Speech material for differentiation of sound sounds S-Z-C Methodical development on the topic. Speech therapy: "Spill sounds z-s

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 1. Sell \u200b\u200b(read) syllables.

zya Zya - Zy Zy - Zi

zya - for Zo - Zya - Zu

zya - for Zo - Zo - Zy

pS - ZO - ZY ZO - ZE - ZO ZU - ZYA - ZU

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 2. Pronounce (read) words.

hall - I took angry - the goat of the chap -

bare - Mistress Zorko - Oil - Nizina

back - Pretty Patterns - Lakes Thai - Tasiki

goat - Kozhevka Troror - Log in - Shipping

the hare is a championship chaff - Morozi is lucky - cold

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 3.

Gold grain. Green watermelons. Hare and goat. Winter patterns. The smell of gasoline. Mirror hall Elegant vase. Forgotten Museum. Abandoned lake. Store on the castle. Closed basket. Green eyes. Truck with rubber. Funny animal. Winter and frost. Rubber zoya. Thoughtful owner. Roses in a vase. Basket strawberries. Evil beast.

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 4. Pronounce (read) offers.

At the fence Tuzik. Zoya and Zina are friends. In the yard Trorger and Tuzik. Zoya said she did not take the basket. This basket is green, and in that basket pink grapes. Bunny abandoned the hostess. Body trucks loaded grain. Over the car and carry to the village. In the eyes of the mistress tear trembling.

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 5. Listen to the story and answer questions.

We have on the table Vase. In a vase forget-butt. "Zina, do not forget to replace the water in a vase," Mom said.

- What is standing on the table?

- What's in a vase?

- What is asked by Mom Zin?

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']


- Zina, give me that Vaqochka.

- Please Zoya.

- But is this vase empty?!

- No, she is non-empty. She with air.

- Where are candy?

- They disappeared somewhere.

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 7. Answer the questions.

Zina fell asleep. - What did Zina do? Who fell asleep?

Lisa knows a lot of fairy tales. - Who knows a lot of fairy tales? What does Liza know a lot?

Zoya with Zakhar made a flying snake. - Who did the snake? What did Zoe and Zakhar do?

Once Zoya and Zina went to the zoo. There they saw many animals. But all the beasts in their names had sound [s] or [ze]. Name them.(Zebra, goat, hare, bison).

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 8. Fort the word order in the sentence.

Here crawls the land on the snake.

Flying snake made Pope and Zin.

The tooth hurts Kuzma.

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 9. Learn a riddle.

For the fact that he brought

Green in Chulana,

In winter, he swept on

Host in the bath.

(Birch broom)

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 15. Learn a poem.


I am not used to work a bunny, where is the bunny? Where is the bunny?

Barcuka work laziness. You go to find out.

Only a squirrel - the hostess can be seen, the bunny became Zakona,

At work all day. Once forgot to you, hostess.

(A. Starodubova)

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 14. Learn a poem.

The birds are angry, the beasts are angry.

Freeze in Norah beasts

Separate in the hollow, in the nest.

In the blue sky, the stars are mourned,

Fade at dawn -

Wow, frost in January.

(V. Suslov)

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 10. Learn a poem.

Winter in the morning from frost

At the dawn, birchs are ringing.

All lakes - mirrors

Green glass.

(In Suslov)

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 11. Learn a poem.

Why is a small mistress

Green umbrella took a bunny?

Then to hide from the wolf

Under this umbrella from Silka.

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 13. Learn a poem.

I will not forget forget-me-not

These blue eyes.

The name will remind you

That it is impossible to forget it.

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

[S] - [s']

Exercise number 16. Learn count.

One, two, three, four, five. Teeth, goat and thais,

Bunny, umbrella, snake, basket, count, do not be lazy,

Vase, air and rubber, but look, do not mistake.

To ensure that the sounds [s] and [z '] are mixed in pronunciation. Sounds [s] and [s'] pronounce long.

Explain the child's meaning of unfamiliar words.

Want to get games by mail?
Fill the form!


1. The ability to distinguish the consonants S. 3 in oral and written speech.



4. Development of connected speech.

5. Development, thinking, memory, attention.

Equipment:signal Cards, Tape recorder, Pictures: Curtain, Zebra, Elephant, Glass, Plum, Watermelons, Cabbage, Nest; Card with the text of the Fairy Tale "Pig Visiting"; Table with crossword.

Travel course.

I. Organizing time.


What letters and sounds did you work on the past lesson?

Characteristics of sounds.

What are the articulations of these sounds, what are their similarities and a difference?

What are the letters with, 3?

Come up with words with these sounds.

III. Fastening the material.

1. Differentiation of consonants with, 3 in syllables.

a) form a syllable. Read them.

b) Read, Remember and write down the sludge rows in the same sequence.

(It is time to read the syllables of one chain, then the syllable range is closed).


xia Zya Zya-Xia Si-Zi-si Zu-Su-Zu-Su

2. Differentiation of consonants with, s in words.

Words: Glass, Law, Teeth, Rumor, Laughter, Call, Stupny, Winter, Tray, Sour, Goat, Ointment, Geese, Basket, Store, Stars

b) Sleeping crossword. Guess the word according to the first spells of the names.

Hare Vase Fresh Castle Woodpecker Glasses Watches

Cube aquarium. (Star).

c) Working with pictures.

Consider pictures. Name them.

Make the scheme of these words. Expand the letters s, p.

Write down the words, divide into syllables (curtain, zebra, elephant, glass, plum, watermelon, cabbage, nest).

d) guessing the riddles, recording words-fading in two columns with different pastas,

Kosoy no burgots, in front of the pen

He does not need Nora from behind - hook,

From the enemies save leg, in the middle of the back,

And from hunger nora (HARE) And on her bristles. (PIG)

I walk in the rain and in the heat. Bowls hang on the bitch

I have such a character. (UMBRELLA) Murps from the heat. (Plums)

White stone In the mouth melts. (SUGAR) What is visible only at night? ( STARS)

Shines, sparkles, alone - and snow, and ice,

All warms. (THE SUN) And goes - tears pouring. (WINTER)

Read the words of the first column and the second.

3. Differentiation of consonants with, s in proposals.

Create proposals from these words.

For, dog, fence, lay.

Teeth, painted, Sony, strong.

For, dog, chased, hare.

Took, hare, dog, trail.

In, stack, snake, hay, crawled.

Sleeping, soldered, garden, nightingale.

On, sparkling, bushes, grew.

Analysis of proposals: find the main members of the sentence.

4. Differentiation of ss in texts.

Listen to Aydina "Pig Visiting".

Determine which sounds from sounds with more often found in the text.

