and the average depth is 4 meters.

Water fluctuations

Vegetable world

The vegetation world of the Caspian Sea and its coast is presented with 728 species. From plants in the Caspian Sea, algae predominate - blue-green, diatoms, red, brown, chas and others, from the flowering - Zoster and Ruppia. On the origin of the flora relates mainly to the unicurate age, but some plants were listed in the Caspian Sea by a person consciously either on the bottoms of the courts.

History of the Caspian Sea

The origin of the Caspian Sea

Anthropological and cultural history of the Caspian Sea

Finds in the cave of Huto at the southern coast of the Caspian Sea show that a person lived in these edges about 75 thousand years ago. The first mentions of the Caspian Sea and living on his coast of tribes are found at Herodot. Approximately in the V-II centuries. BC e. Sakov tribes lived on the Caspian coast. Later, during the resettlement of the Turks, during the period IV-V centuries. n. e. Talysh tribes (talysh) lived here. According to the ancient Armenian and Iranian manuscripts, the Russians swam in the Caspian Sea with the IX-X centuries.

Studies of the Caspian Sea

The studies of the Caspian Sea were launched by Peter Great when, according to his order in 1714-1715, an expedition was organized under the leadership of A. Beckovich-Cherkasi. In the 1720s, hydrographic studies were continued by the expedition of Karl von Verden and F. I. Soyonov, later - I. V. Tokmachev, M. I. Winovich and other researchers. IN early XIX. century Instrumental shutdown of the coast was carried out by I. F. Kolodkina, in the middle of 19 century. - instrumental geographic survey under the direction of N. A. Ivashinsev. Since 1866, for more than 50 years, expedition research on hydrology and hydrobiology of the Caspian Sea under the leadership of N. M. Kbepovich was conducted. In 1897, the Astrakhan Research Station was founded. In the first decades Soviet power In the Caspian Sea, geological research was actively conducted by I. Gubkin and other Soviet geologists, mainly aimed at finding oil, as well as research on the study of water balance and oscillations of the Caspian Sea level.

Economy of the Caspian Sea

Mining of oil and gas

In the Caspian Sea, many deposits of oil and gas are being developed. Proved oil resources in the Caspian Sea constitute about 10 billion tons, total oil and gas condensate resources are estimated at 18-20 billion tons.

The oil industry in the Caspian Sea began in 1820, when the first oil well was drilled on the Absheron shelf near Baku. In the second half of the XIX century, oil production began in industrial volumes on the Absheron Peninsula, then in other territories.


Shipping has been developed in the Caspian Sea. The Caspian Sea applies ferry crossings, in particular, Baku - Turkmenbashi, Baku - Aktau, Makhachkala - Aktau. The Caspian Sea has a shipping connection with the Azov Sea through the Volga River, Don and Volga-Don Canal.

Fishing and seafood mining

Fisheries (sturgeon, bream, Sazan, Sudak, Kilka), caviar mining, and also fishing seal. In the Caspian Sea, more than 90 percent of the global sturgeon will be carried out. In addition to industrial production, in the Caspian Sea flourishes illegal mining of sturgeon and their caviar.

Recreational resources

The natural environment of the Caspian coast with sandy beaches, mineral waters and therapeutic mud in the coastal zone creates good conditions for recreation and treatment. At the same time, according to the degree of development of the resorts and the tourist industry, the Caspian coast loses noticeably by the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. However, in last years The tourist industry is actively developing on the coast of Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Russian Dagestan. Azerbaijan is actively developing a resort area in the Baku area. IN currently A world-class resort has been created in Ambaran, another modern tourist complex is built in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Nardaran, relaxing in the sanatoriums of the villages of Bilghe and Zhugulba is very popular. Also develops the resort area in Naughty, in the north of Azerbaijan. However, high prices, in general, low level of service and the lack of advertising lead to the fact that there are almost no foreign tourists in the Caspian resorts. The development of the tourist industry in Turkmenistan is hampered by the long-term policy of isolation, in Iran - the laws of Sharia, due to which the massive rest of foreign tourists in the Caspian coast of Iran is impossible.

