Tales composed by schoolchildren. Invented fairy tales about animals by schoolchildren

Often at school, teachers ask homework- compose a fairy tale. This is a difficult task, because not everyone is given to become a writer. Of course, you can simply download it from the Internet. But, there is no guarantee that the teacher will not spend time and check for plagiarism, because a modern teacher is "advanced" and uses information technology in his work.

There is one more option! Sit down and compose a fairy tale. This is a creative task that requires a developed imagination, speech and thinking from the child. Perhaps help from parents.

Children are best at composing fairy tales. Fairy tale is a fictional story that cannot happen in real world, but events or characters are taken from life.

The main thing is not to deviate from the topic;

Any piece must have 3 parts: beginning (opening), middle (culmination), end (denouement);

Good tries with all its might to overcome evil;

The main character is Support and Hope;

Heroes use magic power, objects, pass tests, miracles happen;

It is advisable to use the words in the text: affectionate names, once upon a time, he met, since then, they began to live and live, lived for a long time;

A fairy tale always teaches something (A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, good fellows lesson)

It remains to find a listener and tell him a fairy tale. Better if it is a child! Here the fairy tales end, and who listened - Well done!

Examples of fairy tales composed by children:


Once upon a time there was a king and a queen. They had no children. After a while, the queen died. And the king was told to marry another queen. But the king could not choose a queen because the first wife was the best. A few days later, a few queens were brought to him, and he chose the youngest, most beautiful queen of them. They had a great feast! After a while, the queen gave birth to a daughter to the king.

The little princess grew by leaps and bounds.

The princess had blue eyes and long golden hair.

Once the princess went for a walk around the palace and quietly went into the forest. Suddenly, a Beast appeared from behind the bushes, he grabbed the princess and carried her to his castle. Meanwhile, in the palace, the king had a fuss, because his daughter had disappeared! The king ordered his knights to find the princess.

For a long time they were looking for the princess and finally one of the knights named Matvey saw a lock of the princess's golden hair on a tree branch. And he rode on horseback along the path that led to the Beast's castle.

At this time, the Beast was sleeping, suddenly he heard that someone had entered his castle. He saw a knight. The knight said that he came for the princess he kidnapped (the Beast). A fight ensued between the knight and the Beast. For a long time the knight had to fight the Beast! Finally, the knight managed to defeat the Beast! He tied him up. He freed the princess from the dungeon and put the Beast in the dungeon.

When the knight and princess returned to the palace, the king and queen were delighted that their daughter was alive and well!

As a reward, the knight asked the king and queen to marry the princess Goldilocks.

The princess agreed!

And they made a feast for the whole world!

And they lived happily ever after!

Gingerbread man - spiky side

Not very dense forest grew not far from the village. At the edge of this forest, under an old tree stump, a hedgehog lived in a burrow. His name was Gingerbread Man - spiky side.

One morning he left his house and ran in search of food. Suddenly he heard someone's footsteps, he quickly curled up into a ball and snorted. But it turned out to be his neighbor, a hare named Kosoy.

"Where are you going?"

“The hare has gone to the forest shop, and I'm going to meet her,” the hare answered and galloped on. And the hedgehog again ran along the path that led him to the big spruce. There were many mushrooms under it.

"Blimey! How much food for me. " - exclaimed the hedgehog.

"There will be something to treat the hedgehog when she comes to visit me" - he thought. He picked up the mushrooms and ran to his burrow contentedly.

The hedgehog returned home cheerful and began to prepare for dinner. He cooked a delicious mushroom stew. Soon a beautiful hedgehog came, her name was Needle. They had a very tasty lunch and then had fun and played different games until the evening.

Fairy tale "Gingerbread man - thorny side"


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You asked: "Help me compose a fairy tale?" Because you want to learn how to compose a fairy tale yourself.

  • Your children are 4-7 years old
  • Are you new to fairy tale writing
  • You need a simple technique for composing fairy tales
  • You want to enjoy the development process of your children

The good news is that by following my tips, you will learn how to compose little fairy tales for your children. You will definitely succeed if you follow simple rules... If you go step by step.

So, let's go!

