Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech "Sounds" L "and" L. Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech "Sounds Sh-Zh

Sections: Speech therapy

  • To consolidate the knowledge of children about consonants and vowels, the skill of distinguishing between hard and soft consonants.
  • Introduce the sounds [B], [B ’], the letter B.
  • Learn to identify the place of sounds [B], [B ’] in words.
  • Develop the ability to divide words into syllables in different ways.
  • Form the skills of analysis and synthesis of syllables.
  • Exercise in making sentences with prepositions.
  • Develop thinking, attention, fine and general motor skills.


KuklaVarya, pictures - symbols of sounds (symbols of sounds from the manual by RN Buneev, EV Buneev, TR Kislov "On the way to the ABC" are used.

Rice. one

Consonant map (is a 25 × 25 cm square, consisting of blue and green stripes (Fig. 2); pictures, in the title of which there are sounds [B], [B ’], individual notebooks with a schematic representation of words, plasticine.

Rice. 2

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Formation in a circle. Game "Pass the ball in a circle, call the first sound in the name of the neighbor."


- Sounds [P], [M], [N], what? (Consonants, solid.)

- Sounds [D ’], [K’]? (Consonants, soft.)

- Sounds [A], [O], what? (Vowels.)

The questions use the sounds that were the first in the names of the children.

2. Formulation of the topic of the lesson, formulation of the educational problem.

Children are invited to sit down on the carpet.

- I will tell you a story that happened with the Varya doll.

- In the spring, Varya went out into the yard and heard a drawn-out howl V-V-V-V. She hurried to howl and saw her friend Vova.

- Why are you howling Vova?

- I sing the song of the spring wind.

- But this is how the wolf howls.

A picture-symbol of the sound B is displayed.

- A cheerful spring breeze sings: V'-V'-V'-V '.

The sound symbol B 'is set.

- Say how a wolf howls on exhalation. Inhale deeply, and how much air is enough, say B-B-B.

- Now like a breeze. Inhale - B'-B'-B '. (Exercises are performed while standing)

- What sounds are we going to talk about today? ( We will talk about the sounds [B], [B ’]).

- Sound B, what? ( solid consonant). And the sound [B ']? ( soft consonant).

3. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Work in notebooks.

- Sit down at the tables.

- Open your notebooks. Consider the pictures.

Sounds in the word disappear, reappear.
Sounds change the word, they themselves change.

- We will look for the place of sounds [B], [B '] in words - the names of pictures.

- In the word of the crow, what sound do you hear [ B] or [B ‘]?

- Where is the sound in the word? ( The sound [B] is at the beginning of a word.)

- Paint over the first square on the word diagram. Which pencil do you need? ( Blue.)

- Name the next word. ( Cow.)

- What sound do you hear in the word [B] or [B] '?

- Where is this sound? Color in the corresponding square.

- Name the next word. ( Door.) What sound is there in this word? ([IN']). Where is this sound? Color in the corresponding square. Think about what color pencil you need.

The same work is done with the word - cherries.

- Close your notebooks. Move to the edge of the table.

The game “Lay out the pictures”.

- Take four pictures from the tray. Consider. If the name of the picture contains the sound B, put the card on the blue strip, if [B '] - on the green one.

Be careful, sounds can be at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of a word.

Come out onto the carpet. Do with me:

A vowel sound with a consonant is on friendly terms.

(Claps over head.)
Forming together a syllable.(They join hands.)
The guys and I walk, we count parts of the word.(They walk.)

- Count in steps the number of syllables in the word WA-GO-NY - all together.

- Now stamp your foot in the word SO-VA.

- Claps in the word VO-DO-LA-ZY. Palm to chin, in the word VO-RO-NA.

Working with sound cards.

- Take cards, symbols of sounds. Find the sound B symbol.

- Lay out the syllable VA. What are the sounds that make up this syllable? (B, A.)

- Replace the sound A with O. What syllable did you get? (IN.)

- Swap the sounds B and O. Say what the syllable is. (OV.)

- Remove the cards.

The preposition of V.

- Sound B also denotes a small word B. It is used when an object moves or hides inward. Varya and Vova love to play hide and seek, but they do not hide themselves, but hide their toys. Come to me, tell me who hid the toys where. (Varya hid the bear in a box. Vova hid the robot in the truck.)

- Make up other sentences with B.

