150th Rifle Division.

The general situation in the Armed Forces of Russia is not so rainbow, as Kremlin propaganda is trying to introduce it. Against the background of PR campaigns demonstrating growing power russian army and the creation of new monsters in the form of shock motorized rifle and tank divisions, ready to throw to the West, hundreds of military personnel consider themselves deceived and in private conversations talk about the real state of affairs in their compounds and armed forces of the Russian Federation as a whole. In this review, we will talk about a new, 150th Moto rifle Divisionwhich is formed in the Rostov region, and in particular, about the real state of affairs in this compound.

"Steel Monster" with the filing of Russian propaganda

August 4, 2017 in russian edition Izvestia was published an article about the new 150th motorized rifle division (MSD) with a "unique organizational and staff structure", which unfolds near the Ukrainian border, in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation. According to the publication that refers to its own sources in the Ministry of Defense and Experts, the uniqueness of the New Division is that its main structural combat units are represented not by the usual three motorized rifle (SMEs) and one tank regiment (TP), but by two motorized rifle and two tanks shelves. Also in each SMEs there are reinforced tank battalions, and in tank shelves - their artillery divisions. In addition, the division includes artillery and anti-aircraft shelves, as well as other collateral units.

The publication notes that among the Russian military 150th MSS has already received the nickname "Steel Monster", as it has a large maneuverability and shock-in-war due to the reduction of personnel and auxiliary technology.

The world community has already become accustomed to such PR publications of the Russian media, designed for propaganda and intimidation. We remind you that the 150th motorized rifle division from the moment of its formation was taken to the special control of the OSINT group of the international intelligence community InformNapalm. In April 2017, we have some data related to the process of its formation and picking.

According to the results of the planned OSINT monitoring of the situation in the Russian Rostov region border with Ukraine, as well as on the basis of the information of our own sources related to the 150th MSD of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, we present updated information reflecting the real state of affairs in this shock connection of the Russian army.


Structure and features of formation 150th MSD

The organizational and staff structure in general terms is nicely outlined in Russian sources. However, this data does not contain detailed information that has managed to produce our intelligence community on the basis of an analysis of information collected as a result of monitoring open sources and personal conversations with operating or recently distilled servicemen of the 150th division.

150th Motor Soldering Idrice-Berlin Orden Cutuzov Division (V / h 22265) The 8th Commercial Army of the Southern Military District began to form at the end of 2016. This division is represented as the heiress of the 150th Rifle Division, formed in 1943 and rehenshed in May 1945.

The division headquarters (Office, V / h 22179) is located in the village. Persianovka of the Oktyabrsky district of the Rostov region. The division includes: two motorized rifle shelf - 102nd SME (in / h 91706) and 103th SMEs,general weapons - BMP-3.; Two tank shelf - 68th TP (in / h 91714) and 163th TP (in / h 84839), main weapons - tanks T-72B3.. Places of dislocations of motorized rifle and tank regiments of the 150th division: pos. Persianovka, as well as the nearest polygons - Kuzminsky and Kadamovsky. According to available information, the recruitment of SMEs was carried out on the basis of the former 33rd separate motorized rifle brigade in Maykop (Adygea), and already after the redeployment in Rostov region. - directly in Persianovka. Tank shelves were completed in Budennovsk Stavropol Territory, on the basis of the 205th OMSBR. To date, the 102nd SMEs and the 68th TP is almost fully equipped. The formation of the 103th SMEs and the 163rd TP is not completed yet. In addition to the main shock units, the division includes: 933th anti-aircraft rocket regiment (SPE), which is formed in Millerovo, and 381th artillery regiment (ARTP, V / h 24390), formed on the timeline in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuzminsky landfill (according to some reports, the artpol will subsequently relocated in Rostov-on-Don). In addition, the division includes certain divisions of collateral, including: 174th separate intelligence battalion (ORB, V / h 22265, pos. Persianovka); 258th Communication Battalion (BS, V / h 84881); 539th Separate Engineering and Sapper Battalion(OISB, formed on the basis of the 11th engineering brigade deployed in Kamensk-Shakhtinsk); 293rd Separate Material Battalion(Obmto, V / h 98591, Novocherkassk, P. Kadamovsky); medical battalion; Separate companies UAV, RES, RHBZ. The formation of the division must be completed by the end of 2017.

Command Information 150th Division

Commander 150th MSD Major General Bulgarian Peter Nikolaevich.

According to the Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in 2015-2016, Peter Bulgaria, even in the rank of Colonel, was the commander of the 4th Brigade of the 2nd Army Corps (LNR) of the Russian Occupation Forces in the Donbas. Management of these troops is carried out by the General Staff of the Russian Federation through the center of the territorial troops of the Southern Military District (Some installation information on P. Bulgarian are given in the "Purgatory" database of the Center "Peacemaker").

