Parent Committee at school legal entity. Functions of the school parent committee

Parent Committee in the Garden- This is an important body in the life of the group. It includes parents of children. They are chosen as a result of universal voting at the meeting. Many parents seek to avoid participation in such a vote in order not to enter into account. This is not surprising, since they will have a lot of obligations. In this article, we will tell about this in detail and give some recommendations, how to behave and what to plan.

Key challenges of the parent committee in the garden

Despite the fact that the parents of children appear many responsibilities, yet consisting in such a committee gives advantages. We list what they can do:

  • organize and carry out unscheduled meetings in order to solve important issues;
  • keep control of how it turns out health care their kids;
  • the parent committee may influence the activities of educators, offering certain types of work;
  • representatives of parents may require the Administration of the Preschool Institution a report on where money is spent and what needs they are issued;
  • they can submit a complaint or report violations made in the institution to the relevant authorities.

But besides right, they have duties. We list everything tasks parent Committee in the garden:

  • participate in organizing events and help in the work of caregivers. For example, if a matinee is held, the task of parents can be the organization of the rehearsal of the entire event;

  • parent Committee is obliged to solve many organizational moments in educational process The child, where the help of all parents is not required.

    Most often, they are involved during excursions and trips. Also take part in repair work;

    • the task of the parent committee in the gardenfind out what children or educators need, in order to implement the full development, education and formation of kids;
    • the committee participants must initiate the purchase of all necessary that the pupils of the garden felt comfortable. Most often parents are involved in the purchase building material For repair of premises, stationery, furniture and interior items, all sorts of toys and educational benefits;

    • one of the tasks is to identify events in which not only their participation will be required, but also the acquisition of gifts to nanny, teachers, the leadership of the kindergarten and the pupils themselves;

    • the key point is to assume the duty to collect the necessary money.

    Are you in the parent committee? What to do?

    If you have chosen at the meeting to the Committee, it will not be possible to refuse. There is a small probability that someone wants to take your place. Do not know where to start? Let us give the Optimal plan of the Parent Committee:

    1. You need to exchange contacts and numbers of phones with all parents. In your notebook, specify all their personal data. It is not recommended to record your grandparents or grandparents, as calls to them will be annoyed, and if the question rises related to money, then there are no problems.

    2. If there were not all parents at the meeting, and this can be argued with 100% probability, their contact information should be found from the teacher or the head of the garden. With the first opportunity, it will be necessary to contact them and get acquainted.

    3. Parent Committee in the Gardenmust get acquainted with the list of all that you need to buy. As a rule, the list is prepared by the educator and immediately issued to representatives of this authority.

    4. You need to immediately start collecting money. According to statistics, most parents are ready to pass the amount in the region of 3000-4,000 rubles. This is quite enough for the necessary needs. It should be reminded that the collection of money is a voluntary event, but it will be necessary to warn about one moment. If someone from his parents did not pass money, then he should take care of his child for his child for his child.

    5. Immediately follows with all parents to talk about the agreement so that there are no inconvenient situations and moments. If a gift to grant from the whole group, then individual souvenirs should not be.

    6. Collecting money, you need to keep lists of passed, as well as accounting of expenses. When making a purchase, this should be supported by the presence of a check.

    Where to spend money to the parent committee

    Collecting money, you need to remember, the main cost of expenses is the organization of holidays and buying gifts. Consider key activities that are organized in children's garden.

    1. The day of the preschool institution is celebrated on September 27. On this day you should congratulate:

    • educators - to give a bouquet, a box of candies and a memorable gift, for example, a certificate in the store of elite cosmetics;
    • head of the kindergarten - hand flowers;
    • nnanechka - give a bouquet;
    • kitchen workers - buy also flowers.

    2. New Year - Before this holiday comes, the parent committee will already get acquainted with the rest of the kindergarten. All of them will need to congratulate. We propose to be made as follows:

    • educators hand a bottle of champagne, grocery basket, postcard and calendar with photos of pupils;
    • children's garden, you can give a beautifully packaged grocery basket with lots of fruits;
    • nynokham give a box of candies and a can of elite coffee;
    • kitchen workers cover an exquisite table;
    • muzbatnik, speech therapist, psychologist, health workers and methodologists to give a bottle of champagne and box of candies;
    • children hand gifts in the form of a book or a set for creativity.

