Literary art composition about homeland. Music-literary composition "Native your land love and know

Literary - musical composition on the topic: "My small homeland"

Objective: Formation in children personal qualitiescontributing to love

"Small" homeland.

Tasks: 1.Realid the acquaintance with the stories of the stations where school pupils live.

2. Wear creativity of students, their interest in search research activities, to teach children expressive reading by heart.

3. Recompret the student sense of patriotism, pride and love for the "small" homeland.

Direction educational work: Patriotic.



Literary - musical composition on the topic: "My small homeland"

Purpose: Formation in children of personal qualities that contribute to love

"Small" homeland.

Tasks: 1. Continue acquaintance with the stories of the stations where school pupils live.

2. Develop the creative abilities of students, their interest in search research activities, learn children to expressive reading by heart.

3. Rail in students a sense of patriotism, pride and love for the "small" homeland.

Direction of educational work: Patriotic.

The form: Literary - musical composition.

Equipment: multimedia presentation, musical accompaniment, booklets containing information about small stations of the West Siberian Railway.

Event flow:


Hello, dear guests! Today we invited you to literary - musical composition "My Malaya Motherland."

Rus. Russia. Motherland. In these sounds there is something from dawn, from free steppe windfrom the noise of Taiga with a bird of birds, from a funny burst of a wave on rivers and lakes,from the rockness of the blue seas and oceans ...In these sweet sounds there is something from the source, the source of life, an increasing and running in the solar lumen,that in the foggy wildlings of history.

Rus. Russia. Motherland. What measurement to measure it? To measure great people, wise men,heroes, poets or artists?This is not enough for one life.Do you measure it in the invasions of her enemies, whether it is victories? There is little and hundred lives. To measure it with great rivers - hard workerswith cities and villages, what are they molded to them, how to bunches to the grape vine? And if you measure it belts of time, we counted eleven belts, which means that in one day Russia meets eleven dawns and copes eleven new Year holidays. Yes, it is huge, immeasurable. But it is possible to comprehend it even in small. To do this, you need memory and heart to return to the land that fed you first bread, drove you with the first key water.With the word "homeland" we remember our family, school, house, street, alley.

The student reads the poem "Where does the homeland begins?" Under the melody from the song M. Matusovsky.

Where does the homeland begins?

From the windows burning away,

With old fatherly budenovka

What somewhere in the closet we found.

And maybe it starts

From the knock of carriage wheels.

And from the oath, which in his youth

You in your heart, brought ...

The student talks about the Koshkul station under the musical accompaniment of the song "Spring" and a knock of the wheels.

For me, my "small" homeland begins with his native village, from the street of my childhood, with a school bench. My homeland is a cat station. The name of the station was formed from the words "Kos" - a bird and "cult" - the lake, which means "Lake Birds". Previously, it was big station With the average population, the station worked, which was built in 1898. In 1937, a two-storey house and a school were built at our station, unfortunately, the school was closed. And we also worked as a pool, and there were six transition paths. In the period from 1917 to 1937, a detachment headed by Kolchak was held through the territory of Koskul. Kolchak at the station shot the machinists for the fact that they refused to carry his soldiers. At our station, a monument was made by these brave heroes. I love my station very much, and for me it is the most native.

The student reads the poem M. Mordovina "my youth cute edge."

My youth cute edge

Koshvul - Malaya Motherland!

Children's years of my true paradise,

Dressing - a dawn of the life of Ala ...

Frames are yours and fields,

Rivers quiet and lakes.

My ancestors native land

Putting and grove of latitudes and expanses.

I have been proud of you with all my heart

I believe in the happiness of the simple people

And someday, maybe come back

Under the wing of your sky.

The student performs the song "My Malaya Motherland."

The student tells about the station Gruzka under the wheel of the wheels.

Motherland is a country in which a person was born. For me, the "small" homeland is the Gruzka Station. Our station was formed in the 20s of the last century. At first it was a working settlement of the Omsk Road Department and was called deserted. In the 50s, after the accession of the Barabinsky plot to the Novosibirsk branch, the station was renamed to the godfather. That beautiful name Nikolai Porfiryevich Nikolsky offered the head of the Novosibirsk branch, because there were a lot of weary in our places. In 1952, built a support traction substation, station, a spacious school for primary classes, club, bath, shop, trapete tabletan. At the station there were 4 main paths. The teams in their places worked in good faith, almost all the work was carried out manually, but people were not afraid of hard work. Many pensioners of our station awarded the title "Honorary Railway". I will tell you about the honorary railwayman of our station Oak Maria Denisovna.Maria Denisovna was born on July 18, 1937, she lived at the Gruzkovka station and worked as a monter of the path in the Cargath Distance No. 8 of the West - Siberian Railway. For many years of conscientious work Maria Denisovna received the title of the Honorary Railway and was awarded an honorary icon. Maria Denisovna at one time prevented an accident of two trains, which went towards each other, by calling the duty station in time.

In the 1980s, the grub was removed documentary "Echo passing trains." This film describes the conscientious workers of the West - Siberian Railway. In the mid-90s, the station was disbanded, closed the side paths, the station, but I still love my station because it is my "small" homeland.

