Online test children's magazines harms. All verses by daniel harms


Malanyin children

Little people

The game is played with a subgroup of children. Its content is based on a poem by D. Kharms. The teacher asks the children to think in advance about which uncle and which aunt they will portray, then offers to play out small sketches reflecting certain moods in the process of listening to the text.

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

The gate opened

And from there, from the gate,

A small people came out.

One uncle - like that!

Another uncle - like that!

The third uncle is like that!

And the fourth is like this!

One aunt is like that!

And the second one is like that!

The third aunt is like that!

And the fourth is like this ...

D. Harms

The game is carried out by analogy with the previous one. Children with imitative movements convey the content of the folk nursery rhyme, which the teacher reads:

At Malanya, at the old woman,

We lived in a small hut

Seven daughters

Seven sons

All without eyebrows.

With eyes like this

With ears like this

With noses like that

With a mustache like that

With a head like this

With such a beard ...

Didn't eat anything

We sat all day

They looked at her,

They did it like this ...

The game is played with a subgroup of children. The teacher invites children to "turn into balloons." To do this, approaching each child, he imitates the process of inflating balls, then "twists" various animals from each "ball" (for example, Sasha becomes a horse, Vika becomes a hare, Olya becomes a monkey, etc.). The teacher invites children to depict "balloons" flying across the sky, and reads poetry:


They fly across the sky.


They look like animals.

Colorful balloons

Very bright, look!

Children strive to convey the features of the shape of their ball with movements. When the game is repeated, the teacher changes the shape of the "balls".

The game is played individually or with a subgroup of children. The teacher asks the children to pronounce sentences with different intonations, expressing joy, surprise, fear, anger, sadness, resentment, pleasure, etc. For example: "They gave Katya a puppy", "Children play with a ball", "Mom saw a drawing of her son", “We're going to the park,” etc.

The teacher divides the children into two teams: one - "spectators", the other - "animals" different countries... The teacher, in the role of the host of a television program, invites the “viewers” ​​to observe the “animals”.

Educator. Dear viewers! We are starting the program "In the world of animals". Let's see who lives in hot countries.

Here is an Indian elephant. It is a large animal that feeds on leaves. In hot weather, he likes to douse himself with water from the trunk. It gives him a lot of pleasure. He carefully guards his children, and when they are in danger, he comes into a furious, spiteful state.

A child from the team of "animals" depicts an elephant: how he eats, how he is doused with water, how he rests in hot weather, how he takes care of his elephants.

But the monkey is a fast, dexterous animal. See how boldly she jumps from one tree to another! The long tail is of great help in this. Pay attention to the monkey's cheerful, mischievous disposition. She can make everyone laugh, look how! The monkey is upset by the appearance of predators: a tiger, a panther, etc. She begins to worry and tries to quickly hide.

Another child depicts the behavior of the monkey, how it moves, etc.

In this way, a wide variety of animals are presented.

Daniil Kharms

Russian literature does not deserve Kharms ...
in the Heavenly Office planned ...
another gift to some Englishmen
Max Fry

The eccentricities of this man began to manifest themselves at school, when, instead of the surname Yuvachev, he took for himself a strange pseudonym - Kharms, which the poet constantly varied. His amazing, vivid image was complemented by an extraordinary appearance: a top hat, a monocle, an extraordinary red jacket were his constant attributes. This image once again emphasized Kharms's strongest craving for experimentation. The poet considered himself to be an Oberiut (Association of Real Art), whose goal was to “cleanse the object from the husk literary concepts"And look at him with" bare eyes. " The poet created a lot of non-childish poetry. Turning to his biography, we involuntarily ask ourselves the question, why did a schizophrenic, a person who had no children and never loved them, write poetry for children at all? Perhaps it was a harsh necessity dictated by the impossibility of publishing openly, that is, the desire to hide his poetry under the guise of "childish". Can his poetry be offered to children? The choice is up to parents and teachers. Refer to the work of Kharms yourself, try to understand him, read and think about his poems. You will definitely find several masterpieces that are rightfully included in the treasury of world children's literature, and you may not want to return to some of the poet's works.

