Offers with separation function. Memo on punctuation marks

§ 1 punctuation marks

In this lesson, we will look at the main groups of punctuation marks and systematize their knowledge about them.

All the signs of punctuation and the rules for their setting in sentences and texts studies special science - punctuation.

Punctuation is an important means of registration written speech and has a communicative function.

Punctuation marks form a special group of the entire graphic system of the Russian language; Their appointment is to serve those parties in writing, which cannot be expressed letters.

Punctuation signs serve

togo to promote clarity and clarity in the transfer of thoughts,

roni separated one sentence from another or one part of it from another,

rI express sensations of the speaking and his attitude to the listening.

"Their appointment - to indicate the meaning of speech, as well as to promote the identification of its syntactic system and rhythm," also said in the dictionary-directory linguistic terms"D.E. Rosentale and MA Telenkovo.

In some cases, punctuation marks are the main or unique means of identifying semantic relations.

For example, you can compare the semicollary, dash and colon in the same non-union complex sentence:

The youth left, in the evening it became boring. (This proposal indicates the sequence of events).

Youth left - on the evening it became boring. (In the second part of this proposal, it is indicated by the result of the action indicated in the first part).

Youth left: on the evening it became boring. (Here is caused by causal relations with the reason for the reasons in the second part of this non-union complex offer).

§ 2 dividing and excretory punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence

The signs of punctuation in a complex sentence are needed in order to transfer the characteristics of the semantic relationship between parts of a complex proposal, the features of its structure and intonation.

In complex and non-union complex suggestions, they share simple sentences, performing a separation function, and in complex-intensified, the dependent part is distinguished ( subordinate clause), performing an excretory function.

So, for example, a comma, a point with a comma and a dash perform a separation function in complex and non-union proposalsThe same separation function also carries a colon, but is used between parts only in the non-union complex proposal.

A dash in BSP performs a separation function.

But the exclusant function is characteristic of exclusively with a comma, which highlights an appropriate proposal as part of a complex proposal.

For example:

The commas in the NGN perform an excretory function.

§ 3 Features of the Russian punctuation

It should be noted that the rules of Russian punctuation have great flexibility, since, together with binding standards, there are indications that have no strict regulatory nature and allowing various punctuation options.

For example, the author's punctuation in complex proposals is such a formulation of punctuation marks, which is not provided for by the rules, however, it is permissible if the author with their help transfers any additional meaning. Such signs are most often believed in the complex sentences of the dash, a point with a comma.

For example, K.G. Pouustovsky considered it necessary to put a dash in an unconquoy complex sentence

although it was necessary to put a colon.

§ 4 Brief lesson results

Summing up the lesson, it can be noted that the knowledge of punctuation and functions of punctuation marks in a complex proposal is extremely necessary, since the punctuation marks not only indicate the semantic membership of the text and proposals, but also are an important means of writing a written speech.

List of references:

  1. Zolotareva I.V., Dmitriev L.P., Egorova N.V. Pounding developments in Russian: grade 11. - M.: Vako, 2005. - 320 p. - (to help the school teacher).
  2. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkov MA Dictionary Linguistic Linguistic Terms: Teacher's Guide. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 399С.
  3. Egorova N.V.Purdnaya developments in the Russian language: Universal allowance. Grade 9. - M.: Vako, 2007. - 224c.

Punctuation - this is:

  1. System of punctuation signs
  2. Section Linguistics learning the punctuation marks and the rules for their use on the letter
IN secondary program Learn 10 punctuation marks: point ( . ), question mark ( ? ), Exclamation point ( ! ), ellipsis ( ... ), comma ( , ), semicolon ( ; ), colon ( : ), dash ( - ), brackets (round) () quotes ( " " ). The punctuation marks serve to designate in the proposal and in the text of the boundaries of semantic segments, whose value is emphasized by writing. The punctuation marks provide a writing and reading an unequivocal understanding of the supply and text.

Punctuation rule

Punctuation rule - This is an instruction in which the conditions for choosing a punctuation mark (i.e. its use or non-consumption). The conditions for choosing a punctuation mark are grammatical, semantic and intonational features of proposals and their parts.