Ecological problems

The environmental problems of the Caspian Sea are associated with water pollution as a result of oil production and transportation on the continental shelf, the intake of pollutants from the Volga and other rivers flowing into the Caspian Sea, the vital activity of coastal cities, as well as the flooding of individual objects in connection with the increase in the level of the Caspian Sea. Predatory mining of sturgeon and their caviar, rampant poaching lead to a decrease in the number of sturgeon and for forced restrictions on their extraction and export.

International status of the Caspian Sea

Legal status of the Caspian Sea

After the collapse of the USSR, the Caspian Sea section was and still remains the subject of unresolved disagreements associated with the section of the resources of the Caspian Shelf - Oil and Gas, as well as biological resources. For a long time, negotiations were held between the Caspian states on the status of the Caspian Sea - Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan insisted on the Caspian Section on the Middle Line, Iran - on the Caspian Section section for one fifth part between all Caspian states.

Regarding the Caspian Sea, the physico-geographical circumstance is that it is a closed intra-radical reservoir that does not have a natural compound with the oceans. Accordingly, automatically norms and concepts of international maritime law should not be applied to the Caspian Sea, in particular, the provisions of the UN Marine Convention on the Law of 1982. Based on this, in relation to the Caspian Sea, it would be unlawful to apply such concepts as the "territorial Sea", "exceptional Economic zone "," Continental shelf ", etc.

Now the current legal regime of the Caspian Sea is established by the Soviet-Iranian treaties 1921 and 1940. These treaties provide for freedom of shipping throughout the water area of \u200b\u200bthe sea, freedom of fishing with the exception of ten-mile national fishing zones and ban on swimming in its water area of \u200b\u200bships under the flag of Necspian states.

Negotiations on the legal status of the Caspian Sea are currently continuing.

Separation of the sections of the Caspian bottom for subsoil use

The Russian Federation concluded an agreement with Kazakhstan on the delimitation of the bottom of the Northern part of the Caspian Sea in order to implement sovereign rights to subsoil use (dated July 6, 1998 and the Protocol to it of May 13, 2002), an agreement with Azerbaijan on the delimitation of adjacent areas of the Northern Caspian Sea (from September 23, 2002), as well as a tripartite Russian-Azerbaijani-Kazakhstan agreement on the joint point of the lines of distinction of neighboring sites of the Caspian Sea (dated May 14, 2003), which established the geographical coordinates of separation lines that limit the sections of the bottom, within which parties Exercise their sovereign rights in the field of exploration and mining of mineral resources.

Black, the Azov and Caspian Sea are all that remains from ancient Ocean Tetis. The Black Sea coast is the northernmost subtropics in the world, where amazing nature is nature, healing climate, warm sea and sources of mineral waters. Caspian is sturgeon and oil. It was there that the film "White Sun of the Desert" was filmed.

Black Sea

The Black Sea is the Mediterranean Sea Atlantic OceanIt is located between Europe and Malaya Asia. The sea is washes the coast of Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. In the northeast, the Black Sea of \u200b\u200bKerch Strait connects with the Azov Sea, in the south-west of the Bosphorus Strait - with the Marble Sea and then through the Strait of Dardanelles with the Aegean and Mediterranean seas. The length of the Black Sea is 1150 km, the width is in a narrow place - 265 km, area 420.3 thousand km2, the volume of water is 547 thousand km3, the average depth of 1300 m. The Danube River, Dniester, South Bug, Dnipro, Rioni fall into the Black Sea and etc.

