Remote sensing of the land of DZZ geoinformation systems GIS. Application of satellite shots and remote sensing data

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  • Introduction
  • 1. General characteristic GIS
  • 2. Features of data organization in GIS
  • 3. Methods and technology modeling in GIS
  • 4. Information security
  • 5. Applications and GIS application
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography
  • application


Geographical information systems (GIS) underlie geo-formatics - a new modern scientific discipline studying the natural and socio-economic geosystems of various hierarchical levels by analytical computer processing of the databases created and databases.

Geoinformatics, as well as other earth sciences, aimed at studying the processes and phenomena taking place in the geosystems, but uses their means and methods for this.

As mentioned above, the basis of geoinformatics is the creation of computer GIS, imitating the processes occurring in the studied geosystem. To do this, first of all, information is necessary (as a rule, the actual material), which is grouped and systematized in databases and knowledge bases. Information may be the most diverse - cartographic, point, static, descriptive, etc. Depending on the target, it can be processed either using existing software products or using original techniques. Therefore, in the theory of geosystem modeling and the development of spatial analysis methods in the structure of geo-formatics is given importable.

There are several GIS definitions. In general, they are reduced to the following: the geographical information system is an interactive information system that provides, storage, access, displays spatially organized data and focused on the possibility of adopting scientifically-based management decisions.

The purpose of creating GIS can be inventory, cadastral assessment, prediction, optimization, monitoring, spatial analysis, etc. The most difficult and responsible task when creating GIS is management and decision-making. All stages - from collecting, storing, transformation, information to modeling and making decisions in aggregate with software and technological means are combined under the general name - geographic information technologies (GIS technology).

Thus, GIS-technologies are a modern systemic method of studying the surrounding geographical space in order to optimize the functioning of natural anthropogenic geosystems and ensure their sustainable development.

The abstract considers the principles of creating and updating geographical information systems, as well as their applications and application. Geographical Information Economic Social

1 . General characteristic GIS

Modern geo-information systems (GIS) are a new type of integrated information systems that, on the one hand, include data processing methods of many previously existing automated systems (ACs), on the other, have specificity in the organization and data processing. Almost this determines the GIS as a multi-purpose, multidimensional system.

Based on the analysis of the goals and objectives of various GIS, which is currently functioning, the definition of GIS as geographic information systems should be considered more accurate, and not as geographic information systems. This is also due to the fact that the percentage of pure geographic data in such systems is insignificant, data processing technologies have little in common with traditional processing of geographic data and, finally, geographic data serve only the solution of the solution. big number Applied tasks whose goals are far from geography.

So, GIS is an automated information system intended for processing space-time data, the basis of the integration of which is geographic information.

A comprehensive processing of information is carried out in GIS - from its collection to storage, updates and submissions, in connection with this, GIS should be considered from various positions.

As GIS management systems are designed to ensure decision-making on the optimal management of land and resources, urban economy, in managing transport and retail trade, the use of oceans or other features. At the same time, mapping data is always used to make decisions.

Unlike automated control systems (ACS), many new spatial data analysis technologies appear in GIS. By virtue of this GIS, serve as a powerful means of converting and synthesizing a variety of data for management tasks.

How automated GIS information systems combine a number of technologies or technological processes of well-known information systems such as automated systems scientific research (ASNI), automated design systems (CAD), automated reference and information systems (ASIS), etc. The basis of the integration of GIS technologies is CAD technology. Since CAD technology is sufficiently tested, this, on the one hand, provided a qualitatively higher level of development of GIS, on the other hand, it has significantly simplified the solution to the problem of data exchange and the choice of technical support systems. This largest GIS has become one-row with automated general-purpose systems such as CAD, ASNI, ASIS.

As GIS geosystems include technologies (first of all information collection technology) systems such as geographic information systems, cartographic information systems (ski), automated cartographic systems (ASK), automated photogrammetric systems (APS), land information systems (ZIS), automated cadastral Systems (AKS), etc.

As systems using databases, GIS are characterized by a wide range of data collected using different methods and technologies. It should be emphasized that they combine both the databases of regular (digital) information and graphic databases. Due to the greatest value of expert tasks, solved with the help of GIS, the role of expert systems belonging to the GIS is increasing.

As GIS modeling systems use the maximum number of modeling methods and processes used in other automated systems.

As the GIS design solutions systems, automated design methods are largely used and solve a number of special design tasks that are not found in type automated design.

How the GIS information representation systems are the development of automated systems. documentary support (ASDO) using modern multimedia technologies. This determines the greatest clarity of the GIS output data compared to conventional geographic maps. Data output technologies allow you to quickly obtain a visual representation of cartographic information with different loads, move from one scale to another, to obtain attribute data in tabular or graph form.

As integrated GIS systems are an example of combining various methods and technologies into a single complex, created in the integration of technologies based on CAD technologies and data integration based on geographic information.

As the mass use systems of GIS allow you to apply cartographic information at the level of business graphics, which makes them available to any schoolboy or businessman, not only a specialist geographer. That is why, when making decisions based on GIS technologies, cards do not always create, but always use cartographic data.

As already mentioned, technological advances and solutions are used in GIS applicable in such automated systems as ASNI, CAD, ASIS, expert systems. Consequently, modeling in GIS is most complex in relation to other automated systems. But on the other hand, the processes of modeling in GIS and in any of the above AUs are very close to the ACS fully integrated into GIS and can be considered as a subset of this system.

At the level of collecting information, GIS technology includes absent methods for collecting space-time data, technology use of navigation systems, a real-scale technology, etc.

At the storage and simulation level, in addition to the processing of socio-economic data (as in ACS), GIS technology includes a set of spatial analysis technologies, the use of digital models and video bonds, as well as an integrated decision-making approach.

At the level of representation of the GIS complements the ACS technologies using intellectual graphics (representation of cartographic data in the form of maps, thematic cards, or at the level of business graphics), which makes GIS more accessible and understandable compared to the ACS for businessmen, management workers, employees of the authorities state power etc.

Thus, all tasks performed before in the ACU are fundamentally solved in GIS. high level Integration and Data Combining. Consequently, GIS can be considered as a new modern version of automated control systems that use a larger number of data and greater number of methods for analyzing and making decisions, and primarily using spatial analysis methods.

2 . Features of data organization in GIS

GIS uses a variety of data on objects, characteristics of the earth's surface, information on forms and links between objects, various descriptive information.

In order to completely reflect the geo-objects of the real world and all their properties, it would be necessary for an infinitely large database. Therefore, using generalization and abstraction techniques, it is necessary to reduce a variety of data to finite volumes, easy to analyze and manage. This is achieved by the use of models that preserve the basic properties of objects of research and non-secondary properties. Therefore, the first step in the development of GIS or technology of its application is the rationale for selecting data models to create an information base of GIS.

Choosing a data organization method in a geographic information system, and, first of all, data model, i.e. The method of digital description of spatial objects determines the many functionality of the GIS created and the applicability of certain input technologies. The model depends on both the spatial accuracy of representing the visual part of the information and the possibility of obtaining high-quality cartographic material and the organization of controlling digital cards. From the method of organizing data in the GIS, the performance of the system is very dependent, for example, when executing a database or rendering (visualization) on the monitor screen.

Errors In the selection of the data model may affect the ability to implement the necessary functions in the GIS and expand their list in the future, the effectiveness of the project from an economic point of view. From the selection of the data model directly depends on the value of the generated geographic and attribute information databases.

Data levels can be represented as a pyramid. The data model is a conceptual level of data organization. Terms, such as "Polygon", "Node", "Line", "Arc", "identifier", "Table" just relate to this level, equally, as well as the concept of "theme" and "layer".

More detailed consideration of the data organization is often called the data structure. The structure features mathematical and programmer terms, such as "matrix", "list", "Link system", "Pointer", "Method of Compressing Information". At the following detail of the data organization, specialists are dealing with the data file structure and direct formats. The level of organization of a specific database is unique for each project.

GIS, however, as any other information system, has developed means of processing and analyzing incoming data in order to further implement them in real form. In fig. 3. The scheme of analytical work GIS is presented. At the first stage, "collecting" both geographic (digital cards, images) and attribute information is made. The collected data is filling two databases. The first database stores cartographic data, the second is filled with the information of a descriptive nature.

At the second stage, the spatial data processing system refers to databases for processing and analyzing demanding information. In this case, the whole process is controlled by the DB (DBMS) control system, with which you can quickly search for tabular and statistical information. Of course, the main result of the GIS work is a variety of cards.

For the organization of communication between geographic and attribute information, four interaction approaches use. The first approach is georely or, as it is also called, hybrid. With this approach, geographical and attribute data are organized in different ways. Between the two types of data, the connection is carried out by means of an object identifier. As can be seen from fig. 3. Geographic information is stored separately from attribute in its database. Attribute information is organized in tables under the control of the relational DBMS.

The next approach is called integrated. At the same time, the approach provides for the use of relational databases for storing both spatial and attribute information. In this case, GIS acts as a superstructure over the DBMS.

The third approach is called object. Pros of this approach in the ease of describing complex data structures and relationships between objects. The object approach allows you to build hierarchical chains of objects and solve numerous modeling tasks.

Recently, the most widespread an object-related approach, which is the synthesis of the first and third approaches.

It should be noted that several forms of object presentation are distinguished in GIS:

In the form of an irregular network of points;

In the form of a regular network of points;

In the form of isolated.

Representation in the form of an irregular network of points is arbitrarily located point objects, as attributes having some value at this point point.