Parents of students decided to create a parent committee. Unfortunately, the current legislation does not contain systematized provisions on such an association. What is its status, functions and powers? Take about it and talk ...

Tasks of the parent committee

Indeed, there are no clear standards governing the work of such a committee. However, in a number of regulatory acts, there are still mention of the parent committee. So, in paragraph 2.4 of Annex 1 to the letter of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of March 31, 2008, No. 03-599 states that the presence and work of the Parent Committee affects the definition of the effectiveness of management activities (though it concerns preschool institutions).

And in paragraph 27, the procedure for conducting the USE states that representatives of parental committees can be included in the number of public observers for carrying out a single state examination (the procedure for a single state examination approved by the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of February 24, 2009 No. 57).

In addition to these indirect references, there is another regulatory act of particular interest (this document is accepted for a long time, but officially did not fail). We are talking about the letter of the Ministry of Press RSFSR of March 19, 1971 No. 114th "On the Model Regulations on the Parent Committee general education school" In it, in particular, the following tasks of the Committee are noted:

Attracting parental public to active participation in the life of the school, to the organization of extracurricular and out-of-school work;
- Assistance in strengthening the economic and educational and material base of the school.

In addition, this provision regulates the rights and obligations, the powers of the parent committees, organizational structure. But when using this provision, it is important not to forget that it is used only in aggregate with the norms of current legislation.

Parent Committee status

The creation of a parent committee is one of the forms of realizing the right of citizens to the union (Article 30 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

Status of a simple association of citizens

It arises on the basis of the fact of the simple creation of the parent committee. That is, as soon as the parents gathered and decided that they would have a parent committee, such an association had already appeared. But it does not apply to the norms of the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 82-FZ "On public associations".

Status of the public association without the formation of a legal entity

Article 5 of Law No. 82-FZ under the public association understands "Voluntary, self-governing, non-commercial formation, created on the initiative of citizens who united on the basis of the generality of interests to implement the general objectives specified in the Charter of the Public Association."

In order to create a parent committee in the form of public association, it is necessary:

At least three participants;
- Organize the General Assembly, on which the decision to create the Committee will be made, at the same time make a protocol of the General Assembly, to make up and approve the Charter.

The pros of this form before the simple association is that the Committee will spread all the norms of legislation on public associations.

The parent committee in this case already acquires the status of a subject of law, special rights and obligations, but does not yet have the status of a subject of civil law - for example, cannot open accounts and act as a subject of property relations. It turns out if such a committee collects money, then all of them belong not to the parent committee, and its members, and property acquired for the funds will be as of the members of the parent committee.

For example, the head of the parent committee will sign an agreement on behalf of the parent committee, but it will legally be considered that all rights and obligations for such a contract have not arisen from the parent committee, but by his head as an individual.

The fact is that, according to paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, citizens and legal entities are regulated by civil law. Thus, the list of civil law of exhaustive, no parental committees in this list, as well as any other associations of citizens who are not legal entities (this applies to the first type of combination).

Parent Committee's status as a legal entity

In order for the parent committee to begin its existence as a legal entity, it must be registered in the prescribed manner. Organizational and legal forms of such a legal entity may be different: fund, non-profit partnership, public organization, etc. It is important that these forms provide membership.

In this case, the Committee is recognized as a full-fledged subject of civil law, and therefore may:

Organize full control of parental cash parents and distribute them to the needs of children;
- to appoint responsible, ensure accounting of all income;
- open a bill account in the bank;
- enter into contracts on behalf of the parent committee.

To create a parent committee with the status of a legal entity makes sense only when there are significant cash receipts from parents. Otherwise, the costs of forces and means to create will be impractical.

Who is responsible for the consumption of funds

This question also depends on how the parent committee is organized.

If this is a legal entity, then the organization is responsible for the money. Accounting and reporting in it are regulated common standardswho relate to all legal entities.

If this is just the association of parents, then the one who directly received the money will be responsible (the head of the Committee, another person). This is documented by ordinary receipt of money indicating the name, surname, patronymic and passport data faces. Or you can make a log where these data will be reflected, as well as a schedule for receiving funds.

