Testing. Don Cossacks Test on the topic

purpose. Mastering the children of senior preschool and junior school age Norms and rules of vital activity based on the acquisition to the historically established traditional culture of the Don region, by familiarizing with the cultural and historical heritage of the Don Cossacks.

The regional component is part of the educational program formed by participants in educational relations.

The test was developed on the basis of pedagogical experience on the introduction of senior preschoolers to the cultural and historical heritage of the native land.

The grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the legendary Don Cossacks love and respect their native land. Love of a small child - a preschooler to his homeland begins with the relationship to the most close people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, with love for their people, house, street on which he lives, kindergarten, village., CITY. So that the children knew their history, read our holidays, knew the customs and traditions of their ancestors, in educational activities OUR kindergarten Practice to play games in which the previous Cossacks played and the celebration of old Russian holidays in the Cossack spirit. Classes (NOD) are also held, designed to educate patriotism.

Integration of educational areas:"Cognitive development" (the formation of consciousness, the formation of primary ideas about the lowland and fatherland, on the sociocultural values \u200b\u200bof our people, domestic traditions), "artistic development" (the perception of music), " Speech development"(Enrichment of the active dictionary; the development of a connected, grammatically correct dialogic and monologic speech; familiarity with the book culture, children's literature, an understanding of the hearing of the texts of various genres of children's literature)," Social and communicative development "(development of the skills of communication and the interaction of the child with adults and peers, social and emotional intelligence; the formation of a valid relationship and feelings of belonging to their family and to the society of children and adults; The assimilation of the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society).

Choose the correct answer from the proposed options.

(25 questions, 4 answer options)

There is no most painful homeland of our

Bloach medium fields wide

Here it is pouring! .. Hello Don!

From your distant sons

I brought you a bow.

As a famous brother,

Rivers know the quiet don;

From Araks and Euphrates

I brought you a bow.

v 1. So greeted the Don region famous poet -

a) A. S. Pushkin;

b) M. Yu. Lermontov;

c) S. A. Yesenin;

d) S. V. Mikhalkov

v 2. For a long time on immense, endless steppe spaces, there were no permanent settlements to the Cossacks. In the summer, hot winds were walled in the steppe - Sukhovy, in winter, the evil blizzards were dried up and snow vortices were spinning. There were wild goats, hares, foxes, wild boars. These lands were called:

a) Field of Miracles;

b) wild field;

c) field-pole;

d) steppe yes steppe

v 3. The major Cossack settlements were called:

a) village;

b) Stanny;

c) settlement;

d) Capital

v 4. The Cossacks were built on a high foundation "two-story". During the spills of the "First Floor" rivers, the stone, poured with water, and the second, wooden - residential, remained dry. Cossacks said that "it is necessary to live in a tree, but to store the supplies in stone." Such a Cossack house was called:

c) smiling;

d) Chicken coop

v 5. Walls of Cossack houses were stained in bright colors, which:

a) Lazorian;

b) green;

c) red;

Where the Cossack, there and Glory.

v 1. Cossack is a person who:

a. Graze a flock of goats;

b. Really likes a kids;

c. Mowing grass;

d. Free man;

v 2. Cossacks unquestionedly obeyed their leader, whom they chose from the respected and worthy stands. "Whereas are ours (... ..) Shorts up, we go there our heads and throw!" - said Cossacks and went into the fire and in the water at their supreme leader. It:

a) Captain;

b) Ataman;

c) president;

d) deputy

a) Bulava;

b) praise;

d) Boomerang

v 4. Don Cossacks We had a stamp with the image of this animal affected by an arrow. Animal - symbol of freedom of Don Cossacks. What animal was depicted on the press of the Don Troops?

a) free deer;

b) wild wolf;

c) brown bear;

d) polar bear

v 5. Cossacks loved, proud and carefully treated their weapons. The weapon in the house was hung on the honorable place. Traditional Cossack weapons were:

a. Saber (checker);

b. Machine;

d. Blaster

v 6. The horse played a special role in the Cossack Life. "Cossack without a horse that soldier without a rifle." Chose the Cossacks for the service of strong, hardy, faithful horses. Horses differ not only in the rocks, but also by masters, that is, in color. What kind of horses do not happen:

a. Voronea;

c. Ocea;

d. Blonde

v 7. All Cossack Stops have been supplied with two steering wheels - from the nose and from the stern so as not to waste time at full turn. Flips were mounted small guns, very spectacular in melee. Each Cossack Struga accommodated 60-100 fighters. Strongs - what is it:

a) Tachacani;

b) machines;

Cossacks and Cossacks

v 1. A dense cape, covered from the cold, rain and bad weather and the shoulders of the Cossack called:

a) Hood;

b) Bashchka;

d) Palantine

v 2. Color strip on the trouser seam - the symbol of Cossack independence, indicated the belonging to the Cossack class. It was called:

b) lampas;

c) pampas;

v 3. Traditional Cossack clothing:

a) caftan, zipun, pants with lamps;

b) pants, shirt, tie;

c) fur coat, armor hat, boots;

d) jacket, jeans, sneakers

v 4. Part women's clothing Was cubal which was fastened next to expensive silver with the gilding of buttons, loops were sewed from the golden and silver cord. There was another row of buttons, large in magnitude, gold or pearls. Rich Cossacks wore cubal From brocade, simple Cossacks are from black cloth. What is it:

a. Sarafan;

b. Dress;

c. Coat;

