Definition is pronounced inferior examples. The difference between agreed and inconsistent adhesions

Uncoordinated definitions - These are the definitions that are associated with the main (defined) word with the following communication types:

- adjoint. When the addition is expressed by an immutable part of speech or immutable form: brains racing; soft-boiled egg.

- office. When the addition is put in the form of a certain case with the main word: chair of wood, on a mattress of straw.

Usually uncoordinated definitions in a sentence With the direct order of words are located after the word determined. Exceptions are assigning pronouns "They", "her", "his" - They are just before the defined word.

Ways to express an inconsistent definition.

1. Nalum noun or pronoun in the role of noun in indirect case without an excuse or with a pretext: klumba at home; surface waves; jacket pilot, Furniture from plywood.

2. Nare: eyes switch, horses ready, checkers nagol about.

3. Infinitive: aspiration see, thirst know.

4. Holding pronouns "It", "their", "His": her eyes, them Lessons his joy.

5. Adventive degree: strawberry shopey, height slightly less.

6. Phrases with nouns in the role of the main word: girl with long hair, teacher short-sighted mind, Man vertically challenged.

The agreed definitions are expressed by the adhesive communions of placed adjective ordinal numerical: your joy and grief - joy and grief for me goncharov. The value of the coordinated definition as a minor member of the proposal is determined by the lexical meaning of the word of which it is expressed. In modern Russian, the most commonly definitions are pronounced with high-quality and relative adjectives.

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Definition agreed and inconsistent

Consistent definitions They are expressed by parts of speech relating to the defined word, and are able to be ashamed of him among both the case, but in the singular and in childbirth. The agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives, communions, locomotive adjectives, sequentially numerical:Yours Joy and grief - joy and grief for me (goncharov). Do not consider the adjective definition, which is part of the phraseological unit (White Sea, New Year).

The value of the agreed definition as a minor member of the proposal is determined by the lexical meaning of the word it is expressed. In modern Russian, the most commonly definitions expressed by high-quality and relative adjectives are most common.

Definitions expressed qualitative adjectives, designate various signs of the subject, face or phenomena. They may indicate signs spatial relationship Objects: Almost everything that happens in front (Simon) was seen from the wide window; signs of temporary relations; Properties of things perceived by the senses; physical properties People, animals, insects.

The definitions expressed by relative adjectives denote the various signs of the subject, face or phenomena are not directly, but through the attitude to other subjects, as well as to the place, time (in accordance with the lexical value of the adjective). Relative adjectives It can be designated a sign of the subject on the material at the place of location, in time, a sign in its attitude to the face, a sign in its attitude to the concept.

Definitions expressed by attache adjectives indicate the belonging of the item characterized by a specific person. The value of the belonging is also expressed by attracted persons:My The work of any work is related (Mayakovsky).

Definitions expressed by indicable pronouns indicate the specificity of the subject of the subject: inthis He arrived from Moscow (Yu. Kazakov).

Undefined pronouns in the role of determination indicate the uncertainty of the sign of the subject (some kind of house).

The definitions expressed by the definition and negative pronsections denote properties and qualities in accordance with the values \u200b\u200binherent in them: almost no noise (Turgenev) did not hear around the circle.

Inconsistent definitionit is associated with the defined word with control (birch branch) or adjoining (in Turkish coffee). Inconsistent definition can be expressed different ways. A large group of inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns in all indirect cases with pretexts: there was a thresholdthree steps (bunin).

The definitions expressed by the personal pronounter of the 3rd face in the form of a personal case in a paramedic value as well as comparative degree adjective.

The definition function can use the adverb (future), as well as an infinitive that serves to explain the member of the sentence - an abstract noun: he had weaknessthink That standing it retains more greatness (novikov). Frameological units are becoming inconsistent definitions (she did not like potatoesin uniform).

Invincible definitions denote various signs of the subject, face or phenomenon. So, an inconsistent definition, expressed by nouns in the parental case, can characterize affiliation. The inconsistent definitions, expressed by nouns in indirect cases with pretexts, also denote various signs - according to the material, in the presence of an external difference in the subject of the subject.

Uncoordinated definitions expressed by adjectives in a comparative degree indicate a qualitative sign of the subject, which is inherent to it to a greater or lesser extent than other subjects: Baba, in the Red Skirt, in the White Shirt, is in more often canofelsabove Its growth (bunin).