1. You need a hero or heroine of a fairy tale

Compose a fairy tale about a person, animal, plant or any object: a toy, kettle, spoon, light bulb, table, tablet. About everything that catches the eye or comes to mind. If you wish, you can revive anything, even natural phenomena. But people or animals are most often the main actors fabulous stories.

What do you think is the main thing for the hero?

Of course, his character and appearance.

Think what your hero is

He's funny? Clever? Brave? Nice?

Also don't forget to come up with little flaws.

It is small? Shy? Often lazy? Stubborn?

It may take some time to create a character for a small fairy tale. But if you have a convincing hero or heroine that evokes sympathy and a desire to help him, then half the battle is done. By the way, an invented character can be made a hero of a variety of stories.

Use these bricks to create the character of the hero of your fairy tale

As you understand, one hero or heroine is not enough for a fairy tale.

Place the hero of your short story in a specific time and space

Consider whether your story takes place in a real or fictional world.

Now? A long time ago? Or in the distant future?

How long will it take for the hero to overcome all difficulties and reach the goal?

A day, a few years, a century?

Place your character in a familiar or unusual setting.

Don't overcomplicate. You can, for example, put a hero in your apartment, and imagine a living room filled with cozy armchairs and sofas with sofa cushions. Or the kitchen. Or a nursery. Or a yard.

Remember to include all your senses. And for this, go inside your hero or heroine and imagine.

Please note that most fairy tales of all times and peoples use the idea of ​​"a lady in trouble" or "a young man is in trouble." These ideas always work!

Compose what happened to the main character

  • unusual phenomenon,
  • the villain conjured something,
  • some deed has shifted the balance,
  • disease,
  • stealing something vital,
  • loss,
  • poverty and the need to survive,
  • the task of saving or protecting someone, perhaps the whole world.

Come up with goals

  • solve a small or large problem,
  • reach a destination as a result of travel,
  • help yourself, a family member or just save a person,
  • fulfill the dream,
  • get an answer to a question,
  • break the spell,
  • to heal or to be cured?
  • find a friend or loved one.

    5. Your little fairy tale should have a happy ending

Despite the fact that we do not always get what we desire in real life, the world of fairy tales makes us believe that anything is possible.

Try these ideas:

  • the main character of the fairy tale saves himself, his family or someone else,
  • the hero solves the puzzle and reveals the secret,
  • the main character overcomes obstacles and his character or character trait changes,
  • the main character becomes happier, richer, smarter, he has friends.

Now you can start introducing the tale

Apply the classic beginnings: “Once upon a time”, “In the same country, far, far away,” “Long ago, when,” and the like.

Or come up with your own: "The legend says" or "Deep, in the very heart of the forest."

Choose a "point of view" for a composed fairy tale

How will you tell your story: from the first, second or third person?

As a storyteller, you can be directly involved in the action or provide only objective evidence of how the characters in the story act and what happens to them.

Make sure that the text of the fairy tale you have composed is appropriate for the child's age

For children in age from 3 to 5 years old use simple themes.

The hero did not know something, and through simple actions he learned. The hero was sad, but he became cheerful. Someone was greedy, but thanks to the actions of the hero, he became kind. The hero corrected the injustice, made friends with other characters, saved the character and made him smile. I lost something, but as a result of my actions I found it.

For children agedfrom 5 to 7 years you can complicate topics.

Add villains, let the hero overcome three, not one difficult situation... Add evil magic to your fairy tale, turn on the rebellious actions of the hero: disobedience, escape from the house for adventure, committing a forbidden action. Weave into the narrative morality, summarized in proverbs and sayings.

And before moving on to the examples, get your GIFT!

A book with educational games for children 5-7 years old!

Examples of how to compose a fairy tale yourself

And now - examples of magic stories and pictures for visual warm-up. Start with a little fairy tale. And in order to open the doors of your imagination, consider photographs and pictures. Let your fantasy turn on.

My favourite dog

This story was written by a mother along with her five-year-old son, whose dog died. The son told his dream, and his mother wrote it down under dictation.

A fairy tale about butterflies

- Mommy, where did the butterflies come from? I ask.

And she tells me.

