Sergey Gordeev student who killed teachers. Teenagers terrorists: the most shocking mass murders in schools

The media found out the details and versions of the slaughterhouse at School №263 in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bOtradnaya. Meanwhile, the student who arranged a shooting at school explained his act.

According to the investigation, a teenager who killed the day before in Moscow School No. 263 of Teachers of Geography and Biology, as well as a police officer, was at the time of the incident in a state of acute mental disorder.

After the ten-grader Sergey Gordeev shot the teacher Andrei Kirillov, he stated to classmates that he was "the meaning of life" opened "and he will tell them about him.

Capturing schools in Moscow 03.02.2014: Latest news ()

According to Life News, the schoolboy told that he was going along with his father to train the weapon on the shooting range, noting that he had achieved some success in this.

To surrender to the hostage of school students 263 persuaded his father

The investigation still has to find out how the carabiner and the rifle belonging to his father on legal grounds turned out to be a 15-year-old boy.

Nevertheless, it was the father of Sergey who helped to neutralize his son: a man persuaded a teenager, two people had already died and another one was wounded, to surrender.

According to the classmates of Gordeyev, three shots sounded in the class: two teachers in the chest and the third, "control" - in the head.

"Then he began to talk to someone on the phone, it turned out that this is a father. He convinced him to surrender, actually saved our lives. The father went into class and talked to him, "the student told.

School 263 Moscow: Latest News

Odnoklassniki characterize Gordeyev as a closed young man who cried due to bad estimates in junior grade.

"He was even an excellent student, but not interesting to anyone. Man-shadow, "the guys say.

In high school grades, Sergey significantly pulled over academic performance and even got into the number of winners on school olympiads.

Peer teen killer claims that during the incident always a quiet guy behaved like a crazy.

"He came in fur: the eyes of the crazy, reasoned about death. As if the division of the person had happened, "said the classmate of Godeev.

"The fourth lesson, in school before it was not. He came just on the fourth lesson, for ten minutes he was late. He simply knocked, Andrei Nikolayevich opened the door, he went to class and immediately shot focus. Andrei Nikolayevich just caught his arm. He did not even say anything. He simply opened the door, and Sergei produced two shots ... Nobody expected this from the seryozhi, "the NTV quotes the girl named Lyudmila. She also added that the students who were in the office were frightened and hid under the parties.

Capture of schools in Otradnnaya: versions of tragedy

According to the basic version of the murder, a teenager had a very tense relationship with the teacher, but classmates declare that they never observed an open conflict, and the deceased Andrei Kirillov and at all characterize as a rather mild person.

Meanwhile, "Moscow Komsomolets" publishes a "homophobic" version of what happened.

"Some of our guys seemed that Kirillov had deviations in orientation. Actually, "Some" is Segya: he was a fierce homophobe. Never hid it. Therefore, constantly called the geographer "Gomikom". A couple of times I embarked in Serague after another insult to the geographer. To which Serge reacted hard: "I still show you, you will regret my words." And I constantly said: "Would be the opportunity to shoot all the blue and those who defend them," said one of the classmates of a young killer.

The student who arranged shooting in the Moscow school was an excellent student

According to the so-called semi-official version of the conflict, the teacher put the Gordeyev in the "Two" diary on geography. Since the young man was walking on a gold medal, even an assessment that did not log in the magazine could spoil his "career." However, in fact, none of the students saw this assessment. According to some data, tense relations with geographer could arise after the student caught the teacher in inaccuracy and stopped going to his lessons after that.

Andrei Kirillov began working at school №263 immediately after the end of the university. For seven years, he taught geography and biology, and after his son was born, began to work as a tutoring. Complaints on a calm and balanced teacher never came.

Andrei Kirillov Teacher Geography School 263 (photo)

"I, of course, are shocked, because this boy was an excellent student, he had no conflict with anyone. His photo hung on a hook board at school. According to physical education, it was the best, in everything he was the best, went to the gold medal, "one of the colleagues of the killed teacher Ksenia Ivanov shared.

It is known that Sergey was quite closed and even in social networks He had only 30 friends. Nevertheless, the boy tried to be the best in everything and even signed up in the sambo section to develop his physically weak body.

"He is a modest, scored guy. Untreated, worse heard. He had several times to repeat the task. But he did not make any impressions of some psychopath. Rather, he was just a closed child, I would even say, with a good soul, "the coach Gordeyev said.

Why did the student shot the teacher in Otradnaya?

The murderer's high school student said he arranged a slaughter because "no one understands him."