The school can only work with the interaction of the administration, teachers, students and their parents. Therefore, sending your child to the first class, you must be prepared for the fact that you will be offered to be a member of the parent committee. Many, listening to the stories of their friends, are immediately tuned to the fact that it is better not to participate in it. But the parental committee in the class is created not just so, it is primarily necessary for the children themselves. There are two types of parental committees: in the classroom and in school whose activities are characterized by the scale of the issues being solved.

In this article, consider what is regulated and what is the work of the class parent committee, and what role he plays in the activities of the whole school.

According to the law "On Education", model provisions on general educational institutions And school charter Cool parental committees should be organized at each school. The goal of creating is to protect the interests and in and to assist the administration and the pedagogical team in organizing an educational process. What is the work of the parent committee in the classroom, how to choose it correctly, how often to hold meetings, basic rights and obligations are clearly prescribed in the "Regulations on the Parent Committee of the Class", signed by the Director in each educational institution, and it is considered one of the governing bodies.

The composition of the parent committee of the class

The composition of the parental committee of the class is formed at the first meeting of the parents of class students on a voluntary basis in the amount of 4-7 people (depending on the total number of people) and is approved by voting for a period of 1 year. One of the chosen members of the vote is chosen by the Chairman, then a cashier (to collect money) and the secretary (for the conduct of minutes of meetings of the parent Committee) are prescribed. Usually, the Chairman of the Committee of the Class Committee is part of the Parent Committee of the School, but this may be another representative.

Rights and obligations of the Parent Committee of Class

Most often, everyone believes that the activities of the class parent committee consists only in collecting money, but this is not the case, he, as a separate member of the School, has its rights and obligations.


  • take part in the organization at the class level in the educational process (attend lessons, activities), as well as leisure of children class (excursions, cultural campaigns);
  • together with class teacher carry out work with problem families (attend to the house, conduct conversations, organize help);
  • provide assistance in buying benefits and other necessary things for full-fledged educational process and leisure;
  • to solve household issues regarding the classroom class;
  • make proposals to optimize the educational process;
  • be marked by any form of encouragement;
  • if necessary, involve the necessary specialists to resolve the established problems in students' families.


The sessions of the Class Parent Committee are held as necessary, to solve urgent issues, but at least 3-4 times in the academic year.

Taking part in the work of the Class Parent Committee, you can do school life Children are more interesting.

A huge role in the cooperation of parents of students and a class teacher is played by the Parental Committee of the Class. From how popularly and responsibly comes to their activities the parent committee depends on the atmosphere in the class team, the relationship between parents with each other, the communication of adults and children.

Well organized parent committee can perform various functions in the class. One of the main functions is the help of the parent committee in organizing an educational process.

Parent Committee - the choice of composition

The composition of the parental committee is formed from the parents of class students, exclusively on a voluntary basis, as a rule, in the amount of 5 - 7 people, and is chosen at the meeting through a common voting for a period of one year. One of the representatives of the parent committee also by the general voting becomes the chairman and is part of the parent committee at the school level.

Members of the parent committee are obliged to report to the rest of their parents at class meetings, and if the work of the Committee does not suit them, they are entitled to demand an extraordinary report.

Participants in the parent committee in their face represent the rest of the parents of the class at the communal conferences, councils, meetings with the administration.

Internal meetings of the Committee occur at least 3 - 4 times during school year (Quarter or trimester), and solutions adopted on them are necessarily recorded in the meeting protocols and are stored personally from the Chair.

Responsibilities of the Parent Committee at school

  • assistance in communication with the class teacher and the rest of the parents of the class;
  • involve other class parents in activities, joint with children;
  • act with an active initiative and personal proposals to optimize the educational process;
  • adhere to the rules of etiquette during communication with parents, students and the teacher of the class;
  • present at different levels in difficult life situations, the interests of the class, be intermediaries between school and family;
  • to influence the culture of the communication of parents and its formation.

Distribution of duties within the parent committee

  • chairman of the Parent Committee - represents the interests of the parent committee at the school level;
  • deputies - are responsible for certain sections of the work;
  • treasurer - is responsible for the appropriate distribution of finances collected for the needs of the class.

What is the right to parent committee?

