Regulations on the development of additional professional programs based on professional standards. Ensuring the quality of the educational program based on professional standards Additional professional programs based on professional

About compliance with GEF vocational education and main professional educational programs professional standards

On July 1, 2016, (hereinafter referred to as the Federal Law) came into force, which amended the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and (Articles 11 and 73) regarding the requirements for the application of professional standards.

The task of updating the Federal State Educational Standards and educational programs, taking into account professional standards, is formulated in the instructions of the President Russian Federation based on the results of the meeting on the development of professional standards, held on December 9, 2013.

In accordance with :

  • the main professional educational programs are developed in accordance with the federal state educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standards) or educational standards (hereinafter referred to as the OS) and taking into account the relevant exemplary educational programs (part 7 of article 12);
  • programs vocational training developed on the basis of established qualification requirements(professional standards) (part 8 of article 73);
  • the content of additional professional programs must take into account professional standards, qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books for the relevant positions, professions and specialties (part 9 of Article 76), while the programs professional retraining are developed on the basis of established qualification requirements, professional standards and the requirements of the relevant Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational and (or) higher education to the results of the development of educational programs (part 10 of article 76).

Thus, the content of vocational training programs and the content of additional professional programs should be brought into line with professional standards.

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that a professional standard is a characteristic of the qualifications necessary for an employee to carry out a certain type of professional activity, V including the performance of a certain labor function.

The description of the requirements for a specialist in professional standards is complex, since they use a structure in the form of a combination of requirements for knowledge, skills, professional skills and work experience. This feature of the standards makes them the main elements of the national qualifications system, linking the world of work and the field of vocational education.

At the present stage, work on the creation of a national qualifications system is quite active.

Characteristics of qualifications in the professional standard include a description of generalized labor functions and labor functions, requirements for education and training, experience practical work, special conditions for admission to work, labor activities, necessary skills, necessary knowledge, other characteristics.

However, there is currently a discrepancy in qualification requirements educational standards GEF vocational education (and hence the main professional educational programs) and professional standards.

However, there are a number of documents that describe the obligation to eliminate contradictions in the qualification requirements of the Federal State Educational Standards for vocational education and professional standards.

So, for example, in the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation it is said that professional standards are applied:

  • employers in the formation of personnel policy and in personnel management, in the organization of training and certification of employees, the development job descriptions, billing of work, assignment of tariff categories to employees and the establishment of wage systems, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management;
  • educational organizations professional education in the development of professional educational programs;
  • when developing, in the prescribed manner, federal state educational standards for vocational education.

In specified , that the Federal State Educational Standards of vocational education are to be brought into line with the requirements established by Part 7 of Article 11. This Federal Law entered into force on July 1, 2016 . E This means that by July 1, 2017, all Federal State Educational Standards must be brought into line with the requirements of professional standards for the qualifications of specialists, workers, and employees.

According to the use of professional standards in the development of programs of professional modules is a prerequisite for the development of programs (modules, parts of programs) that ensure readiness to perform one or another type (types) of professional activity.

This document specifies the algorithm for the development of basic professional educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education, vocational training programs and additional professional programs, taking into account the relevant professional standards, which should be carried out step by step.

For example, for the development of secondary vocational education programs, the following algorithm is indicated:

STEP 1. Creation working group.

In order to improve the quality of the development of an educational program, taking into account the requirements of professional standards, it is recommended to include representatives of employers and (or) associations of employers in the group of developers along with teachers and heads of an organization (structural unit).

STEP 2. The choice of professional standards, taking into account which the professional educational program will be developed.

When searching professional standard for the development of the program, it must be taken into account that the specialty or profession of vocational education or vocational training may correspond to:

  • one professional standard that has the same or a synonymous name with the program;
  • part of the professional standard (for example, one of the generalized labor functions described in it);
  • several professional standards, each of which reflects, for example, the specifics of activity in a particular industry or describes one of the qualifications mastered during the study of the program.