Black Sea shores are small; The only major peninsula - Crimees. The total length of the coastline is 3400 km. Some sectors have their own names, the southern coast of Crimea, the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus, in Turkey - Rougeley Beach, Anatolian Beach. In the West and the North-West of the shores are low, swear, liman places. The northern shores of the Crimean Peninsula are low, southern - the polity. In the east and south, the mountains of the Grand and Small Caucasus and the Pontic Mountains approach the Mountains of the Big and Small Caucasus and the Pontic Mountains: small areas of the rivers nodded here in the sea near the Pitsunda and Kodor in Georgia, Jiva and Baphra in Actolia. The largest bays: Carcinitias, Kamitsky, Dnepro-Bugsky, Dniester, Varna, Burgas, North-Western and Western shores, Sinopsky and Samsunsky - Southern. There are few islands; The most significant - Berezan and Snake.

The formation of the Black Sea depression is associated with the residual pool of the ancient Ocean Tetis. The contours of the modern depression outlined in Oligocene, when raising in Malaya Asia gradually made her and the Caspian Sea from the ocean. In return Miocene, the Black Sea was part of a chain of desalhed seas-lakes, the so-called Sarmatian pool. After a short-term connection with the Mediterranean Sea, an despered pontic lake was formed. In the plzone, the Black Sea disasted with Caspian. During the Middle and Upper Pliocene, it was probably the desalinated flowing lake. In the middle of the Pleistocene for a short time, the Black Sea doubled connected with Mediterranean and had more salted water. During the last glaciation, a strongly desalinated Novoevksin lake-sea was formed, which was 6-7 thousand years ago with the Mediterranean Sea through the straits, giving the modern Black Sea. Tectonic activity in the area is manifested in earthquakes, the epicenters of which are located along the edges of the depressions and in the surrounding areas. In the coastal zone, thresholds predominate: daw, gravel, sands; As removal from the shore, fine-grained sands are replaced.

During the year, the Black Sea is under the influence of mainly continental polar and marine polar and tropical air masses. In winter, air masses carry strong northern and northeastern winds, a decrease in temperature and pure precipitation; Especially great strength, these winds are achieved in the Novorossiysk area, where Bohr are called.

To Aspian and Azov Sea

The Caspian Sea is the world's largest reservoir, located in Russia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan and Iran.

Caspian is sometimes incorrectly called the lake, however, according to its size, the nature of the processes and the history of development, it is the sea. The name of the sea received from the ancient tribes of the Caspians who lived in the eastern part of the Caucasus. Other historical names are Girkanskoye, Holyanskoye, Khazar - also on the names of the ancient peoples who lived on his shores. The Caspian Sea stretched from north to south almost 1200 km, the average width is 320 km. The area is about 371 thousand km2; Level 28.5 m below the level of the peaceful ocean. In the sea water area there are about 50 islands, among which the seals, Artem and residential. IN northern part The sea flows Volga, Emba, Urals. A small flow give the river Iranian coast.

According to the nature of the relief and hydrological characteristics, the Caspian Sea is usually divided into the North, Middle and South Caspian. Northern Caspian - the most accumulative water area with a series of cans and islands. The so-called Mangyshlak threshold, separates the Northern Caspian from the average.

Weather over the Caspian Sea define Asian (winter) and Azores (summer) air masses. Characteristic features of the climate are: significant continentality, predominance of anticyclones, dry winds, harsh frosty winter, sharp temperature changes during the year, poverty with precipitation (except for the south-west).

The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov - the Mediterranean Sea in the Atlantic Ocean Pool, is connected by Kerch Strait in the Black Sea. The ancient Greek Name of the Sea is the Motiyskaya Lake, the Old Russian - Souroogo Sea. Looking 38 thousand km2, the average depth of 8 m, the maximum 14 m. The shores are mainly lowlands, composed of sandy-shell sediments, only in the south-maidwist. Characteristic feature The banks of the Azov Sea are wicked sandy braids (Arabat Arrow, Fedotova, Berdyanskaya, Yeisk, etc.), separating from the sea a number of shallow bays (Sivish, Crupping, etc.) and Limanov.

Climate in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Azov Sea continental. Winter is cold, relatively dry, with strong northeast and eastern winds. The average temperature of the winter to -6 is kiss. Summer is hot, relatively humid, with western winds, the average temperature in July 24, 5 degrees. Precipitation drops to 500 mm per year. The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov is characterized by exceptional biological productivity.