Representation in the form of a regular network of points is evenly located in the space of a point of sufficient density. The regular network of points can be obtained by interpolation from irregular or by carrying out measurements on a regular network.

The most common form of representation in cartography is the representation of an isolated. The disadvantage of this presentation is that there is usually no information on the behavior of objects between the isolates. This presentation method is not the most convenient for analysis. Consider the model of the organization of spatial data in GIS.

The most common data organization model is the layer model, the essence of the model is that objects are divided into thematic layers and objects belonging to one layer. It turns out that objects of the individual layer are stored in a separate file, have their identifier system to which you can contact as a certain set. As can be seen from fig. 6, Industrial areas, shopping centers, bus routes, roads, population metering sites are made in separate layers. Often one thematic layer is also divided by horizontally - by analogy with separate sheets of cards. This is done for ease of database administration and avoid working with large data files.

As part of the layer model, there are two specific implementation: a vector-topological and vector-non-spoken model.

First implementation - vector-topological, rice. 7. In this model, there are limitations: in one sheet of one thematic layer, you can put objects not all geometric types simultaneously. For example, in the ARC / INFO system in one coating, you can place or only point or only linear, or polygonal objects, or combinations thereof, excluding the "point polygonal" and three types of objects at once.

The vector-non-system data organization model is a more flexible model, but often only objects of one geometric type are placed in one layer. The number of layers at a layered data organization may be very large and depends on the specific implementation. With a layered data organization, it is convenient to manipulate large groups of objects represented by layers as a single integer. For example, you can turn on and off layers for visualization, to determine the operations based on the interaction of the layers.

It should be noted that the layer model of data organization is absolutely prevalent in the raster data model.

Along with the layer model, an object-oriented model is used. This model uses a hierarchical grid (topographic classifier

In an object-oriented model, the focus is on the position of objects in any complex hierarchical classification scheme and on the relationship between objects. This approach is less common than the layer model due to the difficulty of organizing the entire relationship system between objects.

As mentioned above, information in GIS is stored in geographic and attribute databases. Consider the principles of organizing information on the example of a vector model of representation of spatial data.

Any graphical object can be represented as a family of geometric primitives with certain vertex coordinates, which can be calculated in any coordinate system. Geometrical primitives in different GIS differ, but the base is the point, line, arc, polygon. The location of the point object, for example, coal mine, can be described by a pair of coordinates (x, y). Such objects such as river, plumbing, the railway are described by a set of coordinates (x1, y2; ...; xn, yn), rice. 9. Square objects such as river basins, agricultural products or polling stations are represented as a closed set of coordinates (x1, y1; ... xn, yn; x1, y1). The vector model is most suitable for describing individual objects and is less suitable for reflecting continuously changing parameters.

In addition to the coordinate information about objects in the geographical database, information on the external design of these objects can be stored. It can be thickness, color and type of lines, type and color of hatching of a polygonal object, thickness, color and type of its boundaries. An attribute information is compared to each geometrical primitive describing its quantitative and qualitative characteristics. It is stored in the fields of table databases, which are intended for storing information from different types: text, numeric, graphic, video, audio. The family of geometric primitives and its attributes (descriptions) forms a simple object.

Modern object-oriented GIS works with whole classes and family families, which allows the user to receive a more complete picture of the properties of these objects and inherent laws.

The relationship between the image of the object and its attribute information is possible through unique identifiers. They are explicitly or implicit form exist in any GIS.

In many GIS, spatial information is presented in the form of separate transparent layers with images of geographic objects. The placement of objects on the layers depends in each case from the specifics of the specific GIS, as well as the characteristics of the solid tasks. In most GIS, information on a separate layer is data from one database table. It happens that the layers are formed from objects composed of homogeneous geometric primitives. It can be layers with point, linear or area geographic objects. Sometimes layers are created according to certain thematic properties of objects, for example, layers of railway lines, layers of water bodies, layers of natural minerals. Almost any GIS allows the user to control the layers. The main control functions are visibility / invisibility of the layer, editing, availability. In addition, the user can increase the informativeness of the digital card by outputting the values \u200b\u200bof the attributes of spatial. Many GIS use raster images as a fundamental layer for vector layers, which also increases the visuality of the image.

3 . Methods and technology modeling in GIS

In GIS, you can highlight four main modeling groups:

Semantic - at the level of information collection;

Invariant - the basis of maps representing, due to the use of special libraries, such as libraries of conditional signs and libraries of graphic elements;

Heuristic - communication with a computer based on a scenario that takes into account the technological features of the software and the features of processing this category of objects (occupies a leading place in interactive processing and in control and correction processes)

Information - the creation and transformation of different forms of information in the view specified by the user (is the main in the subsystem of documentary support).

When modeling in GIS, the following software and technological blocks can be distinguished:

Format conversion and data representation operations. Es important for GIS as a means of exchanging data with other systems. Format conversion is carried out using Special Converter Programs (AutoVec, Wingis, ArcPress).

Projection transformations. Carry out the transition from one cartographic projection to another or from the spatial system to the cartographic projection. As a rule, foreign software does not support projection directly distributed in our country, and it is quite difficult to get information about the type of projection and its parameters. This determines the advantage domestic developments GIS, containing sets of desired projection transformations. On the other hand, a wide variety of working methods with spatial data are widespread in need of analysis and classification.

Geometric analysis. For the vector GIS models, these are operations for determining distances, lengths of broken lines, searching for points crossing lines; For raster - operations identification operations, calculating areas and perimeter zones.

Overleery operations: overlay the varied layers with the generation of derivative objects and inheriting their attributes.

Functional and modeling operations:

calculation and construction of buffer zones (used in transport systems, forestry, when creating security zones around lakes, when determining pollution areas along roads);

network analysis (allow us to solve optimization tasks on networks - search for paths, allocation, zoning);

generalization (intended for selection and mapping of cartographic objects, respectively, the scale, content and thematic orientation);

digital modeling of the relief (lies in building a database model, which is best reflecting the terrain area).

4 . Information Security

A comprehensive information protection system should be based on four levels of any information system (IP), incl. and geographic information system:

Application software (software) responsible for interacting with the user. An example of IP elements that work at this level can be called the Winword text editor, Excel spreadsheet editor, Outlook email program, Internet Explorer, etc.

The level of the database management system (DBMS) responsible for storing and processing information system data. An example of IP elements that work at this level can be called Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase and MS Access.

Level operating system (OS) responsible for maintenance of DBMS and application software. An example of IP elements that work at this level can be called Microsoft Windows NT, SUN Solaris, Novell NetWare.

The level of the network responsible for the interaction of the information system nodes. An example of IP elements operating at this level can be called TCP / IP, IPS / SPX and SMB / NETBIOS protocols.

The protection system should effectively function at all these levels. Otherwise, the attacker will be able to realize this or that attack on the GIS resources. For example, to obtain unauthorized access to information about card coordinates in the GIS database, attackers may try to implement one of the following features:

Send network packets with formed requests for the necessary data from DBMS or intercept this data during their transmission over communication channels (network level).

In order for this or that attack could not be implemented, it is necessary to detect and eliminate the vulnerability of the information system. And at all 4 levels. SECURITY ASSESSMENT SYSTEMS or SCANNERS SECURITY SCANNERS (Security Scanners). These funds can detect and eliminate thousands of vulnerabilities on dozens and hundreds of nodes, incl. and remote to considerable distances.

The combination of various protection tools at all levels of GIS will build an efficient and reliable system for providing information security of the geographic information system. Such a system will stand guard of interests and users, and employees of the GIS service provider. It will reduce, and in many cases and fully prevent possible damage from attacks on the components and resources of the system of processing cartographic information.

5 . Applications and application GIS

Scientists calculated that 85% of the information that a person faces in his life has a territorial binding. Therefore, listing all applications of GIS is simply impossible. These systems can be used by practically in any field of human work.

GIS is effective in all areas where the territory and management of the territory and objects are taken into account. These are almost all areas of management and administration authorities: land resources and real estate, transport, engineering communications, business development, law enforcement and safety, emergency management, demography, ecology, health care, etc.

GIS allows accurately to take into account the coordinates of objects and areas of the plots. Due to the possibility of complex (taking into account the set of geographical, social and other factors), analyzing information on the quality and value of the territory and objects on it, these systems allow the most objectively to evaluate areas and objects, and can also provide accurate information about the taxable base.

In the field of transport, GIS has long ago have long shown their effectiveness due to the possibility of building optimal routes for both separate transportation, as well as for whole transport systems, on the scale of a separate city or a whole country. In this case, the possibility of using the most relevant information on the state of the road network and throughput allows you to build really optimal routes.

Accounting for communal and industrial infrastructure - the task itself is not simple. GIS not only allows you to effectively solve it, but also increase the return of this data in case of emergency situations. Thanks to GIS, specialists from various departments can communicate in general language.

The integration capabilities of GIS are truly limitless. These systems make it possible to keep records of the number, structure and distribution of the population and at the same time use this information for planning the development of social infrastructure, the transport network, the optimal placement of health facilities, fire relief and law enforcement.

GIS allows you to monitor the environmental situation and accounting for natural resources. They not only can give a response where there are "subtle places", but also thanks to the possibilities of modeling, tell me where to direct the strength and means so that such thin sites do not occur in the future.

With the help of geographic information systems, the relationships between different parameters (for example, soils, climate and crop yields) are determined, the locations of the power grids are detected.