His children's poetry is full of surprises, mysterious accidents. Surely you yourself remember "Ivan Ivanovich Samovar", "Plikh and Plyukh". What distinguishes the poetry of Kharms? First, dynamism and movement. Harms himself, of all human actions, he loved walking and running. Without movement, the life of the heroes of his poems is inconceivable: the cat is unhappy because “it sits and cannot take a single step”. Movement in his poetry is opposed by "thinking", which turns out to be meaningless in the end. Another interesting thought: all life, reality is an optical illusion, and even glasses and telescopes will not be able to lift the veil of secrecy. Special place in the work of Daniil Kharms are numbers, their Pythagorean essence. Many of his works resemble arithmetic problems or mathematics textbooks ("Million", "Merry Siskins", etc.). Kharms is fascinated by the addition: “one hundred cows, two hundred beavers, four hundred and twenty learned mosquitoes”, the numbers are constructed and fancifully transformed: forty-four swifts “unite” into apartment 44, and so on. In his books, you will also find many substances: kerosene, tobacco, boiling water, ink.

But the most important thing in Kharms's poetry in general, and in his work for children, is absurdity, a break with reality, which is directly related to the "minimalism of action." His amazing hero in the poem "What was that?" surprisingly similar to himself: "In galoshes, in a hat and glasses ...". In what does Kharms see salvation in someone else's cruel world? In charm, in what a person is crowned, like a hat. Kharms himself was well aware of the close connection that exists between charm and harm, which he emphasized in his pseudonym. Today, the theme of useful and charming harm finds its continuation in the children's poetry of Grigory Oster. The roots of "Bad Advice", no doubt, are in Kharms's poems.

By the way, pay attention to the geographical space of his works:

I walked along the swamp in winter ...
Suddenly, someone rushed along the river ...

What's the most important subject in Kharms's bizarre world? Of course it is balloon, followed by people waving household items: sticks, rolls, chairs. They are faithful helpers to a cat in trouble (see the recipe in the poem "The Amazing Cat"). Each person must certainly have some kind of kinship with a ball full of air, celebration, life.

On Tuesdays over the pavement
the balloon was flying empty.
He soared quietly in the air,
someone smoked a pipe in it,
looked at squares, gardens ...

Kharms's poems are full of humor and irony, for example, "How Volodya quickly flew downhill," in which we see an endless game of form, which is probably most interesting for children who themselves like to do word creation, verbal and sound games, and come up with onomatopoeic words. What will even the most inexperienced reader find in his poetry? Simplicity external form, instantly arising meanings, the rule of chance. These properties of poetry attracted S.Ya. Marshak, who saw in the child-hater Kharms a potential favorite of children.

As already mentioned at the beginning, not everyone agrees with S. Marshak. On forums and blogs, worried parents are afraid to read Kharms to their children; to some, his poems may even seem bloody. For example, his famous "How Dad Shot Me a Ferret", in the finale of which the following quatrain sounds:

I was glad, clapped my hands,
I stuffed myself with a ferret,
I stuffed a scarecrow with shavings,
And again he beat his hands.

Schizophrenia, rejection of children gave rise to "black" stories in his work with an innocent, childish beginning. It is unlikely that you want to read to your child the story "Cashier" with an innocent beginning "Masha found a mushroom ...", in which the green corpse of a cashier sits behind a counter. Or the story "Father and Daughter" with a less touching beginning "Natasha had two sweets ...", ends with an account of the sudden deaths, Sundays and funerals of the father and daughter.