One fall, a Wizard watched the children play on the lawn. The children laughed and rejoiced, but the wizard was sad. I was sad because I saw how time passed, taking people, flowers and all the beauty of the world with it to other worlds.

“We need to preserve the beauty here on earth for people,” thought the Wizard.
He took out a magic box and began to put in it the sunbeams, the blue of the sky, the glare of flowers, children's laughter, the breath of the wind.
When the children went to bed and the clearing was empty, the wizard opened the box. A light rhythmic rustle filled the air, beautiful butterflies fluttered wherever the eye penetrated.

- Fly to magic land to his Queen, said the wizard. - Now your mission is to give people beauty.

The kingdom of butterflies is hidden among the impenetrable jungle and high cliffs. There are many wonderful fragrant flowers and herbs, transparent lakes and crystal waterfalls. The sun shines here all summer and all year round. This wonderful country is ruled by a beautiful and kind Queen of Butterflies. She is very beautiful, cheerful and joyful.

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Details Category: Compose a fairy tale

short stories invented by children

Boy Zura and his brothers

Once upon a time there was a boy Zura with two brothers. Once Zura went to the river to swim. He swam and heard the river whisper to him: "Get out of the water, or the sea monster will wake up." Zura didn't believe it.

And suddenly the river where he swam shuddered, and a monster swam out of it, which dragged Zura under the water. The brothers were waiting for him at home, but did not wait. The oldest was sent in search, but he returned with nothing. Then the middle brother was sent. The latter found Zura and brought her home. He was warmed and dried, they said: "Listen to us and the river."

Magic ring

Once upon a time there was a wizard Blacksmith. He had a girl friend Faneli. The blacksmith wanted to give Faneli a ring, but not easy, but magic. It was forged by the Blacksmith of precious stones in the form of two bells. Faneli was delighted, put a ring on her finger and became small. The blacksmith said: "When there is danger, become small, and when there is no danger, become large."

Evening came. Faneli and Blacksmith went to bed. The next morning Faneli woke up, and in front of her was an angry dog. The dog jumped on Faneli and took her away, carried her into the forest.

The blacksmith was upset and went to forge a sword. And Faneli, meanwhile, was sitting in the trunk and thinking how to get out. Night has come. Faneli lifted the lid of the chest and ran away. She ran home and returned in the morning. The blacksmith was delighted. And they began to live happily ever after.

Lord of the seas

Once upon a time there was a man, his name was Len, he loved to sail on the sea. One day he was sailing on a boat that leaked and sank. Lan lay for a hundred years at the bottom, fish and jellyfish saw him and raised him. He turned into a mermaid who was named Avalon.

Avalon began to rule the sea justly and wisely. He built a museum and an orphanage. Two years later, he married a princess of the water kingdom, a year later he had a son and a daughter. They then lived happily ever after.

Once upon a time there was an artist. His name was Izudik. Once Izudik drew a picture of a wizard, and when he took it in his hands, he trembled. A hat appeared on his head, a gold tassel with a black stripe in his hands, and a beautiful suit on his body. He waved his brush in fright and drew a strip on paper in the air. The strip then turned into a sky with clouds.

Izudik could not resist and began to paint a picture. Having finished, Izudik sighed and sat down not on a chair, but on the air. He got scared, grabbed his hat, and painted swallows flew out of it. Izudik, knowing his true talent, became a famous artist and magician.

Second ballerina

Once upon a time there was the most beautiful ballerina in the whole world. Her name was Orizella and she had a daughter, Enika. Orizella always went to concerts in the theater, so Enika studied ballet herself. To earn a little money for food, she danced and sang in the markets and squares.

Once Orizella went to a concert with Enika. Enika asked to perform with her mother. She put on a pink tutu. And when the performance was over, they gave the girl a gold medal with the inscription: "For a young ballerina." And Enika became a real second ballerina, dancing next to Orizella.

Golden squirrel

Once upon a time there was a Golden squirrel, but so golden that as it jumps on a ray of light, it will light up. She lived in a young oak tree. She had a son with brown fur.

One day the squirrel went for berries. She walked and walked and saw that the flowers were withering, but she ran to the owner of the flower meadow, to the hedgehog. The hedgehog says:

There is no rain, the clouds are not flying, but preparations are underway for the mushroom season. How's the school chef? It will be upset ...

