The territory of the settlement of the eastern Slavs test. Test Oriental Slavs

Lashmanskaya basic comprehensive school name

academician V.A. Kanaykina

Test 3. East Slavs And their neighbors.

6th grade

Teacher of history

Alkyn D.N.

1. Place the following events in the chronological sequence.

1) settlement of the eastern Slavs of the Eastern European Plain

2) Allocation of the Baltoslavny tribes from the group of Indo-European tribes

3) Separation of Baltoslavy Tribes on Balts and Slavs

4) separation of Slavic tribes for three branches

2. Install the correspondence between the Slavic peoples and the groups of the Slavs to which they relate.


A) Poles.

B) Serbs

B) Russians

D) Croats

E) Ukrainians

E) Slovaks

Group of Slavs.

1) Eastern Slavs

2) Western Slavs

3) south Slavs.

3. Dispense occupations of the Eastern Slavs and the results of labor that relate to them.


A) agriculture

B) cattle breeding

B) Hunting

D) Bortfreaty

Labor results

1) Honey Wild Bees

2) wheat, rye, millet

3) meat of pigs, cows

4) Shkins of fur animals

4. Read the excerpt from the historical document and answer questions.

"Entering the battle, most of them goes to enemies with shields and darts in their hands, they never put on the shelters; Others do not wear neither shirts (shetions), nor the curses, but only pants touched by a wide belt belt, and in this form go to the battle with enemies ... they are very high growth and huge strength. "

1) What kind of people speak in the text?

2) What weapon is mentioned in the passage?

5. The list lists the gods of the Eastern Slavs. Find two unnecessary names.

1) Striboga

2) Zeus

3) Yarilo

4) one

5) Perun.

6) Mokosh

6. Record the term about which we are talking about.

People's Assembly of Slavs, solved the most important questions, - this is

7. The city, which became the center of Ilmensky, the tribe of the Eastern Slavs, is

1) Kiev.

2) Smolensk

3) Novgorod

4) Chernigov

8. The list lists the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Find two unnecessary names.

  • polyana
  • khazara

3) Volynian

4) Radmichi

5) Wheels

6) Krivichi

9. Install the correspondence between the term and its value.


A) Verve

B) Colonization

B) folk militia

D) paganism


1) the army consisting of community representatives

2) community among the ancient Slavs

3) Economic Land Development

4) faith in many gods

10. Mark the river, along which the tribes of the Eastern Slavs spread

1) Vistula, Oder

2) Dniester, Dnipro

3) Vyatka, white

4) Sava, Morava

11. Install the correspondence between the Slavic peoples and the groups of the Slavs to which they relate.


A) Russians

B) Cheri.

C) Slovaks

D) Belarusians

D) Bulgarians

E) Serbs

Group of Slavs.

1) Eastern Slavs

2) Western Slavs

3) Southern Slavs

12. Install the correspondence between the agriculture system and its characteristics.

H. Acriterisics

A) prevalence mainly in the forest strip

B) prevalence in the steppe strip

C) the use of soil to exhaustion, then

after 20-30 years, reuse

D) cutting of trees, burning stump

Agriculture systems

1) litter-fire

2) Arranged

13. Read the excerpt from the historical document and answer questions.

"They believe that only God, the Creator of Lazhn, is Lord over everyone and he sacrifice bulls and make other sacred rites. They worship the rivers, and the nymph, and all sorts of other deities, bring sacrifices to all of them and with the help of these victims and divorce ".

2) What is the lesson of the eastern Slavs says the described rite of sacrifice?

3) What mythological creatures are mentioned in the text?

14. Install the correspondence between the names of Slavic gods and their functions.


A) Mokosh

B) Veles.

B) Striboga

D) Yarilo


1) God, Lady Wind

2) goddess fertility

3) a patron of cattle breeding

4) God of the Sun

15. The list lists the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Find two unnecessary names.

1) Cheremsa

2) Dregovichi

3) Crivichi

4) Pechenegi

5) Vodyci

Test on the history of Eastern Slavs and their neighbors for students of grade 6 with answers. The test includes 2 options in each of 10 tasks.

1 option

1. Place the following events in the chronological sequence.

1) settlement of the eastern Slavs of the Eastern European Plain
2) Allocation of the Baltoslavny tribes from the group of Indo-European tribes
3) Separation of Baltoslavy Tribes on Balts and Slavs
4) separation of Slavic tribes for three branches


A) Poles.
B) Serbs
C) Russians
D) Croats
E) Ukrainians
E) Slovaks

Group of Slavs.