"The whole world is an illusion, and no one understands me ... do not accept my views ... Tired of living, but I didn't want to finish suicide. Hopefully she would shoot, "Gordeev told.

Sergey Gordeev Student School 263 (photo)

The student shot a geography teacher: reasons

At the interrogation, the teenager noted that the geography teacher was very a good manHowever, he was shot due to the fact that he tried to take away a gun and began to approach everything closer. At the same time, he noted that he did not kill the teacher at all because of the estimates: "I was afraid of death, but I wondered how she looks like."

In connection with the armed attack on the school, a criminal case was initiated under the article by the Criminal Code "Capturing hostages", "Murder" and "Encouring to the lives of law enforcement officers". In relation to Sergey Gordeyev, a psychological examination was appointed. He faces up to 10 years in prison.

The "school shooter" sent for compulsory treatment of a high school student, who in February 2014 took one-school book and shot two people - teacher and police officer. Thus, the teenager was fully exempted from criminal liability and, according to the lawyer of the injured party, may be released after six months, "Interfax" reports.

As lawyer Igor Trunov, the judicial board, referred to the journalists, referred to the results of psychiatric examination, sent the accused of compulsory treatment. Previously, during the debate, the court requested this official representative Prosecutor's Office.

"It is fully justified by the court decision and will be in a civil hospital, where there will be a survey every six months. If the doctors decide that he recovered, it can be translated to outpatient treatment and release home," the words of Trunova rapes.

The lawyer of the victims believes the "school arrow" sane and during the debate stated that the accused must be criminalized for his acts. In addition, the representative of the victims requested to endure a private definition regarding the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which, in his opinion, was predicting the life of children because of their bad professional training. "Police officers knew about the seizure of hostages, but they went to class with a question:" What happened? "- explained the lawyer.

In March 2014 Butyrsky district Court Moscow decided to send the accused of compulsory treatment in a medical organization providing psychiatric assistance in stationary conditions of a specialized type with intensive observation, and also excluded the article by the article "Capturing hostages". According to the results of the examination of the examination, the teenager was invisible.

However, the victims did not believe in the unbearability of the schoolchildren and appealed to the Moscow City Court, who recognized the decision of the Distroprus on the direction of the accused for the adduction. Later, the Presidium of the Moscow City Court on the complaint of the victims canceled this decision.

Since the schoolboy was incriminated to the seizure of hostages, then his case should be considered the top three judges in the military court, the Presidium of the Moscow City Court decided. As a result, the case was transferred to MOB.

The relatives of the murdered teacher also previously presented the parents of the schoolchildren with a civil suit on 10 million rubles.

The tragic incident occurred on February 3, 2014. Then the 10th class student came with a gun to the school N263 in the metropolitan area of \u200b\u200bOtradnaya, where he studied. The teenager killed at the place of the teacher of Andrei Kirillov, and also opened the shooting towards police officers caused by the guard. As a result, Sergey Bushuev, and Senior Sergeant Vladimir Krokhin became injured.

In June, the world court of the Butyrsky district of Moscow amnestied the father of the schoolchildren - the former employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Viktor Gordeyev, who was accused of negligent storage of firearms. The court took into account that the Gordeev-Sr. recognized his guilt, and satisfied his petition about the amnesty dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

As established by the investigation, Viktor Gordeev, although he kept two rifles, as it should be done by law, in the safe under the lock, did not follow the keys from the metal box. The son of a man who knew that the key from the safe lies in one of the drawers of the chest, took out the weapon and went to school with him.

The best student in the classroom broke during the lesson and shot a teacher of geography. Then he took 24 schoolchildren in hostages, opened fire on police officers, killed one of them and hardly injured two - teacher with an employee of private security. There was no such thing in our country. Answers to questions, why and how it became possible, the correspondents "VM" tried to get from arms specialists. There is information that Sergey Gordeev consisted of a member of one of the rifle clubs.

This is what the leader of the Sayig Rifle Club Rafail Rudnitsky speaks about this:

Teenagers from 14 years old can visit Rifle clubs. But the shoot can only from small-caliber weapons in physiological indicators. Otherwise, when shooting from "Saiga" or 12th caliber, a teenager may have a penetration of the retina. Judging by how the guy shot, he has good skills, and, most likely, they instilled his father.

Chronicle of events of what happened

At the gate of the school - the crowd of parents and students with aspalants. It happened here: an unbalanced student brought weapons to school and shot a favorite teacher and policemen who tried to detain him. Geography Teacher Andrei Kirillov and Police Ensign Sergey Bushyev received fatal injuries, doctors are fighting for the life of a policeman Vladimir Krochin.