"Once he invited the dog his neighbor a pig for lunch. In the garden, the table, a beautiful tablecloth of beds, napkins laid out, salt in Salon, lilac in a glass and even candles in candlesticks. Each prepared food: here it is cheese, and a swallow in sugar, and currants in sour cream, a plum juice, and myself - sausages painted with lard. A pig came, even "Hello" did not say, got into the boots on the table, he devoured everything, did not leave anything dog, even salted the candle was sat down and ate her with Lilac.

Then she lay on the tablecloth and says: "You are bored with your dog! You would poems read or a fairy tale. " "You don't have conscience," the dog got angry - the pig you are a pig! Now you get out, hence! " And since then the dog is angry with a pig. "


What sound is given text?

Who invited a dog to visit?

How did a dog prepared for the parish guest?

How did the pig behave visiting?

Why did the dog angry?

Retell the content of this fairy tale.

IV. Outcome.

What did you learn in the lesson?

Plan of speech therapy lesson number 33

Topic: Differentiation of consonants b, n.


1. To form students the ability to distinguish the consonants b, p in oral and written speech;

2. Development phonematics perception.

3. Development and improvement of grammatical system.

4. Development of connected speech.


Equipment: Table for mnemonic reception, syllable table, sachets with deformed text, figurines Pinocchio Imalvina from foam or cardboard.

Structure occupation

I. Organizing time.


What sounds and letters worked on the past occupation?

Let's spend the game "Who more?". Win the one who will come up with words

III. Acquaintance with the new topic.

1. Guess the riddle. Allocation of the first sounds from words-otfasses.

Moved at the flower

All four petals.

Ii wanted to rip it

He felt and flew off (butterfly)

Rises at the dawn.

Post in the yard.

On scallop head

Who is it? (Cockerel).

So what are these sounds?

2. Clarification of the articulation of sounds, the establishment of their similarity and differences,

3. Comparison of sounds with their schedule. Mnemonic reception.

Letter B with a big bare letter P and Sports, Hall

In a cap with a long visor! The crossbar was called.

Well, cute, not benissed.

Come, but pull up.

4. Differentiation of Bd.

a) in syllables

1) Work with a syllable table.

Read the syllables of couples, tell me what sounds these pairs of syllables are deposited:

Ba Pa-Ba Bia-Pi Bi Pi


Would pi-bi-pyu-buy

2) Listen to the slots of the syllables, remember, repeat in the same sequence:


Ba Pala Ba Bou-bu ba-pa-ba

3) form a syllable:

P but B. I
about E.
W. Yu
s and

4) recording syllables in the notebook:

py, Bo, Ab, Al, Ub, Py, Bab, Bab, Pub

Read the recorded syllables.

b) Differentiation of sounds in words.

1) Collapse the number of syllables in words:

Bud, package, jump run crawl, log, shovel, drum, boots.

2) Listen to words, determine in them the presence and place of sound B or P.

Sample: a) in the word stick - the sound of P is at the beginning of the word.

b) in the word fence - the sound b, he is in the middle of the word.

a) Paul, bull, dust, beam, blouse, poster.

b) fence, work, boots, mushrooms, shovel, fishermen.

3) "Merry sounds."

"B" said: Forest saw

Listen "A", walked forks,

We run to look for words! Turned into a saw

Watch - barrel,

Letters barrel in the house to enter.

Shot in the sand. Afraid ox:

The barrel was easier, under me

He carred under the clouds (butterfly) the floor will drive.

At the entrance clubs, couple

Ride from the ballet

And behind them the racing steam,

In balalaika paws,

4) Got the words like this. So after consonant b, n appeared vowel. Stress the last syllable.

Sample: Mushroom - Mushrooms.

(Pay attention to how to pronounce and spell a ringing consonant sound in the end of the word. Remember the rule.)

Chub - Oak - Crab -

Lubp- soup - Tulup -

Hawk - Bread - Bob -

c) Differentiation of Bd in proposals.

1) Complete the proposals by inserting the words in the sense:

stick - beam The old woman rests on ...

wordwork The roof is based on ...

barrel - the kidney leaves appeared from ...

Cabbage pulled out from ...

Forget - I need to drink a quarrel ...

Medicine need ...

Shry - splashing in the blue sky stars ...

In the blue sky waves ...

Read offers.

Analysis 1, 2 sentences: Find the main members in sentences.

Spent fizminutka.

d) Differentiation of Bd in Svyaznoy Speech.

Today we have guests. (The speech therapist shows the figures of Malvina and Pyratino).

What did Malvina Buratino taught?

So today Malvina gave Pinocchio task, but he cannot cope with him and appeals to you for help.

Open sachets. You will see stripes with text. You must correctly arrange these stripes to get a story. And then call this story, proceed to the task. Read the story.

Our house is big and beautiful.

On the first floor of the house store.

The store sells clothes, shoes.

Poplar grow at the entrance of the house.

Around the house, children planted a lot of colors.

We love our home very much.

How to call a story?

So, did you help Pinocchio?

IV. Outcome. What did you learn in the lesson?

Plan of speech therapy lesson number 34

Topic: Differentiation of Bd


1. Snap into students the ability to distinguish consonants in PV oral and written speech;



4. Development of connected speech;


Equipment:signal Cards, Tape Recording, Sound Clock, Perfgories.

Travel course.

I. Organizing time.

II.Repeat material passed.

What consonants did the classroom worked? What is the similarity and difference in the articulation of these sounds? Name the voice consonant. Name a deaf consonant.


1. Differentiation of sounds in syllables: Sound rows.

a) Read, remember and repeat the sludge row. (Students read syllables, then gradually a number of closure closes. This is a reproducible a row of memory. The speech therapist draws the attention of children to a clear pronunciation of calling and deaf consonants).

In bob-on

Bi-Pi-Bi Pi-Bi-Pi

Pya-Bi-Py Boo Pu-Pu-bu


b) record syllables in two lines: in the first - with the letter B; In the second - with the letter P.

Ba, Pa, Pu Bee, Pu Bow, would, be, ne, F.

Read the syllables recorded in the first line, in the second,

2. Differentiation sounds of P-B in words.

a) Working with signal cards on the tape recorder.

Side, floor, soup, tooth, fence, squirrel, slippers, big, cotton, blouse, slippers, coat, bow, ax, run, fight, cry, swim, run, bother.

b) work with "sound clock".

Find all short words N on them arrows.

Find double words: barrel, stick.

Find the longest words: butterfly, boots.

And now name the words, which includes consonant P, and then B.

c) Graphic analysis of words - Fakes.

Nattket, move, - home hostess

Sens and mining is waiting, (spider). Flies over the lawn

Putting over flower

Without taking care of the weather, he will share a naked. (BEE).

In sundress white walks

And in one of the warm days he willingly dust inhales,

May Earrings give her. (Birch). Do not sick, but sneezes, (vacuum cleaner). Thirty-three native sisters

Scripture beauties

On one live page.