Whether or not to acquaint their child with the poetry of Daniil Kharms is the choice of every parent. Perhaps this should be done selectively and take into account the age of the child. Then your kid will definitely appreciate the "Amazing Cat", or "Liar", or "Cheerful Old Man", after all, the poet himself is a child at heart, playing with words, images, rhymes, rhythm. In his poetry, form and content, words and sounds are mixed, the result is a bizarre meaning based on intricate nonsense.

A very scary story

Eating a bun with butter,
The brothers walked down the alley.
Suddenly on them from the back street
The big dog barked loudly.

The younger said: "Here's the attack,
He wants to attack us.
So that we don't get into trouble,
We will throw the loaf into the dog's mouth. "

Everything ended beautifully.
It immediately became clear to the brothers
What's for every walk
We must take with us ... a roll.

Cheerful old man

There lived an old man
Small growth,
And the old man laughed
Extremely simple:
"Ha ha ha
Yes he-he-he,
Hee hee hee
Yes, byh-byh!
Yes, be-be-be,
Yes, fucking! "

Once, seeing a spider,
Terribly frightened.
But, clutching the sides,
Laughed out loud:
"Hee hee hee
Yeah ha ha ha,
Ho ho ho
Yes gul-gul!
Yes ha-ha-ha,
Go Go go
Yes bull-bull! "

And seeing a dragonfly,
Terribly angry
But laughing at the grass
And so he fell:
Yes gy-gy-gy,
Go Go go
Boom bang!
Oh, guys can't!
Oh guys

How Volodya flew fast downhill

On a sled Volodya
He flew fast downhill.

On the hunter Volodya
I flew in full swing.

Here is the hunter
And Volodya
They sit on a sled
They fly fast downhill.
We flew fast downhill -
They ran into the dog.

Here is a dog
And the hunter
And Volodya
They sit on a sled
They fly fast downhill.
We flew fast downhill -
They ran into the chanterelle.

Here is a chanterelle
And the dog
And the hunter
And Volodya
They sit on a sled
They fly fast downhill.
We flew fast downhill -
And they ran into a hare.

Here comes the hare
And the chanterelle
And the dog
And the hunter
And Volodya
They sit on a sled
They fly fast downhill.
We flew fast downhill -
The bear has been swooped down!

And Volodya since then
Doesn't ride downhill.


A boat is sailing along the river.
He floats from afar.
There are four on the boat
A very brave sailor.

They have ears on the top of their heads
They have long tails
And only cats are afraid of them,
Only cats and cats!


One day down the track
I went to my house.
I look and see: cats
They sit with their backs to me.

I shouted: - Hey, you cats!
Come with me
Let's go down the path
Let's go home.

Come on soon, cats,
And I'll have you for lunch
Onions and potatoes
I'll arrange a vinaigrette.

Oh no! Said the cats. -
We will stay here!
Sat down on the track
And they don't go further.

Very, very tasty pie

I wanted to have a ball
And I have guests to my place ...

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese,
Baked crumbly ...

Pie, knives and forks here -
But something guests ...

I waited until I had enough strength
Then a piece ...

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down
And all the pie in a minute ...

When the guests arrived
Even crumbs ...

A man came out of the house

A man came out of the house
With a baton and a sack
And on a long journey
And on a long journey
I went on foot.

He walked all right and on
And he kept looking ahead.
Didn't sleep, didn't drink,
Didn't drink, didn't sleep,
Didn't sleep, didn't drink, didn't eat.

And then one day at dawn
He entered the dark forest.
And since then,
And since then,
And since then he has disappeared.

But if somehow it
Happen to meet you
Then hurry up
Then hurry up
Tell us soon.

Amazing cat

The unhappy cat cut his paw -
Sits, and cannot step a step.

Hurry up to cure the cat's paw
Balloons must be bought!

And immediately the people crowded on the road -
He makes a noise, and screams, and looks at the cat.

And the cat is partly walking along the road,
Partly it flies through the air!


You know?
You know?
You know?
You know?
Well, of course you know!
It is clear that you know!
You surely know!

