Academic degree senior lecturer. Difference between academic degree and academic title

Researchers and university professors usually have an academic degree and academic title. What is the specificity of these regalia?

What is an advanced degree?

Under academic degree it is customary to understand the level of qualification of a representative scientific sphere, assigned to him after completing training in special programs. In Russia, two academic degrees have now been established - a candidate of sciences and a doctor of sciences.

The first is assigned to a person who has successfully completed his postgraduate studies and defended his Ph.D. thesis. The degree of Doctor of Science is awarded to a scientist who is studying in doctoral studies, defends a doctoral dissertation, and also receives the approval of the Council of the Higher Attestation Commission.

Only candidates of sciences can receive a doctorate degree. At the same time, the specialization in which a person was trained in graduate school often does not coincide with the one for which he intends to study in doctoral studies. For example, the candidate economic sciences may well become a doctor of science in physics.

What is an academic title?

Under academic title it is customary to understand the level of the position of a representative of the scientific field, assigned to him in the process of carrying out labor activities at a university or scientific institution... There are two academic titles in Russia - associate professor and professor.

An important nuance - a person can be an associate professor or professor not because he has an appropriate academic title, but because of his position. In turn, a person who has a documented title of associate professor or professor may not hold the relevant positions in the university.

The title of associate professor (if we talk about its official assignment), a scientist can receive for success in research or pedagogical work. The title of professor can be awarded to an employee of the university for success in pedagogical work, as well as in the preparation of graduate students.

The title of associate professor and professor is confirmed by a special certificate. In practice, a scientist can most often become a professor only if he has work experience as an associate professor.


The main difference between an academic degree and an academic title is that a person receives the first regalia according to the results of training in special programs - in graduate school or doctoral studies, the second - in the process of working in a university or scientific institution.

At the same time, in practice, both concepts are closely related: as a rule, scientists with a candidate's degree become associate professors, and doctors of sciences are professors. Although, if a person achieves outstanding achievements in science, he can get an academic title without a corresponding degree. But this is a rather rare case.

Having determined what is the difference between an academic degree and an academic title, we will fix the main conclusions in the table.

Academic degree Academic title
What do they have in common?
An academic title is given, as a rule, only to those representatives of science who have a scientific degree (candidates become associate professors, doctors - professors)
What is the difference between them?
Presented by the degrees of candidate and doctor of sciencesPresented by the titles of Associate Professor and Professor
A prerequisite for the award of a scientific degree is training in special programs - in graduate school (to obtain a candidate of science degree), in doctoral studies (to obtain a doctor's degree)The main condition for awarding a scientific title is the implementation of labor activity at a university or scientific institution

We have already written about what kind of titles exist, what is the structure of titles and how they are awarded to applicants. Let's talk about the peculiarity of the Russian structure of academic degrees.

Why are they needed at all? This is a system of qualifications and ranking of researchers, their career ladder, so to speak, signs of reaching certain heights in science and / or teaching. Having a degree can raise credibility and affect wages even in business enterprises, which can, thanks to such employees, raise a business reputation.

Academic degrees

Now a mixed system has developed in Russia. Of course, the country strives to integrate into the international system, therefore, the system of the Bologna Process was partially introduced, according to which universities graduate bachelors and masters(4- and 6-year course, respectively), and partly sataraya remained with certified specialists(5-year course). A bachelor's degree is already a certificate of receipt higher education , and also gives the right to obtain a PhD degree.

However, until full adherence to the Bologna process, bachelor's and master's degrees are not academic degrees, as in Europe and the United States, but the qualifications of university graduates along with the degree (qualification) of a specialist.

Instead of a single highest scientific degree of doctor in Russia, two degrees are awarded

  • PhD
  • Ph.D

according to the German system inherited from the USSR. Both degrees are awarded to scientists by the Higher Attestation Commission and approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science.

To obtain a candidate's or doctor's degree, it is necessary to defend a thesis at a meeting of a special council, which is created at the university or other scientific institution. At the same time, you can become a doctor only after receiving a candidate's degree. Although there is no prohibition to receive the highest degree in another branch of science or specialty (for example, a chemist can become a doctor of economic sciences, only for medical and veterinary sciences a higher medical education is required).