Himmer's story

In the XV century The Black and Azov Sea fully passed under the control of Ottoman Turkey. In the Northern Black Sea region, the Vassal State of Ottomans was established - Crimean Khanate. "Relieng" these territories Russian kings tried repeatedly. But it is interesting that these attempts found a hot response from ordinary Cossacks. One of the brightest episodes of Russian history was the Azov seat. In 1637, the Cossacks (formally they were not Russian citizens) took the Turkish fortress of Azov, the "key" to the ancient Meetidide, as these places of the Greeks called.

The support of the king of the Cossacks did not receive, as to quarrel with Turkey at this time, Moscow did not want, and there was no opportunity. In 1641, the Cossacks kept the siege of Azov, but in the summer of 1642 were forced to leave him, destroying the fortifications. This unparalleled event was immortalized in the form of a poetic report of the King Mikhail Fedorovich - "The Tale of the Azov Siege Sitting of the Don Cossacks."

Black, Caspian and Azov Sea Updated: May 21, 2017 by the author: website

We have already acquainted with the climate of various sections of the coast. The climate of the sea is much smaller. First, it does not affect the impact of the relief on the climate and, secondly, there is no such variety in the properties of the "underlying surface".

Indeed, the air over the inevitable part of the Mugan steppe and the neighboring wooded lankaran in the summer will enjoy different physical properties. The air mass over the Lankaran area is cooler and much wetter than the air over the fluttered in the summer of the inevitable Mugan Stepha.

Above the sea, on the parallels of Lankaran and the Mugan steppe, the underlying surface is almost the same, and therefore the air is uniform.

If the foot of the Elbesk in the Iranian shore drops 2,000 mm of precipitation per year, this does not mean that there will be as much precipitation over the sea, although this seafridge is located very close to the coast. And indeed, above the sea, in its southern part, not 2,000 mm falls, but only 300 - 400 millimeters.

The climate of the Caspian Sea, judging by the precipitation and air temperature, is the climate of the desert of moderate latitudes. Precipitation 200-400 mm per year, average annual air temperatures over it water surface above zero.

In the average Caspian region, the average temperature of the coldest month + 5 ° and the highest 25-26 °; In southern, respectively, 8-10 ° and 25-27 °.

In the north part of the sea, the air temperature in the winter can drop to 20-30 ° Claus (the middle javar ranges in different places from 3 to 10 ° below zero), while in the summer it is the same as in the southern sea of \u200b\u200bthe sea. As with the surrounding land, the coldest month in the sea is January and the warmer - July.

Only in the southern deep-water part of the Caspian Sea, the lowest air temperature is in February, the highest - in August.

In the spring, from April to May, quickly warms, and by the end of May the average air temperature in different parts The sea is from 16 to 20 °, in the summer it is almost everywhere else.

In the fall in the northern part of the sea, rapid cooling occurs, and in the middle and south autumn it is delayed.

As you can see, the influence of extensive Central Asian deserts with a sharply continental climate applies to the entire Caspian Sea, which can be called the typical sea of \u200b\u200bdesert.

It is known that the extensive areas of the oceans also have very little precipitation. These are the so-called transmission zones in the thirties latoms of both hemispheres, or high pressure zones, which, as well known, differ in descending air flows, and, therefore, clear and dry weather without precipitation.

Over the continents of the northern hemisphere, these zones are shifted several to the north. They include all the deserts of this hemisphere. These zones capture the Caspian Sea.

The consecration effect of the Caspian on the climate of the surrounding banks affects little and only in the middle and southern parts of the sea.

For example, in Guryyev or in Astrakhan, the same continental climate with frosts up to 30 ° and summer heat to 34-40 °, as well as on the same parallels in the upper reaches of the Irtysh, which is in the depths of the mainland. In the southern Caspian, a different picture. Winter in Lenkoranh is still warmer than, for example, in Ashgabat, located about the same latitude, but on larger distance from the sea.

