Discography of the works of Russian poets. Book World: Logoburg

O. A. Romanovich, E. P. Koltsova

Correctional pedagogy
60x90 / 8 100 pages. year 2013.
The manual is intended for conducting a psycho-speech examination of children from the age of three. Its purpose is to help interested parents, specialists, to figure out if there are any deviations in the speech and mental development of the baby, whether the child's speech develops correctly and mental processes... By simply communicating and playing with the child, during the examination, it is possible to determine his lag in speech and mental development at an early age, or, on the contrary, to make sure that the baby is developing completely normally or even ahead of the norm. After all, the sooner it is possible to identify the deviations of the child from the norm, the easier it will be to avoid more serious problems in the future. This survey will also allow each of the adults (primarily specialists) involved in the upbringing and education of the child to get a holistic idea of ​​his psycho-speech development, success or lack of dynamics in the correction work, to agree and, if necessary, change the psychological and pedagogical influences. It makes it possible to study the dynamics of the development of a preschooler with speech impairment and delay mental development... The methodological kit is intended for defectologists, speech therapists and educators of specialized kindergartens, preschool methodologists educational institutions, students of defectology faculties pedagogical universities and parents.

Cold, dirty villages, Puddles and fog, Fortress destruction, Talk of the villagers. There is no bow from the servants, Hats on one side, And the worker Seeds Cheating and laziness. In the fields are other people's geese, Insolence of goslings, Shame, death of Russia, And debauchery, debauchery! ..

The sun hid in fog. There, in the quiet of the valleys, My peasants sleep sweetly. I do not sleep alone. The summer evening is burning out, There are lights in the huts, The air in May is getting colder Sleep, little men!

That fragrant night, Without closing my eyes, I invented a legal penalty To impose on you. If suddenly someone else's herd Wanders to me, The ladies will have to pay a fine ... Sleep in silence!

If I meet a goose in the field, Then (and I will be right) I will turn to the law And I will take a fine from you; I will take quarters from every cow, To guard your goods, you Become, peasants ...


"Chase the word here, everyone! My word, by God, is hateful! .. Oh, if only with a drawn-out lowing It was possible to speak to the soul! 1863

A wonderful picture! Dreams cling to everywhere: Dreams of a bush of cumin Dreams of a sleepy pond Dreams of a dahlia, Even, like a poet, Afanasy Fet is dreaming by the fireplace. He dreams that he has caught the Sound in his hands - and here He is riding on the sound Floating in the air, Birds chirped: - Sing us a verse About "ringing distance", Afanasy Fet.


I, adoring Panna Lisa, Between two fires fell like hell: Love - attracts me to the manor, Duty of service - pulls me to the parade.

Oh, panna! you call me, I - would fly up to your porch, But - the service is waiting ... (Feldwebel, Veli's company to gather on the parade ground.)

Love the whole soul is embraced, In the chest, as in a bath, hot. (Obey the commands, guys! Level up! Attention! On the shoulder!)

Will I wait for a new meeting from the meeting! Panna's gaze shines like a saber! .. (Bayonet on yourself, hey, you flanking! Zarubkin!

She's probably at home now And she prepared me a grog ... (With a training step in three steps!

From her tender caresses I am dull, I am ready to lie down like a meek lamb! .. (Puchkov! I didn’t clean my sword belt!

Love and - obedience to elders! .. No, the duty is taking over from the office! (Level up! To attention! Fast march! Eyes to the right! Chest forward!)

Enough! I see in the window, Panna is waving her handkerchief to me there! (Guys, at ease? Guns in the bipod And go home.)


Our life is like a parade ground; And in the heat, and in the cold in the wind It is necessary to march on that parade ground, As at an inspector's inspection.

As a recruit, learn to humble yourself, But don't bother to run in: Praise - shout: "I'm glad to try!" And do not praise - keep silent.

You will be ordered - do the deed! Be patient - here is your best ration, And the rest of the time, boldly pull your sock, sock! ..


The Apennines sparkle in the distance. In front of me is a broken temple, Where the Capuchins rest, But under the ivy, in the shade of the ruins, I mentally fly to you, And this land, and Rome is harsh, The shine of the sky is bright turquoise Forgot for Sadovaya street.

