Metrology test questions. Metrology, standardization and certification tests

GBPOU Perevozsky Construction College

Credits test questions

by discipline"Metrology, standardization, certification"

1. Legal basis metrology in Russia are established by law Russian Federation …..?

1) About standardization;

2. Technical device intended for measurements?

1) measurement standard;

2) measuring instrument;

3) unit of measure;

3. Deviation of the measurement result from the true value of the measured quantity?

1) measurement error;

2) measuring instrument;

3) unity of measurement;

4. Is it theoretical, applied, legislative?

1) methodology;

2) metrology;

3) value;

5. The state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in legal units of quantities, and measurement errors do not go beyond the established limits?

1) measurement error;

2) measuring instrument;

3) unity of measurements;

6. The science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy?

1) standardization;

2) certification;

3) metrology;

7. Do these properties determine the scope and quality of measurements?

1) measurements;

2) metrological;

3) methods;

8. ... is the act of certifying, by means of a certificate of conformity or mark of conformity, that a product or service conforms to certain standards or other regulations?

1) certification;

3) standardization;

9. ... - manufacturer, seller, performer who applied for certification work?

1) researcher;

2) the applicant;

3) expert;

10. Is certification activity in the Russian Federation based on the law of the Russian Federation?

1) "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements";

2) "On certification of products and services";

3) "On consumer protection";

11. Organization and implementation of work on mandatory certification in the Russian Federation is carried out by ...?

1) Gosstandart;

2) scientific institute;

3) IEC;

12. Certificates and attestations of accreditation in mandatory certification systems come into force...?

1) from the date of filing the application;

2) from the date of signing the contract;

3) from the date of their registration in the state register;

13. ... includes a set of regulatory documents, as well as documents that establish methods for checking work compliance with these requirements; a set of organizational and methodological documents that define the rules and procedures for carrying out certification work?

1) legal basis for certification;

2) regulatory and methodological support of certification;

3) GOST;

14. … carried out at the initiative of the applicant under the terms of the contract between the applicant and the certification body?

15. ... is carried out only in cases established by the relevant technical regulation, and solely on compliance with the requirements of the technical regulation.?

1) Voluntary certification;

2) Mandatory certification;

16. The system ... can be created by a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur or several legal entities or several individual entrepreneurs?

2) Voluntary certification;

3) Mandatory certification;

4) Quality assurance;

17. What is the validity period of the certificate of conformity?

1) 3 months;

2) 3 years;

35 years;

18. Does he organize and carry out work on mandatory certification?

1) GOST;

2) Any legal entity;

3) Gosstandart;

19. ... not a member of the certification?

1) Gosstandart;

2) manufacturer;

3) consumer;

20. Official language certificate?

1) Russian;

2) English;

3) national;

4) Latin;

21. ... - a document issued according to the rules of the certification system, establishing that the product meets the established requirements?

1) standard;

2) certificate;

3) contract;

22. Activities to establish rules and characteristics aimed at improving the competitiveness of products, works or services?

1) technical regulation;

2) conformity assessment;

3) standardization;

23. Depending on the requirements for standardization objects ... are they divided into state, sectoral and republican?

1) standard;

2) standard;

3) regulations;

24. ... - rational reduction types, types, and sizes of products of the same functional purpose, as well as units and parts that allow you to assemble new products?

1) typification;

2) unification;

3) specialization;

25. The legal basis for standardization in Russia is established by the Law of the Russian Federation …..?

1) About standardization;

2) On technical regulation;

3) On ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

26. All-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information is ...?

1) legal document;

2) white paper;

3) scientific paper;

1) STP;

2) GOST;

3) OST;

28. in ... indicate the timing of each stage included in the content of the work as a whole, the content and structure of the future standard, the list of requirements for the object of standardization, the list of interested potential consumers of this standard?

1) technical regulations;

2) technical contract;

3) terms of reference;

29. ... the standard is provided for when the production of products that were produced according to this regulatory document is discontinued?

1) development;

2) cancellation;

3) revision;

30. The main regulatory and technical document on standardization?

1) Federal Law "On Technical Regulation";

2) Standard;

3) Technical condition;

31. ... issued by the ministries that are the head (leading) in terms of types of products manufactured in the industry?

1) PCT;

2) GOST;

3) OST;

32. ... standardization work is supported by the release of advanced standards that will be optimal in the future?

1) reliability;

2) perspective;

3) consistency;

33. State control and supervision over compliance with mandatory requirements state standards carried out at the stage?

1) development and manufacturing;

2) implementation;

3) total life cycle subject economic activity;

34. What document regulates the unity of measurements?

1) The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

2) Federal Law of June 26, 2008 N 102-FZ "On Ensuring the Unity


3) Technical regulations.

