Are there people with paranormal abilities. Human paranormal abilities: obvious-incredible

In the 1960s, scientific experiments involving people with "Paranormal" abilities... So, everyone heard Rosa Kuleshova, who "read with her fingers." However, it was not possible to unravel this phenomenon. Then the scientists resigned themselves and considered the experiments carried out unsuccessful.

Perhaps because, while experimenting with Kuleshova, the researchers could not shake the feeling that they were the victims of some clever fraud. Its phenomenon contradicted not only everything that is known about nature, but also simple common sense. In our time, the owners of such phenomenal properties also exist. But domestic, yes, it seems, and world science has not yet realized that a completely new phenomenon is intruding into life, promising to radically change all ideas about the world around us. People call it clairvoyance.

Here is what the famous theosophist of the last century Charles Leadbeater wrote: “Clairvoyance can be defined as the ability to see what is hidden from ordinary physical vision. Very often it is accompanied by the so-called clairaudience. Clairvoyance in space - the ability to see scenes or events that are distant from the seer, or too distant for ordinary observation, or hidden by objects that obscure them. Clairvoyance in time is the ability to see objects or events that are distant from the seer in time. "

Theosophical literature insists that the higher capabilities must soon become the property of all mankind. And the ability of clairvoyance, some experts say, is potentially in each of us. They say that clairvoyance is possible in a certain state of consciousness. Saint Paul called it "peace that leads to understanding." In Zen Buddhism it is called satori, in yoga - samadhi, in qigong - the state of qigong, and in Taoism it is called "absolute Tao".

Thomas Merton, to describe it, used the expression "transcendental unconscious", Gurdjieff gave him the definition of "objective consciousness". The Sufis call it Fana, and the Quakers call it the Inner Light. But whatever the name of this ancient and well-known phenomenon - enlightenment, illumination, liberation, mystical experience - they are all associated with a state of consciousness that is radically different from our usual understanding, the everyday state of mind.

And, interestingly, this new self-understanding can come suddenly, as happened with St. Paul on the road to Damascus. It can also be achieved through long training sessions. And everyone can do the same.

Astral tube

Seraphim of Sarov asked God to save him from a rare gift. With clairvoyance in space, a person can see people, objects, places and incidents at a great distance. One of the remedies here is the "astral tube". Just as a person takes a telescope to study the stars, in astral vision a device is used, which is, as it were, an addition to it. It is a constant stream of thoughts, "held together" by a strong stream of prana, sent along with the thought.

Some clairvoyants do not have enough will and desire to install the "astral tube". In this case, glass balls and crystals are used. They are the point of departure, as it were, the "eyepiece" of the "astral tube". By the way, this can also be a glass of clean water. They put it on a white tablecloth and gaze with concentration at the center of the water surface, without blinking or lowering the eyelid for 10 minutes. Knowledgeable people say that this should be done twice a day for several weeks in a row. And at some point, images, faces and events begin to be clearly read.

And in order to develop ability to see the aura of objects and people, you need to closely examine your eyelids. Relaxing your body, closing your eyes and partially freeing your consciousness, look intensely ahead, carefully examining the thinnest outlines on the "screen" of the eyelids for 10 minutes.

Exercise is best in the morning, right after waking up, or before bed. They say that after nine days of such classes, you can go to next exercise... Just as in the previous one, you need to relax and, partially freeing your consciousness, gaze intently in the twilight at the outline of any small object in the room.

Some time after such training, some begin to see the aura surrounding the object at which the gaze is directed.

Explanations from the dictionary

Clairvoyance is clear vision. The soothsayer literally sees the future.

Metagnomy: interpretation of future events seen in a hypnotic trance. Foresight: inner paranormal knowledge of the future. Psychometry: the psychic ability to communicate information about a person through contact with an object belonging to him.

The attitude of the church

And in the most ancient times, and in our times there were and are individuals who have this unique gift. The most famous of them are Nostradamus, Vanga, Jeanne d'Arc, Cassandra, Saint Germain, Sergiy of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, Xenia of Petersburg, Wolf Messing, Cagliostro, Edgar Cayce, Abel, biblical prophets ...

All sorts of priests, oracles, shamans, sorcerers, magicians, magicians were also engaged in predictions, judging by the legends, successful ... Modern science the phenomenon of clairvoyance has not yet been able to explain or refute. Therefore, serious scientists in this matter take a very cautious position.
But most importantly, clairvoyance really exists, it is impossible to deny it.

