Gomel Pedagogical College Vygotsky passage. Gomel State Pedagogical College

Education institution "Gomel State pedagogical College them. L. S. Vygotsky. "

Establishment of education "Gomel State Pedagogical College. L.S. Vygotsky "- one of the oldest educational institutions The Republic of Belarus.

It takes its beginning from the Polesian teacher's seminary, founded in 1914 with the aim of preparing teachers of the Polesian region. In connection with this event, the seminary received its first gifts, and until today, a valuable relic is kept in college - 76 volumes of Efron encyclopedia and brochaus.

In 1919, the teacher's seminary was reformed in short-term pedagogical courses, which existed until September 1921. As evidenced by archival documents on the basis of pedagogical courses In 1921, a pedagogical technician was opened, with a 6-year-old learning duration. Syllabus The technical school provided for the study of Russian, mathematics, history, geography, political economics, logic, general and experimental psychology. In total, the technical school of 190 people studied.

These years in the history of the Gomel pedhechnikum are closely related to the name of worldwide famous psychologist Lion Semenovich Vygotsky, who created the Cabinet of Psychology in 1923. Together with students L.S. Vygotsky conducted scientific research Psychological and pedagogical features of children. Studies conducted in the pedhechnikima formed the basis of his scientific theorieswhich are built modern pedagogy Personality development.

In 1926, the technical school was named Belorussky. In addition to the technical school in the 30s, another annual school and pre-school courses, pre-school evening and extramural.

Belpedtechniki in 1936 was renamed the Gomel Pedagogical School.

During the Great Patriotic War For three years, the educational institution was in evacuation in Ruzaevka (Bashkiria, RF). And many teachers and students went to the front, fought with the enemy in the partisan paints and underground groups. In the autumn of 1943, the Pedago returned from evacuation to Gomel, and in February 1944, classes resumed.

Since 1958, the pedagogical departure has been renamed musical and pedagogical, due to the opening of the musical office. In 1969, the Branch of the CultPros of Work was opened. In 1978 - the pre-school department, in 1981 - correspondence pre-school department. In 2001, the specialty branch " Physical education"- The youngest.

In 1995, the Muchpucharchieu was renamed Music and Pedagogical College. And in 1996 he was assigned the name of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky.

Since 2002, our institution has been referred to as "Gomel State Pedagogical College. L.S. Vygotsky. "

Establishment Education "Gomel State Pedagogical College. L.S. Vygotsky "concluded a cooperation agreement with higher educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus: Gomel state University im.F.Scorins, Mozyr State pedagogical University them. I.P. Shamyakina, Belarusian State Pedagogical University. M. Tanka, Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, Mogilev State University. A. Kuleshova, Grodno State University. Ya. Kupala, Polotsk State University, Baranovichi State University.

College is preparing specialists in the following specialties: " Primary education», « Preschool education"- Day and absentee forms of education," musical education "," Physical culture "- day and correspondence forms of training.

College is not bad came here to prepare for admission to higher. Here it is much more thoroughly happening than if you stay for the last two years at school.

No employment problems

UO "Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygotsky" I will not intercepted a lot, I will not have a college to grow, but the most important thing is that there are excellent teachers and competent leadership. There were classes who liked more, some less, but on each we were given useful knowledge. Many attention is paid here. We passed it in different institutions, it was not easy, but the experience we received invaluable. After receiving a diploma, I easily found a job and was pleased with my employment.

Satisfied with the quality of learning

UO "Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygotsky" The first acquaintance with this college was at the bottom open doors. After that, I decided to submit documents here. I definitely do not regret our decision, all the conditions for comfortable training and teachers are excellent. With each course we were more and more destructed our specialty, and we were provided to us for practice. Administration Responsive, for students often various events were organized. We were engaged in cozy audiences, dining room, assembly hall, a good repair gym. In general, if you do it exactly does not lose right.


UO "Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygotsky" I also studied here with pleasure, and that I still liked to practice us and at the end with employment also helped. The first year of the truth was difficult because I did after grade 9 and immediately enter the new rut was not so simple. I know for pre-school education last year on budget places There was a contest of 1.9 people in place, since my sister came here.

He studied with great pleasure.

UO "Gomel State Pedagogical College named after L.S. Vygotsky" Personally, for me, the time of study here flew very quickly. And this is just because it is really cool. I and at school was an activist and participated in public life, so here I also never lost the time. Student life boils here pretty bustling. Teachers, I would say everything excellent, although I heard that they were and those on which they were constantly complained. I will say so if there is a desire to learn, you will not look at anyone, but gradually move to the target target.