35. Inspection control over certified products is carried out during:

1) the entire period of issue;

2) of the year;

3) certificate validity period.

36. Certification of measuring instruments in Russia

1) voluntary;

2) mandatory.

3) both one and the other

37. The technical regulation, as a legal document, has the character of...:

1) required;

2) advisory;

3) pointing.

38. In the GOST R certification system, certification is carried out ...
1) only mandatory;

2).only voluntary;

3) both.

39. GOST R is a standard:

1) international

2) regional

3) National

40. The 14000 series standards are related to:

1) certification

2) quality environment

3) ensuring the quality of goods, services

41. IEC abbreviation in standardizationmeans:

1) International Electrotechnicalcommission

2) International Economic Committee
3) International economic conferencerentia

42. The 9000 series standards are related to:

1) certification

2) ecology

3) ensuring the quality management of goods, services

43. What is meant by certificationproducts?

1) system of documents affectingproduct quality;

2) recommendations to be taken into accountdevelopment of a quality system.

3) procedure for confirming the conformity of products to certain requirements

44. Depending on the number of measurements, measurements are divided into ...

1) single and multiple;

2) technical and metrological;

3) equal and unequal.

45. The metrological characteristics of measuring instruments include ...

1) division value, measurement range, accuracy class;

2) code characteristics, measurement range, speed;

3) measurement range, overall dimensions, cost.

46. ​​Documents in the field of standardization do not include ...

1) national standards;

2) technical regulations;

3) business plans.

47. Documents in the field of standardization do not include ...

1) technical regulations;

2) plans of organizations and enterprises;

3) standards of organizations and enterprises;

48. Documents in the field of standardization do not include ...

1) all-Russian classifiers technical and economic information;

2) national standards;

3) legal codes.

49. Main objects of measurements?

1) constant values;

2)) obtained values;

3) physical quantities;

50. Which of the proposed measurement methods does the method of direct assessment refer to?

1) Direct measurements.

2) Indirect measurements.

3) Joint measurements.

51. What types of metrology can be distinguished?

1) Theoretical and legislative

2) Legislative, practical and theoretical.

3) Theoretical and practical.

52. Define the concept of legal metrology.

2) Section of metrology, the subject of which is the establishment of mandatory

technical and legal requirements.

3) Section of metrology, the subject of which is questions practical application developments of theoretical metrology and provisions of legal metrology, primarily to ensure the uniformity of measurements.

53. Section of metrology, the subject of which is the development of the fundamental foundations of metrology.

1) Theoretical metrology.

2) Legal metrology.

3) Practical metrology.

54. Define the concept of practical metrology.

1) Section of metrology, the subject of which is the development of the fundamental foundations of metrology.

2) Section of metrology, the subject of which is the establishment of mandatory technical and legal requirements.

3) Section of metrology, the subject of which is the practical application of the developments of theoretical metrology and the provisions of legal metrology

55. Name the main terminological document.

rology. Basic terms and definitions. Legal metrology.

2) The Constitution of the Russian Federation

3) Federal Law "On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements"

56. How is the standard of the meter currently defined?

1) As a separately stored standard.

2) 1/42000000 of the equator.

3) The length of the path traveled by light in a vacuum in a time interval of 1/299 792 458 sec

57. What are the functions of the state metrological control?

1) Only approval of the type of measuring instruments

2) Only verification of measuring instruments (including standards).

3) verification of measuring instruments (including standards) and type approval

measuring instruments.

58. In the SI system of basic units ...

1) 7

2) 4

3) 5

59 . ABOUTThe main physical quantities and their units in the SI system are ....

1) mmass (kg), time (s), length (m), temperature (K);

2) mmass (kg), time (s), length (m), temperature (K), amount of substance (mol), constant forceelectric current (A), luminous intensity (cd);

3) length (m),mmass (kg), time (s), luminous intensity (cd);

60.Methodology for performing measurements (MVI) is ....

1) the principle of ensuring the uniformity of measurements

2) rules for registration of measurement results

3) a set of operations and rules, the implementation of which ensures the receipt of measurement results with a known error

Lecturer ___________Tychinkina G.N.

Answers to the test marked with a plus (+).On a PC, press the "F3" key and type part of the desired phrase. To search for a test question, use the "PgDn" and "PgUp" keys.

1. Specify the purpose of metrology:
1) ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the necessary and required accuracy; +

2) development and improvement of means and methods of measurement to increase their accuracy

3) development of a new and improvement of the existing legal and regulatory framework;

4) improvement of standards of units of measurement to improve their accuracy;

5) improvement of methods for transferring units of measurement from the standard to the measured object.