No! No! No! No!
We don't know anything
Have not heard anything
Have not heard, have not seen
And we don't know

Do you know that U?
Do you know what PA?
Do you know that PY?
What does my dad have
There were forty sons?
There were forty hefty ones -
And not twenty,
And not thirty, -
Exactly forty sons!

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Twenty more,
Thirty more,
Well, back and forth,
And already forty,
Exactly forty, -
This is just nonsense!

Do you know what CO is?
Do you know what BA is?
Do you know what KI is?
That idiot dogs
Have you learned to fly?
Like birds have learned, -
Not like animals
Not like fish, -
Like flying hawks!

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Well, like animals
Well, like fish
Well, back and forth,
And like hawks
Like birds, -
This is just nonsense!

Do you know what is ON?
Do you know what NOT?
Do you know that BY?
What's in the sky
Instead of the sun
Will there be a wheel soon?
Soon it will be golden -
Not a plate
Not a cake, -
And the big wheel!

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Well, plate,
Well, cake,
Well, back and forth,
And if the wheel is
This is just nonsense!

Do you know what is UNDER?
Do you know what MO?
Do you know what REM?
What's under the sea-ocean
Is the sentry standing with a gun?

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Well, with a club,
Well, with a whisk,
Well, back and forth,
And with a loaded gun -
This is just nonsense!

Do you know what is BEFORE?
Do you know what BUT?
Do you know that CA?
What's up the nose
Not with your hands,
Not kicking
Do not get it,
What's up the nose
Not with your hands,
Not kicking
Do not get there
Don't jump
What's up the nose
Do not get it!

Well! Well! Well! Well!
You're lying! You're lying! You're lying! You're lying!
Well, get there,
Well, jump,
Well, back and forth,
And get it with your hands -

Ivan Toporyshkin

The poodle went with him, jumping over the fence.
Ivan, like a log, fell into the swamp,
And the poodle drowned in the river like an ax.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him, the poodle jumped like an ax.
Ivan fell with a log into the swamp,
And the poodle in the river jumped over the fence.

Ivan Toporyshkin went hunting,
With him, the poodle fell into the fence in the river.
Ivan, like a log, jumped over the swamp,
And the poodle jumped on the ax.

Part 1
Extracurricular Reading Lesson

in 2nd grade
"It's the opposite." Cheerful poems by Y. Moritz, D. Kharms,

Yu. Vladimirova, G. Sapgira.

Teacher: Kudryashova N.A.

(2009 - 2010 academic year)

Lesson topic: "It's the other way around." Cheerful poems by Y. Moritz, D. Harms, Y. Vladimirov, G. Sapgir.

The purpose of the lesson : to acquaint with the work of poets - Oberiuts, to pay attention to the word-creation of poets; develop observation, fantasy, imagination; foster interest in poetry, poetry.

Equipment: portraits of poets - Oberiuts, an exhibition of books with poetry for children, recordings of songs on poems of poets and cartoons.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.
Someone is tired of fairy tales, and someone is captivated by fairy tales.

But now there is a special lesson: dedicated to funny poems.

  1. Knowledge update.
Guys, I know you all love to read. What works do you like best: funny or sad? Let's talk today about fun in children's literature.

In both classroom and extracurricular reading lessons, you learned that starting creative path many poets are associated with the study of folklore. K.I. Chukovsky wrote: "Poetry for children is such a genre that it takes many years to prepare for mastering them." According to many children's poets, folk poetry was a compass on their way. Rhymes, nursery rhymes, teasers, ditties can now be read in the poetry of children's writers. Chukovsky studied the speech of children in order to answer the question: "How should one write good children's poetry?" It turned out that children love to invent new words, compose counting rhymes, and play with words. KI Chukovsky wrote the book "From two to five", this is a collection of sayings of children from 2 to 5 years old. This book was very helpful for poets who wrote children's poetry.