Realtors use GIS to search, for example, all houses on a certain territory having slate roofs, three rooms and 10 meter kitchens, and then issuing more detailed description These buildings. The request can be clarified by the introduction of additional parameters, such as cost. You can get a list of all houses that are at a certain distance from a specific highway, a forest surveying array or place of work.

The company engaged in engineering communications can clearly plan repair or preventive work, starting with the full information and display on the computer screen (or on paper copies) of the respective sites, say water pipes, and ending with the automatic definition of residents in which these works will affect notification They are about the timing of the alleged disconnection or water supply interruptions.

For cosmic and aerial photographs, it is important that GIS can detect surface areas with a given set of properties reflected in the pictures in different parts of the spectrum. This is the essence of remote sensing. But in fact, this technology can be successfully applied in other areas. For example, in restoration: Pictures pictures in different areas Spectrum (including invisible).

The geographic information system can be used for inspection of both large areas (panorama of city, state or country) and limited space, for example, a casino hall. With this software product, casino management staff receives cards with color coding, reflecting the movement of money in games, rates, taking "bank" and other data from gambling machines.

GIS helps, for example, in solving such tasks as the provision of a variety of information on requests for planning bodies, resolving territorial conflicts, the choice of optimal (from different points of view and in different criteria) places for placement of objects, etc. The information required for making decisions may To be represented in a laconic cartographic form with additional text explanations, graphs and charts.

GIS serve to graphically build cards and receiving information both on individual objects and spatial data on areas, such as the location of natural gas reserves, the density of transport communications, or the distribution of per capita income in the state. In many cases marked on the map in many cases, much more clarity reflect the required information than dozens of reports pages with tables.


Summing up, it should be stated that GIS is currently being a modern type of integrated information system used in different directions. It meets the requirements of the global information of society. GIS is a system of contributing to solving management and economic problems based on funds and methods of informatization, i.e. promoting the process of information informatization in the interests of progress.

GIS as a system and its methodology are improving and developing, its development is carried out in the following directions:

Development of the theory and practice of information systems;

Study and summarizing experience with spatial data;

Research and development of concepts of creating space-temporal models;

Improving the technology of automated manufacture of electronic and digital maps;

Development of visual data processing technologies;

Developing decision-making methods based on integrated spatial information;

Intellectualization GIS.


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Job Instructions of the Chief Accountant

The chief accountant performs the following job responsibilities:

1. Manages the employees of the accounting department.

Internal Labor Rules

Chief Accountant Accounting

2. Coordinates the appointment, dismissal and movement of financially responsible persons of the organization.

Order of dismissal / employment

Department of Frames Heads.Bughalter Accounting

3. Heads the work on the preparation and adoption of the working plan of accounts, the forms of primary accounting documents applied to the design of economic operations for which they are not provided typical forms, developing forms of documents internal accounting financial statements of the organization.

Accounts, primary accounting documents

Accounting Chief Accountant

4. Coordinates with the director of the expenditure of funds from ruble and currency accounts of the organization.

Consumption of funds

Chief Accountant Director

5. Carries out an economic analysis of the economic and financial activities of the Organization according to accounting and reporting in order to identify intra-economic reserves, prevent losses and non-production costs.

Accounting Accounting Indicators

Financial Department, farms. Accounting Accountant Accountant

6. Participates in the preparation of events of the internal control system, preventing the formation of shortage and illegal spending money and commodity and material values, violations of financial and economic legislation.

Cash Turnover Report

accounting Chief Accountant

7. Signs together with the head of the Organization or authorized documents that serve as a basis for acceptance and issuing funds and commodity values, as well as credit and settlement obligations.

Order for the issuance of cash disposal for cash issuance

Director Chief Accountant Accounting

8. Controls the compliance with the procedure for registration of primary and accounting documents, settlements and payment obligations of the organization.

Primary accounting documents

Accounting Chief Accountant

9. Controls compliance with the established rules and timing of the inventory of funds, inventory and material values, fixed assets, calculations and payment obligations.

Inventory schedule

Chief Accountant Accounting

10. Controls the recovery of the receivables and repayment of payable debt, compliance with the payment discipline.

Recovery Plan Reverse Acts Record

Chief Accountant Accounting Customers and Suppliers

11. Controls the legality of the write-off with accounting accounts for shortages, receivables and other losses.

Accounts, Accord Acts, Overhead

Accounting Chief Accountant

12. Organizes timely reflection in accounting accounts for operations related to the movement of property, commitments and economic operations.

Property Movement Reports

Accounting Chief Accountant

13. Organizes the accounting of income and expenses of the organization, the execution of the estimates of the costs, sales of products, the performance of work (services), the results of the economic and financial activities of the Organization.

Cost estimates, reports of completed services (works)

Accounting Chief Accountant

14. Organizes the audits of the organization of accounting and reporting, as well as documentary audits in the structural divisions of the organization.

Service note Schedule Checking Accounting

Chief Accountant Director, Deputy Accounting

15. Provides the preparation of reliable reporting of the organization on the basis of primary documents and accounting records, submission to its reporting users.

Accounting reports

Accounting Chief Accountant

16. Provides the correct accrual and timely transfer of payments to the federal, regional and local budgets, contributions to state social, medical and pension insurance, the implementation of timely settlements with counterparties and wages.

Payment Plan Pension Fund, Insurance Company

Chief Accountant Accounting Tax Inspectorate

17. Develops and performs activities aimed at strengthening financial discipline in the organization.

Rules for strengthening financial discipline

Chief Accountant Accounting

No. p / p

Management functions












chief Accountant, Accounting

director, Chief Accountant

funds consumption, report on the turnover of money, rules for strengthening financial discipline

consumption Report


2, 3, 7, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

frame Department, Accounting, Director, Chief Accountant

chief Accountant, Accounting, Tax Inspectorate, Pension Fund, Insurance Company

order of dismissal / employment, accounts, primary accounting documents, an order for cash issuance, property movement reports, cost estimates, reports on work performed (services), service note, accounting reports, payment transfer plan

order of cash issuance, account check schedule, report on the transfer of payments


chief Accountant, Accounting, Chief Accountant

accounting, Chief Accountant, Customers and Suppliers

internal Labor Rules, Primary Accounting Documentation, Inventory Schedule, Debt Repayment Plan, Accounts, Accords, Overhead

current acts

financial Department, Economic Department, Accounting

chief Accountant

accounting Indicators

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    The study of modeling the medical apparatus of the pulse analytical system. The task of assessing the degree of objectivity of the modeling method in relation to the object. Using the Decomposition method. Recommendations for the use of modeling algorithm.