2. Specify the tasks of metrology:

1) ensuring the uniformity of measurements with the necessary and required accuracy;

2) development and improvement of means and methods of measurements; increasing their accuracy;+

3) development of a new and improvement of the existing legal and regulatory framework;+

4) improvement of measurement standards to improve their accuracy;+

5) improvement of methods for transferring units of measurement from the standard to the measured object; +

6) establishment and reproduction in the form of standards of units of measurement.+

3. Describe the principle of metrology "uniformity of measurements":

1) the development and / or application of metrological tools, methods, techniques and techniques is based on scientific experiment and analysis;

2) the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in units of quantities approved for use in the Russian Federation, and the measurement accuracy indicators do not go beyond the established limits; +

3) the state of the measuring instrument, when they are graduated in legal units and their metrological characteristics comply with the established standards.

4. Which of the following methods ensure the unity of measurement:

1) the use of legal units of measurement; +

2) determination of systematic and random errors, taking them into account in the measurement results;

3) the use of measuring instruments, the metrological characteristics of which comply with established standards; +

4) carrying out measurements by competent specialists.

5. Which section is devoted to the study theoretical foundations metrology:

1) legal metrology;

2) practical metrology;

3) applied metrology;

4) theoretical metrology;+

6. Which section considers the rules, requirements and norms that ensure the regulation and control of the uniformity of measurements:

1) legal metrology;+

2) practical metrology;

3) applied metrology;

4) theoretical metrology;

5) experimental metrology.

7. Specify metrology objects:

1) Rostekhregulirovanie;

2) metrological services;

3) metrological services legal entities;

4) non-physical quantities;+

5) products;

6) physical quantities.+

8. What is the name of the qualitative characteristic physical quantity:

1) value:

size 4;

5) dimension+

9. What is the name of the quantitative characteristic of a physical quantity:

1) value;

2) a unit of physical quantity;

3) the value of a physical quantity;

4) size;+

5) dimension.

10. What is the name of the value of a physical quantity, which would ideally reflect the corresponding physical quantity in qualitative and quantitative terms:

1) valid;

2) desired;

3) true;+

4) nominal;

5) actual.

11. What is the name of the value of a physical quantity found experimentally and so close to the true value that it can be replaced for the task at hand:

1) real;+

2) desired;

3) true;

4) nominal;

5) actual.

12. What is the name of the fixed value of a quantity, which is taken as a unit of a given quantity and is used to quantify quantities homogeneous with it:

1) value;

2) unit of magnitude;+

3) the value of a physical quantity;

4) indicator:

5) size.

13. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity, conditionally accepted as independent of other physical quantities:

1) off-system,

2) valley;

3) systemic;

4) multiple;

5) main.+

14. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity, defined through the basic unit of a physical quantity:

1) main;

2) derivative;+

3) systemic;

4) multiple;

5) long.

15. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity that is an integer number of times greater than the system unit of a physical quantity:

1) off-system;

2) valley;

3) multiple;+

4) main;

5) derivative.

16. What is the name of the unit of a physical quantity an integer number of times less than the system unit of a physical quantity:

1) off-system;

2) long; +

3) multiple;

4) main;

5) derivative.

17. Name the subjects of the state metrological service.


2) State Scientific Metrological Center;+

3) metrological service of industries;

4) metrological service of enterprises;

5) Russian calibration service;

6) centers of standardization, metrology and certification.+

18. Define the concept of "measurement technique":

1) study and confirmation of the compliance of measurement procedures (methods) with the established metrological requirements for measurements;

2) a set of specifically described operations, the implementation of which ensures the receipt of measurement results with established accuracy indicators; +

3) a set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments;

4) a set of operations performed to determine the quantitative value of a quantity;

5) a set of measuring instruments designed to measure the same quantities, expressed in the same units of quantities, based on the same principle of operation, having the same design and manufactured according to the same technical documentation.

19. What is the name of the analysis and assessment of the correctness of the establishment and observance of metrological requirements in relation to the object subjected to examination:

1) accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to perform work and / or provide services in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;

2) certification of measurement techniques (methods);

3) state metrological supervision;

4) metrological expertise;+

5) verification of measuring instruments;

6) approval of the type of reference materials or type of means


20. What is the name of the set of operations performed to determine the quantitative value of a quantity:

1) value;

2) the value of the quantities;

3) measurement;+

4) calibration;

5) verification.

21. Specify the types of measurements according to the method of obtaining information:

1) dynamic;

2) indirect;+

3) multiple;

4) single;

5) straight;+

6) joint;+

7) cumulative.+

22. Specify the types of measurements by the amount of measurement information:

1) dynamic;

2) indirect;

3) multiple;+

4) single;+

5) straight;

6) static.