  • assist the school and the class teacher in the acquisition of benefits and textbooks necessary for a full-fledged educational process;
  • visit extracurricular events and lessons (with the permission of the teacher);
  • spend joint work and assist the class teacher to interact with parents who do not deal with the upbringing of his child, as well as take appreciably to them permissible impact measures;
  • with problem pupils together with the teacher to conduct conversations;
  • in order to protect the rights and interests of children and families to maintain contact with the law enforcement and public organizations;
  • take an active direct participation in the organization, at the level of class, educational and educational process;
  • organize and take part in visiting the families of students together with the class teacher;
  • express the subjective opinion on the events held at the class level;
  • in case of the need to assist in attracting specialists from various kinds to solve the problems created in families of class students;
  • deciding economical issues within the class.

Clear and well-established work of the parent-class parent committee brings fruits. Schoolchildren are always glad that their parents come to the lessons and extracurricular activities, participate in joint holidays and campaigns, are proud of the participation of parents in class life. It should be noted that active participation The parent committee and parents in general in class life stimulates to the action and the most class teacher.

A good tradition of many schools is to conduct peculiar creative reports on the joint activities of the parent committee and the class team. Such meetings are held at the end of the school year and are a kind of summarizing work for the year. Representation forms can be the most diverse: a film about the life of the class, KVN, the festival, etc. The main thing is the parents and children together, adults see the achievements of children for the year, rejoice at each other's successes.

When using materials:

Parent Committee in kindergarten is the very authority that needs and can solve of different levels With the Children's Garden Administration, as well as the Department of Education and other structures responsible for organizing work with children. And he also has a million other tasks that need to decide that the kids are comfortable in the garden.

Parents of children attending kindergarten are entitled to influence how regulations, orders and regulations describe the work of all kindergarten employees. This applies to nutrition, safety and sanitary standards, conditions for sleep, game, as well as the quality of training programs. Parents can both check themselves and invite the inspection authorities - unconditionally, through the parent committee it is easier and more correct.

Parent Committees can be created in each group, but there is a general committee for the whole kindergarten. It is important to be aware of the goal: the creation for children of the most comfortable conditions and the prevention of possible undesirable consequences. Excellent when a parent committee finds an ally in the leadership of the kindergarten, since the task of everyone is common. But there may be a situation of direct confrontation, and then only common sense will help decide whether to seek the change of leadership or insist on compliance with the rules and legislation. All this is entitled to make every parent individually, but the opinion of the parent committee will listen faster.

What is waiting for parents

Life of kindergartens in last years Pretty saturated: theaters and excursions, so to speak, they themselves go to kindergarten, their organizers negotiate directly with the leadership of preschool institutions. Parent Committees are usually not engaged in this, since the need for additional collective education and entertainment is satisfied with excess.

In general, parental committees are engaged in solving the tasks that the kindergarten puts in front of him: repairs, gifts for holidays, group filling. Also parents are painting playgrounds and build ice slides, here the list is limited only natural conditions and the material situation of a particular kindergarten.

Tatyana Dmitriev with his family.

Tatyana Dmitrieva - Mom two daughters, consisted of parental committees in kindergarten in both groups. About your experience now recalls with some fractions of sadness.

The most difficult thing was to collect money from parents who did not go to meetings and adhered to the point of view that children should all need a state in kindergarten. Most often it was an unpleasant conversation, "says Tatyana. - Even more difficult to please all, for example, when we ordered booths and other furniture, there were always parents who remained unhappy with something. Closer to the graduation daughter, I already knew that I could not count on gratitude. It was very difficult to coordinate such simple questionsAs gifts to children: the level of well-being in families are different, tastes and queries are different, and not everyone is accustomed to take into account the opinions and situations of other people. Unfortunately, the usual thing is that much dealt with a simple voting, that is, without taking into account the opinion of the minority.

The main principle of the parent committee - all questions should be voiced and solved collegially. No less important is the question of control: cases of misuse of common money rarely happen, but still. Therefore, several people, and not one, should be aware of the general issues in order to "score alarm" in a timely manner.

One thing can be said almost with a 100 percent guarantee, men never enter the parent committee! There are "recorded science" cases when men do a lot of fact, organize, help, but at the same time members of the parent committee, as a rule, are their wives. Exceptions in this situation only confirm the rule.