The student reads the poem L. Boykova "I am going from the Motherland" under the musical accompaniment of the song "Behind the window of snow and snow ..."

I'm going from Mother's Motherland,

Birch, like the light belated,

Flashed in the carriage window.

I'm going from Mother's Motherland,

And something waved suddenly to me.

As if lost something.

As if even a long time ...

Wheels lead recreation

In total, the fate is given to me.

Knocking unusual - anxious.

And winds on the windows slide.

... You can go from the Motherland -

It is impossible to fall in love with another.

Let go of the few minutes

At the joints of the steel rut.

Maybe without his homeland happiness -

But it will be without love.

Clogged in the hearts of monochiefs

Such is the truth - the beast.

And the knocks explode rudely

In the open Tambura door.

"Comrade, leaving the pass! .."

"Comrade, will you eat? .."

And nature flashes in the windows,

And something from small in it is ...

The student talks about his family.

And for me, "small" homeland is my family! Our small, but friendly family lives and works at Gruzkovka station. My grandfather worked on 37 years railway transport. He was both a security guard, and a monter of the road, and the driver of Dresa. Grandpa told that the work required him of great responsibility, attentiveness, the ability to quickly make the right decisions. My grandfather could cause work at any time of the day, in any weather: in the blizzard and wind, in the snow and rain - eliminate the accident. The boss could always trust this responsible and responsive person, because he knew firmly - he would not let down.

My grandmother always said that work on railway Difficult but interesting. She started his career with the Montera path, but professionally improving, began to work on duty at the station. This is a very responsible matter. It was necessary to announce the arrival and departure from the passenger and freight train. How I loved to listen to the radio melodious grandmother's voice!

Currently, my grandfather and grandmother are in a well-deserved rest, but they often tell me about their difficult workstation. The fate of the railway is not indifferent to them. By writing out the newspaper "Transib", they read it from "peel to crust." Grandfather and grandmother are glad that West - the Siberian railway leads among other roads of the country.

My dad also works on the railway, on the reference traction substation by an electromechanics, for 16 years. It serves and repairs equipment that feeds the contact network. The team knows and appreciate him as a competent specialist. Dad firmly knows: if you want to be a master of your business, then you will certainly need to take all new, advanced. I am proud of my father, understanding what kind of smart, fair, honest person.

My mother supports the purity of the premises on the traction substation and the distance of the contact network. At its workplace, clean, warm and cozy, like at home, because Mom is a very hardworking person. All his soul and the ability my mother is investing in his favorite job.

I am proud that we are railway workers !!!

The student reads the poem L. Boykova "We are Sibiryaki"

If thoughts mean - bold.

If people, it means strong.

Kohl of the case, then - Bogatyr.

Kohl work - in two hands.

These are we - Siberian

With the name: Siberians.

The student talks about Barabinsk Station under the knock of the wheels.

Barabinsk today is a city with a pronounced specialization. The population of Barabinsk is 31,000 people, there are various factories and plants in the city.Railway workers in our city provide transit, long-distance, as well as local transport. Locomotive depot - the most large enterprise cities. Barabinsk car depot is one of the best on the West Siberian road. And at the station Barabinsk is our favorite school - boarding school No. 18 Russian Railways. (Story about school)

Conclusion. (Sound melody sounds)

Rus ... Russia ... I love my Russia, my "small" homeland. Our Fatherland, our homeland - Mother Russia. We call Russia for the Fatherland because it lived in the time of the century and the fathers and grandfathers are living. My homeland we call it because we were born in it, they tell us our own language in it, and everything in it is native to us. And the mother - because she focused on her bread, rehearsed with her waters, learned her tongue. As a mother, she protects and protects us from any enemies ... There is a lot in the world and except for Russia of various good states and lands, but one person has a native mother - one and his homeland.

The student expressively reads the poem of L. Boykova "I am not a thought without my homeland."

I don't think without my homeland.

Without her ravend meadows

Where on the rainbow - on the rocker

A flocks of white clouds are hung.

I do not remember myself without a homeland.

Without her smoking in the sky hut,

Where is always good and modest,

And in Russian honestly say.

I don't know myself without a homeland.

I'm in it. And the whole is mine:

Mountain, Steppe and Forest -

Ringing like a song Solovna.

Signatures for slides:

Literary and musical composition "My Malaya Motherland"
Nikolai Porfiryevich Nikolsky
Essyukov family
Station Barabinsk
Railway station 70s
Boarding school number 18 Russian Railways
Boarding school number 18 Russian Railways

Scenario of the literary and musical composition "Rus, Russia, My Motherland"

Registration: Flag of Russia, coat of arms background bells, slide photo of Russian expanses

The girl comes on the stage in Russian folk costume, consecrated by light spotlight

Sounds poem with musical accompaniment

    The girl in the costume of "Russia" reads a poem (Ryzhkov E.):

Rus is called sacred.

Field, yes forest, yes water.

Church over the quiet river

And in two turns of the hut.

Cut the sky in Popolam

Sunset crimson stripe.

And over Russian earthy

The light of silent fame.

