The literary game of the Quiz in the Children's Library. Biblomage: Book Quiz

Julia Kucherenko
Quiz game "Journey through the pages of favorite books"

Purpose: to attach children to books for the development of cognitive, creative and emotional activity; identify kids about fairy tales; to raise the feeling of compassion for heroes, consolidate the ability to listen carefully, to answer questions, briefly convey the content of the works; To bring up a desire to communicate with the book and take care of it.

The course of the game is quiz.

1. Introductory word caregiver.

Children, today we will make an imaginary journey, will hold a game - a quiz, which is called "Journey through the pages of your favorite books." The journey is magical, fabulous, everyone will make it on his transport, which will choose himself. To do this, you need to close your eyes, 3 times say to yourself magic words: "I go to the magical country!" (Food, swimming, etc.)

We will visit the magic country of literary sorties in 5 cities:

1. In the city of literary characters;

3. In the city of wizards;

4. In the city of poets;

5. In a mysterious city.

So, on the road! Close your eyes, we say magic words 3 times. And here we are in 1 city Magic country Books:

The city of literary characters.

Here you need to remember who who was from the following literary characters:

1. Moidodyr (Washbasin, K. I. Chukovsky "Moydodyr")

2. Uncle Fedor (boy, E. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, dog and cat")

3. Suffered (straw scarecrow, A. Volkov "Wizard of the Emerald City")

4. Matroskin (Cat, E. Uspensky Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat)

5. GENA (Crocodile, E. Asspensky "Crocodile Gena and his friends")

And now, children, our way lies in the city of authors (speak magical words).

Here, guys, you need to execute the author and the name of the work:

1) "My light, the mirror! Tell me.

Yes, all the truth reports:

I am in the light of all Mile,

All Rushes and Beee? "(A. S. Pushkin," Fairy Tale of the Dead Tsarevna "

2) "My phone rang

Who says? - Elephant "(k. I. Chukovsky" Phone ")

3) "The house has eight fraction one,

At the head of Ilyich

High Citizen lived

On the nickname "Calancha" "(with. V. Mikhalkov" Uncle Stepa ")

4) "Do not burn, the owner, and better give me a bag yes, you order a couple of boots for me so that it does not hurt to walk on the stones" (sh. Perro, "Cat in Boots")

5) "But on the bird yard over the kid swore.

See what an ugly! What is the ugly this dot! shouted after him. "(G. H. Andersen" Naudsky Duckling ")

Travel to 3 city is a city of wizards.

What kind of wizards say in the following passages of fairy tales:

1) "She had only one eye, but she saw them so that there was no corner in a purple country that would escape from her acute gaze (Bastinda, A. Volkov" Wizard of the Emerald City ")

2) "Kai glanced at her. As she was good! He could not imagine her face and charming. Now she didn't seem to him ice. (Snow Queen, G. H. Andersen)"

3) "He turned into a huge lion. The cat was so frightened, seeing his lion before sather, that she was now rushed to the roof!" (Cannoded, Sh. Perro "Cat in Boots")

4) "And she not to say a word, cut the pumpkin and took out the whole pulp out of her. Then she touched her yellow brushes with her magic wand, and the empty pumpkin suddenly turned into a beautiful carved carriage, gilded from the roof to the wheels" (Fairy, "Cinderella", sh. Perro)

5) "She fell into a bucket in a bucket and tells the human voice:" Don't eat me! Let them again in the water, you will be happy, just say: on whining class, in my opinion, everything will be performed "(Pike," Emelya ", p. n. p.)

Well, well done, children, now we go to City of poets.

1) And the foxes took the matches, to the sea Blue went.

Sea lit a blue. Sea flame burns, ran out of the sea. (Keith, K. Chukovsky "Putanitsa")

2) "He sat on the bed in the morning. He became a shirt to wear.