So remembers the events of ten-grader Pavel T.:

We were evacuated after the first or second shot was performed, "the student of the 10th grade says. - Shooting was audible from the third floor. The boys helped evacuate younger schoolchildren. It is a sorry for Andrei Nikolayevich, we just the next lesson was geography. By the way, he led both biology. It was a favorite teacher. Favorite.

Shooting and seizure of hostages in the Moscow School: Guard and Teacher died

Video: Anton Gerdo

Meanwhile, wounded guard, and on another version one of the teachers, press the alarm buttonbred on the console of private security.

Two minutes later, the closest crew of the group of the immediate response of the first battalion of the Movo Police Battalion according to the WARO of private security was turned out. The shooter opened a penny on the police through the window. As a result of the shootout one of the police was injured.

His colleague is the senior group of detention of ensign Sergey Bushyev managed to get inside the building. The juvenile shooter met him in the corridor with several shots. Policeman received a fatal injury And later died on the hands of physicians.

After the button is triggered to the ears, the entire police of the district and the city was raised. Functively arrived at the place of the special detachment of the rapid response of the CSN GU MVD in Moscow. Operatives by that time have already established the personality of the arrow and contacted his father.

The perpetrator of the tragedy was the 10th grade student Local School Sergey Gordeev. The windows of his house go to school. The parent was immediately in place and joined the talks with her son.

Click on the image to go to view mode

Photo: Sergey Gordeyev Page VKontakte

According to journalists at the scene of the head of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow Anatoly YakuninFor 15 minutes, the Father led negotiations with her son on a mobile phone from the corridor. Then the guy agreed to let the father. Previously, the man was dressed in a body armor.

In class, negotiations continued for half an hour. First the shooter agreed to release classmates. Then the father convinced him to give the rifle and the knife, which was also in a teenager. As soon as the minor was disarmed, he was detained by special forces, which controlled the behavior of the arrow outside.

According to Anatoly Yakunin, Father Sergey.

As experts say, Sergey Gordeyev, most likely, guide to forensic psychiatric examination to the Serbian Institute. The head of his press center Mahamet Kadyrov told VM:

- Given that this resonant case is very likely that the investigating authorities or the court will send Sergey Gordeev to us. Therefore, we are now refrained by comment. What they moved to let it be difficult. You need to analyze all the data. This will be done during the forensic psychiatric examination. And there will be a decision by his state.

- forensic psychiatric examination is carried out according to a single standard. Regardless of the specific circumstances of this case. The examination will depend on the issues that formulate a consequence or court to experts. Information will be analyzed that concerns the state and behavior of the accused. She needs to be collected. Examination implies - communication, clinical interviews, tests and observation. As well as the study of criminal or civil affairs. These are interrogation protocols, the protocols of investigative actions. And also analyzed medical information - the history of diseases is - all that is going during the investigation.

Meanwhile, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and doctors evacuated the wounded guard and police officer at a helicopter from the scene. Schao Prefect Valery Vinogradovwho personally led children from school. Children immediately began to work psychologists.

Also to the place of events arrived Deputy Mayor of the capital Peter Biryukov, Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Kolokoltsev, Chairman of the SC of Russia Alexander Bastrykin, Minister of education Dmitry Livanov.

Asks, what is the deceased teacher? According to experts psychiatrists, nothing to do with it. Just the geographer was from the category of the "last drop", which broke the shaky psyche of a teenager.

Andrei Kirillov came from Arzamas a few years ago. The energetic geographer fell to the place, the disciples appreciated him for understanding. His spouse also worked at school.

Four years ago, the teachers had a son. In the ensign, Bushuev also remained a family. Yesterday, the Father did not wait for a wife and daughter-high school student. Forestly was filmed, people suffered flowers to the place of tragedy.

Comments by specialists

Olga Makhovskaya, Senior Researcher, Institute of Psychology:

Graduation class in which the boy studied is the hardest for a schoolboy. Premonition or even fear of adult independent life Perceived approximately as a way out. And the children all this year need a certain "accompaniment" by adults. Of course, this is not a reason to grab the rifle. As far as I understand, as a reason, he called the fact of death. I think this is a children's fear. Boys are actually very afraid of death. It turns out that the boys are really afraid of death more than girls. The education system in our country is such that the boys are preparing to become real men only through war and death. We have every generation for some war. This explains why, according to eyewitnesses, entering the class Gordeev said literally the following: "I am very afraid of death. I wanted to see how she looks like. "

Mikhail Vinogradov, Psychiatrist-criminalist:

Sergey Gordeev - a guy brought to despair by bullying. All we see now is the result of humiliation and insults. Sergey had an affect condition when he was preparing to take revenge. At that moment, when he walked to enslave with the offenders, a change in consciousness could happen, and it was no longer important what particular people would suffer. You could warn this situation if the School's Directorate stopped all mockery, or parents, having learned that the child would not be laid, would transfer it to another school.