1) Eastern Slavs
2) Western Slavs
3) Southern Slavs

3. Distribute the lessons of the Eastern Slavs and the results of labor that relate to them.

A) agriculture
B) cattle breeding
C) Hunting
D) Bortfreaty

Labor results

1) Honey Wild Bees
2) wheat, rye, millet
3) meat of pigs, cows
4) Shkins of fur animals


"Entering the battle, most of them goes to enemies with shields and darts in their hands, they never put on the shelters; Others do not wear neither shirts (shetions), nor the curses, but only pants touched by a wide belt belt, and in this form go to the battle with enemies ... they are very high growth and huge strength. "

1) What kind of people speak in the text?
2) What weapon is mentioned in the passage?
3) What country is a historian, the author of the text?

5. The list lists the gods of the Eastern Slavs. Find two unnecessary name. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Striboga
2) Zeus
3) Yarilo
4) one
5) Perun.
6) Mokosh


The People's Assembly of Slavs, which decided the most important questions - this is __________.

7. The city, which became the center of Ilmensky Slaven, the tribe of the Eastern Slavs, is

1) Kiev.
2) Smolensk
3) Novgorod
4) Chernigov

8. two

1) Polyana
2) Volynian
3) Wheels
4) Khazara
5) Radmichi
6) Krivichi


A) Verve
B) Colonization
C) folk militia
D) paganism


1) the army consisting of community representatives
2) community among the ancient Slavs
3) Economic Land Development
4) faith in many gods

10. Note the river, along which the tribes of the Eastern Slavs spread.

1) Vistula, Oder
2) Dniester, Dnipro
3) Vyatka, white
4) Sava, Morava

Option 2

1. Place the following events in the chronological sequence.

1) the resettlement of the Slavic tribes on the territory from the White Sea to the Balkan Peninsula, from Elba to Volga and Don
2) settlement of East Slavic tribes of the territory of the East European Plain
3) The resettlement of Indo-European tribes in India to the West of Europe
4) the participation of Slavic tribes in the great resettlement of peoples

2. Install the correspondence between the Slavic peoples and the Slavs groups to which they relate.

A) Russians
B) Cheri.
C) Slovaks
D) Belarusians
D) Bulgarians
E) Serbs

Group of Slavs.

1) Eastern Slavs
2) Western Slavs
3) Southern Slavs

3. Set the correspondence between the agriculture system and its characteristics.


A) prevalence mainly in the forest strip
B) prevalence in the steppe strip
C) the use of soil to exhaustion, then, after 20-30 years, reuse
D) cutting of trees, burning stump

Agriculture systems

1) litter-fire
2) Arranged

4. Read the excerpt from the historical document and answer questions.

"They believe that only God, the Creator of Lazhn, is Lord over everyone and he sacrifice bulls and make other sacred rites. They worship the rivers, and the nymph, and all sorts of other deities, bring sacrifices to all of them and with the help of these victims and divorce ".

5. Set the match between the names of the Slavic gods and their functions.

A) Mokosh
B) Veles.
C) Striboga
D) Yarilo

1) God, Lady Wind
2) goddess fertility
3) a patron of cattle breeding
4) God of the Sun

6. Record the term about which we are talking about.

The neighboring community in the ancient Slavs is __________.

7. City - Center of Ilmensky Sloven, the tribe of the Eastern Slavs

1) Smolensk
2) Novgorod
3) Kiev.
4) Earrows

8. The list lists the tribes of the Eastern Slavs. Find two unnecessary names. Record the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Cheremsa
2) Dregovichi
3) Crivichi
4) Pechenegi
5) Vodyci
6) Trees

9. Set correspondence between the term and its value.

A) Colonization
B) Veche
C) Bortfreaty
D) bispoly


1) Popular Assembly in Eastern Slavs
2) Economic Land Development
3) Slavic farming system
4) picking up honey of wild bees

10. Note the river, along which the tribes of the Eastern Slavs spread.

1) Dnipro, Volkhov
2) YIK, Vyatka
3) Danube, Elba
4) hay, timmes

Answers to the history test Eastern Slavs and their neighbors
1 option
1) Slavs
2) shield, darts
3) Byzantium
Option 2
1) Caesarian proof
2) Sacrifice
3) Nymphs


Test 1. Eastern Slavs

A1. What was the territory of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs?

1. East Asia

2. Western Europe

3. Eastern European Plain

4. Baltic

A2. What occupation is the words "subject", "Soka" and "Haron"?

    with fishing

    with borutrician

    with cattle breeding

    with farming

A3. What explained the distribution of the Eastern Slavs in the Dnieper of the Cell-Fire Fire System of Agriculture?