The hands looked into the sleeves - it turned out. "(Pants, S. Marshak" This is what scattered ")

3) "I took in the dining room Uncle Step for myself a double lunch,

Sleep down the uncle Stepa - the legs put on. "(Stool, S. Mikhalkov," Uncle Step ")

4) "Here and soap jumped and clung to the hair,

And julily, and soapped, and bite, like. "(Osa, K. Chukovsky," Moydodyr ")

5) "PIF-PAF! - And the buffalo is a nude

Behind him in fright. "(Rhino, K. Chukovsky" Crocodile ")

6) "It's a shame to roar as an old - you are not a hare, but." (Bear, K. Chukovsky "Stolen Sun")

7) "But as a black iron leg.

Boiled, crushed. "(Kocherga, K. Chukovsky" Fedorino Mount ")

8) "Wolves from frights buried each other.

Poor crocodile toad. "(swallowed, to. Chukovsky" cockroach ")

9) "Who is trembling with fear, hid in Chulana,

Who is in a dog booth. Who is in the attic

Dad signed in the old suitcase,

Uncle under the sofa, aunt in. "(Chest, to. Chukovsky" Crocodile ")

10) "And a grasshopper, and a grasshopper, well, quite like a little man,

Beast, under the coupled and. "(hill, k. Chukovsky" Fly-Tsokutuha ")

And now our path lies in the city called Mysterious, where you have to solve the author's riddles.

1) beat him with hand and stick, it's not a pity to anyone.

And for the fact that the poor fellow go? And for the fact that he will come. (Ball, S. Marshak)

2) Here are the needles and pins crawling out of the shops,

They look at me, they want milk. (Yozh, K. Chukovsky)

3) what the stars through the coats and on the scarf,

All end-toile-cut, and take - water in hand? (Snowflakes, E. Blaginina)

4) What are we in front of us: two robs behind the ears,

In the eyes of the wheel and nose on the nose? (Points, S. Marshak)

5) I go - it is not in the woods, but on the mustes, by hair,

And my teeth are longer than that of wolves and bears. (scallop, K. Chukovsky)


Counting chips, selection of winners, rewarding them with medals:

"The best sign of children's books"

Library number 14 Library Information Center "Intellect"
ul. Marshal Kazakova, D.68, Corp. one

May 27, 2017 inLibrary Information Center "Intellect" (st. MarshalKazakova, 68, Corp. 1) the quiz was held All-Russian Dahu libraries.

May 27 take congratulations to professional holiday Employees of libraries throughout Russia. After all, it is on this day that the All-Russian Day of Libraries is celebrated. Date - May 27 - not accidentally chosen, because this day the first state public public library was founded - the Imperial public librarywhich is now called the Russian national Library. May 27, 1795 - the date of its foundation.

Specialists of the Intellect Library could not pass by this event, and prepared quiz "I do not believe" and "May 27 - All-Russian Library Day". The most inquisitives learned the history of the holiday and a lot interesting facts About libraries worldwide.

According to the results of the quiz, we can confidently say that our readers are the most erudite and valid. The most difficult question was: "For what in libraries in antiquity there were vests?", But it was possible to give the correct answer to him: for scrolls. The winner of the quiz became Belonogova Marina.

Thanks to all readers for congratulations, and participation in festive events.

To the game, cards indicating the number of the team, five sets with response numbers (1,2,3,4,5), stars.

Stroke Game

Host: Today we are gathered at the Quiz "Literary Ring" game. All questions that will be asked are associated with folk creativity, literary works and literary fairy tales.

Rules of the game (Slide 2)

  • 5 teams take part in the game. Questions will be set alternately each team. All teams can respond to all questions.
  • For each correct answer to your question, the team receives 1 point.
  • For the correct answer to the question of another team, you can get a star.
  • On the thinking of each question is given 5 seconds.
  • After each tour, and there are three players team, which scores the smallest points.
  • If several teams have the same number of points to be the same, the stars will be taken into account.
  • The super-game will fight two teams that have come down to the final.

Count points will be ... (Leading jury)

1 tour

Host: Firebird - the embodiment of the radiant God of the Sun! The image of this bird was created by fantasy ancient man and preserved in Russian magic fairy tales As the ideal of heavenly beauty and happiness. The prototype of this beautiful bird was nature, surrounding man. You have to solve poetic images of birds who still live in our forests. I think many of them we know perfectly well. You have to guess them in mythological descriptions, data from our ancestors.