A characteristic feature of the process of introducing geoinformation technologies is currently the integration of existing systems into more general national, international and global information structures. First of all, we turn to projects without even the very last time. In this regard, the experience of developing global information programs and projects within the framework of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program "Global Changes" (MGPP), which has already been implemented since 1990 and has a great influence on the course of geographical and environmental work of global, regional and national scales [V. M. Kotlyakov, 1989]. Among the diverse international and large national geoinformation projects, as part of the IGP, we mention only the Global Information and Resource Database - Grid. It was formed in the structure of the environmental monitoring system (GEMS) under the auspices of the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) created in 1975. GEMS consisted of global monitoring systems managed through various UN organizations, such as Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), World Meteorological Organization (WMO), World Health Organization (WHO), International Unions and Seven Countries, in one way or another participating in program. Monitoring networks are organized within five blocks associated with climate, health of people, the ocean environment, long-range moving pollution, renewable natural resources. Each of these blocks is characterized in Article [A. M. Trofimov et al., 1990]. The monitoring associated with the climate has provided data that determine the influence of human activity on the climate of the Earth, including two directions related to the work of the atmospheric background pollution monitoring network and the world glossyological inventory. The first concerns the establishment of trends in the atmospheric composition (changes in content carbon dioxide, ozone, etc.), as well as trends in chemical composition Atmospheric precipitation. The atmospheric background pollution monitoring stations (BAPMON) is organized by WHO in 1969 and since 1974 he has supported UNEP as part of Gems. It includes three types of monitoring stations: basic, regional and regional with an extended program. The data is reported monthly to the Coordination Center, located in the Intergovernmental Agency for Environmental Protection (ELE) (Washington, USA). Since 1972, data with WMO materials, Era is published annually. World Glyciological Inventory is associated with UNESCO and its Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The information they collected are very important, since the oscillations of glacial and snow masses give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe progress of climatic variability. The program of monitoring of long-range moving pollution is implemented in conjunction with the works of the European Economic Commission (ECE) and WMO. Data on contaminated precipitation (in particular, sulfur oxides and their transformed products are collected, with which the acid rain is usually associated with the movement of air masses from pollution sources to individual objects. In 1977, ECE, in collaboration with UNEP and WHO, formulated a joint program for monitoring and evaluating the transfer of air pollution for long distances in Europe (European monitoring and evaluation program). The monitoring associated with the health of people provides a collection of data on the quality of the environment on a global scale, about radiation, on changes in the level of ultraviolet radiation (as a result of the depletion of the ozone layer), etc. This GEMS program is largely related to the activities of the World Health Organization (WHO ). Joint monitoring of water quality has been taken by organizations UNEP, WHO, UNESCO and WMO. The emphasis here is made on the water of rivers, lakes, as well as ground, i.e. Those are the main source of providing people with water, for irrigation, some industries, etc. Monitoring of food pollution within the GEMS existed since 1976 in collaboration with WHO and FAO. Data on polluted foods provide information on the nature of the spread of pollution, which, in turn, serves as a basis for managerial solutions of various ranks. The monitoring of the ocean environment was considered in two aspects: monitoring the open ocean and regional seas. The activities of the Renewable Earth Resources Monitoring Program are based on preferences to monitor the resources of arid and semi-sore lands, soil degradation, rainforest. The general GRID system, organized in 1985, is an information service providing environmental management organizations of the UN, as well as other international organizations and governments. The main function of Grid is to collect together data, to synthesize them so that employees of the planning bodies can quickly absorb the material and make it accessible to national and international solutions that may affect the environment. In its full-scale development at the turn of centuries, the system is implemented as a global hierarchically organized network, including regional centers and nodes of the national level, with a wide interoperability of data. Grid is a dispersed (distributed) system whose assemblies are connected by telecommunications. The system is divided into two main center: GRID-CONTROL, located in Nairobi (Kenya) and Grid-Processor in Geneva (Switzerland). The center, located in Nairobi, monitors and manages the GRID activities worldwide. Grid-Processor is associated with obtaining data, monitoring, modeling, as well as data distribution. From global problems, the Geneva Center is currently engaged in the GLOBAL ENVIRONMENT OUTLOOK series, developing a strategy and ensuring early warning of various threats, in particular biodiversity (especially in the framework of the new DEWA division - Division of Early Warning and Assessment), the use of GIS for the rational use of natural resources, specific studies, primarily for French-speaking Africa, Central and of Eastern Europe, Mediterranean, etc. In addition to the two above-mentioned centers, the system includes another 12 centers posted in Brazil, Hungary, Georgia, Nepal, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Russia, USA, Thailand, Sweden and Japan. Their work is also on a global scale, but to a certain extent specialized in the regions. For example, the GRID-ARENDAL center (Norway) implements a number of Arctic programs, such as AMAR - Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, the Baltic Sea region (Ballerina - GIS Projects for large-scale environmental applications), etc. Unfortunately, the activities of the GRID Center -Moscow little is known to even specialists. The information system of the European Economic Community Corine (Coordinated information on the Environment in The European Community) deserves attention from PRERs of interethnic cooperation to create large databases. The decision on its creation was made in June 1985 by the Council of the European Community, who had previously in front of the two main objectives: Assessing the potential of the community information systems as a source to study the state of its natural environment and providing the EU environmental strategy for priority areas, including the protection of biotopes, pollution evaluation Atmospheric As a result of local emissions and transboundary transfer, a comprehensive assessment environmental problems Mediterranean region. To date, the project is completed, but there are information about the possibilities of its distribution to the territory of Eastern European countries in the future. Among national projects, naturally, I would like to appeal to examples in Russia, although it should immediately recognize its not the most advanced position in the world. Thus, in the early 90s, the possibilities of connecting the possibilities then the USSR to work as part of the GRID UNEP global resource system were actively worked out. We only indicate one of the initiatives of the time within the framework of the activities of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Russian Federation - a draft creation of a state eco-information system (GEIS), the initial stage of which was still developed in the former State Committee of the USSR. It was planned that Gais should consist of long-term databases; databases obtained in supreme experiments and control measurements (apparently temporary storage); Database subsets of the data required for consumers research work and from an information network connecting the component of the system with the control centers of observation facilities and with the bases of other systems, including international. The field of application of Gais on the design of the designers was divided into the following main categories: 1) environmental control (to determine the environment); 2) environmental monitoring (for analyzing environmental changes); 3) modeling (for causal analysis). Gais in general was to be a computer system in which the main source of information input is detailed database of geographically oriented data on the state of the environment: images, data of operational control, observation statistical data, episodes of cards (geological, soil, climatic, vegetation, land use , infrastructure, etc.). The joint processing of this information is an immediate path to environmental modeling. The main task of the planned Gais was the development of data management technology, combining environmental sets that exist in a variety of formats and taken from different sources. The data in the Gais should have come across the following subject areas: the geosphere (including earth shells - the atmosphere, hydrosphere, a lithosphere, a biosphere) and the technosphere; material natural resources (energy, mineral, water, land, forest, etc.), as well as by their use; climate change; the state of production technologies; economic indicators in environmental management; storage and recycling of waste; social and biomedical indicators, etc., naturally providing for the possibility of subsequent synthesis of indicators. In some features, this program resembled the technique used in the GRID UNEP system. Among the federal level programs should be mentioned by the GIS GIS project (government bodies), which began to be implemented in real life at the regional level (see below) or transform to other needs, for example, which began to be implemented by the Federal Target Program "Electronic Russia" (2002 - 2010) . As an example of integrated systems, we will indicate the development of "Sustainable Development of Russia" [V.S.Tikunov, 2002]. A feature of its structure is the close linkage of the socially polytic, economic (production), natural and environmental blocks. In general, they characterize the socioecosystems of various territorial ranks. For all thematic plots, it is possible to characterize the hierarchy of their changes - from the global to the local level, taking into account the specifics of the presentation of phenomena at different scales of their display. It is implemented here by the principle of hyperming system, when the plots are connected by associative (semantic) bonds, for example, the plots of a lower hierarchical level not only displays any thematic plot in the appropriate scale, but also, as if disclosed, turn it out, detail it. At the top level of the hierarchy, a section "The place and role of Russia in solving the global problems of humanity" was created. World maps of this section are designed to display reserves, as well as the balance of production and consumption of humanity of the most important types of natural resources; Dynamics of population growth; Anthropogenic load index; The contribution of Russia and other countries to the planetary environmental situation and other anamorphoses, charts, graphs, explanatory text and tables should show the role of Russia in solving modern global problems of humanity. It is useful to compare the regions of Russia and foreign countries When they are considered as a single information array. For these purposes, multidimensional ranks were used on the basis of complexes of comparable indicators, which, according to some integral characteristics, distributes Russian regions from the level of Austria (Moscow) to Nicaragua (Republic of Tuva). One of these examples according to the characterization of public health is shown in Fig. 24 Col incl. Here is the characteristics of the public health of the countries of the world and regions of Russia, but in the same way the plots can be continued until the municipal level. Sections of the federal level form the main core of the system. Along with many original plots, a fairly complete characteristic of all components of the "Nature-Economy-Population" system are given with an emphasis on the nature of the changes that occur. The blocks are completed by integral estimates of the socio-demographic stability, the stability of the economic development of the economy, the stability of the natural environment to anthropogenic effects and some other generalizing plots, and the quantitatively expressed quantitatively. As integral characteristics, a sustainable economic welfare index and human development index, as well as an environmental sustainability index, real progress, live planet, "ecological footprint", etc. [Indicators, 2001] is widely known. But even referring to private plots, not to mention the complex characteristics, the task is not easy to show the actual state, but to emphasize the patterns in the development of phenomena, to display them from different sides. As an example, we indicate on the characteristics of the election campaigns conducted in Russia since 1991. So, in addition to traditional plots, reflecting winners in elected campaigns and the percentage of votes filed by a candidate or party, the integral indexes of manageability of territories [V.SS Botikunov, D.D. Odeshkin, 2000] and the nature of their changes from one election campaign to another (Fig. 2s CV. On). Another example of an unconventional approach is to combine typological and evaluation characteristics, such as public health assessment with types of causes of mortality