Comparative characteristics of 2 classmates. Comparative characteristics of two classmates (two friends)

We have a very friendly and good class. Of course, there are quarrels between students, but rarely. Each disciples stand out among others - a remarkable appearance, the ability to do something better than others, behavior and character. I want to write about many students, but I will write only about two real friends, completely unlike each other - it Danila and Timofey.

They are inseparable from the first class - at school are sitting at one desk, together doing lessons after school and classes in circles. Together go to school or home because they live in one

Danila is a round excellent party. It is very quiet and modest. Does not participate in noisy games on change, and sits and reads a book about chess games. He is fond of chess for a very long time, has the first youthful discharge and always participates in school and district competitions in chess and mathematics. Mathematics he also loves. Anyone, even a very difficult task, he is solved immediately. While the whole class also reads the condition of the task, Danil has already ready decision. Danila reads a lot and it is interesting to talk to him about everything in the world. And he is not greedy as some honors. Always gives to write off homework, if a

do not have time to prepare for the lesson. But it does not just give it off, but explains the task or exercise. Therefore, classmates do not just love him, but respected. In the future, Danil wants to become a professor of mathematics and make some scientific discovery.

Timofey is a good one. He does not reach the excellent man a little, because very movable and unreasonable. Timofey - the first started in the class in everything. Without it, no incident is not accounted for - it interferes in a fight between the guys from the neighboring class, it will drag the kitten in the bag in the bag, then the window will break, it begins to mix everyone in the lesson. For this, it is often called to the director and reduce the mark for behavior. But he learns all the same well, because he is engaged in sports - he has a black belt on Aikido. Sports him disciplines in school, but not in behavior. Despite the fact that Timofey is very good, he can always stand up for himself and protect others. Timofey still does not know what to do after school. He has many plans and every day they are different.

Externally, friends complement each other with their unresoluteness. Danila is a small, thin and dark-haired, looks even younger than its age. Timofey is a tall, strong guy of sports physique and with hair of wheat color.

In general, both of them - it is a passion for computer games in free time. True and here they prefer different games. Danil greatly solve quests, and Timofey almost always wins in a shooter. But they are not offended by each other, because it is just a game.

These are unlikely, but nevertheless best friends Learn in our class.

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In our class a lot of guys study, and I thought for a long time, whom I will compare in my essay. Each of something stands out, something can better than the rest, and I want to write about everyone at once. But I stopped my choice at Maksima and Denis. They are best friends and sit at one desk.

Maxim in our class is respected, he learns very well, knows a lot of interesting things and even that we school Program not passed at all. Maxim Smart Boy, he often participates in various Olympics and Competitions in many subjects. For example, in the Olympiad

In mathematics, he more than once became the winner, not only in our school, but also in the area. You can rely on Maxim in any situation, it will always help everyone with a homework or explain something incomprehensible. And he gives to write off, he will explain until you yourself understand and do not solve an example or a task.

Denis is the best friend of Maxim. He learns not as good as Denis, but in sports he is the best in our class. Denis is always taken to competitions in athletics, he has repeatedly defended the honor of the school at the district and regional competitions, where he was awarded certificate of diplomas and medals. Denis and our whole class

Calls on sports, he says it is important for health. In the future, Denis wants to become an athlete or physical education teacher.

These guys learn in our class. They are fully respected and take an example with them. They are pride not only our class, but also schools. They are so different - one loves mathematics, the other - Sport, Maxim in character is calm and judicious, and Denis is very active, but, nevertheless, they are best friends. I think their friendship over the years will only be stronger.

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We have a very friendly and good class. Of course, there are quarrels between students, but rarely. Each disciples stand out among others - a remarkable appearance, the ability to do something better than others, behavior and character. I want to write about many students, but I will write only about two real friends, completely unlike each other - it Danila and Timofey.

They are inseparable from the first class - at school are sitting at one desk, together doing lessons after school and classes in circles. Together go to school or home, because they live in the same house.

Danila is a round excellent party. It is very quiet and modest. Does not participate in noisy games on change, and sits and reads a book about chess games. He is fond of chess for a very long time, has the first youthful discharge and always participates in school and district competitions in chess and mathematics. Mathematics he also loves. Anyone, even a very difficult task, he is solved immediately. While the whole class also reads the condition of the task, Danil has a ready-made solution. Danila reads a lot and it is interesting to talk to him about everything in the world. And he is not greedy as some honors. Always gives off a homework if you do not have time to prepare for the lesson. But it does not just give it off, but explains the task or exercise. Therefore, classmates do not just love him, but respected. In the future, Danil wants to become a professor of mathematics and make some scientific discovery.

Timofey is a good one. He does not reach the excellent man a little, because very movable and unreasonable. Timofey - the first started in the class in everything. Without it, no incident is not accounted for - it interferes in a fight between the guys from the neighboring class, it will drag the kitten in the bag in the bag, then the window will break, it begins to mix everyone in the lesson. For this, it is often called to the director and reduce the mark for behavior. But he learns all the same well, because he is engaged in sports - he has a black belt on Aikido. Sports him disciplines in school, but not in behavior. Despite the fact that Timofey is very good, he can always stand up for himself and protect others. Timofey still does not know what to do after school. He has many plans and every day they are different.

Externally, friends complement each other with their unresoluteness. Danila is a small, thin and dark-haired, looks even younger than its age. Timofey is a tall, strong guy of sports physique and with hair of wheat color.

In general, both of them are hobby with computer games in their free time. True and here they prefer different games. Danil greatly solve quests, and Timofey almost always wins in a shooter. But they are not offended by each other, because it is just a game.

These are no other, but nevertheless the best friends learn in our class.

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