In general, the fault of what is happening that our life has changed too much. Children are not fenced from any negative things: the Internet promotes violence, there is a lot of "Chernukhi" on television. And the children's psyche is very susceptible. Therefore, it is necessary to understand that it was time to look more closely to look at our children, their behavior and hobbies.

Anton Flowers, Deputy Chairman of the Public Council at the State Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow:

Whatever we come up with new degrees of protection, we cannot provide one hundred percent protection of children in school. Of course, the school should have an external perimeter fenced with a fence. Also a gateway entry system. In this case, it is not possible to inspect everyone, because the first lesson comes a huge number of schoolchildren and they are impossible to see everyone. It is worth thinking about to share school on sectors. Then the guy will have the opportunity to block the attacker, for example, on the first floor, and in the rest of the sectors, children will be safe ().


Damage shots do not stop

Column of our Observer George Bovet

The most simple reaction to the tragedy that occurred at Moscow School №263, something else to ban and toughen. Recipes about the causes of what happened from the go is written pretty. "He sawing the American TV series." Prohibit American TV shows? "He beat in computer shooting games." Prohibit computer games?

To tighten, in the opinion of the "Doctors" who began urgently "to treat" the "Doctors": the protection of schools, the system of control over arms, including the hunting, from which the student of the 10th grade Gordeev was shot.

Kindle Perfectionism

Column of our Observer Catherine Roshchina

Well, I waited. They said: we have children are not like in America. "There" they shoot in schools, and we have no! Now there is nothing to brag.

"Here" also appeared his school shooter. Scary? - Yes very. When only heard about the incident at school No. 263 in Otradnaya, I immediately thought: here they are, computer games and their terrible consequences. When a person's life depreciates to the level "went and killed." When the line is erased between the virtual world and reality. It's like that.

But "our" juvenile killer committed his crime for completely special reasons. Due to the assessment. I wanted the "five", the teacher put the "four". When was the struggle for a good assessment, became so irreconcilable that a person could cost? ().

History with geography

Column of Our Learser Learser Bokshasheva

A terrible incident at school in Otradnaya stoleed the whole country. It seems: so I got it! Schedules at school, when the student comes with weapons and randomly shoots. But do not judge superficially.

After all, as a rule, the victims of such "shooters" are random, which fell under the hot hand. And in this case, a concrete geography teacher Andrei Kirillov was shot dead. Sergey Gordeev is one of the best students in the classroom and in the whole school. Potential "golden" medalist. The boy who is accustomed to seek the goal ...

And then the goal is the five in geography - not given in hand. And the guy had an emotional breakdown. The conflict, which he, with adolescent maximalism, decided so categorically. Even, you can say fatally ...

Of course, they immediately rushed to condemn Sergei Gordeyev. Act perfectly terrible, inhuman, terrible.
But let me say a few words in defense of the teenager ().

Terrible hello from america

Column of our browser Nikita Mironova

Well, we have become closer to the "civilized" world. This terrible story, which happened in Moscow School №263 - purely American. Or is our already? I didn't like something in an educational institution - I took the rifle and went to restore order.

Immediately recalls another crazy - the former lawyer of the pharmacy chain of Rylag. Dmitry Vinogradov. In November 2012, he shot seven colleagues. The guy is unhappy love, and they, it seems like, giggles. Well, again, he considered people for the "compost."

The views of the schoolchild killer are still unclear, but it is already clear that he doesn't hold people for people. " Did not like the teacher - kill. I'm cool ().

What happened in school №263 made us remember us loud cases of shooting in US schools, where such happens quite often

On December 5, 2012, 20-year-old Adam Lanz entered the school building of the city of Newtown, Connecticut, in a mask and a body armor with a weapon in both hands. At first, he entered the conflict with the director with her in the office, where she shot six people, and then opened fire on students. 27 students became victims of this shooting primary classes20 of which were children up to seven years ().

In October 2013, the student in the US state of Nevada shot a teacher of mathematics, after which she committed suicide ().

In January 2013, at the school of the city of Taffeta, California, a 16-year-old teenager opened fire, as a result of which two student of senior grades were injured. After that, the criminal voluntarily surrendered to police officers ().