Listen to how the children say: - The steamer worked, worked and worked! - I just can't recognize what is drawn in this picture. - I remembered, remembered, and then remembered. - Mom is angry, but quickly fertilizes.

  1. Setting the goal of the lesson.
- Look at the book exhibition. What are the names of the poets whose poems you see at our exhibition?

What verses of these poets have you read?

Why are these verses interesting?

Today we will get acquainted with the funny poems of children's poets, in the works of which incredible transformations of words take place.

4. Learning new material.

a) Almost 90 years ago, in the city of Leningrad (now St. Petersburg), several talented poets united into a group called OBERIU. It stands for this: a society of real (non-fictional) art.

Which letter remained undeciphered? (y) To the question "Why Wu?" the members of this group replied, "Because it ends in U. For fun." Just as funny, without imagination, but sometimes incomprehensible were the verses of the poets - Oberiuts. This group included D. Kharms, A. Vvedensky, Yu. Vladimirov, N. Zabolotsky. They came up with new words, sound combinations, created the real out of the unusual. They believed that poetry for children should be fun, like a game. Today in the lesson we will observe how poets play with words, how they change the meaning of words. Many poems are remembered by your grandparents, your parents. Let's hear what verses you read. For today's lesson, some of the children have learned poems by heart and drew a picture for their poem.

1. Yurinova Zoya: A. Vvedensky "About the fisherman and the eccentric"

Yarutkina Valeria Y. Vladimirov "Ninochka's purchases"

These are poems of poets - Oberiuts. Children at that time most of all liked the poems of D. Kharms. Listen to the verse. D. Harms "How quickly Volodya flew downhill."

What genre of oral folk art do these verses look like?

What interesting words do you remember? Did you like it? What unreal events became real in verse?

b) Many modern children's poets also use word games in their poems. Let's listen to the verses of some poets:

Junna Moritz:

Brumm Christina: "The Roof Was Going Home"

Korotyaeva Alina "Lazy Cat"

Dementyeva Ekaterina "Laughing confusion"

Safonov Dmitry "Ballad about the tricks of chocolate"

Dementieva Ekaterina "Cook"

G. Sapgira:

Borzikhina Polina "Cannibal and princess or vice versa"

Koklyukhin Alexander and Puchko Vadim: "Fictions"

  1. Anchoring.
a) Literary game... Match the rhyme to the verses:

And tomorrow the old woman will have again

A boat is sailing on the river, it is sailing from afar ,

There are four very brave ones on the boat…. (sailor)

Do you know that U, and you know that Pa

Do you know that PY? That my dad had forty .... (sons)

We lived in an apartment forty-four,

Forty-four funny .... (siskin)

The horse was praised, they bought her a biscuit,

And then they gave me a notebook and .... (ABC book)

b) reading poetry by children (according to books selected independently)

5. Lesson summary

Our acquaintance with poetry for children does not end there. In reading lessons, we will learn in more detail about their work, get acquainted with new poems and talk in more detail about their content.

6. Assignment at home: poems by Marshak, Barto, Mikhalkov, Zakhoder and other poets.

You have read a lot today, and I also want to read you a poem by the poet Tim Sobakin, who can also write in a fun and playful way. Poem

"Net Yak":

So that our thoughts do not comprehend

The opponent is unpleasant

Let's come up with a language

Only the two of us can understand it.

We are letters in the middle of words

Let's discard imperceptibly

And it will be ready in a day

The language is quite secret.
Here we want to say PELMEN,

But let's cut it down first.

And we will know that the word STUMP

DUMPLING stands for.

Words are not difficult to shorten!

We will certainly remember:

TO OUT means to EXIT,


Compote, perhaps, will be a CAT,

And the nose is a good pump!

No one in the world will understand

That porridge is a galosh.

We start talking

With each other gradually:

“You need to get out of class quickly,

When a big FOAM "

Pumps the nose balls ...

In a glass of melon CAT ...

And porridge dries on the stove ...

And the STUMP in the plate is getting cold ...