Deputy Commander 150th MSD for Working with a Personal Colonel Dubkov Pavel Vladimirovich.

Until the recent past, the deputy commander of working with L / with the former 33rd separate motorized rifle brigade (mountain), stationed in Maykop, Adygea, on the basis of which motorized rifle shelves of the 150th division were formed. Dubkov appears in the 2014 scandal associated with the refusal of four contract soldiers 33rd OMSBR fight in Ukraine.

Commander of the 102th SME Colonel Muradasilov Marat Soltanovich.

Right from the village. Kayasul of the petoke district of the Stavropol Territory. Graduate of the Ulyanovsk Higher Tank Command School. last few years military service Passed at the 102nd Russian military base stationed in Gyumri, Armenia.

Options I. general situation in divisions of the 150th division

At first, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that new divisions would be completed on a contract basis. In part, it happened, but if you delve into the essence of the question, the following picture is drawn: in the 150th MSD contracting facilities managed only the 2nd motorized rifle battalion of the 102th motorized rifle shelf. The remaining battalions of the 102nd and 103rd regiments are equipped mainly by soldiers. urgent servicewho are also lacking. For completing units, the translation of the military service soldiers is practiced, including recruits, from other county compounds. The 174th ORB is also mainly staffed by contract facilities, in particular his intelligence-landing company (about the formation of these units in the UNVEO INFORMNAPALM units, Rivne a year ago). In the 68th and 163rd tank shelves, there are both conscripts and contractors, however, the lion's part of the servicemen of the contract service of tank regiments is yesterday's soldiers and sergeants of the urgent service, which have passed specialized specialized textbooks, which by all truths and untrue managed to be inclined to sign the three-year contract.

A little different things are the formation of motorized rifle regiments, where they were mainly gained by "experienced" contract soldiers with experience in hot regions, both operating, with the possibility of translating in the 150th division and "invited" from the stock.

As noted above, most of the contractors of the 150th division consider themselves deceived. First of all, this concerns the monetary content of military personnel, which instead of the promised minimum of 35 thousand rubles (585 dollars), is only 14800 ($ 247). The salary of contractors is formed taking into account a number of components, including a tariff net, positions, driers, etc. Taking into account the devaluation of the Russian ruble and aggravating crisis caused by international sanctions in connection with the aggressive actions of the Russian Federation, it is impossible to feed the family of 2-3 people on this meager salary.

The second problem of contract soldiers is the lack of service housing: most of them live in barracks with sedious soldiers, as there are no hostels, no money for removable housing. Also, dissatisfaction with the contractual service personnel is due to the relationship towards them. So, to the newly small contract workers after the urgent service are almost as well as soldiers-conscripts. For them, there is no regulated working day, weekends with the possibility of exiting the part. Young contractors, like conscripts, are attracted to the so-called. Rabocham (use of the physical labor of servicemen for the arrangement of places of deployment and economic work). Well, experienced contractors who knew more decent conditions for the service, being in such conditions, in all ways, even falling under the unpopular formulation of the formulation - NUCs (violation of the terms of the contract), - try to break out of these testicles of lies and lawlessness.

All this is expressed in large frames. Frames: Some contractual workers, served just a couple of months, are looking for the opportunity to translate into other parts or dismissed. All this negatively affects the combat readiness of the divisions of the 150th MSD, which quenchedly called the "showing division", intended for reviews and parades, but unable to perform combat missions.

The situation is somewhat better with the arrangement of officers and older surveillance (ensigns, elders) of the 150th division, which is allocated service apartments or monetary compensation for hiring housing near the place of service. The welfare of officers, ensigns and foreman is also ensured by corruption schemes and profit, including due to the collection with the urgent service soldiers of the Dani "on the economic needs" of the divisions. Money in the pockets of the commanders of all the masters drip from periodic "sales" of material property and fuel to the side. So, the praised autonomous tent field camp of one of the SMEs in the 40-degree heat is not ventilated, since the diesel fuel allocated for Eich goals was sold by officers and incorrects.

The division is recorded and non-statutory relations between military personnel, in particular the manifestation of the grandfathers by contract soldiers, united in Caucasian or Asian fraternity, in relation to soldiers-conscripts of Russian nationality. Soldiers forcing unpopular work, extraordinary outfits, so-called. Stores and fraud, up to frank extortion.


According to Russian experts, the new 150th MSS is endowed with a unique organizational and staff structure, and this "steel monster" corresponds to the trends of the new time and is intended for modern high-tech and maneuverable war. Parts and divisions of the division are able to effectively act under the use of high-precision weapons and radio-electronic interference. The connection is not so big as the usual motorized rifle division, but surpasses a tank division by firepower. At the same time, it is noted that experiments on the formation of such compounds were undertaken in Soviet army Back in the late 1980s (in the GDR), as well as at the beginning of the zero years of this century, but in both cases were unsuccessful.

