Vniydad is official. Vniydad Development of Electronic Document Management

    Methodical recommendations for the application of GOST R 7.0.97-2016 “System of standards for information, library and publishing. Organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork "/ Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. M., 2018.

    Guidelines for the development of model nomenclatures of cases for territorial bodies and subordinate organizations by federal government bodies / Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. M., 2018.

    Guidelines for working with documents on personnel in state and municipal archives, archives of organizations / Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. M., 2018.

      Prepared by Historical and Archival Institute Russian State University for the Humanities, which, as part of the implementation of the activities of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia (2012-2018), prepares a set of reference and methodological and practical aids to the "Rules for the organization of storage, acquisition, accounting and use of documents from the Archive Fund Russian Federation and other archival documents in state and municipal archives, museums and libraries, organizations of the Russian Academy of Sciences "(state contract No. 079 of February 24, 2014).

      The specified work was reviewed in the scientific and methodological councils of archival institutions federal districts and federal archives and is recommended for use in practical activities archival institutions.

      First of all, the manual is intended for archivists who do not have special education and experience in archival institutions.

  • Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. 2014

    Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. 2014

    ... (Contractor - LLC "ADAPT");

    ... (Contractor - Russian State Humanities University(RSUH);

    ... (Contractor - All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD);

    . (Contractor - All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD);

    ... (Contractor - All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD);

    (Executor - All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD).

    Analytical review "The state and development of archiving in the CIS countries in 1999-2010." Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. 2012 r.

    Analytical review "Comparative analysis of analog and digital technologies for the development and application of technological solutions that ensure the restoration of fading texts of archival documents." Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. 2012 r.

    Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. 2012 r.

    Methodical recommendations on the organization of work and technological equipment of electronic document storages. Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. 2012 r.

    Methodical recommendations for electronic copying of archival documents and management of the received information array. Rosarkhiv, VNIIDAD. 2012 r.

General information about the company

Additional information about the company

Reference and information service on the problems of documentation support; development of projects to improve the management documentation systems; preparation of regulatory and teaching materials on the organization of documentation support for management and archival storage of documents in institutions, organizations, at enterprises of various forms of ownership and management; advising on the issues of ensuring the safety of documents, the choice of technical means of documentation and archival storage of documents; advanced training in the field of records management and archiving

Detailed information about the company

Postgraduate studies. Business support services. Documents, documentation and documentation. Consultants for systems for processing business information, production, commercial, business data. Personnel retraining and professional development courses. Organization of exhibitions, congresses, conferences. Application software, software packages for business, finance, office and professional developers. Software tools for information storage technologies, archive management, library and electronic document management (EDMS), database management systems (DBMS), management information centers, help services. Professional, technical, hobby and other specialized short-term training and professional development courses. Universities, postgraduate studies, technical universities and higher education institutions (institutes). Services for organizing congresses and conferences, for technical documentation, storage and retrieval of information, for training documentation, storage and destruction of documentation, maintenance, administrative management of document archives

Company headings

Town: Moscow

The program of the event

The VNIIDAD branch center for advanced training opens a set of courses professional retraining and advanced training in archival affairs.

Professional retraining courses allow you to remotely purchase necessary knowledge and skills for a new professional activity or professional development within the existing qualifications.

Graduates of the courses can perform the duties of an archivist, head of archives, head of the office, teacher (in colleges, universities), assistant manager, assistant for the main activity, etc.

Forms of training: part-time and part-time.

Duration of training - 1 year.

Authors and lecturers: leading specialists of VNIIDAD are the developers of the main regulatory documents in force in the Russian Federation: laws, rules, GOSTs, instructions, lists and authors of methodological manuals on organizing work with documents in modern conditions.

In the professional retraining program in archival affairs:

1. Organization of archiving in Russia

1.1. The legal basis for the organization of archival affairs in the Russian Federation. Archival management bodies in Russia

1.2. History of the organization of archiving in Russia

1.3. History government agencies and public organizations Russia, the USSR, the Russian Federation - the main fund-makers of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation

1.4. The modern composition of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation and its classification

1.5. Network and functions of public records

1.6. Archives of organizations, their functions, rights and competence

1.7. Organization of documents within the archive by funds, united archival funds, collections

2. Examination of the value of documents and acquisition of archives

2.1. Formation of the Archive Fund of the Russian Federation

2.2. Goals and objectives of the examination of the value of documents. Principles, criteria, methods for evaluating documents