Acquaintance with the letter B.

- Sounds [B], [B ’] are designated by a letter. Show letters.

Here the letter B is visible in the distance, beautiful, twisted.
As if a pretzel was baked, waiting for guests in the house.

- Name the elements that make up the letter. (A stick and two semicircles.)

- Let's show with you finger gymnastics about letters and sounds.

There are many sounds in the world

(clenching and unclenching fists)
Rustle of leaves, splash of waves.
(Pops alternate with cam strikes.)
But there are speech sounds,
We must know them exactly.
(The fingers greet, starting with the thumb.)
We pronounce the sounds clearly(imitate pronunciation, listening)
We listen carefully
We read the letters correctly,
(swing index fingers of both hands).
We write them diligently.(Imitate a letter.)

- Sit down at the tables. Sculpt the letter B out of magic plasticine.

- Admire the letters.

Rice. 3

Rice. 4

- Well done, you worked well in class.

Speech development lesson

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech “Sounds Ш-Ж. Visiting forest dwellers "

Khomyak Larisa Aleksandrovna, teacher-speech therapist, MDOU No. 13, Alekseevka, Belgorod region

Topic: Sounds III - Zh. Visiting forest dwellers.


  • To teach hearing - pronunciation differentiation of sounds Ш-Ж.
  • Anchor correct pronunciation sounds Ш-Ж in syllables, words,
  • suggestions.
  • Learn to independently produce sound - syllabic analysis of words.
  • Develop hearing - speech memory.
  • Continue to develop fine motor skills fingers.
  • Foster the desire to speak correctly.

Equipment: Beetle caps, toys (Hedgehog, Bear), plane figures (2 vases, flower meadow, pebbles, caterpillar),

2 easels, small soft pads (blue, green, red), Bells (paper and metal) by the number of children.

Activity content:

1. Organizational moment.

Guys, today we will go on another journey with you.

We close our eyes and imagine that we are flying beetles. Today we will fly to a fabulous forest forest. We open our eyes and prepare for the flight. How do beetles buzz?

(Children depict flying, cheerful beetles and buzzing. Speech therapist puts beetle caps on children.)

Here we are in a fabulous glade. We close our eyes, we turn into a crawl. How does the snake hiss?

(Children, taking each other by the shoulders, walk across the clearing, hiss.

2. Comparison of sounds.

(Glade, flowers, Bear, Hedgehog, hemp, river, bells.)

Admire, this is such a miracle!

Bear, hedgehog, flowers, from where?

We got into a magic forest,

And not so much tired.

We will collect flowers

And answer questions.

Please tell me children, who has already guessed with what sounds we will play in the meadow?

(Answers of children.)

Let's say the sound Ш, what is it? Why? What do our sponges do? What does our tongue do?

(Answers of children.)

Children who want to pronounce the sound F and talk about this sound?

(Several children pronounce this sound and characterize it).

Well done, guys, and now we will collect beautiful bouquets of flowers.

(Children pick paper flowers bells, and under them there are metal ones).

We play in didactic game"Ring the bell", the goal of this game is to identify voiced and dull sounds. Having heard the repeated sounds from the teacher, the bells are rung in accordance.

3. Pronunciation of sounds in syllables.

Guys, look at what a fast trickle! How do we cross it to get to the forest dwellers?

(Answers of children).

And magic stones will help us in this! You need to walk carefully, repeating magic syllables after me!

(Children step on the stones one by one, repeating the syllables after the speech therapist)

4. Pronunciation of sounds in words and phrases.

(I draw your attention to the fact that the Hedgehog and the bear - Teddy bear are sitting on stumps).

Who are these guys?

(Answers of children).

Look how smart they are, I will tell you a secret, our forest dwellers have birthday today! Guys, what do you give for your birthday?

(children's answers).

That's right, gifts. But we haven't prepared them. How to be?

(Children come up with, reason).

Or maybe we can collect bouquets of flowers for them?

(Children agree).

What do you guys think, if the forest is unusual, then the bouquets should be what ...? Correctly unusual. The secret is that you need to determine what sound is heard in the word Bear - F or W, and what sound is heard in the word Hedgehog F or W? And, accordingly, collect bouquets of beautiful and unusual daisies.

(In a glade of chamomile - pictures with these sounds).

Who will we give this chamomile to? Why? Etc.