Academic titles

In Russia, titles are divided into 2 categories, which in turn can be by the department of the university and by specialty, that is:

  • academic rank professors by specialty;
  • academic rank associate professor by specialty;
  • academic rank professors by department;
  • academic rank associate professor in the department.

All titles are awarded by orders of the Minister of Education and Science on the proposal of the Higher Attestation Commission. At the same time, different requirements are imposed on each category for obtaining.

To be awarded the academic title of professor in the department, you must be at least a candidate of sciences, for the title of associate professor you may not have an academic degree, but then other qualification requirements will be tougher.

The title of professor in the department implies the authorship (co-authorship) of textbooks or manuals, and for a professor in the specialty, the main criterion is the number of Ph.D. theses defended under his supervision (at least 5, for a professor in the department, 2 is enough). In addition, the title of professor in the department can be awarded to major specialists who have made a recognized contribution to the world and Russian science, it is not necessary to go through the level of assistant professor in Russian law.

This is the structure of academic degrees and titles for researchers and specialists in the current Russian legislation. As a rule, students, or rather graduates, who want to obtain a scientific degree, need to attend a course, at the end of which they pass the appropriate exams and defend their candidate dissertation. If your goal is not to enrich the world's piggy bank scientific knowledge, such a degree will still be a big plus, it will introduce you as a specialist with deep theoretical knowledge who will be in demand in the labor market. At the same time, many combine postgraduate studies, writing a dissertation and work in a commercial organization. By the way, this is the question of why and who needs academic titles and degrees.

SCIENTIFIC RANKS, DEGREES- officially adopted indicators of the level of scientific or pedagogical qualifications of specialists, their achievements in the development of science, technology, culture and training of personnel with higher education. In the Soviet Union U. z., P. awarded to specialists with higher education who have deep professional knowledge and scientific work in a particular field of science.

V different countries have their own historically formed terminology and nomenclature U. z., p. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there were bachelor's degrees (late lat. Baccalaureus), master's (lat. Magister teacher), doctor of sciences. The master's degree was awarded by faculty of high fur boots in specialties, except for medical, to-ry immediately awarded the degree of doctor of medicine, bypassing the master's degree. The following academic titles were awarded: assistant (Latin assistens helping), associate professor (Latin docens teaching), professor (Latin professor teacher), ordinary professor (Latin ordinarius ordinary) - occupying the department, extraordinary professor (Latin extraordinarius peculiar) - not occupying a department.

In the Soviet Union U. z., P. introduced by the decree of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR dated January 13, 1934 in order to encourage scientific work and advanced training of research and scientific-pedagogical personnel. The academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences, academic titles - professor, associate professor, senior researcher, assistant, junior researcher have been established.

In accordance with the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated December 29, 1975, a strict procedure for awarding U. z., P. According to this provision, the scientific degree of Doctor of Science “is awarded by the decision of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR on the basis of a petition of a specialized council at a higher educational institution or research institution (scientific and production association), adopted after the public defense of the doctoral dissertation and the conclusion of the corresponding expert council Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR on the submitted dissertation ". The scientific degree of a candidate of sciences is awarded by a decision of a specialized academic council of a higher educational institution or research institution (scientific and production association) to persons who, as a rule, have a corresponding higher education, who have successfully passed their candidate exams and publicly defended their thesis for the degree of candidate (medical, economic, pedagogical, etc.) sciences (see Medical dissertations). Applicants for academic degrees of candidate and doctor of sciences must show the ability to independent scientific research, the ability to develop topical scientific problems that have important theoretical and practical significance... The applicant for the degree of Doctor of Science, in addition, must prove himself a creative researcher. capable of posing and solving theoretical problems and major economic problems at a high scientific level, which represent a significant contribution to science and practice.