2.3. System of normative and methodological guides for the selection of documents

2.4. The procedure for conducting and formalizing the results of the examination of the value of documents

2.5. The goals and objectives of the acquisition of archives. Archive acquisition source lists

2.6. Reception of documents in the state, municipal archive

2.7. System of expert bodies

3. Accounting of documents in archives

3.1. Goals, objectives and principles of centralized state accounting of archival documents

3.2. The system of accounting documents of the archive, their purpose

3.3. The procedure for conducting work on recording storage units and documents in the archive

3.4. Accounting for unique and especially valuable documents in the archive. Accounting for the insurance fund and the fund of use

3.5. Features of accounting in the archives of organizations

3.6. Implementation of automated archival technologies for keeping records of archival documents

4. Ensuring the safety of archival documents

4.1. Arrangement and equipment of state archives

4.2 Physicochemical and biological factors of destruction of archival documents

4.3. Control of the presence and physical condition of archival documents

4.4. Methods for special processing of documents

4.5. Protection of archival documents from theft and unauthorized access

5. Scientific reference apparatus for the documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation

5.1. Differentiated description - the basis for the creation of a scientific and reference apparatus for the documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation

5.2. The system of the scientific and reference apparatus for the documents of the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation

5.3. Archival inventory - basic directory of the state archive

5.4. Archive catalogs

5.5. Travel guides

5.6. Pointers (archival directories)

5.7. Reviews of archival funds and documents

5.8. Automated scientific and reference apparatus of the state archive

6. Use of documents from the Archives of the Russian Federation

6.1. Formation of a unified archive and information space

6.2. Purposes and forms of use of documents from the archival fund of the Russian Federation

6.3. Organization of the use of documents in state archives

6.4. Types of information documents

6.5. Publication of documents of the state archive

6.6. Exhibitions of documents, their types, purpose and organization

6.7. Compilation of thematic collections of archival documents

6.8. execution of requests

6.9. Submission of documents for study in the reading room of the archive

6.10. Organization of cooperation with legal entities and individuals on the use of documents of the state archive on contractual terms

6.11. Accounting for the use of documents in the state archive

7. Management in archives

7.1. Organization of labor in the state archive

7.2. Standardization of works in the state archive

7.3. Modern forms economic activity state archive

The Federal Budgetary Institution "All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Affairs" (hereinafter - VNIIDAD) in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 24, 1992 No. 430 is the legal successor of the previously operating All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Affairs, created by the order of the Council of Ministers USSR dated 03/02/1966 No. 407r.

Participating in interaction with Rosarkhiv, scientific and methodological councils of archival institutions of federal districts and interested organizations in scientific forecasting of the development of archiving, the formation of priorities science and technology policy archival industry, selection of promising directions scientific research in the field of archival science and records management, VNIIDAD objectively acts as one of the main integrators of the country's archival community.

1. Organization of activities

As a scientific organization, VNIIDAD operates in accordance with the Federal Law of 23.08.1996 No. 127-FZ "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy".

According to the Charter, approved by order of Rosarkhiv dated 05/31/2011 No. 40, the institute carries out research, scientific information and educational activities.

Constituent and legal documents of VNIIDAD (Charter, Certificate of registration legal entity, Certificate of registration with the tax authority, etc.) are issued in the prescribed manner.

The organizational structure of the institute, which includes 7 divisions (4 departments, a laboratory and 2 centers (including the Self-Sufficient Industry Center for Advanced Studies)), in general, ensures the solution of its tasks. At the same time, it seems necessary to revise the distribution of the staffing levels between structural divisions, bearing in mind the increase in the number of people employed directly in research work.

All structural divisions have regulations, employees - job descriptions; the distribution of responsibilities between the director of the institute and his deputies has been established.

For the development of scientific topics, as well as the preparation of the most serious regulatory and methodological documents, it is practiced to use such a flexible form of labor organization as the creation of temporary creative teams, the composition and duties of members of which are regulated by relevant orders.

The Directorate and the Academic Council function as the main advisory bodies at VNIIDAD.

The Directorate, acting on the basis of the Regulation approved by Order No. 57 of November 19, 2010, meets regularly 1-2 times a month and generally performs the functions assigned to it, although there is no plan of its work stipulated by the Regulation. The Directorate considers issues of organizing the work of the institute as a whole and of individual structural divisions, financial and administrative-economic activities, monitors the progress of the state assignment and state contracts concluded within the framework of the implementation of federal target programs, as well as the results of particularly important research projects.