1. Soil fertility.

2. Forestability of the region

3. The lack of forest

4. Using a plow.

A4. An excerpt from the composition of the Byzantine historian: "These tribes, Slavs and Antines are not managed by one person, but since ancient times live in the abnormality (democracy), and therefore they have happiness and misfortune in life is considered to be a common one" - indicates that Eastern Slavs evidence In the 6th century:

    approved feudal relations

    the birthrel system has been preserved

    the state has developed

    there was no division of labor between men and women

Slavic Divine

Elimination of the forces of nature




A. God Thunder and Lightning

B. Lord of the Wind

V. God of the Sun.

The key to the answers:

    1a, 2V, 3B

Test 11. Final test on the topic

"Ancient Russian state in the IX is half of the XII century."

A1. Who rules in ancient Russian state later than others?




    Vladimir Monomakh

A2. What prince is considered the princess of Russian princes dynasty?



A3. What did the appearance of the ancient Russian state of the Slavs?

1. The emergence of legislation

2. Strengthening the role of elders

3. Creating "Tale of Bygone Years"

4. The appearance of religious beliefs

A4. What task was to stand in front of ancient Russian state?

1. Termination of contacts with other countries

2. Providing all land nuclear commercial peasants

3. Strengthening power of elders

4. Ensuring the Championship of Russia on the most important trade routes

A5. What did the appearance in the Old Russian State of Watching Land Development in the Old Russian State?

1. On the preservation of tribal relationships

2. On the folding of feudal relations

3. On the transition of Slavs to farming and cattle breeding

4. On the spread of Christianity

A6. The desire to strengthen the state power forced Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich:

1. Establish the seats and lessons

2. Take Christianity

3. Create Russian truth

4. Kill Kiev Princes Askold and Dira


And gathered in a love for the work of the world. And they treated themselves, saying: "Why ruffled Russian land, by elond himself, and the Polovtsy land is tormented by our part and rejoice that there is war between us and Donyn. From this time, they will be connected in one heart and will guard Russian lands. Let everyone hold his father's stepfather ... "And the cross was kicked on this:" If someone goes to whom (war), then we will be all ... "and bringing an oath, the ravisa dived.

1. In 862

2. In 882

3. In 988

4. In 1097

A8. Where did the words come from?

And he drove up to the glorious city to Chernigov.

Togo is Chernigov

Nignal and black-black

And and black and black, like a black crow.

So no one does not shoot here,

Nobody goes on good horse

Bird black raven does not spit,

The gray beast is not breaking.

1. From Russian truth

2. From the "Tale of Bygone Years"

3. From "Life Boris and Gleb"

4. From the epics about Ilya Muromets

A9. What were the large breeding unions of the Eastern Slavs?

1. Varyags 4. Doodle

2. Polyana 5. Vntychi

3. Pechenegi

A10. Who belongs to the category of the dependent population of the ancient Russian state?

1. Lambs 4. Procures

2. Cools 5. Row

3. Druzhinnikov

IN 1. Continue the logical range and specify the missing name.

"Weaching children" - Vladimir Monomakh

"The Word of Law and Grace" - Illarion

"Tale of temporary years" - _______________________

AT 2. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

Prince name


1. Oleg.

2. Igor

3. Vladimir Monomakh

A. He inflicted a crushing defeat, adopted a new set of laws "Charter", which facilitated the situation of the dependent population in Russia

B. united Kiev and Novgorod under his power, committed several successful campaigns against Byzantium

V. made an unsuccessful campaign against Byzantium, killed by Drevlyans

IN 3. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.



1. Bortney

2. Grax

3. Fulings

A. Collection of Dani

B. Collecting Honey Wild Bees

B. Dani Collection Place

Keys to the test:

    2, 4, 5

    2, 4, 5

IN 1. Nestor

AT 2. 1B, 2V, 3A

IN 3. 1B, 2V, 3A

Test 7. Start of the collapse of the ancient Russian state

A1. What was the reason for the harvest between the sons of Yaroslav Wise?

1. Miscellaneous religion of princes

2. The desire to get the title of Kiev Prince

3. Testament left by Prince Rurik

4. Attacks Polovtsev


    Russian truth

    "Tale of Bygone Years"

    slavic ABC

A3. What contributed to the decisions of the Lishech Congress of Princes?

1. Creating the first written legislation

2. Fastening feudal fragmentation

3. Dissemination of Christianity

4. relief the position of the Halds

A4. With the name of Vladimir Monomakh:

    reflection of Polovtsy Danger

    base Novgorod

    adopting christianity

    weakening of the power of the Kiev Prince

IN 1. Establish the words suggested below in the passes. Words are given in alphabetical order in the nominative case. The answer must be a combination of appropriate letters set in order in which words are missed in the text. For example, GBBAD ..