Experts advising informnapalm believe that the power of the compound is determined not by the number of "old iron" (the same T-72B3 and BMP-3, possibly modernized according to the last Russian standards, but still remain cars of the USSR times), and modern technologies And using them to use, as well as the martial spirit of servicemen. In the 150th division, we observe a significant amount of armored vehicles - but the soldiers and contracting soldiers, a set of servicemen without appropriate training, experience and with zero motivation, which makes such an amount of technology meaningless.

Perhaps Russian General Staff adopted a similar structure due to the inability to complete the infantry parts, since Tank shelves can be cut to any composition: they are on paper as shelves, and technicians with crews, ready for combat use, can only be enough for a battalion. If NATO in the United States and other armies, the focus is on increasing the technologicalities of the units, then Russia continues to brush the scrap metal of the last century.

How effectively infantry in such a division can protect armored vehicles? War newest Story It is shown that the tank columns are able to stop the "Tachaniks" on pickups equipped with modern anti-tank agents (Ptti).

As the analysis of the combat use of mechanized divisions in the US Armed Forces and their allies in Iraq in 2003, withcondition of the number of personnel and number of armored vehicles did not reduce their combat capabilities - thanks to the introduction of the latest samples of weapons and military equipmentthat provide fire, intelligence and information superiority over the enemy. It turns out that the Russians, increasing the amount of technology, the way to predict large losses and do nothing to reduce them - simply increase the number of targets. At the same time, the Russians themselves after the military invasion of Georgia said in 2008about the hugeness and inefficiency of heavy divisions and since 2010 began to disband them and move on to a brigadu basis.

So what are we dealing with? The shock capabilities of military units and compounds must remain military secret, but Russian propaganda makes them the public domain. Having primary information from the Russian media, it suffices to double-check the information and carry out the deferment, according to the results of which suggests itself: in "Strashilki" about the 150th division more bravada than real combat capacity.

The material to the publication has prepared

Dear friends! I appeal to those who write angry comments on how bad in 150 motorized rifle divisia And in general.

Remember that everything is relative! In any part there are those who will shout that he is hard. I can see the 7 Military Base. The part is located in Abkhazia, on the Black Sea. Beautiful natural conditions. Sailing year per half. Coefficient 1.4. Vacation for 15 days more. VDD give. Products every month give.

Service under contract in 150 ms - my choice!

Most contract rooms also serve them all. Nevertheless, quite a lot of guys run from there, and at the same time they scare even more guys who could be with pleasure to serve there, but reading and having heard those who do not like themselves afraid to go there.

The information that you will be exactly useful for service:

  • How to properly go through all the trials when

And so with any part in our country. Someone does not want to go on a business trip, someone pays little money, someone do not like the living conditions, someone does not suit that the service time regulations, etc. Not complied with.

I have no interest in imagine 150 MSD as an ideal service place. But I want to objectively clarify this situation. Of course, everyone wants to do nothing and at the same time live in a warm office apartment and receive a lot of money. I will even say more, such places exist, for example, some traveler FSB. If you have money, and even better, if there are connections, then ahead! If you have no, then you have to work.

And here it begins the most interesting. A lot of young guys conclude their first contract. After watching patriotic slogans from many sources of military service propaganda, someone "seduced" to conclude a contract of commanders during the passage of utmost service.

Such guys expecting that they will ride as cheese in oil very quickly disappointed. They realize that everything is not so sweet in military service under the contract as they were told and promised. They dismissed without listens until the end of the contract for non-compliance with the conditions (NUC), while telling everyone and everywhere how bad to serve under the contract, screking and dissuading others.

It takes for a while and many of these guys understand that the citizen is even worse. Not everything, of course, but many do not find themselves. And here, the desperate attempts begin to conclude a contract again, and they are all almost always breaking about this sinister mark "Dismissal on NUK". To make sure that I am not unfounded at any group associated with the contract service, how many people are interested in the possibility of concluding a contract after dismissal on NUK. Many are ready to go to any part, anywhere in Russia, if only with them, they concluded a contract. There are plenty of such people on our website.

Therefore, in conclusion of the foregoing, I want to repeat that everything is relative. And if for someone monetary satisfaction of the ordinary in 150 motorized rifle division in 21 tr. It seems ridiculous, then for someone it is much larger than he can earn a citizen.

At the same time, the ordinary contractor is, as a rule, a person without higher education, often, even without medium special or technical. He is rarely over 25 years old. I do not think that for many such guys there are many other high-paying earnings. If someone does not like business trips, then someone vice versa tries more often to ride them, because it is an opportunity to increase your money allowance due to travel. If someone does not like living conditions, then again for accommodation in the field should pay extra money.