of the population (Fig. 26 Col. Incl.). The next hierarchically lower section of the system is the block "model of transition of regions of Russia to sustainable development". As in other sections of the Atlas, the main content of all branches of this block is aimed at determining the environmental, economic and social components of the sustainable development of territories. Here, by now, you can find examples of the characteristics of the Baikal region, the Irkutsk region, the Irkutsk administrative district and Irkutsk. With the characteristics of the region, it will be analyzed, on the one hand, as an integral part of larger education - the state, on the other, as self-sufficient (within certain limits), the integrity capable of self-development based on available resources. On the basis of created maps, it is planned to develop proposals for the development strategy and innovation activity of the region and its territories. The typology of all regions of Russia was carried out and typical representatives of different groups (industrial, agricultural, etc.) were revealed. It is planned to create several regional branches of the system representing different types of territories of the country, in particular for Khanty-Mansiysk autonomous District . It should be paid attention to the principle of the system's blockness, since individual logical blocks can be modified, replenished or expanding, without changing the structure of the entire system. The subject associated with a sustainable development, requires compulsory consideration of almost all thematic scenes in the dynamics, which is implemented in accordance with the principle of evolutionaryness and dynamism in the satin information system. These are mainly characteristics of phenomena for basic time periods or years. For a number of plots for retrospective analysis, several thematic animations were developed: "Changes in the distribution and forestry of the regions of Russia over the past 300 years", "Growth of the network of cities of Russia", "Dynamics of the density of the population of Russia, 1678-2011", "The development of the metallurgical industry Russia in the XVIII-XX centuries. " and "The development of railway network (growth and electrification), XIX-XX centuries", which constitute the first stage of preparation of the integrated animation "Development of industry and transport" Russia ". The most important application of the system is the development of scenarios for the development of the country and its regions. In this The case is implemented by the principle of multivariates when the end user is proposed a number of interest to its solutions, such as optimistic, pessimistic and other scenarios. And the more difficult these scenarios, the more increasingly the urgent need for system intellectualization occurs when the expert systems and the use of neural networks help in a great difficulty. , often with a significant fuzziness of tasks, to receive acceptable results. Perspectively applying a meaningful modeling of complex phenomena within the information system. The basis of such a modeling is a comprehensive systemic approach to modeling socioecosystems. So, the user of the system will be able to simulate some structure, The Board of which will present options leading, for example, to an increase in the level of welfare of the people or an increase in its public health as the final result for many transformations with the assessment of the necessary costs to achieve the result. Simulation means will be developed, primarily aimed at developing various scenarios of the transition of the country's regions to the models of their sustainable development. The final stage of the project associated with the intellectualization of the entire system will make it possible to form a full-scale decision-making system. Finally, it should be noted that the formable system should be based on the principle of multimedia (multi-size), which facilitates the decision-making process. The creation of regional geo-information systems in Russia is largely due to the implementation of the GIS GIS program (state authorities) and the CTCPR (integrated territorial inventory of natural resources). The development of basic provisions under the GIS program program was assigned to the state center "Nature" - the enterprise of the Federal Surveying Service and Cartography (Roskartography). In some subjects of the Russian Federation, regional information and analytical centers equipped with modern computer technologies, including GIS technologies, have been created and functioning. Among the regions in which the most significant results were obtained on the creation of GIS GIS - Perm and Irkutsk regions. In 1995-1996 A significant work was done to create GIS of the Novosibirsk region. The most worked project in the field of regional GIS for the OGM is undoubtedly implemented at the present time in the Perm region. "The concept of this system provides for the use of geo-information technologies in the structural divisions of the regional administration and in the structural divisions of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, operating in the territory of the Perm region. At the stage of development, the concept was considered by the Federal Survey and Cartography of the Russian Federation, as well as the State Georgation Center and the State Center" Nature "Agreement was concluded between the administration of the Perm region and the Federal Survey Service and Cartography of Russia on the formation of a geo-information system of the Perm Region, providing for the creation and updating of topographic maps of 1: 1000,000 and 1: 200,000 to the region. The concept of the geo-information system was determined : main directions of the creation of GIS; composition of GIS users; requirements for databases; regulatory frameworks; GIS developers, development stages, priority projects, sources of financing. The main directions of creating GIS COO Tweets the directions of management activities of the authorities of the region: socio-economic development; economics and finance; ecology, resources and environmental management; transport and communication; communal services and construction; Agriculture; . Health, education and culture; Public order, defense and security; Socio-political development. Naturally, a large place in the development of the regional system is occupied by the project of a digital cartographic basis. The concept provides for the application of the cards: 1: 1000,000 survey and topographic map into the territory of the Perm region and related territory; topographic map scale 1: 200,000 per territory of the region; geological map scale 1: 200 000; topographic cards for the territories of agricultural and forest land, shipping rivers across 1: 100 000,1: 50 000, 1: 25000, 1: 10,000; To solve engineering tasks and tasks of urban economy cards and plans of scale 1: 5000, 1: 2000, 1: 500. For cards, the 1942 coordinate system was adopted in the 1963 coordinate system or in the local coordinate system, when turned on in the GIS region, the area is given to a unified coordinate system. For digital topographic maps, the Roskarota1Rephian UNI_VGM classifier is used, providing the ability to work with symbols of conventional signs from 1: 500 to scale 1: 1000000 (all-scale classifier). The spectrum of the software used is quite wide: the Laris project is performed using the INTERGRAPH SIGR software. Geological cards are created in GIS "Park". Solutions on the choice of software were determined by the presence of accommodated tasks in various departmental GIS and accepted industry decisions. Digital card formats used were determined by the GIS software used. However, it is indicated that you need to have converters converting digital cards from one format to another to provide information in different GIS packages. In November 1998, digital maps of the Perm region of scale 1: 1000 000 and 1: 200,000 were transferred to the region to the region, the main format of the received F20V cards. Cards are converted to E00 format used in GIS, ESRI Inc. The informational saturation of maps created by Roskartograph did not suit the developers of regional GIS. At the first stage, the system developers pay great attention to its increase, filling the semantics of maps and territorial binding of the available and newly created thematic databases. When creating GIS, several pilot projects were performed: the creation of an integrated GIS village and the resort "Ust-Kachka" to work out comprehensive solutions in a small territory, on the example of GIS "Ust-Kachk" to demonstrate the possibilities of GIS not enough to prepare managers; Creating a flood model for the cities of Perm and Kungur. To create a flood model, a matrix of the heights of the potential zone of flooding was built, calculations were made to model the level of flooding; Development of environmental control of the pilot projects of GIS for the city of Berezniki and the adjacent territories. The main results of the implementation of the Program are represented by the authors of the concept V.L. Chebinkin, Yu. B. Shcherbinin in the form of the following subsystems (components): "GIS geology". Created for a real geological and economic assessment resource potential Perm region, development of solutions for efficient use of resources. Includes a geodatab bank on mineral deposits, the placement of mining and consuming enterprises, the amount of reserves, the dynamics of mining and consumption; GIS Land Cadastre. Provides conditions for objective tax collection to land and compliance with regulatory and legal acts in possession, use, changing the owner. Includes geodata bank about borders land plots In the context of ownership of land and the register of owners; "GIS Roads". Allows you to determine and efficiently use technical and economic conditions for the operation and development of the transport road network. It is based on a geodatance bank about the roads of the Perm region, as coverage, technical condition of roads, technical characteristics of bridges, travel, moves, ferry and ice crossings, road signs. Includes the basis of economic data on the use of roads for freight and passenger traffic, the cost of maintenance of roads, as well as the property registry and liability borders; "GIS Railways". Allows you to determine and efficiently use technical and economic conditions for the operation and development of the transport rail network. Includes geodatab bank railways Perm region, railway bridges and moving, railway stations, venues, facilities, as well as the basis for economic data on the use of roads for freight and passenger traffic, road content; "GIS River farming." Provides information to the calculations of the work of dredgers for deepening the river beds and calculations on the efficiency and development of shipping. Information support - geographic information about the relief of the bottom of shipping rivers and the database on river freight and passenger routes; . "GIS floods". Provides the process of modeling river spills and performing the calculations of anti-formula measures, flood losses, provides necessary information For the work of anti-phase commissions. Information base - geodata about the terrain of the banks of the rivers; GIS Hydraulic Constructions. It serves to simulate the consequences of man-made impacts on water bodies of the population and enterprises. Geodata Bank - information on dams, gateways, water intakes, sewage facilities and drains of liquid waste of industrial enterprises, information bases of technical and economic data on hydrocaffiers; "GIS Water Management." It is created for an objective assessment and planning of the use of water resources of the region. Geodain Bank contains information about rivers, reservoirs, lakes, swamps, water protection zones and coastal protective bands, as well as information on the length, area, stocks and quality of water resources, characterization of fish stocks, property registry and liability borders; "GIS Forestry". We are interested in an objective assessment and planning of the use of forest resources of the region. This activity is based on information on forest areas, rocks and the age of forest, its economic assessment, cutting, processing, processing, forest sales, location of refinery and processing enterprises, on property rights and liability borders; "GIS Cadastre Natural Resources." Combines the information of the components of GIS-Geology, GIS Forestry, GIS Water Management, as well as fisheries, reserves, hunting and other fisheries, binds the geobase of these components, creates an information base of a comprehensive assessment of the natural resources of the Perm region; "GIS Ecology". It is created to develop measures to improve the environmental situation, the definition of the reasonable amounts necessary for the implementation of these events; "GIS specially protected natural territories." Geodatab bank on specially protected natural territories of the region; "GIS Ecoatology". Geodata Bank on the impact of the environmental situation on the health and mortality of the population, which makes it possible to provide an objective assessment of the living conditions of the population in the region; "GIS oil and gas pipelines". Used to simulate and assess the effects of emergency situations, economic settlements. The geodata bank contains information about oil and gas pipelines, pumping stations and other engineering facilities in the region, the register of owners, ownership and boundaries of the responsibility, the geodal bank about the relief of adjacent territories, information bases of technical econom economic characteristics; GIS control and modeling of natural and technogenic manifestations of catastrophic deformations of the earth's surface of the Perm region based on the results of monitoring, including space; "GIS-Population". Geodatabases for population disposal, allowing to perform an analysis of the territory in the age of age, invoking age, employment, socially protected groups, the migration of the population necessary to substantiate social programs as well information support elected campaigns (the formation of electoral