How to use the surface of Dagestan. Geographical location of Dagestan

The Nature of the Republic of Dagestan is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful not only in Russian FederationBut all over the world. A unique combination of three climatic zones The region causes an amazing variety of flora and fauna.

The uniqueness of the Republic of Dagestan is that its territory includes different climatic zones. There is everything here: both the sea and deserts, and forests, and fields, and the most important thing - high snowy mountains.

Alpine Dagestan is the subject of special pride of the local population. Mountain panoramas fascinating their beauty, stunning lakes and valleys - all this will not leave indifferent to any lovers of travel.

What are the mains geographic characteristics Alpine Dagestan? Why does the republic on the uniqueness of their natural climatic conditions know no equal in the Russian Federation? What types of landscape are characteristic of this area? How cold is in mountain dagestan in winter and hot in the summer? How populated the highlands? Answers to these questions and many others interesting facts About the high mountain Dagestan is collected in this article. In addition, beautiful photos on the topic will be offered to the reader.

Geographical features of Dagestan

Before proceeding directly to the characteristic of high-altitude Dagestan, it is necessary to describe the entire set of relief of this area. Conditionally divided by the republic to the internal and external Dagestan. This division is due to the features of the relief.

Outdoor Dagestan

The external is called that part of the republic, which consists of mountain ranges built in the form of a wide arc. It includes such ridges as Andyan, snow and gimrinsky.

Separately, it is worth allocating a large Caucasian ridge. Thus, the republic is protected by mountains as a natural shield.

Inner Dagestan

The whole terrain that did not enter the above-described mountain ranges is called inner Dagestan. This part of the republic, in turn, is commonly divided into another three conventional components: a platocent, middle house, alpine, alpine dagestan.

It is on the last, high-mountainous area of \u200b\u200bthe republic, and the attention of the reader will be focused.

Location of high mountains

Alpine Dagestan is called that part of the republic, which is located in the southwest. As it is clear from the name of this area, this part of the region is the most sublime in relation to the rest. Conditionally the height of the highlands above sea level is 1,800 meters and above.

The geographical objects constituting the relief of the highland Dagestan include the segment of the waterproof ridge (the other name is the main Caucasian ridge) and some part of the side ridge, as well as the basins located between them. The side ridge has transverse faults and is divided into independent arrays. He, in contrast to the main, is not a continuous chain of the mountains.

Studying the geographical location of the high mountain Dagestan, you can make sure how diverse the landscape of this area is. Here you can find both plains with temperate climates, and snow-covered vertices of the mountains with eternal snow.

The highest point of the high mountain regions of Dagestan and, accordingly, the entire region is the top of Basadyuzi. The height of this mountain is almost four and a half thousand meters above sea level. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe highlands is about eleven thousand square kilometers.

Landscapes of highlands

In total, there are five types of landscape. Some of them dominate the larger area, others - gradually disappear. Let's consider in more detail each of them.

Alpine subalpic belt

The alpine Dagestan is almost half consisting of alpine meadows with juicy greens and bright colors. The most common subtype constituting up to seventy percent of the highlands is characterized as a subalpine forest-shrub-meadow. This is a terrain with the islands of the forest, the booster of shrubs and the inclusion of meadows between them.

This type of dultydag ridges, snow, Samurian, Nucatl and Shalib is most pronounced. The most characteristic of this type of height is 1800-2100 m and 2700-3000 m above sea level.

Beautiful alpine meadows are busy more than seven thousand square kilometers.

Alpine alpine shrub-meadow subtype

The narrow strip of the earth extending between the two types of landscape: subalpine forest-shrub-meadow and alpine subnival. The most characteristic height is 2700-2900 m above sea level. The territorially, this subtype of the landscape is characteristic mainly for the Samurian ridge.

Alpine subnival subtype

The word "subnivalent" means that this landscape is partially hidden by a layer of snow. A typical height for such a landscape varies from 2900 to 3100 m above sea level. This type of landscape is weakly presented in comparison with previous types.

Glotic-Nival subtype of the landscape

To a lesser extent, the highlands is represented by a glycial-nival landscape. This subtype is the topmost landscape climatic belt of the mountains. Here the kingdom of eternal snow. However, one of the features of the alpine Dagestan is a small area of \u200b\u200bglaciers, which also gradually decreases. The reason lies in global warming.