Task 1: (Slide 3) in front of you image of birds: eagle, owls, roosters, cuckoo, crows.

1. It was considered the sloy of the birds of the bird, dedicated to the goddess of spring and predicted the beginning of thunderstorms and rains.


2. This bird lived to three hundred years old and the only one could bring lively and dead water.

3. In the peasant life, she was revered by the symbol of the heavenly fire and at the same time he was protected from him. Her image is now found on the roofs of houses.

4. Mysterious bird, nightlife lover. Folk wave ordered her guard of treasures and the wisest of earthly birds.

5. Since antiquity, this bird has become a symbol of pride, power and liberty. Myths tell that the main god of Slavyan, Perun, appeared on earth in the guise of this bird.

Host: no less rich and diverse the world of animals in Slavic legends. The head and master of the animal kingdom was considered Indrik - the beast. He had a lot of subjects. They possess wonderful properties. But there were also those who really lived and now live in our Russian forests. Here these beasts we will devote questions.

Task 2. (Slide 4) in front of you image animals and animals.

1. For popular beliefs, he is an impersonation of darkness. They could turn around the chief Slavic god Perun when he wanted to appear on earth. This beast knew how to speak a human voice, was endowed with wisdom and acted in many Russian fairy tales.

2. According to the presenters, it is a person turned into an evil sorcerer in a wild beast. He himself never attacks man, knows how to walk on the hind legs. In his appearance, one of the main Slavic gods - Veles can appear on earth.


3. This animal serves as a satellite satellite or sorcerer, but he is very loved by the Russian people. According to Slavic, it is a very intelligent animal. A lot of adapts and proverbs are connected with it.

to osh)

4. In ancient times, when the forces of nature were deified, the dark power went on this animal black, and the gods of color and darkness went on the same animal white suit. The poetic folk word refers to his "wings of man."

5. About it true friend our people folded a lot winged expressions, I will accept, proverbs, mysteries. He is a single breed with a wolf, but for a long time - his lutty enemy.

(Dog, dog).

On this, the first round is over.

The game leaves the team number ... ..

2 tour

(Slide 5) Leading:I have no doubt that you, before you learned to read, listened to fairy tales.

"What kind of beauty is these fairy tales! Each has a poem ...
Fairy tale lie, yes in it hint ... ", - wrote A.S. Pushkin about folk fairy tales.
Burning in ancient times, the fairy tale is still transmitted from mouth to mouth,
Operates and re-emerging.

Who read a lot of fairy tales,
Easily find answers.
Yes, you have already knew them so long.
Well, check it out!

Task 1: (slide 6) in front of you 4 images of the characters of folk fairy tales.

1. Who ordered: "Moms, nannies, are going to be equipped! Bake me mildly white bread for morning, what is my native father ate "?

("Princess Frog")

2. What fairy tale says about four bold shoots and one villainous murder?


3. How does the fairy tale ends with the words: "The evil witch was tied to a horse tail and let it into a clean field"?

(“Sister Alyonushka and Brantz Ivanushka ")

Task 2: (Slide 7) Host: You see the four pictures, which show fabulous heroes.

1. Does all these drawings are illustrations to Russian folk tales?

("Crocodile Gena and his friends")

Host: Crocodile Gena and his friend Cheburashka - These fabulous heroes were invented by our contemporary Eduard Asspensky.

At the heart of the famous tales of Tsar Saltan, about the dead princess, fishermen and fish are folk fairy tale plots. Well, do you know tales A.S. Pushkin?

Now check! Listen carefully, as the question is read only once.

Task 3: (Slide 8) Before you illustration to the fairy tales A.S. Pushkin. Name the fairy tale and her hero.

1. Three attackers, being in the service of a high-ranking person, made a fear of a document that had sad, very dramatic consequences: the family was destroyed. Mother and son cruelly punished. But in the end, truth truth, evil defeated.

(Tktchikha with the cook, with the Babaric Baba. "Tale of Tsar Saltan")

2. Under the pressure of the royal personnel, this woman committed a terrible crime. Under the guise of the wretched bench, she penetrated a good, unsuspecting girl and treated her very common delicious fruit. As a result, she fell out.