A. Vladimir Monomakh

B. "True Yaroslavichi"

B. "Russian True"

G. "Charter"

D. Yaroslav Mudrya

The first in Russia, the written legislation was named (1) ________. Its compilation began in the first half of the XI century. At this time in Kiev, Rules (2) _______. After his death, the legislation was replenished with new articles. These additions were called (3) _________. The legislation enshrined the inequality arising in Russia, defended private property. In the first quarter of the XII century. kiev Prince (4) _______ gave Russia a new set of laws. It was called (5) ___________.

The key to the answers:

IN 1. Ledbag

Test 5. The flourishing of the ancient Russian state

A1. For what act the prince of Svyatopolk got the nicknamed appearance?

1. For refusal to adopt Christianity

2. For the organization of killing of their brothers

3. For the murder of Prince Igor

4. For the organization unsuccessful hike against Byzantium

A2. The heyday of the ancient Russian state is the time of reign:

    princess Olga

    prince Yaroslav Wise

    prince Vladimir Saint

    prince Svyatoslav

A3. What did the establishment in the Russian truth of different punishment in the same crime mean?

1. Reducing crime in society

2. The equalization of the entire population and responsibilities

3. Cancellation of private ownership of land and recognition of land in nationwide

4. Legislative consolidation of public inequality

A4. What was the direction of the activity of Prince Yaroslav Wise?

    establishing certain values \u200b\u200bof Dani collection

    drawing up the first written collection of laws

    sending ambassadors B. different countries To select religion

    fighting Khazar Kaganat

A5. Old Russian state in the XI century. It was:




    feudal monarchy



    IX century

    X in.

3. The first half of the XI century.

A. The appearance of Russian truth

B. Education of the ancient Russian state

B. Baptism Rus

The key to the answers:

IN 1. 1B, 2V, 3A

Test 6. Residents Ancient Russia

A1 What testified to the completion of the unification of all Eastern Slavs at the end of X V.V.

1. The existence of large breeding unions

2. Edition of the declaration of Perun's recognition by the main god

3. The appearance of a single Old Russian language

4. Conclusion of dynastic marriages with rulers of European countries

A2. What meant the appearance in Kievan Rus Votchin and dependent peasants?

    development of feudal relations

    establishing a slave-owner building

    strengthening tribony relationships

    strengthening the power of the church

A3. What was the main occupation of the population of Russia?

1. Bortney

2. Trade

3. Craft

4. Agriculture

A4. Who in ancient Rus was called the cooler?

    fully dependent person

    junior Druzhnik

    free Peasant Community

    peasant, obliged to work out debt

A5. What word is due to the meaning with the word "Epancha"?





IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

The key to the answers:

IN 1. 1B, 2a, 3B

I option

1 Events and dates

1.1097. - a) Battle on the river Kalka;

2.1219-1222 - B) Prince Alexander Nevsky in Vladimir;

4. 1253-1263. d) the conquest of Genghis Khan Central Asia and the Caucasus;

d) Ice rapidly.

2 . Give the definition of the following concepts:

Feudal fragmentation, ulus, backers, veche.

3 . In the XII -XIII centuries. The political center of Northeast Russia was located in the city:

A) Moscow b) Nizhny Novgorod c) Tver d) Suzdal D) Vladimir

4. Insert the most suitable word.

On the lands of the Baltic states was created spiritual and knightly ............ .. "Warriors of God." Those who entered it were called swords. ( Union, Order, clan, detachment, class)

5. When did the events described in the searcher from the annals?

Came to Kiev with great strength, with many many warriors, was Battered by the city, and his warriors surrounded the city. And there was no voice to hear him from the creaking of him, from the roar of a set of camels of his, the rust of her stans of him, and was the whole earth of Russian filled with warriors.

a) 1223 g) 1237 g) 1240 g) 1242

6 . What event happened earlier than others?

a) battle on Muddy lake b) capture of Mongol-Tatars Kiev

b) the battle on the river river d) the proclamation of Genghis Khan Supreme Ruler Mongolia

7. What was the political dependence of Russia from the Golden Horde?

A) in the participation of Russian princes in Kurultai b) in the mandatory study of the Mongolian language

C) in the issuance of the orders of Russian princes of labels for the prince

D) in the obligatory acceptance of Islam by Russian people

8. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns

9. The representative of the Golden Horde, who controlled the collection of Dani, was called _______________.

10. What is the name of the union of two monarchical states under the rule of one monarch?

A) Igo b) sini c) aggression d) dynastic marriage

11 . The reason for the unification of Lithuanian tribes in unified State There was a desire:

A) confront the impression of the Crusaders b) reset the Mongol-Tatar yoke

C) take Catholicism c) to strengthen on the trading path "from Varyag to Greeks"

12. Describe the causes of the feudal fragmentation of the ancient Russian state

Test on "Rus Specific" Grade 6

II option

1. Sign up dates and events:

2. 1236-1242. - b) the princess of Yuri Dolgoruky in Rostov-Suzdal Earth;

3. 1125-1157. - c) Mongolian to know awarded Techuccin Titul - Genghis Khan;

4. 1206 - d) Nevsky Battle;

e) Batievo invasion.

2. Give the definition of the following concepts:

Food, dominion, label, republic

3 . As the prince in the people deserved the nickname "big nest", for had 12 children:

A) Andrei Yurevich b) Vsevolod Yuryevich c) Konstantin Vsevolodovich

4. When did the events described in the searcher from the annals?

I came to the Russian land a godless king Batti with a lot of warriors of Tatar .. and sent ambassadors to Ryazan to the great prince Yuri Igorevich Ryazansky, demanding the tenth stake in everything: in princes, and in all sorts of people, and otherwise.

A) in 1223 b) in 1237 c) in 1240 g) in 1242

5. Why did Mongol-Tatars be able to conquer the countries of Central Europe?

A) they did not know how to overcome water obstacles

B) they had a small army

C) Russian people had fierce resistance to invaders

D) Normans helped residents of Central Europe

6 . What event occurred later than others?

A) Death of Genghis Khan B) Battle on the Church of the Lake

C) capture Mongol-Tatars Ryazan d) battle on the river Kalka

7. For what purpose, Alexander Nevsky took part in the suppression of the Novgorod uprising directed against Mongol-Tatars?

A) prevent the new Ordan invasion;

B) to take the position of Novgorod Postener;

C) take Islam;

D) enlist the support of the horde to attack the crusaders.

8. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns.

9 . The system of exploitation of Russian principalities by Mongolian conquerors was called "Mongol-Tatar ___________________"

10. What is the name of an armed attack of one or several states to another state in order to capture its territory and the enslavement of the people?

A) Ulya b) Igo c) aggression d) crossbreak

11. What did the prince of Gedimine, attaching Russian lands to his possessions?

A) forced the inhabitants to take Catholicism b) canceled the previous order of management

C) banned the use of Russian d) postponed Russian lands tribute

12. What are the scales and meaning of the Nevsky Battle and Ice Employment? What caused special attention to them in Russian history?

Test 4. Board of Prince Vladimir

A1. Who was the ruler of Russia in 980-1015??

1. Vladimir 2. Igor

3. Oleg 4. Svyatoslav

A2. Where did Christianity come from Russia?

    from the Volga Bulgaria 2. To Rome

3. From the Khazar Kaganate 4.I Byzantium

A3. The reason for the adoption of Christianity in Russia was the desire:

1. Prince Svyatoslav to breed with the rulers of European countries

2. Kiev princes to avoid enslave the Khazari

3. Residents of Kievan Rus go to Christianity

4. Kiev princes to strengthen the state and their power

A4. Adoption of Christianity:

    slowed down the development of culture

    led to the creation of ancient Russian state

    strengthened the international position of Russia

    led to the complete disappearance of paganism

A5. The activities of Prince Vladimir was aimed at:

    establishing certain values \u200b\u200bof Dani collection

    maintaining military trips against Turkic kaganate

    construction of the cities of Novgorod and Kiev

    construction of defensive borders on the southern borders of the state

IN 1. Set the correct sequence of events:

A. Camping Prince Vladimir on Chersonese (Corsun)

B. Baptism Rus

B. Religious reform: proclaiming of six pagan gods by the main deities of Russia

The beginning of the prince of Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

Option 1

A1.. Who was the main trading partner of Russia?

1. Byzantium 2. Sweden

3. TMUTARAKAN 4. Scythia

A2. With the name of which prince are the events 882 and 907??

    Rüric 2. Oleg

    Igor 4. Svyatoslav

A3.. What was facilitated by the establishment of princes Olga lessons and polish?

1. Education Development 2. Streamlining Dani

3. Strengthening connections with Byzantium 4. Dissemination of Christianity

A4.. What are we talking about in the passage from the document?