The preimage-nivan subtype of the landscape is characteristic of the ridges of Nucatl, tallout, Bishina, Dultydag, Shalib and to a lesser extent for Samurian.

Population of high mountains

Due to the harsh natural and climatic conditions, this area is extremely weakly populated. On average, every 60 square kilometers have only two settlements.

The number of residents of the settlements is also extremely small. The main occupation of the population is to breed livestock. This kind of agriculture provides mountains with meat, warm wool and nutritional milk. On the other hand, in the period of the highest possible animal husbandry (seventies-eighties of the twentieth century), the intensity of grazing of livestock has affected the state of the alpine landscape, leading to the dilapidation and gradual destruction. Recently, the cattle is gradually decreasing, which favorably affects the surrounding nature.

Climatic conditions

The climate of the high-mountainous Dagestan is characterized as moderately continental and arid. In the mountains, moisture begins to grow depending on the height above sea level, and the temperature gradually decrease. The highest humidity rates in the highlands are fixed between late spring and early summer. It is during this period that the strengthened melting of snow and spill of mountain rivers begins.

The climate in the mountains is moderately cool, summer does not indulge in heat. The temperature in the mountainous regions of the republic can reach -30 ° C, but, as a rule, hesitates from -4 ° C to -7 ° C, in the plain - does not exceed -10 ° C.

The average precipitation in the mountains is 800 millimeters per year. Snow is not much, but it keeps long enough.

The period of growing plants (vegetative) in its duration comes up to 240 days.

Vegetable world

Interestingly, there are five vegetable climatic belts in the region. For high mountain Dagestan, glaciers and alpine tundra are characteristic. This is a surprisingly beautiful place with a rich animal and a floral world.

The relief of the highlands of Dagestan and a variety of climatic zones and natural landscapes cause a species diversity of flora - more than four and a half thousand species of plants. A quarter of them are endemics, i.e. they grow exclusively here. The most characteristic and common plants for the alpine terrain are blue genthesians, oatmeal, Babeios Blue and Astragal.

Due to the geographical position of the high-altitude Dagestan and the harsh climate in some of the most hard-to-reach areas, only the most adapted plants are growing - mosses and lichens.

Animal world Dagestan

The fauna of the republic is very diverse: about 100 kinds of mammals, 350 - birds and 50 - amphibians and reptiles. In the rivers of Dagestan and the seaside territory, a lot of fish. Total about 80 species. More than ten species of animals dwell only in the Republic of Dagestan and more anywhere.

Nature Protection by Dagestan State

Does not cause any doubt about the need for protection and conservation natural wealth of this picturesque republic. In order to protect the nature of Dagestan, on the territory of the constituency of the Russian Federation, they create specially protected areas, national parks, reserves and reserves.

To date, there are six specially protected territories of federal significance, more than thirty - regional in Dagestan.

In addition, currently not all territories that deserves are assigned the status of particularly protected. The government of the republic is actively working on the assignment of special status to such territories.

The most famous objects taken under the protection of the state are the Dagestan Natural Reserve and the Mountain Botanical Garden of the Dagestan branch Russian Academy science

Water resources in the region

Rivers in the republic are not so much. The largest of them are Terek, Sulak and Samur.

Until recently, the view was noteworthy that there were not a lot of lakes in Dagestan. It is difficult to believe that over the past few decades, the number of hydrographic objects has increased from one hundred to one hundred fifty. This is due to a more careful study of hard-to-reach mountain areas. In addition, the formation of lakes contributes to global warming.

  • 11.11.2017
    In the Docupa Civil district, a major gold deposit was found in the south of Dagestan. During research conducted in the mountains in the south of the republic, geologists found rock containing minerals - precious metal satellites. Selected samples were already sent for chemical analysis to confirm the presence of gold and silver. The exact reserves of the explored site are not yet known - on the assumptions of specialists, they can form more than a hundred tons of precious metal.

  • 11.01.2017
    At the end of January of this year, an exhibition will open in Makhachkala, demonstrating the best jewelry work of Dagestan masters. The event on which weapons from silver, decoration, dishes will be presented, souvenir productswill help the revival of traditional folk crafts and jewelry techniques of Dagestan.

