Game what where when for school. Intellectual game "What? Where? When? Why?" for primary school students

Quiz for students elementary school.

"What where When?"

Leading. Good afternoon, dear experts! It is very pleasant that the most knowledgeable, the most inquisitive and the most attentive have gathered here. So, we have three gaming tables, they have flags different color. The game will have several rounds on such topics: geography, music, wildlife, literature, riddles. Let's start with a round of general questions. Questions will be asked to three teams at the same time, at the signal "The minute has gone" you start the discussion. The first team to raise the flag answers.

Round of General Questions

1. You know everything mighty hero Ilya Muromets. How many years did Ilya lie on the stove? (33 years)

2. Which branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)

3. Remember what spell Mowgli knew? ("You and I are of the same blood - you and I")

4. Remember, in which A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale a fundamentally new wage system was introduced. Show her. (Three clicks)

5. It is cold in winter, so we dress warmly - felt boots, fur coats, hats. Does a fur coat keep you warm in winter? (No, she only keeps warm)

6. Who has a mustache longer than their legs? (At the cockroach)

7. What is this herb that even the blind recognize? (Nettle)

8. What did the poodle Artemon wear on his front paw from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Silver watch)

9. What is the name of the living quarters for the crew on the ship? (Cockpit)

10. In Ancient Russia silver bars served as money. They were called hryvnias. If a thing cost less than the whole bar, then a part of it was cut off. What was the name of the severed part of the silver bar? (Ruble)

Round of blitz questions

1. What do a rider and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)

2. What kind of fuel is mined in the swamp? (Peat)

3. Where do they dance lezginka? (In Georgia)

1. Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

3. What is chardash? (Hungarian dance)

1. How can you carry water in a sieve? (freezing)

2. What country is worn on the head? (Panama)

3. When are eggs tasty? (when you eat them)

Geographic Round

1. Most deep lake in the world. (Baikal)

2. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica)

3. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

4. Name the star closest to Earth. This star is visible during the daytime. (The sun)

Music Round

1. What notes can measure the distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2. Which Austrian composer has already given concerts at the age of six? (Mozart)

3. Which composer composed and played his works when he was deaf? (Beethoven)

4. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

5. What song did the short babies sing when they flew on hot-air balloon with the unknown? ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

Round "Wildlife World"

1. What bird breeds chicks in any frost? (Crossbill)

2. During the flight of these birds, it seems that a continuous flame is moving. What is this bird? (Flamingo)

3. Which bird flies the fastest? (Strizh, up to 140 km/h)

4. From which poisonous plant is the medicine used for heart disease prepared? (Lily of the valley)

5. What plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers? (At algae)

6. What wood is used to make skis? (birch)

7. The footprint of which predatory beast is similar to the footprint of a person? (bear)

8. What wood are matches made of? (From aspen)

9. The juice of which plant helps with mosquito bites? (parsley)

Literary round

1. To whom from literary heroes own walking shoes and a magic staff? ( Little Flour)

2. Name three Russian epic heroes. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich)

3. What medicine did Malvina Pinocchio want to give? (castor oil)

4. What academic title had the owner of the puppet theater Karabas-Barabas? (Doctor of puppet science)

5. What did Pinocchio love more than anything in the world? (Scary Adventures)

6. What kind of cash coin was used by the inhabitants of the town from the fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Soldo)

7. "Swayed, swayed on thin legs, stepped once, stepped another, hop-hop, straight to the door through the threshold and into the street." Who is this? (Pinocchio)

8. “A long, wet, wet man came out with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom.” Who is this? (Seller of medicinal leeches Duremar)

9. Who was Gulliver by profession? (by the ship's doctor)

Round of riddles

1. It won’t knock, it won’t blur, but it will enter the window. (Dawn)

2. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

3. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (hole)

4. Curls around the nose, but is not given in the hands. (Smell)

5. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and sweet in the middle. (Plum)

6. Not the sea, not the river, but worried. (Spikes in the field)

7. She will be born in water,

But a strange fate

She is afraid of water

And it always dies. (Salt)

8. Sits on a spoon, legs hanging down. (Noodles)

9. What kind of beast:

White as snow

Puffed up like fur

walks with shovels,

And eats with a horn. (Goose)

10. Sir, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

11. Many arms, but one leg. (Tree)

12. Two daughters, two mothers, and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many? (Three)

Intellectual game

"What where When?"