Squirrel says:

The lake is no longer a lake, but a desert. A drop of water remained in it! If only the rain would pass!

The squirrel ran into the neighboring forest. A stork lives there. He always knew what the weather would be like. He said:

Well, the weather will be sunny all the time. Not a cloud.

The squirrel was afraid that not a single mushroom would grow, but she ran to the wheat field and was delighted to see the wheat spike on it, and shouted:

At least we will have bread!

Are you living under a drought? Move the whole forest to us.

So the golden squirrel found a new home for the inhabitants of the forest by the waterfall.

Already in the second grade, children in the classroom literary reading get the task: come up with a fairy tale... Younger schoolchildren love to compose fairy tales. But how to come up with fairy tale, where to begin?

On our website, we offer you a sample of a fairy tale invented by children. Relying on the children's text fairy tales, students will be able to dream up themselves and come up with those heroes of the fairy tale that they like and remember more.

The main thing is not to prevent children from fantasizing. And you will see what your children are capable of. They can draw pictures for their fairy tales, and you will help them arrange their compositions neatly and beautifully. Perhaps your child will not stop at one piece. All students in grades 2-4 enjoy writing fairy tales.

Fairy tales invented by children in grades 2-4.

Magical forest

Once upon a time there was a family: mom, dad and their children: Masha and Vanya. Once the guys went to the forest for mushrooms. They walk through the forest, and Masha asks Vanya: "Do you think there is a candy forest?" And Vanya answered her: "Maybe, but I have never seen him."

The children gathered mushrooms and wandered into the depths of the forest. The guys saw that there was a fabulous candy forest in front of them. The trees are like candy, the clouds are cotton candy, and instead of berries, there are chocolates. The children collected a whole basket of sweets. Masha and Vanya came home and cooked mushroom soup, and baked a cake from sweets. The whole family was very happy with such a dinner.

Dandelion tale

There was a dandelion. He was very handsome: green and slender, with a yellow cap. So he was proud of himself. But days went by, and the usual bright hat began to fade. And soon the dandelion became completely gray-haired. At first he is very upset that now he is not so handsome.

And he once said to his neighbor maple: "Oh, I was so beautiful, and now I am all gray-haired, nondescript, I am so upset." Dandelion, you are in vain upset, your hat is seeds, the wind will scatter them on the ground and next year many dandelions will grow out of them - your children.

As soon as the maple said this, the breeze blew out, picked up the fluffs - umbrellas from the dandelion and they flew far, far away. The wind died down. The fluffy seeds gently sank to the ground. And the next spring, new, young dandelions grew out of them, as beautiful as their parent.

Once upon a time there was a parrot and his name was Kesha. Once Kesha decided to go on a journey across the white world. Flying through the jungle, he sat down on a twig to eat kiwi.

But suddenly, a net was pounced on him. These were the robbers, and they caught Kesha, put him in a cage and went to bed. The parrot gnawed two twigs with its strong beak and fled.

After fleeing, he flew around the world, but since then he was very careful, a lot happened to him incredible stories, he found best friends, he was almost eaten by a cat, he fought with a crow and all this time he was looking for a home and owner.

One day he flew past a house and saw a boy doing his homework. Kesha sat down on the windowsill and knocked on the window with his beak. The window opened a little and the boy took Kesha home. And since then, the parrot has a home and a family.

Fairy tale friendship with Bolsheukh

There was a wolf cub, he helped everyone day and night. One night he was looking at the stars and heard a sound. It was someone who was saying something and the wolf cub heard that this voice was saying to him:

- Hi what's your name?

“I don’t know, but what’s your name,” the cub replied.

- My name is Bolsheukh.

The wolf cub was frightened when he heard this name. Uh said:

- Would you like to go out of their darkness?

- No, be patient for now.

- I can’t wait any longer, I’m going out.

Uh came out. The cub closed his eyes and thought, "I wonder how big he is?" The wolf opened his eyes, looked around, did not see anyone and asked: "Where are you?"

The wolf cub looked down and saw a little man. The wolf cub did not understand why such a little man was called Big Eagle.

“They call me that because I can hear very well,” Bolsheukh explained.