  • 27.05.2014 In Dagestan, announced a tender for search engines for ore gold within the Kurush-Mazinsky ore field
    The Department for the Subsoil Use of the North Caucasus Federal District announced the tender for the implementation of the search for ore gold within the Kurush-Mazinsky ore field in the Republic of Dagestan. The initial contract price is one hundred fifty million rubles

  • 28.03.2014 A state oil and gas company will be created in Dagestan
    The administration of Dagestan reported the creation of OJSC "State Oil and Gas Company of the Republic of Dagestan". The corresponding decree was signed recently Ramazan Abdulatipova

  • 20.02.2006 Mineral-raw material base of Dagestan
    All these stones collected as a result of various expeditions are proud of the Institute of Geology of Dagestan scientific Center Wounds


Geographical position

Located in the northeastern part of the Caucasus, in the northern part of the Republic - lowland, in the South - Floor and Mountains of the Big Caucasus. The length of the territory from north to south is about 400 km, from west to east - about 200 km.


From the east, the territory of Dagestan is washed by the waters of the Caspian Sea. The south of the republic occupy the mountains and the foothills of the Greater Caucasus, in the north - the Caspian lowland begins.


Through the central part of the republic, River Terek and Sulac proceed. In Dagestan, 6255 rivers flow (including 100 main, having a length of more than 25 km and the catchment area of \u200b\u200bmore than 100 km, 185 small and more than 5,900 smallest), are the largest of them are Terek, Sulac, Samur, Rubas with tributaries. All rivers belong to the Caspian Sea basin, but only 20 of them fall into the sea.

North of Dagestan due to dry climate is poor rivers. Available rivers are used for irrigation and do not reach the sea.

Mountain rivers, which, thanks to the rapid flow, do not freeze even in winter, they are peculiar to comparative multi-water and significant slopes.

Sulac is formed when the Avarian Kois and Andiy Kois, which originated in the mountains of the Greater Caucasus, is fused. The area of \u200b\u200bits pool is 15.2 thousand km². Sulac has half of all hydroenergoresours of Dagestan, here are the chirurt and chirk gears.

Samur is the second largest river in Dagestan. The area of \u200b\u200bits pool is 7.3 thousand km². When pushing into the Caspian Sea, Samur disintegrates on the sleeve and forms a delta. On the river and on its main tributaries it is planned to build treated HPP. The samura waters are also used for irrigation: irrigation canals, irrigating South Dagestan and located in the neighborhood of Azerbaijan, are derived from the river.
Salta Gorge (Salta), Dagestan, April 1906.

Nature Dagestan

The orography of Dagestan is originally expelled: the 245-kilometer band of the footpath is resting in the transverse ridges, which focus on a huge arc inner Dagestan. The two main rivers break out of the mountains - Sulac in the north and Samur in the south. The natural borders of the mountain Dagestan are: snow and Andyian ridges - to the giant Sulaca Canyon, Gimrinsky, Forest, Cocma, Joufudag and Yarudag - between Sulac and the Samura Pool, the main Caucasian ridge - in the south-west of both pools.

Inner Dagestan, in turn, is divided into mediteral, platocent district and alpine, alpine.

Oil and coal mining

Industrial importance has fields of oil and gas, sulfur, mergels, quartz sands.
Minerals (raw materials) Dagestan have not yet been fully studied. Especially insufficiently investigated mountain and above all the highland zones of the republic. However, existing data allow us to talk about significant reserves of a number of minerals. The primary industrial importance is oil and gas fields. According to current estimates, the total recoverable oil and gas condensate resources are 161 million tons, free and passing gas - 255 billion m³. Of these, the explored stocks of industrial categories are: on oil and gas condensate - 10.4 million tons, in gas - 44 billion m³ Maximum level Oil and condensate production was achieved in 1970 (more than 2 million tons), but subsequently, in connection with the depletion of the South-Sukhokum zone deposits, its mining is constantly falling, reaching 400 thousand tons in 1993.
Oil production is maintained in the Makhachkala area, the South Sukhokume deposits, Izerbash, Gaza - Dagestan lights, Dzulak. Oil refining Makhachkala refinery. The development of the Dimitrovsky field is underway (gas production will be 950 million m³ and oil 55 thousand tons per year), Agachbulak gas condensate area. In the extraction of Gaza, another trend is visible: the level of production is growing and due to the development of a large Dimitrovsky field reached 890 million m³. Gas production is predicted for the future. Special prospects in the development of the oil and gas industry associates the republic with the development of the Sea oil and gas field inchhe-Sea, located in the city of Election, with previously estimated oil reserves of 4.9 million tons and gas in 15.7 billion m³. But estimates of the recoverable oil reserves range from 2.1 to 3.0 million tons. Oil, produced in the republic, is distinguished by very high quality: low-length (maximum up to 0.1%), high, up to 90%, low-boiling content (up to 350 ° ) fractions, which makes it possible to obtain with a simple distillation a maximum of high-quality gasoline, kerosene and diesel fuel.
In the Khivsky district there are deposits of stone coal. Earlier, in the 40-50s, the Architecture field was made at the deposit, which was then minimized, it is currently possible to meet republican needs. The power of the formation is 0.6-1.5 m, the depth of grounding is insignificant.