Geographical position The Caspian Sea determines the dependence of its climate and weather mainly from three centers of the atmosphere - Azores, Siberian and Polar, or Arctic, maxima. The latter is a number of high-pressure areas (anticyclones) and low (cyclones), which are grouped near the polar circle.

In the cold half (October - March), the weather in the Caspian Sea mainly depends on the development of the Siberian Anticyclone. His spurs reach the sea, they cause severe eastern and southeastern winds here, cooling and chained precipitation.

More rare, but sometimes a very strong impact of winter has an arctic maximum (for example, in very harsh in the Caspian Sea of \u200b\u200bWinter 1949/50 and 1953/54).

Moved from Kara or Barents seas in the southeast, the Arctic air breaks through the Caspian, which is why there is a strong decrease in temperature with storms, snowfall and snowflowers.

Breakthroughs of cold masses are more likely that lower the pressure of the atmosphere over the sea compared with pressure over the surrounding land. Just in the cold season over the sea there is a low pressure area.

In the middle and southern parts of the sea, the greatest cyclonic activity is observed in winter.

Caspian cyclones go from the West, especially powerful - with the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Their path lies along the Pre-Caucasus on Makhachkala and further to the southeast through the southern part of the sea in Central Asia. The sea comes warm subtropical air, which in winter time Causes significant warming.

Cyclones of moderate latitudes from the north-west, from the Atlantic Ocean reach here. They bring marine polar air, warm and wet, temperature and cloudiness increases, precipitation falls out. The Atlantic air on a long path to Caspian is greatly seals in winter, so noticeable warming is observed if it was preceded by the invasion of cold air.

In winter, in the middle and southern parts of the sea, the most favorable conditions for meeting the cold northern masses with warm air south are being created. At the same time, local cyclones arise at the junction of the cold and warm air masses (front). All this causes unstable weather in the cold half of the year.

Position in North and eastern parts The Middle Caspian Sea - there is a steady cold and dry anticyclonic type weather, which is associated with the impact of the Siberian Maximum Signs.

In the warm period of the year (April - September), the influence of the Azore (Atlantic) maximum increase. This influence is noticeable and in the cold half of the year, as already mentioned, but to a lesser extent. Now the Atlantic air masses through Europe and the Black Sea reaches the middle part of the Caspian Sea (high-pressure kernel, separated by the Azores maximum, break through the Caspian and further to the southeast, in Central Asia, usually in the rear of the cyclones preceding them).

They only slightly lower the temperature, for on the way from the ocean through the whole of Europe, they manage to warm up and almost do not give precipitation, since heating is done dry.

It is also strongly heated, as it moves to the south, the continental polar air, differing from subtropical air, penetrating here from the Mediterranean Sea and Malaya Asia along with cyclones.

Local cyclones are formed in summer, as a rule, above the land. For example, in the southern part of the sea, they come from the Valley of the Kura River and cause protracted strong northern winds over it.

So, in the warm half of the year above the Caspian, subtropical air prevails. During this period, it is dry, warm and sunny weather. Winds are weaker, storms happen less often. True, in the Absheron district, as in winter, the Baku Nords, reaching the forces of the hurricane with a speed of 30 m / s and more. The northern direction of the winds prevails in the warm season in almost all parts of the sea.

Mostly in the warm half of the year, breeze are observed. At night, when the sea is warm sushi, the breeze is directed from the shore - coastal breeze; In the afternoon, when the air over the land is much warmer than above the sea, a pleasant refreshing breeze occurs from the sea - the sea breeze.

On the Western Highist Caspian Coast, there are sometimes hair dryers (more often in the cold half of the year), so call the wind, "falling" from the mountains to the lowlands. When lowering the air turns out to be under all greater and greater pressure, which leads to its heating and to reduce humidity. Hairdryer, as well as sukhov, - warm and dry wind.