I remember the last evening vividly. Bowing your head to the pillows, You lay half-lazily, And I read you a song: "Niva" ... You listened to me sensitively, And now, under the bust of a faun, Sad, - maybe it's funny for you, About you, Nastasya Nikolavna. A. Maikov

We met you at the ball. All night until the morning I was in ecstasy ... With me you flew in a waltz, As dreams are light, as fantasy. To this magical meeting, To a childish poetry passion, I will answer with a secular drama, Where I will bring a secular woman. Fermentation of vague thoughts In it it will be clear for everyone ... You will be the beautiful muse And the glory of Yakov Polonsky ... Y. Polonsky

For a long time, mad and idle, I wandered with you through the forest, And he us with diamond dew From the branches of emerald sprinkles. Yesterday I read The Position! A knock was heard in the hallway: Semyon - what is the situation! I dropped my service on the chest. I fell asleep - and an obsessive sleep I carried away into the same grove, And the pine trees sparkled with diamond dew, like a spray of tears. A. Fet

I do not listen to Italian singers-tenors with their prima donnas, But, wrapped in a cloak, under the columns, I am with flowers, in love with nature, I feel the music of eternal worlds. It is impossible to catch these sounds, Expression for them is not invented: Sweeter than the hymns of Ressini and Schumann, Music flows, gliding into the soul. The eternal enemy of the theatrical scenes, Sitting in a field with an Athenian lyre, I applaud the singing worlds, Exclaiming furiously: bis! N. Shcherbina

Late summer, quiet night Breathes the field with a warm sleep, Ripe rye and buckwheat ... Quiet in the blue sky. Sleeping-silent The peaks of distant mountains are sleeping, And the silver waves The moon is pouring on the sleepy forest. F. Tyutchev

from SAUTI Everything in nature cries. The wind is crying in the field, The plowman is crying in the hut, The children are crying at the school; The world is crying for the villages, Cities and dachas ... Sweetheart! Let us sit with you and weep. A. Pleshcheev

I would like to add a dozen merry lines for your album, But alas! fun is unfamiliar, There is one sorrow - I could only grieve. I can hardly change myself for you, I can only sing the suffering and the thunder ... Believe me: I am crying now And instead of a dot I put here - a tear. A. Pleshcheev

from BERANGE Having drunk a bowl of burnt, I crept up to the river: There were two sisters washing without a shirt ... In a nearby bush on the sidelines I quietly pressed myself. What a shape, God! .. The torso is like Venus's ... What a thinness of skin! .. I would be younger, That ... but why should I fence without measure? .. The title of a poet Use by the way, About bathing it is Forty-three verses I I will fold for the light And - I will betray the seal. M. Rosenheim

ON THE OCCASION OF ARRIVING IN THE HOUSE OF A GOVERNANT FROM AN ENGLISH WOMAN, you succumbed to the bait of civilized undertakings And took your Englishwoman into the house For teaching children. I warn you in advance: They are more nimble than snakes; Moreover, these Englishmen are the essence of "manufacturers of rebellions." Fear less scorpions, Creditors and monkeys, Than the violators of the laws of the Red-haired English. M. Rosenheim

Night. The pitching at sea. Fearing hysterics, Sweet fisherwoman, Come to my shore.

In a whirlwind of bad weather I melt before the fisherwoman, Heine translations I read to her fondly.

But she, oh woe! I stood in front of her like a stump, I again set off into the sea, Frightened by the reading. V. Grekov

I was not born in albums I will write in a lyrical fit; I can only scourge people for bribes with whips of epigrams. But if I knew that you are very greedy for covetousness, Then, without listening to rumors, I would denounce you for taking bribes. One of many

In a foreign land, everyone is greedy With a fellow countryman to stay at least an hour: I rode to Baden-Baden, But, alas! did not meet you. Well! in love I am gratuitous, Like a camel I am patient And on the rails to dear Dresden A locomotive was driving me. But on the Bryulevskaya terrace, the poet was deceived again: Only the author of "Asi" walked there, And a trace of you is gone. Where are you? In Rome, in Nice? or ... I am angry with my fate: I have changed my rhymes, And old friends ... Book. Vyazemsky 1865


Life is a philosophical stone I have comprehended and reconciled Strict old man's experience With an impulse of youthful forces. Everywhere I climb out of my skin, I keep up here and there, I please the youth, I indulge the old people. I sympathize with everyone vividly, And although they often talk nonsense: "Absolutely fair!" I insert into the conversation.

Many contemporary composers and performers turn to the works of Russian poets. Recently, songs based on the poems of poets who worked in the 20th century are especially often heard.

The compositions are written in completely different musical genres. But the largest number poems that have turned into songs is found in rock music. We can confidently say that in this genre the Russian classics really "live and flourish" today. Many musicians explain this phenomenon by their personal relationship to a poet. Some of them are close to the theme of poems, but someone writes and performs such songs, wanting to express their respect for this or that author.