Black and non-ferrous metals

In the Republic of Dagestan there are deposits of black and non-ferrous metals, non-metals and building materials. Black metals are represented by sideritic iron ore deposits, of which the most largests are the Prisamurskoye and Slaskkoe. The iron content ranges from 5 to 15%. An important feature of the Siteress ores of Dagestan is the absence of such harmful impurities in them, as sulfur, phosphorus, as well as easy-richness and lightweight, which is important to obtain metal by a homeless way. In addition, they can be used to produce craylers of clay solutions used in drilling wells. In ores that lie in the north-west of the republic, there are also about 3% of manganese.
From the non-ferrous metals deposits, the largest copper-criedstone deposit of the Kizil-Derus can be the most important interest in the North Caucasus. This underground field contains four types of ore: Halcosic, copper-pragged, zinc-peregned, sulfur-colent. Balance reserves of ore are estimated at the first three types of ore (48.6 million tons), off-balanced reserves only on copper and sulfur-cried ores (9.6 million tons). Ruda contains, except for copper, zinc and sulfur, also a variety of related elements: cobalt, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, silver, gold, india, bismuth, tellurium, apatite, rutile and occasionally beryllium. The field is located in the Valley of the River Kizil-Dere (water consumption - 0.6 cubic meters per second), which, together with the Akhtychaya River, will be able to provide the required amount of water in the event of a mining organization.
In addition to copper, a number of polymetallic (lead-zinc-copper) deposits were found in the southern Dagestan mountains, but they are in hard-to-reach areas and are not yet sufficiently studied. In the thickness of the shale and sandstone rocks of the Suleiman-Stalsky, Magaraskent and Kurahsky districts there are a number of mercury ore deposits. The most promising of them is the hex.
In the central part of the foothill Dagestan, there are deposits of strontium ores "Blue Stones", the reserves of which are estimated at 94 thousand tons of strontium oxide. Ore, albeit relatively poor, but easily enriched, with a very low content of harmful impurities, enrichment technology has already been studied in laboratory conditions. The field is not yet fully studied, but you can already talk about the construction of a mining enterprise that would produce either a celestine concentrate, or a carbonate strontium and technical strontium for domestic use and the global market. From the metalloresours of the republic, it is impossible not to note the above-mentioned low-counter underground industrial waters.

Mining non-metallic ores

From non-metallic ores in the Republic of Dagestan, there are sulfur deposits, but the most promising of them are located in difficult to access the mining area. In Akushinsky, Tabasaransky, Levashinsky and Suleiman-Stalsky districts, the phosphoritites and Selitras deposits are often found. In the highland part of Dagestan, the deposits of rock crystal are marked. In the nose-colored sediments of Dagestan, stretching a strip from the Sulac River to the Chirache River, sands, clays and limestones containing glauconite (sedimentary breed containing potassium) are widespread. In some places in separate layers of sandstones with a capacity of 3-5 M, the content of glauconite reaches 40-50% of the total weight of the breed. The reserves of glauconitic sands in separate deposits of Dagestan are calculated with tens of millions of tons. The most promising for industrial development are glauconitic sandstones, which occur in the Tabasaran area. Proximity to the road, rather large grains of glauconite itself, easy to enrichment - all this creates good prerequisites for organizing the production of glauconitic concentrate.
In the south of Dagestan, there are pools of the Arabian hydraulic crafts, they are about three hundred. Each is a salt layer, topped with a royal brine. Salt in the pool is white, but it happens pink and even yellow. According to general mineralization, water refers to high-concentrated chloromagneyevo-type axes. Not far from the village of Manute there are two salt fishery. Salt here was produced by natural cage on the bottom of the pool in the summer period from saturated solutions. The bulk of salts fall on sodium chloride. Experts believe that there is a passing mining of bromine, boron and magnesium salts. On the Caspian coast there is a number of salted lakes, the water of which is saturated, mainly, sodium chloride and sodium sulfate. The largest and wealthy salts of lakes are primarily an adja, great and small tourali. Water of the Caspian Sea in its own way chemical composition Can serve as a base for the development of the sulfate industry.