The tragic event that occurred on February 3 at the Moscow School №263 makes you feel the fear when you let your child go to school. Next, I want to tell you about the most high-profile murders in the schools of the world, which occurred in the last 40 years.

February 3, 2014
School number 263 in the Otradnaya city of Moscow, Russia
10th grade student Sergey at about noon came to school with two rifles and forced the guard to skip it inside. The guardianship of the law enforcement was obeyed, but managed to call the police by pressing the alarm button.

The teenager proceeded into the class on the first floor, where he passed a geography lesson 10-a. There were more than 20 children in the office. The Supans and school staff were emergency evacuated from the building.

Schoolboy from the threshold shot in the stomach teacher Geography Andrei Kirillov. Then he asked, referring to someone who was alive, was alive, and made a control shot in the victim's head.
When the police arrived at the building, the offender opened fire on employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. As a result, a mortal wound received one guardianship of law enforcement, another employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was wounded.

Geography teacher Andrei Kirillov died.

Senior Sergeant Police Sergey Bushuev died.

For an hour of day, the criminal was detained, he was taken to the detention center. Children who witnessed the bloody violence were taken out of the building.

December 14, 2012
Elementary school "Sandy Hook" in the city of Newtown, Connecticut, United States
In the morning of the fateful day, 20-year-old Adam Peter Lancy shot his mother from the MARLIN rifle, after which it sat down in her car and headed for primary school Sandy Hook.

At 9:30 am, Lanza local time Lanza burst into school Sandy Hook and silently began to walk in classes shooting children and their teachers.

In total, 27 people were killed from his hands, among which 5 teachers, 20 children and school principals.

At 9:36 a signal about shooting in elementary school entered the police. The caller told that he had heard at least hundreds of shots. Someone from the school staff, most likely a security guard, managed to warn about the danger. Perhaps it saved the lives of hundreds of children. Teachers closed the doors to classes, someone from the disciples hid in the cabinets.

At 9:38, the police reported that shooting was over. During this time, Adam Lanz shot children in two classrooms and killed the school principal in her office. Hearing the approach of the police, he shot himself.

It is noteworthy that familiar Adam gives him very flattering characteristics. According to them, he was accurate and hardworking.

It was known that the young man suffered from Asperger's syndrome, but this disease, as a rule, does not contribute to aggressive behavior.

Four-day mourning was announced in the USA.

April 7, 2011
Municipal School of Tasso and Silveir in Reaengu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
On the morning of April 7, about 8:00 am local time, the former school student was dressed in all black 23-year-old Wellington, the former school student, with a backpack he entered the Tasso da Silveira. Leaving a sports bag on the first floor, he rose to the third floor and went into the office of the eight class, introducing himself as a new teacher.

Then the Olivera took out two revolver from the backpack and began to randomly shoot in the pupils. He met with his victims. At the same time, the arrows chose predominantly girls. Pupils immediately began to run out of class. Many of them, being in a safe place, began to shoot shooting on mobile phone cameras.

Then the shooting moved to the corridor and the neighboring class. After that, having received several wounds in a shootout with the police, a man committed suicide. A total of 12 people were killed, 10 of whom were girls. Another 12 were injured.
In the photo - shot of Oliveira

Later in the house of the criminal found a suicide note, in which he spoke about the intention to commit suicide, as it is infected with the AIDS virus.

In addition, during the search, texts were found, which indicate that the man was obsessed with terrorist ideas.

April 16, 2007
Virginia polytechnical Institute In the city of Blyxburg, Virginia, United States
About 6:45 am On the day of the tragedy, one of the students of the Institute named Son Hee Cho approached the entrance to the hostel "West Ambler", where there were 895 students at that time. He went inside, using his magnetic card, and killed two students.

Then Korean returned to his room where the bloody jeans and a white jerk changed, deleted all the letters from his mailbox on the Internet, wrote a suicide note and video letter. After about two hours after the first shots, the killer went to the post office and sent a note and video on the NBC TV channel

After that, the young man moved towards the classroom. His shoulders hung a backpack, in which there were "Glock 19", "Walther P22", a hunting knife and a hammer, as well as 400 units of ammunition and 12 ten-fold stores. About 9:40 Cho entered the audience 206, where he opened fire.

For several hours, the murderer coolly shot students and teachers while the police arrived at the place could not even establish how many criminals are in the building. After the fraught slaughter of Cho Sen Hu, let me bullet in the head ...

In the history of the United States, the slaughter in Virginia became the largest mass murder ...