Shot down to the sky flocks of birds,

And quiet herbs fell on NIC.

Quietly talk about something

Near the wind well ...

Motherland land Other

I never called.

There somewhere in the forest in the forest

All herbs solemnly frozen

And miraculously accommodated all

Heaven sunset.

And over the threads fog,

How smoke smokes over the water.

And between heaven and earth

In a recruitment - white temple.

There in inaccessible heavens

Prayer is happening for Russia.

And a light cloud covered,

Holy homeland is mine.

    Song "Golden Russia" (vocal group) Over spacious sky blue
    Virgin Mary Pokrov Orthodox Russia
    bells are heard
    Zlatina Rus Calls, Call
    from villages and cities
    Holy Rus Keep, keep
    Hope, faith and love

    Rus under a light robe
    berez, among the snow
    and seeding of gilded domes
    Zlatina Rus Calls, Call
    from villages and cities
    Holy Rus Keep, keep
    Hope, faith and love.
    Rus Arshin not measure
    and do not hug love
    But in Russia it is necessary to believe and understand it to understand
    Zlatina Rus Calls, Call
    from villages and cities
    Holy Rus Keep, keep
    Hope, faith and love
    Holy Rus Keep, keep
    Hope, faith and love

    Leaders read the poem about the Motherland:

Lead 1 (Krivoshein C.)

Motherland is the main thing that every person has. Other Fatherland and other history we will not have. It is impossible to judge the story, it must be studied, so that the experience of our ancestors will gain wisdom.

Leading 2 (Rasseur)

"Motherland!" - We pronounce quiet
And in the eyes of thoughtful we
Guckling slowly
And the ray is smoked in the dawn.
The river is remembered, probably
Clean, transparent to the bottom,
And seelings are glowing on the willow
And in the grass, the path is not visible.

Leading 3 (Bakulina A.)

"Motherland!" - We are talking, worrying,
The distance without the edge we see before yourself ...
This is our childhood, our youth,
That's all we call fate.

Leading 1.

Motherland! Fatherland Holy!
Merseys, groves, shores.
Field from wheat golden,
Blue from the moon stack.
Sweet smell of bevelled hay,
Conversation in the village of Naraspov,
Where the star at Stanka sat down,
Before the ground, almost almost loss.

Leading 2.

Motherland! Land of fathers and grandfathers!
We fell in love with these clovers,
Spring freshness tasted
from the edge of the ringing bucket.
It takes up hardly
And forever will remain holy ...
The land is the fact that the birthplace called
If you have to protect the heart.

Leading 3.

Russia, Russia, the edges of the expensive -
Here, Russian people have long been living.
They glorify the expanses of relatives,
Separate songs sing.

    Song "Holy Russia" (Shvets N.)

I did not get born on this earth,
On Earth under the great name of Russia.

And run barefoot I am on pure delets,

By fields of cornflowers amazing blue.

Chorus: , keep your strength,

I feel
tenderness of your springs.

The dome of your temples is the Holy Saints.
I feeling pride, anticipate joy.

And the light of the crosses of gold crosses will go on the ground.

You were Russia - you remained Russia.

, keep your strength,
Multiply your strength forever.

Russia, Russia, strong and beautiful,

I feel
tenderness of your springs.
! Russia, Russia!
Be resistant and strong forever.

Holy Russia ...

    The girls in Russian sundresses in turn turn to "Russia" (Gonchar A., \u200b\u200bGavrilova, Pshenichtkova A., Reel V.)

    The word about the killed Russian land ":

Oh, light-light and red-decorated Russian land.

Many beauties are divided by lakes by many.

Are you rivers and sources of locally honors,

Mountains steep, hills are high.

Dubravami frequent, wildmade fields,

Various animals, birds countless,

Cities are great, villages wondering.

Total you are fulfilled Russian land.

    Dialogue "Russia and two girls in Russian sundresses" Where did my Russia begin? " (According to Alexander Prokofiev):

Where are you, Russia, began?

- in the meadow and in the field behind the suffer.

What are you, Russia, washed?

Ladoga pure water.

What are you, Russia, conquered?

- What bloomed, took himself in full.

Which grief was fighting?

From what went from all sides.

Where are you, Russia, settled?

- On the hills of green in the water.

How are you, Russia, having fun?

- From fun crying freight!

    Song "Matuska - Rus"

Sun ray for high mountain

Awakened again from sleep,

I sings that spring comes!

The life of the cheerful spring is splashing,

In the blue sky saved cranes,

Tears Telle hides the glacier,

In the bowels of our blooming land.

Chorus: Cute edge heart

Our native land.

Rivers, forests and fields,

Mother-Russia, Mother-Rus, Mother-Russia You are mine!

Wood smell in spring

Manits to a new dawn

And from Heaven Gold Wave

Spilled sunlight

Chorus: the same

This land and miracle

I will keep in my heart to store.

I know that in the corner of the edge,

You can happily live and love.