And everywhere are famous. (Letters).

3. Differentiation of P-B in sentences.

a) Insert the missed letters in the words. Divided words are divided into syllables.

Mom welded delicious Su ...

At ... ORI ... Olite Zu ...

He will not be a hot su ..

Urya ... Higher telegraph table....

The house has a lot ... Olsha Sugro ...

Edge ... lives in the sea.

On the edge of Ros. spreading do ...

Read the proposals, explain the spelling b, p at the end of words.

b) read the words.

Make up with these words of the sentence. Write them down.

Butterfly, clearing, over, fluttering, white.

Path, stepged, traveler, quickly, by.

Grandmother, give, pants, new. Pasha.

Pasha, thank, grandmother, gift, for.

Read offers. Calculate the number of letters P, B, determine which letters more.

Spent fizminutka.

4. Differentiation n, b in connected speech.

Working with cards. Insert the missing letters.

There would be a hunt - ... It will go to bed.

Without life, it's just not ... about Ko ... Tit.

Ravid, like a hitch - outward will be released.

In his youth, he did not study - life ... Fit.

Purl from ... the right to empty.

They write not ... by EP, and the mind.

IV. Outcome. What did you learn in the lesson?

Plan of speech therapy lesson number 35



1. The ability to distinguish the consonants of D - T in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonderatic perception;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical system;

4. Development of connected speech;

5. Development of memory, attention, thinking.

Equipment:tables for mnemonic reception, syllable table, cards with the text of the fairy tale "Good word", a table with shorter words, a table with rebuses, pictures: pipe, firewood.

Travel course.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repeat material passed.

What sounds and letters learned to distinguish between the past occupation? Name the voice consonant. Come up with words with this sound. Name the deaf consonant. Come up with this sound.


1. Selection of sounds from words on subject pictures. (In the initial position).

Pictures: Pipe, firewood.

2. Clarification of the articulation of sounds, the establishment of similarities, differences (Attention on the kinesthetic sensations.)

3. Sound characteristics (consonants, deaf, ringing).

4. Comparison of sounds with their graphic image .

That's it stands the smoke. Answer who is an expert:

The letter D-pipe is a furnace. What is the hammer?

5. DIFFERENCIATION Dt in syllables.

a) Read the syllables on the table recorded by pairs. Tell me, what sounds do these couples differ?

Yesa Ta-yes Dya Ta-Dia Dya

To date, before Dyu-Tyo Tyu-fun te-de

Doo-du du-dyu-dyu

Di-Di Ti-di

b) Listen to the syllable, write them down the lines: in the first line there are syllables with a deaf-minded, in the second - with a ringing:

Ta, Dia, then, then, you, to, te, te, de, Du, Tu, Du, Tla, for Tlo, Di, Tru, Ot, Ty, Di, Tli.

Read the syllables recorded in the first string, the syllable recorded in the second line.

Ta-yes Ta-do-Tu-yes-Ta-yes

Yes-yes du-do-do yes-ta-yes

6. DIFERENCIATION Dt in words.

a) Listen to words, name what sound d, T:

1) stands at the beginning of the word.

2) stands in the middle.

Sample answer:

1) in the word smoke - the sound of D.

2) in the word rooster - the sound of T.

1) House, smoke, there, dark, share, quiet, shoes.

2) Rooster, branch, veser, wind, weather, victory, dishes.

b) work with shorter words.

Read the words recorded on the table:

That, here, grandfather, income house, mod

Now read these words on the right left. What happened?

c) Sleeping rebs. Sold out the rebuses depicted on the table.

d) Write the words in two columns with different pastas.

Plate, Bidon, girlfriend, work, coat, traveler, radio, plants, slippers, pumpkin.

Read the words that recorded in the first column, in the second.

e) Adjust the word:

I have familiar darkness. I am antonym noise, knocking,

I can not consider them myself. Without me, you have flour at night.

Because who will pass, I am for a holiday, for sleep,

He and pen, it will make it. I call ... (silence).

I am glad to believe, believe

I am welcoming ... (Door).

Should always be fine

The hedgehog rose ten times, your school ... (notebooks).

It turned out ... (dike).

In the forest under twitter, ringing and whistle

Forest to the forest telegraph:

"Great, thruster friend!"

And puts signature ... (woodpecker).

7. DTFERENCIATION Dt in proposals.

a) write out of the proposals of phrases with letters D, T. to emphasize the letters. D - one feature, t - two.

Sample: Cold wind blows all day. COLD WIND.

The sun shines dim.

Often there are cold rains.

Birds flew into warm countries.

The days became short.

Pupils wrote a difficult dictation.

Cold shower is useful.

The pond was an old dacha.

Read the written phrases.

b) Insert the missing pretext from or to the proposals. How will you write prepositions?

The boat sailed ... coast.

The villages were not far.

Dima helped mom ... carry a bag ... at home.

The train moved ... stations.

The kid got ... upper steps. -

Read offers.

8. DTFERENCIATION Dt in connected speech.

Listen to the "Good Dealet" fairy tale, and then tell me what sounds met in a fairy tale more?

Good deed.

There is nothing to do a bear, so he wakes the whole and days in the forest, misses and yawns so that the trees tremble. And-eh! I would be some kind of business. I would have something useful. To do. A few days ago, he had a hefty baton on the ground. "Maybe someone will make someone in these holes" - a bear thoughtfully. But no one was going to live there. Then the bear rang herbs and wrinkled it in the hollow, where the woodpecker lived. "Now Dyatlu will gently be soft." But the woodpecker only chopped him, because it was impossible to get in the hollow. A bear sits under the oak, misses, and the village of Rustic Dimka is tolerates. "Why are you so sad, grandparents?" - Yes, I have nothing to do, that's sad. - Burues the bear. "Can you do a shoe?" "Dudge? And what to do it? " - Bear was revived and once or two! - Made Did a man. "Blimey!" - Dima was delighted. And my little sister Dasha do? " "Yes, I am doing now for all village children," the bear hurried. "Finally, it was good for me."

What sounds met more in the text d or t?

Why did the Bear missed?

What business I decided to make a bear?

Did you need holes made by the bear, animals?

How did the bear decided to please Dyatla?

Why Dyator got angry at the bear?

What good deed did the Bear?

IV. Outcome. What did you like most at the lesson?

Plan of speech therapy lesson number 36



1. Study in students, the ability to distinguish the consonants of D - T in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonderatic perception;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical system;

4. Development of connected speech;

Equipment:signal Cards, Magmophophone Record, Perfgories, Pictures: Pencil, Hammer, Bucket, Ax, Shovel, Fishing, Parts, Berries, Oaks.

Travel course.