In Derbent during a hair dryer on March 31, 1929, the air temperature rose in seven minutes by 11 °. Feng continued only two and a half hours. When it stopped, the temperature over the next 13 minutes again fell by 13 °.

Local winds include monsoons here. Like breeze, these winds are obliged to their origin to the thermal contrast between the land and the sea. In the summer, when the sea is colder than sushi, the sea monsoon blows (from the sea to land). In winter, the monsoon blows, on the contrary, from sushi to the sea.

The force of rotation of the Earth deflects winds in the northern hemisphere to the right. So, the direction of monsoons is with the coast an angle of about 45 °. For example, the monsoon origin has the North-Western winds in the eastern shores of the sea.

The Caspian waters are heated from April to August, whereas since September begins cooling. In the first period, the arrival of heat exceeds its flow; In the second period, on the contrary, heat consumption prevails over the arrival.

The radiation of the Sun and the atmosphere is about 95 large calories for the year for 1 square meters. cm of the horizontal surface of the sea (on average for the entire Caspian). This is almost 100% of the receipt of thermal balance

Heat consumption is associated with radiation and heat exchange with colder air (which is about 34 large calories per 1 sq. M. cm, that is, 35%) and with evaporation (61 large calorie per 1 kM. Cm-65%).

B.A. SHAYMIN. Caspian Sea. 1954.


Caspian - a special reservoir, because they still have disputes on its nature. Some scientists believe that this is the largest lake on our planet, others call it a lightweight sea.

Unique fossils and biological resources of the Caspian Sea are divided into five coastal states among themselves: Russia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. But in addition to natural wealth, this sea is in itself a lot of dangers. Oil and gas production poisoning the ecosystem, the estates of enterprises pollute the coast, and hazardous microorganisms are regularly discovered in water samples.

Mining of oil and gas

Today, the entire water area of \u200b\u200bthe Caspian Sea is the active mining of hydrocarbon raw materials. Back in 1820, the first well was drilled on the Absheron shelf. The news that oil was found near Baku, caused a real boom. The development of the mining industry went seven-year steps. Moreover, according to the calculations of geologists, in the depths of the Caspian Sea, about 20 billion tons of hydrocarbon raw materials are hidden.

Oil and gas condensate mining led to a real environmental problem. It is not only about accompanying pollution and spills of chemicals as a result of man-made disasters, but also on the use of nuclear charges during the construction of gas storage.

The Caspian Water is almost poisoned with arsenic, lead, mercury. In addition, the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of heavy metals, copper, barium and zinc is significantly exceeded here. Especially large damage to the sea ecosystem cause phenols - volatile and non-volatile derivatives of hydrocarbons. These substances are waste of refineries, they are extremely toxic.

Another danger that threatens the extraction of hydrocarbons in Caspians, scientists consider the possibility of emission of a large amount of hydrogen sulfide, which will inevitably cause an ecological catastrophe. Already in the districts of wells, the level of water pollution by petroleum products ranges from 30 to 100 (!) MPC.

The spilled oil prevents the growth of phytoplankton and phytobenthos, blue-green algae, which reduces the fodder base of the inhabitants of the sea and reduces the amount of oxygen produced. The oil film is able to lead to the death of rare fish species, including sturgeon, waterfowl and other fauna representatives.


Various pollutants fall into the Water of the Caspian Sea not only as a result of the operation of oil workers and gas. Volga and other rivers flowing into the sea, annually bring thousands of tons of various waste in Caspian. Coastal cities often simply merge into sea the crude drains of sewers, and enterprises poison water by spent chemicals.

For example, employees of the Dagestan Office of Rospotrebnadzor do not recommend residents and tourists to swim in the sea near Derbent, Makhachkala, Election and Caspian. However, not all people stop these warnings.

Almost half of the industrial and agricultural enterprises of Russia are located in the Volga basin. This river flows through 15 regions of our country and poisoned by caspia by caspias, mineral fertilizers, nitrates, phosphates, heavy metal salts, dioxins. According to scientists, the field of the mouth of the Volga firmly enters the top ten most environmentally unfavorable water areas in the world.