Do not forget that 150 division is only formed. Over time, hostels and apartments will be built. In addition, it is possible to take.
In general, guys, be men! In the end, as they say in the charter, we all owe "steady to endure the difficulties of military service."

Attention!!! If you are offered to buy an attitude to the division, then it is 80% divorce! Now the division at the formation stage and therefore lacks a lot of contractors. Officials responsible for the set and think cannot about selling relations. It is only for any way to fulfill the plan, because every day is reported for the selection of servicemen to the contract. I admit that anyone can sell relations for persons who have previously had dismissal to fail to comply with the terms of the contract (NUK), because for such almost always it is very difficult to recover (for this we need a resolution of the commander on attitude, that I got acquainted with the fact that the candidate was fired through NUK). But if your "military biography" is good, you did not quit NUCs and you are offered to buy a ratio, I advise you to not contact this "seller." Be vigilant, comrades!

The overall situation in the Armed Forces of Russia is not so unequivocal, as Kremlin propaganda is trying to present. Against the background of PR campaigns showing the growing power of the Russian army and the creation of new monsters in the form of shock motorized rifle and tank divisions ready to throw to the West, hundreds of military personnel consider themselves deceived and in personal conversations talk about the real state of affairs in their compounds and armed forces of the Russian Federation generally. In this review, we will talk about the new 150th motorized rifle division, which is formed in the Rostov region, and in particular - about the real state of affairs in this compound.

"Steel Monster" with the filing of Russian propaganda

On August 4, 2017, an article on the new 150th motorized rifle division was published in the Russian edition of Izvestia (MSD) with a "unique organizational and staff structure", which unfolds near the Ukrainian border in the Rostov region of the Russian Federation. According to the publication that refers to its own sources in the Ministry of Defense and Experts, the "uniqueness" of the new division is that its main structural combat units are presented, instead of the usual three motorized rifle (SMEs) and one tank shelf (TP), two motorized rifle and Two tank shelves. Also, in each SMEs there are reinforced tank battalions, and in tank shelves - their artillery divisions. In addition, the division includes artillery and anti-aircraft shelves, as well as other collateral units. The publication is noted that among the Russian military 150th MSA has already received the nickname "Steel Monster", as it is endowed with large maneuverability and shock-martial powers by reducing the personnel and auxiliary technology.

The world community has already become accustomed to this kind of PR publication of the Russian media, designed for propaganda and intimidation. We remind you that the 150th motorized rifle division from the moment of its formation was taken to the special control of the OSINT group of the international intelligence community InformNapalm. In April 2017, we published some data related to the process of formation and acquisition of the 150th MSS, taking into account its structural elements.

According to the results of the planned OSINT monitoring of the situation in the Russian Rostov region border with Ukraine, as well as on the basis of the information of our own sources related to the 150th MSD of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, we present updated information reflecting the real state of affairs in this shock connection of the Russian army.


Structure and features of formation 150th MSD

The organizational and staff structure in general terms is not bad outlined by Russian sources. However, these data do not contain detailed information, which was managed to produce our intelligence community on the basis of an analysis of information collected as a result of monitoring open sources and some personal conversations with operating or recently distilled servicemen of the 150th division.

150th Motor Soldering Idrice-Berlin Orden Cutuzov Division (V / h 22265) The 8th Commercial Army of the Southern Military District began to form since the end of 2014. This division is represented as the heiress of the 150th Rifle Division, formed in 1943 and rehenshed in May 1945.

The division headquarters (Office, V / h 22179) is located in the village. Persianovka of the Oktyabrsky district of the Rostov region. The division includes: two motorized rifle shelf - 102nd SME (in / h 91706) and 103th SMEs,general weapons - BMP-3.; Two tank shelf - 68th TP (in / h 91714) and 163th TP (in / h 84839), main weapons tanks - T-72B3.. Places of dislocations of motorized rifle and tank regiments of the 150th division: pos. Persianovka, as well as the nearest polygons - Kuzminsky and Kadamovsky. According to available information, the recruitment of SMEs was carried out on the basis of the former 33rd separate motorized rifle brigade in Maykop (Adygea), and after redeployment to the Rostov region, directly in Persianovka. Tank shelves were completed in Budennovsk Stavropol Territory, on the basis of the 205th OMSBR. To date, the 102nd SMEs and the 68th TP are almost fully equipped. The process of forming the 103th SMEs and the 163rd TP is not yet completed. In addition to the main shock units, the division includes: 933th anti-aircraft rocket regiment (SRP), which is formed in Millerovo and 381th artillery regiment (ARTP, V / h 24390), formed on the timeline in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Kuzminsky landfill (according to some reports, the artpol will subsequently relocated in Rostov-on-Don). In addition, the division includes certain divisions of collateral, including: 174th separate intelligence battalion (ORB, V / h 22265, pos. Persianovka); 258th Communication Battalion (BS, V / h 84881); 539th Separate Engineering and Sapper Battalion(OISB, formed on the basis of the 11th engineering brigade deployed in Kamensk-Shakhtinsk); 293rd Separate Material Battalion(Obmto, V / h 98591, Novocherkassk, P. Kadamovsky); medical battalion; Separate companies UAV, RES, RHBZ. The formation of the division must be completed by the end of 2017.