The Academic Council (the Regulation on which and the work plan are absent) meets 2-3 times a year to discuss the annual results of the Institute's activities, individual, most science-intensive research results, etc.

In violation of its own Charter and, despite repeated instructions from Rosarkhiv, the institute does not form an annual work plan, as a result of which it is guided mainly by the state assignment, contracts (agreements) for the performance of work and the provision of services, as well as the work plans of structural units.

Reports on the implementation of the state assignment (quarterly and annual) are sent to Rosarchiv in a timely manner.

In order to implement the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 07.05.2012 No. 597 "On measures for the implementation of state social policy", by order of Rosarkhiv dated 07.07.2014 No. 51, an action plan was approved (" road map")" Changes in industries social sphere aimed at increasing the efficiency of science in relation to the federal budgetary institution"All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs" ". The indicators set by him are generally met, with the exception of the indicator on the level of wages, which is primarily due to the significant underfunding of the institute by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. In this regard, along with the continuation of the interaction of Rosarkhiv with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia on the issue of allocating additional funds to increase wages, the institute needs to find its own opportunities to increase the receipt of funds from income-generating activities, the concentration of organizational, personnel and intellectual efforts in this area.

Information about the Institute is posted and regularly updated on the official website of state and municipal institutions (, the Archives of Russia portal () and its own official website ( ...

In the period 2014 - 2016. work has been done to empower more effective use site VNIIDAD in the activities of the Institute as a tool for information and advertising work and familiarization of potential consumers with its scientific developments and areas of research. In particular, in 2016, the next modernization of the site was carried out due to the transition to the version on Joomla 1.5.26 of the information management system (CMS).

The relevant thematic sections of the site provide information support for the main activities of the institute by bringing to potential consumers the list of services, information about new information receipts in the reference and information fund, advertising new publications of the institute, information on plans for scientific events, posting relevant news information on document management and archiving , programs and schedules training courses advanced training and retraining of personnel, etc.

2. Staffing

For objective reasons, during recent years The staff of VNIIDAD was reduced and at the time of the audit amounted to 100 people, of which 5 people are external part-time workers, 8 are internal. In fact, there are 59 people on the payroll of the institute, 37 of whom are over 50 years old, incl. retirement age - 28. 33 employees have work experience in the institute or in archival institutions for over 15 years.

52 people have higher education, of which 48% (25 people) - historical-archival and historical; 9 - documentation; 4 employees have two higher educations. The institute employs 4 doctors of sciences and 18 candidates of sciences.

By order of VNIIDAD dated 04.04.2016 No. 15, the Regulation on the procedure for attestation of scientific workers of the institute was approved, but their attestation has not been carried out in the last three years.

Labor contracts were concluded with all employees of the institute. Additional agreements to them are drawn up as required. At the same time, the institute did not proceed to transfer to an "effective contract" in accordance with the Program for the Step-by-Step Improvement of the System of Remuneration in State (Municipal) Institutions for 2012-2018, approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 26, 2012 No. 2190-r.

Professional development of employees is carried out according to plans approved annually by the director of the institute. It covers all areas of the Institute's activities, including issues information technologies, accounting, fire safety. Employees of the institute are undergoing advanced training at the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Institute of Public Procurement of the RANEPA, on the basis of the OTSPK VNIIDAD.

The work on the selection of personnel is carried out in the traditional manner. Vacancy announcements are published on the official website of the institute. A reserve for leadership positions is currently under development.

Measures are being taken on issues of anti-corruption policy. In particular, by order of January 28, 2015 No. 6, a person responsible for the prevention of corruption and other offenses was appointed; by order of 03.02.2015 No. 9 "The procedure for notifying the employees of VNIIDAD about the receipt of a gift in connection with protocol events, business trips and other official events, delivery and evaluation of the gift, sale (ransom) and crediting of proceeds from its sale" with attachments "; Order No. 36 of 12.10.2016 approved the Regulation on Conflict of Interest; anti-corruption policy; Code of Ethics and Service Conduct for Employees.

The organization of the work of the personnel department and the organization of personnel records management generally comply with the requirements of the legislation, including in terms of the protection of personal data of employees. The premises of the personnel department allows you to provide special conditions for storing personal account documents in a fireproof safe, to conduct interviews on personnel issues.

The institute organizes the practice of students of universities and colleges, which is annually attended by about 3-5 students.