If the wolf is having to the sheep, it will take the whole herd, if it is not killed and this: if you do not kill it, then we will destroy us. And sent ambassadors to him, saying: "Why is you going again? You have taken tribute. "

    on the campaign of Oleg on Kiev 2. About the hike of Svyatoslav

3. About the uprising of the Drevdan 4. About the attack of Khazar

A5. What name did the rotation of the printed tribes and lands in the Old Russian state in order to collect Dani?

    taxation 2. Founder

3. Higher 4. Offering

IN 1. Set the consistency of the Board of the Old Russian Princes and Princess

B. Oleg.

D. Svyatoslav

Test 3. Formation of an ancient Russian state

Option 2.

A1.With the name of what prince is connected by the accession of the land of Vyatichi and the defeat of the Khazar Kaganata?

    Rüric 2. Oleg

3. He, Svyatoslav

A2.. Who was the main military opponent of Russia?

    Byzantium 2. Sweden

3.Temutarakan 4. Scythia

A3. As a result of the uprising of the Treated in 945:

    The ancient Russian state broke up

    Dani collection was ordered

    Novgorod residents invited to Rurika

    The capital was transferred from Novgorod to Kiev

A4.. What are we talking about in the passage from the document?

And he walked to the Ugric grief, hiding his warriors, and sent to Askold and Diro, speaking to them, that de "We, merchants, go to the Greeks ... Come to us, to their rosures." When Askold and Deer came, everyone else from the Ladi jumped out ... They killed Askold and Dira.

1.o campaign Oleg on Kiev 2. About the invasion of Normanov

3. About the raising of Trees 4. About the campaign of Prince Svyatoslav

A5.. Dani collection sites installed by Olga:

1.Real 2.Polly 3. Forests 4.The

IN 1. Set the correct sequence of events.

A. Association of Kiev and Novgorod under the rule of Oleg

B. Killing Drevlyans Prince Igor

B. Establishing the princess of Olga lessons and the mistakes

By the defeat of the prince, Svyatoslav Khazar Kaganata

D. Moving Rurik to Novgorod Earth

Test 8. Culture of Russia IX - early XII centuries.

A1. Who created the "Tale of Bygone Years"?

1. Historian Herodot

2. Metropolitan Hilarion.

3. Monks Kirill and Methodius

4. Monk Nestor

A2. What did the creation of dome churms in Russia?

    on the influence of Byzantium

    about the predominance of pagan traditions

    about the absence of construction stone

    on the absence of skill among the Old Russian builders

A3. Old Russian culture:

1. Reached us only in works of oral folk art.

2. Inherited the culture of East Slavic tribes and their neighbors

3. It became slowly growing after making Christ

4. Arrived by decree of Yaroslav Wise

A4. What was the name of an open-neck pattern made of fine gold or silver wire?





A5. What prince laid the Sofia Cathedral in Kiev?


    Yaroslav Wise

    Vladimir Svyatoslavovich

    Vladimir Monomakh

A6. What contributed to the development of ancient Russian culture?

    the invasion of the Huns

    bottle breeding and agriculture

    the emergence of inequality

    adopting christianity

IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the left.

The main genres of the Old Russian literature




3. Word

4. Chronicle

A. Works written in the form of a solemn appeal

B. Russian folk epic legends

B. Literary descriptions of the life of Christian Saints

G. Event records compiled by year

The key to the answers:

IN 1. 1B, 2V, 3A, 4G

Option 2.

A1.. What was the prerequisite for the formation of the state in the Eastern Slavs?

1. Conclusion of a military contract with Byzantium

2. Development of cities and trade

3. The emergence of religious beliefs

4. Exemption from the Khazar dependence

A2. Where during the formation of an ancient Russian state, the Eastern Slavs have two state institutions?

    in Novgorod and Zdneprovye

    in the Volga region and the Baltic States

    in the Baltic States and the Black Sea

    in the Volga region in and on Don

A3. What Slavs willingly buy from foreign merchants?

1. Fur 2. Fish

3. Wax 4. Silk and pass

A4. What was the role of Varyagov in Russian history?

    varyags founded the city of Kiev

    varyagi won the ancient Russian state

    varyagi created a state from the Eastern Slavs

    varyags marked the beginning of the Russian Prince Dynasty

IN 1

A. Lake Ilmen.

B. Baltic Sea

B. River

Test 2. Prerequisites for the creation of the state in the Eastern Slavs

Option 1

A1.. What was the prerequisite for the formation of the state in the Eastern Slavs?