Information on the command formulation of the 150th division:

Commander 150th MSD Major General Bulgarian Petr Nikolaevich

According to the Main Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, in 2015-2016, Peter Bulgaria, still in the rank of Colonel, was the commander of the 4th Brigade of the 2nd Army Corps ("LNR") of the Russian Occupation Forces in the Donbas, the management of these troops is carried out by the General Staff of the Sun RF through the center of the territorial troops of the Southern Military District (Some installation information on P. Bulgarian are given in the "Purgatory" database of the Center "Peacemaker").

Deputy Commander 150th MSD for Working with a Personal Colonel Dubkov Pavel Vladimirovich

Until the recent past, the deputy commander of working with L / with the former 33rd separate motorized rifle brigade (mountain), stationed in Maykop, Adygea, on the basis of which motorized rifle shelves of the 150th division were formed. Dubkov appears in the 2014 scandal associated with the refusal of four contract soldiers 33rd OMSBR fight in Ukraine.

Commander of the 102th SMEs, Colonel Muradasilov Marat Soltanovich

Right from the village. Kayasul of the petoke district of the Stavropol Territory. Graduate of the Ulyanovsk Higher Tank Command School. The last few years military service passed in the 102nd Russian military base stationed in Gyumri, Armenia.

Completion and general situation in divisions of the 150th division.

At first, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation stated that new divisions would be completed on a contract basis. In part, it happened, but if you understand the essence of the question, the following picture seems to be: in the 150th MSD contract facilities managed to equip only one battalion - the 2nd motorized rifle battalion of the 102nd motorized rifle shelf. The remaining battalions of the 102nd and 103rd regiments are equipped mainly by soldiers of the urgent service, which is also lacking. For completing units, the translation of the military service soldiers is practiced, including recruits, from other county compounds. The 174th ORB is also mainly staffed by contracting agents, in particular, his intelligence-landing company (on the formation of which in the UNVEO compounds informnapalm reported exactly a year ago). In the 68th and 163rd tank shelves, both conscripts and contract soldiers are present. However, it should be emphasized that the lion's part of the servicemen of the contract service of the tank regiments is yesterday's soldiers and sergeants of the urgent service, which have passed specialized specialized specialized textbooks and scored "on the slaves" of all UNVO compounds, which by all truths and untrue managed to incline to the signing of the 3-year contract . A little different things are the formation of motorized rifle regiments, where they were mainly gained by "experienced" contractors with experience in hot regions, both operating, with the possibility of translating to the 150th division and "invited" from the stock. As noted above, most of the contractors of the 150th division consider themselves deceived. First of all, this concerns the monetary content of military personnel, which, instead of the promised minimum of 3,5000 rubles ($ 585), is as a result of only 14800 ($ 247). The salary of contract soldiers is formed taking into account a number of components, including a tariff mesh, positions, driving, etc., taking into account the devaluation of the Russian ruble and aggravating crisis caused by international sanctions in connection with aggressive actions of the Russian Federation, this is a meager salary that can not be contacted Family of 2-3 people. The second problem of contract soldiers is the lack of service housing - most of them live in barracks with sought soldiers, as there are no hostels, no money for removable housing. Also, dissatisfaction with the contract service servicemen is due to the attitude of the command to them. For example, to the newly minted contract-shifts, there are almost as well as the soldiers of the urgent service. For them, there is no regulated working day, weekends with the possibility of exiting the part. Young contractors, like conscripts, are attracted to the so-called. "Rabocham" (the use of the physical labor of military personnel for the arrangement of locations of dislocation and economic work). Well, contract facilities who have experience and knew more worthy conditions of service, being in such conditions, in all ways, even falling under the unpopular wording in a personal case on the NUK (violation of the terms of the contract), they try to break out of these testicles of lies and lawlessness. All this is expressed in high flow fluidity: some contract soldiers who served just a couple of months are looking for the possibility of transfer to other parts or leave back. All this negatively affects the combat readiness of the divisions of the 150th MSD, which is often quenched from the contract, which is intended for reviews and parades, in fact unable to perform combat missions.