districts and analysis of the electorate); "GIS ATC". Divided into components: "GIS Fire Protection"; "GIS traffic police"; "GIS Social Security"; "GIS EFS". Bases are created: potentially dangerous objects, tactical and technical characteristics of these facilities, forces and means of civil defense and the attracted forces and funds of the regional subsystem of emergency situations, tactical and technical characteristics of forces and means; The base of the geodata location of the evacuation zones and routes for enterprises and the population of the region, information bases of the tactical and technical characteristics of zones and evacuation routes; "GIS Medicine Catastrophe". Creates, in particular, the geobazia of dislocation and information bases of the state of medical institutions; "GIS to ensure the safety of the vital activity of the population." Geobaza observation posts of potentially dangerous objects, relief geobase and other area characteristics on the scale necessary to address the tasks of modeling emergency situations at observation facilities and adjacent territories, information bases of tactical and technical data for the organization of work and registration of the work of observation posts; "GIS Social and Economic Development of the region." It is necessary for analyzing the activities of local governments, its comparisons with similar in the adjacent territories, both at the moment and in the dynamics of the procedure for collecting information by state statistical accounting authorities. In addition, this component is used to develop territory management activities. The Geobaise GIS of the socio-economic development of the region contains information on the administrative division of the region, about the passports of the territories, the base of the Perm Regional Committee of State Statistics in terms of the state of socio-economic development and the general government of the regional administration economy in terms of the forecast of socio-economic development. As a result of the implementation of the Program, legal, economic, organizational and technical measures to fulfill the tasks of creating GIS ECMs should be developed and the databases of digital cards of the Perm region of various scale are formed to display the dynamics of the socio-economic development of the region. The area management structures will be provided with real spatial-temporal information on the infrastructure and social development of the region, which makes it possible to form a mechanism for managing the economy of the region on a geo-information basis. The developed concept of the geographic information system and the GIS creation program relies on significant experience in enterprises and organizations of the Perm region in this field of activity. Various projects are performed in the Committee of the Land Cadastre of the Perm Region, the Perm State Georgot State Geographic Enterprise, the Committee of Natural Resources of the Perm Region, in the Research Clinical Institute of Children's Ecoatology and other organizations. Under the leadership of the Land Cadastre Committee of the Perm Region, work is underway to carry out cadastral filming, the manufacture of planned cartographic materials, land inventory, registration of owners to the Earth. The customer of the State Automated Land Cadastre system in the Perm region (GAS ZK) is the Land Cadastre Region Committee. Special Working Groups of Operational Management of the Laris project has been created in Oblomzem and Goriyomzem. At the unitary state-owned enterprise "Ural design and survey enterprise of land cadastral filming" (Uralzazkadastrikka) created specialized production based on digital cadastral technologies. GIS is used by Intergraph Wary., As well as Microstation, Maplnfo Professional. The Perm State Geological GeocarTa enterprise performs works under the program of state geological mapping. For each part of the enterprise, duty is fixed on one or two nomenclature sheets of the perm region of the scale of 1: 200,000, the results of the work are made in graphical and digital form. The enterprise uses GIS "Geock", which provides technology for creating digital cards, as well as Arclnfo, ArcView, Park 6.0. The following geological documents were created in digital form: a geological card of herd-solidary formations based on the materials of the daunting and preparation of the state geological map of the scale of 1: 200,000. Geological map of quaternary deposits. Scheme of geomorphological zoning. Map of productive oil and gas structures. Administrative division scheme with transport paths and trunk communications. Daughter-spectal formation card is supplemented historical information: on copper, gland, chromites, bauxes, manganese, titanium, lead, strontium, gold; ' by building materials (Gabbro-diabases, limestone, dolomites, marbles, sandstones), quartz, fluorite, volkonski-ite; Oil, gas, coal, potash salts, drinking water. A map of quaternary deposits reflects the distribution by objects of objects with content: gold, platinum, diamonds; Agrorud (peat, limestone tuff, Mergel), clay, sandbreaker mixtures, sands and others. Pursuant to the disposal of the Governor of the Perm region of 09.11.95 No. 338 "On the environmental monitoring system in the region" under the leadership of the Natural Resources Committee of the Perm Region (previously state The Committee for Environmental Protection) works to create a unified territorial environmental monitoring system (ETSEM). ETCEM is created for the purpose of information support for making management decisions in the field of environmental protection to ensure environmentally safe sustainable development of the territory and is part of information and geographic information system of the Perm region. The work on the creation and maintenance of GIS health care is fulfilled by the Research Clinical Institute of Children's Ecoatology (Niki DEP). At the regional level, the use of GIS to solve the problems of information support for the health care management system of the region is to solve the territories with unfavorable trends in medical and demographic and environmental indicators; Justification of regional investments in territorial health care based on the geo-information analysis of medical and complex indicators (both separate and complex); Analysis of the adequacy of medical services to the population in terms of territories and evaluating the acute problems of individual territories; Justification and placement of a network of inter-district centers for the provision of specialized medical care et al. Works are made to link spatial information and database for medical care of the population, medical-demographic, sanitary and hygienic and environmental indicators on a single card diagram of the Perm region. Collected information in more than 260 indicators. The system uses small-scale vector map diagrams (1: 1000000). Software allows you to play a number of scenarios and the choice of options for the optimal use of a kainy fund and the laboratory and diagnostic base of therapeutic and preventive institutions. To solve medical and environmental problems using GIS, priority areas are allocated for the combination of risk factors for public health and individual environmental indicators, a spatial binding of long-term databases for sources has been performed. harmful effects on the environment. The environmental project was implemented in the composition of the municipal GIS Perm, which is a component of regional GIS. On the basis of the vector card 1:25 000 layers were created: the incidence of the population in the districts of the city of Perm, the zones of the actions of therapeutic and preventive institutions. The system allows you to trace the dynamics of morbidity over the past 6 years to 68 indicators. As part of the project, layers are formed reflecting various aspects of the environment (soil pollution zone with heavy metals, the content of harmful substances in the atmospheric air based on the results of inventive observations, stationary sources of emissions of harmful substances into atmospheric air with the detailed characteristics of each source, earth-levels of industrial enterprises with information about The company as a source of pollution of the natural environment, the content of harmful impurities in the biological environments of the children's population, etc.). Layers having a saturated attribute base are used in analytical tasks. The created system gives a solution to the solution of the tasks of forming the optimal network of placement of atmospheric air quality controls on the criteria for public health, the development of medical and environmental rehabilitation programs, etc. The ecological project of the municipal GIS is created on the basis of ArcView. GIS is used in conjunction with modeling and analytical programs, which makes it possible to obtain comprehensive assessments of various territorial levels. In 1994-1997 Niki DEP issued the medical and environmental atlas of the Perm region. In 1998, the Niki DEP together with the regional center of new information technologies of the Perm State technical University And the Department of Education and Science Administration of the Region issued atlas of the social and educational sphere of the Perm region (a pilot project in the framework of the Interuniversity Scientific and Technical Program "Development of the scientific foundations of the creation of geo-information systems"). By the decision of the Legislative Assembly of 06.04.98 No. 78, a comprehensive territorial program "Safety of life and the organization of monitoring systems for the forecast of natural and natural and technological emergencies in the territory of the Perm region for 1998-2000", providing for: development and improvement of the geographic information system warnings and actions in emergency situations (GIS EFS); 2. Creating a subsystem of actions in the conditions of emergency situations as part of the geographic information system of the ATC of the Perm region. The geographic information system of emergencies is created on the basis of the scientist research developments of the Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Perm). Development of "Technical Requirements for Digital Topographic Maps of Scale 1: 1000 000 and 1: 200,000 to the territory of the Perm Region", "Methods of testing the quality of digital topographic maps of scale 1: 1000 000 and 1: 200,000 on the territory of the Perm region", work on control The qualities and acceptance of these digital cargo are carried out by the Perm state unitary enterprise "Special Research Bureau" Elbrus "(SNIB" Elbrus "). Snor "Elbrus" is a holder of digital topographic maps of the specified scale and performs work on the implementation of maps in accordance with the "temporary position on the procedure for using digital electronic maps of the Perm scale of 1: 1000 000 and 1: 200,000". SNIBE "Elbrus" uses several GIS software tools: Intelkart, Intelves, Panorama, GIS RSCH, MAPLNFO Professional, ArcView, Arclnfo, and other GUP SNIB "Elbrus" leads a single classifier of cartographic information for the entire large-scale range of GIS OGV of the Perm region, developed a converter system To ensure compatibility of the application of cards in various GIS software. At the Geographical Faculty of Perm State University is being developed by GIS "Protected natural territories Perm region "; Work is underway to create thematic physico-geographical, socio-economic and ecological and geographic layers (hydrography, orography, geomorphology, soil, vegetation, climate, settlements, transport network, industry, agriculture, manufacturing and social infrastructure, etc.). Own systems of Irkutsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan regions, Primorsky Krai, etc. are developed. There are quite numerous examples of the implementation of GIS at the local level. Within the UBSU-NUR program, a geo-information system was created for the characteristics of the reserves and age dynamics of the stand in the Woods of the UBSU-Nurst Bowl, for the complex characteristics of the venue of the summer training practices of the Geographical Faculty of Moscow State University, GIS Satino and others were developed. The last system is essentially comprehensive Digital model of the territory of the Satino training landfill (Borovsky rr Kaluga region) (Yu.F. Knitnikov, I. K. Lurie, 2002]. Basic base layers - Photographs and topographic maps of the scale of 1: 5000 and 1: 10,000. These field student studies are widely used. Geographic information funds are being completed As systematized sets of data on properties and relations of geographical objects and processes on the territory. To study the dynamic states of the natural geosystem, various temporary and large-scale levels are used - perennial (high-end cards, aero- and space images, materials of long-term field surveys of the landfill), as well as seasonal (mainly aerial and special landscape-phenologic studies). Developed by a decinitive and navigating complex for automated field research. You can also bring examples of systems created to control the environmental situation within a separate chemical plant, and others from those implemented or implemented in Project bands also indicate numerous examples of sectoral GIS-technologies applications to various thematic areas - geology, land cadastre, forestry, ecology, municipal management, operation of engineering communications, activities of force structures. They are discussed in detail in the book [E. Kapralov, A. V. Koshkarev, V.S.Tikunov et al., 2004]. Control questions What is the role of the GRID global information and resource database? What is the main feature of the GRID system? Are Russian projects with international techniques agreed? Is such agreement appropriate? Describe the features of the planned state eco-information system; Is the implementation of this project advocated in modern conditions? List the main features of the Sustainable Development of Russia. Evaluate the optimality of the system created for the Perm region. Is it worthwhile to create local systems? Make a plan for a possible geo-information project for its area.