The relationship between clairvoyants and the Church is very confusing. On the one hand, the clergy are categorically opposed. For example, in many temples you can see signs: “People! Do not trust all these so-called clairvoyants, psychics, ufologists. They are Satan's accomplices! "

How often accidental insights become prophetic in our lives! However, the Gospel of Luke (chapter 9, line 49) says: “At this John said: Master! We have seen a man in Thy name casting out demons, and we have forbidden him; because he doesn't come with us.

Jesus said to him: Do not forbid; for whoever is not against you is for you. "

Open the Bible - the main book of Christians - and look at the table of contents: "The Book of Isaiah," "The Book of Jeremiah," "The Book of Daniel," etc. Solid prophecies.

The priest's opinion

Hieromonk Nektarios, rector of the Bishop's Church in honor of the Icon of the Mother of God "Satisfy my sorrows", answers:

- The Saints Orthodox Church performed many amazing miracles, including seeing the future, healing incurable ailments, raising the dead. But all these miracles were not the work of their hands, the manifestation of their " abilities". They were performed according to the action of power, the grace of God, the living vessels of which were the saints. The grace of God is not something that you can "develop" in yourself. This is a divine gift given to a zealous performer of the commandments of Christ, tirelessly striving to please God, to cleanse himself from all defilement, from all passion. However, gifts of grace are by no means a goal, but just a consequence. Many saints of God, having won the gift of miracles, prayed that the Lord would take this gift from them, because they knew how easy it is to ascend and fall away from God out of pride.

When a person strives for " development of abilities", It is quite obvious that he is on a dangerous path. On dangerous because in this case these abilities can really be given to him, but not by God (since man did not reach the measure of the saints and did not "deserve" it), but by the serpent, which promised our forefathers in paradise that they would be like gods and then robbed them of paradise itself.

Not many are naturally endowed with the gift of clairvoyance and clairaudience. In the process of life, insights flash for a very short time in almost everyone, especially in women. Our general disbelief in the reality of the Spiritual world leads to the fact that such spontaneous manifestations are taken for hallucinations. And the person, brushing them off, sighs with relief and continues a normal life. There are many stories among the people about similar manifestations unusual abilities v extreme situations... For example, a mother hears the voice of her child asking for help, and after a while the news comes that it was on that day and hour that an accident happened to him. Sometimes a blood relative manages to see the circumstances under which some kind of tragedy occurred. Distance in these cases does not matter. The facts of the manifestation of clairvoyance and clairaudience have been recorded in many laboratories of the world, and the gift itself does not need any proof.

Only facts

In 1906, Pierre Curie, a French physicist, one of the founders of the theory of radioactivity, died under the wheels of the crew. The day before, he made the following entry in his diary: “Yesterday, quite by accident, some woman (a real gypsy in appearance) predicted my death from the crew. Of course, I could not believe this, my mind does not allow such absurdities.

Vanga developed her gift

Thousands of people every day came to the famous soothsayer to find out their fate. The most famous clairvoyant of the twentieth century can be called the fortuneteller Wanga. One winter night, a rider on a white horse galloped into the village. He entered the house, illuminating it with divine radiance, and said: “The world will soon turn upside down, a lot of people will perish and be lost. You will stand in this place and broadcast about the dead and the living. Do not be afraid! I will tell you what to broadcast. " Such a vision visited the 30-year-old Vanga in January 1941.

Many say that she developed the ability to see the future in herself. Even before she became blind, the girl played games that were not typical of her age - she hid various things in the garden or in the house. And then, closing her eyes tightly, she looked for them.

Blind, she saw a lot - both in the past and in the future. The house of the prophetess in Rupite - a place at the junction of the Bulgarian, Macedonian and Greek borders - is now considered by many to be a source of incredible "cosmic" energy. It was he who fueled the phenomenon, which during his lifetime was called Vangelia Pandeva Gushterova.
Even as a child, little Wanga loved to play "doctor" - she prescribed different herbs to friends.

One day a terrible storm arose. The sky darkened, a strong wind blew. Lumps of earth, leaves, branches wrapped in a funnel and rushed at a breakneck speed. This whirlwind caught a 12-year-old girl and carried her into the field. They found her covered with earth and stones, with her eye sockets powdered with sand. After that, the eyes hurt for a long time, and then vision began to rapidly fall. Local doctors could not help, and the parents did not have money for a trip to the capital's ophthalmologists. Vanga cried, prayed to God for a miracle. However, God wished otherwise - the unfortunate girl went blind in order to gain “another sight”.