The inconsistent definitions expressed by adverbs indicate a sign with the value of the quality, image and method of action, time.

Infinitive definitions, expressed by infinitive, help to reveal the content of the subject, which is indicated by the abstract nouns: refusing finally from thoughtlearn Its reasonable reading and writing, I began to teach it to subscribe mechanically (KUPRA).

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Definition is a minor member of the sentence, denoting a sign of the subject, person or phenomenon in relation to the definable word depends on the punctuation in the proposal.

IN initial form answer questions what? What? what? what kind? which the? and can be expressed by the name of adjective, commander, involved in turnover or ordinal numeral. They are associated with the word-defined way of matching, that is, they are used in the same number, the way and the case, as the defined word:

(what?) good advice (E.C., M.R., IP.);

(what?) the studied theme (units, J.R., IP);

(what?) carefully selected illustrations (, TV.P.);

(what?) The second window (units, Sr.R., Rod.p.).

In contrast to the agreed definitions, inconsistent associated with a defined word of control or adjustment method and can be expressed by nouns, adorption, comparative degree of adjective, infinitive, pronoun, syntactically inhirectable combination:

the cloth ( what?) In the flower (name. SUB. with the pretext; management)

money ( what kind?) Loading (NARCH.; management)

history ( what?) Fascinating (adj.; management)

order ( what?) to come (infinite; adjoining)

newspaper ( what?) "Evening news" (week. Sint. Const.; Adjoining).

Find the differences between agreed and inconsistent definitions is the easiest way, comparing the proposals in which they are used.

The agreed definitions coincide with the defined word grammatical signs, most often are in the preposition, and establish their connection is not difficult.

Bright beam Spotlight Ozaril far corner yard.

Above the snow-covered field Bashed the wind.

Fallen from the roof icicle Littered under the legs.

The letter is allocated by commas agreed definitions that relate to personal pronoun.

Messed, she Enthusiasm took up the case.

He, whole and uncructible, Stood at the door with an oha colors.

The postposition is allocated by commas agreed definitions expressed by the involvement of the turnover.

In the forest, markedly spoiled by the middle of autumn, Pines seemed giant candles.

In suggestions with inconsistent definitions, the postulation of punctuation signs is subordinated general rules punctuation and is not directly related to the design "Defined word + definition".

He did not meet in life human kinder and more careful.

This look down annoyed, A. need to act by order perceived as sophisticated mockery.

Mustache brush They shoved, like a March cat.

Conclusions to

  1. Consistent definitions are used in the same grammatical formAs a defined word.
    In contrast to the agreed definitions, inconsistently connected with a defined word of controlling or adjustment method, therefore, according to grammatical features, it is difficult to find such communication: it is established by sentence.
    Snake twist in the emerald ring. (agreed definition)
    Hippopotams weighing a ton Moves by S. speed up to sixty kilometers in hour. (inconsistent definitions)
  2. The agreed definitions are most often expressed by the adjective, communion, involved in the turnover, sequentially numerical - changeable parts of speech.
    As inconsistent definitions cases noun, adverb, infinitive or indirect syntax constructions, for example, phraseological turns.
    Spring rain, splashing, revived paints, brightly broken under bare trees.
    Desire to qualitatively fulfill the task of language Very commendable.
  3. In suggestions with agreed definitions, the postulation of punctuation marks depends on the position of the definition and part of the speech to which it relates.
    Punctuation in proposals with inconsistent definitions is subject to general rules.

The agreed definitions are so called because they are binding to a proposal with subject or secondary members of coordination.

The agreed definitions are, as a rule, the words of the following speech parts and forms of words:

  • adjectives;
  • pronouns-adjectives;
  • ordinal numbers;
  • communion is single and with dependent words (involvement).

I see your lot on the light brow (A. S. Pushkin)

Lot What? is yours (I.P. E.C. M.R. Personal pronouns).

The wildest and touching poems, books and paintings are written by Russian poets, writers and artists about the autumn (K. Powetsky).

This proposal has consistent definitions expressed by the adjectives:

  • poems (SUB. In the form of them. What? soft and touching (shape named after excellent degree of adjective);
  • poets ( What? russian (

According to the river, the yellowish foam, like a shot down protein (K. Powesta).