The Higher Attestation Commission (VAK of the USSR), in the order of control, considers all candidate and doctoral dissertations defended in specialized scientific councils, after which the collegium of the VAK USSR decides to issue a diploma of a candidate of sciences, and the presidium of the VAK - to issue a diploma of a doctor of sciences. The Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR, on the basis of the conclusion of the relevant expert council, has the right to cancel the decision of the specialized council on the award of academic degrees.

The scientific degree of Doctor of Science is usually awarded to persons who have a PhD in the relevant branch of science. Persons who have received the academic degrees of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Science are issued on behalf of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR a diploma of a single sample.

The academic titles of professor, associate professor, senior researcher are awarded by the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR on the proposal of academic councils of universities or research institutions (research and production associations), rank of professor) or candidate of sciences, the necessary experience of scientific and pedagogical work in the relevant position and highly qualified teachers, scientists and creators of scientific schools and directions who have proven themselves. The academic title of professor is awarded by the decision of the presidium, the title of associate professor and senior research fellow - by the decision of the collegium of the Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR. For institutions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR and academies of sciences union republics The academic titles of senior research fellows to persons with academic degrees of Doctor or Candidate of Science are awarded by the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences on the proposal of the academic councils of research institutions. Professors, associate professors, senior research workers are issued certificates of a single sample.

In the USSR, as in many other countries, there are honorary degrees and titles. So, for example, an honorary doctor (of a certain branch of science), an honorary professor of an educational institution, an honored scientist, etc. These academic degrees and titles are awarded to scientists for outstanding achievements in science, technology, including foreign scientists.

The USSR also has the highest academic scientific titles: Corresponding Member and full member Academy of Sciences of the USSR or the union republics and some branch academies, including the Academy medical sciences THE USSR. Corresponding members are elected by the corresponding departments of the Academy of Sciences and approved by the general meeting of the Academy. Full members of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Union republics and branch academies are elected by the general meeting of the academy.

In some socialist countries, the system of attestation of scientific workers and the list of academic degrees differ from those adopted in the USSR. So, for example, in Hungary, the first academic degree is a university doctor (assigned to university graduates who have passed 2-3 special exams and defended their work in the university commission), the second degree is a candidate of sciences and the third degree is a doctor of sciences. They are awarded by the Academy of Sciences. The academic degree of doctor of the university gives the right to hold the position of assistant teacher, and the scientific degree of candidate of sciences - associate professor and head of the department. Confirmation in the position of professor is carried out by a resolution of the Council of Ministers.

In the GDR, a doctorate degree in a relevant branch is equivalent to a candidate of science degree in a corresponding branch in the USSR, a doctor habilya (Latin habilitas aptitude, ability) is equivalent to the position of assistant professor or professor.

The academic degree of doctor accepted in Poland is equivalent to the degree of candidate of sciences in the USSR. In universities, such scientific and pedagogical titles as assistant, professor (extraordinary, ordinary) are accepted. In the position of professor, scientists are approved by the Council of State, and from that moment they are considered to have the title of professor.

In capitalist countries, as a rule, each institution of higher education has its own system of awarding academic degrees; all these systems are not unified. However, the main certification systems scientific personnel are Anglo-American and French. The Anglo-American system provides for bachelor's, master's, Ph.D. or Ph.D. degrees. The Bachelor of Science (or Arts) degree is awarded to those who have graduated from English or American higher educational institutions and passed special exams, and sometimes defended a small abstract work. The degree of Master of Science (Arts) is obtained by persons who have a bachelor's degree and have completed an additional course of study for 1-2 years, and in some high fur boots, in addition, defended a thesis such as a thesis. The academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy or in some high fur boots of Doctor of Science is awarded to persons who have defended the relevant dissertations. In Burma, India, Iran and many other countries, graduates with 4-6 years of study without work protection are awarded a bachelor's degree. The French certification system provides for bachelor's, licentiate, aggregate, doctoral degrees. A bachelor's degree certifies graduation from high school. A licentiate degree is obtained by persons in the 2nd - 4th years of study in high school who passed the exams and completed coursework... This degree entitles you to work as a teacher in high school... The degree of aggregate is awarded to graduates of high fur boots who have passed additional exams and defended a thesis. The degree of aggregate gives the right to be a teacher in lyceums. The doctoral degree is awarded to persons who have defended the relevant dissertations. Academic titles in capitalist countries, as a rule, are awarded to persons holding the positions of professor or head of a department.