(Children answer questions, collect flowers-pictures and, while speaking, attach them to flat vases, which are on easels, next to the forest dwellers).

5. Development of fine motor skills.

(I draw your attention to the fact that a caterpillar Zhu-Zha appeared in the clearing).

Dear guys, Zhu-Zha, too, wants to go to our friends' birthday party, but she has untied bows on her beautiful tummies. Can we help her? Shall we tie the bows?

(Children sit on the rug, lacing, tying bows on the tummy of the caterpillar).

6. Pronunciation of sounds in sentences.

Here we presented gifts, helped the caterpillar to become attractive, beautiful, but forgot to say wishes to our birthday people. Now let's think about it and say them. But do not forget, and wishes should be unusual so that the sounds with which we are playing today can be heard in the words.

(Children come up with wishes, help children with leading questions)

Bear, I wish you honey balls!

Bear, I wish you a long life!

Hedgehog, I wish you to buy pants with small legs.

Hedgehog, I wish you delicious chocolate.

Bear I wish you delicious ice cream ...

Bear, I wish you to be friends and not be angry with the forest dwellers ...

7. Independent sound - syllabic analysis.

(words: toad, fur coat)

Guys, what are these multi-colored cubes on the rug of our birthday children? Shall we ask Mishka?

(Children ask questions to Mishka, at this time the speech therapist picks up Mishka and says that he is whispering in his ear).

Bear says that all the inhabitants of the forest go to kindergarten where a difficult task was asked and asks us to help. Can we help our friends?

(Answers of children).

It is necessary to lay out the sound scheme of words from these cubes. We will now try and lay out the word scheme on our own.

(Children lay out word schemes while sitting on the carpet).

8. Consolidation of previously acquired knowledge.

Well done, now let's determine if we have laid out the word schemes correctly.

(Speech therapist asks questions about the sound scheme).

How many syllables are in a word?

What's the first syllable?

What is the second syllable?

How many sounds are there in a word?

How many consonants?

How many vowels are there? The cube of what color marked the sounds F and W. Why?

(The speech therapist makes sure that children respond with full sentences.)

9. Lesson summary. Encouraging children.

(The teacher invites the children to recall the path they have traveled with their eyes closed. What kind of forest dwellers did they meet? Etc.)

So our path is over,

Don't forget to smile.

We had fun, we played

And we helped out friends.

Well in the forest Bor,

Let's turn into kids.

(Speech therapist removes beetle caps from children).

Topic: "Sound and the letter W"


1. To consolidate the skill of a clear pronunciation of the sound Ш in syllables, words, phrases.

2. Learn to select signs and actions for nouns.

3. Decline by case a phrase from an adjective and a noun.

4. Learn to select related words to the word bear.

5. To consolidate the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences.

1. Develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis.

2. To consolidate the skill of selecting sounds at the beginning, middle, end of a word.

3. Determine the place of sound in a word.

4. Develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention.

5. Develop general motor skills and coordination of movements.

Equipment: individual pictures, a book for reading syllables, a box office of letters, a typesetting canvas in the form of a locomotive, a series of plot pictures, sentence schemes, a teddy bear, pictures for composing words.

    Organizing time.

Educator: "Hello guys! I am delighted to welcome you. Let's start our lesson with chanting:

We always speak beautifully

Clearly and unhurriedly

Be sure to remember

What was taught in class.

The one who calls the words with the sound Sh will sit down.

2. Announcement of the topic of the lesson.

Guys, a teddy bear came to visit us today. We will show him what we have learned and repeat the sound and the letter S.

3. Work on the topic.

1) Articulation and characteristics.

The bear still does not know how to pronounce the sound Sh. Let's teach him?

What do our lips do when we make this sound?

(Drawn out by a tube)

Where is the language? (Upstairs behind the upper teeth)

What is he? Narrow or wide? (Tongue wide, cupped)

Does it sound hard or soft? (He's always hard)

Vowel or consonant sound Ш? (Consonant)

Tell Mishka what sound is W? (Child gives a characterization)

What color does he live in? (Sound Sh lives in the blue house.)

2) Reproduction of syllable series, pure phrases.

Game "Listen, remember, repeat"


SHA-SHA-SHA - our Masha is good.

SHU-SHU-SHU - I wear a new fur coat.

SHI-SHI-SHI- Misha and Masha kids.