STEP 3. Comparison of the Federal State Educational Standards and professional standards (performed when developing or updating basic professional educational programs and additional professional programs - professional retraining programs).

STEP 4. Formation of the results of the development of the program, taking into account the professional standard.

STEP 5. Development of procedures and tools for evaluating the learning outcomes of the program.

STEP 6. Formation of the structure and content of the program.

STEP 7. Development curriculum and calendar schedule.

STEP 8. Examination of the educational program.

Thus, by 2017, all FSES of vocational education must be brought into line with the requirements of professional standards for the qualifications of specialists, workers, employees. Accordingly, the main professional educational programs must also meet their requirements.




1. General Provisions

1.1. In accordance with Article 12 of the Federal Law of 01.01.01 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, “in the Russian Federation, basic and additional educational programs are implemented in terms of general and vocational training levels.

Additional educational programs include:

Documentation of work with personnel. Activities for the search and selection of personnel. Activities for the assessment, certification and development of personnel.

4. Comparison of GEFs and PS, taking into account which

DPP is being developed

4.1. Federal Law No. 000 establishes that DPPs are developed on the basis of the PS and the requirements of the relevant Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education and Federal State Educational Standards of Higher Education for the results of mastering educational programs. Thus, when developing programs, it becomes necessary to compare the corresponding GEF and PS.

4.2. The professional retraining program is aimed at obtaining the competence necessary to perform a new type of professional activity, acquiring a new qualification (part 5 of article 76 of the Federal Law No. 000). PS can be used to determine them. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the differences in the terminology used in the Federal State Educational Standards and PS. The type of professional activity, qualifications mentioned in the cited article of the law, in the PS in most cases correspond to the general labor market, sometimes - TF.

4.3. As a rule, within the framework of a professional retraining program, a trainee can be prepared to perform one general labor market that meets the qualification being awarded, or master the competencies corresponding to it. Next, you need to find the Federal State Educational Standard, corresponding to the direction of the program, and compare the requirements for the results of training recorded in it with the description of qualifications in the PS.

4.4. By virtue of varying degrees the generalization of the wording of the GTF and TF in the PS in some cases, the GEF SPO in the PS corresponds to the GTF (one or more), and in others - the PF (one or more). OTF or TF, as well as labor actions, can correspond to professional competencies. Sometimes, to determine the need for correction of professional competence (PC), it is necessary to analyze the lists of skills.

4.5. In addition to professional competencies by type of activity, general competencies (OK) are fixed as a result of the formation of the FSES. When determining them, it should be taken into account that students of professional retraining programs have already mastered or are mastering the main professional educational program, including general competencies of the corresponding level of professional education.

4.6. Taking into account the difference in approaches used in compiling the characteristics of professional activity and determining the requirements for the results of mastering the educational program in the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and the description of qualifications in the PS, in each specific case, the developers must independently determine which units of the PS and how they correspond with the units of the Federal State Educational Standard.

4.7. In addition to the PC and (or) PSK, as a result of the formation of the Federal State Educational Standard of the HE, the GPC is fixed. When determining them, an approach similar to that described above for OK is used. When determining them, it is necessary to take into account that students of professional retraining programs have already mastered or are mastering the main professional educational program, including general cultural, and sometimes general professional competencies of the corresponding level of professional education.

5. Assessment of professional qualifications in the development of DPP

5.1. In accordance with part 14 of the Federal Law No. 000, the development of the DPP ends with the final certification of students in a form determined by the organization independently. Thus, for the DPP, FZ No. 000 does not provide for any restrictions on the development of the content and organization of the final certification.

5.2. Qualification assessment (qualification exam) can be carried out at a time or according to a cumulative scheme, in several stages, following one after another with different time intervals.

6. Practices and internships

6.1. If training involves mastering a type of activity (improving its performance) or professional competencies, and not individual skills and knowledge, then practice (internship) is present in the structure of the program.