Experts fear that such high pollution of rivers flowing into the Caspian, and the problems of the sea itself can lead to the occurrence of so-called oxygen-free zones. That is, under the influence of algae chemicals, they will finally die, no one will produce oxygen, which will lead to the death of all the inhabitants of this section of the sea. The risk of occurrence of oxygen-free zones is particularly relevant for the southern part of the Caspian, where a noticeable impaired balance between the synthesis and the decay of organic substances has already been fixed.

Difficult bacteria

Some researchers fear that many dangerous viruses and bacteria remained in the bowels of the sea, which existed on our planet to the last glacial period. And the active mining of hydrocarbon raw materials is able to "release a genie from the bottle", which is very dangerous, because modern people have no immunity from ancient pathogenic microorganisms. But most scientists are skeptical about such concerns, because so far nothing like this happens, although the mining of Caspian oil continues for almost 200 years.

However, and fully studied microorganisms are able to bring significant harm to the health of people. From year to year in the waters of the Caspian Sea, scientists detect cholera vibriol and intestinal wand. According to the Dagestan Office of Rospotrebnadzor, the number of pathogenic microorganisms in sea water samples sometimes exceeds the indicators of the maximum permissible concentration at 28 (!) Times.

In many samples, scientists discovered so-called rotaviruses, causing acute intestinal infections that are rapidly transmitted from man to man. This can provoke the emergence of mass foci of the disease.

The main reason for the current situation, specialists call the banal reset of waste of people's livelihoods from sewage coastal cities without special cleaning and disinfection.

Caspian nerve

Despite numerous reports in the media about mysterious predators, poisonous snakes and even sharks, which were allegedly seen on Caspians, some tourists and locals, the inhabitants of this sea are not particularly dangerous for people. There are no even stigma jellyfish.

True, one predator capable of causing damage to human health with careless circulation, still leads. This Caspian nerve is a small seal that lives only on this sea. The length of the body of this animal does not reach 1.5 meters, its weight is about 50 kg. Compared to other seals, the Caspian nerve is a real crumb. But still a predator.

During the marriage period, the males become very aggressive, bite a careless person and a female, fearing for her cub. The teeth of these animals are very sharp, if not lucky, then you can stay without fingers. Bite painful, possibly inflammation. Medical assistance in this case is required.

However, who will poison their limbs in the mouth of wild predators? Yes, and the NEP themselves are trying to avoid people, often suffering from poachers.

Sochi, Anapa, Tuapse, Gelendzhik or Crimea? Or maybe the Baltic Sea is better? Or the Far East with excursions to kobatok, seals and whales? For many, all of the above is not something attractive and interesting, and some are completely frightened prices, level of service and travel distance. In this case, many choose Thailand or Turkey - in general, inexpensive, warmth and sea near. But for some reason everyone forget about one sea in Russia ...

Another sea

This sea is definitely nothing worse than black, and even more so Baltic (no offense to fans of this coast). Yes, there are no violent flora and fauna, palaces and large embankments, but here you can find an inexpensive and pleasant stay away from bustle and noise on long sandy beaches. Probably it is extremely clear that we are talking about the Caspian Sea. Lack of infrastructure? Lake? Cute? Dangerous region? Wait, do not hurry to rush with stereotypical excuses - these are all myths that are becoming popular because few people really tried to learn anything about these places. For example, the water temperature in summer in the Caspian Sea is more than suitable for bathing and recreation with children. But first things first.

What is the Caspian Sea?

Alas, really very few people know at least something about this sea. Let's start with the fact that it is the greatest lake on our planet. Yes, it is called the lake for the reason that it does not have access to the ocean. And despite this, the similarities with the sea at the Caspian Sea are much more than with a lake on the outskirts of the average Russian city.

In addition, the Caspian Sea is really huge: the distance from the northernmost point to South is about 1,200 kilometers. The width in some places reaches 500 kilometers. Caspian refers to deep seas: its maximum depth exceeds 1 kilometer.