I. Organizing time.

II. Repeat material passed.

What consonants did you learn to distinguish between the past? What is the similarity and difference in the articulation of these sounds?

The game "Letter is lost."

On the board recorded words in which the letter was lost.

Sa ... ka ... Ok o ... Start ais ...

... Yerevo ... Ali Sa ... Rubber ... Ivan

Kus ... s n n ... ki ... and

We will continue to work on distinguishing these consonants Dt.

III. Fastening the material passed.

1. Differentiation of sounds in syllables.

a) read the sounding, write only the consonants.

Hell, Ata, Oda, Ota, Utu, IT, Uduzh, Go, Iti, Otu, South, Uti.

How many letters t, d. What letters are more, how much?

2. Differentiation of sounds in words.

a) Working with signal cards, by tape recorder.

Melon, bucket, cloud, tree, tractor, pillow, knock, elegant, fog, vika, dandelion, broom, other, difficult, rainbow, victory.

b) Compare words for sounding words and meaning. What sounds are these words different? Oralize offer with each word:

House-Tom Daughter-Point Fruits - Rays Daughter - Duck

c) guessing mysteries, recording words of fades in different columns of different paste.

Many hands, and one's leg. (Tree) rain warm and thick

This rain but simple.

He came, filled the bans. He is without clouds, without clouds;

Watered hard beds. All day to go ready (shower)

With windows noise, washed.

On the porch danced.

Walked around the roof

And went through the puddles in the field. (Rain) is not alive - but goes,

Fixed - and leads. (ROAD)

Here Doros to Heaven - I MSH

And disappeared (smoke). Hold the wires

I will not get borrowed

Through the field and lars never. (Trolleybus)

He runs on the wires and the mountain climbs. (DOUGH)

You will say here - and hear there. (TELEPHONE)

Above you, I need to me

Flying a bag with water.

Open to the far forest

Commusted and disappeared. (CLOUD)

Ovat do not feed,

Whip do not drive

And how plows

Seven PLugs Tashit. (TRACTOR)

Read the words recorded and the first column, in the second.

3. Differentiation T-D in sentences.

a) Complete the proposals, the pavements.

Dasha draws colored ... (pencils).

Nation ... (hammer).

We are carrying ... (bucket).

Firewood chickens ... (ax).

Earth dig ... (shovel).

Fish catch ... (rod).

Children are sitting for ... (desk).

In the forest grow different ... (berries).

On the edge of the forest grow .... (oaks).

Read offers.

b) Insert the missed words in the proposals.

On the river strong ...

Moscow is big ....

In the spring on the river begins ....

On the river floats passenger ....

Read offers, remember the rule of spelling the consonants standing at the end of the inserted words.

4. Differentiation T-D in connected speech.

Working with cards. Insert the missed letters into the syllables of proverbs.

Rus Your ... ENIA is afraid.

Labor feed ..., and laziness ... IT.

Patience and ... ore all rebuild ... Ruth.

Friends are familiar with Be ... e.

Tree is expensive ... Ami, and man by business.

Read the proverbs, explain their meaning.

IV. Outcome. What did you learn in the lesson?

Plan of speech therapy lesson number 37

Topic: Differentiation in F.


1. Form students ability to distinguish i agree in in oral and written speech;

2. Development of phonderatic perception;

3. Development and improvement of grammatical system;

4. Development of connected speech;

5. Development of memory, thinking, attention.

Equipment:slogat table, table for mnemonic reception, pictures: nightingale, shoes, phlox, violets, waffles, cherries, apron, coffee pot, Owl. Vase, Flatfor, mittens, cards with the text "Bird".

Travel course.

I. Organizing time.

II.Repeat material passed.

What sounds and letters worked on the past occupation? What are these sounds? (Characteristic). Write a ring consonant. Come up with this sound words. Name a deaf consonant. Come up with the words with him.

III. Acquaintance with new material.

1. Selecting sounds from the beginning of the layers on the subject's pictures.

What is shown in the picture? Highlight the 1st sound of the word. What is the sound? Similar work is carried out over the second sound.

2. Clarifying the articulation of sounds, the establishment of similarities and differences. To draw the attention of students to the kinesthetic sounds, sensations when pronouncing.

3. Mapping sounds with their graphic image. Mnemonic reception.

Filin wand in the book.

Near two smooth arms pretended, the letter F.

Here are ready

Points ... wretched.

4. Differentiation in-f.

1) Differentiation in-f in syllables.

a) Read the syllables of pairs. Tell me, what sounds do these pairs of syllables differ?

Va Fa Fa-V. Fia - V. Fee
FO FO-V. Fee FI-V.
You-fium Fium-you Fuy-vu FIA-VY

b) Listen to the syllables, write down the first letter of each syllable.

Va, you, Fa, Wu, Va, Va, Fe, Vi, you, Fia, Viu, Fu.

Count which letters is more.

c) Listen, remember the series of syllables, repeat in the same sequence:

Fa - Va - Fa - Va - Va - Va

Va - F - Va - F - F - Wa

Fu - Wu - Fu Wu - Fu - Wu - Fu

Wu - Fu - Wu Fu - Wu - Fo - Wu

2) Differentiation in-f in words.

a) Listen to words. Determine the presence of sounds in, f:


1) in the word wata - Sound V.

2) in the word torch - the sound of F.

1) Focus, gate, factory, collar, apron, flag, goalkeeper, flute (vocabulary work), time, phlox.

2) envelopes, candy, jacket, ride, bed, coffee, napkins.

c) Consider and name the pictures, place them in three columns in the first - with the sound of V. in the second with the sound of F, in the third with the sounds of B, F.

Nightingale, shoes, phlox, violets, waffles, cherries, apron, coffee pot, owl, vase, traffic light.

Name the pictures located B1, 2, 3 columns.

d) "Character Wordless".

What is my name, tell me the dishes

Modest field flower gently white and

Sineglase ... (Vasilek) Call

Burn from ancient

Always I always call me ... (porcelain).

Cuts out ... (water).

My birthday is a holiday, a holiday at the gate.

Gave me a horse, who will meet him go?

Wonderful what! I and faithful my friend

Blue precept. Red small ... (check box).

Need to go carefully

For the horns you can keep

Sorry just - there are no hollows ...

What kind of horse? (BICYCLE).

3) Differentiation in ff in suggestions.

a) write out of the proposal of the phona with the letters F.

We drove to the country in the first car. At the cottage, we ate fresh fruits. The magician shows funny tricks. Today is wet air. We drank tea with fruit candies. Blowing north wind. On the tree guys hanged multicolored checkboxes.

Consider the phrases discharged.

b) Answer questions with full offers. Write them down, emphasize the letters in, in different pencils.


Where are candy manufactures?

Where do tourists pour water?

What is hanging on houses on a holiday?

What are covered with a road in the city?