Target: creation of a single intellectual space that allows popularizing the forms of youth intellectual leisure, identifying intellectual leaders.


To form and develop the intellectual movement of students

Reveal the strongest youth teams

Develop the competitive qualities of schoolchildren

Game conditions:

The game is attended by teams of 5-11 grades of the school (5-6, 7-8, 9-11).

The composition of the team is 6 people.

Teams are encouraged to have a name, a single uniform and the presence of paraphernalia.

Ways: questions

Registration: multimedia equipment for showing presentations (slides).

Game progress:

Good day! We are glad to welcome you to the game "What? Where? When? ”Today you all will act as experts. Remember the famous TV game? We will simplify the conditions for its implementation a little. Today we have qualifying rounds for all parallels. We select the most intelligent teams in 3 age categories: 5-6 grades, 7-8 grades, 9-11 grades.

Let me remind you the rules of the Championship game: I read out the question, you are given one minute to discuss. After a minute, you give the answer. The first team to raise the flag is the first to answer. If the answer is not correct, the right to answer is transferred to the next team. Then I say the correct answer, and the results of the first question are entered into the table. If the team answered the question correctly, they get one point. In total, we have 12 questions in the game.

Remember the rules. Well, now let's say hello to the teams ....

Welcome to the jury...

Minute readiness

Break a leg.

Questions for teams of 5-6 classes:

    One day, journalist Yaroslav Golovanov suggested that the Children's Literature publishing house establish a prize that would be awarded to a family in which the father's name is Mikhail Ivanovich, the mother's name is Nastasya Petrovna, and their son is Mikhail Mikhailovich. According to Golovanov, this prize should have a name that you know well.

Attention to the question: Which one?


Answer: Three Bears.

    According to one of African legends, the first man descended to earth from the sky.

Attention to the question: And what animal (according to the ideas, of course, Africans) helped him in this?


Answer: giraffe

    You have heard in Russian the words "kolovorot", "outskirts", "nonsense".

Attention to the question: What does this common root mean among the Slavs - “kolo”?


Answer: circle

    You all know the mighty hero Ilya Muromets. How many years did Ilya lie on the stove?


Answer: 33 years old

    Cow and armchair, chicken and compasses, tripod and piano. What do each couple have in common?


Answer: number of legs.

    It is cold in winter, so we dress warmly - felt boots, fur coats, hats. Does a fur coat keep you warm in winter?


Answer: No, it only keeps warm.

    The black box contains what the next riddle is about. It describes a certain technology by which it turns out what is in the black box

Attention question: I'll take it dusty, make it liquid, throw it into the flame, there will be a stone.


Answer: bread.

    What plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers?


Answer: algae.

    What sport does the term "double toe loop" refer to?


Answer: figure skating.

    It is said that before a long journey with a certain company, Aesop took on the largest basket. And I didn't guess.

Attention to the question: What was in it?


Answer: food for the road.

    Bulgarians ask THEM for rain during a drought. And in Poland, parents teach their children: "Don't kill HER - maybe it's your late GRANDMA".

Attention to the question: Who are we talking about?


Answer: About a butterfly.

    We look at the number 2, but say 10?

Attention to the question: When does this happen?


Answer: when we look at the clock.

Questions for grades 7-8:

    One of the famous feats of Hercules was the cleaning of the Augean stables.

Attention question: Can you name how many horses they had?


Answer: Not a single one (there were only bulls in the barnyard of King Avgiy).

    In South Africa, in the vicinity of the small town of Upington, luxurious vineyards are laid out. During the harvesting of ripe berries, they are dumped whole by dump trucks to large, the size of a football field, concrete platforms, and they leave them there.

Attention to the question: Why?


Answer. This is how raisins are made.

    Once upon a time South America the Spanish conquistadors were amazed to see a creature hovering motionless in the air, surrounded by a cloud. Hastily called the priest, he looked at the miracle and announced that it was an angel.

Attention to the question: Who was it really?

Answer. Hummingbird.

    What material are ceramic dishes made from?


Answer: clay

    The first ones, which appeared in Russia about three hundred years ago, were a body with holes in the lower part, into which coals were laid.

Attention question: What do we call them now?

Answer: iron

    The famous Russian pianist Nikolai Petrov said in one interview: "I have never been an oligarch, I have neither companies nor mines. There are only my ten ...". Finish his thought with one word.

Answer: fingers

    What “balls from the Ocean” sparkle and shimmer and attract people so much that they gain power over them?