(Chernivka poisoned the young Tsarevna. "Tale of the dead princess and seven heroes")

3. It is fabulously beautiful, but very tricky emphasis committed a grave crime. On the field of Brahi, she destroyed two minor brothers, and then got to his father.

(Shemakhan Tsarina. "Tale of the Golden Cockerel")

Task 4:

Host: And now before you are the following group of questions on the fairy tales A. S. Pushkin. ( Slide 9)

  1. What precious metal is made by a chain hanging on Oak at Lukomorya?
  2. 1. Silver.
    2. Iron.
    3. Platinum.
    4. Gold.

    (At Lukomorye Oak Green;
    Choining chain on the oak volume ...)

  3. What was the last desire of the old woman in the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish"?
  4. 1. Being a pillars noble.
    2. Be a lady marine.
    3. Be a free queen.
    4. New trough.

  5. What of the listed is not included in the moral tales of Pushkin about the golden cockerel?
    1. Lie.
  6. 2. Lesson.
    3. Hint.
    4. Zair.

(Fairy tale lies, yes there is a hint!
Good young lesson.)

  1. What words to brave the old woman of her old man in the "Fairy Tale about Fisherman and Fish"
    1. Gorushko you are mine.
    2. Empty your head.
    3. Durachin you, duplicate.
    4. Oh, you, nasty old man.

Supplement: Durachin you, duplicate!
You did not know how to take a redemption from the fish!

Task 5:

(Slide 13) before you illustration of literary fairy tales.

1. What fairy tale says about the artistic level of vocal instrumental ensembles?

(Br.Grimm "Bremen Musicians")

This end the second tour.

The team number is dropped out of the game ...

3 tour

In our speech, we are using not only proverbs and sayings, but also very similar winged expressions: brief quotes, figurative expressions, saying historical persons entering our speech from literary sources.

The winged expressions are as if halfway to the proverbs: like proverbs, they are widely in speech, but, in contrast to the proverbs, usually belong to the author who is known.

Exercise 1:

(Slide 14) Before you portraits A.S. Pushkin, N.V. Gogol, A.P. Chekhov, D.I. Fonvizin. It is necessary to determine which of them belongs to the wing expression read by me.

  1. "Brevity - sister of talent" (A. P. Chekhov)
  2. "Terp, Cossack - Ataman you will!" (N.V. Gogol T. Bulba - Andrie)
  3. "I do not want to learn, but I want to marry." D.I.Fonvizin

Task 2:

  1. The author of the story "Night before Merry Christmas". (N.V.Gogol )
  2. The author of the stories is "Fat and Slim", "Death of the Official". (A.P.chekhov )
  3. The author of the story "Children of the Dungeon" (V.G. Korolenko )
  4. The author of the story "Mou-Mu." (I.S.Turgenev )

Task 2: (Slide 16) in front of you Heroes literary works According to the described description, determine who this hero, from which work, who is the author of the work.

  1. "The front is the perfect German: Narzarly indiscriminately tired and snuffing everything that came across, the face ends with a round patch, the legs are very thin. But behind, he was the real provincial strish in the uniform, since he hung a tail, like uniform Falda ... "(Damn." Night before Christmas ", Gogol)
  2. "Barefoot, in nightgowns. On the head cap. Very thick and lazy. Love to live for someone else's account. " ("The story of how one man's two generals punched", Saltykov-Shchedrin.)
  3. "They are on them Safyanovy red boots, with silver horseshoes, sharovar width with the Black Sea, with a thousand folds pulled by a golden cord. Their faces are slightly tanned with black mustes. On the head of Barani hats with gold riding. " (Ostap and Andry. "Taras Bulba", Gogol)

Task 3: (Slide 17) Find "Excess":

1. "Horsepower", "Pererap", "Mu-Mu", "fat and thin". ("Mou-Mu" wrote by I.S. Romegennev, and other stories A.P.hekhova)

(Slide 18)

1. "Night before Merry Christmas", "Auditor", " Captain's daughter", "Evenings on a Farm Near Dikanka". ("Captain's daughter" A.S. Pushkin, and other works of N.V. Gogol)

Leading: It was the last question of the third round.