"And what do you hear now?" Volchok asked.

“Oh,” shouted the Big Ears, “I can hear the hawk trying to destroy the raven's nest. There are little ravens. "

"We'll run there sooner," said the Little Wolf. "We will help."

Friends ran as fast as they could to save the crows.

They saw the Hawk by a large oak tree, circling over the raven's house. The wolf cub was not frightened: he grabbed a handful of acorns and threw it at a large bird. She flapped her wings in surprise and flew away.

The Raven thanked Bolsheukh and the Wolf and wished them strong friendship for many years to come.

A tale of kindness and friendship.

Once upon a time there was a fox cub, his name was Bim. Once he was invited to a birthday party in a nearby forest to his cousin Boom. Boom was very fond of playing football, so Beam decided to give him a soccer ball.

Here he goes through the forest and reached the river. The river was so wide that it was impossible to jump over it, but it was possible to cross only over the bridge. But the bridge, for some reason, was broken and he didn't know what to do. Fortunately, at this time, his friend a beaver, whose name was Dobrovich, was swimming by. And Bim says to the beaver:

- Hi, Dobrovich, help me get across the river, otherwise I'm late for my cousin's birthday.

- Okay, Bim, I'll think of something now, - said the beaver and swam to the shore.

He knocked down a tree that fell over the river and turned into a great bridge. The little fox thanked his friend the beaver and happily ran across the new bridge on.

Soon the fox faced a new danger on its way. There was a steep cliff in front of him, over which he himself could not have climbed. And then the fox remembered that his friend the bear Mikhalych lived nearby. When Bim told Mikhalych that he could not get over the ravine, Mikhalych gave him a rope with which the fox could overcome a new obstacle. The fox took a rope, tied it to a tree and easily went down and ran on joyfully. And now the neighboring forest was already visible.

Soon, Beam ran to his cousin's house, congratulated him on his birthday and presented him with a soccer ball. Boom was very happy.

Fairy tale "Hare is a braggart"

There were two hares in the forest. One is a braggart, the other is a hard worker. Once, while walking in the woods, they met their friends, hares. The braggart immediately began to brag: “Imagine, I saw a bear last night, no, not even three bears. They began to bite me. I knocked down one bear with my right paw, another with my left, and a third with my leg. The bears got scared of me and ran away. "

The hares shouted: "You are all lying!" The Worker Hare said: "Don't believe him, you know what a braggart he is." The hares did not want to walk with him and ran away.

The braggart thought for a long time why no one wants to be friends with him. Then the bunny heard a wolf growling. “What a fat bunny!” The wolf growled and licked his lips. The bouncer hare did not wait long, but ran as fast as he could. The wolf rushed after him. The braggart ran without looking back. Out of fear, he closed his eyes and fell into the pit. The wolf did not notice him.

Only in the evening did his friends find the hares. The worker said: "Do not brag anymore and then everyone will be friends with you."

Wolf is a firefighter

There was a wolf in one forest. one day he was walking through the forest and smelled smoke. He went to smell and saw a fire!

The wolf grabbed a fire extinguisher and began to extinguish the fire. To his surprise, cakes poured out of the fire extinguisher. The wolf managed to put out the fire. And he became a real forest firefighter.

Tananov Alexander

Continuation of Russian folk tale"Lesichka-sister and the wolf"