23. Specify the types of measurement according to the nature of the change in the information received during the measurement process:

1) dynamic;+

2) indirect;

3) multiple;


6) static.+

24. Specify the types of measurements in relation to the main units

1) absolute+

2) dynamic

3) indirect

4) relative +

6) static

25. In what types of measurements the desired value of the quantity is obtained directly from the measuring instrument:

1) with dynamic;

2) with indirect;

3) with multiple;

4) with single;

5) with straight lines; +

6) at static.

26. Indicate the types of measurements in which the actual values ​​​​of several quantities of the same name are determined, and the value of the sought value is found by solving the system of equations:

1) differential;

3) joint;

4) cumulative;+

5) comparative.

27. Indicate the types of measurements in which the actual values ​​of several inhomogeneous quantities are determined to find the functional relationship between them:

1) transformative;

3) joint;+

4) cumulative;

5) comparative

28. Specify the types of measurements in which the number of measurements is equal to the number of measured values:

1) absolute;

2) indirect;

3) multiple;

4) single;+

5) relative

6) straight.

29. What measuring instruments are designed to reproduce and / or store a physical quantity:

1) material measures; +

2) indicators;

3) measuring instruments;

4) measuring systems;

5) measuring installations;

6) measuring transducers;

7) standard samples of materials and substances;

8) standards.

30. What measuring instruments are a combination of measuring transducers and a reading device:

1) material measures;

2) indicators;

3) measuring instruments;+

4) measuring systems;

5) measuring installations.

31. What measuring instruments consist of functionally combined measuring instruments and auxiliary devices, territorially separated and connected by communication channels:

1) material measures;

2) indicators;

3) measuring instruments;

4) measuring systems;+

5) measuring installations;

6)Measuring transducers

32. What measuring instruments consist of functionally combined measuring instruments and auxiliary devices assembled in one place:

1) measuring instruments;

2) measuring systems;

3) measuring installations; +

4) measuring transducers;

5) standards.

33. Discovery is:

1) the property of the measured object, which is quantitatively common for all objects of the same name, but individual in quantitative terms;

2) comparison of an unknown quantity with a known one and the expression of the first through the second in a multiple or fractional ratio;

3) establishing the qualitative characteristics of the desired physical quantity; +

4) establishment of quantitative characteristics of the desired physical quantity.

34. What technical means are designed to detect physical properties:

1) material measures;

2) measuring instruments;

3) measuring systems;


5) Means of measurement.

35. Specify the normalized metrological characteristics of measuring instruments:

1) indication range;+

2) measurement accuracy; +

3) unity of measurements;

4) measurement threshold;

5) reproducibility;

6) error.+

36. What is the name of the scale value area, limited by the initial and final values:

1) measuring range;

2) indication range;+

3) error;

4) sensitivity threshold;

5) price division of the scale.

37. What is the name of the ratio of the change in the signal at the output of the measuring device to the change in the measured value that causes it:

1) measuring range;

2) indication range;

3) sensitivity threshold;

4) the price of division of the scale;

5) sensitivity.+

38. What are the technical means designed to reproduce, store and transmit a unit of magnitude:

1) material measures;

2) indicators;

4) standard samples of materials and substances;

5) standards.+

39. Specify the means of verification of technical devices:

1) measuring systems;

2) measuring installations;

3) measuring transducers;

4) gauges;

5) standards.+

40. What are the requirements for standards:

1) dimension;

2) error;

3) immutability;+

4) accuracy;

5) reproducibility;+

6) comparability.+

41. Which standards transfer their sizes to secondary standards:

1) international standards;

2) secondary standards;

3) state primary standards, +

4) gauges;

5) working standards;

42. What is the fundamental difference between verification and calibration:

1) mandatory character;+

2) voluntary nature;

3) declarative nature;

4) there is no correct answer.

43. What standards transmit information about the dimensions of the working measuring instruments:

1) state primary standards;

2) state secondary standards;

3) gauges;

4) international standards;

5) working measuring instruments;+

6) working standards.

44. What is the name of the set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements:

1) verification;+

2) calibration;

3) accreditation;

4) certification;

5) licensing;

6) control;

7) supervision.

45. Calibration is:

1) a set of operations performed in order to confirm the compliance of measuring instruments with metrological requirements;

2) a set of fundamental regulatory documents designed to ensure the uniformity of measurements with the required accuracy;

3) A set of operations performed in order to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments.+

46. ​​What are the alternative results of verification of measuring instruments:

1) verification mark;

2) verification certificate;

3) confirmation of suitability for use; +

4) notice of unsuitability;

5) recognition of unsuitability for use.+

47. Specify the ways to confirm the suitability of the measuring instrument for use:

1) application of a verification mark; +

2) application of the type approval mark;

3) issuance of a notice of unsuitability;

4) issuance of a verification certificate;+

5) issuance of a type approval certificate.