What are open in winter for ventilation Rooms. Syllated analysis of the word.

Read offers.

Speech therapy fizminutka

4) Differentiation in ff in connected speech.

Read the text of the story "Bird". Calculate the number of letters B, F. Determine which letters are more.

Answer the questions:

1) Who knocked out the window for children?

2) Where did the bird live all winter?

3) When Vanya released a bird to the will?

Retell the content of the story.

IV. Outcome . What did you learn in the lesson?

Plan of speech therapy lesson number 38

Abstract classes in the CAT on the topic:

Differentiation of sounds z-s.

Tasks lesson:

fasten the skills of the correct sound;

clarify the articulation of sounds [s] - [s];

learn to give a comparative characteristic of sounds [s] - [s];

teach differentiate letters sch;

develop sound accounting skills and synthesis;

develop phonmematic perception;

develop visual and auditory attention;

develop logical thinking and memory;

develop overall motility;

educate the activity and independence of students at the lesson;

educating the ability to interact with each other.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment.

Health Product Component:

creating a favorable psychological atmosphere in the group;

removing fatigue from muscles torso, shoulder belts and hands ("on the contrary").

II. Summing up the subject of classes.

Listen to the riddles and guess them.

    Sits under the porch

Tail ring. (Dog) (Slide 1.1)

    Mount Run

From Mount Kuvarka. (Hare) (slide 1.2)

Name the first sound in the word dog. (Sound [s])

Name the first sound in the word hare. (Sound [s])

You guessed what sounds today in the class we will learn to distinguish? (Sounds [s] - [z])

The topic of our classes: "Distribution of sounds [s] - [z]" (slide 1.3)

III. Main part.

    - Self-massage:

"Driver, water

mock my face,

to the eyes glistened,

so that the brushes are povel

so that the rotock laughed,

to bite the teeth,

And now we went to the forest and mosquitoes flew at us (Z, Zr. Romariki).

- Articulating gymnastics ( work with mirrors).

Take each of your mirror, now we will perform articulating gymnastics: (illustration of exercise)

Smile "-" Trulling "


"Men by dough"




Delicious jam "

Clean the lower teeth "

IUAE ______

IUAE _____________

IUAE _____________________

2. Clarification of the arctication rate of the studied sounds (Work with mirrors).

Look in the mirror and tell me how we pronounce the sound [s].

Let's give the characteristic of the sound [s].

(Sound [s] - consonant, deaf, solid.)

Look in the mirror and tell me how we pronounce the sound [s].

In what position we have lips, where there is a language, put your hand on the throat and tell me, do voice bundles work or not?

Let's give the characteristic of the sound [s].

(Sound [s] - consonant, ringing, solid.)

3 . Comparative characteristics Sounds studied, identification and differences.

What is common to sounds [s] - [s]? (They are consonant and solid.)

What is the difference? (Sound [C] - deaf, and sound [s] - ringing.)

4. Work on the development of phonderatic perception.

Now I will pronounce various sounds. When you hear a deaf sound [C] Show your palms, and if you hear call sound [z] - Floy in your hands.

Sounds: c, sh, g, s, h, s, t, s, u, s, p, s.

Sounds: Sa, Ms., for, Pa, Sa, sch, for, that

Using the patter "Repeat - not mistaken!":

SA-SA - in the forest goes fox

In the souther, sly eyes.

5. Developing auditory attention.

Listen to the poem and tell me what letters we are talking about.

1. Look at this letter:

It is just like a number three. (About the letter Z.)

Raise the card with the letter Z.

2. The mouse in the corner

Ate a bagel piece.

What the letter glows

Old clear month?

Crescent in the dark sky

Letter scored over the house.

Raise the card with the letter S.


("straight" movement).Brush and forearm are located on the table,children are sitting.


Drank, drank, drank, drank! Z-zzr

Winter cold came. BR-R-R

I wrote to us firewood rather, z, zh

Furnace Istopim, we warm all! S-S-C-C

7. Work on the development of phonderatic perception and auditory attention.

Discerning the sounds [s] - [s] in words.

I will call you various words.

When you hear the word with the sound [c], claps 2 times in the palm,

When hear the word with the sound [s], slate 1 time in the palm.

Consider how much I call words with the sound [s], and how much with the sound [s].

Words: Teeth, Goat, Nails, Hare, Nose, Bag, Owl, Socks, Fox

What words did you remember?

8. Sound analysis of the goat, Fox

Build train. Making words schemes. (Carriars are syllables, wheels - sounds)

9. Fastening.

Work on individual cards.

10. Outcome classes.

What sounds and letters did we learn to distinguish between?

(Sounds [s] - [z], letters C - Z.)

What do they have in common? What is the difference?

What task did you like most?

All were well done.


Illustrative material for the lesson.

The abstract of group speech therapy occupation.

The subject of classes: the differentiation of sounds [s] - [s] in syllables, words and suggestions.

Purpose of classes: Fastening the skills of a clear pronunciation and skill of children to differentiate the sounds [s] and [s] in syllables, words, sentences.


1. Educational:

Clarify the articulation of sounds "C" and "s";

Consolidate the correct pronunciation of these sounds in syllables, words and in sentences;

Develop respiratory and speech apparatus;

Develop phondematic hearing;

Enrich vocabulary;

Follow the correctness of the grammatical system of speech;

Work on the development of phrase speech.

Activate and expand the dictionary on the topic " New Year", Drawing up the creative story" New Year "on the plot pictures with support words With a continuation of the plot.

2. Correctional Etles:

Develop auditory spectacular perception, memory, attention, logical thinking, creative imagination;

Develop and improve the articulation and finger (small) motorcy;

Develop sound and syllated analysis and synthesis;

To improve the phonderatic perception and hearing;

Fasten knowledge about the features of the holiday.

3. Educational:

Raise organized behavior during class;

Educate interest in games with sounds and words;

Bring up the prigidity in classes;

Instilling attention and interest in beautiful and correct oral speech.

To form cooperation skills, mutual understanding, independence, initiative, responsibility, self-control.

Develop the ability to work in a team and individually, educating the living ratio to a friend.

Creating a positive emotional background, joy, holiday waiting.

Equipment:individual mirrors, fabulous characters, in the names of which there are sounds "C" and "s", cards with letters with, s, subject pictures with a sickness of a snowman, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, plot pictures on the topic "New Year",

Plan lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

2. Introduction to the subject of classes.

3. Creating an air jet development.

4. Articulating gymnastics.

5. Familiarity with sounds C and Z.

6. Development of phondatic perception.

7. Differentiation in syllables.

8. Differentiation in words.

9. Palm gymnastics.

10. Differentiation in suggestions.

11. Psycho gymnastics.

12. Evaluation of children's activities.

13. Outcome classes.

Travel course:

1. Organizational moment.

Purpose of the stage: Create a positive attitude and arrange children to the lesson.