The situation is somewhat better with the arrangement of officers and older surveillance (ensigns, elders) of the 150th division, which is allocated service apartments or monetary compensation for hiring housing near the place of service. The welfare of officers, ensigns and foreman is also ensured by corruption schemes and profit, including by collecting Dani with the soldiers of the urgent service "on the economic needs" of the divisions. Money in the pockets of the commanders of all the masters drip from periodic "sales" of material property and fuel to the side. For example, the praised autonomous tent field camp of one of the SMEs in the 40-degree heat is not ventilated, as the diesel fuel, highlighted for it, was sold by officers and incorrects. The division is fixed by the so-called. Instant relationships between servicemen - in particular, the manifestation of the grandfathers from contract soldiers united in Caucasian or Asian fraternity, in relation to the soldiers-conscripts of Russian nationality. This coercion of soldiers to unpopular work, extraordinary outfits, as well as so-called. Substations and divorces for money, up to frank extortion.


According to Russian experts, the new 150th MSA is endowed with a unique organizational and staff structure and this "steel monster" corresponds to the identification of the new time and is intended for modern high-tech and maneuverable war, parts and divisions of the division are able to effectively act under the use of high-precision weapons and radio-electronic interference . The connection is not so big as the usual motorized rifle division, but surpasses a tank division by firepower. At the same time, it is noted that experiments on the formation of such compounds were made in the Soviet Army in the late 1980s in the GDR, as well as at the beginning of the zero years of this century, but in both cases were unsuccessful.

Specialists who advise InformNapalm believe that the power of the compound is determined not by the number of "old iron" (the same T-72B3 and BMP-3, possibly modernized according to the last Russian standards, but still remain cars of the USSR times), and modern technologies and The ability to use them, as well as the martial spirit of servicemen. In the case of the 150th division, we observe only a significant amount of armored vehicles - non-collecting soldiers and contractors, and a set of servicemen without appropriate training, experience and zero motivation, which makes the presence of such an amount of technology meaningless.

It is possible that the Russian General Staff adopted a similar structure due to the disadvantage and the impossibility of completing the infantry parts, since Tank shelves can be cut up to any composition - they are on the paper as a regiment, and technicians with crews, ready for combat use, can only be enough for a battalion. If NATO in the US and other armies, the focus is on increasing the technologicalities of the divisions, Russia continues to be broken by the metalol of the last century. How effectively infantry in such a division can protect armored vehicles? Wars of the latest history show that "Tacanka" on pickups, equipped with modern anti-tank agents (Ptti), is able to stop tank columns.

As the analysis of the combat use of mechanized divisions in the US Armed Forces and their allies in Iraq in 2003, withcondition of the number of personnel and number of armored vehicles It did not reduce their combat capabilities - thanks to the introduction of the latest samples of weapons and military equipment, which provide fire, intelligence and informational superiority over the enemy. It turns out that the Russians, increasing the amount of technology, the way to predict large losses and do nothing to reduce them - simply increase the number of targets. After all, the Russians themselves, after the military invasion of Georgia in 2008, spokeabout the hastyness and inefficiency of heavy divisions, and since 2010 began to disband them and go to the brigadu basis.

So what are we dealing with? The impact capabilities of military units and compounds, in fact, should remain military secret, but Russian propaganda makes their public domain. Having primary information from the Russian media, it is enough to recover information and the deferment, based on the results of which it suggests that in the "Strashilki" about the 150th division more bravadas and fiction than real combat capacity.

Almost everyone knows that the result of the struggle of the USSR and fascist Germany was raised by the Victory Banner of the Banner. Do not everyone know that 150 Rifle Division played the main role in this event. However, even about it is now taken to argue.

The beginning of the way

The first division was created at the beginning of the fall of 1939, and at first there was nothing heroic in her acts. Politics - the case is extremely dirty, therefore, in fact, Churchill did not advise to delve into the secrets of her "cooking". In the past almost every country there are pages that can hardly be proud of. It contains them, unfortunately, and the history of the 150 rifle division, which has been directly involved in the Poland section in 1939.

Today, the great many discussions on the Second World War and its perpetrators have unfolded. Some are inclined to demonize Soviet Union, calling him Hitler's accomplice. The lively disputes are conducted around the so-called secret protocols to the "Molotov Ribbentrop Pact". The harsh truth lies in the fact that history does not forgive the state only one - weakness.

First damn room

Poland was crushed and divided, the Soviet Union and fascist Germany signed an agreement "On Friendship and state border" The USSR was replenished with almost 13 million new citizens (not all of them, of course, were delighted with it), and the 150 Rifle division of the first convocation went to conquer new heights. He participated in the Finnish and Bessarabian campaigns, and after the start of the Second World War, went into battles with cunning yesterday's allies.