I have a sister here now, she really wanted to do, adores children, and since childhood did not imagine himself in another specialty. Now we are constantly sings the laudatory ODD to this educational institution. She really likes, teachers are very well tuned towards all students, study the most advanced teaching methods. Here are preparing very good specialists.

  • Region:Gomel region
  • Locality:: Gomel
  • Type UZ:SRS
  • Type of Uz:Education
  • Address:

    246001, Gomel, ul. Proletarskaya, 69.

  • Phones:

    (8-0232) 74-21-77 - reception; 74-11-40 ( selection committee)

  • URL:http://www.gpk.by/
  • E-mail:[Email Protected]

Establishment of education "Gomel State Pedagogical College. L.S. Vygotsky "- one of the oldest educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus. It takes its beginning from the Polesian teacher's seminary, founded in 1914 with the aim of preparing teachers of the Polesian region.
In 1919, the teacher's seminary was reformed into short-term pedagogical courses, which existed until September 1921, when a pedagogical technical school was opened on their base with a 6-year-old learning period.
In 1926, the technical school was named Belorussky. In addition to the technical school in the 1930s, another annual school and pre-school courses, preschool evening and correspondence department worked on its basis. Belpedtechniki in 1936 was renamed the Gomel Pedagogical School.
During the Great Patriotic War, the school did not function. It resumed its work in February 1944.
In connection with the opening of the musical office in 1958, the pedagogue was renamed to the musical and pedagogical.
In 1969, the Branch of the CultPros of Work was opened. In 1978 - the pre-school department, in 1981 - correspondence pre-school department. In 2001, the Department of the specialty "Physical Culture" is the youngest.
In 1995, the Muchpucharchieu was renamed Music and Pedagogical College. And in 1996 he was assigned the name of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky. Since 2002, the institution is referred to as "Gomel State Pedagogical College. L.S. Vygotsky. "
During its existence, college has prepared more than 16,000 qualified specialists.
To date, 126 teachers are working in college, the number of students is 870 people.
Creative teams created in college: fuch orchestra, ensemble of folk instruments, dance collective, opera studio, children's musical Theatre, a group of drummers, the ensemble of folk music and the song "Sustch".
College graduates can continue their studies in various universities of Strinks in the abbreviated program.

Based on overall basic education (9 classes)

Training of specialists based on the general basic education By day form of learning.
"Preschool education". Specialization: Rhythmica choreography. Creative activity. Qualifications: educator of pre-school education.
"Primary education". Specialization: Rhythmica choreography. Creative activity. Qualification: Teacher.
"Musical education". Specialization: Rhythmica choreography. Creative activity. Qualification: Teacher. Music leader preschool institution.
"Physical education". Specialization: Physical and recreational work. Qualification: Teacher.
The term of study in all specialties is 3 years 10 months.

Based on general secondary education (11 classes)

Preparation of specialists based on common basic education on the correspondence form of training.
"Preschool education". Specialization: Creative activity. Qualifications: educator of pre-school education.
The term of study is 3 years 6 months.

Gomel State Pedagogical College. L.S.vugotsky originates from the Polesian teacher's seminary founded in 1914 with the aim of preparing teachers of the Porsky Territory. In 1919, the teacher's seminary was reformed in short-term pedagogical courses, which existed until September 1921. On the basis of pedagogical courses in 1921, pedagogical technician was opened.

These years in the history of Gomel pedhechnikum are closely related to the name of the world famous psychologist Lev Semenovich Vygotsky, who created the Cabinet of Psychology in 1923. Together with students, L.S. Vigotsky conducted scientific studies of the psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children. Studies conducted in the pedtechnika, formed the basis of its scientific theories, on which modern pedagogy of personality development is built.

In 1926, the technical school was named Belorussky.

In 1936. Belpedtechnikum was renamed the Gomel Pedagogical School.

Since 1958, the pedagogue has been renamed musical and pedagogical.

In 1995, the Muchpucharchieu was renamed Music and Pedagogical College. And in 1996 he was assigned the name of Lev Semenovich Vygotsky.

Since 2002, the institution is referred to as "Gomel State Pedagogical College. L.S.Vigotsky. "

Forms of education and specialty

Specialty based on common basic education (you can do after grade 9). Day form education

Specialty Qualification Training period Form of study View of exams
Primary education Teacher 2 years 10 months Budget, paid Middle Competition
score document
About education
Preschool education Educator
preschool institution
2 years 10 months Budget, paid Middle Competition
score document
About education
Musical education Teacher.
Music leader
preschool institution
2 years 10 months Budget, paid Exam by

Specialty on the basis of general secondary education (you can go after 11 classes). Extramural Learning

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