Chorus: the same

    The young men in the costumes of warriors turn to Russia (Popov A., Burnashev A., Komkov M.):

    Ivan Nikitin "Rus" (excerpt):

Widely you, Rus, on the face of the earth
In Krasia, the royal deployed.
- Do you have no field clean,
Where would the rampage found the will of the brave.
Whether you don't have about the stock of the treasury,
For friends of the table, the sword of the ease.
- Do you have no boys,
Antiquities of holy, loud features.
- Who have you humiliated yourself before?
Who in the black day lowered?
- I am for what, the Rus is mighty,
Love you, call your mother,
- Being for the honor of yours against the enemies.
For you to fold your head.

    He reads the young man in a costume of the Russian hero "Call for the Battle" "Word about the regiment of Igor" (excerpt):

Drop into the goat field with your sharp arrows for the Russian land.

Silently Rus, preparing the circle with a circle, raised the shields their bugs.

From the dawn until the evening the day is whole, from the evening to the light, the arrows are solved.

Gremlut is the sabers of the saber about the sheath, the twisters burst with a cream.

    Gusar with a drum reads passage M. Lermontov "Borodino" (Nefedova K.):

I scored the charge I in the gun tight
And thought: I will treat a friend!
Wait, brother, Musya:
That here is sick, perhaps, to battle;
I'll go to break the wall,
I'll put on the head
For my homeland!

"Building rhythms on the drums" - execute 5 pupils cadet corps

    Shvets Ilya reads the poem N. Briczova "Vision on the Hill"

    Song "Russia - Mother" (vocal group)

Time is hurried to the distance

All that and sorry and not sorry

In memory erase.

Only cute heart features
We know by heart.

White-white dreams -

Mother Rus.

chorus: It is believed to believe
River in pebbles,

Snow yes Metelitsa.


Darry heart to you

For tears these

What to pour a century.

You do not regret anything about
And keep yourself.

Remember, native, about

What's friends with you.

So many people addressed to you

Pray and wait

Believing that everything is on earth

Happiness will find.

chorus: the same
Forever and ever
I saved in my soul

All that was

With us.

How many roads passed.

In love and joy,

Happiness found my own.

chorus: the same

Darry heart to you

For tears these

What to pour a century.

The time is in a hurry.
I pray for you

My joy and sadness,

Mother Rus.

    Composition about the Russian three-color flag in execution 7a, 7 b class (Kutasov, Vasilyev, Vasilyev, Agaps, ... Nel):

    Today we decided to tell

And the Russian words are more accurate to prove,

That Russia's flag of our

All generations of Russia:

From kind to family, from son to son

Transmitted three colors,

Which are not equal in the world.

    White color is clean.

How white snow is fluffy,

Like white canvas - the peasantry is simplicity,

How white bread is fragrant.

How milk in the soul

With white sweet foam,

Geranium on the windowsill

Shiny white branch.

    All this was famous for all

And she traded them,

And the sister of merciful

Bathrobe, of course, also white

And the bride is young

The color of the dresses and fatas are.

To the face of Russia white color

And cleaner, no more color.

    And blue color - the color of the sea,

Eye color among Russians

And cornfields on the field,

And the sky ocean.

And if it is clean blue skyslope,

From the powder, the smoke is not unnecessary,

That and fog by the river, and flax on the strip

Evie will be blue in your untouched glory.

    And the brightest color of the flag -

Color red as a struggle, courage.

Color of the scarlet of all earthly people,

Living next to her.

In Russia, "Red" is the best,

You only listen to these phrases:

"Krasnaya" hollow, but not angles -

Hospitality, cakes. "

    there is good well done we have,

And red maiden sometimes

Red Square will pass

And the red word will call.

And the army, we know

Red called and was beautiful.

Diploma and Certificate blushes

For those who are from others smarter.

    Color Red, Blue, White -

Here is the flag of Russia new.

When we present it to others

We respect yourself more and more.

And we must love your flag

As mother's mother, schism

After all, these three colors -

We are in life to all the support.

    Final song "Russian flag" (weight participants of the event)

On all ships raise it every morning,
Aircrafts are engaged in the Russian own flag,
And travelers know that the Motherland remembers as if
About them, sending a memorable sign on the road.

We will continue to make it, we will not
With fortune we have a contract.
Brings good luck to all people
Russian native tricolor!

And above the stadium he raised not pride in order
And as an addition to the gold of our awards.
But, most importantly, he, as always, above all on the parade,
Pulled out over the system of walking Russian soldiers

Chorus: the same

    Russia (Ryzhkov E.):

Take care of Russia -
There is no other Russia.
Take care of her silence and peace
This is the sky and the sun,
It's bread on the table
And native window
In forgotten the village ...
Take care of Russia -
Without her, we can not live.
Take care of her
To be forever to be!

14. The final. All go under the ringing bells

Literary and musical composition "I love you, my land is native" for children 6-7 years old "I love you, my land is native!"

Author: Stepanova Galina Yurevna, Music Head of SP GBOU SOSH P. Ilmen
Description: This material is intended for music leaders, educators. Literary and musical composition used for children preparatory group.