A place in the proposal where the formulation of punctuation marks is necessary can be found according to identification features (signs). Identifying signs Applications of punctuation rules:

  1. morphological: the presence of communion, verbalism, interception, unions, individual particles;
  2. syntactic: the presence of two or more grammatical foundations, appeals, evaluations, separate members offers, homogeneous members, someone else's speech;
  3. sound: pronunciation with challenge and other types of intonation;
  4. semantic: expression of the cause, etc.

Functions of punctuation signs

The punctuation marks serve to separate offerings from each other in the text, for separation and selection of semantic segments in the proposal. They are divided into three groups: on separate (in the text), dividing and selective (in a sentence).

Dividing punctuation signs

These include point, question mark, exclamation mark, ellipsis. They are used:

  1. to separate each word of the proposal from the subsequent in the text;
  2. for registration of a separate offer as complete.
The choice of one of the four separation signs is determined by the meaning and intonation of the sentence.

Punctuation signs at the end of the sentence


  • At the end of the narrative and motivating proposals, the point is set if they are additionally expressed emotions (feelings).
  • At the end of the question offers is a question mark.
  • At the end of any proposal for the purpose of the statement, an exclamation mark is placed if the feeling is additionally expressed.
  • The dot is placed at the end of the sentence, if the writing service makes a larger pause.

Dividing punctuation signs

These include comma, point with comma, dash, colon. The separation signs of punctuation serve in a simple sentence to designate boundaries between homogeneous members (comma and semicolon), in difficult - for separation simple offersincluded in its composition.

The choice of separation signs of punctuation is determined by morphological, syntactic, semantic and intonational conditions.

Several punctuation marks

The excretory punctuation marks serve to designate the boundaries of semantic segments that complicate a simple proposal (appeals, input words, phrases, proposals, separate minor members), as well as direct speech.
Separation signs of punctuation are comma (two commas); dash (two dashes); Exclamation point; brackets double; colon and dash used together; Double quotes.

The choice of excretory punctuation marks is determined by syntactic, semantic and intonation conditions.

Cases when a punctuation mark is not put

  • Between the subject and the beam, which is attached by the Union as.
  • Between homogeneous members connected by single unions and, or.
  • Before the application, if the Union as consumed in the meaning " as».
  • After the involvement of turnover, if it is facing the well-defined nouns and does not have a causal value.
  • In front of the adverbs formed from the lead apartments.
  • Between simple suggestions in the complex sentence with the Union and In the presence of a common member.
  • Between homogeneous additives connected by the Union and.
  • Between agreed definitions, if they characterize the subject from different sides.

In Russian, 10 punctuation marks. (they are not described)
1. Remember the use of punctuation marks:
a) What punctuation signs are put at the end of the proposals?
b) what kind of punctuation sign<<живет>\u003e Inside the sentence?

1. What punctuation signs can be put on the border of the parts of the non-union complex sentence? 2. In which complex proposals are semantic links between

are parts expressed more politically - in allone or non-union? 3. Perform an exercise. Find among the proposals given to the preservation of the author's punctuation, which in which the alignment of punctuation marks does not comply with modern rules. 1. I began to read, learn - sciences are also bored ... 2. I hesitated - I am not a hunter to sentimental walks around the sea ... 3. I understood it: the poor old man, for the first time the outfit, maybe threw the affairs of the service For his own need, speaking with the language of paper ... 4. In a few moments I raise them and see: my karaguez flies, waving the tail, free as the wind ... (M.Yu.lermonts).