Gradually, she learned to navigate without the help of her eyes, to do simple work and not expect special joys from life. Wanga began to predict at the age of 16. Long before world fame, there was ... a prison in her life. The seer was put in a cell for predicting Stalin's death. Six months later, she was released - the prediction came true. True, she believed the dates of the death of leaders and global catastrophes to a very limited circle of people. I didn't want to scare.

Wang could not save her own husband. They lived together for twenty years, but in last years Mitko started drinking, became an alcoholic. When he was dying, Wang was kneeling by the bed, not wiping away the tears that flowed from her blind eyes. And, having taken the last breath of Mitko, fell asleep. And, waking up, she said: "I accompanied him to the place that was prepared for him."

Wang was not afraid of death. She had her own idea of ​​her: “... After death, the body decomposes, like all living things, but part of the soul, I don't even know what to call it, does not decompose. And it continues to develop in order to reach a higher level. This is the immortality of the soul. "

Like no one else, Wanga understood what real misfortune and feigned tragedy were. Seeing what was in store for her and her loved ones, she did not give up and did not stop in her predictions. Of course unusual abilities of Baba Vanga constantly questioned, debunked and ridiculed. Once the writer Leonid Leonov, who knew her personally, reproached the seer: "Why didn't you predict the death of my wife?" The prophetess answered in surprise: “How did you not predict? I sent you a souvenir - a coffee cup. One. " Wang always tried to communicate the death of Aesop's language. In the 1970s, it hosted about 100 thousand people a year. It is estimated that over 55 years of its activity, more than a million walkers have visited the famous Bulgarian.

- A man is the one for whom he keeps himself. If he can change his thoughts in the direction of good, then everything in his life will change.

- A person must love himself and everything around him. In our difficult times, this is most needed. And he should also be grateful to God for help in difficult times, for the wisdom to which he owes his successes.

- Do not fight fools - they are not painfully scary, do not try to fix or change them. Much worse than idiots. They are ready to present something that can excite the whole people.

- Do not set unrealizable tasks, know which one is within your power and which one is not. Otherwise you will have to blame yourself later.

- Do not promise, if you are not sure that you will fulfill the promise, because the pain that you inflict on another will sooner or later return to you.

- Pray to God and don't ask for more than you need.

No one can tempt fate - not even seers

Warnings from the Spiritual World can be very varied. In most cases, a person may not be aware that what happened took him away from imminent death. The difficulty of proving this statement lies in the fact that it is impossible to split a situation or a person.

One man told about what happened to him during the period when he was driving goods in one direction in a high-speed car and money in the other. With such work, fellow travelers are not taken, but ... “on the way from Moscow, the beautiful woman sitting to my right modern woman holding a cigarette in her hand, asked to light it. I turned on the lighter, but suddenly I remembered that I was driving alone in the car. As soon as I remembered this, I was immediately struck by something like lightning all over my body. I braked sharply and pulled over to the side of the road. The woman was not in the car. Only fifteen minutes later I managed to come to my senses and continue on my way. " In the described case, we can only assume that the forced stop made it possible to avoid an emergency situation awaiting him on the road. In the process of communication, it turned out that this person by nature possesses amazing sensitivity - he can, for example, determine the time without a clock, and so on.

Having acquired this unique gift, one should not tempt the Spiritual world. If the contact with him is really real, and not a deception, then your relatives who are in The spiritual world, will certainly help you, but just when this help is really needed. If you board a plane destined to crash, then when you board you will be given the opportunity to see, hear or feel the danger. This vision, hearing or feeling will not come from your mind, but from the depths of your soul. The soul will shrink into a ball and refuse to go to premature destruction - it still has things to do on Earth. If, getting on a plane, every time you call a vision from your mind and ask for hints, you will be treated like a dog barking tirelessly and trying to grab his pants.

Few can endure the gift of clairvoyance... A striking example of this is the Russian Saint Seraphim of Sarov. His gift was revealed in early childhood, but he constantly prayed that God would deliver him from an unbearable burden. Therefore, before deciding to develop similar capabilities, everyone must answer the question: will you have enough strength to live with this?

Between 1978 and 1995, the Central Intelligence Agency ran a program called Stargate. Their goal was to create an army of so-called "psychic warriors", people with supernatural abilities who could use their powers to look inside enemy bases, manipulate the physical world and predict the future.

And it wasn't just a bunch of weirdos. The government has poured millions of dollars into the psychic warriors program. It used strict scientific methods to test the reality of their abilities and was reasonably confident in finding work for psychics in hundreds of field operations.

All of this may sound like nonsense, but most of the Stargate reports indicate its absolute success. The CIA has spent nearly 20 years working with psychics, and the results of this work can confuse even the most inveterate skeptics.