The equivalence of educational diplomas, academic degrees, scientific qualifications is determined by special intergovernmental conventions.

G.N. Sobolevsky.

To be admitted to defend a Ph.D. thesis, in addition, you need to pass exams in advance in your specialty, foreign language and philosophy.

Collegiate YouTube

    1 / 5

    ✪ What does a PhD degree give in life? // Greed for Knowledge

    ✪ WHY DO WE NEED A CANDIDATE DEGREE? // Greed for Knowledge

    ✪ Introduction of scientific degrees in Russia - Elena Vishlenkova

    ✪ PhD or Candidate of Sciences? Is it worth getting a PhD already having a Ph.D. Oxford University.

    ✪ Academic degrees for Russian healers - Elena Vishlenkova


Degrees in the world

Degrees awarded in different countries vary significantly in title, qualification requirements, awarding and / or approval procedures.

B.S. levels and M.S. refer, in the Russian interpretation, to the university, and Ph.D. - to postgraduate education. There are countries where not one, but two postgraduate levels are provided: for example, in Germany there is an analogue of Ph.D. (German Doktorgrad) and there is a higher hierarchy of habilitation (German Habilitation). Russia also belongs to the countries with a two-stage system of postgraduate degrees.

Degrees in Russia


Degrees in the Russian Empire

The first attempts to award academic degrees in Russian Empire were undertaken in the 18th century at the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and the Imperial Moscow University. The procedure for raising to a degree was based on European standards (it was required to write an essay, pass a dispute and exams) and took place outside the legislative field, only as the use of the attributes of European science.

The University Charter of 1884 abolished the concepts of candidate and actual student, replacing them with a gradation of 1st and 2nd degree university degrees and leaving the dual system of Master-Doctor degrees. The latter was the prototype of the Soviet / Russian system "candidate of sciences - doctor of sciences".

Post-revolutionary period

Academic degrees at present

Degree system. Awarding procedure

To obtain the degree of candidate or doctor of science, it is necessary to prepare a dissertation and defend it at a meeting of a dissertation council created at a university, research institute or other scientific institution. To obtain a doctorate degree, you must have a Ph.D. degree, the defense of a doctoral dissertation by a person without a candidate's degree is not allowed. At the same time, the correspondence or kinship of branches of science and specialties previously obtained (sequentially) higher education, the degree of candidate of science and the degree of doctor of science is not regulated. In fact, in practice, the cases of obtaining, for example, the degree of candidate of economic sciences by engineers (mathematicians, chemists) or the degree of doctor of economic sciences by candidates of technical sciences, are recognized as quite admissible and the VAK is not limited in any way.

The analogue of the Russian degree of Candidate of Sciences in most countries is the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and equivalent degrees. There are no analogues of the Russian doctor of sciences in countries with a "one-stage" system of postgraduate degrees (for example, in the USA), and in countries with a "two-stage" system, such an analogue is the degree of the highest degree (in Germany - a habilitated doctor).

List of branches of science and academic degrees

Status of Bachelor's and Master's levels in Russia

On the optimization of the degree system

Discussions on a global scale

One of the important areas of global modern discussions about the system of academic titles is the issue of its international unification within the framework of the Bologna process. It is necessary that the levels of higher education in all countries become as similar as possible, and the degrees awarded - be easily comparable. Such unification should facilitate international scientific exchange.

Another direction is related to the concretization of the status of academic degrees above the Ph.D. and its equivalents. Among others, the option of abolishing such degrees is being considered. For example, in Germany, habilitation is no longer absolutely essential element for the admission of an employee to professorial positions, as was traditionally the case in the past.

Various particular issues of optimization of the rank system in a particular country or group of countries are also raised.