3) The game "echo"

Replace the first sound in the words with the Sh sound.



Lips - fur coats

sorry - shawl

soap - awl


4) Selection of signs and actions for the subject.

Do you guys like your answers to the bear?

Let's see what it is? (plush, eared, naughty, clumsy, toy, nimble)

What does he do (walks, staggers, hears, hurries, dances, makes noise,

5) Selection of related words.

Find related words to the word bear. (Mishutka, bear, mishkin)


Let's take a ride on the train of our bear.

Look, you have pictures in your envelopes. Imagine these are train tickets. Select a picture in the name of which the sound of Sh lives.

7) Determination of the place of sound in a word.

In the first carriage, put pictures where the sounds of Ш live at the beginning of the word., In the second - in the middle, in the last - at the end of the word. For example: “I will put the cap on the first carriage, because in the word cap, the sound Ш lives at the beginning of the word. "

(Children post pictures and line up on the train.)

4. Physical minutes.

The locomotive hummed

And I drove the trailers

Shu-shu-shu, shu-shu-shu

Girls and boys

I will pump it quickly. (children depict the movement of the train)

5. Diploma

Acquaintance with the letter.

What is the difference between a sound and a letter? The sound "sh" is denoted by the letter "sha". Compare big and small. What does it look like? Come up with words that begin with the "sh" sound.

6. Summary.

Well done boys!. What letter did you meet? What have you learned about the sound "sh"?

Synopsis of the lesson on the development of speech in children 5-7 years old on the topic "Sounds and letters. Repetition"

Likina Maria Sergeevna
Place of work: teacher additional education, MBU DO CRT "Constellation", Nizhny Novgorod
Topic open class “Sounds and letters. Repetition".
Tasks: To consolidate the acquired knowledge about sounds and letters. Show the ability to highlight vowel and consonant sounds. Strengthen the ability of children to differentiate vowels that give softness and hardness to a consonant. Strengthen the ability to make up syllables according to the scheme and make up words from syllables. To consolidate the ability to put stress in words and make sentences.
Material: Cards with vowels and consonants. Cards with blue and green chips. Cards with syllables. Magnetic board. Multimedia presentation on the screen. Music center and muses. records.

Course of the lesson:

Children are invited to an office equipped with a screen and are seated in no particular order.
Educator: Good afternoon guys!
Children's answers
Educator: Please tell me if you like to visit?
Children's answers
Teacher: Great! And we will go on a visit today. To the Kingdom of Sounds and Letters. And we are greeted by the Queen of the Voice
1 Slide
Educator: Guys, let's remember what vowels we know.
Children's answers
2 slide
Teacher: Quite right. But look, all the letters are messed up! Let's help you sort them out!
Children come to the table, on which vowels and consonants are mixed. Children select vowels.
Vowel cards are given to each student.
Teacher: Well done! Everything is correct! Now, dear letters, you need to build in a ruler - to the right of me letters that give hardness to the consonant, to the left - softness.
Children look at the letters and line up according to the assignment.
3 slide
Educator: Great! Let's take a look at the screen in our kingdom. Blue house - are the letters right?
Children's answers
Teacher: Green house, right?
Children's answers
Teacher: Yes, all the letters are in their places, in their houses. Now we need to build them in pairs.
Teacher: Guys, but vowels and sounds are boring alone, and we are going to visit again. Where do you think?
Children's answers
Teacher: To Queen Concord, to the kingdom of consonants and sounds.
4 slide
Teacher: And how are vowels and consonants friends with each other?
Children's answers
Teacher: Guys, the Queen of Concord has prepared a little test for us. What is it that appears on the screen?
5 slide
Children's answers
Teacher: You need to compose a syllable according to the proposed scheme. Look at the screen and compose syllables on the board.
Teacher: You have done an excellent job with Queen Concord's quest!
Now let's take a walk. You will be "living" letters, hold the cards in front of you and run for a walk in the clearing. As soon as the music stops, you need to stand next to someone and form any syllable.
Children play by completing the task.
Educator: After our walk, the queens prepared more tests for us.
6 slide
Teacher: Guys! All words crumbled! Can we help you collect them again?
Children's answers