Answer: pearls

    Inhabitants of hot deserts and semi-deserts - fennec fox, caracal, gerbil, eared hedgehog and others are owners of rather large ears.

Attention question: Perfect hearing has nothing to do with it, but what role do their ears play?


Answer: cooling

    Remember, in which A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale a fundamentally new system of remuneration was introduced.

Attention question: name it


Answer: 3 clicks

    The black box contains the cell that makes up any living being. This cell is in a large supply of nutrients.

Q: What is in the black box?

Answer: egg

    Here this man sits and sentences, and sentences, and sentences ...

Attention question: What is the profession of this person!


Answer: judge

Questions for grades 9-11:

    In the US, Reebok sneakers are sold in the original assembly: the right shoe is made in Taiwan, and the left shoe is made in Thailand. Thus, the company significantly reduced its losses.

Attention to the question: Why did the company suffer losses?

Answer: because of the theft of shoes from finished product factories.

    Recently, in the West, on some tourist maps, for the convenience of walking, the isolines of walking equidistance from the hotel and distances are marked not in meters or km., But in what?

Answer: an hour's walk

    The economical Japanese government called on all employees to go to work in the summer without ties and jackets.

Attention to the question: What is the government going to save on?

Answer: electricity used for air conditioning

    In the black box is what is called the "green camel"

Answer: cactus

    Three great poets of Russia at once dedicated their poems to this two-headed mountain: Zhukovsky, Pushkin, Lermontov.

Answer: Elbrus

    The Hebrew textbook opens with the words: “You are about to study the language you speak…” Who?

Answer. God.

    In South Africa, in the vicinity of the small town of Upington, luxurious vineyards are laid out. During the harvesting of ripe berries, they are dumped whole by dump trucks to large, the size of a football field, concrete platforms, and they leave them there. What for?

Answer. This is how raisins are made.

    What, from a general biological point of view, is the main difference between the oriole and meadowsweet?

Answer. Oriole is an animal, meadowsweet is a plant.

    Attention! Black box.
    V Ancient China soaked mulberry bark was split into thin strips and boiled in a lime solution for two hours. Then the resulting mass was smashed with hammers, glue was added to it, poured with water, and all this was sifted through a fine sieve. The mass that settled in the sieve was tipped onto a board and pressed. The resulting product was dried and used.

Attention to the question: What was it used for?

Answer: The resulting paper was naturally used for writing.

    In geography she is kind, in football she is the last one, in song she helps to navigate life, for historians she is the sailing ship of the first Russian round-the-world expedition.

Attention question: What is it?

Answer: hope

    The well-known basketball commentator Vladimir Gomelsky once complained: “It’s difficult with women’s sports, you just get used to how you have to retrain.”

Attention to the question: What exactly to retrain?

Answer: surname

    In 1926 and 1948, Germany was punished for starting wars in the same way that Sparta had once been punished.

Attention to the question: What is this punishment?

Answer: German athletes were banned from participating in the Olympics.

Summing up and awarding the winners and participants.

Tatyana Belousova


the formation of close parent-child relationships, the promotion of intellectual television programs.


1. Popularization of intellectual TV programs as a useful leisure activity.

2. Develop logical thinking, communicative speech, intelligence, mental abilities, attention, memory, imagination.

3. Shape personal qualities children: a sense of camaraderie, responsibility, mutual assistance, the ability to work in a team, listen to someone else's opinion, defend one's answer, justifying it.

Parents and children came to the group, they are met by the leader:


Hello dear guests. Today we welcome you to the famous TV game “What? Where? When?" Let's start with a little history:

“A popular television intellectual game in which a team of experts spend a minute looking for answers to questions from viewers. On air since 1975. First, the program settled in the Ostankino television center and was held there for 7 years, then moved to Gertsen Street, 47. Also then there were live broadcasts from Bulgaria. The program spent a year in Krasnaya Presnya. And finally, the hunting lodge in Neskuchny garden where she lives to this day.

Rules of the game:

The symbol of our game is a wise owl.

Musical break - at the request of the team (treble clef)

Children give answers, parents help if necessary.

For each correct answer, either the team or the team of viewers gets a point.

Player introduction:

The Shavkunov family is invited to the gaming table: mother Galina and son Roma, etc.

