Insurance company in the suburb of Hartford CONNECTICUT. Attractions HartfordTurgid on attractions


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To: settlements based in 1635


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Welcome to the United States of America!


Full title: Hartsville (Hartford)
Year of foundation:1635
Population (with surroundings): 1200 thousand people

Hartford is located in the northeastern part of the United States and is the capital. It is located on the banks of the Connecticut River in the district of the same name. The population of the city is more than one hundred and twenty-five thousand people, making it the second in the state (after) in terms of population, if we consider the population all agglomerations then the number exceeds a million people.

Dutch settlement called Fort Good Hope It appeared on the site of the merger of the River Park and Connecticut for another one thousand six hundred and twenty-third year. Thirty-one, the inhabitants left him. The first British settlers appeared here in the thirty-fifth year of the same century. Initially, they called their settlement Newton, but in less than two years he was renamed Hartford. Most likely, this name happened from the name of the English Hartford. In one thousand eight hundred and fifteenth year, a collection of new England delegations was gathering about separation from the United States.

Photo Hartford

For some time, the city was the center of Abolitionism. At the eighty-first year of the last century, Termen L. Milner becomes the first African American Mayor of Hartford and the First African American in this position in all New England. Six years later, the first African American in the position of the mayor of the city - Carrie Sexon Perry appears here.

Nowadays, many people working at the city's enterprises are moving to his suburbs, for example, to Farmington.

In the vicinity of the city is one of the centers of the country's aviation industry. A number of headquarters of eminent companies employed in this business ("United Technologies Corporation", Pratt & Whitney America and others are located in Hartford and its suburbs.

Around Hartford and neighboring Springfield focused a huge amount educational institutions - More than twenty six universities and colleges. According to this indicator, the city ranks second in all New England.

There is a large railway station with which you can easily get to many cities of the country, for example, to Boston, New York or Washington. In Hartford, there are a number of intracity routes, as well as even a free route by the business of the city.

In this city was born and grown Mark Twain. His three-storey mansion, built in the second half of the nineteenth century, remembers the times of writing the most famous works of this author.

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Guide by Hartford.

Interesting places and facts about the city of Hartford in the USA

One of the few American cities having really low story. It was founded by his Dutch colonists in the first half of the XVII century. The place was not chosen by chance: it merges here in one river Park and Connecticut. A dozen years later, settlers from England, renamed the Netherlands Fort of Good Hope to Newton, and a couple of years in Hartford. What happened to the Dutch - the story is silent.In 1815, the congress of representatives of New England was gathered in Hartford with the question: Doco Metropolia, I do not ask us, will be taxes to raise? Raised the topic of separation from the United States, but not passed. From here, with the filing of the next Christian sect of Quakers, the movement of slavery began.Slavery was canceled, only now only 15% of the white population lives in the city, the rest of the suburbs, although the heavy industry, a poisoning atmosphere, is not so much here. The bulk of the inhabitants - Puertoricans, the following numerous group - African Americans (negroes in our opinion).

Attractions Hartford, decent visits

The main local attraction of a global scale is Mark Twain, who lived in the city for almost 20 years. In this three-story Victorian building, the Great Writer created the most famous novels: "Prince and Beggar", "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Yankees at the court of King Arthur" and others. After his death, the building was given under residential house, then under school, and later the library appeared. Only in 1962, the house recognized the national domain of the United States. Now this is a museum in which local guides will enjoy tourists about the difficult life of Samuel Clemens.

Be sure to go to Wadsworth ATHENEUM MUSEUM OF ART - Museum of Arts. Beautiful collection of works by the Masters of the Renaissance era and modernity. Many painting, sculptures, old furniture and other things. Periodically conduct thematic exhibitions, where guides will tell about interesting eventsrelated to those or other art objects.Connecticut Capitol, located in Hartford, is interesting outside and inside. A very beautiful building similar to an ancient European castle, crosses a round tower and a gilded dome with a spire. Architecturally resembles classicism, although there are elements of neootics. Inside the collected a good collection of sculptures, Indian folk musical instruments, but the genuine pride of the Capitol is a collection of combat signs of a Connecticut infantry regiment, which covered himself offended by glory in time Civil War.