September 13, 2006
College "Dawson", Montreal, Canada
25-year-old Canadian Kimvir Dzhill opened fire on the student of the Dawson College Student from the CX-4 Storm self-loading carbine. As a result of the shooting, 19 students were injured. The attacker himself committed suicide, seeing that he was surrounded by the police.

Gill managed to hurt 20 people; The 18-year-old girl later died in the hospital.

From diaries, computer, as well as the personal blog killer killer, it became known that he was a fan of such games as Hitman and Super Columbine Massacre RPG. Also, his computer was filled with photographs, video recordings and texts regarding slaughterhouse at Columbine School

Eyewitnesses say that Jill, approaching the college, opened an indiscriminate fire by shooting students, not aiming. Total in the building a young man shot 65 times. Also 15 shots were produced on the street.

In the killer diameters, the police found many records speaking his aggressive setting to others, for example: "I hate this world."

In his blog, Gill promised that he would remember him as an angel of death. "Ready" - I said the signature under one of his last photos. There was also an epitaph myself: "I lived quickly, died with a young ..."

Two young men, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebuld, broke into the school Columbine with a weapon in his hands ...

The terrible slaughter lasted four and a half hours. During this time, the Yunsi wound up dozens of students and killed twelve feasures and one teacher, and then committed suicide - each of them shot himself.

The whole country was horrified by the meaninglessness and the monstristence of a merciless slaughter in an ordinary school who was fraught with inconspicuous adolescents.

To prepare for mass murder at school Eric and Dylan began almost a year before the events that occurred.

The killers were well prepared: on this page, the weekly Pedantically listed all that you need to capture to school - "bring and put a bomb", "at 11.17 to get out of the class", "Wash your hands."

In their albums, these photos were found.

Investigation was engaged in 80 investigators. They collected ten thousand substantive evidence and interrogated a thousand four hundred witnesses.

And they came to the conclusion that in this way the killers sought glory.

March 11, 2009
Albertville Realcule School in Winnenden, Germany
A 17-year-old Teen Tim Kretchmer arranged a bloody slaughter in his former school, and then on the streets of Winnenden and Vendlingen's streets, during which 15 people died and was injured 11. After that, Tim committed suicide, being surrounded by the police.

On March 11, Krotchmer took the father's pistol - nine-million metering Beretta - and a large number of Cartridges to him and left his house, putting on army boots and black clothes. After hitting the school, the criminal opened fire, moving from the office to the office. According to BBC, Tim shot victims in the head, showing it that the shots were not random.

In total, about 60 shots were produced in the school. After that, the arrows, taking a random driver hostage, forced the threat of death to carry it about a hundred kilometers in the direction of Venndlingen. After 2.5 hours, the car with a Krotchmer drove up to one of the car dealers 40 kilometers from the city. Tim went into the building and produced 13 shots in it.

Another 28 random shots, the teenager produced at the parking lot of the car dealership - including the last, herself. As it turned out later, 3 days before the shooting, the girl, followed by Tim, refused to meet him. Police reported that the girl was killed in the school of one of the first.

Also, according to police and the prosecutor, from April to September 2008, the young man was treated in a psychiatric-neurological hospital. However, Tim's parents refute this fact.

November 7, 2007
Lyceum Yokela in Tuusul, Finland
At 11:40 am, an 18-year-old schoolboy Eric Auvinen went to his lyceum with a 25th caliber Sig Sauer Mosquito pistol and fifteen 10 charger shopping stores. Having discovered the fire for students, Auvinen made 106 shots. 40 minutes after the start of the attack, he shot himself in his head in the men's toilet.

The victims of Auvinen were 8 people: six students (5 young men and one girl), a school nurse and director of lyceum. On the part of the police, there was not a single shot.

It is known that on the eve of the tragedy, the killer posted on Youtube's portal his manifesto called "slaughter in Yokela School - November 7, 2007." It is also worth noting that the teenager called himself Natural Selector ("The gun natural selection") And Sturmgeist (" Storm Spirit ").

March 24, 1998
Jonesboro School, Arkansas, United States
As a result of firing, open school students, 11-year-old Andrew Golden and 13-year-old Johnson Mitchell, 4 children were killed and teacher. More than 10 people were injured by varying severity.

Teenagers who arranged shooting were captured by police officers promptly arrived at the scene. As a result, Mitchell and Golden confessed to the commission of mass murder, but they could not explain their motives. Both were punished in the form of imprisonment before the onset of majority - for 8 and 10 years, respectively.

May 28, 1975
Sentenniel School Secondari in Brampton, Ontario, Canada
16-year-old Michael Peter Slobodian, one of the school students, came to classes with two self-loading rifles of the 22nd and 44th calibers, which he carried into the building, hiding into the case from the guitar.