Internal Russian discussions

Currently, a discussion is underway regarding the possibility of transferring the scientific and qualification powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to the academic councils of universities and research institutes (including non-state ones), as is done in many Western countries... Opponents of such a transfer express an opinion about the inevitable devaluation of the system of academic degrees and titles as a result of the loss of state control over the certification of scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel. One of the consequences of the public discussion can be considered the project “Concept of modernization of the system of attestation of highly qualified scientific personnel in Russian Federation"Implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

This document, along with the provisions on the transfer of part of the powers of the Higher Attestation Commission to universities, provides for the possibility of public professional certification of highly qualified personnel not related to scientific and scientific-pedagogical activities. The proposed procedure for awarding professional doctoral degrees similar to those provided for by UNESCO's International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED). This certification model, new for the Russian Federation, has practically existed since 1998.

In 2017, the Ministry of Education and Science proposed that only persons with a master's or specialist's qualifications in medicine and veterinary medicine should be allowed to obtain advanced degrees in the medical and veterinary sciences.

Honorary degree

An honorary doctorate (Latin honoris causa - for the sake of honor) is awarded without the defense of a dissertation, on the basis of significant merits of the applicant to science or culture.

see also

  • Template: Advanced Degree - for degrees awarded since 1934
  • Template: University Doctor - for PhD degrees awarded prior to 1918

Notes (edit)

  1. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 24, 2013 N 842 "On the procedure for awarding academic degrees" (unspecified) ... Russian newspaper (01.10.2013). Retrieved November 15, 2016.
  2. Hawkins C. F. Write the MD Thesis // How To Do It. - 2nd edition. - London: British Medical Association, 1985. - ISBN 0-7279-0186-9.
  3. , with. 63.
  4. Kozlova L.A."Without thesis defense": the status organization of social sciences in the USSR, 1933-1935 // Sociological journal. - 2001. - No. 2. - S. 145-159.
  5. Imperial Moscow University: 1755-1917: encyclopedic Dictionary/ comp. A. Yu. Andreev, D. A. Tsygankov. - M .: Russian political encyclopedia (ROSSPEN), 2010.894 p .: ill.

To a certain extent, this stereotypical image corresponds to reality. Both the professor and the academician are scientific titles, the path to which is difficult and long, therefore they reach such a position, as a rule, at a respectable age. But you can be a professor at any university or research institute, and an academician only at the Academy of Sciences.


A professor is both a scientific title and a position, the way to which lies along a certain "career ladder". The title is inseparable from the person, they are appointed to the position. A candidate of sciences can take the position of assistant professor of the department, but he can remain an assistant - or become such if he moves to work in another university. In a few years he will receive the title of assistant professor, and then he will be able to apply for an assistant professor position in any university.

The next stage of a career is the position of professor of the department. There is no explicit prohibition on the appointment of PhDs to this position, but it is usually held by PhDs. Just as in the case of an associate professor, after several years of work in this position, a scientist can receive the title of professor, and for this a doctoral degree is already required. The professorial title gives the right to head the department.


Before October revolution In 1917, any student of an academic educational institution, for example, a university, was called an academician in Russia. In the Soviet era, this title was officially introduced in a different meaning, in which it is still used in the Russian Federation.

An academician is a full member of the Academy of Sciences - an organization that unites scientists and organizes the activities of the scientific community. Such an academy should not be confused with the highest educational institution bearing a similar name - for example, Russian academy music of the names of the Gnesins.

In theory, it is not necessary to be a professor to become an academician, but in reality this honor is most often awarded to scientists who already have a professorship.

The first step to becoming an academician is to be elected a Corresponding Member. For outstanding scientific achievements, a scientist is elected a corresponding member by secret ballot, which takes place in the corresponding department of the Academy, and then the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences approves his election. Academicians are elected from among the corresponding members at the general meeting of the Academy of Sciences, and this title is awarded for life.

Currently, there are many organizations that call themselves academies. Some of them - for example, International Academy energy and information sciences - have nothing to do with real science. Their members also call themselves "academicians", but they have no right to do so.

Only members can carry the title of academician state academies... There are six of them in Russia: the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (RAMS), the Russian Academy of Education (RAO), the Russian Academy of Arts (RAA), the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (RAASN) and the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences (RAAS) ).

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