Cossack need to be born

v 1. The birth of a boy was a big holiday for the whole family. Relatives and Stannikniki congratulated their parents with the Cossack and gave gifts. What did they give a little Cossack?

a. Saber, bullet, onion;

b. Toys;

c. Sweets;

d. Clothes.

v 2. The first landing on the horse is an old Cossack custom. Sitting the father of Cossack on the horse and watches: it will fall or pay - bitter his fateful, and how to grab the mane -

a. Of all the battles will live alive;

b. Beautiful will be;

c. Will sing well and dance;

d. Fulfill all his desires

v 3. From the earliest childhood, the Cossacks won their children to horses. Taught horseback riding, care horse. Three-year-old children have already traveled a horse around the yard. And on the steppe scakali -

a. five years;

b. in seven years;

c. in ten years;

d. in twelve years

v 4. The boys at the Don Cossacks were brought up as:

a. Defenders of native Don and Mother of Russia;

b. Talented musicians and poets;

c. Athletes;

d. Merry Stanniknikov

v 5. From the very birth, the girl-the Cossack was accustomed to work and needlework. Girls began to work from an early age. Education of the girl -Camecache was to grow -

a. Good, skillful mistress;

b. Beautiful girl;

c. Merffitsa - Beauty;

d. Girl - Hochotushka

v 6. "Who lives in joy, that turn is nemet!". The Games of Kazakhat developed a smelter, resourcefulness, the speed of the reaction, were taught to be agile and brave. What games were Cossack:

a. "Mac", "Teter", "Koni";

b. "Mikhasik", "Mill", "Geese fly";

c. "Timerbay", "Interceptors", "clappers"

d. "Cayur and Dogs", "Deer and Shepherds", "Ltinka, Wind and Frost"

Cossack merits himself

v 1. Cossacks very much loved fairy tales and legends. They were told to children to teach them native language and traditions, give ideas about good and evil. The fairy tales of the famous Don Writer Peter Lebedenko are created based on the old Cossack legends and legends. They're called -

a. Tales Don - Batyushki;

b. Tales of grandmother Aksigni;

c. Fairy tales of quiet don;

d. Tales Mother - Cossacks

v 2. In the Cossack songs, the life of the people, his story for many centuries is reflected, real events and people are mentioned, talks about the relationship to man, nature, the native land, the military exploits of the Cossacks are glorified. Most often in the songs of the Cossacks there are the following artistic images:

a. Horse, don, steppe, native kart;

b. Sea, ships, waves;

c. Deer, Tundra, Moss, Northern Lights;

d. Mountains, Rocks, Baran, Aul

v 3. Cossacks do not just sing the songs they "play". In a fun, game, perky, Cossack song "The bee", which adults and children sing and swim about the girl - Cossack -

a. LOOK;

b. Katerina;

c. Axinho;

d. Akulin

Answers to tasks

There is no most beautiful Motherland of our 1A; 2b; 3b; 4C; 5a, b.

Where the Cossack, there and Glory 1D; 2b; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6D; 7c.

Cossacks and Cossacks 1B; 2b; 3a; 4b.

The Cossack needs to be born 1A; 2a; 3a; 4a; 5a; 6A.

Cossack himself fun 1C; 2a; 3A.

Literature used in the development of test

1. Astapenko M. P. History and traditions of the Don Cossacks - Rostov-on-Don: Baro-press publishing house, 2011;

2. Donovanology - Rostov-on-Don: Baro press publishing house, 2013;

3. The introduction of senior preschoolers to the traditions of the native land: program, abstracts, classes / Avt-Sost. O. Timofeeva (et al.) - Volgograd: Teacher, 2015;

4. Journey to the history and culture of the Don Region. Workbook For senior preschoolers, teachers dough and parents. Chumicheva R. M., Vededov O. L. Platauchina N. A. - Rostov-on-Don: Typography "Synthesis of Technologies", 2007.

Appendix No. 5 Intellectual game for students of the 10th - 11th grades "Welcome to the world of literature about Cossacks"
Appendix No. 7 From the experience of the work of the Quiz "The history of the Cossacks in matters and answers"
Appendix №8 Class hour "Wonderful face, thoughtfully-sad ...", dedicated to the icon of the Don Lady of God
Appendix No. 1 We serve to Fatherland! Honor we have! Code of honor of the Russian cadet. Truthful and Chestin
Appendix number 10 Management structure of the Cadet Corps "Victoria"
Order No. 340 from 06. 09. 2008 Regulations on the Cadet Cossack Classes of MOU "Secondary school №19 with an in-depth study of individual subjects" General
Appendix No. 4 Annex to work programs on the history of Russia 6 - 11 classes. Explanatory note
Appendix No. 6.
Babenko Ruslan Vladimirovich, Pedagogue of additional education; Sharapov Nikolai Fedorovich, teacher-organizer MOU "SOSH №19 with WEOP" Stary Oskol 2010 Additional educational program
School program "Fatherland. Debt. Honor" basis for program development
Appendix No. 7.