Psychics remotely viewed confidential documents

"Remote viewing" or, in other words, forcing psychics to look inside sealed envelopes and buildings, is the main way the CIA used these people. Initially, the CIA conducted tests in which pictures were sealed in an envelope and asked people with supernatural abilities to describe them. And their answers were frighteningly accurate.

These psychics could do incredible things. At the CIA, psychics were sent messages by writing them down on a piece of paper, and they were able - from another building - to read them word for word. In another experiment, a random string of ones and zeros was generated on a computer in a shielded room, which some psychics could accurately reproduce.

The CIA even forced psychics to look through their secret documents. They described buildings that contained documents, themes, sizes, colors of books and even the people who wrote them. These descriptions were reported to be "surprisingly" accurate. One of the psychics even described the construction team that worked in the building.

"Remote viewing is a real phenomenon," the CIA concluded after their tests. And they were pretty sure they could use this to view the secret documents of their enemy. Their report concluded that "psychic warriors" have "applied potential."

Psychic described the history of Mars

In 1984, the CIA conducted an experiment that was supposed to expose psychics as fraudsters. In the CIA, the psychic was asked to remotely visualize the place indicated on the card. But instead of a place on Earth, the agents wrote: “Planet Mars. One million years BC. "

They were probably hoping that their subject would get lost in describing buildings and trees. But, instead, the psychic began to describe pyramidal objects, obelisks, uneven mountain slopes and unusual kind Sun. The mountains were "yellowish, uh, ... ocher," said the psychic, repeatedly suppressing the shock of what he saw. - The scale seems to be missing. They are just very big, everything is big. "

When the psychic was asked to look even further into the past, he began to describe large, thin people in strange clothes. He followed them to a place that looked like the inside of a large boat, with "very curved walls and shiny metal."

"They are dying," said the psychic. "They're looking for, uh, ... a way to survive and they just can't find it." Their environment began to deteriorate and they sent people in search of a new place to live. And now they can only wait for the return of their people.

“Oh, God, this is difficult,” the psychic finally said, upset and embarrassed by what he saw. - All this is very cosmic. It's like pictures of space. "

The CIA spoke with police officers who used the services of psychics

When the police began to consult with psychics when solving crimes, the CIA became interested in this. While most people scoffed at these cops, the CIA took them seriously. In the end, it was a chance to get a new direction for experimentation.

CIA-funded researchers called in these police officers and studied their findings. Eight of the eleven police officers who used psychics, the report said, received "information not mentioned elsewhere that was useful for the case." In three cases, they claimed that psychics had found the missing bodies.

The researchers wrote a guide to using psychics based on what they were told by the police. They warned that the psychics' comments are of a general nature and require decryption. However, they recommended the use of psychics. The guide recommends using psychics if necessary, when, for example, you need to choose one of the versions or find a missing person.

CIA used psychics in serious hostage situations

Psychic Warriors were used in real-life operations. By 1983, the CIA had already conducted 700 missions involving psychics, and, according to reports, their information was accurate 85% of the time. This made psychics as reliable as any other method of gathering information available to the CIA.

During the hostage-taking in Iran, psychics were asked to use their remote observation abilities to determine the whereabouts of the hostages. The psychics described the place where the hostages were held and what they were doing. Then the CIA compared these descriptions with the data they received later.

When Colonel William R. Higgins was kidnapped in Lebanon, psychics determined where he was being held and described buildings in the city. They reported the movements of the people who had captured him - and all this before the CIA actually found them.

It seems the CIA took no action on this information. Higgins was killed by the people who captured him. However, when his body was found, the CIA discovered that his psychics were right about where he was being held.

Telekinesis experiments

The CIA didn't stop at remote surveillance. They were also interested in telekinetic abilities and teleportation. While less information has been declassified on these experiments, they seem to have made some big breakthroughs in this area.

The CIA conducted and funded several experiments to test the supernatural powers of the magician Uri Geller. In a test carried out under the most controlled conditions and with the participation of the most skeptical scientist, Geller was able to bend a strip of metal 10 degrees.

But they experimented with more than just him. The CIA also worked with other people with unusual abilities, including a 13-year-old boy named Stephen who came with his parents. Like Geller, Stephen could forcefully bend aluminum, and the CIA conducted scientific tests on the degree of bending of the metal. In another experiment, the CIA discovered that Jean-Pierre Girard could forcefully change the thickness of a strip of metal without even bending it.