Good morning! Started day!

The first thing is to drive lazy!

In the lesson, do not yawning

Beautifully, clearly respond!

P. Introductory conversation:

Guys, tell me what time of year is it? (Winter)

What month is it? (December)

What is the number today?

Tell me, what holiday is approaching? (New Year)

What do you think, without which it can not be New Year's holiday? (New Year's holiday can not be without a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, gifts.)

Deadmorozprovemaging the New Year tasks. For each correctly completed task you will get1 a Christmas tree toy, which you can decorate the Christmas tree.

First task.Rebus with answer " snowflake".

Sh. Exercise on the development of the air jet. "Sweet Snowfish."

Second Task: "Find a logical pair"

Get a New Year's toy "snowflake"

1U. Articulation workout.

Purpose of the stage: To form the right articulation of the pronunciation of sounds [s], [s].

Here Third task. We need to parse the tongue so that he can all be beautiful to respond.

Children perform exercises ("watch", "blade", "pussy angry", "clean the lower teeth", "sweetie", etc. (control through individual mirrors).

New Year's toy "star"

W. Evidence with the sounds of "C-Z".

Listen to the riddles, guess what it is?

He is fluffy, silver,

But his hand is not a trunk:

Will be the drip clean,

How to catch a palm.


What is the name

When the Baba is slaughtered from snow

Bear sucks in a paw berry,

Does the snowball play a defector?


I will not get warm:

Spinning blizzards

All glades wishes

Spray ate

Notice snow at home

Because I ...


Tell me, what kind of sound is heard at the beginning of the word snow? (Sound "C".)

And what kind of sound is heard at the beginning of the word winter? (Sound "s".)

Today we will learn to distinguish the sounds of "S-Z" in syllables, words and suggestions.

Tell me what sounds? (Sounds we hear and pronounce).

And now let's give the characteristic of the sound "C".

The sound "C" is similar to how the pump works: "S-C-C".

Cooked mirrors, let's look at right articulation Sound "C".

With the sound of "C" lips, the lips are slightly stretched in a smile, the teeth are brought closer, the tongue is resting on the lower cutters, the side edges of the tongue touches the inner side of the upper native teeth, voice ligaments: open, exhale is somewhat reinforced. We hear the sound and pronounce.

- Now the sound characteristic "s".

The sound "s" is similar to how the Komarik "Z - Z" sings his song.

When "s" sound, the articulation is the same as the sound "C", only the back of the language is raised somewhat higher, voice ligaments are closed and vibrating.

The sound "s" - the consonant, pair, the ringing, it happens solid, it is soft. Over the sound "s" we will hang the bell, because he is ringing.

Tell me, what is the general sounds of "ss"?

That's right, they look like articulation.

What is the difference?

- And we come up to themetoday we will continue to get acquainted with the sounds [C] and [s], learn to distinguish between their wrestlers, words, sentences.

Sound analysis of the words "winter", "snow".

U1. Development of phonderatic perception.

Purpose of the stage: To form the ability to distinguish between sounds [s], [s].

Task4. Cards - "add letters" - set the letters if

Get a New Year's toy.

Game "Moving hands."

Let's play with you if you hear the sound of C, then hide your palms, because They were frozen from a cold breeze, if you hear the sound, then open your palms.

UE. Differentiation in syllables.

Purpose of the stage: Check the skill of the formation of distinctions on the sound of the sounds [s], [s] in the syllables.

- And now we will play a little in the game with syllables,

Task 5.

1) Our first game is called "Say on the contrary" (with snow).

Zo, SS, CO - ZO, UP, Ze - Sy, Sous - Zu

2) Game "Nazis Opt Slog".

- Guys, you must now clearly catch the rows of syllables, and must define an extra syllable:

Sa - sa - sa - sa - per

CO - CO - CO - zo

Su - Su - Su - Su - zause

PS - PS - PS - PS - s

Zi - zi - zi - s.

Zub - Zu - Zu - Zu - su.

Durious toy.

Eras. Differentiation in words.

Task 6. Picture- Santa Claus is time to deduce for a holiday. Help him find all the items that he should take with him (the children will rescue the objects with FDomaster)

I give a Christmas tree.

Task7. Fourth Excess game

Purpose of the stage: Check the skill of the formation of distinction on the sound of the sounds [s], [s] in words.

- Now I will pronounce words, and you will talk to what the word is excess in this chain.

sledge, fence, owl, juice;

- rose, goat, vase, nose;

- Airplane, bag, dragonfly,soup.

- What word are both sounds? In the word "dragonfly"

I give a Christmas tree "dragonfly"

Task 8. Letter from Santa Claus- "What is missing in a blank cell?"

Get a New Year's toy.

Task 9. "Name the weather."

What weather happens in winter if:

Snow (snow)

On the street Cold (Cold)

Frost (frosty)

Sun (solar)

Blowing wind (wind)

Well done, here is another Christmas tree toy.

1x.Mimnicadlipalchikov. Draz-Jock.

Purpose of the stage: develop small motor.

Task 10. Letter from Santa Claus - "Put the snowflake from counting sticks."

Get a New Year's toy "snowflake"

Guess a riddle:




Attendants. (Christmas tree)


Daelechnya Mushku "Christmas tree"

Task12. PuttingoMotdamerosis.Task - Delication of the Cyframs of Ituat you know, what's the testAbedmoroza.

We blinded a snowball

Hat done on it,

Nose attached, and in a moment

It turned out ... (Snowman)


Note, difficult words are written on the board. We read the words: Snow Maiden, snowman, snow, snowflake.

Tell me, from Kakoslov EvaliTislov?

Task 13.Mig "What? What? What kind?"

- Guys, look carefully in the pictures, and tell me as much as possible words about this subject.

Snowman (what) - big, white, round, cheerful ...

Toy (What) - Beautiful, Glass, Round, New Year ...

Santa Claus (what) - fabulous, huge, kind, cheerful ...

Snow Maiden (what) - Beautiful, kind, cheerful ...

Well done, rapidly.

Task14. Creating "What word is shorter?"

- Guys, you remember that the words are long and short. I will call words now, and you say what word is shorter.

Snow - snowball; snowball - Snowflake; Mask - Masquerade; Snow Maiden - Snow; Horror - Magic.

Well done, rapidly.

H. Differentiation of the presentations.

Purpose of the stage: Check the skill of the formation of the correct pronunciation and distinguishing sounds [s], [s] in sentences.

Work with a proposal.

Listen to you read now:

To honeycomb.

What is it? (Sentence.)

Tell me, is there any sounds in this sentence? (Yes.)

How many words in this sentence? (Five s).

Task15. Creating "Fort Error" Work with deformed offers.