Remote sensing data provide important information that helps in monitoring various applications, such as the merger of images, detection of changes and the classification of earth cover. Space snapshots are a key method used to obtain information related to earthly resources and the environment.

The popular data from satellite snapshots include the fact that they can easily get access online through various cartographic applications. Being simply able to find the right address, these applications helped the GIS community in project planning, monitor natural disasters in many areas in our lives.

Terracloud provides access to the database of high-term space shots of the permissions you need from satellites of the Russian Federation in one window online, and around the clock and from anywhere in the world. And on convenient order conditions.

The main aspect that affects the accuracy of the ground object is the spatial resolution. Temporary resolution helps in creating earth cover cards for environmental planning, detecting changes in land use and transportation planning.

Data integration and analysis of urban areas using medium resolution remote sensing images are mainly focused on documenting settlements or are used to distinguish between residential, commercial and industrial zones.

Providing a basic card for graphic references and assistance to planners and engineers

The number of parts that the ortho-formation produces using high-resolution satellite images is of great importance. Since it provides a detailed image of the selected area together with the surrounding areas.

Since maps are based on location, they are specifically designed to transmit high-structured data and create a complete picture of the gloring point you need. There are numerous applications of satellite images and remote sensing data.

Today, countries use information obtained from satellite images to make government decisions, civil defense operations, police and geographic information systems (GIS) as a whole. These days, data obtained using satellite picturesMandatory, and all government projects must be presented on the basis of satellite data.

At the preliminary and fertiliation stages of intelligence minerals, it is important to know about the potential utility of mineral resources to be considered for mining.

In such scenarios, mapping based on remote sensing from a satellite and its integration into the GIS platform help geologists easily make a map of mineral potential zones, saving time. With the help of spectral analysis of satellite image bands, a scientist can quickly determine and display mineral accessibility with special indicators.

This will allow the geologist-intelligence geologist, geochemical and trial drilling rigs to zones with high potential.

Result natural disaster May be destructive and sometimes difficult to evaluate. But disaster risk assessment is needed for rescuers. This information must be prepared and performed quickly and accurately.

The classification of images based on objects using changes to detect (before and after the event) is a quick way to obtain damage assessment data. Other similar applications using satellite images in disaster estimates include the shadows measurement from buildings and digital surface models.

With the growth of people around the world and the need to increase agricultural production, there is a certain need for proper management of global agricultural resources.

That this happens, first of all, it is necessary to obtain reliable data not only about types, but also on quality, quantity and location of these resources. Satellite images and GIS (Geographical Information Systems) will always remain an important factor in improving existing systems for collecting and drawing up agricultural and resource data.

Currently, mapping and surveys of agriculture are held worldwide in order to collect information and statistics on agricultural cultures, pasture races, domestic livestock and other related agricultural resources.

The information collected is necessary to implement effective management decisions. Agricultural survey is necessary for planning and distributing limited resources between different sectors of the economy.

3D models of cities- These are digital models of urban areas, which represent the surfaces of the terrain, plots, buildings, vegetation, infrastructure and landscape elements, as well as related objects belonging to urban areas.

Their components are described and presented with relevant two-dimensional and three-dimensional spatial data and data with geographic binding. Three-dimensional cities model support presentation, research, analysis and management of tasks in a large number of different applications.

3D GIS is a quick and efficient solution for large and remote places where manual shooting is almost impossible. Various city and rural planning departments need 3D GIS data, such as drainage, sewage,
Water supply, channel design and much more.

And a few words finally. Satellite pictures We just needed in our time. Their accuracy is out of all questions - after all, everything is visible on top everything. The main thing is the question of the relevance of the pictures and the opportunity to get a snapshot of that area of \u200b\u200bthe territory - which you really need. Sometimes it helps to solve really important questions.

09/20/2018, Thu, 10:51, MSK , Text: Igor Korolev

The "Digital Economics" program assumes a whole set of measures to ensure the availability of spatial data and data of remote sensing of the Earth total cost 34.9 billion. It is planned to create portals for both data types, build a federal network of geodesic stations and control the efficiency of the federal budget expenditures from space.


The "Information Infrastructure" section of the program "Digital Economics" involves the creation of domestic digital platforms for collecting, processing and distributing spatial data and remote sensing data of the Earth (CZP) from space, ensuring the needs of citizens, business and power. According to CNews estimates, the costs of relevant activities will amount to ₽34.9 billion, most of this amount will be taken from the federal budget.

First of all, it is planned to develop a glossary of terms in the field of working with spatial data and DZZ data from space. In the same areas, including the products and services created on their basis, tasks must be delivered and the requirements for researching the needs of the digital economy in domestic services and technologies for collecting, processing, distribution and analysis are formed.

The Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Communications, Roskosmos, Rosreest, Rostelecom, Moscow State University will be engaged in relevant work. M.V. Lomonosov and the Working Group "Aeronet" of the National Technological Initiative (NTI). For these purposes there will be spent ₽.88 million, of which ₽ 65 million will allocate the federal budget. It should be noted that, according to Russian legislation, these DZZ do not relate to spatial data.

In parallel, architecture and road map of the creation of the collection, storage, processing and distribution infrastructure creation will be developed for spatial data and DZZ data from space. The infrastructure will function on the basis of an interdepartmental unified territorial distributed information system (Etris DZZ).

This will take "Roskosmos", "Rostelecom" and the Ministry of Economic Development. The cost of the event will be 85 million, of which ₽65 million will allocate the federal budget.


The use of certified remote sensing data of the Earth must be regulated. The federal legislation will be amended to consolidate the status of the Federal DZP Fund.

A roadmap of creating relevant regulatory support will also be developed. The requirements for the provision and procedure for the provision in the electronic form of spatial data and materials and DZZ data contained in the relevant federal fund will be regulated.

The normative acts will be enshrined the creation of a DCZ data certification system from space and their processing algorithms to obtain legally significant data, as well as the procedure for using certified DZZ data from space and data obtained by other methods of remote sensing of the Earth in the economic trafficking. These events will be engaged in Roskosmos, Rostelecom, Ministry of Communications, Ministry of Economic Proceedings and NTI "Aeronet".


Next will be provided with ways to provide in the electronic form of spatial data and materials contained in the Federal Fund of Spatial Data, as well as the DZZ data contained in the relevant federal fund.

To this end, the state information system is a federal portal of spatial data (GIS FPD), which provides access to the information contained in the federal spatial data fund.

First, the concept of the corresponding system will be created. Then - by April 2019 - it will be introduced into trial operation, and until the end of 2019 it will be launched into industrial operation. Development, launch and modernization GIS FPD will cost the federal budget in ₽625 million.

In GIS, the FPD will be created by the subsystem "Digital Platform of Interdepartmental Geonformational Interaction". Its launch in trial operation will be held in November 2019, this will cost the federal budget of another ₽50 million.

Plans to connect this subsystem to the federal DZZ data fund, spatial data funds and state-owned bodies in the aim of providing materials in their disposal to their disposal are developed. The corresponding activities will be engaged in the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosreestr and Roscosmos.


It is also planned to provide the possibility of providing automatic mode using the coordinates of the established list of information at the disposal of state authorities and local self-government.

First, the economic effects will be assessed that it is possible to obtain when revising the requirements for the parameters of the disclosure of spatial data and the DataDZs that are at the disposal of the state authorities. Then there will be changes to the list of information (as well as their details and formats) to be provided in an automated mode using coordinates, together with the list of such information authorities.

Until the end of 2019, an automated cartographic service will be developed and commissioned, providing the provision using the coordinates of thematic information at the disposal of the state institutions. Relevant work will be engaged in the Ministry of Economic Revision, Roskosmos, Rosreestr, FSB and the Ministry of Defense, to their implementation, the federal budget will allocate ₽250 million.

In addition, it will be possible to automate processing, recognition, confirmation of the accuracy and use of spatial data. To do this, functional requirements for the aforementioned means will be developed, including systems of automated generation of features of features, as well as to the means of monitoring location changes.

The goal is to ensure compliance with the requirements for the frequency of updating of spatial data resources. Experienced operation of relevant funds should begin in September 2019, industrial operation - until the end of 2020

An infrastructure of experimental polygons should also be created for testing robotic complexes used for collecting and processing spatial data. The estimates will be engaged in the Ministry of Economic Development, Rosreestr and NTI "Aeronet".

Domesticgeographic informationBYfororgansgosVesti.

Another document of the document is to ensure the development and use of domestic geo-information technologies in state-owned and local government agencies, as well as the HSOCP. Requirements for relevant software will be developed and published on the Internet.

The following will then be formed a list of software that meets the established requirements, taking into account the unified register of the Russian software. A study of promising technologies and management models using geo-information technologies and domestic DZZ data in state-owned bodies and methodological recommendations on the transition to domestic software in these areas will be developed.

In addition, monitoring and analysis of the use of software of geo-information systems in information systems of government and state-owned organs will be carried out. After that, plans of activities of federal and regional authorities, local governments and state-owned authorities, aimed at ensuring the use of domestic software in the art. These events will be used by the Ministry of Economic Proceedings, the Ministry of Communications, Roskosmos and Rostelecom.

4,8 billionon thefederalnetgeodesicstations

The plan of activities involves the creation of a single geodesic infrastructure necessary for the task, clarification and distribution of state and local coordinate systems. The corresponding activities will be engaged in mining, Rosstandart, Federal Research, Roskosmos, HSOPDN, and Roskartography Center, and Roskartography JSC.

To this end, research work will first be carried out to clarify the parameters of the shape and gravitational field, the geodetic parameters of the Earth, the other parameters necessary for refinery state Systems The coordinates, the state system of heights, the state gravimetric system and the rationale for the development of the geodesic network.