Construction Materials

Quartz sands of high quality lie almost on the surface at the North Field. The sand reserves are so great that is able to provide glass raw materials not only the republic, but also the entire North Caucasus. In addition to him, there are four more less large deposits. The Republic has almost unlimited inventories of sawnate (main deposits in Levashinsky, Akushinsky, Hunzakh and Derbent regions), boob stone, gravel (lower rivers Sulac, Samur, etc.), sands of molding, dolomites, cement raw materials. Limestone reserves (for lime) can fully ensure the needs of a large chemical and construction industry for many years. Very significant in the republic, gypsum reserves (Gunibsky, Khivsky, Un-Tsukulsky, Gunzbilsky and other areas), and in the Gimlin field there are reserves of construction gypsum - alabastra. Building sands are available on the entire coast of the Caspian Sea. Large reserves of clays and loams can be used to produce bricks, clay, ceramic products. In the south there are also coloring and heatowal clay, as well as raw materials for the production of porcelain.

The Republic of Dagestan (RD) is located in the eastern part of the North Caucasus. Internal administrative boundaries: in the north - with Kalmykia, in the north-west - with the Stavropol Territory, in the West - with Chechnya. External state borders - with Georgia and Azerbaijan; In the East, the territory is washed by the Caspian Sea, which gives the republic to Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan and Iran.

After the collapse of the USSR, Dagestan became the border republic, but it was still not a delimitation of borders with Georgia and Azerbaijan. Administrative border with Chechnya during hostilities in the neighboring republic (1994-1996), and especially after their completion, turned into a "front line" between Chechen Bands, on the one hand, and divisions of the internal troops of Russia and Dagestan militia, on the other .

The capital of Makhachkala is a major non-freezing military and shopping sea \u200b\u200bport on Caspiana. Distance from Makhachkala to Moscow - 2166 km.

Dagestan is the largest in the territory and population of the Republic of North Caucasus. This is the most southern region of Russia, which has strategic importance.

By the nature of the relief, the territory is divided into two parts: South and SE-faithful. South Dagestan - Mountain, its territory is engaged in the ridges of the Parent Caucasus (heights up to 4480 m above sea level), and the northern areas of the Ras-public plain - the Nogai steppe and the Terek-Sulak lowland. The climate on the plain is continental, warm and dry, with average temperatures in January -3.6 o C, and in July +23.5 o C; The precipitation falls a little, 300-400 mm per year. In the seaside strip, along the Caspian Sea, the climate is softer and humid, in the mountains it depends on the height of the terrain. The main rivers of Dagestan - Terek (in Lower Tension), Sulak, Samur and Kuma are used for irrigation and hydropower. On the plain, large areas are engaged in fertile black earth and dark chestnut soils favorable for farming. More than 60% of the lands are on the slopes of the mountains. In the mountains, valuable tree species are growing - oak, beech, ram. Forest area is insignificant - only 8% of the territory.

Agricultural land in Dagestan make up 66% of the total area (3.37 million hectares), of which the pastures are 70% (2.6 million hectares), and Pashnya is only 15% (527 thousand hectares). The rest isgery, perennial plantings. The share of plain lands accounts for 46% of all farmland, more than 60% of natural feed land are concentrated here for the autumn-winter content of sheep distilled from mountain areas. The foothill and mountain zone occupy over 3 million hectares. On one resident of Dagestan now accounts for 9.32 hectares of arable land, which is three times less than an average of Russia.

In general, the lack of convenient land Square (not only agricultural purposes) - the acute problem of Dagestan. In connection with the intensive resettlement of mountainous districts on the plain, there are almost no free areas in its rural zone. This often causes contradictions and even conflicts between the residents of the Caspian lowland and mountaineers.

An important resource of Dagestan - the Caspian Sea is the greatest of the closed water bodies of the planet. The coastline within the republic reaches 360 km away - from the mouth of the r. Kuma to southern borders with Azerbaijan. The shelf zone is actively used for industrial fisheries. Caspian salmon is recognized as the best in the world; There are also five types of Oceed fish: sturgeon, seven, beluga, spike and sterle. The sea gives 9/10 global mining of black caviar.