Song sounds "Where is the Motherland begins". The things are included in the hall and distribute into place.
1 Presenter: If the word "homeland" says
Immediately in memory gets up
Old house, in the smorodine garden,
Thick poplar at the gate.
Near the river birch-modes
And chamomile hill.
And others, probably remember
Your native Moscow courtyard.
In the puddles, the first boats,
Where recently there was a rink,
And a big neighbor factory
Loud joyful beep.
Or steppe from makov red,
Golden virgin.
Motherland is different,
But everyone has one!
2 Host: Russia. Motherland. This is the edge
Where we were born where we live
This is our home, that's all that
What surrounds us.
Child: Russia. How from the song word,
Birchings young foliage.
Circle of forest, fields and rivers,
Razdare, Russian soul.
Child: I love you, my Russia,
For clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the feats of saints,
For voice ringing like a stream
Child: I love deeply understand
Steppes thoughtful sadness.
I love everything what is called
One wide word "Rus".
Exercise with hoops and flowers.
Child: Came today miracles
He came not in vain.
And suddenly a crackling broke in the forest,
And came to life rainy.
Child: And the forest woke up in silence,
As if sorrow,
He woke up and in the embroidery
Suddenly the birds sounded.
Child: I love cherry gardens,
I love I blue heaven,
And fluffy clouds
And the lark of the song!
Child: I love Lake Blue,
And bright meadows.
I love you I, Russian
Holy Land!
Horror: "Zemushka-chernozem" Rus. nar. song.
Child: Motherland! We pronounce quiet
And in the eyes of thoughtful we
Slowly swing buckwheat,
And the meadow smokes in the dawn.
Child: Sweet smell of bevelled hay,
Conversation in the village of Naraspov,
Where is the star to the stavna,
Before the land a little is not a bull.
Child: Motherland, we say, worrying,
The distance without the edge is visible.
This is our childhood, our youth,
That's all we call fate!
A soloist girl performs the song "Cheerful Song" Muses. Glazing.
Child: Barzka - White Swan,
A row is standing with you.
You, my fright,
I sing a song.
Green, separate,
You are flexible reasons.
White birch
Well, everyone is good.
Girls performed dance "Birch".
Child: I don't know anything more
Neither more expensive nor mile
Out of our passed,
Our solar fields
Motherland beloved, my homeland.
Did not see the forests lighter,
Songs did not hear the sound.
And people, soul kindness,
Where I would not have met.
Child: Chamomile covered the whole meadow,
And clover-fluffy bumblebee.
And smells of pine and lipu,
And waving wings of spruce.
Here, where everything breathes a fairy tale,
We were born and live.
Therefore, our gentle edge
Motherland we call!
Song: "In a gold carrier"
Leading: One person has a native mother,
One in man and homeland.
Firmly loves her people and a lot
Mooked about the proverbs and sayings.
Children read proverbs and sayings.
Motherland beloved - that mother is rim.
Live to serve.
Mother's motherland, able to stand up for her.
Man without a homeland, that nightinglets without a song.
On someone else's side and spring is not red.
Three children come out and read in turn:
Wide, Razdolna
You are my kidka.
Like a flower is beautiful
Land My Volga!
Maybe there is a beautiful country?
Maybe there is a better housing?
We will not insist
Seen each one.
Go around at least the entire planet
There is no Russian dance.
Balalaika and Harmonic
Fire in us!
Russian bumbled under the phonogram "Ah, Samara-town"
Child: How many times have I called
Under the harmonica song sing.
How the harmonica will play.
I can not stop.
Girl:Become girls row
Yes, the chastushki is pressed!
Boy: And we, perhaps, stand up,
From the girlfriends will not be lagging behind.
All sing chastushki. In the hands of children noise tools.
We write a chastushki
We can pass them now.
We are singing for you, play
Eh! Ask only us.
We are friends with merry songs,
All in Volzhsky speak.
Well live, not tusk,
Eh! Eating sour cream bread.
Eh, sissy, native,
Dear side.
Here we meet us everywhere
Eh, Volga Land.
Older we respect
Starin we break.
About your Volga region
Eh, sing songs.
Oh, birch-birch
His squeezing!
You are good, our Volga,
The magnitude of the Volga.
Good chastushki sang
Good and stole.
We would all really wanted
So that you patted us.
Come visit to us!
We are very glad to guests.
We are treated with you,
We will invite you to dance with us.
Leading: Well, sit down all the row,
Yes, let's talk like a swing!
Children are cleared on chairs, talking among themselves. Then imaging the fun.
- FEDUL, that lips poured?
-Captane burned.
- Is it possible?
Yes, there is no needle.
-And is it a great hole?
-Other gate remained
-FOM, that from the forest is a nude?
- Medemer caught!
- So lead here.
Yes, he is neither!
- So go.
Yes, he does not allow!
-Ivan, do you have warm in the hut?
-Heat. In the fur coat on the furnace you can warm up!
The grandmother comes out: Son, go to the river behind the water.
- Gruhu hurts.
-Sotes, go porridge.
-Well, since the mother relieves, you have to go.
Leading: Eh, good sweeps of the warehouse,
Well, on our own songs.
Horror: Along the street, young man goes, ru. nar. song
Child: The edge of the native, you have always been with me from the Small years.
Cute edge, forest, lilac, mushroom.
Songsian songs sing here
And for me murmurs the spring streams!
Child: You opened the space in life,
Happiness gave rights
Before your beauty
All the words are powerless!
Song: "Motherland"
Lead 1:Above us a huge sky
As a sail on blue water.
In the fields with ripening bread
Rings this joyful day.
We are tightly sink if
All together pass on the ground.
Links Our young song,
About happiness and joyful day!
Child: So that the cheerful laughter ran
The defortion is not plated
Sun shines for everyone
Shines equally.
Day will open at the dawn
Golden key
So that goes on earth
Everyone in the radiator!
Child:The world is designed for happiness and light,
Beautiful friends dance.
Let a joyful day over the planet,
How the sun stands over the world!
Leading: Like tears of cranes,
Slightly swing dew
And river river long,
Like a maiden braid.
Along the path behind the Occolic
Long visible every trace.
Give us good strength, homeland, -
Without you and no songs!
Final song - adults and children sing: "Let me say that there are other edges."