The state accounting and preservation of the state-owned geodetic network (GTS), the state leveling network, the state gravimetric network will be ensured. The system of monitoring the characteristics of the points of the GTS, government levels and gravimetric networks will be organized, and the development of the domestic network of the cologued stations of geodesic observations is ensured. For these purposes, the federal budget will allocate in 2018-20. ₽3.18 billion

Next, the service (service) will be created, which ensures the definition of the movements of the earth's crust caused by natural and anthropogenic geodynamic processes, as well as the service for determining and clarifying the parameters of the exact orbits of navigation spacecraft and spacecraft remote sensing of the Earth.

At the next stage, a federal network of geodesic stations will be created, ensuring an increase in the accuracy of determining the coordinates, as well as the center for the integration of networks of geodetic stations and processing the information obtained. First, the concept of the relevant network will be developed, which includes services and geography of their use, technical and economic indicators of the creation and operation of the network.

By August 2019, the "pilot zones" of the federal network of geodetic base stations at least in three regions will be commissioned and commissioned. Also, the Center for the Integration of Geodetic Station Networks will be launched. Taking into account the experience of the "pilot zones", a technical task will be created for the future network.

The network itself will earn up by the end of 2020, its creation and launch will be spent ₽1.65 billion. At the same time, ₽1.35 billion will be taken from the federal budget, the remaining ₽200 million of extra-budgetary sources. The total costs of creating and maintaining the geodesic infrastructure will amount to ₽483 billion.

19 billionon theUnitedelectroniccartographicfoundation

Another project embedded in the document is the creation of a single electronic cartographic basis (EEC) and the state system of conducting the IEO. First, the concept will be created, the technical task of the sketch project GIS EEO. The launch of the system in trial operation will be held in April 2019, in the industrial - and late 2019

Next, the basis of the GIS EEO will be created, including on the basis of open digital topographic maps and plans placed in a federal spatial data fund, and the creation of a basic high-precision (scale 1: 2000) layer of spatial data of territories with high population density in the interests of GIS EKO accumulation .

The target composition and structure of data and services of the IEO, methods and algorithms for using the cartographic basis and spatial data in the interests of various groups of consumers and the list of opportunities to apply distributed registry technologies (blockchain) should be developed.

It is also planned to create a promising model GIS EEC for using various categories of consumers, including automated and robotic systems. Relevant events will be engaged in Rosreestr, the Ministry of Economic Development and NTI "Aeronet". Events related to GIS EEO will cost the federal budget in ₽19.32 billion.


The document involves ensuring the provision in the electronic form of the remote sensing of the Earth and the materials contained in the Federal DVP Fund. To do this, modernization of information technological mechanisms will be modernized (as part of the Roskosmos information systems) of the system of providing access to data from Russian spacecraft remote sensing of the Earth and geoportal of the state corporation Roscosmos.

A concept, technical task and sketch project of the State Information System The Federal Portal for Remote Sensing Earth Data from Space (GIS FDDDZ) will be developed, providing access to the information contained in the federal DZZ data fund from space.

The introduction of GIS FPDDZ into trial operation will be held until the end of 2019, into industrial operation - until the end of 2020, the project will deal with Roskosmos. For relevant goals, the federal budget will allocate ₽315 million.


A single seamless solid multilayer coating of DZZ data from a space of various spatial resolution will also be created. Relevant events will be engaged in Roskosmos, Rosreestr and Mincoeonism, they will cost the federal budget in ₽6.44 billion.

To this end, the concept of the corresponding high resolution coating (2-3 meters) will first be prepared. Until the end of 2018, a technological kit of a continuous high-precision seamless coating of a high spatial resolution (SBP-B) was created according to DZZ data from Russian spacecraft with accuracy not worse than 5 meters. In particular, the definition of additional reference points will be used as a result of field work and measurements on space shots.

In 2018, the SBP-B will be deployed in the territories of priority areas with a total area of \u200b\u200b2.7 million square meters. In 2019, the SBP-B will be deployed to the territory of the regions of the second stage with a total area of \u200b\u200b2.9 million square meters. In 2020, the SBP-B will be deployed on the territory of the rest of the regions, including areas with high population density, with a total area of \u200b\u200b11.4 million square meters km.

In parallel, a set of solid multi-scale coating coating of mass use (CB-M) data of multispectral shooting from Russian Spacecraft DSC with accuracy in terms of high resolution is no worse than 15 m.

In 2018, the SBP-M will be deployed on the territory of the priority areas with a total area of \u200b\u200b2.7 million square meters. In 2019 - on the territory of the regions of the second stage with a total area of \u200b\u200b2.9 square meters. In 2020, the SBP-M will be deployed in other territories with a total area of \u200b\u200b11.4 million square meters.

In 2020, based on a set of a solid high-precision seamless seamless coating of a high spatial resolution and a set of solid multi-scale mass use, a single seamless solid multilayer coating of remote sensing of the Earth (EBSPSR) will be created. The state information system (GIS) of the EBSPSR will also be launched into trial operation.

As a result, an informational basis should be obtained that ensures the stability and competitiveness of the measuring characteristics of domestic DZZ data from space and products based on them. The technology and the basic information framework will also be created for the formation of a wide range of applied client-oriented services and services based on SDP technologies and information support of third-party information systems.


It is planned to provide automated processing, recognition, confirmation and use of DZZ data from space. For this purpose, experimental studies will first be carried out, the development of technologies and automatic streaming and distributed processing of DZZ data from space with the creation of elements of standardization of output information products.

Relevant funds and unified software will be launched into a trial operation of 2020. Included in industrial operation will be held until the end of 2020, the project will be engaged in Roskosmos, the Ministry of Economic Development and Rosreestr, the federal budget expenditures will amount to ₽975 million.

The future unified hardware and software for the primary processing of DZZ data from space with elements of standardization of information resources will be enacted on the basis of territorially distributed cloud computing resources of ground-based Space infrastructure of the DZZ.

In 2018, a concept, agenclature and technologies for creating a CDP of specialized industry services will be developed for the information support of the following industries: subsoil use, forestry, water management, agriculture, transport, construction and other

Samples of unified complexes of distributed processing and storage of information will be designed to solve the tasks of the operator of the Russian Space Space Space Systems from the space with the maximum level of automation and standardization of processing, automatic quality control, maintenance and operation. The level of unification of special software will be up to 80%.

The technologies of automatic streaming formation of standard and basic information products of the DZP will be implemented at the request of users through the subsystem for providing consumer access and issuing within 1.5 hours after receiving targeted information from the Space Auditations of the DZP.

In addition, polygon instrumental means of controlling the control of spectrometer radiometric and coordinate measurement characteristics of Space Auditors and Verification of information products for DZZ from space, as well as the instrumental and methodological support for the DZZ data certification authority from space was created.

Roskosmos will create a territorial-distributed computing resource for streaming DZZ data

Another direction of the plan for the implementation of the activities of the Digital Economy program under the "Information Infrastructure" section is to ensure the development and use of domestic processing technologies (including thematic) DZP data in the govesta and local self-government bodies, as well as state-owned companies.

As part of the implementation of this idea, the creation and modernization of the territorial and distributed computing resource for providing streaming data processing of DZZ from space as part of data centers and computing clusters of ground receiving complexes, processing and distribution of DZZ data is carried out. The project will be engaged in Roscosmos.

In 2019, the relevant activities will be held in the European zone of Russia, in 2020 - a distance-to-country zone. For these purposes, the federal budget will allocate ₽ 690 million.


In parallel, the development and modernization of hardware and software solutions and applied client-oriented services of rural and forestry based on SBZ technologies from space, this will cost the federal budget in ₽180 million.

Also in 2018, the concept, the nomenclature and technology of creating the creation on the basis of Specialized industry services on the basis of the following industries: subsoil use, forestry, water management, agriculture, transport, construction and others. Together with Roskosmos, these tasks will solve the Ministry of Economic Development.

In 2019, other industries will be chosen for the development of similar services and solutions. In 2020, service solutions will be worked out on pilot zones with subsequent entry into trial operation, the relevant activities will cost the federal budget in ₽460 million.

In 2018, a service control service on the target and efficient use of federal budget and budgets of state extrabudgetary funds aimed at financing all types of construction will be designed and established. This will be engaged in Roskosmos and the Account Chamber, the federal budget will allocate a 3,18 million to this project.

Similarly, a service control service will be created in the direction of the use of federal budget funds aimed at financing infrastructure projects and special economic zones. The relevant resource will be designed and introduced into a trial operation until the end of 2018, and its industrial operation will begin in June 2019. The cost of the project for the federal budget will be ok 125 million.

A service control over the space survey of the use of federal budget funds aimed at preventing and eliminating emergency situations and the effects of natural disasters (fires, floods, etc.), as well as to eliminate the effects of pollution and other negative impact on the environment. The federal budget will spend on the project ₽170 million.

A service to determine the effectiveness and compliance with regulatory legal acts of the procedure for financing, management and disposal by federal and other resources are created: forest, water, mineral, etc. The federal budget will spend ₽155 million.

A similar service will be created to ensure the control of economic activities in order to identify violations of land legislation, establishing land use facts not to appoint and determine economic damage. The project will cost the federal budget in ₽ 125 million.

Another planned service will ensure an assessment of the prospects for engaging in various kinds of economic activities (agriculture, construction, recreation, etc.). The cost of the project for the federal budget will be 145 million.

The identification service of changes in the territory of the regions of Russia for the purposes of determining the pace of their development, making decisions on planning and optimizing budgetary funds will also be created. The federal budget will allocate ₽160 million to this project.

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