The natural and climatic conditions of Dagestan are extremely favorable for gardening, viticulture, vegetable growing, as well as for the development of sanatorium-resort treatment, recreation and tourism.

Main Minerals: Oil, Gas, Gas Condensate, Diverse Mineral construction Materials (Quartz sand, clay, plaster, mergel, limestone, dolomites, etc.), rhinestone, facing stones.

Of the ore minerals that do not have an industrial value, the copper-pragged deposit in Kizil-Dere (in the south, in the mountains) with copper reserves of more than 1 million tons, zinc - 25 thousand tons, sulfur - 14 million tons. The Keyszaleina "Blue Stones" deposit (Cellin - Mineral Strontica) in Sergocaline district was revealed and pre-explored. Stronging oxide reserves in the field are estimated at 94 thousand tons.

There are stocks of molding sands for metallurgy - Ekibulak deposit - 57 million tons. Sands are also suitable as glass raw materials.

It should be emphasized that within the North Caucasus, Dagestan is a region with the least industrially mastered mineral resource base. Until now, various building materials and other types of products are also brought to the republic from the side, the production of which could be established in place from their own raw materials, but subject to the best development of existing deposits. Make it, however, is difficult due to the fact that many deposits are located in highland areas and are distant from the main consumers.

Oil has the greatest industrial significance. Currently, about 360 thousand tons of oil (along with gas condensate) and 670 million cubic meters are mined in the republic. M Gas per year (1998). Dagestan accounts for only 0.12% of all-Russian oil production. Oil production from year to year decreases, many wells are conserved due to their development.

Great prospects in the development of the oil and gas industry are related to the industrial reserves of oil and gas in Aqua Torii of the Caspian Sea, as well as in the 10-mile zone of the Caspian Sea. Forecasts regarding oil and gas production in flat and foothill Dagestan are also quite optimistic.

Currently, reconnaissance of the largest gas field in the North Cav Case is being conducted. Now about 70% of gas consumed in Dagestan is provided at the expense of its own resources, and last years Its production is increasing. It is planned that by 2005 the RD will completely switch to independent gas supply.

Petroleum resources of the shelf zone are of particular importance: at the current stage of geological study, total oil reserves on the Dagestan shelf of the Caspian Sea, according to various estimates, are from 130 to 500 million tons. On the basis of the competition for subsoil use on the territory of the 10-mile RD shelf zone The winning companies are defined, which is given to this right for 25 years: Geothermneftegaz and the Caspian Consortium, which includes Dagneft JSC, the Canadian company "Konargo" and Caspian-2 CJSC.

According to the reserves of hydroenergoresurs, Dagestan ranks first in the North Caucasus, but the use of this potential is only about 20%.

Of particular value are also recreational resources Region. Numerous mineral springs and dirt combined with a healing climate, beautiful landscape and warm sea create excellent conditions for recreation and treatment. Much fame: the resort "Talgi", located in a mountain valley with hydrogen sulfide healing sources; Sanatorium "Caspian", where the diseases of the movement organs and nervous system with the help of iodisto-bromine brine from the local source; Sanatorium "Kajant", specializing in the treatment of diseases of the organs of movement and skin diseases with the help of therapeutic peat mud from a unique local lake.

Numerous reserves of geothermal waters were found in the republic, but they are poorly mastered: this resource potential Just a quarter. Thermal waters mined from depths are 1-1.5 km, serve today for heating and hot water of Makhachkala, Election, Kizlyar, a number of towns.

One of the most picturesque republics of the Russian Federation is Dagestan. This name appeared in the seventeenth century and means "Country Mountains". This is the land of nature reserves, an area of \u200b\u200bamazing nature.

Diverse Dagestan

The geographical location of the high mountain Dagestan is the northeast slope of the Caucasus and the South-West is the most southern European part of Russia. Length length - 400 km from north to south. Latitude is about 200 km. Caspian Sea lines stretch out 530 km. The border of the republic is two (in the north) and Samur (in the south). The population is heterogeneous and consists of many nationalities.

The territory itself is divided into three parts, the natural characteristics of which are very different from each other. 51% of the entire republic occupies lowland. Northwestern and southeastern ridges, which are separated by depressions and valleys, occupy 12% and are called the foothill. Alpine Dagestan is 37% of the republic. Mountain Territory - the transition from large plateau to narrow vertices that reach 2500 meters.