(players go to the table to the music)

The players sat down at the table and began to spin the drum. Sounds like a tune from a TV game

Questions by sector:

1. Sector "Mathematics"- the question is asked by Znayka (photo by Znayka)

2. Sector "Literature"- the question is asked by the Ural storyteller P. P. Bazhov (photo on the screen)

Grandmother loved the girl very much

She gave her a red hat

Girl forgot her name

Oh, well, tell me her name (Little Red Riding Hood)

What a strange man

Little wooden man

Looking for a golden key on land and under water?

Everywhere he sticks his long nose,

And it's called ... (Pinocchio)

On sour cream bag

It's cold on the window

Round side, ruddy side,

Ride…. (Kolobok)

3. Music sector - "Guess the melody"- the question is asked by TV presenter Vlad Pelsh (photo on the screen)

The initial chords of various songs sound. You have to guess the song.

4. Sector "Artist"(Drawing on the wallpaper of a general pattern. Theme "Underwater World")

The facilitator makes a riddle:

Parents and children have all clothes made of coins. (Fish and fish).

5. Sector "Sport"- the question is asked by the Olympic champion Yulia Lepnitskaya.

What summer sports do you know?

What outdoor games do you know where the ball is needed?

6. Sector "Be healthy"- video question from a doctor kindergarten. Video recording on screen.

What medicinal herbs and plants of our region do you know?

And now the correct answer is:

A video plays on the screen.

7. Sector "Black Box"

Guess the riddle:

I open buds, green leaves,

I dress the trees, I water the crops,

The movement is full, they call me .... (Spring)

In the black box are fragments of pictures with a spring plot.

Collect pictures about spring.

8. Sector "Our Speech"

Collect a proverb about friendship.

Players are invited to choose cards of the same color and collect a proverb about friendship from them. It turns out 11 proverbs (according to the number of players).

9. Sector "Head"- sounds video-questions from the manager.

Attention to the screen.

What is the name of our kindergarten teacher?

What is the number of our kindergarten?

What is the address of our kindergarten?

What is the name of the main square of our city?


You guys are great!

Work hard from the heart

You all thought, decided

Questions were answered

Somewhere true, somewhere not

There was always an answer

Congratulations on your victory

We want to be smart.

All participants are awarded a certificate of entry into the "Connoisseurs Club" and a sweet prize.

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Intellectual game "What? Where? When? Why?"

Goals: deepening students' knowledge, developing attention and logical thinking;

skill to work in team.

Equipment: 2 tables for opposing teams, card.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear participants of the game. Good afternoon, dear guests.

Today we are playing our game “What? Where? When? Why?" I present to you the teams of participants: this is the "Why" team and the "Clever and Smart" team.

Our participants will be judged by the jury members (performance).

We wish everyone good luck. Spectators, your applause will be the best support for the participants.


Questions to the teams in turn. The jury awards 1 point for each correct answer.

1 task.

Which hero of A. Tolstoy sold the alphabet and bought a ticket to the puppet theater? (Pinocchio)

Who did the 11 brothers-princes from the fairy tale of H. H. Andersen turn into? (In swans)

What hero of R. Kipling grew up in a pack of wolves? (Mowgli)

Who did the ugly duckling from the fairy tale by G.-Kh. Andersen? (Into the swan)

2 task. Say a word - name the most famous literary heroes.

Questions for the 1st team.

Baba- ... (Yaga).

Fly Tsokotukha).

Turtle... (Tortilla).

Bee... (May).

Owl... (Bumba).

Brer Rabbit).

Sivka- ... (Burka).

Questions for the 2nd team

Hen- ... (Ryaba).

Crocodile Gena).

Brownie ... (Kuzya).

Postman Pechkin).

Little Red Riding Hood).

Koschei the Deathless).

Old man... (Hottabych).

3exercise. Find a rhyme and name the work and the author.

Instead of a hat on the go, he put on ... (frying pan). (S. Ya. Marshak. “A scattered man.”)

Here is the wise man before Dadon

Got up and took out of the bag

Golden ... (cockerel).

(A.S. Pushkin. "The Tale of the Golden Cockerel".)

You have wax on your neck

Under your nose... (blot).

(K. I. Chukovsky. "Moydodyr".)

The fly went to the market

And I bought ... (samovar).

(K. I. Chukovsky. “Fly-Tsokotuha”.)


Will a snowman melt if you put a fur coat on her? (Not)

In front of which person is the hat always removed? (In front of the hairdresser.)