Quiz "Cossack history in matters and answers"

Purpose: upbringing patriotism, feelings of national pride for the tight feats of the ancestors; Formation of student interest in the history of the Cossacks.


  • expand the knowledge of students about the history of the Cossacks and its role in the history of our region;

  • continue the formation of general educational intelligent skills independent work from historical sources (identification of causal relationships, analysis and generalization, critical perception and processing of information);

  • Promoting professional self-determination Cadet, encouraging them to further education and self-education.
Equipment: Maps by history Russia XVI. - XX centuries, multimedia presentation "Cossacks - famous people Russia.

Participants: Learning 9-11 classes

Quiz questions

  1. What does the word Cossack mean? In a narrow sense - a hired worker. In a wide - free person who has encouraged military service in border areas Russian state.

  2. What was the name of the Cossack house? Kunny.

  3. What faith live Cossacks? Orthodoxy.

  4. Birth of which child was a special joy for a family? Boy. If a boy was born, then it was considered a profit, endowed land plotAnd the birth of the girl was considered a loss, and the girl was a ruler.

  5. As a man recognized paternity? Born baby put on his father's shirt on the threshold of the house, and a man in the presence of members of a kind or took a child, as recognition of her fatherhood, or crossed, demonstrating refusal.

  6. Who and how did the fate of the one-year-old boy? In the year God's godfather, the boy on a horse on a silk handkerchief and spent three times around the church. If he grabbed the mane, to be the Cossack, it will pay it - the Cossack will not be, but will fall - to be killed in battle. This godfather kept held in secret.

  7. What time did the boy go to the men's half at home? It happened in seven years.

  8. How did the custom of the transition of a boy on the men's half at home?
The boy took a bed with him, and the older brothers checked what he carries. If they found a feather and pillow, then forced it to leave it to women. From this time, the boy's preparation began to harsh men's life: it was necessary to sleep on the mattress and without a pillow.

  1. From what time the Casachechnok became a defender of the family? When the Cossack was 7 years old, he became a defender of the family. Leaning out of the house, his father always punished sons to bother women and defended the house. The family tried to support this role to educate this defender.

  2. What tests passed the Cossack?
Cossacks were tested for agility, strength, ability to own an ax and military courage.

  1. Would the Cossacks wore wedding rings?
Cossacks have always had wedding rings, but they never worn them. Rings were kept or in Laneank, or in kyota nominal icon.

  1. What ritual subject was to make the Cossack in his life?
Such a ritual subject was a spreader, decorated with a thread or an overlap pattern. Shine Cossack gave mother, sister, bride.

  1. Who had the right in the house cut bread? Only a man had the right to cut bread, and the oldest at the table. Children - boys began to cut bread from 7 years.

  2. Who first had the right to eat during meals? Only a man - grandfather or husband - could first start eating at the table.

  3. What hung over the door to the bedroom? Over the door to the bedroom hung a saber or a chamber's checker as a wubble from evil.

  4. Where was the incision at the sphere? Kosoporotka was cut on the right side, away from the heart, so that no one's head in the men's heart.

  5. How many years Cossack served in the troops? The service began with 18 years. Total served 20 years. The first 4 years served in the preparatory detachment in their village, then 4 years - the actual military service on the protection of the frontiers of Russia. The Cossack was then annually on monthly military fees. Then - every four years. The last four years was in the spare detachment.

  6. What role in the Cossack's life playing a hustochka? A hustochka is a scarf size with a male nasal, embroidered with ritual embroidery. A hustochka gave the Cossack, who went to the service, a favorite woman as a sign that he loved and waiting in his native village. Her killed Cossack was told on the cross grave.

  7. What meant a checker for the Cossack? She was a symbol of all the fullness of rights from the Cossack, as well as possessing them with a mutual land. Amented Cossack at 17 years old without a treaty.

  8. Why did the Cossack church bend in the church? At the time of the hearing the gospel, the checker was held half, what meant the readiness of the Cossack to defend Christianity?

  9. When did the Cossack shot the header? During prayer, oath and performances on the Cossack circle. The hat, shot down from the head, was a challenge to a duel. A checker and cap Cossack could only lose with his head.

  10. What kind of symbolic value for the Cossack had a bolk? Depending on how the Balyk was tied, it was possible to know the age of Cossack (tied to the chest meant that the Cossack served urgent service). In addition, crossed on the chest Bolyuk meant that the Cossack should be in the case, and abandoned behind his back, that he rests.

  11. Why did the Cossacks wear earrings? Earrings mean a place in the family. One son at the mother - an earring in the left ear; Last in the family (no heirs on the men's line) - Earring in the right ear; Two earrings - the only child from the parents. The commander with the equal to the left and to the right saw whom to take care of battle.

  12. What did the lamps mean Cossacks? It has the importance of belonging to the Cossack class, and in color - to the army. He became a symbol of freedom from all types of government payments, symbol of Cossack independence and national isolation.

  13. List the symbols of the military power that Ataman ended.
Bulawa, Pernast.

  1. What did the Cossack who died behind the faith, the king, fatherland died with a baptizing shirt of the Cossack.
She was dressed only once, then kept all his life. If the Cossack died or disappeared, she was put in the Mother coffin.