What does CAT mean? What does stump mean?

Thinking tight! ..

And I'm afraid that in a day

We will not understand each other.

- What does “Setny yak” mean?

Decipher the sentence: YOU DID TO GIVE. (you go to rest)

Thank you guys for the lesson. Today you were not just my assistants, but my colleagues. Our artists receive an award - "palette", and readers - a photo of "wise Owl."
h. 1

Class: 2 b

Education system"School of Russia"

Theme: “Self-reading. D. Kharms "The Cheerful Old Man", "Fancy".

Type of: generalization and systematization lesson.

Target: the formation of students' reading independence, reading skills; improving diction, analysis skills artwork; development of the creative abilities of children; instilling interest in literary creativity, reading children's literature.


Educational: to acquaint with the works of the author D. Kharms "The Merry Old Man", "Fancy"; teach to predict the content of the work; improve the skill consolidate a skill

Developing: develop oral speech learners, imagination, develop thinking: the ability to predict, analyze, generalize, compare, draw conclusions.

Educational: foster interest in children's literature, organization, perseverance, curiosity, hard work, sensitivity in relation to comrades and their opinions.

Planned results:


development of speech;

improving diction;

exercise self-control;

give a self-assessment of the results of the success of their activities;

the opportunity to develop creativity in the classroom;

development of physical health.


Cognitive UUD:

master the ability to understand learning task lesson;

answer the questions posed;

generalize your own ideas;

Regulatory UUD:

independently plan and control training activities in accordance with the set goal;

accept the learning task and follow the instructions of the teacher;

listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue;

Communicative UUD:

join verbal communication;

control your actions when working in a group;

be able to negotiate and come to a common joint decision.


predict the content of the work;

plan work in the lesson;

come up with your own content questions;

select a title in accordance with the content, main thought;

to distinguish genres of oral folk art.

Equipment : Literary reading. Textbook. Grade 2. Part 1. L. F. Klimanova, L. A. Vinogradskaya, V. G. Goretsky; exhibition of books and portrait of D. Kharms; cards (text of the speech warm-up); audio recording.

During the classes

Hello guys! Sit down please.

Lesson today literary reading I'll visit you. My name is Tatiana Valerievna.

Guys, I will smile at you, and you smile at me. And we will give good mood each other for the whole lesson. I wish you that you always have a good mood.

Please put things in order at your workplaces. Check your readiness for the lesson. Are all the necessary items located at your workplaces?

Well done.

The children stand to greet the teacher, sit down and take their places.

Children check the availability of the necessary items at their workplaces.


the internal position of schoolchildren at the level of a positive attitude towards literary reading lessons;

exercise self-control.


Regulatory UUD:

carry out step-by-step control yourself.

II. Speech warm-up

We will begin our lesson with a speech warm-up. Today we will work with Elena Blaginina's tongue twister. It is built in the same way as the folk tongue twister. But it is copyright, since it has an author.

First, I'll read the tongue twister to you.

"At Varya on the boulevard

The mittens are gone.

Varya returned

In the evening from the boulevard

And I found it in my pocket

Barbarian's mittens "

– … please read the patter to us slowly.

Well done.

Well done, thanks.

He will read to us with an intonation of surprise ...

Well done!

Guys, what sounds are repeated in this tongue twister?

Children listen to a tongue twister.

Children take turns reading.

Sounds [in], and [p].


development of speech;

improving diction;

exercise self-control.

III. Updating basic knowledge and methods of action

Now let's think about the task you did at home.

What were you asked?


– …please read what you have prepared.

– …what have you prepared?

Okay, well done.

Students read what they have prepared for the lesson (funny poems, fables, shape-shifters).


Cognitive UUD:

highlight known knowledge and skills from the lesson content;

answer the questions posed.


to distinguish the genres of oral folk art.