Literary and musical composition for kindergarten

Literary and musical composition "My Homeland - Russia"

The material will be useful for educators, music leaders DOU.
Scenario for senior pre-school children.

Purpose: Railing patriotic feelings: love for native land, homeland, value attitude towards nature native region, respect K. cultural heritage His people.

Tasks:To form a sense of involvement in the cultural heritage of Russia, Karelia.
Secure and summarize the knowledge of children about Russia, about Karelia.
To form love for the Motherland, the native land, interest in his past and true.
Through the artistic word, the music of the beauty of the native land, the feeling of pride, love and respect for Russia, to his small homeland.
Develop the ability to accurately and clearly express their judgments and views, defend the point of view.
Develop creative abilities, involving children in performance of dances, dancing, poems and songs.

Hall registration: Russian flag, flag of Karelia, Map of Russia, Mock - Kremlin Tower, Plane Matters, Birch, bench, Wall panel with the image of Matryoshek, Photo of the Nature of Karelia.

Equipment: Magnetic boards, cards with questions, handkerchiefs of two colors, Masks of the warmer, the costume of the lark, vessels, audio tapes, CDs - discs.

Preliminary work:
- conducting conversations about the Motherland;
- learning of songs, dancing, playing poetic material, listening to the musical play in audio recordings P.I. Tchaikovsky "Lark song";
- making masks, suits;
- viewing the reproduction of the painting of V.Vasnetsov "Bogatyry";
- Individual work with children (vocal singing, dramatization).

Characters: Matryoshka - adult,
Lark - baby, boy preparatory group.

Children of senior and preparatory groups enter the hall and sit on chairs.
Leading: Old courtyard, birings young,
Horror curly poplars ...
This is all - my country - Russia,
Cute image of my motherland.

Vasilka, like blue eyes,
Watching, smiling along the trail
And wheat braids gold
Braids in the fall in sheafs.

Chime of Valdai Belloltsev
Hears in the murmur of the stream.
And in early dawn in the Ocean
Solovna trills are heard.

And in the winter sparkles and sparkles
Snow as a wedding veil.
And nothing in the world will compare
Top-breeding groves beauty.

You, Russia, Cute Russia,
No land more beautiful and mile.
What I look longer than gave blue,

That is my love for you stronger.
V. Stepanov

Guys, did you like this poem? What country is this poem about? Why do we call Russia our homeland? (children's responses)
Leading: The guys from the preparatory group will sing the song.

Song "What is your birthplace?"

(magazine "Bells", № 25, p. 19)

Leading: Great, beautiful, rich our Russia. A lot of songs and poems are written about it, which we now hear.

Kind, strong, free
Rus of forests and mighty rivers.
Nightingale Song Grab
I will remember you forever!
I love your strong vests,
The greens smelling in the summer birches.
We are with you - inseparable sisters
This is each in the soul tolerated.
T. Side

Russia - as a word from the song.
Birrozok young foliage.
Circle of forest, fields and rivers,
Razdare, Russian soul.
I love you, my Russia,
For clear light of your eyes,
For the mind, for the feats of saints,
For a voice ringing, like a stream.
Motherland! Fatherland Holy!
Merseys. Groves. Shore.
Field from wheat golden,
Blue from the moon stack.
It takes up hardly
And forever will remain holy -
The land is the fact that the birthplace is called,
If you have to protect your heart!
A. Zhigulin

"Dance of Bogatyrey"

(boys of the senior group)
(Via "Pesnyary" - "By field, field ...")
Leading:Well done our warriors. At all times, our land was guarded and protected strong and brave warriors. Therefore, we live with you in peacetime and should love our homeland - Russia.
(to the music "flies" "Flashorok" - a boy of the preparatory group)
Lark: With the breeze and the sun warm
Tried birds Spring carries!
Here is a snowdrop blooming
Lark Song sings.
("flies away")

Listening to music PI Tchaikovsky "Lyonka Song"

(P.I. Tchaikovsky. "Children's album" CD - disc)

Leading:What is this play? Who is the composer? What can you say about this music, what is she?
P.I. Tchaikovsky very much loved Russian nature. Listening to this music, we are transferred to unusually beautiful world Nature. Warm, spring in the morning, when the sun's rays make their way through the tops of the trees, nature comes to life: green grass stretches through a slim snow; The first spring flowers and a small bird of lark are dissolving his volatile lyrical song. How beautiful is Russian nature! Do you know that for a long time, the symbol of Russia considered Russian birches?
Our birch, Russian beauty,
Not in vain rushes with the female soul,
Sister, bride, cute called
The symbol of our homeland is big.