  1. How did the grandfather came when he changed a saber to the staff? When the grandfather began to lose his military valor, he changed a saber to the staff. He gave her saber to her senior grandson. The saber became family. If he did not have the heirs in the family, the checker broke down and laid into the coffin of the deceased.

  2. Name Personal Sign Ataman. The medal that was rushed on the neck over the tie and was released on the caftan between its sides. After the end of the time of Athamnia remained for memory.

  3. Who solved the fate of the villagers, Stannikov? Councilstarishin on the Maidan rushed to the staff of the pipahs voted about the fate of Stanniknikov.

  4. When does the term "Ostksky Cossack" appear? According to the discharge book of 1475-1598, the term appears in 1570.

  5. When and why was the Belgorod defensive trait?
The construction was carried out in the period from 1635 to 1653 to protect against the promotion of the Crimean Tatars.

  1. When was the Wolve Trinity (Tsarev-Nikolaevsky) Men's monastery and what role played in this Cossacks?
In 1619. He was built because the Don Cossacks have been held in the Holve settlement, which carried the guard along the defensive trait, and there was no temple here.

  1. What benefits are Moscow authorities for the Cossack and border service?
The right to free exercise of empty lands, the preservation of Cossack self-government, duty-free fishing, getting rid of feeds and duties.

  1. What does the term "Sloboda" mean? The term Sloboda in our district means a settlement associated with the categories of servary people.

  2. What names of the Staroscolsk district are associated with the history of the Cossacks of our region?
Many titles contain the words "Cossack", "Cossack", "Ataman". Sela: Upper-Atamansky, Nizhne-Atamansky. Ataman forest. Cossack Sloboda.

  1. What groups of Cossacks carried the service in Stary Oskol? Country and white.

  2. List the territory in the joining of which to Russian Empire Cossacks participated?
Siberia, North Caucasus, Far East.

  1. Name the names of the famous Cossacks who participated in their development.
Vasily Poyarkov, Semen Dejnev, Vladimir Atlasov, Erofee Khabarov

  1. What are the emperor who created the first Life Guards Cossack Regiment? When did it happen and how was this regiment called?
Catherine II, in 1775, the court-bottom Cossack team.

  1. Name the three inventions of the Cossacks in magnificent artthat you know.
Temory, Gazei, Baklanov

  1. What is the name of the oldest Cossack formation? Zaporizhia Schish, founded in the second half of the 16th century on the territory of the current Ukraine, which was then part of Polish state. In the middle of the 17th century, it entered the Russian Empire.

  2. What is the role of the Cossacks in taking the fortress of the Azov? Cossacks fought on the water, because at the time only they had the experience of marine battles.

  3. What are the famous cossack Atamans And their troops participated together with A.V. Suvorov in the storm Izmail?
M. Platov, V. Orlov, A. Denisov, A. Ilovaysky

  1. What was the name of the famous Cossack, which was both graph and Ataman?
Matvey Ivanovich board.

  1. What famous artist was the Cossack? V.V. Vereshchagin.

  2. Name the names of the Cossacks - leaders of folk speeches.
Kondrati Bulavin, Stepan Razin, Vasily Us, Emelyan Pugachev, Ivan Bolotnikov.

  1. What Cossack generals showed themselves in the First World War?
A. Denikin, N. Yudenich, F.Keller.

  1. How the Cossacks reacted to October revolution 1917? Among the Cossacks there was a split. Most opposed the Soviet power.

  2. What kind of forces joined Cossacks in the Civil War? In the Civil War, the Cossacks were both on the side of the Red and on the side of the White.

  3. Name two well-known "red" Cossack Atamans and two well-known "white".
Red - S. M. Budyanny, Mironov. White - A. I. Denikin, A. V. Kolchak.

  1. How many cavalurist Cossacks received the title of Hero Soviet Union During the Great Patriotic War?
262 cavalry. 7 Cavkorpusov and 17 cavdivias received guards ranks.

  1. Who commanded the Cossack Connection at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War and was he a Cossack?
LM Dovator. He was not the Cossack.

  1. Name the famous pictures dedicated to the empowerment of the Cossacks. I.E. Repin "The Zaporozhets write a letter to the Turkish Sultan," P.Petrovichev "Taking the Fortress of Ismail", V. Vereschkin "Skobeliev under Shipka", V. Surikov "Transition Suvorov through the Alps."

  2. Who is the author of sculptures on the Cossack theme "Sigger", "Reta Cossacks", "Dontchak"?
Konstantin Chernyavsky.

55. What is the famous writer, Nobel laureate, dedicated a significant part of the work of life and the life of the Cossacks. Name his works?