3. Research work

The share of employees directly involved in research work is approximately 70% of the actual number of the institute. Due to insufficient staffing, VNIIDAD is limited in its capabilities to develop the entire range of scientific topics relevant to the archive industry. In particular, the expertise of the scientific activity of the institute carried out by the RAS, noting the potential of innovative projects to create a block guidelines in such a field as electronic documents, electronic archive, digitization of documents, stated that “ this direction is not the leader in the organization's activities ”.

Scientific work is carried out in accordance with the annual plans for research and development work carried out on the basis of a state assignment (hereinafter referred to as the R&D Plan), as well as on topics planned by Rosarkhiv as part of the implementation of the Federal Target Program "Culture of Russia".

Over the past three years, the institute has completed more than 60 scientific developments, the bulk of which (67%) is of information and analytical nature. The share of normative and methodological work is 19.6% and 14.7%, respectively. Analysis of the dynamics indicates a decrease in the number of completed scientific works: 39 - in 2014, 14 - in 2015, 17 - in 2016.

In total for 2014 - 2016 employees of the institute published six monographs, two reference and bibliographic editions and twenty-three articles in editions included in the List of editions recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia. The total number of published (including deposited) works of VNIIDAD employees in 2014 - 2016 amounted to 290 titles.

Over the past three years, the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) has recorded 75 publications of the Institute's employees. VNIIDAD has a fairly solid Hirsch index (h-index) - 6; and a good i-Index - 5.

As a rule, the results of scientific research of VNIIDAD are accepted without significant remarks or after minor revisions, taking into account those expressed during the discussions at the meetings of the advisory bodies of Rosarkhiv (collegium, commission for research and methodical work and others) comments. At the same time, despite the fact that the research work, the result of which is the methodological manuals, are carried out by the institute properly and in the prescribed manner, their implementation is sometimes difficult due to insufficient close connection with practical work archival institutions.

The state registration of scientific research works is carried out by the institute in accordance with the established procedure. VNIIDAD annually sends reporting materials to the Federal Performance Monitoring System scientific organizations performing research, development and technological work.

Research reports carried out by VNIIDAD do not always fully comply with the requirements for their structure and design GOST 7.32-2001 “Report on research work. Structure and design rules ”(relevance and objects of research, methodology and methods of work, significance, etc. are not highlighted).

However, the main problem of organizing research work is a noticeable and steady decline in its personnel potential, both quantitatively and qualitatively. Comparative analysis the results of research activities showed that in 2014 - 2016. specialists who quit for various reasons in the past three years published 204 works (not counting collective research and three collections of conference proceedings "Documentation in the Information Society"), and only 86 employees who continue to work. rates: if in 2015 they published 33 works, then in 2016 their number decreased to 25.

Thus, the creative potential of VNIIDAD research workers is generally not fully realized, and for about half of the employees it remains generally not manifested in the form of scientific publications, which sharply reduces the overall assessment of the Institute's performance.

4. Scientific information activities

VNIIDAD carries out scientific and information services for archival institutions, legal entities and individuals with specialized regulatory and scientific-methodological literature through the Branch Center for Scientific and Technical Information on Archival Science and Records Management (hereinafter - OCSTI), which annually fulfills on average more than 600 information requests of legal entities and individuals ...

The Reference and Information Fund (CIF) of the OCSTI is about 54.0 thousand published and unpublished works, annually increasing by an average of 500 new acquisitions. For the purposes of accounting and use, a reference and information card index has been compiled and maintained in the traditional form, and lists of new acquisitions are periodically published. V electronic version catalog, posted on the VNIIDAD website, 42.0 thousand bibliographic descriptions of SIF materials were introduced.

Due to the weak technical and software equipment of the institute (the lack of high-performance scanners, computer programs for OCR and editing PDF files, photo editor), the process of translating the CIF materials directly into electronic form is rather slow, and the created electronic resource is not freely available on the Institute's website.

5. Educational activities

With a perpetual license to exercise educational activities AAA No. 000821, reg. No. 0809, issued by Rosobrnadzor on 03/09/2011, the institute conducts it under the programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school, as well as on additional professional programs and vocational training programs.

In accordance with the decision of the Council of CIS Heads of Governments dated 09/18/2003, VNIIDAD has the status of a basic organization for retraining and advanced training of personnel in archival science, records management and documentation support management of the states - member countries of the CIS, which is implemented through the activities of the Sectoral Center for Advanced Studies in Archiving and Management Documentation (hereinafter referred to as OTSPK).