Which city is the most angry? (G. Grozny)

What is the name of the baby chicken? (Chick)

How can you carry water in a sieve? (To freeze)

Home for money? (Wallet)

Why do ducks swim? (From the shore)

Why do planes fly? (Across the sky)


My grandmother lived with her grandson Fedor, the dog Sharik, the cat Vaska. How many grandchildren does grandmother have? (One)

There are 8 branches on a birch, each branch has 5 knots. Each knot has 2 apples. How many apples are there? (Not a single one - apples do not grow on a birch.)

A wheel rolls on the table - it is multi-colored. One corner is red, the other is green, and the third is blue. What color will the next corner be when it rolls to the edge of the table? (None. The wheel has no corners.)

What will happen to the crow in 3 years? (She will be in her fourth year.)

If you eat 1 plum, what is left? (Bone)

Many are people, but one? (Person)



Team captains participate in the competition. The host asks them questions. The task of the captain is to give the correct answer faster than his opponent. For each correct answer 1 point is awarded.

Southern tree? (Palm)

Small winter bird? (Sparrow)

bird house? (Nest)

Bird's nose? (Beak)

River crossing? (Bridge)

Insect that gives honey? (Bee)

Where do vegetables grow? (Garden)

Home for a horse? (Stable)

Strong wind with snow? (Blizzard)

Poison mushrooms? (Toadstools, fly agaric)

What is sunflower oil made from? (From sunflower seeds.)

Dry grass? (Hay)

What is left after burning wood? (Coal)

Car house? (Garage)

The person who lives nearby? (Neighbor)

Underground Railway? (Metro)

What is the name of Santa Claus' granddaughter? (Snow Maiden)

What is another name for Santa Claus? (Santa Claus)

organ of vision? (Eyes)

They hide under the nails. (Germs)

The smallest finger? (Little finger)

Homemade Santa Claus? (Refrigerator)

V round - COMPETITION"GUESS-KA" (proverbs and sayings)

1. What kind of pancake usually turns out lumpy? (first)

2. What bird always praises its swamp? (sandpiper)

3. What can't be left out of a song? (the words)

4. Without which there is no smoke? (no fire)

5. What should be forged while it is hot? (iron)

6. Who is the business afraid of? (masters)

7. What, according to the proverb, flies when the forest is cut down? (slivers)

9. What gift is not looked in the mouth? (horse)

10. Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 ... (friends)

12. Do not judge by words, but by what? (on business)

13. What was torn off at the bazaar to the curious Varvara? (nose)

14. What fruit falls close to its tree? (Apple)

15. When does appetite come? (while eating)

16. What can't you hide in a bag? (awl)


1. What musical instrument did Gena the crocodile play? (harmonic)

2. Who sang the song "I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather?" (kolobok)

3. How many notes are in the stave? (7)

4. What note is put in the soup? (salt)

5. What note can be a preposition? (before)

6. How many lines does a stave consist of? (5)

7. Which composer composed his best works while being deaf? (Beethoven)

8. What is the name of the ensemble of four musicians? (quartet)

9. A group that has the same name as the part of the plant ("Roots")

10. Which instrument has both strings and a pedal?

What is this? Undoubtedly, this is our glorious ... (piano)

11. Who manages the orchestra? (conductor)

12. What kind of music do soldiers march to? (march)

13. Will strum us, guess what, jolly ... (balalaika)

14. What did the cat Matroskin from Prostokvashino play on? (On guitar)


Here is a text that contains errors. You need to find and correct all errors in 5 minutes.


I went to the forest daroshka in the village. The area was familiar to me. In the depths of the forest, the call of a malinafka was heard. At the apushka, white daisies flashed on high legs. A herd grazed near the river

Corrected (for the jury):

I walked along the forest path to the village. The area was familiar to me. In the depths of the forest, the voice of a robin was heard. At the edge of the forest flashed white daisies on a high stem. A clearing stretched from the edge of the village to the village, beyond the clearing a river turned blue. A herd was grazing near the river. (25 fixes)


Our game has come to an end.

We have all worked hard.

It's time to sum up

It's not a sin for the team to reward!

Teams are being awarded.

Quiz for schoolchildren "What, where, when?"

Leading. Good afternoon, dear experts! It is very pleasant that the most knowledgeable, the most inquisitive and the most attentive have gathered here. So, we have three gaming tables, they have flags of different colors. The game will have several rounds on such topics: geography, music, wildlife, literature, riddles. Let's start with a round of general questions. Questions will be asked to three teams at the same time, at the signal "The minute has gone" you start the discussion. The first team to raise the flag answers.