Of course, not all work in the parent committee may be interesting, or let's say, not everyone can perform it equally well and without violence over himself. But with a reasonable organization, all parents can make a mortgage contribution. Someone in the power to bring to take away, someone can organize a holiday, someone is able to keep accounting. For example, a scene in the store, whose witness I was literally the other day, confirms the idea that not everyone can solve public challenges to general pleasure.

Chocolate with a significant discount is sold in limited quantities, a woman appeals to people in line with a request to make a purchase by their supermarket cards. All three, to whom she appealed, willingly agreed, and the cashier reacted with understanding. And after the completion of the "scam", a woman with gratitude to those who helped, explained, although no one asked about the reasons: "In the kindergarten, you see ..." Obviously, not everyone is ready to join such dialogues, but practice shows that otherwise In the "general government", the budget is difficult to fit out, and it turns out that the importance of people with such abilities is impossible.

Financial Question

The amount of parental contributions is usually established on parent Meeting, and its size is accepted by general voting. But what to do with parents who categorically refuse to pay? If it is not possible to convince them of the need for additional financial participation, then forced it is impossible - this is their choice, and contributions are voluntary. Of course, it is unacceptable to transfer parental relations for children. Strictly speaking, if everyone gives birthday gifts or a new year, then the child such parents should be given it, you can always find a gift, the value of which will not affect general budget.

Financial situations are different, for example, the parent committee may free someone from contributions, for example, a large family, or a family, for any reason, not having to pay for general conditions. In some groups, the parents of twins pay less than the twice amount of contributions.

The work of the Committee members is most often not paid, but it is also a question that should be resolved at the general meeting of parents. Funds in the general budget may be planned for remuneration for work in the parent committee, or for parents belonging to the Committee, the amount of contributions may decrease.

Gifts to all and all

The controversial and causing many differences the question concerns gifts to both pupils of the garden and employees. Regarding congratulations, there are no strict rules and regulations, the parent committee in a kindergarten is an organ of self-government, which means who, with which holiday, can congratulate, depends on the desires, opportunities and sympathies of parents. We remember that the main thing is attention, and therefore the flowers are good, and other pleasant little things if the budget is limited.

If the teacher surprises you and pleases, then in your hearts and souls there may be a desire to thank it above the "measures of simple courtesy". For this, any holiday is suitable: a birthday, new year or day of the preschool worker. If you think it is important that children with respect relate to different labor, it will be a good congratulatory doctor, and kitchen workers, and a territory cleaner, for example, Happy New Year. For this you do not need a big budget, you just need a desire to pay attention to these people.

As for gifts for children, for example, on birthdays, it is always a matter of relationships to their parents. If the material situation of families plus-minus is the same, then you can agree on the borders of the value of gifts, and let the parents themselves buy a gift to their child, and the teacher and kids will be in hand in hand. But this is perhaps not the best option: most likely, it is reasonable to buy or identical gifts, or endowed with meaning within a specific team. And here the value of the value does not have: Fans of drawing can be given paint, active athletes - sports equipment, fashion suites - set of rubber or hairpins. This is possible if the parent committee is ready for an individual approach in choosing gifts.

Natalia Wastiekova with sons.

How to organize everything: personal experience

Natalia Voshnikova, Mom of two boys, coped perfectly with her duties in the parent Committee of the Sen Son Group. For the younger in the kindergarten in the Committee, it is not included, despite the fact that the memories of work are extremely positive and in the emotional sense, and the plan of "quality" of work.

I myself went to the parent committee itself, it was not particularly difficult, probably, very lucky with my parents, and we had a very warm relationship inside the tromitality, "says Natalia. - A little uncomfortable was what I worked, and often delaying at work, and even was without a car. Most of the purchases were on themselves, but I did not see the problems in this, as I got great pleasure from my duties. After time, I can identify several recommendations in this work.

It is important not to forget that if we give your child to a kindergarten, it means that most of the time for 4 years he will carry out there. It follows from this that parents should not be indifferent, which walls, beds, chairs, toys, food and educators. Depending on the available resources - material, administrative, organizational - parents buy, "knock out" or control the fulfillment by all responsible institutions of their responsibilities. Ideally, of course, all in aggregate. The parent committee in kindergarten can be extremely effective, and at a skillful organization work in it is not burdensome. And it is also important to keep a sufficient amount of common sense and a sense of humor ... It always helps in solving questions in kindergarten.


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