Michael was angry at the physics teacher for putting bad ratingwhich did not allow the young man to enter medical AcademyAnd I wanted to take revenge on him. Because of the circumstances, Slobodyan could not walk to the Cabinet of Physics, located in the floors above, and began shooting in English lesson.

Killing a classmate and teacher of English languageAnd then wounded another 13 people, Michael went out into the corridor, where she committed suicide with himself at the entrance to the class.

On Monday, February 3, the tragedy at school №263 occurred due to the quarrel of the teacher's geography of Andrei Kirillov with a student of the 11th grade Sergey Gordeyev. The unbalanced graduate decided that the teacher undecusively puts him a low mark to deprive him of the gold medal.

Sergey came to school with two rifles, registered on his father and forced the guard to let him inside. The guard managed to press the "alarm" button.

The eleventh grader went to the office on the first floor, where he passed a geography lesson in the 10th grade. Going to class, he immediately shot a geographer in the stomach and after he made a control shot. At this point in the office there were more than twenty adolescents aged 15 years. Fortunately, all other students and teachers were evacuated from the building.

When the power of the alarm came to school forces, the shooter began to shoot on them. Two policemen received injured, one of which died, and the second was hospitalized in the research institutes. Sklifosovsky with bullet wounds in the stomach and chest.

His father helped to delay his fatherwho, together in the police, led to the talks with him, first on the phone, and then he entered the body armor in the class, where he held his son's hostages, and persuaded him to let go of children, and to surrender to the order.

Teachers and classmates shooting Sergey Gordeev describe how unbalanced, closed teenager, who had no friends. However, he was the best student in the class first in all subjects. His father believes that the reason that pushing the young man on the bloody violence with the teacher was the nervous breakdown.

31-year-old teacher Andrei Kirillov's students recall as a good and non-conflict person who easily found mutual language with kids. The deceased left a little son.

The situation around the metropolitan school №263 is under the personal control of the mayor of Moscow Sergey Sobyanin. The gardener expressed condolences to the loved pediatric teacher and a policeman.

"I express condolences to the families of the dead, sorry about that psychological trauma that children received," said Sobyanin.

Russian President Vladimir Putin called the tragedy happened And he called on more attention to to upbringing the younger generation.

The situation comments on Elena Kuroedov, head of the Department of Psychology of the University of Synergy:

Considering that we are talking about a high school student, possible cause There may be only an emotional breakdown, which could be associated with various reasons: for example, problems in the school team.

According to the information mentioned in the press - the young man was an excellent student that could be the reason for the negative relationship of class students and, as a result, the resentment at the young man of his resentment. All this could spill in this form at the next negative precedent.

It is also possible that the breakdown is associated with a stressful situation at school. Pupils now have a huge emotional load and as a result - stress, disruption and possible impulsive actions

In any case, this is an emotional breakdown associated with some negative condition and hopeless from the point of view of a young man by the situation.
How to protect yourself? First of all, parents need to talk with children, be aware of the problems of the child. You need to listen and hear your children, support them. Teachers need to remember that adolescents are very emotional and very sensitive to the recognition of their personality and rights to personal opinion. All this must be taken into account in working with individual disciples. And of course, you need to remember that the teenage team can be very cruel to the "other", not as they are. Teacher's task prevent training with teenagers.

Society is now in a very stressful situation. Mass media policies are focused on aggression (films, transmission), computer games and the Internet also broadcast aggression. It is now very important to correctly prevent this news in the media, because From this, the trajectory of development of this case will largely depend on.


17-13: Doctors operated on the wounded police officer

Police officer is in serious condition.

15-50: criminologists are looking for real evidence near school №263, where the teenager opened the shooting

SK experts divided the territory adjacent to the Sector in the sector sectors, and are looking for broadcasts there.

15-34: A teacher of geography killed in school №263 remained a wife and a small son

A teenager who has arranged shooting at school №263, characterize as a very sociable. As it turned out, he was an excellent student and walked on a gold medal.

However, according to Odnoklassnik, Sergey Gordeev received on the exam for grade 9, "four", which threatened the preparation of the medal. Perhaps it could serve as a reason for such tragic events.

15-26: Teenager, arranged shooting at school, will pass psychiatric examination

A high school student detained after shooting at school №263 is interrogated by investigators. He was appointed psychiatric examination, the official representative of SCR Vladimir Markin said.

"He is interrogated by investigators with the involvement of specialists. The reasons that prompted the teenager to go for a crime," Markin said.