The best place in Hartford to visit with children is a Connecticut Scientific Center, an analogue of Einstein Museums common in Russia. Adults themselves turn into children here. An interactive exposure from which it is simply impossible to tip out. In addition to the stuffed dinosaurs and Neil Armstrong (or someone else, but still on the moon), many attractions, acquainting people with basic laws of physics. Collect the electrical chain, conduct entertaining experiments with various elements - all this is available to adults and children. It is worthwhile kopecks, but the pleasure is incredible. Words do not describe, better visit themselves.

Salute is considered to be the best restaurant Hartford. Served in it dishes mainly italian cuisineAlthough there is a large selection of typically American fast food and steaks. Also in the menu there are seafood and fish in different types. Service good, polite waiters, and if you celebrate some holiday, then you can congratulate you personally, the owner of the restaurant can be out. A good selection of snacks to the guilt, like the wines themselves, a lot of cocktails for every taste, sweet desserts. Prices are not atomic, but rather high, which is compensated by a really high-quality meal and service. "Capital grill" is a rattling mixture of a restaurant and steak house. The steaks are present any: meat, chicken, fish. Portions are big, so do not order a lot. Many salads from vegetables, fruit and meat, sufficient selection of alcohol. Sommelier will always advise good wine, and with beer, you can figure it out. The service is just impeccable, the atmosphere is very calm, without too much noise.

And English. And then became one of the first American states that separated from the UK, putting the beginning of a new independent state. In the history of the United States, its meaning is invaluable. Let's find out about it in more detail.


Connecticut in the United States refers to the New England region. It is located on the northeast coast of the country surrounded by New York, Rhode Island and in the south is washed by the Long Island Strait.

Its dimensions are very modest. With an area of \u200b\u200b14,357 square kilometers, he ranks 48th among the American states, being one of the smallest. But even in such a small territory there are many contrasts.

In the south-west Connecticut is the main part of the cities. There are gray industrial areas, and elite mansions at the coast itself. In the north more space and greenery. In this area there are small towns surrounded by agricultural land and forests.

Connecticut state nature is presented mainly by hilly plains. In the East, the same river proceeds - the largest in all new England. It crosses the ridge of low rocks (up to 300 meters) Metacheet.

In the northwestern part of the state there are sings of Appalachi Berkshire Hills. This is one of the most popular Connecticut tourist places. Mountains are covered with thick forests, where Oaks grow, American nuts, malls, beech, etc. River are growing, and so on. Through the River Husatonik, the valleys of which are littered with lakes.


Before the arrival of the colonists, the territory of Connecticut was inhabited by the tribes of the Indians of Beckoth and Moheganov. From their languages \u200b\u200band the name of the river occurred, and then the name of the state itself, which is translated as a "long river".

In 1611, the Dutch arrived here. They built the "Fort of Hope" and traded with local Indians. Until the 60s, part of the territory was in the colony of the new Netherlands. In the meantime, the British expanded their influence on the continent. In 1633, they arrived here from Massachusetts and organized the colony of the Seibruk, and then the colony of Connecticut.

The British began a war with the Pekot Indians and practically destroyed them. In 1643, Seibruk, Connecticut, Plymouth and a few more neighboring colonies organized the association New England, having received self-government. In 1664, Dutch lands joined them.

Later, the colonists have come a restless period. At first they entered the battle with the Indians, completely defeating them. Then, in the 1980s, the United Kingdom presented their rights to the colony. The revolution began, during which in 1689 the region again received independence.

Staff of the Constitution

The "Staff of the Constitution" is the official nickname state of Connecticut. It all started with the clergyman of Thomas Hooker. He possessed an outstanding gift of the speaker and arrived in the city of Hartford in the "Colony on the River" to read his sermons.

Hooker quickly became one of the main local activists, entered the conflict with the official British Church, and the government himself. The preacher believed that her inhabitants should be managed in the colony, and not England. It is they who must establish the laws, elect officials and judges.

Together with John Heanes and Roger Ladlow in 1639, they compiled a document "Basic laws of Connecticut". It contained provisions on the procedure of local government, election and appointment of posts. The independence of the colony, and then the state of Connecticut was achieved thanks to Hukeru and his comrades. The document became the first constitution in the history of America, why the state and received his nickname.