Arrange all missed punctuation marks

Unfortunately, I can't say exactly when for the first time I learned about the rules for placing punctuation signs under introductory words. I think always knew that this was one of the most difficult sections of punctuation, but the truth did not even suspect that it was so difficult. Remember that under the introductory words, the commas are put on two sides. It seemed not very difficult to be found. However, it was found that there were a number of features that, in turn, need to be specifically memorized. The first it turned out that the list of input words is surprisingly huge and there are whole groups of introductory words. First of all, we had to remember these groups and then learn how to classify the actual words. It is during the classification that the first and most importantly unpleasant errors occur. Many are inclined either to memorize not all words but only the easiest or on the contrary to increase these lists for themselves. The second to my amazement it turned out that there are words that can be as input. In the text of the textbook, I found a lot of clarifications, and most importantly special notes on what previously did not pay attention. To master this section, the rules by the way, I simply made a number of proposals in which we used the words specified in the reference books for example, "finally", "actually", "means". It was a very fun work and therefore useful. I and now I do not remember all the examples of Rosentyl, however, I remember well my own mainly funny. Thirdly small fonts listed at least 20 words of non-introducing among which, in turn, I found 15 who had always been made on the letter. Armed with sheets of paper, I naturally rewrote these words by a large font in the number of 10 copies and milked at the most visited points of the apartment in particular on the mirrors. Now even considering yourself in the mirror I will repeat the rules of the Russian language. Not one but probably five times a day I was forced to peck my notes and finally remembered the text of the rules and the introductory words of the nazubok.
So now I can be considered a real expert in the field of introductory words. This on the one hand is nice and with the other I have become much more difficult. After all, in our newspapers, there are completely illiterate articles, read that is certainly interesting but certainly unpleasant. Many journalists seem to seem that the rules of the Russian language are established only for passing exams when entering the faculty of journalism MSU, so after admission, they cease them to repeat that ultimately leads to the emergence of articles violating the rights of each educated person in the country.

The lesson has several important goals:

1) show that punctuation marks are an important means of writing a written speech;

2) to tell about the division of punctuation marks on its function into groups;

4) develop the oral and written speech of students;

5) raise the speech culture and careful attitude towards the native word.



Theme lesson: Principles of Russian punctuation. Punctuation marks:

Separate, dividing and excretory.

Type of lesson: formation of new knowledge

Form of holding:lesson - workshop using computer


Objectives lesson.

Educational: emphasize that punctuation marks are important

A means of writing a written speech, as with their

Using the semantic talk of speech, division

The signs of punctuation in their function into three groups:

separate, dividing and excretory,


Developing: development of oral and written speech students

Active forms of cognitive activity

Educational: Education of speech culture, careful attitude to

Native word

Equipment lesson: Computer presentation

"Punctuation marks - notes when reading" (A. P. Chekhov)

Advanced tasks: Message of a student: "From the history of punctuation"

During the classes

  1. Acquaintance with the objectives of the lesson and the epigraph:

"Ploban signs - notes when reading"

A. P. Chekhov

"... punctuation marks have a dual purpose:

Contribute to clarity in the presentation of thoughts,

Separating one sentence from another or one

Part of it from another, and express the feeling of the face

Speaking and his attitude to the listening ... "

F. I. Buslaev

Lesson plan.

1. Introduction: "Word about punctuation"

2. Message student:"From the history of punctuation"

3 student message: "Threethe principle of Russian punctuation "

4. Student Message: "Punctuation marks:separating

5 . Drawing up a scheme on "punctuation marks"

8. Workshop on the topic studied (work with a computer program

Problem issues:

  • Why do you need punctuation?
  • What are the principles of Russian punctuation?
  • Which groups are divided by punctuation marks

In your function?

  • What is the feature of copyright signs?

1. Introduction: "Word about punctuation"

The theme of today's lesson -"The principles of Russian punctuation. Pin signs: separating, dividing and excretory »

  • What is punctuation? Choose a single word to this word and try to formulate
  • Why do you need punctuation?

Output: Punctuation (from Lat. Punktum - "Point") - a collection of rules on the formulation of punctuation marks. The punctuation marks (punctuation - "stop, break") are signs that are set between words or groups of words in writing speech.

2. Message student:"From the history of punctuation"

"Punctuation, like spelling, is part of the graphics system adopted for this language, and should also be as firmly assimilated, as well as the letters of the alphabet with their sound values, in order for the letter to accurately and fully expressed the content of the statement." "The signs of punctuation - notes when reading" - so characterized by A. P. Chekhov punctuation in one of the letters dated 1888

The punctuation marks are an important means of writing a written speech, as it is possible to make a sense member of speech. Unlike spelling, the rules of which are built with a support for phonetic and morphological system of each language, punctuation is largely internally. The punctuation was invented by typographic brothers by manuations in the middle of the XV century. And in the main features was adopted by the majority of the peoples of Europe.

In modern Russian, 10 punctuation marks: point, question mark, exclamation mark, dot, colon, point with comma, comma, dash, double dash, brackets. The quotes can also be attributed to the punctuation marks. In addition, gaps between the words, the Red Row (the beginning of the paragraph) and other graphics are used to read the text.