Poetry XX centuries in rock music

They like to write very much musical compositions on the poems of the Russian poets Diana Arbenina and Svetlana Surganova. As in joint work, and in individual, performers turn to the poems of Anna Akhmatova, Osip Mandelstam, Marina Tsvetaeva. But especially often they resort to the works of the inimitable Joseph Brodsky. As members of the "Night Snipers" group, Diana Arbenina and Svetlana Surganova recorded a composition called "Save my Shadow" on his "Letters to the Wall". After Surganova left, "Night Snipers" performed a song on Brodsky's poem "I have always insisted that fate is a game", which began to be called "I am sitting at the window", and the group "Surganova and Orchestra" put to music his poem "Really not me" ...

Despite the fact that Brodsky himself did not like when his poems were set to music, many musicians cannot pass by his magnificent poems and use them in their work. Joseph Brodsky was not left unattended by the "Splin" group. The musicians wrote the songs "The End of a Beautiful Epoch" and "My Lifeless Lightness" to the famous poems of the poet.

But the most famous creation of the "Splin" group is the song "Mayak", which was written on the tender poem "Lilichka!" By Vladimir Mayakovsky. This song sounds at every concert of "Splins", it is endlessly "played" by thematic radio stations. Perhaps, in Russian rock, this is the most famous song written on the poet's poem.

Vladimir Mayakovsky

Despite the complex structure of Mayakovsky's poems and the difficulty of understanding them, the poet's work remains one of the most popular among musicians. In 2005, a whole project called "Living Mayakovsky" was launched. This is a musical collection consisting of compositions written on the poems of the famous futurist. Over 100 different performers took part in the project. The first disc of the collection was released on April 14, 2005 - on the day of the 75th anniversary of the death of Vladimir Mayakovsky. The second disc was presented to the public on July 19, 2008 - the 115th birthday of the poet.

Sergey Yesenin

It is also very popular for musicians, perhaps the most beloved folk poet... Here, of course, it is worth mentioning the group "Mongol Shuudan" with their widely known and beloved by many listeners "Moscow" on the poem of Yesenin. Also, the poet's works appear in almost all the works of the young talented group from Zelenograd "The Retuses". They perform songs on the favorite poems of Sergei Yesenin in an acoustic version. The singer's peculiar voice, mannered performance and magnificent melody immediately sink into the listener's soul.

The largest project associated with the work of Sergei Yesenin and rock music was the project of Alexei Gorshenev, the frontman of the Kukryniksy group, called Gorshenev - Yesenin. It includes two albums: "The Soul of a Poet" and "Death of a Poet". According to Gorshenev, in this way he tried to draw people's attention to serious literature. The musician wanted to convey to the audience the lyricism and drama of the poems, their tragedy and deep meaning. And, of course, with this project, he wanted to show respect, empathy and gratitude to the poet.

In 2012, the Kukryniksy group even staged a musical performance “The Life of a Poet” on the stage. For such a theatrical embodiment of his songs, Alexei had been preparing for three years. Prior to this, songs written to the poems of Sergei Yesenin were only occasionally performed at the Kukryniksy concerts. The musician dreamed of realizing a program synthesizing musical and theatrical performance. And he succeeded.

Marina Tsvetaeva

The poet Marina Tsvetaeva is also loved by many musicians. Zemfira performed the song "I fell in love with you" to her poem "Slowly and surely the gas floated through the tired room ...", directly dedicating this song to the poetess. Yuri Shevchuk did not forget about Tsvetaeva either, having written the song "The roads are running everywhere" to one of her poems. Nezhnaya and the Melnitsa group put to music the poem by Marina Tsvetaeva "From arrows and from spells ..." from the cycle "Scythian". And even the notorious group "Leningrad" recorded the lyric composition "Signs" on a poem by the same poetess.

Many performers at least once turned to the works of Russian poets. For example, the Billy s Band wrote a song to Brodsky's poem “First a chair fell into the abyss.” Boris Grebenshchikov and Aquarium recorded the song “Tarusa” on Nikolai Zabolotsky’s Gorodok. In 1995 she recorded the album "Resident of the Peaks", consisting entirely of songs on the verses of Velimir Khlebnikov.

It can be assumed that appeal to such a wide circle of poets is characteristic of rock music precisely because of its certain "elitism" and difficulty in understanding. The fact that rock musicians perform compositions for works famous poets characterizes and state of the art Russian rock, and, oddly enough, art world poets of the XX century.