Meanwhile, the fox is riding a wolf, and she herself is thinking how to profit. She says to the wolf:
- Wolf-brother, there is something as you want!
“And don’t tell me, sister, my belly’s completely cramped,” the wolf answers her.
- Now I would like to taste chicken ... - continues the cheat.
- Where can I get it? the wolf asks.
And the fox replies:
- There is a house on the edge of the village, there is a big chicken coop there. We'll make our way there at night, we will carry off the chickens.
- And what about the dogs? The whole skin will be ripped off! - the wolf is afraid.
“Don't be afraid,” says the fox. “I'll take all the danger on myself. I'll climb into the chicken coop, I'll get the chickens for us, and you are on guard at the fence.
On that and decided. We waited for the night, made our way to the chicken coop. Fox says:
- Brother, I'm in the chicken coop, and you wait here, distract the dogs, and I'll bring us chicken coats.
The fox climbed into the chicken coop, but the wolf remained at the fence. The cheat climbed into the barn, began to catch chickens. The birds were alarmed, they raised a cry. The dogs heard and came running. The wolf got scared, rushed into the crack in the fence, but got stuck. Dogs bite him, wag him. The wolf escaped violently. And the fox, while the dogs were chasing the wolf, got out of the chicken coop and fled into the forest with the prey in its teeth. She ate the birds, she walks happily, well fed, and towards her the battered wolf barely weaves. I saw a fox and asked:
- Sister, did you manage to pull out the chicken?
- Where there is, - the fox answers. - I made it out on my own.
And she herself licks her lips, and shakes off the feathers. The wolf realized that the fox had deceived him again, rushed at her, but where to keep up with her, the dogs patted him well. Since then, wolves have not been friends with foxes. Finke Kirill

Snow friend

One day I was walking down the street, and suddenly someone said to me: "Hello!" I saw a snowman who, it turns out, was alive.
We met him. He told me that the guys from the next house made it and he really wants to know what we do in the winter.
I gladly told the snowman everything and invited him to take part in the winter fun.
First we took a sled and rolled down the mountain. Seeing the river, I put on my skates and rolled on the ice. Then we started playing snowballs. It turns out that a snowman can sculpt them very quickly. We had a lot of fun!
Evening came, we said goodbye to each other. I made an appointment to meet with him tomorrow. The snowman asked me to tell you about the summer, because he had never seen him.

Zinovieva Polina

Snow friend

Once I went out for a walk in the yard. And suddenly someone said to me:
- Hey!
It was a snowman. It looked like this: nose - carrot, eyes - coals, hands - twigs, and on the head - a bucket. He stood and smiled at me.
We got to talking with him, and he told me that he was very afraid of the sun.
We had a lot of fun together! how good it is to have a snowman friend, only a pity that he will melt in the spring.
But we will not think about it, we will meet with him every night and have fun.

Lyamov Maxim

Snow friend

I was walking in the street. Suddenly from behind someone said: "Hello!" I turned around and saw a snowman.
The snowman was big and beautiful. Instead of a nose, he had a carrot, instead of eyes - coals, handles - twigs, and an aluminum bucket flaunted on his head.
The snowman offered to play snowballs. I didn’t refuse. One snowball flew into his carrot, and it flew to the side. We went to look for a carrot, but we didn't find it. Then we went to my mother, she gave us potatoes. We attached it instead of a carrot.
So the fun adventure ended!

Kuzminykh Alexandra

Snow friend

It was boring at home. I had just done my homework and was sitting by the window. It was already evening. When suddenly I noticed a snowman on the street! I immediately got dressed and rushed into the street. There was no one there except me and the snowman.
He was all white, on his head was not a bucket, like ordinary snowmen, but an old straw hat, instead of eyes - coals, and his mouth was made of tangerine peel. It seemed that he was about to wink with his coals-eyes.
Then he actually winked at me and smiled. Then he took off his hat, bowed and said:
- Hey! I'm Snowball. Came here from the country of Snowland. She's far from here on a cloud. I fell from there in the form of a snowflake, and here I turned into a snowman. I was a farmer there. He fed the snow cows and grazed the snow sheep. Will you be friends with me?
His voice was so soft, as if crunching like snow.
- Sure! - I answered.
- Ouch! - exclaimed Snowball. - I must go home.
And it seemed to crumble into beautiful snowflakes, and they rose high into the sky. Probably to that cloud.
Whenever winter comes, I remember a snowman named Snowball.

Vilisova Angelina

Bouquet of wild flowers

Once upon a time there was a husband and wife. They lived together for 50 years. And the husband wanted to give his wife some gift. But they lived poorly and had no money. The old man decided to exchange his only goat for a gift.
He went to the market and saw a beautiful shawl with red roses. I exchanged the goat for a shawl.
She goes on and thinks: "Why does my old woman need such a shawl? She doesn't go anywhere anymore, but sits at home almost always." And I decided to buy a hair comb. I exchanged a shawl for a scallop.
She goes on and thinks: "Why does the old woman need a comb? Her hair has become sparse."
He goes on and sees: a shepherd boy with wildflowers is standing. I exchanged a scallop for a bouquet of wildflowers. I came home, and his wife is nice to him! For her, a bouquet of flowers turned out to be the most expensive gift.