3. Message of a student: "Three principles of Russian punctuation "

The rules of Russian punctuation were based on three basic principles: logical (meaning), structurally syntactic and intonational:

1. Logic (meaning) - punctuation signs help dismember speechon the parts that are important to the expression of thoughts on the letter(semantic membership),

2. Structurally syntaxmakes a visual semantic system of speech, highlighting individual proposals and their parts (syntactic membership),

creates Stability of the punctuation system.

3. intonation - serve to designate intonation design, Means of expression semantics (values) in oral speech.

4. Student Message: "Punctuation marks:separating

Dividing and excretory "

Depending on the function, the punctuation marks are divided into three groups: separating, separation, excretory.

To separating signs The punctuation includes a point, questioning and exclamation marks, ellipsis. These signs are put at the end of the sentence and serve as a means of separation of one sentence from another as part oftext.

To the dividing signs of punctuation These are comma, point with comma, dash and colon. These signs are put in a simple suggestion for the separation of homogeneous members of the proposal and for the separation of simple proposals in the composition of complex.

To excretory punctuation signs relate double (paired) signs:double brackets, double quotes, Double dash, double commas.

5 . Drawing up a scheme on the topic: "punctuation marks"

The so-called copyright signs occupy a special position in the traditional system of punctuation signs. They can be viewed as special semantic signs, since their use is usually not motivated by the structure of syntactic units. Copyright signs are one of the punctuation methods for the allocation of semantic fragments of the proposal. They are an important component of information expressed by the proposal. In modern printing, there are cases of violation of some punctuation rules.

  • Czechs compares punctuation marks with a note letter,

and what would you compare, based on your profession?

  • What is the similarity and distinction of clothing and punctuation marks?

7. Separate, dividing, excretory and copyright signs in

Roman M.A. Bullhakova "Master and Margarita"

Now let's turn to the history of a person who has made a protest symbol. Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov - author of famous works

"Dog's heart", "Run", "White Guard", "Master and Margarita" - all his life defended the right to remain himself. "I was advised to paint the skin. Ridiculous council. Painted Liewolf, whether the wolf is cut, he still does notlooks like a poodle, "-i wrote M.A. Bulgakov

In February 1929, two meets: he was married, she was married; between them arose a novel, first secret, as usual; Then everything, on the eternal scheme, floated, outward; And there were tears, and the revolver of the jealous husband was blocked, but everything ended well ...

And it is possible to start this strict story about love: At the beginning of the thirties, the wife of a major commander, the headquarters of the Moscow Military District of Shilovsky went to the famous writer and became his wife.

In February 29, they first saw, and in May Mikhail Afanasyevich began writing his great Roman "Master and Margarita". He is about many things, this novel, he is about God and the feature, he is about the cowardice as the main shock of mankind, he is about the immentable, inecilious sin of betrayal, it is fantastically ridiculous and inexpressible sadly, he is cosmier, but above all he is about true and eternal loveI forgot about who we think about and which comes, maybe only in happy dreams about childhood, when they pour into tears of irrevocable, and you don't believe it already, and there is no strength without faith.

"Master and Margarita" - so he called the novel, the great master, not anyway otherwise. Roman, life - how everything was intertwined, grown into each other, when some blood vessels joined life and dream, Elena Sergeevna and Margarita Nikolaevna, but we will not forget: Elena Sergeyevna-secret friend, Muse - this is life, beautiful and vehicles, and Margarita Nikolaevna - she, but already losing the light of immortality, the child of Love Masters to a woman and to life

From the diary of Elena Sergeyevna:

"It was in the 29th year in February, on an oil. Some familiar staged pancakes. Neither I did not want to go there, nor Bulgakov, who for some reason decided that he would not go to this house. But it turned out that these people managed to interest the composition of the invited and him, and me. Well, I, of course, his last name. In general, we met, and were there. It was fast, unusually fast, anyway on my part, love for life. "

Neither glory, no wealth, no position in society, could not give her hopes: He was poor and - worse - cursed, the glory rolled him, leaving the foam of Hula and stable, terrible for those times and absolutely unfair nickname "White Guard " And she? Beautiful, shiny,

with the necessary highlight of frivolousness, which does not give a man to get used to her friend as a property that is going anywhere ...