Zan Baoshen's Superhuman Abilities

When the CIA learned that a Chinese named Zan Baosheng had claimed to have supernatural powers, they became interested in him. Zan Baoshen claimed to have the ability to move objects through walls without breaking them. It was tested in both America and China, and scientists filmed it.

In one experiment, scientists put pills in a sealed bottle and asked Zana to get them out. Zan stared at the bottle. She started shaking so hard that the pills broke in half. Then suddenly, without breaking the seal, all the tablets were out of the bottle.

He was filmed with a camera at 400 frames per second. During slow motion, one single frame of 1 / 400th of a second was seen, in which the pill was shown halfway out of the bottle, somehow passing through the glass without breaking it.

"After such penetrations, no changes were observed in the microscopic structure and properties of objects," the CIA reported. "The experiment demonstrated that Zan Baosheng possesses paranormal powers."

Healers create a thermal aura

There is a letter in the CIA archives, translated from Russian, stating that healers may be real.

The letter refers to "Kirlianography", a technology developed by Semyon Kirlian. Kirlian discovered that if you put an object on a photographic plate and connect it to a high voltage source, an image will remain on the plate, surrounded by an electric halo.

Some consider this halo to be somewhat mystical and claim that it shows someone's aura, or ki. But it is generally believed to have a more natural electrical property.

However, the CIA letter suggests that it may be more than natural. It says that a healer named A. Krivorotov visited Kirlian and allowed him to try his technique on himself. Krivorotov treated people by touching them with his hands. When Kirlian tested Krivorotov, the electrical halo around his finger was many times the largest that Kirlian had ever seen.

During another test, it was found that the electrical resistance of Krivorotov's hands was 3-5 times greater than that of an ordinary person... And when he raised his hands to someone, they gave off heat with a temperature of about 50 degrees Celsius.

The ability of healers, the author of the letter concluded, may have a scientific explanation. It seemed that there was a stronger electric field around Krivorotov, which naturally generated heat. It is believed that this electric field may be capable of altering processes in the body.

Influence of solar flares on psychic abilities

A six-year study was carried out to find out the possibility of enhancing the influence of psychic abilities with the help of electromagnetic radiation. The CIA tried everything from measuring changes in the stars to positioning psychics next to microwaves. But they got best results from solar flares.

There was a direct, significant correlation between the success rates of CIA experiments with psychics and the activity of the sun. It turned out that sun spots have a small, difficult to predict effect. However, the greater effect was from the flares in the sun.

On the day the flares occurred in the sun, psychics tended to perform the worst. On that day, they had a hard time making awkward and inaccurate predictions, while their answers were full of errors. The next day, they worked better than before. And a day after the cessation of the outbreak, the abilities of psychics increased, and they gave the best indicators.

CIA psychics predicted the future

Psychics see not only what is happening right now. Some of them were able to predict what would happen in the future, and the CIA did use such psychics in military operations.

They asked their psychics to look at the next day in a certain place and describe what they saw, and compared their answers with what actually happened. Many of these experiments are still classified. But in the most detailed of the declassified experiments, the psychic describes how his targets transport "tube-type objects" to a secret base and disguise them. The description of the base itself was called "a very good hit," while the pipes were flagged as unconfirmed but "plausible."

The CIA also used these psychics in Operation Desert Storm. There, a psychic correctly predicted when the air strikes would begin and when it would rain. This psychic even predicted the Iraqi invasion of Saudi Arabia 15 days before it began.

Russians and Chinese also did this.

In fact, psychic experiments in the Soviet Union began even earlier than the Americans; The CIA only got down to it after Jimmy Carter ordered them to find out what Soviet psychics are capable of. The CIA experiments began with attempts to find out what was already known in the Soviet Union and catch up with them.

It seems that the Soviet Union actually paid more attention to psychic warfare than the United States. We don't know as much about their research as we do about American research, but there is reason to believe that Soviet intelligence did much more than the CIA did with its Stargate program.

Even in China there is a group called the All China Joint Paranormal Testing Group, and it is reasonable to believe that other governments have also conducted their own experiments.

It is impossible to say what secrets these programs still hold or how seriously we should take all of these reports. But one thing is clear: during Cold war"Psychic warriors" were not a joke or a fairy tale for a world superpower. They were serious, real weapons of war.


Whether people have psychic abilities or not is a question that has long been causing heated discussions between materialists and occultists. However, the fact that some individuals have such paranormal abilities is undeniable. Experimentally, this perception has not been confirmed due to the fact that it is difficult to create the appropriate conditions for the experiments.