The first years of the Great Patriotic Was very heavy and not attense for soviet people. The Red Army suffered defeat for the defeat, the losses were huge, the conduct of hostilities was often mediocre. In the course of a defensive campaign, barely enhancing battles, suffered tangible losses and 150 Rifle division - the composition of it decreased by almost a third for incomplete two months. At the end of June 1942, she stopped existence (disbanded as the deceased).

Further fate

A month later, a new composition of the 150th division began to form. Her fate was more successful: she participated in successful battles for the city of White, freed the great bows, a local. In April 1943, it was reorganized in the 22nd Guards Rifle Division.

Finally, in September 43th, 150 Rifle division was revived for the third time, the combat path of which was completed on the roof of the Reichstag. The basis for the creation was the 151st Rifle Brigade, who participated in the battles of the Second World War since 1942, under the command of the then Major Leonid Vasilyevich Yakovlev.

This compound was quite large. The composition includes 4 rifle battalions, artillery and anti-tank divisions, battalions of intelligence officers, mortar, sappers, and context. The brigade fought it successfully, then not very: one of the regimental doctors Ginzburg recalled that during the storming of the old Russa losses were huge. From 674 regiment, where he served, only 50-60 people remained. The Germans have strengthened on the hill, occurred from a swampy lowland, where even the technique could not help soviet soldiers. Such examples of the selected strategies during the Second World War, unfortunately, a lot. A song about the victory, where there were words that we will not stand at the price, Okudzhava wrote only in 1970, but the impression is that some combat commanders knew it long before and somehow perceived as a guide to action.

Way to victory

During the formation of 150, the Rifle division, except for the 151th already mentioned, has passed another 127th and 144th brigade. The equipment occurred right on positions, without removal of the composition in the rear. Immediately after the end of the formation, the 79th Rifle Corps of the 22th Army of the 2nd Baltic Front was entered. The command of the division accepted Yakovlev, by this time there is already a colonel.

Since 1943, the course of the war, as was customary to speak, broke. The meaning of the Stalingrad battle and operation on the Kursk arc seems to be overestimated. Sometimes the Division took place on a day 40 km to the east. There was a rapid offensive on the fascists. For a successful campaign to liberate the city of Idritsa, the connection was given to be called "150 Idritskaya Rifle Division", and for the offensive operation near the lake, Kutovzhee was awarded the Order of Cutuzov.

In the course of the fighting, it first was part of the 2nd, and then at the end of the war - the 1st Belorussian Front, staying among the compounds of the 3rd shock army, whose combat task was the immediate capture of Berlin.

Official version of events

On April 16, the 45th Politicalness of the 3rd Army gathered at a meeting, during which (with the blessing of senior leadership), it was decided that the final defeat of the Fascist Reich would be the capture of the Reichstag - the symbol of one Germany.

A little later, the 19th of the same month, all divisions of the army were distributed 9 banners stitched as soon as possible from the usual Kumacha, designed for watering on the roof of the specified building.

At first, inxicated victory Soviet warriors took little about who would declare the dome of the German parliament, but later the question had to think.

The official version of the events was presented in the first days of June, prepared its political department of the 3rd army. According to him, the assault flag of the 150th rifle division was transferred to the 756 regiment under the battalion under the start of Captain Nezstowene.

Attempts to find out truth

The fighters of the division forced the spree and captured the front staircase. After that, the Cantarium Sergeant, the Red Armenians and Berest's deputies went to the roof, piercing his way to the battle, and raised the red cloth over the glass dome. It happened at two hours twenty-five minutes in the afternoon, and already at three o'clock the building had a freshly baked commandant - Captain of Nezstower.

Numerous researchers, documents and memories report that the designated version of the events had nothing to do with reality, and 150 Idritsky Rifle Division introduced the community, however, it is unlikely maliciously.

There are different opinions about who the first raised the flag over Reichstag (and that it was for the flag, too). There are evidences according to which the command of the corps was hurried to report that the symbol of the fascist Germany was successfully taken - from here various information about the appearance of the flag.

Sturm and defense

Versions broke down so much that it is already simple to find it is simply possible.

If you adhere to the chain of events, the battles for Berlin began in mid-April. In the end of the month soviet troops Purchased to the main Hitler's citadel - Reichstagu. It is located in terms of defense he was very successful, because from three sides he was surrounded by water - the river spree 25 M wide. The bridge after the bombing survived only one, anti-tank Rips and the area turned into a huge pita. Berlin metro was flooded.

From the fourth side, the building was protected by well-fortified buildings, including the Ministry of the Interior, turned into a real fortress. All approaches to Reichstag were well shot - this was the reason for the prolonged assault and large losses, which suffered 150 rifle division and other connections. The fascists resisted with the despair of a deadly wounded animal, struggling for each step, room, floor.