M. A. Sholokhov. "Don Stories", "Silent Don", "Raised Coleno".

  1. When in modern Russia Began the revival of the Cossack?
July 16 1992 - Resolution of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation "On the rehabilitation of the Cossack"; July 3, 2008 - "The Concept of State Policy of the Russian Federation in relation to the Russian Cossacks"; July 3, 2009 - Federal Law "On public service Russian Cossacks. "

  1. What kind of army is the Belgorod branch of the Cossacks?
Central Cossack army.

  1. Who is headed by Belgorod Department of the Central Committee?Ataman Kolochko Gennady Viktorovich; Kosheva Ataman Grigoryan Albert Aramisovich; Head of the headquarters of Tolstoy Andrei Semenovich.
59. Name the ranks of the members of Cossack societies.

a) Cossack, a conjugant, junior ledger, a ledger, a senior ledger - the lower ranks;

b) Junior Wahmistra, Wakhmistra, Senior Wachmistra - Junior Frees;

c) Pokhoruzhiy, Horounzhiy, Sotnik, picked - older ranks;

D) Esaul, the military officer, the Cossack Colonel - the main ranks;

e) Cossack General - Higher Chin.

60. List the main commandments of the Cossack. 1. Honor and good name Cossack more expensive life. 2. Cossacks are all equal in rights: remember: "There is no prince, nor a slave, but all the slaves of God!" 3. You are judged about all the Casuals. 4. Serve right to your people, not leaders. 5. Hold the word. The word Cossack is expensive. 6. Chti Elders, respect old age. 7. Hold on the faith of ancestors, do the customs of your people. 8. Delivery, and comrades will cut out. 9. Be hardworking. Not inactive. 10. Take care of your family and serve as an example.


  1. Seasons. Orthodox folk calendar // in. Sokolovsky. - Perm, 1996. - 123 p.

  2. Zagorovsky V.P. Belgorod Dam. - Voronezh, 1969. - 156 p.

  3. Cossacks in the history of Belgorodchin. - Belgorod, 2010. - 42 p.

  4. Corinthian A. A. People's Rus. - Smolensk, 1995. - 217 p.

  5. Nikulov A. P. Stary Oskol. Kursk, 1997. - 576 p.

  6. Osykov B. I. Belogorier, Blue Dali. - Voronezh, 1977. 132 p.

  7. Talk of the Russian people, collected and, P. Sakharov. - M., 1990. - p.189

Quiz "On Cossacks and Cossacks"

1. The royal governor Ivan Nazhoy with the Prikamsky Cossacks founded on the White Ufa Street River, which served to the beginning of the foundation of the Orenburg troops. Specify the foundation date.

1. In 1574 2. in 1674. 3. 1774. 4. In 1874.

2. In what year followed a decree on the establishment of the Orenburg Cossack troops?

    In 1655 2. In 1755 3. In 1855 4. In 1955

3. This icon is the most revered in the Orenburg Cossacks environment.

1. Icon of the Vladimir Mother of God 2. Icon of the Kazan Mother of God

3. Taby Icon of the Mother of God

4. Born to the Casazonku-Future warrior gave a weapon, bridle and Nagaika (gifts were kept in the family and passed on the on the eve of the adoption of the oath). Then the infant blessed the icon .... Indicate which I was icon

1. Taby icon of the Mother of God 2. Icon of St. George Victory

3. Sedmiizer icon of the Mother of God

5. Orenburg Cossacks celebrated their troops, the so-called military holiday - the day of St. George Victorious -April 23. on old style. Specify the modern date of this holiday.

6. Cossack Atamans made a great contribution to the expansion of the territory of the Russian state. So, Western Siberia He entered into Russia thanks to Ataman

1. Denzhnev 2. Poyarka 3. Ermac 4. Atlasov.

7. Formally in the Russian Empire Ataman of all Cossack troops of the country since 1827

1. Emperor 2. Heir to the throne 3. Military Minister 4. Natural Ataman.

8. Stitsa and villages of the Orenburg troops were located in the territory of 4 modern areas

1.Sverdlovskaya, Perm, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk

2. Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Kurgan, Chelyabinsk

3. Sverdlovsk, Orenburg, Kurgan, Perm

9. Specify from the list of famous Atamans of Russia

1. K. Bulavin 2. M. Boards 3. S. Razin 4. All answers are true

10. Saved the Cossacks - this ... (exclude an extra answer)

1. Cossack Orthodox holiday 2. The art of conducting battle

3. Battle training system 3. Cossack spirit preparation system

11. Characteristics - this

1. Cossacks who have the art of combat, survival and healing (Cossack special forces),

2. Cossacks with a strong character 3. Cossacks Scouts

12. Plastuna is

1. Cossack special forces 2. Cossacks Scouts

3. The books who carried the watchdog and intelligence service

13. Relationship ratio and definition. Types of rescue

1. Presenter 1. Body preparations and health promotion

2. Lyclassified 2. physical training system

3. Fight 3. The assimilation of the concept of the power of the Spirit and Magic

14. How many years left for military training of a young Cossack

1. 5 years 2. 7 years 3. 9 years

15. "Cossack seagulls" is

1. Birds living in Static cities 2. Cossack ships 3. Cossack horses

16. The old Cossacks said: "When the lava in battle - Kickl in front of her lay on the twelve Arshin forward." "Lava" is ....