The Hungarian poet Endre Adi was born on November 22, 1877. One of his poems was set to music - this is how the hit of the group Nautilus Pompilius "Prince of Silence" was born. We remembered what other songs of Russian rock were written on classical poems.

1. The Hungarian poet Endre Adi, who lived a short life (he died at 41), had a strong influence on the literature of his country. It is believed that it was his poetry that became the impetus for thematic and lexical renewal of Hungarian literature. An ardent supporter of the revolution, Adi was enthusiastic about the events of 1905-1907 in Russia and called for a revolution in Hungary. The poet's mental strength was broken by the First World War: with its beginning, the world, in the poet's view, perishes in fire. Endre Adi died in 1919, a few months after the end of the war.

In 1982, an aspiring rock musician Vyacheslav Butusov almost accidentally bought a collection of Hungarian poetry at a bus stop, where, among others, the poems of Endre Adi translated into Russian were printed. The poem "Ahead good prince silence "he set to music, which became, according to Vyacheslav Butusov, that" rare case when a completely accidentally taken text merged with music. " The song "Prince of Silence" was released in 1985, and three years later the group Nautilus Pompilius recorded an album of the same name. In addition to "Prince of Silence" in the repertoire of the rock group were two more songs on the verses of Endre Adi: "Hawk Wedding" and "Music".

2. Russian and American poet, laureate Nobel Prize in 1987, Joseph Brodsky did not like songs for his poems. However, this did not stop the musicians: in the repertoire of many performers there are songs based on the works of Brodsky. One of the most famous among them - "I am sitting at the window" - belongs to the rock group "Night Snipers". Its leader Diana Arbenina put to music the poem “I have always insisted that fate is a game”. The song first appeared in the 1995 album "Second Bullet".

Joseph Brodsky wrote the poem "I have always repeated ..." in 1971. By that time, the 31-year-old poet had already been convicted by the Soviet court as a parasite, lived for two years in exile, and then twice was forcibly sent for "examination" in a mental hospital. A year later, in 1972, the KGB forced Brodsky to emigrate.

3. Songs to classical poems are also in the repertoire of the Russian rock group "Surganova and Orchestra", the creator of which is the former participant of "Night Snipers" Svetlana Surganova. One of such compositions is "The dear traveler". It is based on the poem by the poetess Anna Akhmatova "Dear traveler, you are far away ...", written in 1921.

Having recorded the song, the members of the group brought to life another project related to the work of the poetess. In 2009, they created a collection of her poems in the format of an audiobook, timed to coincide with the 120th anniversary of the birth of Anna Akhmatova.

4. The song "Mayak" by the Petersburg rock group "Splin" is named after the first four letters of the surname of the poet Vladimir Mayakovsky. It was his poem “Lilichka! (instead of a letter) ”was set to music by the leader of the group, Alexander Vasiliev.

Vladimir Mayakovsky wrote this poem in 1916 and dedicated, like most of his works, to Lilya Brik, with whom he had a painful relationship for many years. By the way, Lilya Brik herself, according to the memoirs of her contemporaries, believed that "it is good for Volodya to suffer, he will suffer and write good poetry."

Fans of the "Splin" group first heard the song "Mayak" on the album "Split Personality". It is interesting that before Alexander Vasiliev, the idea of ​​putting the poem "Lilichka!" the music came to minds of the members of the Soviet musical group "Pesnyary". In 1987, the collective went on tour across the USSR with the program "In All the Voice", which consisted entirely of songs on the verses of Vladimir Mayakovsky.

5. The composition "Moscow" on the verses of Sergei Yesenin, recorded by the Soviet and Russian rock group "Mongol Shuudan", remained unknown for a long time. Valery Skoroded, the creator and permanent leader of the group, wrote Yesenin's poem “Yes! It has now been decided. No Return ... ”to music in the late 1980s. In 1994, the musicians recorded a song, calling it "Moscow", and here the difficulties began. No matter what radio station they brought their song, they were always answered shortly: "Unformat". The main argument was that in "Moscow" the word "prostitute" sounds, and this was considered unacceptable. For the first time, the song to Yesenin's verses performed by the Mongol Shuudan group sounded on the air only in 1998 - and as a result, it became the main radio hit of the group, the rest of whose work is already a notorious "non-format". Note, however, that the rock group's repertoire also includes the song "Black Shawl" to the poem of the same name by A.S. Pushkin.

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