Guys winter forest the mail has arrived. Only it is encrypted, help me decipher it? I will read suggestions, and you listen, find errors in them and name the proposal is true.

Mask loves to wear Masha.

The tree dances near the Snow Maiden.

Children dressed up toys with chips.

The Christmas tree was lit on the bulbs.

Santa Claus brought a bag in gifts.

Well done, rapidly.

X1.Axoretory gymnastics

Passing a pencil rhythmic drawing of quatrains (each syllable):

To us on the Christmas tree, ohhhh,

Santa Claus came big,

Santa Claus. Santa Claus,

He brought gifts to us.

Task16.Scons of children by reference pictures.

"Name" and "Winter"

Task17.D.DmorozoProductsPodarka, but they need them. Apomogut naughty.


All day she sleeps, well, and at night flies.

With their big eyes sparkle.

Her sharp hearing and attentive glance

Slaw in the grass frog and mice.

Revolves its head

And say: "Yeah" forests to us ...


Insert into the lock, turn.

Door anyone

Rising is small, but so might.

It is called ...


It stands on the floor casket big.

Sweep iron, on it the castle is mounted.


Children's dynamics of the riddlesweed-indulgentPodarkiotdadmizosis (pig, piglets, piglets, pigs, etc.)

Task17 .. Creative work. Bukrausorukvitsydlyadedadmore.


HP.Aztional activity of children.Surfaces.

HSh.Tog classes.

Purpose of the stage: Children call sounds, clarify the correct articulation of sounds of S-Z.

- Guys, did you like the lesson?

- What sounds were we compared today?

- What task did you like most?

- What was the most difficult?

What holiday was we talking about today?

What time of year we celebrate it?

On this, our occupation is over!

X1 Homework. The speech therapist offers children to control the pronunciation of sounds [s] and [s] (hide a tongue for the lower teeth) in syllables, words and sentences.

Stukvdverei. Uthalnoprispropymadyadyota Dedymosis.


1 Novotortseva N. V. Workbook on the development of speech on the sounds [z], [z], [c]. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development: Academy Holding, - 2003. - 64 p.

2 Mironova S. A. Development of preschoolers on speech therapy classes. - M.: Enlightenment, - 1991. - 204 p.

3 vissel T.G. Speech therapy exercise For every day to work out a clear speech. - M.: V. Skachev, 2005. - 16C.

We speak and write correctly.

Differentiation of sounds [s], [s].

Purpose: - exercise in comparison, distinguishing, pronunciation Sounds [s], [s] and writing in syllables, words, phrase.
Tasks: - compare the characteristics of these sounds.
- Written phonematic
- care in sound analysis, determining the position of the sound in
- to strengthen the use of predictions (s, for, from, due,
from under).
- Fasten the skill of the letter.
- Develop attention and logical thinking.

To bring up the perfection, self-analysis.

Equipment: Animal Image Side Pictures on Listed Sounds (Fox, Hare, Dog, Donkey, Goat, Elephant, Badge, Pig, Bison, Rhino, Suslik); Toys: dog and hare; Letter from will be engaged; crossword; Drawn houses with sounds [s], [s]; Symbols of prepositions.
1) organizational moment
Speech therapist. Today we do not have a simple occupation, but unusual. We will go with you in the zoo. Guess who invited us there (riddles the riddles).
Many troubled forests,
Wolf, Bear there and Fox!
Our animal lives in alarm,
From the misfortune takes their legs.
Well, quickly guess,
How is the animal called? (Bunny.)
* * *
He lived was a small puppy.
He grown, however,
And now he is not a puppy -
Adult ... (dog).

2) message theme through riddles
The child guess the riddles. The speech therapist places toy hare and a dog in front of the child and reports the subject of classes.
3) analysis and comparison of sound characteristics
Speech therapist. What sounds did you hear in the names of our guests?
Children. Sounds [s] and [s].
Speech therapist. That's right, let's give the characteristic of these sounds.
Children. The sound [C] is a consonant, solid, deaf. Sound [s] - consonant, solid, ringing.
Speech therapist. What are these sounds like?
Children. They are both consonants, solid.
Speech therapist. What do these sounds differ from each other?
Children. Sound [C] - deaf, sound [s] - ringing.
4) Development of phonderatic hearing
On the way to Zoo, the dog offers a speech warm-up.
Game "Remember - Repeat"
The child take turns repeating behind the speech the tracks from words and cleanrs (bunny and dog help to correct the mistakes of children).

sA-SA-CA, SO-ZO-CO, UC-Uz-Uz, Ozo-Oso.

In-sa-for - here goes goat.
SA-SA - Osa is flying.
Zuzu-Su - we saw fox.
Su-Su-Zu-Zu - we bounce goat.
The game "On the contrary", with the ball
The speech therapist pronounces the syllable (word) with the sound [s], the child meets him with a syllable (word) with sound [s].

Soy - Zoya
Soup - tooth
Lisa - Liza
Spit - goat.
Sayka - bunny

5) Fingering gymnastics.

I'm pounding with a hammer

Build house I want

I am building a high house

I will live in the house Tom. (Tapping the cams about each other, join the tips of the fingers of both hands, raise the straightened palms up, pat with palms).

6) work with pictures
The speech therapist draws the attention of the child into pictures located on a set of canvas (fox, hare, dog, donkey, goat, elephant, badger, pig, bison, rhino,).
Speech therapist. Look, who meets us in the zoo?
Children. Animals.
Speech therapist. Our zoo is unusual because there are different animals in it and they are all friends with each other. What animals live in the zoo?
Children. Wild and homely.
The child calls animals.
The game "Hosted animals to the house"
On the magnetic board there are pictures with the image of two houses. On one, the symbol of the sound [s] - the letter C, on the other, the sound symbol [s] is the letter h.
Speech therapist
Beasts are sad stand
They want to get into the house.
But do not know - how?
where to?
Help, defense!
The child takes pictures with the image of animals from a set of canvas and distributes them along houses with sounds on two columns with the help of magnets, explaining their choice.

7) Work in the notebook: write words in 2 columns, ss.

8) Fizkultminthka.

Under merry jerseys, turn right-left

Hands up, hands down, up and down

To the right step on site stand, tricky law

Left head on site stand, Topney left foot

Turn to each other

Right let's hand a friend.

9) Exercise in the selection of predictions in sentences.
Speech therapist. Look, a bunny in the hands of an envelope. It's rapid to give you a letter with tasks. Here something is written, and what is incomprehensible. It's still small and do not know how to write correctly. Let's help them!
On the board, symbols of prepositions (s, for, from, due, from under) are set. It is proposed to listen to the offer and insert the missed excuse.
S / s, out
For, because
From under
Bunny hid ... bush. .
Fox jumped up ... holes.