1. Method of keeping the battle wall on the wall

2. Suddenness when an enemy occurs

3. Temporary retreat

17. Djigitovka is

1. The art of ownership of a checker 2. Art riding on horseback

3. Perform complex exercises with horseback riding

18. Combat Style of Ukrainian Cossacks, uniting shock and wrestling tight equipment with plastic dance - this

1. Combathopak 2. Battle Art 3. Sports 4. Flanking

19. What unites these words "Lava", "Carousel", "curtain", "VENTER" is

    Tactical techniques of the Cossacks in battle 2. Elements of the Cossack Dance 3. The name of the Games Kazakhat

20. Which meansliterally translated from the language of the Don Cossacks The concept of "Shermia"

1. National traditional Cossack games 2. Approximate battles arranged on holidays 3. Cossack competitions 4. Futing Fight 5. Verny All Answers

21. The differences between the various Cossack troops existed between different Cossack troops existed and differences in the color of uniforms, And the lamps with the chains of caps. Sew the color of the Orenburg Cossacks:


Unidir, Cherkesska


Cap (Tula)

Top papa




22. Earrings (in men) - mean his role and place in the family. The commander with the equal to the left and the right saw whom to care in battle. Indicate, as the Cossack earrings wore in 1 and 2 cases.

1. The only Son of Mother

2. Last in the family where there is no heirs of heirs in the male line

Choose an answer 1. One earring in the left ear

2. Earring in the right ear

3. Earrings in both ears

23. RING - Men from the Cossacks, as a rule, the rings did not wear. So it is a female symbolism. Relatives How to wear Cossack rings with signs

    silver ring on the left hand 1. The groom serves

    Golden Ring on the right hand 2. Widow

    Ring with turquoise 3. Girl on grant

    Two golden rings on one finger of the left hand 4. Married

24. Without which the Cossacks did not begin and did not finish any business and eating - even in the field.

1. B.yez prayer 2. No cheeks 3. Without an atman 4. Without bread

25. Insert the missed words.

The checker is the symbol of all completeness (1) ....... At the Cossack. With the loss of power, the old man changes the checker on (2) ... ... in the absence (3) .......... The checker breaks in half and stacked into the coffin.

Answers K.quiz "On Cossacks and Cossacks"
















3- 2







20- 4






3-1 4-2





20. Literally: "fist fight", Donsk. (Mirat). Shermation is "Approximate battles, suitable on the holidays" by the Don Cossacks



Unidir, Cherkesska


Cap, papakh

Stole, top




dark green

light blue

dark green

light blue

light blue

Questions on the history of the Cossacks (in brackets are given the right answers)

  • 1. Name the city conquered by Ermacom. (Isacker)
  • 2. Tell us under what circumstances, according to Legend, Ermak Timofeevich died. (Drowned under the severity of armor, complained king)
  • 3. Since the ancient people occurred Cossacks? What facts confirm this? (Scythians. Warrior clothing, belt and lamps, weapons, combat tricks)
  • 4. List the territory in the joining of which the Cossacks participated in the Russian Empire. (Siberia, North Caucasus, Far East)
  • 5. Name the ruler of Russia, in which the first Lab Guards Cossack Regiment was created. (Catherine 2, 1775, court donskaya Cossack team)
  • 6. What was the name of the Cossack house? (Smiling)
  • 7. What is the difference between the flap from Nagaiki? (The fiftrow the end is broken down, and the end of the nagayki is gossip, and something heavy is sewn into it)
  • 8. How to distinguish the Cossack from Necazak in appearance? (Cossack always carries lamps)
  • 9. What faith was the Cossacks? (Orthodoxy)
  • 10. What kind of clothes the Cossacks borrowed from the Caucasian Highlanders? (Burk and Circus)
  • 11. How did the Cossacks participated in taking the fortress of Azov in 1696? (Cossacks fought on the water, because at the time only they had the experience of marine battles)
  • 12. What famous Cossack Atamans and their troops participated together with A.V. Suvorov in the storming of Ismail? (M. Platonov, V. Oorlov, A. Denis, A.Ilovaiski)
  • 13. What kind of Cossack army was the main severity of war with Napoleon? (On Donskoy)
  • 14. Name the famous Cossack, which was both graph and Ataman. (Matvey Ivanovich Platonov)
  • 15. At what age is the Cossack's son for the first time in the saddle? (At the age of one year)
  • 16. What famous artist was the Cossack? (V.V. Vereshchagin)
  • 17. What Cossack generals distinguished themselves during the First World War? (A. Denikin, N. Yudenich, F.Keller)
  • 18. Who is Nestor Makhno? (An anarchist, organizer of his own troops during the civil war. Not obeyed neither red or white)
  • 19. Name the author of sculptures at the Cossack theme "Epired", "Reta Cossacks", "Dontulk". (Konstantin Chernyavsky).
Sokolovskaya Inna Vladislavovna, teacher - librarian, teacher of the foundations of Orthodox culture MBOU Tatsinskaya School No. 3, teacher Sunday school Church of Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary. Rostov region
Description of the material: I suggest you quiz "We will revive the former glory of the Cossacks in your hearts." Material for compilation literary quiz Historical literature, encyclopedias. Quiz can be used in the history lessons on cool clock 7 - 9 classes. It is possible to use the material in the most diverse form.
Purpose: Knowledge of the origins of culture, history, spirituality, patriotism of the glorious name of the Don Cossacks.
1. Educational: Expand the ideas of children about the Don Cossacks.
2. Educational: develop individual creative abilities of students, figurative and logical thinking, imagination, the ability to think non-standard;
3. Educational: bring up interest in native culture; Expand the horizon of students.
Equipment: Show book

Kohl Kazak Donskoy was born
Cossack soul in you.
Where were you born - it was used there,
Other not looking for fate.
Teach prayers, know the custom,
The culture of the ancestors will study.
Live how your grandfathers lived,
Ataman is not a heart.
After all, little Cossack is born -
They need to be full to become ...