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1 . Metrology is...

a) the theory of transferring the sizes of units of physical quantities;

b) the theory of initial measuring instruments (standards);

V ) the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and ways to achieve the required accuracy;

2 . Physical quantity- This …

a) the object of measurement;

b) the quantity to be measured, measured or measured in accordance with the main purpose of the measurement task;

c) one of the properties of a physical object, which is qualitatively common for many physical objects, but quantitatively individual for each of them.

3. Quantitative characteristic physical quantity is called …

a) size;

B) dimension;

c) the object of measurement.

4.Measurement is called …

a) selection of technical means having normalized metrological characteristics;

B) the operation of comparing the unknown with the known;

IN ) experimental finding of the value of a physical quantity with the help of technical means.

5. The objects of measurement are …

a) exemplary measures and instruments;

b) physical quantities;

c) measures and standard samples.

6. When describing space-time and mechanical phenomena in SI, the basic units are taken …

A) kg, m, N;

b) m, kg, J, ;

c) kg, m, s.

7. For verification of working measures and instruments, …

A) working standards;

b) copy samples;

c) comparison standards.

8. According to the method of obtaining the result, all measurements are divided into …

A) direct, indirect, joint and cumulative.

b) direct and indirect;

c) static and dynamic;

9. The unity of measurements is called …

a) a system for calibrating measuring instruments;

b) comparison of national standards with international ones;

V ) the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in legal units of quantities and measurement errors do not go beyond the established limits with a given probability.

10. The correctness of measurements is …

A) measurement quality characteristic, reflecting the closeness to zero of the systematic errors of the measurement results;

B) a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same methods and measuring instruments and under the same conditions; reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result; c) a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity obtained in different places, different methods and measuring instruments, by different operators, but reduced to the same conditions.

11. Measurement reproducibility is …

a) a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to zero of the systematic errors of the measurement results;

B) a characteristic of the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, performed repeatedly by the same methods and measuring instruments and under the same conditions; reflects the influence of random errors on the measurement result; V) measurement quality characteristic, reflecting the closeness to each other of the results of measurements of the same quantity, obtained in different places, by different methods and measuring instruments, by different operators, but reduced to the same conditions.

12. The essence of standardization is ...

A) legal regulation of relations in the field of establishment, application and use of mandatory requirements;

b) confirmation of compliance of the characteristics of objects with the requirements;

IN ) activity on the development of normative documents establishing the rules and characteristics for voluntary multiple use.

13. The goals of standardization are …

a) audit of quality systems;

B) implementation of the results of unification;

c) development of norms, requirements, rules that ensure product safety, interchangeability and technical compatibility, uniformity of measurements, saving resources.

14. The principles of standardization are …

a) voluntary confirmation of the conformity of the object of standardization;

b) mandatory confirmation of the conformity of the object of standardization;

V ) harmonization of national standards with international ones with maximum consideration of the legitimate interests of stakeholders.

15. Documents in the field of standardization do not apply…

a) national standards;

b) business plans.

c) technical regulations;

16. The leading organization in the field of international standardization is …

a) International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC);

b) International Organization for Standardization (ISO);

C) the World Health Organization (WHO).

17. The list of products subject to mandatory certification is regulated by …

a) Law of the Russian Federation "On technical regulation";

b) Law of the Russian Federation "On Protection of Consumer Rights";

V ) Nomenclature of products, works, services subject to mandatory certification.

18. With mandatory certification of products, one of the 10 analyzed indicators turned out to be inconsistent with the regulatory documentation. Can a certificate be issued?

A) yes;

b) no;

c) yes, with an indication of the indicators by which the products comply with the regulatory documentation.

19. The right of the manufacturer to label products with the Mark of Conformity is determined by ...

A) a license issued by the certification body;

B) a license issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;

B) a declaration of conformity

20. The functions of the national certification body in the Russian Federation are performed by ...

A) federal agency on technical regulation and metrology;

B) All-Russian Research Institute of Metrology. DI. Mendeleev (VNIIM);

c) All-Russian Research Institute of Metrological Service (VNIIMS).


by discipline




"Programmed Control Tests"

by discipline



for students studying in the specialty 080401 "Commodity science and examination of goods (in the field of production and circulation of agricultural raw materials and food products)"


Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Kovalenko A.S.