Before calculating the scored points and identify two teams, published in the final, look here (Shows boxes).Before you, three wonderful boxes. And the team whose most stars can open them.

For each open box you give up the star, so you can not open boxes and save stars for the final.

We ask the jury to declare the results of the III tour ...

Drop out ... (They are awarded prizes).

The final came out ...

The final

Proverb (slide 20)

From the word "proverb" you need to make as much words as possible. Every letter can be used as many times as it is found in this word. The one who calls the last word is to win. The task is given 2 minutes. Time went ...

The finalists in order are called invented words, but those words that have already been told by the opponent are not counted.

We defeat ... Gifts are awarded (first the loser pair, then the winners).

Abstract Node in the preparatory to school group "Dandelion".

Topic: Game - Quiz "Journey to World of Books".

Integration of regions: Cognitive development; speech development; physical development; socially - communicative development; Artistic - aesthetic development.

purpose : To form in children interest in the book, as a source of knowledge and instill love for the artistic word, respect for the book.


1. Wear cognitive abilities, creative imagination, creative thinking.

2. Form the skill to correlate literary facts with existing life experience.

3. Recompret the ability to listen carefully and hear reading a literary work.

4.Rexual ideas in the history of books, show their significance in the modern world.

5. Ware and intensify the dictionary.

6. Create a favorable psychological climate.

Preliminary work: Conversations "Famous Writers and Poets"; "How do books make?" Work in printing houses "; Heading proverbs, sayings, poems about the book. Reading fiction. Browse a video »History of the book." Collection of material for mini-museum.

Material and equipment: Slide presentation, Wooden plate covered with wax, Wooden sticks, napkins, 2 Pano "Firebirds", blanks -punitions, command emblems, tutons-books, prizes.

Node move:

Children enter the hall to the music "Visiting a fairy tale"(1 slide)

Host: In antiquity, people created seven wonders of the world, but there is another miracle no less amazing. It is familiar to each of us, but people are so accustomed to this creation of humanity that rarely think about its value. And the miracle always lies at hand, especially with us with you and as a real friend is ready for helping any minute to help, teach, advise, tell.

Guys, they guessed what was the question?(2 slide)

Right! This is a book. Book! She enters life from early childhood. People get used to her, as they get used to the air, which breathe, to the sun, which illuminates everything around.

The child reads the verse: Denis. TO.

"My friend" V. was found.

Good book-

My companion, my friend.

You are interested in

It happens.

We are excellent time

We spend together.

And our conversation

Slowly drive.

And today we will go to the game - the Quiz "Journey to the World of Books".

Attention! Attention! We start our different contests! There will be two teams to participate in them: "Goldfish" and "Golden Cockerel".

On our game there is a major jury, which will evaluate your knowledge and skills, will post points.

Traveling into the world of books will help us the time machine(3 slide).

1 Competition "Blitz-survey - History of the book."

- Guys, we fell into ancient times when people did not know the secretion of paper and made books from materials that were at hand. You need to answer correctly and quickly.

1. Learning team "Goldfish".

What materials did the first books did? (The first books were made of palm leaves, wax, clay, papyrus, parchment, silk). The team can complement.

2. Team team "Golden Cockerel".

How did you make books from palm leaves? From clay?

(The palm leaves were dried and twisted in the form of a fan; on a soft and wet clay, a scribe was squeezed with a sharp stick. Then the clay plate was dried or burned in the furnace).

3. Command "Gold Fish" team.

What is papyrus? (This is a plant from which the books did).

What is a scroll? (This is a long papyrus ribbon, twisted on sticks).

4. Questions team "Golden Cockerel".

- What did the parchment make? (from animal skins).

What did they write in Russia? (On Bereste, scraped the birch birch, boiled her, after which it became soft and elastic).

5. Loss teams "Goldfish".

In which country was the paper invented? (in China).

Who in Russia printed the first book? (Ivan Fedorov,4 Slide Textbook- grammar

5 slide).

Veda: Yes, write good book Not at all. For this you need abilities, talent, and knowledge.

6. Question to the team "Golden Cockerel".

Who writes books? (Writers and poets).