6.2. If necessary, the content of the practice can be structured into production and educational practices.

6.3. The PPP can be implemented in whole or in part in the form of an internship. The internship is carried out in order to study best practices, including foreign ones, as well as to consolidate the theoretical knowledge gained during the development of professional retraining or advanced training programs, and to acquire practical skills and abilities for their effective use in the performance of their official duties.

6.5. The terms of the internship are determined by the organization independently based on the objectives of the training. The duration of the internship is agreed with the head of the organization where it is held.

Change Registration Sheet

Molchanova E.D. 1, Polynskaya M.M. 2

1 PhD, 2 PhD economic sciences, Irkutsk State University means of communication



The article is devoted to the analysis of the problems of introducing professional standards into the main educational standards on the example of direction 27.03.02 Quality management (bachelor's degree). The article presents the results obtained as a result of the analysis based on the methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, by comparing the following units of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education and prof. standards: types of activities and generalized labor functions, professional competencies and labor functions, practical experience and labor actions, as well as in relation to sections of skills and knowledge.

Keywords: professional standard, educational program, competition, qualification, labor function, professional competencies.

Molchanova E .D 1 , Polinskya M . M. 2

1 PhD in Engineering, 2 PhD in Economics, Irkutsk state University of railway engineering



The article analyzes the problems of the introduction of professional standards in basic educational standards on 03.27.02 quality Management (undergraduate level). The article presents the results of the analysis on the basis of methodical recommendations of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation, by comparing the following units IN FSES and professional standards: the activities and summarized work performance, professional competence and work performance, practical experience and labor actions, as well as in relation to sections skills and knowledge.

keywords: professional standard, educational program, competition, qualification, employment function, professional competence.

The system is currently Russian education undergoing restructuring. The changes relate to the levels of education, teaching methods and, of course, the area of ​​material that provides a certain percentage of graduates' knowledge. The specialty "Quality Management" was first introduced into the list of areas implemented by universities in our country in 2000 and was perceived by representatives of organizations rather ambiguously. Many attributed it to economic specialties and perceived it as something indefinite. A specialist in the field of quality management had a peculiar qualification: an engineer-manager. Firstly, an engineer is a specialist in the field of engineering and technology, who is sufficiently high level could provide the production process, and secondly, a manager who, along with an engineering approach, could design and organize a system of doing business in an organization in relation to management and its relationship between employees in an organization.

Together with the new direction of the specialty, among the leaders of large industrial organizations, an understanding was also developed to implement the requirements of international standards for quality management systems. The first attempts to implement these requirements had little positive experience due to the self-training of some individuals in the organization, who were charged with adapting the new requirements to the activities of organizations. It was in the early 2000s that universities began to interact with enterprises and organizations in the framework of training senior and middle-level specialists in innovations in the field of quality management systems.

Today, no self-respecting enterprise can do without a quality management system and the demand for specialists, now bachelors, in the field of quality management is sufficiently defined. Even at the training stage, students in the framework of research work bring a lot of useful things to the organization or in production. For professionals who have relevant education, impose a certain responsibility, because ensuring the quality of products, processes or services, including in the field of railway transport, is a necessary and important condition.

Nevertheless, in their requirements for the formation of specialists, representatives of industries formulate their preferences, and today these preferences are reflected in professional standards (PS) developed by the employers' community.

In the Russian Federation, in accordance with Part 8 of Article 73 of the Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ, vocational training from 06/01/2016 will be determined by a specific vocational training program designed and agreed on the basis of PS.

To prepare for the implementation of the above requirements, it is necessary to analyze the basic educational programs (BEP) for compliance with the PS, which are directly related in terms of establishing qualification requirements.

The application of professional standards in the development of educational programs is also provided for by the Rules for the development, approval and application of PS. Accordingly, their use is a prerequisite for the development of programs (modules, parts of programs) that ensure readiness to perform one or another type of professional activity. In this regard, further in the article the issues of taking into account the requirements of the PS in the development of the main educational program in the direction of 27.03.02 - Quality Management (bachelor's level) will be considered.