From the diary of Elena Sergeyevna:

"Then there were much more difficult times, when it was very difficult for me to leave the house exactly because the husband was very a good manDue to the fact that we had such a friendly family. For the first time I saved and remained, and I did not see Bulgakov for 20 months, giving the word that I would not take a single letter, I would never come to the phone, I would not go out on the street. But, obviously, after all, it was fate. Because when I first went out into the street, I met him, and the first phrase he said was: "I can't live without you." And I replied: "And I, too." And we decided to connect, no matter what. But then he told me what, I do not know why, but took with a laugh. He told me: "Give me the word that I will die in your hands." If you imagine that this was said by a person of incomplete forty years, healthy, with fun blue eyes, shining from happiness, then, of course, it looked very strange. And I, laughing, said: "Of course, of course, you will die with me ..." He said: "I speak very seriously, walking." And as a result, I swore ... "

No longer in the novel, but in the life of Mikhail Afanasyevich spoke Elena Sergeyevna:"There was a whole world against me and I am alone. Now we are together and I'm not scared. "

Study passages from Roman M.A. Bullhakova

"Master and Margarita"according to the scheme of punitive analysis

Are you a writer? - asked the poet with interest.

The guest darkened face and shook Ivan Kulak, then said:

I am a master - he became harsh and took a completely squeezed black hat from her pocket with a yellow silk letter "M" from her. He put on this hat and seemed to Ivan and in the profile and in the FAS to prove that he was a master. She sewed her with her own hands, "he mysteriously added.

And how is your surname?

I do not have more surname, "a strange guest answered with gloomy contempt," I refused it, as in general in life. Forget about her.

She carried in the hands of disgusting, disturbing yellow flowers. Damn them know how their name is, but they are the first for some reason appear in Moscow. And these flowers were very clearly distinguished on the black spring coat. She carried yellow flowers! Good color!
She turned with Tverskaya in the alley and here turned. Well, Tverskaya do you know? Thousands of people went along Tver, but I handle you that she saw me alone and looked not what was disturbing, but even as if painfully. And I was struck by not so much beauty as unusual, no one was seen solitude in the eyes!

M. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita". Part 1 Gl.13

"For me, reader! Who told you that not in the light of the real, faithful, eternal love? Yes, it will be cut off his vile language! For me, my reader, and just for me, and I will show you such love! "

And I suddenly, and completely unexpectedly understood that I loved this woman all my life! That's so thing, eh? You, of course, say, crazy? ..

Love jumped out before us, how from under the ground pops up the murderer in the alley, and struck us at once both!

So amazes lightning, so amazes the Finnish knife!

She - then, however, later claimed that it was not so that we loved, of course, each other was long ago, not knowing each other, never seeing ...

and that she lived with another person ... And I'm there, then ... with this ... like her ...

M. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita". C. " Ch.19

"Margarita Nikolaevna never touched the preims. Margarita Nikolaevna did not know the horrors of living in a joint apartment. Word ... She was happy? Not one minute! Since nineteen years old she married and hit the mansion, she did not know happiness. Gods, my gods! What did this woman needed?! What did this woman needed, in the eyes of which was always burning by some incomprehensible lights, what did it need this slightly obliquely on one eye of the witch, who hesitated himself then in spring mistresses? I do not know. I am unknown. Obviously, she told the truth, she was needed, a master, but not a gothic mansion at all, and not a separate garden, and not money. She loved him, she told the truth. "

M. Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita". C. " Ch.19

Punctuation analysis

Order of the punctuation analysis

1. Explain the conditions (grammatical, semantic, intonation) places of punctuation marks.

2. Give the characteristic of punctuation marks for their use (single, repeated, steam room).

3. Describe the punctuation marks for their function (separation, excretory).

4. Formulate the rule of formulation of punctuation marks.


1. With full analysis, all signs in the text are explained, with partial - punctuation signs are explained selectively.

2. When analyzing, it is advisable to consider elective signs, the possible variability of signs, individually-copyright, defining their functional and stylistic role.

Sample parsing:

Oh! Look at me in the window

And give me the news of the embroidery,

So I, comforted a little,

I saw happiness at least in the window.

(F. Glinka.)

An exclamation mark separates the interjections from the main offer and indicates an emotional discharge of the proposal.