Round of General Questions

1. You all know the mighty hero Ilya Muromets. How many years did Ilya lie on the stove? (33 years)

2. Which branch does not grow on a tree? (Railway)

3. Remember what spell Mowgli knew? ("You and I are of the same blood - you and I")

4. Remember, in which A. S. Pushkin's fairy tale a fundamentally new wage system was introduced. Show her. (Three clicks)

5. It is cold in winter, so we dress warmly - felt boots, fur coats, hats. Does a fur coat keep you warm in winter? (No, she only keeps warm)

6. Who has a mustache longer than their legs? (At the cockroach)

7. What is this herb that even the blind recognize? (Nettle)

8. What did the poodle Artemon wear on his front paw from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Silver watch)

9. What is the name of the living quarters for the crew on the ship? (Cockpit)

10. In ancient Russia, silver bars served as money. They were called hryvnias. If a thing cost less than the whole bar, then a part of it was cut off. What was the name of the severed part of the silver bar? (Ruble)

Round of blitz questions

1. What do a rider and a rooster have in common? (Spurs)

2. What kind of fuel is mined in the swamp? (Peat)

3. Where do they dance lezginka? (In Georgia)

1. Under which bush did the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)

3. What is chardash? (Hungarian dance)

1. How can you carry water in a sieve? (freezing)

2. What country is worn on the head? (Panama)

3. When are eggs tasty? (when you eat them)

Geographic Round

1. The deepest lake in the world. (Baikal)

2. Which continent has no rivers? (In Antarctica)

3. Between what two identical letters can you put a small horse and get the name of the country? (Japan)

4. Name the star closest to Earth. This star is visible during the daytime. (The sun)

Music Round

1. What notes can measure the distance? (Mi-la-mi)

2. Which Austrian composer has already given concerts at the age of six? (Mozart)

3. Which composer composed and played his works when he was deaf? (Beethoven)

4. What two notes grow in the garden? (Beans)

5. What song did the shorty kids sing when they flew in a balloon with Dunno? ("In the grass Grasshopper sat")

Round "Wildlife World"

1. What bird breeds chicks in any frost? (Crossbill)

2. During the flight of these birds, it seems that a continuous flame is moving. What is this bird? (Flamingo)

3. Which bird flies the fastest? (Strizh, up to 140 km/h)

4. From which poisonous plant is the medicine used for heart disease prepared? (Lily of the valley)

5. What plants do not have roots, stems, leaves, flowers? (At algae)

6. What wood is used to make skis? (birch)

7. The footprint of which predatory beast is similar to the footprint of a person? (bear)

8. What wood are matches made of? (From aspen)

9. The juice of which plant helps with mosquito bites? (parsley)

Literary round

1. Which of the literary heroes own walking shoes and a magic staff? (to Little Muck)

2. Name three Russian epic heroes. (Dobrynya Nikitich, Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich)

3. What medicine did Malvina Pinocchio want to give? (castor oil)

4. What academic title did the owner of the Karabas-Barabas puppet theater have? (Doctor of puppet science)

5. What did Pinocchio love more than anything in the world? (Scary Adventures)

6. What kind of cash coin was used by the inhabitants of the town from the fairy tale "The Golden Key"? (Soldo)

7. "Swayed, swayed on thin legs, stepped once, stepped another, hop-hop, straight to the door through the threshold and into the street." Who is this? (Pinocchio)

8. “A long, wet, wet man came out with a small, small face, as wrinkled as a morel mushroom.” Who is this? (Seller of medicinal leeches Duremar)

9. Who was Gulliver by profession? (by the ship's doctor)

Round of riddles

1. It won’t knock, it won’t blur, but it will enter the window. (Dawn)

2. Stronger than the sun, weaker than the wind, no legs, but walking, no eyes, but crying. (Cloud)

3. The fur coat is new, but there is a hole in the hem. (hole)

4. Curls around the nose, but is not given in the hands. (Smell)

5. Blue uniform, yellow lining, and sweet in the middle. (Plum)

6. Not the sea, not the river, but worried. (Spikes in the field)

7. She will be born in water,

But a strange fate

She is afraid of water

And it always dies. (Salt)

8. Sits on a spoon, legs hanging down. (Noodles)

9. What kind of beast:

White as snow

Puffed up like fur

walks with shovels,

And eats with a horn. (Goose)

10. Sir, but not a hare, with hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

11. Many arms, but one leg. (Tree)

12. Two daughters, two mothers, and a grandmother and granddaughter. How many? (Three)

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