The Institute carries out postgraduate studies in the specialty 05.25.02 - Documentary, Records Management, Archival Science. However, in violation of the Procedure for the organization and implementation of educational activities in educational programs higher education- programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjunct), approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 1259 dated November 19, 2013, the corresponding educational program of VNIIDAD did not pass state accreditation.

Currently, three people are studying in graduate school at full-time training (including one - on a paid basis) and one person on a part-time basis. In 2015 - 2016 admission to graduate school was not carried out.

Due to the impossibility of ensuring the functioning of the dissertation council in accordance with the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 12.12.2011 No. 2817 academic degree candidate of sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Sciences "and the lack of the required number of doctors of sciences at the institute, the work of the dissertation council was terminated (order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia No. 729 / NK dated 07.07.2015), which, nevertheless, is not a sufficient justification for the absence of dissertation candidates prepared by the institute , since graduates of graduate school could defend themselves in the dissertation council of the Russian State University for the Humanities.

OTSPK carries out professional retraining and advanced training of personnel in archiving and management documentation on a contractual basis with legal entities and individuals. Training at the OCPK is carried out in full-time, part-time and extramural forms in the main areas of professional retraining, advanced training in the short and long term, as well as in some cases - within the framework of individual internships.

The work of the OCPK is based on thematic plans educational activities and training course schedules. To coordinate the work of the OCPK, a methodological council was created, the functions of which include the coordination of thematic plans and curricula, course schedules, lists of published educational methodological literature, quality control of educational programs, the optimal method of recruiting students. Currently, the composition of the council is in need of significant renewal due to the dismissal of most of its members.

TO educational process In addition to the leading specialists of VNIIDAD, the most qualified employees of state archives, software developers in the field of information and documentation support of management and archiving, teachers of specialized higher educational institutions are also involved, although this practice is not particularly common due to the lack of sufficient financial resources for the institute to attract them to conducting classes.

Over the past three years, the OTSPK has trained more than 2.5 thousand people, incl. a significant number of archivists from the CIS and EURASIC countries (Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Mongolia, Vietnam, etc.).

The main disadvantage of the educational activities of VNIIDAD is the lack of state accreditation of educational programs for professional retraining and advanced training implemented by it. Although this is not formally required for those, it nevertheless reduces the competitive advantages of VNIIDAD in comparison with the higher educational institutions who have state accreditation and are actively expanding the practice of implementing programs additional education, which in the long term may lead to the ousting of VNIIDAD from the market for the provision of educational services in the field of training document managers and archivists, since in the absence of accreditation, he cannot issue state diplomas and certificates at the end of the training.

The lack of active professional interaction of the institute with single-profile higher educational institutions also does not contribute to educational activities.

6. International cooperation

The international relations of the Institute are aimed at improving the quality of scientific activities on the basis of cooperation with the international archival community through the development of joint programs, the use of archival and clerical innovations and information technologies, participation in international scientific projects, scientific mobility of scientists.

Until recently, the most fruitful professional ties developed within the framework of an agreement between VNIIDAD, the Belarusian Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs and the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Archival Affairs and Documentation. However, after the well-known events, contacts with the Ukrainian side were frozen, while ties with Belarusian colleagues continue to develop quite actively. VNIIDAD is a permanent participant in joint scientific events implemented within the framework of the Joint Action Plan of the Federal Archival Agency and the Department for Archives and Records Management of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Belarus for 2014-2016.

An important area of ​​the international activity of the institute is participation in the work of the International Council of Archives and its Euro-Asian regional branch (EURASICA). VNIIDAD representatives have taken part in most of the recent International Archives Congresses and in almost all EURASICA events. It should be noted here that the annual organization of international conferences "Documentation in the Information Society" under the auspices of EURASIKA and Rosarkhiv.

The participation of VNIIDAD in the activities of International Institute archival studies in Trieste and Maribor as one of the authoritative forums for specialists in the field of archival science.

Since 2016, VNIIDAD has been a partner of the international project InterPARES Trust and is a member of its European group.

7. Logistics and financial support

VNIIDAD has no real estate on its balance sheet. On the basis of the contract for the gratuitous use of premises and property dated January 11, 2011 No. BP 3/11, it occupies work premises with a total area of ​​1,731.7 sq. meters in the building of the Russian State Archive of Scientific and Technical Documentation at 82 Profsoyuznaya Street.

The provision of employees with computer equipment is 85% (50 workstations, of which 8 are over 8 years old).