7. Issimate to the team "Golden Fish".

Vedas: Well, here the text is written. What else is it necessary that the book is interesting!

(need to draw a book).

Who draws in books illustrations?(artists illustrators).

8.Lock team "Golden Cockerel"

- This is typography? (This is a book factory, where many workshops).

9. Question to the "Gold Fish" team.

What are they doing there? (The printing machines are pure paper, and leaves with text and multicolored patterns. These sheets are sorted, pick up on the pages. Then the special machine makes the binding, i.e. stitches, glues the sheets, and the other machine puts it in the cover. Then the books from The printing houses are taken to the warehouse where they are stored, and then delivered to shops and libraries.

10. Issimate to the team "Golden Cockerel"

Name the rules for handling a book? (Books need to be taken with clean hands, read and view only at the table, do not bend the book when reading use the bookmark.

2 Competition " Proverbs and sayings" ( About books, knowledge, about teaching.)

The word jury.

3 contest "Fabulous Country".

Vedas: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Yes, tales love all children, and adults. What do we teach tales? (teach good, justice, courage, honesty, courage).

We will help "Fire-Bird" (depicting its beautiful tail for magic).

The teams glue feathers on the tail of the firebird.

4 Competition "Guess the fairy tale?"

Guess what a fairy tale or about what fabulous hero Is it talking? Teams ask each other riddles.

The team "Golden Fish".6 Slide

The team "Golden Cockerel".7 Slide

8 Slide

9 Slide

10 Slide

11 Slide

12 Slide

13 Slide

The word jury.

5 Competition "Find out the poet and writer" (showing slides with portraits of writers - children call them) .14-19 slide

6 Competition " Black box"? (objects from what fairy tales are here?).

Host: And we get on our car in a fabulous country. When people get into an unfamiliar country, they try to learn more about this place. And it will help us in this black box, you will need to guess the heroes and the names of these fairy tales to whom these items belong.

1. Toufelka ("Cinderella" S. PERRR)

2. Label (A.S. Pushkin "Tale of the dead princess and about seven heroes)

3. Red Hood ("Red Hood" Sh. Perso)

4. Corto (A.S. Pushkin "Tale of fisherman and fish")

5. Delivery (V. Kataev "Tsvetics - Seven Sweets").

6. Along Flower (S.T. Aksakov).

Word jury

7 Competition "Creating a Wax Book."

Who first tried to write in the wax? (Church ministers)

How? (Wooden plate was filled with wax, then a wand - a styled, from one end is sharp, and from another rounded. The sharp end was written, or rather, scratched on the wax, and blunt smoothed what was not needed)

Each team is heard wooden planks covered with wax

Write on wax sheets letters, words, the name of the fairy tale, which you know how to work out beautiful, neatly. These sheets we will lay down in the book. Which team get the best book?

The word jury. Presentation of prizes.

Ved. : Guys, did you like our journey?

The book is a wizard. The book transformed the world, in it the memory of the human race. She is a horror thoughts. The world without a book is the world of savages.

"You imagine a moment,

How would we live without books!

To make man

If there would be no books.

If everything disappeared at once. What was written for children.

From magical good fairy tales.

Before fun news.

You wanted to dispel boredom, to find the answer to the question!

Handed over the book hand

And it is not on the shelf!

Not! It is impossible to imagine

That such a moment originated

And you could leave

All heroes of children's books.

Children: We love when reading

Tales and stories to us.

And we love poems too.

After all, we are very friendly with the book.

Quiz for children and their parents: "The book is our best friend"

Purpose: promote the upbringing of love for reading preschoolers and their parents.

Participants: Children and their parents, educators.

Materials: Presentation with portraits of writers and poets, presentation to the contest "A, do you know a fairy tale?" Leafles with tasks, handles, sheets of paper, paints, tassels, cups with water, gifts.

Family participants are invited to the prepared hall, seard by tables.

Educator: Good evening, dear guests! We are very pleased that you today found time and came to our meeting. You probably have already guessed for what we gathered here. Today we will talk about the book and get acquainted with the most reading families of our group.

Educator: And the competent jury will judge us.

Presentation of jury members.