U 91 Textbook Tests of programmed control in the discipline "Standardization, metrology and certification" for the specialty commodity science and examination of goods / Moscow State Social and Humanitarian Institute; comp. Illarionov V.S. - Kolomna: MGOSGI. 2011 - 84 p.

The textbook Tests of programmed control in the discipline "Standardization, metrology and certification" for the specialty commodity science and examination of goods was developed with the aim of teaching students to test, using the methodology of the Internet exam in the discipline "Standardization, metrology and certification" for the specialty 080401 - Commodity science and examination of goods (by areas of application) based on the developed by the Department of educational programs and standards vocational education Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and discipline programs.

Textbook Tests of programmed control in the discipline "Standardization, metrology and certification" is intended for students of the Faculty of Economics



social and humanitarian


students in the specialty

Commodity research and examination of goods (by areas of application).

UDC 380 (075.8)

BBC 65.42ya73

© GOU VPO MO "Moscow



Humanitarian Institute", 2011


These tests of programmed control are intended for self-testing of knowledge and intermediate certification students in the discipline "Standardization, metrology and certification" for the specialty commodity science and examination of goods, which is carried out in the form computer testing students and is aimed at verifying compliance with the requirements of the State educational standards vocational education.

This student testing is designed in conjunction with educational programs using the Internet environment in off-line or on-line mode. The tests will allow you to objectively assess the degree of compliance of the content and level of students' training with the requirements of state educational standards.


Questions and Suggested Answers

METROLOGY 50 questions

When rechecking parts, the measurement error is not

must exceed ______ margin of error,

allowed upon acceptance.

When controlling linear dimensions, random error

measurements should not exceed the permissible

measurement errors.

Manifestation of a property in relation to order and equivalence

defined for a physical quantity

The strength of the electric current

earthquake forces

Temperatures in Celsius

The electrical power P is determined by the results

measurement of voltage drop U=240±5 V and current strength

I \u003d 5 ± 0.1A. P = U-I. True value limits

powers are equal...

1190.7W ≤P≤ 1208.7W

1161W ≤P≤ 1239W

1161.3W ≤P≤ 1190.7W

1191W ≤R≤ 1209W

Intangible services are valued…

sociological method

Not assessed for certification

Expert method

With the use of technical means


Number of direct measurements required for

reducing the dispersion range of the estimate of the true

3 times the value is...

Weighted coefficients of the weighted average algorithm

estimation of the true value in several series of measurements

are taken equal at ...

Equivalence and independence of results


Unequal accuracy and interdependence of results


Measurements made with different accuracy

Scattering of individual results

To check the safety of state standards and

replacing them in case of damage are intended ...

Comparison standards

Witness standards

Working standards

Copy references

Specify the measurement limits of the measuring instruments of this

type with equal ranges of indications from those given in


lower limit

Upper limit

5. From +5 to +50

3. From +5 to +25

1. From -25 to +25

4. From 0 to +50

2. From 0 to +25

wood thickness measurement

caliper is 49 mm. root mean square

readout deviation ζ to =0.5 mm. Wear error

sponge caliper

s = -0.8 mm. Trusted

boundaries for the true thickness value with

probability Р=0.9973 (tp=3) will be:

47.5 mm≤ h ≤ 50.5 3

48.3 mm≤ h ≤ 51.3 mm, P=0.9973

46.7 mm ≤ h ≤ 49.7 mm. P=0.9973

47.7 mm ≤ h ≤ 50.3 mm. P=0.9973

measuring room temperature thermometer

shows 28 °C. Thermometer calibration error

°C. Standard deviation of readings

σt \u003d 0.3 ° С. Confidence interval for true value

temperature with probability Р=0.9973 (tp=3) is equal to …

Т = 28.0±0.4 °С, Р=0.9973

Т = 27.5±0.9 °С, Р=0.9973

Т = 28.5±0.8 °C, Р=0.9973

T = 28.0±0.9°C, tp =3

With repeated measurement of the sip F, values ​​​​are obtained in

265; 267; 261; 266; 264; 267.

Confidence interval for the true value of the force with

probability Р=0.90 (tp=1.86) is equal to …

F=267±6H, P=0.90

F = 266±6 N, P=0.90

F=267±2H, tp=l.86

F= 266 ± 2H, P=0.90

The accuracy class (1.0) wattmeter shows 200 watts.

The measurement results are


200 W ± 1%







microdisplacements is equal to:

1.5/30 V/µm

The measure produces a signal with a value of 1.0. Measuring

the device shows 1.1. Relative error

measurement δ, expressed as a percentage, will be equal to ...