None of the psychics can explain their origin. Some argue that they inherited the abilities from the witch-grandmother, others argue that it is (a lightning strike, a grief experienced, etc.). However, as soon as it comes to experiments that would confirm the presence of those very psychic abilities, and their nature, psychics claim that they are too nervous and cannot work under the scrutiny of others.

Who are psychics: history and controversy

Remember the times of the Middle Ages, when witches were burned at the stake. They were considered accomplices of the devil. So, maybe the devil doesn't need so many accomplices? Most likely, not all of them had the opportunity to communicate with otherworldly forces. And is it possible?

However, there are still those people who claim to have paranormal powers.

Each of us has our own point of view on these people:

Witches and sorcerers;
Fortunetellers and witches;
Deceivers and charlatans;
Clairvoyants, medicine men and psychics.

Not all of those who position themselves as a psychic are such. But there are also those who really have superpower. Who are these chosen ones - servants of Darkness or messengers of the Lord? Is it the result of evolution or an anomaly in the development of the central nervous system?

Until now, no one has proven the existence or absence of other worlds. No one can say with certainty whether ghosts, brownies, spirits exist. In general, those phenomena that cinema loves so much.

Research on human psychic abilities and conclusions

If the existence of otherworldly forces has not yet been proven, then who is "whispering" into the ears of psychics all that they reproduce and decipher? By using mysterious people- synesthetics (able to "hear" with the eyes and "see" with the ears) scientists German city Zurich conducted research that proved that they have psychic abilities.

It took 10 years to experiment. At this time, there were experiments on those who claimed to see the aura of people and predict the future.

The experiment consisted in the fact that the psychic was constantly looking at the TV screen, where, with the help of the broadcast of images, certain areas of the cerebral cortex were activated. As a result of the experiment, it was found that psychics really "hear" a video in which there is no sound, feel its "taste", talk about those experienced by the composer at the time of creating the melody.

Most scientists are inclined to believe that extrasensory abilities are anomalies in the development and functioning of the nervous system. They believe that in those places where the intersection of the perceptions of the five senses of a person occurs, a redistribution of impulses occurs differently from ordinary people.

Psychic Abilities: Development

Today it is already difficult to count how many sorcerers and fortune tellers "work" on the Internet, in the media and at home. Is it possible to believe all of them or is it better to abstain? Everyone is attracted by the opportunity to remove obstacles to life path with the help of a couple of thousand rubles and one wave of a magic wand. Although, judging from the point of view of common sense, the prospect is dubious, if not terrible.

We all know that in this world, free cheese is only in a mousetrap. Again, you have to pay for it with your life. So, why do we believe that those same love spells, conspiracies and corruptions, which are "distributed" to the right and left by modern "talkers" with the other world, will pass without a trace for us? What will the desire to communicate with the deceased grandmother lead to? After all, as psychics warn, they open a portal to the afterlife. What if it doesn't close? You can develop this idea endlessly. However, why are we so attracted to psychics? It is believed that all this comes from the ignorance of society, from a lack of education.

Why do we consider extrasensory perception as knowledge for the elite? After all, what some people do is available to others. Each has his own, which he, as far as possible, develops. One is a brilliant pianist, the other is a master of sports in swimming, the third is a great abstract painter. The difference is that everyone can draw, sing songs and wallow in a pond, but not many people can perfect their gift.

So why not learn to feel like psychics? And what does the word “feel” mean in their understanding?

Have you ever turned around to feel someone's eyes on you? We do it unconsciously, simply because someone is looking closely at our back. What is it? Transmitting thoughts at a distance? Most of the ladies, accustomed, feel the interested gaze of a strong half of humanity even with their backs. This is a proven fact that scientists cannot explain. Although, scientists cannot explain why the human brain is not 100% involved. What can we say about such a complex matter as extrasensory perception or telepathy.

By the way, people are good at media and. Assuming that psychics use attention as energy, it becomes clear how their power works. Where attention is directed, there the flow of energy is sent.

It happens that we are afraid of something, we are afraid to even think about some episode that may happen, and this necessarily happens. You will say that it is rather intuition. Although, how do the concepts differ from each other? They just have different names.

As a rule, a person receives an impetus for the development of extrasensory abilities at the moment when something terrible happens to him. For example, an accident, illness or serious stressful situation... Followers of the Buddha's teachings purposefully develop the strength of the spirit, and they have an explanation for the appearance of paranormal abilities in people. They believe that people used to have three eyes (another was located in the middle of the forehead, like Cyclops). It was he who possessed extrasensory abilities. However, over time, people did not need these abilities, and the third eye closed forever.