Dagestan Arc

Almost half of the republic - it is worth noting that most of the high-lived meadow type. There are more than 30 vertices that crossed the frontier of 4000 meters. And dozens of mountains, whose metrarh is barely reaching this mark. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe mountains is 25.5 thousand km². Therefore, the average height of the republic is 960 meters above sea level. The highest mountain is basalwind, its height is 4466 m.

Breed, the base of the mountains, clearly divided by regions. Most often there are black and dolomied and alkaline limestone, sandstones. Snow ridge, Bogos and Shalib is a slate.

The foothills with a length of 225 km is cut into the transverse ridge, thus forming a stone wall, which wures the inner alpine dagestan. It is there that is the biggest influx of guests and travelers.

Dagestan's tourist routes pass through the mountains, which are the decoration of the edge. Coloring peaks, picturesque ridges, mesh of mountain streams and passes of all levels of difficulty - the main places of pilgrimage for adventurers.

Mounthene zone

The climate of the republic depends on the soil zone. The territory where it is more than 1000 meters - mountainous. Such a terrain takes about 40% of the entire territory of the republic. Despite the difference in the surface, the climate can be attributed to moderately continental.

Alpine Dagestan is characterized by astounding temperature differences in comparison with lowland. At an altitude of 3000 meters, the temperature during the year does not rise above 0 ° C. The coldest month is January, its indicator fluctuates from -4 ° C to -7 ° C. Snow is a bit, but it can cover the Earth throughout the year. Warm month - August. Summer on tops cold, but warm in the valleys.

Precipitation uneven. From May to July, the bulk of rains falls. Frequency clouds are often held. Shni can be delayed for several weeks. The precipitate fill the rivers, and they demolish the bridges and blur the trails.

River system

The relief of alpine Dagestan contributed to the occurrence of a thick grid of rivers. On the area of \u200b\u200b50,270 km² proceeds about 6255 rivers. But it is worth noting that most of them have a length of over 10 km. Alpine Dagestan gave the beginning of the two largest rivers of the republic. Sulac escapes from the mountains in the north, and Samur - in the south.

Different nations previously called Sulac "Sheep Water" or "Swimming". Her length is 169 km. This is the owner of the largest canyon in Russia. Its length is about 50 km. Maximum depth - 1920 meters. Samur was previously known as the "River Chveher". This is the second river Dagestan. Its length is 213 km.

In total, 92% of all rivers are mountainous, the remaining 8% flows on lowlands and in the foothill area. The flow rate on average is 1-2 m / s. In the flood, the speed is enhanced. Required rivers predominantly melt water. The exception is the Gulgery River.

Each of the rivers belongs to the Caspian basin, but only 20 of them fall into the sea. Delates are formed before the Caspian, which annually change their destinations.

Wealth of the mountain region

Dagestan is divided into three geographical belts, each of which has its own characteristics.

Foothills - the place of chestnut and mining soils. On wide plateau and slopes there is a mountain black soil. There are steppe, forest and meadow mountain lands.

Lowlands are used in agricultural purposes. Highland is replete with forest plantings (more than 10% of them). The forest makes oaks. In the southern regions, a purely beech-grab forest. In the inner area there are birch and pines. Plateau pastures for Otar. The poorest part of the mountains is the top. Only cold-resistant moss and lichens survive there.

The wildlife of alpine Dagestan is unique. Dagestan tour, noble Caucasian deer, roe deer, a rayoar goat live on this territory, there are leopards. Many researchers are affected by the world of birds. Ulary, Keklik, Alpine daws and eagles consider high-lived the best place to live.

Ecology and Nature Protection

The pride of the edge - reserves and natural parks. Every year more and more territories are under the protection of the state. The richness of the Earth needs protection and care. Save the uniqueness of flora and fauna - the main task of the current government.

But today there are serious ecological problems Alpine Dagestan. The largest - dirty sources of drinking water. Human harm brings human activity. Once clean rivers drown in grief household waste. No less harm bring thefts of minerals and cutting down. Air pollute plants and factories. The garbage disposal system is poorly established.

The greatest danger to these magnificent places is the negligence attitude of local residents to nature. Do not forget that the whole Dagestan is located in the mountain area. The disorderly cutting of the forest leads to the fact that the slopes are destroyed. Every year the erosion process is only enhanced. Therefore, the country can soon change its appearance or disappear at all.

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