According to the nature of the relief, it is conditionally divided into several parts: Northern, Middle and South Caspian. The first part is the finest: the depth here does not exceed the pairs of hundreds of meters. But the southern part occupies a large area - almost 66% of the entire sea. To countries that are located on the banks of the Caspian Sea include Russia, Azerbaijan, Iran, Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. Our country accounts for about 650 km of coastline, there is also the largest bay of this sea, which is called Kara-Bogaz-goal.

And now Surprise - water in the Caspian Seven! Not as in the Mediterranean or Ocean, but does not particularly differ from the salty of black, and even more so Azov. According to the latest data, southeast of the sea was recorded salinity in 13 ppm (against 17 off the coast of Sochi or Crimea). Yes, there are no dolphins here, and the underwater world is somewhat poorer, but in all the rest of the Caspian is not inferior to any other sea.

Resorts of the Caspian Sea

Many tourists only refuse to go on the Caspian Sea coast - water temperature. In fact, this is another stereotype. Just with your comfortable climate and the coast of the Caspian Sea is famous. We will study the temperature of the water for months, and now briefly run through the main resorts of these places.

Russia has two regions with access to and by the way, this fact also scares many travelers who immediately remember reports of news about the next instability in Makhachkala. However, it should be noted that in the light of the latest events, foreign resorts like Turkishs, all the more so cannot guarantee you the safety of life and health. And Dagestan in recent years is increasingly increasing in the lists of the most visited places that residents of the Russian Federation are chosen.

The most popular cities are Caspian, Derbent and Makhachkala. By the way, the temperature of the water in the Caspian Sea in Makhachkala is no different from the temperature of the water in any other place of the Russian coast, since it is located in one climatic zone, like the entire basin of this amazing sea as a whole. There are numerous databases and hotels that offer a wide range of services. Especially like fishermen, who can rent all the necessary equipment for fishing or underwater hunting. In addition, there are a lot of restaurants on the Caspian Sea coast, where you can bring your catch and ask for a professional cook to cook delicious fish dinner.

As for housing, then as mentioned above, here you can find a room or a house for every taste and wallet. In addition to ordinary buildings, everyone will be able to rent floating houses right on the water. In a word - to choose here really have from anything, and the issue of housing and entertainment at the resorts of the Caspian Sea can be the topic for a separate article.

Beach and weather

The Caspian coast is very attractive for family holidays: there are no pebble beaches with sharp or large stones, along which it hurts and unpleasantly walking. The entrance to the sea is also very pleasant, the depth is gaining gradually, and under the feet soft sandy coating. In this case, the sand here does not have a dirty gray shade. The period from June to October is the most pleasant time of the year for recreation in the Caspian Sea. The water temperature in summer is much higher here than at any other time of the year, and in the southern part of the sea heats up faster than in North. The air also warms up to comfortable temperature in the summer, but here it never becomes hot and too wet, as in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. If in Sochi, the thermows shown up to 40 degrees of heat, then there are no blocks of thermometers in 30.

Water temperature

Finally, consider the temperature of the water in the Caspian Sea. At the very beginning it should be noted that today there is the possibility of monitoring data on the network. At specialized weather sites, you can see what water temperature in the Caspian Sea, for example, in Caspian or any other city.

Locals and tourists open the bathing season already at the end of May, when water warms up to +18 degrees. The same temperature also happens in October, which makes it possible to relax here as much as in the Black Sea coast. The warmest sea becomes about July-August. At this time, water reaches 27-28 degrees Celsius.


Thus, the Caspian Sea remains very attractive for relaxation and for the development of the resort infrastructure, the place. Despite the fact that there are very pleasant and comfortable weather conditions, tourists on the Russian coast of the Caspian Sea are at times lower than on the resorts of the Crimea or Kuban, which provides a quiet and relaxing holiday on the light-eyed sandy beaches. At the same time, the water temperature in the Caspian Sea ranges from 18 degrees in May and October to 27 degrees in July and August.

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