The algorithm for the development of basic professional educational programs (BEP) of higher education, taking into account the relevant PS, was carried out on the basis of methodological recommendations for the development of BEP and additional professional programs, taking into account the relevant PS, approved by the Ministry of Education in 2015.

Step-by-step instruction provides for the creation of a working group to develop a set of BEP documents, formed with the involvement of the faculty of the department, specialists from enterprises, in particular services related to activities in the field of quality management and graduates of this direction.

The task of the working group is to develop coordinated approaches to the development of BRI from the point of view of ensuring that the requirements corresponding to the PS or other qualification requirements enshrined in regulatory legal acts of the Government of the Russian Federation are taken into account. The working group performs the following types of work:

  • creation of a model of graduate competencies, taking into account the requirements of the PS;
  • choice educational technology system level;

– development of a suitable quality assessment and assurance system educational service aimed at ensuring the consistency of all curriculum and functioning of feedback elements;

The choice of PS was carried out taking into account the name of the direction of higher education: several PS, each of which reflects the specifics of activities in the field of quality management and describes one of the qualifications mastered during the study of the program.

The search for PS was carried out on the website of the Ministry of Labor of Russia, where the National Register is located, which includes approved regulatory documents.

At present, as part of the implementation of the direction 27.03.02. – Quality management, two CPs are applicable:

1) "Specialist in product quality", reg. number 250, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 856n dated October 31, 2014;

2) "Internal auditor", reg. number 441, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation No. 398n dated 06/24/2015

At the next stage, an analysis was carried out for the compliance of the requirements of the PS with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and the focus of the program in order to form a competency model for a graduate who is maximally prepared for professional activity and has the necessary amount of knowledge in the field of quality management.

As a result of comparing the above documents, labor functions were identified, the acquisition of which requires PS, but is not reflected in professional competencies. As a result of the analysis, the need to improve the BEP was identified in terms of the formation of an additional type of activity, for example, “Production and Operational Activities” and the corresponding professionally specialized competencies (PSK), for example, the ability to identify and analyze consumer requirements for products (services) - PSK- 1; the ability to carry out work to ensure customer satisfaction - PSK-2.

At the next stage of the work of the working group, a graduate competency model was formed, shown in Figure 1.

Rice. 1 - Competence model of the graduate in the direction 27.03.02 - Quality management

Thus, at this stage of the scientific and methodological work, the first task was completed: the development of a graduate competency model, taking into account PS, as a result of which an additional type of activity and professional and specialized competencies were formulated, as a result of which a graduate competency model was formed in direction 27.03 .02 - Quality management.


  1. Prokopov F.T. Analysis of the application of professional standards, 2014. - URL: (accessed 18.04.2016);
  2. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 22, 2013 N 23 “On the Rules for the Development, Approval and Application of Professional Standards” (as amended).
  3. Guidelines on the development of basic professional educational programs and additional professional programs, taking into account the relevant professional standards, approved by the Ministry of Education on January 22, 2015 No. DL-1/05vn. URL: (Accessed 04/18/2016)


  1. Prokopov, F. T. analysis of the application of professional standards, 2014. – URL: (accessed 04/18/2016);
  2. The RF Government decree of January 22, 2013 No. 23 “On Rules of development, approval and application of professional standards” (with changes and additions).
  3. Guidelines for the development of the basic professional educational programs and additional professional programs with professional standards, approved on approved by the Ministry of education 22.01.2015 No. DL-1/05vn. URL: (accessed 04/18/2016)

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

1 slide

Description of the slide:

"Designing vocational training programs based on professional standards"

2 slide

Description of the slide:

The relevance of developing vocational training programs employees of enterprises need to: improve their skills, retrain in connection with the technical re-equipment of enterprises with the need to acquire new knowledge and professional competencies that correspond to new technologies