1) the offensive of the glacier

2) termination of the payment of Dani Varyagam

3) strengthening the role of squad and prince

4) separation of Slavic tribes to the eastern, southern and western

A2.. Where did the trading path of "Varyag in Greeks"?

    from the White Sea to Caspian

    from the Baltic Sea to black

    from the White Sea to black

    from the Baltic Sea to Lake Ladoga

A3.. What foreign merchants willingly buy from Slavs?

    fur 2) precious stones

    wine 4) silk and pass

A4.. Why did residents of East Slavic cities have forced to invite Varyagov?

    varyags were skillful artisans

    varyags carried out protection of cities and shopping caravans

    varyags founded cities Kiev and Novgorod

    varyagi created an ancient Russian state

IN 1. Position in the correct sequence of the section of the path "from the Varyag in the Greeks".

A. River Dnipro

B. Ladoga Lake

V. River Volkhov

Final test at the rate "History. State and peoples of Russia: Grade 6 "

A1. To during the formation of an ancient Russian state in the VI -VIII W.:

    Eastern Slavs were pagans

    The main occupation of the eastern Slavs was hunting and gathering

    Eastern Slavs lived by generic communities

    The tribes of the Eastern Slavs lived on the banks of the Volga and Don rivers

A2. What was the result of the invitation to the prince of the Varangian Prince?

    The Board of the Rurikovsky dynasty began in Novgorod

    Christianity came on Rus

    The formation of an ancient Russian state

    The Slavs had the first written legislation

A3. With the name of which prince are connected by the defeat of the Khazar Kaganata and the organization of military campaigns to the Balkans:


    Vladimir Monomakh

    Vladimir Saint

    Yaroslav Wise

A4. What was the consequence of the adoption of Christianity?

    Weakening by the princely power

    Creating a state in eastern Slavs

    The occurrence of feudal fragmentation

A5. What kind of prince's activities are in passage from the document?

Laid down ... the city is the Great, the same hail is a golden gate; The church of Saint Sophia, Metropolitan, and then the Church on the Golden Gate - the Holy Virgin of Annunciation, then the monastery of St. George and St. Irina. And with it, the belief is Christian to fruit and expand, and ... monasteries appear.



    Yaroslav Wise


A6. When was the congress of the princes in Lisher, the decision "everyone holds his own"?

What was the consequence of the adoption of Christianity?

    in 882

    in 988

    in 1097

    in 1147

A7. Why did the number of principalities grow in Russia xii-beginning of the XIII centuries?

    as a result of the development of new lands, the territory has increased

    the princely throne began to claim local boyars

    the period of feudal fragmentation has occurred

    rapie to Polovtsev

A8. What land is stated in the excerpt from the composition of the Russian historian?

Questions to be discussed by the Wern were offered to him the prince or higher dignitaries, a power plantman or a thousand. Evening led the entire field of legislation, all questions foreign Policy and the internal device, as well as the court for political and other crimes ... Vese resolved new laws, invited Prince or expelled him ... solved the question of war and peace.





A9. In the Kulikovsky battle, unlike the ice, Russian army:


    faced with Mongol-Tatars

    he headed Ivan III

    fought with the troops of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania

A10. What was the name of the Ordane collectors of Dani in Russian principalities?





A11. What was the value of the Board of Ivan Kalita?

    he destroyed the dependence of the Russian lands from the Golden Horde

    he completed the process of combining Russian lands

    he secured the Moscow Principality from the raids of the Ordans

    he built a white-stone Moscow Kremlin

A12. What happened as a result of the unification of the Russian lands?

    expansion of trade relations between areas

    increase the number of specific princesses

    the development of natural economy

    transition from assigning to producing farm

A13. The law of the Ivan III, in contrast to the Russian truth:

    introduced blood revenge for the most serious crimes

    restricted the right to transition of peasants in Yuriev Day

    established the republican form of government

    fixed inequality

A14. The iconists were:

    Nestor and Illarion.

    Athanasius Nikitin and Aristotle Fiorovni

    Andrei Rublev and Feofan Greek

    Peresvet and weaken

IN 1. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the left.



2. Druzhinnikov

3. Palace peasants

A. Dependent peasants living on the lands of the Grand Prince

B. Warriors of the Armed Dressings of the Prince

V. Persons in the ancient Russian state who served feudals under the contract

AT 2. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the left.




2. Manor

3. Sloboda

A. Part of the city, inhabited by people of similar professions

B. Land possession given for military and public service, without the right to sell, exchange and inheritance

B. Hereditary land ownership of feudal

IN 3. Continue the logical range and specify the missing name.

Alexander Yaroslavovich - Neva River

Dmitry Ivanovich - Don River

Ivan. III - River ______________

AT 4. Set the correspondence between the elements of the left and right columns. One element of the left column corresponds to one element of the left.