How did our girlfriends go,
Walking along the street
Walking along the street
Burizka birches dance.

Horovoda "Ay - Yes, Birch"

(S.I.Bekina Sat. "Music and Movement": M.: Education, 1984, p. 182)

Leading: So beautifully danced girls around the birch. And so that our birch is always the same slim and beautiful, let's Poland it. Musical accompaniment - Russian People's Melody

(Two teams are involved in three people. Children are transferred to each other, the latter runs and wipes birch)

Leading: Speak in the people:
"Skillful hands do not know boredom.
Who worked from the soul -
Wear now, dances! "

Dance "Sudarushka"

(Preparatory Group - in pairs)
(S.I. Bekin Sat. "Music and Movement": M.: Education, 1984, p. 218)

Leading: Guys in our big country Russia has many republics who have their name. What is the name of our republic? (Karelia)
Karelia is our small homeland. Listen to the song about it.

"Song about the Motherland"

(Vocal group of girls of the senior group)
(M.V. Linek, Words E.Krasheva, Magazine "Music Manager", No. 3, 2004, p. 91)
Leading: Guys, what is our Karelian region famous for? What is rich?
(Karelia - the edge of the forests and lakes. Karelia is rich in mushrooms, berries, fish, healing herbs).
Tourists from different republics, countries come to the Karelian region, get acquainted with commemorative places: Kizhi Island, Kivach Waterfall. Artists reflect in their work Karelian landscapes, poets and musicians compose beautiful songs.
Karelia, Karelia,
Your eyes believe me,
Your words I believe,
Love you, Karelia!
I. Gribulina

Horticulture "love you, Karelia"

(girls with handkerchiefs of blue color)
(song I.Gribulina "I love you, Karelia")

Leading: Who has a gloomy look there?
Again the music sounds.
College, Datvora,
Waiting for you a Russian game!

Game "Red handkerchief"

(Program "Synthesis of Arts" O.A. Krevina, - M.; Link-Press, 2003)

Leading: Our homeland is a country,
Very and very big she,
Our homeland is our home,
Where we all dance together, we sing!

"Little dance"

(Finnish folk song, senior group)
("Little Horovodel" - H. Malmi, Finnish Children's Folk Horovodov, - Petrozavodsk: Karelia, 1990)

Leading:The Russian people are famous for their hospitality, yes treat.
Here try the riddle to guess:
"Rising different girlfriends,
Not like each other
They all sit in his friend
And only one toy "(Matryoshka)

Includes Matryoshka with a treat
Leading:That ended our holiday. I invite you to dance.

"Total dance"

(Sounds in the record of the melody of the Russian People's Dance)
("Popurri from folk songs", audio cassette "Dancing for children from 3 to 8 years old", Moscow window TOO, Ltd M: 1998)
Children go to groups

The objectives of the lesson: to bring up the feelings of patriotism, love to their homeland, respect for her culture, history, traditions.

Equipment: computer, multimedia.

Event flow

Host: We begin our holiday "Russia - My Homeland", dedicated to the birth of the Russian Federation.

A man without a homeland can not live. The word "homeland" we hear often. It is familiar to us since childhood. When we talk about your homeland, we think about the place where we were born, where our childhood passed. But the Motherland is our huge country that is called Russia.

Appendix 1. Slide №1

Host: Russia is a country that occupies Eastern Europe and North Asia. Russia is located in the northern hemisphere, in the north of the mainland of Eurasia. Its territory is washed by the waters of the Pacific and Arctic Oceans, as well as the Baltic, Black, Azov seas.

Appendix 1. Slide No. 2, №3, №4, №5, №6, №7, №8, №9.

Host: Moscow - the heart of Russia, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Every year, millions of tourists visit the capital to see the Kremlin, the Red Square, the temples of Vasily of Blessed and Christ the Savior, Danilov and Novodevichy Monasteries, the Bolshoi Theater and the Tretyakov Gallery.

Appendix 1. Slide number 10

Host: There are state symbols in any world in the world. There are also Russia. Let's carefully consider the coat of arms of Russia.

Golden double-headed eagle is depicted on a red shield. The right paw of the eagle squeezes the scepter. In his left paw - Power. Over the heads of the eagle we see the crown. In the old times, the crown, scepter, power served as signs of royal power. Today they remind the historical past of our Motherland, symbolize the unity of the Russian Federation and its independence from other states. On the chest of the eagle is placed red shield with the image of the rider. This is the Holy George Victorious. The rider is striking by a spear. This is the victory of good over evil.