Educator: We are divided into 2 teams. One goes to this table, the other to this.
You a basket with scattered words, and - you. And I give you a little hint - there should be 5 words.
Are the teams ready?
Children's answers. Children put together words from these syllables.
Educator: Checking?
Children's answers
7 slide
Teacher: The queens are delighted that you have passed the test. Now they have sent us beautiful pictures
8 slide
Educator: What time of year is it?
Children's answers
Educator: Only I don’t understand in any way what riddle the queens left us ?!
Can you help me figure it out?
Children's answers
Teacher: Listen here: dandelion, boat, chamomile, summer, vacation, tree.
The teacher reads words with the wrong emphasis. Children correct him.
Children's answers
Teacher: Excellent! We have all this in the summer!
Guys, what are the words?
Children's answers
Educator: Right. What letter does the sentence begin with?
Children's answers
Educator: And how does it end?
Children's answers
Educator: Right. Look at the screen, the queens want to tell us something ... Let's rearrange the words and signs so that we get a sentence.
Children's answers
Educator: Guys! You've just done a wonderful job. The queens were very pleased to have such resourceful and quick-witted guests as you! Thanks for your work!

Presentation on the topic: Sounds and letters. Repetition

Subject: Development of speech. For children senior group Preschool
Metasubject tasks:
1. Learn to act according to a plan or instructions
2. Strengthen the ability to distribute tasks between team members.
Subject tasks:
Strengthen skills in composing a fairy tale.
1. Organizational moment.
Q: Guys, look how many guests have come to us today. Let's say hello to them.
D: Hello!
Q: How else can you say hello?
D: Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening!
Q: What is your mood now? (Good). And I'm in a good mood too.
- Guys, look, do you want to play a ball in my hand? (Yes) The game is called "Say the other way around." I will name the words, and you come up with words - "on the contrary", words with the opposite meaning.
Good evil
Courage is cowardice
Industriousness - laziness
Scary - beautiful
Weak - strong
Bold, humble - boastful
Difficult - easy
Angry - affectionate
The beginning is the end.
The group will receive a letter from Dunno: “Guys, help me, please. The fact is that I am in a fairyland, and I cannot return home until I come up with my own fairy tale. The teacher will tell you how to come up with fairy tales "
- Will the guys help Dunno? (Yes)
- Can you? (Yes)
Come to the tables
- Tell me, please, where do you need to start in order to consistently remember the plot?
- Of course, you first need to make a plan. Let's try.
-Remember, what parts does the fairy tale consist of? (Beginning, middle, ending.) - Guys, your fairy tale must have a fabulous beginning.
-Guys, how do you understand the fabulous beginning? How do fairy tales usually begin? (Once upon a time ... In a certain kingdom, in a certain state ... It happened a long time ago ...)
- What else is said in the first part? (About the heroes and the main theme.)
- Who will tell you about the middle part, how does it differ from other parts? (The middle is the largest part, it lists the events that happen to the characters.)
- And what characters appear in the fairy tale (good and evil)
- Guys, what kind and evil heroes of fairy tales do you know? (Baba-Yaga, Koschey the immortal, Good fellow.)
- There must always be some kind of magic in a fairy tale? What kind of magic do you know? How can you sketch this?
- What is the ending? (It tells how it ended.)
- And with what words does it end? (They began to live, live and make good. That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened to the fellow!) - And now the guys all came up to me, I suggest you turn into real storytellers. Let's say magic words: "Turn left and right and turn into storytellers!" Well, now you are real storytellers.
-And guys, we will come up with fairy tales today in teams.
There are circles on this table, we take a circle and go to the tables and find our place and our team.
- Coming up with the name of the team, and I'll write it down on the board.
- The guys are starting work. Don't forget our plan.
- Guys are finishing coming up with a fairy tale.
-Dear storytellers, now agree on who from each team will tell the tale. And I will write it down to send to Dunno.
The first to finish was the team…. Let's listen
(In turn, tales invented by all subgroups are heard, the teacher, if necessary, invites the members of the subgroup to supplement the story.)
- Did you guys manage to complete the task? Let's check if your fairy tale is made according to plan. Then the teacher notes whether they were taken into account when compiling genre features fairy tales and according to plan. - Let's guys Dunno, too, teach you how to write fairy tales. Guys, remind you what parts the fairy tale consists of, what is said in each part, where the work begins. I am sure that now Dunno, according to our plan, will be able to become storytellers himself.
And each of you, according to your personal plan, can tell it to your parents at home.

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