Quiz "In his hearts, we will revive the former glory of the Cossacks"

1. Name Don Atamans XVII - XVIII centuries
- Minaev Frol Minaevich (1680 - 1700)
Bulavin Kondrati Afanasyevich (1708)
Efremov Danila Efremovich (1738 - 1753)
Ilovai Alexey Ivanovich (1775 - 1797)
Plates Matvey Ivanovich (1801 - 1818)
Kuteikov Dmitry Efremovich (1827 - 1836)
Khomutov Mikhail Grigorievich (1848 - 1862)
Svyatopolk - Mirsky Nikolai Ivanovich (1881 - 1898)

2. Name the icons, revered by the Cossacks
- icon of the Don Lady of God
Icon of the Interior of the Mother of God

3. Tell the story of the Don Icons of the Mother of God.
- Don Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary was written by Feofan Greek. On the day of the Kulikovsky battle (September 8, 1380, on the feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Virgin) Icon was among the Russian troops, submitting help him, and after the victory was transferred to the Don Cossacks as a gift to the Great Prince Dimitri Donsky (1363-1389), who suffered it to Moscow . Icon was first in the Assumption Cathedral of the Kremlin, and then in Blagoveshchensky (now Icon in the State Tretyakov Gallery). In memory of the victory on the banks of Don, she received the name of the Don.

4. Tell me when the Saint-Don Starochlorkassian Male Monastery celebrates its throne holiday?
- September 1, the day of the Don Icons of the Mother of God.

5. The main shrine of the Holy Don Starochierkassian Male Monastery is the Don Icon of the Mother of God. Tell me who presented a list, icons and in what year?
- In 1995, the Cossacks of the village of Gnilovsky presented the monastery a large Don Icon of the Mother of God. For a while she was located in the Resurrection Cathedral, while the monastery temple was restored. Subsequently, this icon was solemnly postponed by the Temple of the Don Icon of the Mother of God. Now she is in the focus of this temple. With it in the two-month holidays, there are grooves around the monastery.

6. Tell me when the Cathedral was laid in the city of Novocherkassk? Name the architects of the projects of the temple and how was it built?
- 18 (30) May On the Day of the Holiday of the Ascension Christ, the Cathedral in Novocherkassk was laid. The first project of the temple was developed by architect A.I. Rusk. In 1846, when the builders began to build the main dome, the cathedral unexpectedly collapsed because of a weak foundation laid out of a little durable stone - limestone. The second draft of the Cathedral was developed by an academician of architecture I.O. Walpred, but to implement it, also failed. In 1863, the main dome was collapsed due to the hasty masonry of the bombardment arches and the drum of the dome, which was carried out without sufficient drying of a lime solution. New project In the "Noviszantine style" architect A.A.Yashchenko. After his imminent death in 1893, the construction of the Cathedral was led by the Diocesan Architect I.P. Zlobin, and then engineer k.ch. Limarenko. In 1905, the cathedral was solemnly open. Its height is 74.6 meters, after St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg, he is the largest temple of Russia. The Ascension Cathedral amazes gradation and harmony at the same time.

7. Tell me, the Cossack, speaking of himself, always repeated, a bunch of triad?
- "Cossack need to be born!
Cossack need to become!
Cossack you need to be!
Then you get the kingdom of heaven and fame in the descendants! "

8. Explain how you understand the trinity of this triad?
- The first part of the trinity emphasizes the right of the Cossacks on the originality, to national self-consciousness and culture. But one kinship with the Cossacks in the blood is not enough, because the Cossack is the state of the Spirit. This is an image of thinking and living standards. The second part of the trinity "Cossack needs to be!" He emphasizes that there is such a moral ideal to which the Cossack should strive. And it is he who dictates the norms of the Cossack society, according to which not only the Cossack by birth can be a Cossack, and anyone of his worthy life, service and suffering, who above his welfare puts the ministry of Christianity and good - the military service can earn the right to be accepted into the Cossacks in a circle. The third part of the trinity "Cossack needs to be!" It emphasizes that Kazak his stay on Earth understands as a permanent service to the Lord, the people, Russia, Russia and all people.

9. Like me, the thieves of the Don Atomanushka,
As I walked around in the blue sea,
That in blue by sea is puffy
As I broke the beads of ships,
Like those ships all are not erased.
And Terecherich, the hope, Orthodox king,
I bring you a riveted head
And with the rusty head kingdom Siberian! "
Tell me, what tells this epic?
- This ancient epics "About Yermak" tells us, tells us how Don Atama Yermak Timofeevich conquered Siberia and put the crown of the Siberian kingdom under the feet of the Moscow king Ivan IV.