-δ = +1.1%


Ammeter with measurement limits 0 ... 10 A shows 8

A. The error from connecting the ammeter to the circuit δs = -

0.2 A. Standard deviation of readings

instrument σI = 0.3 A. Confidence interval for the true

the value of the measured current strength in the circuit

with probability

Р=0.9544 (tp=2) is equal to …

I= 8.0±0.5 A, P=0.9544

I= 8.2±0.6 A, P=0.9544

I= 7.8±0.6 A, P=0.9544

I= 8.2±0.3 A, P=0.9544

In case of damage to the verification mark, seal and loss

documents confirming the passage of the means

measurements of periodic verification, it is subjected to






According to the degree of conditional independence from other quantities

distinguish sizes...




Verification schemes governing the transfer

information about the size of a physical quantity unit

fleet of measuring instruments in the country is called ...





After the release of the measuring device, verification is carried out





Indirect measurements apply:

In order to reduce the influence of subjective factors


If direct measurements are not possible

To simplify the processing of experimental data

In order to reduce the number of measuring instruments

The difference between the readings of measuring instruments and

the true (actual) value of the measured

quantities are called...

Measurement error



The error of measuring instruments

Secondary standards (copy standards) are intended for…

Graduation and verification of working measuring instruments

Unit size transfers from primary

working standards

Unit size transfers from working standards

working measuring instruments

Playing a value of a certain size




ensuring the uniformity of measurements are:

Occupational safety standards

Measurement techniques

Units of physical quantities

Quality indicators parameters

Program documentation systems

One of the basic postulates of metrology says: "counting


Relative value

Constant value

random number


Units of physical quantities are divided into ...





According to the method of obtaining information, measurements are divided

Static and dynamic

Absolute and relative

Single and Multiple

Direct, indirect, cumulative and joint

The type of measuring instruments after approval is entered into




Standards body

Basic units of the system of physical quantities



The choice of measuring instruments is determined ...

Measured quantity

Reducing the cost of manufacturing measuring instruments

Convergence of the measurement result

The required accuracy of the result of changes

Verification is granted...

Accreditation bodies

Accredited metrological services



1. Metrology - ...

A) the science of various measures and the relationships between them; B) the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity and the required accuracy; C) the science of measurements, methods and means of ensuring their unity.

2. Modern metrology includes the following components:

A) legal and practical metrology; B) scientific and practical metrology; C) legal, scientific and practical metrology.

3. Measurement is...

4. Specify the types of scales used in metrological practice:

A) a scale of names and a scale of order; B) ratio scale and interval scale ; IN) all scales listed in points A, B ; D) There is no correct answer among the given options.

5. The set of selected basic and formed derived units is called

A) a system of units; B) a system of physical quantities; C) a system of dimensions of physical quantities.

6. The unit of a physical quantity, chosen arbitrarily when constructing a system of units, is called ...

A) multiple; B) derivative; B) main.

7. The measurement method is ...

A) finding the value of a physical quantity empirically using special technical means; B) a set of operations performed with the help of a technical tool that stores a unit of quantity, allowing you to compare the measured value with its unit and get the value of the quantity;

C) a set of methods for using the principles and means of measurement.

8. Measurements can be classified according to the following criteria:

A) on the general methods of obtaining results and on the expression of measurement results; B) according to the metrological purpose and in relation to the change in the measured value; C) according to the accuracy characteristic and according to the number of measurements in a series of measurements; D) according to all the signs specified in options A-C; D) There is no correct answer among the given options.

9. Convergence is...

A) the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity of their results to the true value of the measured quantity;

B) the quality of measurements, reflecting the proximity to each other of the results of measurements performed under the same conditions; C) the quality of measurements, reflecting the closeness to each other of the results of measurements performed under different conditions.

10. What error is expressed in the same units as the measured value :

A) relative ; B) reduced ; B) absolute.

11. Indicate the error on the basis of which the digit of the accuracy class of the measuring instrument is chosen:

A) absolute ; B) relative; B) given.

12. How are the accuracy classes of measuring instruments indicated:

A) capital letters Latin alphabet; B) Roman numerals with the addition of a symbol; IN ) Arabic numerals with the addition of a symbol; G ) There is no correct answer among the given options.

13. The results of what measurement are expressed by the dependence of the form ỷ=c·x.

A) direct B) indirect; B) total; D) joint.

14. What are the names of measurements that are carried out in order to reproduce units of physical quantities to transfer their size to working measuring instruments:

A) technical ; B) metrological; B) static ; D) dynamic.

15. What is the mandatory procedure for working measuring instruments:

A) calibration ; B) verification; C) state tests.