Funding of VNIIDAD, as a federal budgetary institution, is carried out at the expense of:

    the federal budget allocated in the form of a subsidy for the fulfillment of the state assignment established annually;

    federal target program "Culture of Russia", received on a competitive basis;

    coming from income-generating activities.

The dynamics of the ratio of budgetary and extrabudgetary funding over the past three years indicates a decrease in extrabudgetary revenues, both in absolute terms and in shares in relation to the budgetary component. At the same time, budget financing in absolute terms practically did not change over this period:

It should be especially noted that directly scientific activity carried out by the institute exclusively at the expense budget funds within the framework of the fulfillment of state assignments and state contracts under the federal target program "Culture of Russia". For the period 2014 - 2016 VNIIDAD has not implemented a single research project by orders of non-governmental organizations or with the assistance of grant support.

Funds allocated for the development of the institute, incl. for material and technical equipment, constitute a relatively small part of its extra-budgetary income: in 2014 - 814 616.0 rubles. (6.8% of off-budget revenues), in 2015 - 1,080,855.0 rubles. (10.4%), 2016 - 1,128,901.0 rubles. (7.6%).

In 2014-2016. inappropriate (ineffective) spending of budgetary funds by the institute was not allowed. The procedure for spending funds on business trips is respected.

Budgetary accounting of income and expenses is maintained in accordance with the working chart of accounts for budgetary accounting. Verification of the correctness of drawing up by VNIIDAD "Report on the implementation of the institution's plan of its financial and economic activities" for 2016 and other budget reporting revealed a number of violations. Reports are submitted in violation of the established deadlines, which leads to delays in the submission of consolidated statements by Rosarchiv to the Federal Treasury

In order to streamline extrabudgetary activities, standard forms contracts for the provision of paid educational services ( correspondence courses, part-time, short-term full-time with legal entities / individuals), contracts for the provision of services information materials (for OCSTI).

Inventory Money, inventory, fixed assets and financial liabilities in 2016 were not carried out.

A selective check of the correctness of the establishment of official salaries and their accrual for 2016 did not reveal any violations. In the audited period, the completeness and timeliness of the reflection of financial and economic transactions on remuneration of labor, accrual and payment of insurance premiums in the budget accounting registers, no violations were revealed.

Labor remuneration is made in accordance with labor contracts and a timesheet.

to the certificate following the results of the due diligence
FBU "All-Russian Scientific Research
Institute of Documentation and Archival Affairs "

Recommendations for improving the activities of VNIIDAD

    Develop a long-term plan (concept or program) for the development of the institute;

    move on to drawing up the annual work plans of the Institute;

    optimize the number of structural units not directly involved in research and / or educational activities;

    carry out certification of researchers who have less than four published works in 2014 - 2016;

    restore conduct military registration in accordance with the Regulations on military registration;

    organize work on the formation of a personnel reserve;

    ensure the conduct of personnel records management in accordance with applicable law;

    to expand the practice of creating temporary creative teams for the implementation of research projects, including with the involvement of specialists from scientific and educational organizations;

    to provide preliminary consideration of all, without exception, the results of research work by a specially created advisory body (expert council, expert section of the Academic Council, etc.);

    provide for the mandatory inclusion in the development cycle of methodological manuals for their experimental implementation;

    to intensify the placement of scientific publications in journals, indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus;

    consider the issue of state (or at least public) accreditation of educational programs of VNIIDAD in the field of professional retraining and advanced training of specialists;

    to deepen cooperation in the field of educational activities with higher educational institutions that train personnel in the field of records management and archival science;

    modernize the website, including issue a sitemap, install the site search function; to supplement the contacts section with information about the heads of structural divisions, indicating phone numbers and addresses Email; to create a heading "Published works of VNIIDAD"; expand the number of partner sites;

    to increase the number of translations of the Institute's works on foreign languages; create an English-language version of the Institute's website;

    consider the question of joining the Institute as a member of the International Council of Archives in the category "C";

    to intensify the search for sources of additional funding, both through the search for orders for the development of scientific topics, and through the commercialization of the results of their own research activities;

    take measures to streamline contractual work, including developing and approving documents regulating the procedure for agreeing, signing, and executing agreements (government contracts);

    ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation in terms of the design and timing of the submission of budgetary reports, as well as the issuance / receipt of funds from the cash desk of the institution;

    update the order on accounting policy;

    carry out an inventory of funds, inventory, fixed assets and financial obligations of the institute.

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