IV. Complex application and systematization of knowledge

IV. I. Dynamic pause

Work on the topic of the lesson

Guys, the topic of our lesson is: “Self-reading. Daniil Ivanovich Kharms "The Cheerful Old Man", "Unbeatable" ".

Open the tutorials on page 102.

Who will read the title of the poem?

OK, thanks.

Guys, look at the illustration for the poem. What do you think it is about?

What do you think?

– …What can you say about the content of the poem by looking at the illustrations for it?

Okay, well done.

And now we will listen to the audio recording of the poem "The Cheerful Old Man".

An audio recording of the song "Cheerful Old Man" sounds.

Guys, what impression did the poem make on you?

Good. What will ... tell us?

Read the poem again, yourself. And show your readiness with your eyes.

Fine. Now we ... read the poem aloud. Please start.

– …please read again.

Did you like this piece? Why?


Guys, why was the old man funny?

Guys, think over and ask questions about the content of the poem.

Can this poem be called a fable?

Why do you think so? (Fiction orunbelievable - genre of oral folk art, prose or poetic narration of a small volume, as a rule, comic content, the plot of which is based on the image of a deliberately distorted reality).

And what do you think, …?

What do we think ...?

Guys, now we will have a little rest with you and will have a little warm-up. Get up from the chairs, become free with your legs wide apart, and repeat after me.

« A is the beginning of the alphabet,

That is why she is famous.

And it's easy to recognize her:

He puts his legs wide "

Let's repeat our warm-up, speed up the pace a little.

Well done! Please sit down in your seats.

Are you softened up? Then we will continue our lesson. Guys, what do you know about the author of the poems, Daniil Ivanovich Kharms?

I'll tell you.

Teacher material

Daniil Ivanovich Kharms (Yuvachev) (1905-1942) - poet, prose writer, playwright, children's writer.

Born in St. Petersburg in the family of a nobleman-Narodnaya Volya. The future poet spoke and read fluently German and English. He was educated in educational institution Petersburg, where teaching was carried out in foreign languages.

In his youth, the poet was attracted by such human qualities as charm and charm. And in 1922 he signed up to Charms' humorous poem. Gradually, the pseudonym Kharms was established.

In the mid-1920s. D. Kharms and his friends - Alexander Vvedensky, Yuri Vladimirov, Nikolay Zabolotsky - united in the OBERIU literary and poetic group. It stands for Real Art Unification.

Poets were often asked: why is the letter U at the end? "Because, because it ends in U!" - they answered. For fun. All the members of this group considered themselves jesters, and their poetry was jester. They composed fables, counting rhymes, invented new words, wrote meaningless poems, and experimented. This group of poets made the magazines "Chizh" and "Ezh" the most popular in those years.

Guys, now we are going to read Daniil Ivanovich's poem on page 103.

Tell me, what is it called?


First, I will read a poem to you, and you listen carefully and follow the text.

Now read the poem to yourself. And show your readiness with your eyes.

Have you read it? …, Please read the poem aloud.

Thank you, well done.

And ... now he will read to us in such a way as to convey the surprise of the unexpectedness of what is happening while reading. Please start.

Well done.

Guys, how do you understand the meaning of the wordextravagance ?

And what does he think ...?

What do you think?


Guys, what is so unusual about it? What can this poem tell about?

Guys, did you like this piece?


What lines caused laughter?

Guys, nName the main characters of the poem.

That's right, well done!

Children open the textbook to page 102, read the title of the poem.

Children's answers (D. Harms).

Children look at the illustration.

Children's answers in terms of content.

Listening to audio recordings.

Children's answers.

Children read a poem.

Well-trained students read.

Children's answers.

Children's answers(Cheerful old man, spider, dragonfly).

Children's answers(Because he laughed).

Children's questions.

Children's answers(Yes).

Children's answers (Because the poem is of small volume and comic content).

Children should stand with their legs wide apart:

Hands on your belt

hands on shoulders,

hands up,

two claps.

The pace is accelerating.