It is at the moment of intense stress that the mythical human eye opens and begins to work. One gets the impression that the human body itself is trying to protect itself from the possibility of a repetition of this situation.

There are exercises that allow a person to identify and develop the skills and abilities of psychics:


Try to deliberately induce a heartbeat in your fingertips. To do this, stretch them out in front of you and focus on the sensations that you experience with your fingertips. Try to feel warm. The first thing you will feel is a slight tingling sensation, and then your fingers begin to heat up. Record this feeling in your memory;

Move your hand in a circle in front of your face (close your eyes). Try to feel the warmth emanating from your limb;

Body scan.

To do this, it is necessary to study the human anatomy in detail. Try scanning every organ in your body with your hand. In the future, this will help diagnose diseases;

We look through the newspaper.

Take two sheets of colored paper: blue and red. Blue is the color of coldness and calmness, red is energy and joy. Now, with your eyes closed, put the sheets under the newspaper so that you do not know which one is which. Reach out over the newspaper and try to "feel" each card separately. See if you guessed it or not. Now cover with the newspaper again, and remember how you felt in each of the two options;

Take a large object for work. It is desirable that it be made of metal. Move your open palms around the object, feel the energy emanating from it. Do the exercise slowly, close and open your eyes. Change the distance to the object from 1 cm and further;

Train your memory. This is easy to do if every day before going to bed in detail, step by step recall the past day with all the nuances. Do you remember? Now scroll through the memories in reverse order;


Get into a comfortable position and start turning off your body. Legs first, then arms, torso, facial muscles. Only the brain should work.

it simple exercises... If you liked them and you succeeded, invent others for yourself and develop your skills.

Babich and Silva methods

Babich's method is based on working with a pendulum. He associated the change in the oscillatory movements of a piece of amber suspended from a thread with the diagnosis of human diseases. At the same time, he considered the pendulum to be an extension of his hand. The psychic must feel a special connection with the instrument, and not for a second doubt the veracity of his testimony. Otherwise, this technique will not work.

Another famous technique is a way to correct a person's aura. It is based on the absorption of the positive energy of the sun and water by the psychic. At the same time, the psychic spends the received power on restoring the layers of the patient's aura.

There are many ways and techniques for developing psychic abilities. The main thing is to remember that a self-sufficient and calm person can become a psychic.

March 22, 2014 11:56 am

When it comes to paranormal abilities, the imagination paints a certain picture: lighted candles, a crystal ball, and a hooded figure bent over a deck of cards. But this image is imposed on people by the cinema. To find out what a psychic looks like, just look in the mirror. Yes Yes! You are the one who possesses paranormal powers. Just to develop them, you need to make an effort.

Everyone can develop paranormal abilities. They may not be as impressive as Vanga's, but they will be. Someone is given a gift from birth, but someone only after intensive training will be able to become a psychic. It all depends only on your perseverance. If it is in your character, you will be able to see what is hidden from the eyes of all other people. Techniques for developing paranormal abilities

To develop paranormal abilities, like any others, you need to through training. To begin with, try to develop your intuition. You can do this an unlimited number of times during the day. In any situation, try to predict the outcome. For example, while standing at a bus stop, try to imagine what number the bus will arrive next. Or, in spite of the phone, try to guess who is calling you. Of course, you shouldn't just flip a coin trying to guess the outcome. You need to concentrate, think about the question and find the answer in yourself. It can appear along with a random sound or as an image. The more often you ask yourself such questions, the faster you can develop the gift of clairvoyance. After a while, you will be able to make sure that most of your predictions come true.

Try hypnotizing yourself. Imagine a picture: a train is passing in front of your eyes. You hear the sound of wheels, you see the cars passing in front of you. Each of them has numbers from 10 to 1. The train travels slowly, you have time to make out the smallest nuances: faces in the windows, the color of the handrails, the color of the curtains. When you see the last number on the last carriage, tell yourself that as soon as you count from 10 to 1, your paranormal powers will unlock. You need to do this exercise every day, and the atmosphere should be relaxing: no extraneous noise, no people or animals.

Try to find the answers to the questions that interest you. For example, what should you do in a given situation. Relax by visualizing yourself from the outside. Ask the question several times until you see or hear the answer. In the beginning, practice on simple tasks that can get harder over time. After a while, your inner voice will narrate to you without such difficulties: you will simply know the answer to a question that you will not even have time to fully form.

Of course, paranormal abilities do not appear immediately. Someone needs to train for several weeks, and for others, several months. But do not be disappointed in yourself, always believe that you will achieve the result. Indeed, without faith, you cannot become a real psychic.