Historic period


      1. The formation and flourishing of the ancient Russian state

2. Period of feudal fragmentation

3. The formation of a centralized state

A. Variation Varyagov on Russia

B. Eventor institution

Q. Invasion Khan Batya

AT 5. Establish the words suggested below in the passes. Words are given in alphabetical order in the nominative case. The answer must be a combination of appropriate letters built in the order in which words are missed in the text. For example, Gzvbazhd. Note that one of the concepts is superfluous.

A. Veche

B. Kievskaya Rus

V. Knyaz

G. primitive-community

D. Russian Centralized State

E. Feodal fragmentation

J. Faodal Republic

Z. feodal

TO IX century In Russia, formed (1) ______ Stroy. The rich people have no longer satisfying the procedure of management in tribes, since he could not ensure the protection of their property and create conditions for its increase. The first state of the eastern Slavs was called (2) ______. The supreme power in it belonged (3) __________.

At the beginning XII century The new slogan was obanounced and was legalized: "Everyone holds his victim." This marked the beginning (4) __________. The forms of the political device in the Russian lands during this period were the most diverse: from the feudal monarchy to the existing in Novgorod and Pskov (5) ___________. The supreme power in these cities belonged (6) ____________.

Later the leading place among the cities of Russia was taken by Moscow. She led the struggle for the overthrow of the Golden Town Iea and the union of Russian lands. As a result of the active policies of Moscow princes in XVI

Test "Eastern Slavs"
1. To the East Slavonic peoples include
1) Poles 2) Serbs 3) Czechs 4) Russian
2. The Slavs include
1) Chok 2) Zyryan 3) Volynian 4) Adygi
3. Neslavyansky tribe
I) Murom 2) Polyana 3) Volynian 4) Five
4. The Tribal Union of Novgorod Slam has developed
1) on average Dnipro 2) on the shores of O.Limen and R. Volkhov 3) on the shores of R.Ok 4) in the upper reaches R. Volga
5. The main branch of the economy of the Eastern Slavs in the VI VII centuries.
1) Bortnism 2) nomadic cattle breeding 3) intermediary trade 4) extinct-firing agriculture
6. The main deity of the pagan pantheon of the Eastern Slav was not
1) Dazhbog 2) Viy 3) Perun 4) Veles
7. The main city of Polyan was
1) Novgorod 2) Chernigov 3) Kiev 4) Smolensk
8. Procurement of statehood earlier than others manifested
1) Drevlyan 2) Curvic 3) Vodnyach 4) Polyan and Novgorod Sloven
9. Military leader in East Slavic tribes was called
1) Elder 2) Strong 3) Prince 4) Druzhignik
10. One of the initial centers of formation old Russian state Was
1) Smolensk 2) Polotsk 3) Novgorod 4) Rostov
11. The theory according to which statehood on Russia was brought by Varyagi, called
1) Slavophilic 2) Normannskaya 3) Western 3) Antinormmann
12. The association of two centers of Old Russian statehood occurred in
1) 860 2) 862 3) 882 4) 911
13. In 862, in Novgorod began to rule
I) Igor 2) Rurik 3) Oleg 4) Askold

14. Up the text and answer questions
Customs and religion of Slavs
All these tribes had their customs, and the laws of their fathers, and legends, and everyone - their own temper. Polyana have the custom of the fathers of their meek and quiet, shamers in front of Snow themii and sisters, mothers and parents; Before messengers and devices, great luck have; They have a marriage custom: it's not going to talk for the bride, but leads it the day before, and the next day they bring it for it - what they give. And the arms lived with the animal, lived in Skotski: they killed each other, but they were not clean, and they didn't have marriages, but the girls were scaled
water. And the ramism, Vyatichi and Northerners had a common common: they lived in the forest, like all the animals, they were still not clean and chalked with fathers and during the sneahs, and they had no marriages, but playing the play between the villages, and converged on these players, on Dance and on all sorts of demonic songs, and here wrapped their wives in a collusion with them; We had two and three wives. And if someone died, then they arranged a TRIZNU on him, and then they made a big deel, and pinned the dead man, and burned, and after giving the bones, they put them in a small vessel and put on the roads on the roads, how to do now . The same custom was kept curvatures, and other pagans that do not know the law of God, but themselves establishing laws.
Tale of temporary years.
1. Have the laws and customs of East Slavic tribal unions of the same? What do you think, why?
2. When describing the customs and morals of Pollas, the author of PVL leads traditions of obviously Christian. How can you explain it?
3. What is general and what are the differences in the customs of the rest of the listed Slavic tribal unions?
4. What features of the funeral rite of Eastern Slavs (in particular, Vyatichi) are fixed by the author of PVL, and what are they omitted? What do you think why?
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