Appendix 1. Slide №11

The symbol of our state is the flag. His colors - the colors of nature, good and beauty. White - peace and purity, blue - sky, though beauty. Red - fire, courage, love.
But each state has not only the coat of arms and the flag, and also the main music of the country. This is a hymn.

Students 4 "b" class are invited to the scene.
I ask everyone to stand.

Composer: A.V. Alexandrova.

Host: a man without a homeland can not live. The word "homeland" we hear often. It is familiar to us since childhood. When we talk about your homeland, we think about the place where we were born, where our childhood passed. But the Motherland is our huge country that is called Russia.

Students 3 "A" classrooms are invited to the scene

I was born in this country
Called wondrny Russia
In the whole world, it has no relatives
And, of course, there is no beautiful.

Here spread a generous meadow
Merseys, hills and oaks.
Here in winter silver snow,
And the spring is green grass.

I love golden fields,
Vasilkov and daisies bouquets.
I was born in Russia not in vain -
Protect and love this land.

Host: Version About Motherland: There is better no native edge! P. Voronko

He took place a hundred lands.
Took place, went around
Wings, legs noded.

We asked the crane:
Where is the best land?
He answered, fleeing:
Better there is no native edge!

Composer: E. Kolmanovsky.

Host: Russia! How many wonderful poets of the Russian land melted you in beautiful verses!

Poem about the Motherland For you, read students 2 "b" class

Hello, my homeland! V. Bok.

In the morning the sun gets up,
We are calling us on the street.
I go out of the house I:
- Hello, my street!

I sing in silence
Sing the birds to me.
Herbs whispering to me on the way:
- You are more, a friend, grow!

I answer herbs I,
I answer the wind I,
I answer the sun I:
- Hello, my homeland!
What our homeland!

About homeland. V. Orlov.

Flowers over a quiet apple tree river.
Gardens, thinking, stand.
What is the homeland elegant
She herself like a wonderful garden!

Plays a river with rifles,
In it, the fish is all of silver,
What a rich motherland is
Do not count her good!

Running wave is leopard,
Prost fields caresses eyes.
What is the motherland happy
And this happiness is all for us!

Leading: Wigching Russia as a soul of a Russian man, generous, wise, strong. We often hear the words "Russia", "Motherland", "step-off". What do they mean for us? These are holy words. The concept of "homeland" includes not only the immense expanses of our country. This and the language on which we say - our "mighty and great" Russian language. Motherland is culture, traditions, the achievement of the people who call themselves as a beautiful word "Russians".

Students 4 "b" class are invited to the scene.

Russian folk dance "Birch"

Host: We must always remember that our country is a parent home, where relatives and loved ones are waiting for us with love and hope. This is the place where we always return, wherever we wanted in the world. Since native land gives us a power for life. All that surrounds us is the sky, the sun, clouds, a month and stars, green forests and fertile fields, people who are next to us in joy or in sadness - this is what supports us and gives the strength to live and enjoy life, as if warm Kiss mother.

3 "B" class is invited to the scene

Composer: Shainsky V.

Host: Strong our country! In numerous battles, the power and bravery of the Russian war, as dedication, and the Spirit are repeatedly confirmed. Our countrymen died in the war and were proud because they died for their homeland in battle.

4 "A" class is invited to the scene

Pupil: A citizen of the Fatherland is experiencing the pain and difficulties of his homeland. I am worried about how your own troubles.

Pupil: A citizen is always ready to defend his fatherland. He is a real patriot.

Student: Defense of the Fatherland is the sacred and honorary duty of a person and a citizen of the Russian Federation.


For peace, for children. E.Trudenova

In any edge of any country
The guys do not want war.
They will have to join in life soon
They need a world, not a war,
Green noise native boron
They need a school to everyone
And the garden at the peaceful threshold,
Father and mother and father's house.
On white light space a lot
For those who get used to work.
Our people raised the domineering voice
For all children, for peace, for work!
Let each spoken ripes in the field,
Flower gardens, forests grow!
Who sows bread on a peaceful field,
Factories build, cities,
That for the guys of the orphan lobe
Never wishes!

Composer: Ostrovsky A.

Host: Mother and Motherland ... Probably not in the world closer and kindest words. A man loves his mother. He loves the place where he was born and said the word "mother". He loves his small homeland, where for the first time heard the whisper of the leaves and the murmur of the stream, saw the Merzian stars and a drop of morning dew. Where does the homeland begins? Motherland is impossible, as well as the word "happiness", to define in one word or even the phrase.

2 "a" class is invited to the scene

Composer: Basner V.

Host: Russia is a multinational country, more than 100 peoples live in it, and they all live together and try to help each other.

Composer: Tukhmanov. D.

Host: Love his homeland is not only admiring, admiring what is in your country. Love the Motherland is not to live only here. After all, without the past there is no future. It should be remembered about the past of the country in which heroic and tragic moments were. Love their homeland - it means to do everything so that it becomes richer, so that people live better. Each of us dreams of being happy and useful to your Fatherland. We should always remember the words of A. Pushkin, who are addressed to us, a generation living in the 21st century:

While freedom burning,
While hearts for honor alive,
My friend, dedicate dedication
Souls are beautiful gusts!

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