Each person's abilities are different. One can dance fascinatingly, the other draws amazingly, and the third has psychic abilities. But here the signs of extrasensory abilities in a person can manifest themselves in different ways and such people are always somewhat different from others. Consider the most striking signs that can definitely speak of the supernatural.

1. Vivid and lucid dreams are one of the signs of psychic abilities

If throughout your life you regularly have vivid dreams in which you travel or are transmitted to you, then we can talk about the presence of unusual abilities.

Sometimes people live two lives in this way - in a dream and in reality. There are many technologies to avoid getting lost in such a kaleidoscope of events. But the most important thing that can be recommended for developing the ability and the emergence of awareness is to write down your dreams. So you can also check how accurately the dreams transmitted to you come true.

What signs of psychic ability still exist? You can find out about this further from the article.

2. Unconscious hand treatment

Do you know someone who can relieve pain when touched? Or maybe you yourself have this ability? If so, then you or someone you know can clearly heal with hands human pain physical body... Many healers possess such abilities. In addition, you can be able to influence not only the body, but also its energy shell, healing gaps and cleaning dirty spots.

3. Fear of open doors

The first signs of psychic abilities are anxiety if the doors in the room you are in are open. It has always been believed that door and window openings are the line between worlds (albeit not as obvious as mirrors). Energetically sensitive people try not to linger at the door, do not sit in front of open windows. Also opened door or a window leads to a loss of its own energy, which is why many rituals are carried out in a completely closed room with dim lighting (most often by fire from candles).

4. Materialization of your thoughts and desires

You clearly have special abilities if your desires and thoughts are fulfilled with enviable regularity.... For some, only the positive comes true, while for others - the negative. In general, such people with a strong energy need to monitor what they think about, as well as their desires. If this does not happen regularly, and sometimes, then the ability can be developed more, thanks to special techniques.

5. Vision of the aura

Vision of the aura should also be attributed to psychic abilities. Even if you only see a trail without color, there are still rudiments of this ability and it can be developed further. It should be noted that it is better to learn from knowledgeable person, who has already gone through quite a few steps on this path and achieved success. For example, this ability is developed in psychics and if any of them agree to teach you, then do not refuse.

6. A clear sense of the feelings of others

Empathy is another manifestation of psychic abilities.... If a person possesses it, then he is able to feel the emotions and feelings of other people, and as if they are his own. Unfortunately (or vice versa, fortunately, since it is quite difficult to control it), this ability is quite rare. Some have it healers that really help people. Sometimes it can be found in psychologists and psychotherapists.

7. Visions of the future in any form

The ability to see the future accurately guarantees the presence of psychic abilities. Pictures can appear during dreams, touching objects, seeing through a mirror ball ... Even if you exactly guess with the help of cards and everything comes true, this is also a sign of strong energy, revealed third eye .

8. Lines on the hand - signs of psychic abilities

Psychic abilities can be identified by the lines on the hand... For example, take a look at the Mount of Mercury, which sits on the pad at the base of the little finger. If you counted at least three lines on it, then you definitely have a gift, most often a healing one. Such people have quite a lot of positive energy that they give to others. This gift is already revealed in childhood, the main thing is not to oppress him, but to help develop.

The existing island on the belt of Venus indicates the presence of intuition... Try to check it or analyze your life and you will understand that all your actions are guided by it. If you find a cross in the center of your palm, then your life is in harmony and you are also a very harmonious person. Meditation, predicting the future, managing your own energy - all this is inherent in you.

Now look at your index finger. If at its base you find a ring that completely wraps around your finger, then you have psychic abilities. This is the so-called ring of the white magician, which also indicates the presence of telepathy and clairvoyance. A little lower on the same finger is the ring of a black magician. This means that a person's energy can harm another.

9. Strong intuition

You always know when to stop, and when to move on, you very often find yourself in the right place and meet the right people, and also anticipate trouble - this is a sign of highly developed intuition and another psychic ability.

10. Testing abilities with cards

If you cannot understand the presence of psychic abilities, the signs of which are described above, then try to check yourself. Take a deck of any cards, focus and shuffle it. Draw the card face down. Try to guess the color of the suit. If you've guessed right, keep on guessing. To do this, take another card and try to guess the suit itself, and then what card you took out. So you can train foresight and understand if you have superpowers.

So now you know the strongest signs of psychic ability. But it doesn’t matter if you didn’t find them, or if they are, but in their infancy. Try to develop them yourself using different techniques or by signing up for school where experienced specialists will train you.

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