Lyamov Maxim

Old man and old woman
(based on KD Ushinsky's fairy tale "Mena")

Once upon a time there was a stavrik and an old woman. They weren't rich. Once an old man went to the forest for firewood. He goes home, and the master goes to meet him. And the master needed firewood. He drives up and asks:
- Hello, old man. Can I get some firewood from you?
The old man replies:
- Take it.
The master took firewood and says:
- What can the old man give you in return?
The old man replies:
- Give me clothes and food.
The master gave the old man clothes and food and left.
The old man came to the house and shouted to the old woman:
- Look what I brought!
The old woman came out onto the porch, saw the old man with clothes and food, asks:
- Where did you get so much stuff?
- I exchanged it for firewood at the master, - the old man replies. - And I will chop some more firewood.
"You are my golden old man," said the old woman.
And they began to live well and make good!

Karpenko Victoria

Good old man

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman. It was very cold one day. The old men ran out of firewood. The old man went into the forest for brushwood.
He sees that the wolf is chasing a hare. The old man took a stick and threw it at the wolf. The wolf ran away.
Goes on. He sees that the bear has pressed its paw with a tree. The old man lifted the tree and freed the bear.
You never know, how much has passed the old man, sees - the fox got into a trap. The old man freed the fox.
The old man thinks, where is he to look for brushwood, the blizzard has covered all the roads. You can't even see the road home. And the chanterelle asks: "What are you, old man, are you upset about? Let me take you home."
We came home, and the old woman grumbled: "How will we heat the stove?"
And then there was a knock on the door. And there the hare and the bear brought a whole bunch of brushwood. And they say to the old man: "Thank you, old man. He saved us from trouble!"

Savin Kirill

The tailor and Vasilisa

Once I learned about the tailor Vasilisa. She says to him: "The Serpent-Gorynych lives in my forest. Defeat him - I will be your wife."
The tailor went to the forest. Seeing the Snake, he began to run around him. The tailor was very agile. Here all three necks of the Serpent were tied in a knot. The tailor says to him: "I will help you, and you will guard the forest of Vasilisa" The Serpent-Gorynych agreed. And the tailor married Vasilisa. Since then, it has become quiet and calm in that kingdom.

Finke Kirill

Wonderful Belt
(continuation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Brave Tailor")

After Hans returned, people learned how he defeated the giants. Everyone noticed his belt, which gave him courage. People began to ask the tailor to sew them belts with inscriptions that would fit only them.
A scientist came to Hans. The tailor made him a belt with the inscription: "I know the answer to any question." He embroidered a rich man in gold: "There is never a lot of gold." To the healer - "I will help if it hurts." This is how the tailor Hans became known throughout the city.

Dmitry Buchkin

Hans and the robbers
(continuation of the Brothers Grimm fairy tale "The Brave Tailor")

The tailor Hans came up with a trick on how to deceive the robbers and remain whole. He drew a fake treasure map and threw it to the robbers. And since the robbers were greedy, they immediately wanted to find this treasure. They went in search of the treasure and disappeared from this kingdom forever. And the tailor came out the winner again!