16. Standardization is...

A) activities to establish rules and characteristics for the purpose of their voluntary reuse, aimed at achieving orderliness in the areas of production and circulation of products and increasing the competitiveness of products, services or works; B) legal regulation of relations in the field of establishing, applying and fulfilling mandatory requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, as well as in the field of establishing and applying on a voluntary basis requirements for products, production processes, operation, storage , transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services and legal regulation of relations in the field of conformity assessment; C) activities aimed at achieving an optimal degree of streamlining in a certain area by establishing provisions for general and repeated application in relation to actual or potential tasks.

17. The most universal requirements applicable to most goods and services are:

A) requirements for purpose and security; B) requirements for environmental friendliness and reliability; C) requirements of ergonomics and resource saving; D) There is no correct answer among the given options.

18. What laws are replaced by the Federal Law of December 27, 2002 No. 184-FZ "On Technical Regulation":

A) "On standardization"; B) "On certification of products and services"; C) "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements"; D) There is no correct answer among the given options.

19.Indicate the status that the standard has:

A) technical document; B) regulatory document; B) technical document.

20. Requirements of state standards of the Russian Federation

A) mandatory ; B) recommended.


22. Which organization is the developer of GOST R:

A ) International Organization for Standardization (ISO); B ) World Trade Society (WTO); C) Technical committees (TC) for standardization under the State Standard of the Russian Federation; D) Codex Alimentarius Commission.

23. Which of the following is the object of standardization:

A) products in all its diversity ; B) processes and services; IN ) everything listed in points A, B.

24. What are the main methods in the field of product standardization?

A) systematization and selection; B) simplification and typing ; C) typing and optimization; D) all of the above in paragraphs A-C.

25. The national standardization system includes:

A) national standards; B) standardization rules, norms and recommendations in the field of standardization; C) all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information ; D) everything listed in options A-B.

26.B organizational structure standardization systems include the following organizations:

A) Federal Agency Rostekhregulirovanie; B) interregional territorial administrations; C) Russian standardization services; D) There is no correct answer among the given options.

27. A document in which, for the purpose of voluntary reuse, product characteristics, implementation rules and characteristics of the processes of production, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal, performance of work or provision of services are established is ...

A) technical regulations; B) a certificate of conformity; C) national standard.

28. The main types of standards established by GOST R 1.0 are divided into:

A) fundamental standards and product standards; B) service standards and process standards; C) standards for control methods and standards for terms and definitions.

29. In which international standardization organizations is Russia an active participant:

A) IEC; B) ISO; B) WTO; D) United Nations Economic Commission for Europe.

30. The effectiveness of standardization work is expressed in the following main types:

A) economic and social; B) technical and informational; C) social and technical.

31. What document confirms that the products are certified:

A) hygienic conclusion; B) certificate of conformity; C) test report; D) declaration of conformity.

32. Specify the method of certification, in which the manufacturer takes full responsibility for the quality of his products and bears it independently:

33. Indicate where the application for product certification is submitted:

A) to the certification body; B) to the bodies of Rospotrebnadzor; C) to the testing laboratory.

34. What type of certification is carried out at the initiative of legal entities and individuals on contractual terms between the applicant and the OS:

A) mandatory certification; B) voluntary certification; B) according to the declaration of conformity.

35. Specify the benefits of quality system certification:

A) proves the competitiveness of the enterprise; B) allows you to export your products; C) allows you to have advantages in concluding contracts; D) facilitates obtaining loans and tenders; D) allows you not to monitor the quality of products.

36. The structure "Certification System for Quality Systems and Production" includes:

A) certification bodies; B) commission on appeals; B) technical center; G) Rostechnadzor.

37. The set of certification participants acting according to the established rules is called ...

A) testing laboratory; B) certification system; B) a standardization body; G) methodological center.

38. Methods and activities of an operational nature used to fulfill quality requirements are ...

A) quality policy; B) overall quality management ; B) quality system; D) quality management.

39. The conformity assessment procedure, by which an organization independent of the manufacturer (seller, performer) and consumer, certifies in writing that the product meets the established requirements is called ...

A) mandatory certification of products (services, works); B) voluntary certification of products (services, works); C) declaration of conformity.

40. Which of the following certification schemes are the most stringent:

A) 1, 2, 3; B) 1a, 2a, 3a; B) 7,8,9 ; G) 4a, 9a, 10a.

41. Legal entities and individuals guilty of violating mandatory certification bear ...

A) administrative responsibility; B) civil liability; B) criminal liability; D) There is no correct answer.

42. Match:

A) Federal Agency 1. State Mining and

for technical regulation

and Metrology Industrial Supervision of the Russian Federation

B) Rospotrebnadzor 2. State sanitary

epidemiological surveillance and

State Trade Inspectorate

IN) federal Service on environmental,

technological and nuclear supervision.3. Gosstandart of Russia

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