3 slide

Description of the slide:

Law on Education of the Russian Federation Art. 12 p.3 the main programs of vocational training - (programs vocational training by professions of workers, positions of employees, retraining programs for workers, employees, advanced training programs for workers, employees

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Description of the slide:

The professional standard makes it possible: to assess the qualifications and certification of employees of enterprises and graduates of vocational education institutions; formation of state educational standards for programs of all levels of vocational education, including training of personnel at enterprises, development teaching materials on vocational education programs; solving a wide range of tasks in the field of personnel management (development of enterprise standards, systems of motivation and incentives for personnel, job descriptions; billing of positions; selection, selection and certification of personnel, career planning); carrying out standardization and unification procedures within the framework of the type (types) of economic activity (establishment and maintenance of uniform requirements for the content and quality of professional activity, coordination of job titles, streamlining of types of labor activity, etc.)

5 slide

Description of the slide:

Guidelines for the development of basic professional educational programs and additional professional programs, taking into account relevant professional standards: professional training programs are developed on the basis of established qualification requirements (professional standards)

6 slide

Description of the slide:

The sequence of designing the OPPO We study the requirements of the regional labor market, the employer with which the organization directly interacts. Choosing a professional standard. Determining the general and professional standard, which correspond to the direction of the vocational training program and relate to the selected skill level. Formation of the results of mastering the program based on the professional standard.

7 slide

Description of the slide:

Determining the results of mastering vocational training programs based on the professional standard Professional standard Vocational training program Type of professional activity (VPA) Mastering the VPA is usually associated with a number of successive vocational training programs Generalized labor function, as a rule, corresponds to the profession as a whole or the type of activity included in it The labor function, as a rule, corresponds to the professional competence. The labor action is the basis of the description. practical experience Skills are the basis for determining the list of skills Knowledge is the basis for determining the list of knowledge

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Sequence 5. Development of procedures and tools for evaluating the learning outcomes of the program:

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Description of the slide:

Development of procedures and means for evaluating learning outcomes under the program Result 1: The student performs the processing of workpieces, parts of medium complexity on metal-cutting machines of the turning group in accordance with a given technological route, using universal, special devices, cutting and measuring tools, depending on the material of the form surface to be machined and machine type Indicators for evaluating the result: The student processes workpieces, parts of medium complexity on lathes of the turning group in accordance with a given technological route, using universal, special devices, cutting and measuring tools, depending on the material of the shape of the surface to be machined and the type of machine The student knows and follows the instructions and safety rules when processing workpieces, parts of medium complexity on metal-cutting machines of the turning group The student is able to process workpieces, parts of medium complexity on metal-cutting lathes of the turning group corresponding to the variants of examples of work of a turner according to ETKS

10 slide

Description of the slide:

Development of procedures and means for evaluating learning outcomes under the program Requirements for the subject of assessment For indicator 1, the student reproduces a given technological route for processing medium-complexity metal blanks, parts, products with the optimal processing mode depending on the material, shape of the surface to be treated and type of machine using universal and special devices, cutting, measuring tools, metal-cutting machines of the turning group, According to indicator 2, the student maintains a workplace in accordance with the requirements of labor protection, fire, industrial and environmental safety, with the rules for organizing the workplace of a machine operator. According to indicator 3, the student processes workpieces, parts of medium complexity on metal-cutting machines of the turning group according to the entire list of examples of work of a turner according to ETKS

11 slide

Description of the slide:

Organization of qualification assessment in the course of mastering vocational training programs Vocational training ends with a final attestation in the form of a qualification exam (Part 1 of Article 74). The qualification exam, regardless of the type of vocational training, includes practical qualifying work and testing of theoretical knowledge within the qualification requirements specified in the qualification reference books and (or) professional standards for the relevant professions of workers, positions of employees. Representatives of employers and their associations are involved in the qualification exam

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