First flag

The first assault attempt was choke, it was decided to wait darkness - and suddenly the command of the 150th rifle division in 25 minutes of the third on April 30 turned out that the Reichstag was taken and the Red Banner was hoisted on it. The USSR reigns the adequacy, but it was early to rejoice. What caused a hasty report is unknown. There is a version that individual fighters managed to break through to the building and place several soldier banners on the walls while still defending the fortress.

Today, almost every graduate of the school (if he studied, of course) knows that the first of the Railway Division appeared first over Reichstag, which all the famous heroes were watered over the dome of the German parliament. Meanwhile, there are evidence when the soldiers mentioned rose to the roof of the building, the flag was already there, and their completely different people were raised.

Numerous applicants for award

Reichstag had two fronts: the sculpture of the goddess of Victory was concerned about one (winged Nika). Above the second, decorated with the equestrian statue of the emperor Wilhelm, raised the flag brought with them already mentioned heroes. But it happened deep at night in the third hour, when the building was taken, and the red flag was already fluttered over Berlin and was from the opposite side, near the statue of Nicky.

Alexey Ramma and Yevgeny Andreeva about the newly formed 150 motorized rifle division of the 8th Army of Yuvo.

(c) Dmitry Boltenkov Tank T-72B3 in Rostov on Don
The newly formed 150th motorized rifle division received unique maneuverability and firing power

The Russian Defense Ministry finishes the formation of the 150th motorized rifle division (MSD). This military unit received a unique organizational and staff structure. In a conventional motorized rifle division, three motorized rifle (SMEs) and one tank regiment (TP). But in the 150th MSD two tanks and two motorized rifle shelf. Also reinforced tank battalions are in each SME. Thanks to such a structure, the new division has received unique maneuverability and firepower, and the number of personnel and auxiliary equipment has decreased significantly. The military new military unit has already received the nickname "Steel Monster".

According to experts, a new division is effective tool Modern high-tech maneuverable war. Her shelves can equally efficiently stop the enemy, hacking him to defense, make breakthroughs and fight fights in his rear.

As they told "Izvestia" in the Southern Military District, the formation of the 150th MSS is already completed. In addition to two motorized rifle and two tank regiments in its composition, artillery and anti-aircraft shelves, an intelligence battalion, communication battalion and other parts and divisions. Armed with tank shelves of the new division will be upgraded T-72B3 tanks with additional protection.

The classic motorized rifle division is well suited for the protection and breakthrough of the enemy defense. And the tank is effective in maneuverable actions: environments, coverages, marches, "said Military expert Vladislav Shurygin, told Izvestia. - But the new 150th division is universal tool. It can effectively solve problems as an ordinary motorized rifle and tank division. The new connection is intended for modern high-tech war. Its parts and units will effectively act under the use of high-precision weapons and radio-electronic interference. It is not as big as the usual motorized rifle, and surpasses a tank division in firepower.

According to the expert, the maneuverability and mobility of the division is determined by the number of personnel, as well as the techniques of combat and rear units. Than them are more, the less mobile connection, but at the same time he has a big fire power. The new 150th MSD is a reasonable compromise.

The first experiments on the formation of universal divisions were made in the Soviet Army in the late 1980s. In 1989, the Trickest Divisions were translated into the new state (9th, 16th Guards and 90th Guards) on the new state. But in the 1990s, after the withdrawal from Germany, one connection was disbanded, and the rest were translated into a regular state.

The second attempt to form universal divisions was undertaken on the initiative of the former chief of the General Staff of the General Army of Yuri Baluyevsky. Three compounds were transferred to the new state: 10th Guards Tank, 3rd and 34th motorized rifle divisions. It is noteworthy that the servicemen of the 3rd MSD called their compound "Division of the XXI Century". But during the reform of the Ex-Minister of Defense Anatoly Serdyukov, they were disbanded.

150th Cutuzov's Motionstroke Idrice-Berlin Order The Division is the heiress of the 150th Rifle Division, which took the Rahstag storm. The connection was formed in September 1943 on the basis of three Rifle Brigades. The division fought in the Baltic States and Poland.

On April 16, 1945, the 150th MSA broke the enemy defense on the Oder River and was broken in Berlin on April 24. On April 30, it participated in the Rahstag storming, and it was her warriors watered the banner of victory on it.

In contrast to the battles, the connection was obtained by the honorary names of Idritskaya and Berlin, and was also awarded the Order of Kutuzov. But in 1946 the connection was disbanded, and the awards, the fighting banner and documents were commissioned.

In January 2016, the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu announced the formation of a new division in the south of Russia. The new connection received the number, honorary name and combat award of the 150th Rifle Division.

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