The staff of Connecticut inhabits about 3.6 million people. On the density of the settlement, which makes up 285 people per square kilometer, it ranks fourth in the USA. The largest city is Bridgport with a population of 145 thousand people. Other major cities: New Haven, Stamford, Watterbury, Hartford.

The state population is heterogeneously. According to racial composition, most residents are white (77%), Latin Americans are 13%, black - 10%, Asians - 3%. Less than one percent comes from Indians and residents of the Hawaiian Islands.

In the ethnic plan, too, the film is also observed. About 19% of the population by origin are Italians, almost 18% of people - Irish, the British - 10.7%, Germans -10.4%. In addition, indigenous Poles live in the state - 8.6%, French -3%, French-speaking Canadians - 6%, etc. Americans make up only 2.7%.

Christianity (70%) and Protestantism (28%) are the most common religious denominations. There are also Baptists, Evangelicals, Catholics, Lutherans, Mormons, Jews, Hinduses, Buddhists, Muslims, and so on among the population.


Hartford - the largest city and the capital of Connecticut. At his place arose one of the first english colonies In the state, first called Newton. In 1815, Hartford became the center for the abolition of slavery.

The city is located in the northeastern part of the state, on the West Bank of the Connecticut River. The date of its foundation is considered to be 1635, and he received the status of the city in 1784. 125 thousand people live in it. This is an industrial settlement, which still has an important industrial importance for New England and the United States as a whole.

The main attraction of the city of Hartford is a house-museum of a famous writer Mark Twain. The building is built in a neo-style style (Victorian Gothic). The writer lived in it seventeen years old, from 1874 to 1891. Here he wrote the "adventures of Tom Sawyer", "Prince and Beggaching", "Adventures of Geclberry Finn" and other works.

Hartford is an American city, which is the capital of Connecticut. The city is located in the northeastern part of the United States of America, in Hartford County, on the coast of the Connecticut River. In the city with a total area of \u200b\u200b44.8 square meters. CM lives about 125 thousand inhabitants.

From a long time on the shores of the Connecticut River, where the suburbs of Hartford are located today, settled settlements of the Indian tribe subagree.
Dutch navigators who committed their hiking up the Connecticut River became the first Europeans who visited these places. They started to master the local land, expecting trade with the tribes of the Indians. The Dutch settlement of the Fort of Good Hope settled at the site of the merger of two rivers - Connecticut and Park - back in 1623. In 1635, the first British settlement appeared here, called Hartford. In 1815, the Delegation of New England was gathered in Hartford, the decisive issue of separation from the United States of America. After some time, Hartford became the center of abolitionism.

Already by 1700, the village turned into a major river port, which served commodity exchanges between Britain, North America, Far East and West India. In 1784, Hartford was assigned the status of the city. After 10 years, the first insured company in the country was opened in the city.

In the second half of the twentieth century The population of the city began to decline rapidly, the white inhabitants moved to the suburbs, and their place was occupied by African Americans and migrants from Latin America. Today Hartford is proud of the "Insurance Capital of the World", since it is here that most of major insurance companies are placed here. The city is very well developed radio-electronic, aviation and military industry, colleges and universities operate.

Hartford - interesting and beautiful city, attracting every year a huge number of tourists. The real pearl and the most beautiful building of this city is the Connecticut Capitol, where the state administration is located. The construction of the first government house was completed in 1792-1796. However, the building did not suit any local residents or the state administration. That is why in 1872 the construction of a new capitol began, the author of which was the architect Richard Apecion. The construction was completed in 1879. Located in the Memorial Park Bushnell, a new capitol in 1972, assigned the status of a national historical architectural monument.

Bushnell Park is the heart of Hartford and a favorite place of rest of the local residents. On the territory of the park there is a Gallery of the Pamp House with the works of modern artists. In the northern part of the urban park, Bushnell can be seen erected memorial in memory of the soldiers and sailors who fought during the civil war.

One of the main architectural attractions of Hartford is considered erected in 1874 in the Victorian style of a three-storey house, in which from 1874 to 1891. He lived the famous writer Mark Twain.

Among the cultural institutions of the city is worth noting the oldest public art museum of the country - Museum visual arts "Wedsworth Ateneum", opened in 1844, Museum Mark Tweed and Science Center American state Connecticut with an extensive collection of interactive and ordinary expositions, which will be interesting not only to adults, but also for children.

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