The comma separates the apparent offer from the main one.

Commas stands out selected definition, expressed by the involvement of the turnover (pair, excretory sign).

Point at the end of the sentence.

8. Workshop on the topic studied (work with a computer program)

1. Analyze 10 - 15 proposals for the scheme of the punctational

Analysis is artistic work (optionally)

2. Repeat the rule of punctuation signs at the end of a simple sentence

Dividing and excretory punctuation marks


With the participation of the project

Exercise 1


Mark false and truthful statements.

Specify the truth or false answer options:

In challenging offers only separation signs of punctuation are used.

The separation signs of punctuation include a colon and a semicolon

Several punctuation marks are used in complex proposals.

In the non-union complex offers are used both excretory and separation signs of punctuation.

Task # 2.


To share predicative parts, in non-union complex offers are used ...

1) colon

3) comma

4) point with comma

Task # 3.


Choose a proposal with excretory punctuation marks.

1) the dog chased behind the wasp, she bites him into his nose.

2) Vadik tried to reach the branch on which a red bobber apple hung.

3) The boy was first planted behind the wheel of the car, and he was just happy.

4) We returned late: the concert dragged to midnight.

Task # 4.


Select offers with split punctuation marks.

Select a few of 4 answer options:

1) I fell out unnoticed: I was Ubaulo Cat purr.

2) Vasilisa in the morning took up reading books, and Ivan decided to play football.

3) Never sit and wait for the mysterious wizard to solve all problems for you.

4) Alevtina sung headed into the closet, however, and there no one was hiding.

Task # 5.


Select an offer with an excretory union.

Select one of 4 answer options:

1) The hunter lowered the trigger - the bird screamed and scored the wings in the air.

2) Heavy cold drops slowly fell from lead sky, drums on the leaves; In the distance nervously fused Thunder.

3) Oleg did not hesitate for a long time: he jumped into the river behind a sinking girl.

4) When it comes to grow up, we look at your childhood in bewilderment.

Task # 6.


Show Moeklock. Choose alliances or allied words that can stand the splitting sign of the punctuation.

Select a few out of 5 answer options:

4) not only, but also

Task # 7.


In which case, do you put an excretory punctuation mark in a complex sentence?

Select one of 4 answer options:

1) There are no unions in the proposal

2) in the sentence there is subject union

3) there is a sentence compound Soyuz

4) excretory signs in a complex proposal are not put at all

Task # 8.


In the three sentences of the part are divided by commas. And only in one part is distinguished by the comma. Find this offer.

Select one of 4 answer options:

1) My friend wanted to go to the right, I also pulled left.

2) No one understood how he managed to put this record.

3) I did not solve the simplest example, what an excellent student after this!

4) Clown thoroughly naked makeup on the face, and the trainer scattered with a whitewash.

Task # 9.


You already know that in complexed proposals Between pieces can sometimes stand dash. Read the offer.

How to be in such a situation - it is strongly incomprehensible to me.

What is the sign in this case is a dash? Choose a right statement.

Select one of 4 answer options:

1) Dash is an excretory sign. Nevertheless, this offer is complex, and therefore its parts are allocated by punctuation marks.

2) This is a complex proposal, and a dash is a splitting sign of punctuation.

3) This is a non-union complex proposal, and the dash is a splitting sign of punctuation.

4) Dash is a splitting sign of punctuation, because it always shares the elements in the text and never highlights them.

Task # 10.


Look at the offer.

When thoughts in the head did not quite, the poet looked out the window: the snow-covered yard looked magnificently, and the inspiration came by itself.

How much and what kind of punctuation marks do you see in this sentence?

Select one of 4 answer options:

1) one extraction, two dividing

2) two excretory, one dividing

3) three excretory

4) three dividing


1) (3 b.) Faithful answers:

2) (2 b.) Fair replies: 1; 2; 3; four;

3) (1 b.) Fair replies: 2;

4) (3 b.) Fair replies: 1; 2; four;

5) (1 b.) Fair replies: 4;

6) (3 b.) Fair replies: 4; five;

7) (2 b.) Fair replies: 2;

8) (3 b.) Fair replies: 2;

8) (3 b.) Fair replies: 2;

10) (3 b.) Fair replies: 1;

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