Educator: Modern children are more and more time to spend computer games, TV. Sociological studies in our country and abroad revealed negative trends: noticeably reduced interest in reading in children.

To date, the relevance of solving this problem is obvious. To educate the reader in a child, an adult should manifest interest in the book, understand its role in a person's life, know books recommended for children preschool age, be able to be interested in talking with the kids and help when analyzing the work.

And now let's get acquainted with our participating families who prepared homemade books on the subject on the topic: "We are reading family."

Families represent their family, what books they love to read, what is their home library, etc.

Educator: Thank you for your speeches. I am very glad that parents are not indifferent to reading issues.

And now the competition number 1.

There are many proverbs, sayings about the book, reading. Remember and name them as much as possible.

The book is happiness decorates, and in misfortune comfort

Without a book, like without the sun, and day dark

Book is the best gift

The book is your friend, without her as without hands

With book live - century not to rush

The book is Mala, and the mind gave

Who reads a lot, he knows a lot

With the book we will tell - the mind will be

Competition No. 2. "Writers and Poets"

- Any book has your own author. Now you will be presented portraits of writers and poets, and you will need to call their names (S.Ya. Marshak, S.V. Mikhalkov, S. Perero, A.S. Pushkin, N.N. Nosov, K.I. Chukovsky , I.A. Krylov, G.H. Andersen, A. Barto)

Competition number 3.

Literary quiz for children:


What did the rich fly on the bazaar bought? (Samovar)

What was the name of the smartest piglet from Sergey Mikhalkov's fairy tale? (NAF-NAF)

Who bit the fox from the fairy tale "Dr. Aibolit"? (Wasp)

What caught a fish wolf in Russian folk fairy tale "Wolf and Fox"? (Tail)

What phrase repeats Leopold's cat, wanting to make up with mice? ("Guys let's be friends!")

How many workers pulled a repkah? (Six)

Whose house fled to pour chicken with a bucket? (Cat house)

From whom the girl was covered with a brother on the shore of the river, under the apple tree, in the stove. (from geese swans)

What was the name of the girl entered into the fight against Snow Queen? (Gerda)

What was sick in little shark in the fairy tale "Dr. Aibolit"? (Teeth)

What literary hero was distinguished by unprecedented growth and worked by a policeman? (Uncle Stepa)

Who is the washbasins head and rod commander? (Moydodyr)

What was the name of two brothers - gatherers of fairy tales come from Germany? (Brothers Grimm)

What month was the youngest in the tale "twelve months"? (January)

How many years have fallen sleeping beauty? (For 100 years)

How much did the prince watch in the tale "Cinderella"? (A hour ago)

How many clicks lost a pop bowl in Pushkin's fairy tale? (Three)

Competition number 4 "Putanitsa"

Confusion: Fix errors in poems

Our Masha cries loudly:
Dropped a ball into the river. (Tanya)

There is a bear, swinging

Sighs on the go:
"Oh, the board ends,
Now I'll fall "(bull

He lived an old man with his wife

At the very blue sea. (Old woman)

Cheating to the tree

On tiptoe fits.
Turns tail
From the frog eye does not drive ... (crows)

Competition No. 5. "A, do you know a fairy tale?"

The competition presents objects, heroes for which children and parents should guess what kind of fairy tale:

Bottle with the inscription "Drink me", Rabbit, Roses, Czeshir Cat, Girl - "Alice Adventures in Wonderland";

House wooden, fox, hare, rooster with scythe - "Zayushkina Hut";

A flock of ducks, clouds, frog, twig - "frog traveler";

Inscription "Foreign" in ", bee, balloon, piglets, pots with honey, oak - "Winnie Pooh and all-all-all ..."

Flower in a pot, swallow, prince-elf, mouse, toad - "Thumbelina";

Dugout, old man with fishing net, broken trough, gold fish, Old Tsarina - "Tale of a fisherman and a goldfish."

Final contest "Creative"

Educator: Well done, you showed good knowledge Children's literary works. And in conclusion of our meeting, I propose a creative task: on the tables are the sheets of paper, paints. Your task: draw your favorite literary hero. Good luck in job!

At the end of the jury contest, each family receives a gift book, a diploma of the competition.

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