According to the official representative of the SCR, investigators have begun interrogation of witnesses, among which security officers, school administration, teachers and disciples.

14-24: A teenager who burst into school fired at least 11 times

"It is known that at least 11 shots were produced from a small-caliber rifle," the official representative of SCR Vladimir Markin told reporters.

According to him, the boy "entered the 10th grade in which he studied." "Not to say a word, made a few shots in the geography teacher and then, when the police officers arrived in an alarming button, and the police officers arrived and opened the class door, made a few more shots," Markin added.

14-22: The names of those killed in school №263 became known

As a result of the hostage seizure in the Moscow School №263, Kirillov's geography teacher, Andrei Nikolayevich, and the police officer, Bushyev Sergey Viktorovich, was reported, Vladimir Markin said.

Another police officer is seriously injured, and is in the hospital.

"Ranged Prokhin Vladimir Aleksandrovich, senior sergeant. Now he is in the hospital in serious condition, there is an operation," said Markin.

14-19: The father of the high school who arranged shooting, half an hour led with him negotiations

A teenager who arranged shooting at school №263 helped to neutralize his father. For this, police officers dressed on him a body armor.

"We were working with his father, he was convinced to talk with her son. He called him on the phone and asked to let go of schoolchildren and surrender," said the head of the metropolitan head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Anatoly Yakunin.

Negotiations went about 15 minutes, after which the father of the boy was equipped with a body armor and he entered the class.

"The conversation in the class lasted about 30 minutes, after which the student began to let schoolchildren be released. After they stayed together, the special forces prepared for the assault and delayed the young man," said Yakunin.

14-15: Rifle and carabiner, which was armed with a high school student who broke into the Moscow school, belonged to his father

The weapon from which the high school student killed a policeman and teacher was registered on his father. On legal grounds, "said Anatoly Yakunin, head of the State Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow.

14-10: The perpetrator of the tragedy at school №263 was an excellent

"Now the motives are already found out. According to our data, Sergey Gordeev was an excellent student, and most likely there was some kind of emotional disruption," said the official representative of SCR Vladimir Markin.

14-08: The head of the State Duma Committee on Safety Calculates Conducted a Checker on ChP at school

"It is necessary to find out where and under what circumstances the teenager was able to get a weapon, and to understand why the security measures did not work at the entrance to school by the security company," Irina Yarova said on Monday.

14-04: Student of school №263 tells that the students did not immediately report on shooting

"After this emergence occurred, a representative of the administration came to us on the lesson, she said to collect things and calmly sit on the ground. The fact that one of the students took hostages and arranged shooting, we were told after brought out from school, In order not to cause panic, "said the student of the 8th grade of school №263.

According to her, children were at school about 20 minutes, after which they began to evacuate with groups and translate into the district council. There they were drinking warm tea, reported on the happening. In addition, children were invited to children's psychologists.

13-57: the cause of shooting at school 263 could be a conflict with a geography teacher

"According to preliminary data, the actions of the high school student became the revenge of the teacher of geography," the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

13-55: Armed high school student helped to delay his father

"The father-in-school father participated in negotiations with law enforcement officers," the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

13-50: A high school student penetrated by armed school 263 was two rifles

"According to preliminary data, the high school student had two rifles," the press center of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation reported.

13-25: A high school student who broke into school 263 with a weapon, detained

"A high school student who penetrated the school 263 with a weapon, detained. He was transferred to representatives of the investigation," said Muscovite in the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

13-11: Armed Criminal managed to neutralize all hostages released

According to the GUVD, all students of the school 263 are released. Police and teacher died.

13-06: During the operation for the release of hostages, two policemen were injured

"Two policemen were injured, they are alive," reported in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

13-03: Most of the children in the Moscow school released

Almost all children in Moscow School №263, where the armed man is penetrated, released.

12-57: Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin took the situation in Moscow School №263 under personal control

School situation is under the personal control of Sergey Sobyanin. They are given all the necessary instructions to coordinate the actions of all urban services to resolve this PE.

12-55: Armed Criminal, Penetrating School №263, is in one of the high schools

In the office, 20 students and teachers were hostage.

12-52: Vladimir Belloltsev left in the 263th school at the PE place

The Minister of Internal Affairs Vladimir Belloltsev left in the 263rd Moscow School, where the armed man penetrates.

"According to preliminary data, a man penetrated educational institutionhaving provided power pressure on the guard, "the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation reported.

12-49: Armed man penetrated Moscow School №263, Police officer was injured

"The outfit police officers arrived at the alarm's alarm to the place. One of them was wounded," the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported.

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