Children sit down at their workplaces.

Children's answers.

Children listen to the story.

Children's answers("Outrageousness").

reads a poem aloud.

reads a poem aloud.

Children's answers.

Children's answers.

Children's answers(Bear, pig, piglets).


Cognitive UUD:

master the ability to understand the learning task of the lesson.

Regulatory UUD:

accept the learning task and follow the instructions of the teacher.

Communicative UUD:

understand the essence and content of the questions posed;

follow the rules of courtesy when communicating;

admit the existence of different points of view;


come up with your own content questions.


development of physical health;

exercise self-control.

V. Verification, correction and assessment of knowledge and methods of activity.

Guys, now we will have a small creative task. Try with a neighbor on your desk to compose a small poem, similar to "Unbeatable", replacing one or two characters in it.

Happened? Please read how your poem came out.

Well done, you did a great job!

Children try to compose a short essay.

Two or three students read the resulting poems.


the opportunity to develop creativity in the classroom.


Regulatory UUD:

listen to the interlocutor and conduct a dialogue.

Communicative UUD:

enter into verbal communication;

be able to negotiate and come to a common joint decision;

control your actions when working in a group.


select a title in accordance with the content, the main idea.

Vi. Lesson summary

Guys, let's remember which poet's poems sounded in today's lesson?

Where can you find them?

What poems did you guys meet today?

Okay, well done.

Children's answers (Daniil Ivanovich Kharms ).

Children's answers(In books, in magazines).

Children's answers("The Cheerful Old Man", "Fancy").


Cognitive UUD:

generalize your own ideas.

Vii. Homework information

Guys, now let's write it down homework... Open your diaries. Your assignment will be: prepare for expressive reading the poems "The Cheerful Old Man" and "Unbeatable"; and also find other poems by Daniil Ivanovich Kharms in magazines or books and get ready to read them in class.

Did you write everything down? Well done. You can close the diaries.

Children open diaries and write down their homework.


exercise self-control.


Cognitive UUD:

use the information received in the classroom in everyday life.

VIII. Reflection learning activities

Guys, what would you praise yourself for today?

What did you do especially well in the lesson?

Guys, pay attention, you, everyone, have signals on the tables, two small pictures each - funny and sad emoticons. If you liked everything in the lesson, and you coped with everything, then show a funny smiley. If you think that something was not successful for you, then show a sad smiley.

Think a little, remember what you did in class today and decide.

Ready? Show it.

Okay, well done.

What did you like?

And you?

What have you done?

What do you think you failed to cope with?

And you?

Good. Well done!

Today you worked actively in the lesson and showed your initiative. Well done boys!

Our lesson has come to an end. I thank everyone for their work in the lesson.

Stand up please. The lesson is over. Goodbye.

Children's answers.

Children showing signals.

Children's answers.


give self-assessment of the results of the success of their activities.


Regulatory UUD:

evaluate your achievements in the lesson.

Daniil Kharms. Poems for children

He is widely known as a children's writer and author of satirical prose. 1928 to 1941 year ... he constantly collaborates in children's magazines Ezh, Chizh, Sverchok, Oktyabryata. Kharms publishes about 20 children's books. Poems and prose for children give a kind of outlet for the playful element of Kharms, but they were written exclusively for earning money and the author did not attach much importance to them. The attitude of the official party criticism towards them was unequivocally negative. In our country for a long time Harms was known primarily as a children's writer. K. Chukovsky and S. Marshak highly appreciated this hypostasis of his work, even to some extent considered Kharms the forerunner of children's literature. The transition to creativity for children (and the phenomenal success among the children's readership) was caused not only by forced external circumstances, but most of all by the fact that children's thinking, not bound by the usual logical schemes, is more prone to the perception of free and arbitrary associations. Kharms' neologisms resemble words distorted by a child or conscious agrammatisms ("skaska", "song", "chichaltka", "felt boots", "sabachka", etc.).

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