Nikolaeva Alexandra

Sasha, Nafanya and Baba Yaga

Grandfather and grandmother lived not in the distant kingdom, but in an ordinary state. And they had a granddaughter Sasha. And they also had a cat named Nafanya or simply Fanya. He was affectionate, fluffy and very trusting. Everyone loved the cat. He helped his grandfather read newspapers. Grandmother - knit socks and mittens. And in the evenings he purred and lulled Sasha's songs so that she could have sweet dreams. And when Sasha came from school, he always met her.
And then one day Fanya disappeared. The girl rushed to look for the cat. She called him, cried, but Fani was nowhere to be found.
And she went wherever her eyes would look. She walked, walked, walked she walked and ... got lost. And all around the forest stands dense, impenetrable, gloomy. Neither the beast will run, nor the bird will fly. Fearfully!
He looks, a small mouse runs through the forest, and a huge owl flies after him and wants to grab the animal. The mouse saw the girl and darted towards her. Sasha hid it in his pocket, the owl flew past. The girl let the mouse go. He squeaked something and ran on his way.
Suddenly he sees Sasha - a ray of the sun points to her path. The girl went along this path. Long or short, but she went out into the clearing. And in that glade there is a hut on chicken legs. Sasha was surprised: this only happens in fairy tales! She remembered the necessary sentence and said:
- Hut, hut, stand with your back to the forest, and in front of me!
The hut clucked, groaned, grumbled, creaked and ... turned. And in that hut, of course, Baba Yaga - a bone leg lived. She went out on the porch and said:
- Oh! Oh! I slept exactly three hundred years! I have not seen or heard a single living soul. Thank you girl for waking the old woman, otherwise it is not known how many years I still had to sleep. I would have slept through everything interesting. How did you get here, girl? And what is your name?
- Hello, Grandma Yaga. My name is Sasha. I'm looking for my cat, Nathania. He disappeared. Left home and never came back. Can you tell me where to look for it?
And Baba Yaga for a long time polite people did not meet, was surprised and shed tears:
- You are a kind girl and polite. I'll try to help you. Only now I'm bored here in the hut. Live with me a little. Clean up the hut and make it fun. And there it will be seen, I will think of something.
Sasha began to live with Baba Yaga. I cleaned the hut: I washed the cobwebs, washed the floors, cleaned the windows, melted the stove, cooked dinner. The hut is all younger, has started to dance, clucks with joy. And Baba Yaga does not lag behind, dances so that she forgot about her bone leg. Yes, and sings a song:
- Ba-ba-ba-grandmother Yaga! You are a leg of bone!
Ba-ba-ba-grandmother Yaga! Look out, look out the window! ..
She danced, sat down on a bench and said:
- Eh, I don’t want to let you go, you see how we healed gloriously. You have fulfilled two of my wishes: you cleaned the hut, made me laugh. Fulfill the third wish for order, otherwise my sisters Grandma Yozhki will laugh at me if I let you go without three wishes. In the magic field, my magic spikelets grow. For three hundred years, the seeds have not been removed from them. Go get all the grains. Yes, only so that not a single spikelet breaks. Otherwise, the grains will no longer ripen on the spikelets, I will not have flour, there will be nothing to bake pies from, and I will have to fry my guests in the oven for dinner again.
There is nothing to do, Sasha really wants to find her Fan sooner. She goes to the magic field and cries. Suddenly, out of nowhere, a mouse runs:
- Hello, Sasha! You helped me out of trouble, and now I will help you. Do not cry, we will collect the grains from the magic spikelets.
The little mouse squeaked something, and many, many mice and mice came running to him from all sides. They got down to business. Before Sasha had time to look back, all the seeds were collected in sacks. The girl thanked the mouse family and ran joyfully to Baba Yaga.
Baba Yaga was very surprised that Sasha did everything so quickly, but there was nothing to do - it's time to fulfill the promise. And she began to tell:
- Your cat has fallen into the hands of villainous toy-makers. They catch gullible cats and cats, bewitch them and turn them into toys. And then children play them with these toys. But I'll help you. Here's a tangle-leash, an invisibility hat and a magic powder that helps to revive toys, and can enchant villains. Go! Happy road to you!
- Thank you, grandma! - Sasha shouted and rushed after the ball.
Soon he led her tangle-leash to a high stone castle of black stones. The girl put on the invisibility cap and quietly entered the gate. How many toy cats, cats and kittens were there! Apparently invisible! Red, white, black, gray, motley!
Suddenly Sasha sees - villains-toy-makers are coming and they are carrying a sack of cats to enchant the animals and turn them into figurines. The girl ran up to the villains and threw magic powder at them. The villains froze, froze and turned into marble columns.
And Sasha began to sprinkle toy animals with this powder. What started here! All the cats, kitties and kittens ran up to the girl and began to purr her songs and fan their tails ... And then Nafanya ran up!
The girl hugged him and ... woke up. And next to her, Fanya was sitting on a pillow and purring a lullaby in her ear ...
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