Lynx went down ... tree.

OSLICS . Looks out ... pillar.
... Booths peeks dog.

Speech therapist. Let's see what else remains in the envelope. This is a crossword. If we solve it, we will find out what kind of surprise is waiting for us at the end of the lesson. I will make up the riddles, and the words-omit will be recorded in crossword cells. We should have a keyword.
Fluffy tail - the beauty!
And her name is - ... (Fox).
This cute horse,
Like the school notebook -
Striped painted.
In a black and white strip. (Zebra.)
Front - Piglet,
Rear - hook,
In the middle - back,
And on her bristles.

Herbs touching with hooves
Handsome walks through the forest.
Walks boldly and easy
Rog sprawling wide. (Elk.)
With a beard, not an old man.
With horns, not bull.
Dake, not a cow.
He is like a little horse
He is stubborn, but good. (Donkey.)
Sound analysis
Speech therapist. Now read the keyword "Irisky" and analyze it

Choose the word you like will make a proposal from 4 words and write it.

11) Outcome
Speech therapist. Well done, you worked well today! Tell me what sounds we compared today, what are they similar and what is the difference? What did you like in the lesson? Bare and elephant also really liked how you did and they brought you a prize.


The abstract of frontal classes.

Topic: "Spring".

Purpose: Enrichment of the dictionary on the topic "Spring".


Correctional - educational - enrich children's dictionary, consolidate the knowledge of children about signs of spring, about migratory birds, about the first spring colors.

Correctional - developing - to develop the ability to hear teachers, to form the ability to coordinate adjectives in kind, and the case, to develop speech ear, form a holistic impression of the image in the picture, develop a dialogic speech.

Correctional - raising - work on the prerequisite, attention, memory, the ability to work independently.

Equipment: Demonstration material - Painting A. K. Savrasova "Graci flew", supporting pictures about spring.

Travel course:

Organizational moment: Hello, children! To our session, I learned a very interesting poem. Now I will tell it, and you listen carefully and think about what it is about?

Spring came on snowy,

On a wet carpet.

Swelling snowdrops,

Slawed grass.

Barcuccia families by date

From the mink raised.

Birch juice

The guys distributed.

In Berloga, looked:

Well, get up, bear! -

At the twig dot -

It's time to gripe!

Now Spring - Beauty

Call from all over

Geese, haze and storks,

Cuckys and Skvortsov!

Did you like the poem? What is it about? Now I read it again, and you try to remember signs of spring.

Now he will sit the child who will call me one sign of spring.

1. And you remember how it was in the poem:

Now Spring - Beauty

Call from all over

Geese, haze and storks,

Cuckys and Skvortsov.

Guys, who are these - geese, haircuts, storks, cuckoo, starlats? (birds)

What do we call such birds? (migrable)

What do you know about them? (fly away in the warm edges in the fall, and returned in the spring, begin to build nests, withdraw chicks)

Right. And what migratory birds do you see in the picture of the Russian artist Alexei Kondratievich Savrasova? (Graci)

What are they doing? (Build nests, are going to withdraw chicks, fly, scream, wear twigs and blades in the beaks)

  1. What signs of spring do you see in the picture? (The sky is gray, covered with clouds, but among the clouds are visible blue lumens, the sun rays are made through them, the snow melts, it became loose, wet, dirty, ran the streams, among the trees there is water, this is an early spring).
  2. and let's check - do you know some more signs of spring - I will call the offer, and you continue it, finish. The one who announces the offer must get up.

Icicles under the sun (melting)

Sun heat drifts (settle)

On the kidney trees (swelling, bursting)

Spring poultry nests (build, wipe)

Bear from hibernation (wakes up, awakened)

Birds of chicks (output, feed)

Ice on the river (melting, cracking, bursting)

Spring trees in the gardens (blooming)

On Protanes first flowers (flourished)

Insects after winter (come to life)

In the fields people rye (sow)

From - under the ground the first grass (breaking through)

Well done boys! Tired little? Let's break out! Repeat after me!

Outside the window icicle melts (4 punching on the socks, hands on the belt)

Wind clouds tear into the nails (hands up, sloping left, right)

Split, squeezes (hands ahead, in front of the breast)

Maple taut fists (elbows down, compress, squeeze fists)

He leaned against the window (4 jumps)

And barely melted snow (sloping to the left - right)

I am green palm (turn to each other)

Maple will exist before everyone! (shakes each other's hands)

  1. Sit down. Tell us - what three spring months do you know? Now we learn something new about them! Listen to the poem carefully and think about what it is:

March - the beginning of spring

Awakening nature

Ringing drops

And melting white snow.

Female holiday beautiful,

The smell of yellow mimosa,

Gomon birds on trees

And streams first call!

What is this poem? I am now read it again, and you listen to him, and call Martha's signs.

The ice reveals April,

Ice rinsing,

Flood covers

Bay meadows.

Primrofitting gentle

Earth will decorate

Will be done

Cold, ice and snow!

What is this poem? I now read it again, and you listen to him, and call the commemors of April.

May - with gardens bloom,

Yellow dandelions,

With young grass,

First mesak thunderstorm

Happy Victory Day by People

Pervomaysky salute,

With sowing for arable land

And delicate foliage.

What is this poem? I now read it again, and you listen to him, and call the signs of May.

5. Let's guess the riddles!

White peas on a green leg. (lily of the valley)

On a green fragile leg

Rose ball at the track.

The breeze walked

And dispelled this ball. (dandelion)

Under the snowdrift it grows,

Snow water drinks. (snowdrop)

He and stepmother and mother,

How do you call this flower? (mother and stepmother)

What word can we name the departs? (Flowers)

What are these flowers if they appear in the spring? (Spring, first)

What color are the stems and leaves for all these colors? (green)

What color is the flower of the valley? (white)

What color is the flower mother - and - stepmother and dandelion? (yellow)

  1. What are you great! And now you need to rest a little - stand out of - at the tables, we will move onto the carpet and stand in a circle.

1, 2, 3, 4 (4 steps ago)

Spread the circle of sewn (expand the circle)

And now we are the streams (running in a circle)

We run food.

Straight to the lake Hurry, will become a lake big (push the circle)

Become a circle again (narrowing the circle)

We will play in the sun (run in a circle)

We are funny rays (stretching on socks, hands up)

We are abrupt and hot (jump on the socks, hands on the belt)

  1. Rested? Now sitting per desk.

What were we talking about today? (about spring)

What happens in the spring?

The sun shines brightly

Snow melts

Fight streams

Flource first flowers

There are three spring months

8. See how much new and interesting we learned! Do you think your parents know what you now know? Let's check! Tell me at home to parents all - all you know about the spring!

9. Homework in the notebook is to learn a poem, shaking spring flowers, call 5 signs of spring.

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