10. In January 1921, in the Cabakji camp (Turkey), the No. 1 of the historical - the Literary Journal of the Don Lighthouse, published by the Don Cossack Corps, was released. In March 1921, No. 3 and 4 "Donskoy Mayak" came out in March - April 1921, the initiator of the publication of which was a porquet of 3 equestrian brigade of the Division of the Don Cossack Corps, the poet, Don Cossack V.I. Ilyinsky, and the responsible editor - General - Lieutenant A. L. Fitzhelaurov, were published formulated in the first months of the "new commandments" of the Cossack. Name these commandments?
- a) Love Russia, for it is your mother and nothing in the world will replace it to you.
b) Love Don, for he is the cradle of your freedom.
c) Love the truth, for it is the only lighthouse in a person's life.
d) everyone who goes against your debris is enemies.
e) Only in the struggle for the happiness of the Motherland, you will find your lost right.
e) Believe firmly into the right thing of your case, for faith is the only stone on which you will build your new depiction.
g) Love all that from early ornaments you absorbed into the blood and flesh in the free steppes of your homeland.
h) call all loose and strong forward.
K) The world, beauty, love and truth - here are the slogans on your banner on the ways to Russia.
For many decades, most Cossacks - exiles, where the fate of them, and no matter how much their lives in abroad, remembered these commandments and, leaving for the "last parade", bequeathed to be guided by their children and grandchildren. Gorko talk about it. But today many years later, the content of "new commandments" is becoming increasingly relevant for all Cossacks and millions of Russians.

11. Name the poets of the Cossack abroad, those who and in exile last days Preserved love and loyalty to the Don Territory, Russia, dreaming to return to the homeland at least "good book" ...
- Alnican Nikolai Vasilievich, Vorobevik Mikhail Ivanovich, Goncharov, Yuriy Fedorovich, Evseev Nikolai Nikolaevich, Kelin Nikolay Andreevich, Wheels Ivan Ivanovich, Kryukov, Polyov, Pavlov, Alexey, Rodionov Vadim Nikolaevich, Torovover, Alexander Nikolaevich, Torovover Nikolai Nikolaevich. Pain in the lost homeland, longing, the desire to pour out his bitter feelings encouraged Cossacks - exile to take the pen. Acute pain and deep longing, sadness and great love for undeservedly rejected them, but the remaining in the hearts of Fatherland sounds in most poems.

12. Throughout the centuries-old history, the whole life Path Cossacks was determined by the Orthodox faith. She penetrated the Cossack traditions and rites, the spiritual world and the morality of the Cossacks. Tell us about the rites and traditions of the Cossacks.
- Christianity penetrated the Don and Azovier before in Kievan Rus. Russian Orthodox Church The legend, preserved in the ancient Russian chronicles of the "Tale of Bygone Years", compiled by the monk Nester, that the Holy Apostle Andrey was pronounced the Gospel of the Northern Black Sea and Priazia, and then visited Dnipro. Since time immemorial Cossacks, the sacrament of baptism was made of particular importance, believing that the baby had no soul to him. For the Cossacks, children are evidence of the "blessing of the Lord over the family." Before carrying a child to the church, it was put in a red corner and prayed: "Detected, Lord, Talent and happiness, good mind, long century." When the teeth were dispersed with the baby, the parents took him to the horse to the church to serve Prayer John to the Son to grew by the Brave Cossack. Orthodoxy covered the Cossack wedding, favors to the service. According to the dead Cossacks, solemn memories served every year. Hardly in all everyday life The Orthodox Vera reflected, not a single case started the Cossacks without prayer, they often went to the priest for advice, gave various lunches. The religious feeling of the Cossacks was very deep. For example, the removal of the icon from the wall and the kissing of it in court was considered sufficient to proof the innocence of the suspect. If the guilty did not find himself, they served Prayer John the Warrior and put the candle to "upside down" so that his conscience was tortured. Almost always the guilty Cossack confessed and repent of his misdemeanor.

13. Tell me, what was the center of the life of the Cossack Stanitsa?
- The center of the life of the Cossack Stanny was always the church. From her began the base of the village. The church was built by all society and at the funds of the villagers, and the army provided them with various assistance. Especially Cossacks were honored by the Resurrection Worker Cathedral in Starocherkassk and the Novocherkassian military cathedral.

14. Powerful highly artistic Cossack songs were a huge contribution to the culture of Russia. Tell me, what does the Cossack Song tell?
- In them, the Cossack songs burns the love of his homeland, glorifying the glory of the past feats; They breathe a clean, gentle feeling of female love. Especially the love of maternal; They also expressed the disturbing loaf of life, which causes the Cossack free from the battle, "look for your share." The entire circle of life urgent interests is covered in a song, merges with her, and without her life itself is impossible.

15. Name the proverbs and sayings about the Cossacks.
- a) for that Cossack was born, so that the service is useful.
b) Cossack without a horse - that soldier without a rifle.
c) the Don Cossack honor does not like, even though the head will turn.
d) the Cossack will soon die than from his native land will leave.
e) Cossack-Donets and Shvets, and Reaper, and on the Dudge, and the singer in the choir, and in battle, well done.
e) Cossack courage will taste any fortress.
g) who is afraid of the bullet, he is not suitable in the Cossacks.
h) the Cossacks does not happen much, but it will not seem little.
K) Cossack on the horse sits down, and his bride is born.
l) where the enemy is there and the Cossack.
m) stand for the truth of the mountain, then and people for you

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