  • foam What? yellowish (V.P. E.F. Zh.R.);
  • foam What? loose-like (V.P. E.C.)

Let me keep in mind that the optional and separate definitions expressed by turnover with the main word in the form of adjective or communion are one member of the sentence - a consistent definition.

Bright stripes are leaving the distance in the distance, covered with night dew with Ozimi.

Seey what kind? sIZY, covered with night dew - agreed homogeneous definitions expressed by the adjective and involvement of the turnover.

Through the tracked eyelids, he [Cat] watched birds jumping on the ground, but those kept at a safe distance (M. Privine).

  • through the eyelids ( What? surretical (p. communion);
  • birds What? jumping on the ground - a consistent definition, expressed by the involvement;
  • at a distance What? safe (P.P. E.C. cf. adjective).

The inconsistent definitions do not coincide in grammatical form with nouns (pronouns, etc.). They are associated with the main word of the supervisory bond management, less often, by adjoining.

Invincible definitions are expressed by the words of different parts of speech, for example:

1. noun, pronoun in the form of an indirect case with a pretext or without it

On the surface of the water floated huge dark green leaves of white water lily.

In this sentence, except for the agreed definitions ( huge Dark Green Leaves, White Watercuts) We indicate a number of inconsistent related to the nouns:

  • on the surface (P.P. U.F. Zh.R.) Whose? water (r. p. un. h. r.);
  • leaves ( whose? runners (r. p. Mn. h.).

All his face was small, bad, in freckles (I. S. Turgenev)

Face whose? his (Mattering pronoun in the form of R.P. E.C.)

2. Inflicted definition - syntactically indivisible phrase (noun and adjective, noun and numeral)

Wardrobe (what?) Black tree was huge sizes (Boris Pasternak. Dr. Zhivago).

Boy (what?) Twelve years ran out to meet the guests.

3. The role of an inconsistent definition is a simple form of a comparative degree of adjective

One of the girls, (what?) Older, I barely drew attention to me (A. P. Chekhov).

4. Incomotiated Definition - Advisory

In the windows (which?) The playful summer breeze was sent to the windows and began to inflate the sail of the curtains.

5. An uncertain form of verb (infinitive) explains the noun.

The desire (what?) To defeat, contemporaries believe, was the main quality of the commander A. Suvorov.

A simple form of a comparative degree of adjective, adverb and infinitives are joined to the main word in the way of adjustment.

Table with examples


We check ourselves and point out in the following proposals agreed and inconsistent definitions.

Following the suitcase, there was a small larchter of a mahogany with pieces of Karelian birch, shoal shoes and wrapped in blue paper fried chicken (N. V. Gogol. Dead souls).

She grew on a small glade, a straight and slim birch with a white barrel, with fragile, lacquer leaves (N. Wagner).

Greenish sump air filled with sunny smoke and yellow rods, flowed over us (K. Powesta).

In the noise of the wind, he was heard as if a remote crying of a baby, and sometimes howl of the hungry wolf (S. T. Aksakov).

It was sad and mocking his face, like a disappointed (A. P. Chekhov).

Having passed a little, I got out to a small river with a funny name of Dunno, sat down on the brackets and threw a fishing rod (Squetty).

Definition is a secondary member of a sentence, which depends on the subject, addition or circumstances, determines the sign of the subject and answers questions: what? which the? whose?

Definition may relate to words different parts Speeches: noun and words formed from adjectives or communities to the transition to another part of speech, as well as pronouns.

Agreed and inconsistent definition

The agreed definition is a definition for which the type of syntactic relationship between the main and dependent words is coordination. For example:

Dissatisfied girl ate chocolate ice cream on an outdoor terrace.

(Girl (what?) Displeased, ice cream (what?) Chocolate, on the terrace (what?) Open)

The agreed definitions are expressed by adjectives, consistent with the defined words - nouns in kind, and the case.

The agreed definitions are expressed:

1) Adjective: Dear Mom, a favorite grandmother;

2) communities: a laughing boy, a bored girl;

3) pronouns: my book, this boys;

4) ordinal numerical: the first of September, to the eighth of March.

But the definition may be inconsistent. This is the definition associated with a word-defined word by other types of syntactic communication:



Inconsistent definition based on management:

Mom's book lay on the bedside table.

Wed: Mom's Book - Mine Book

(Mine Book is a consistent definition, communication type: coordination, and the mother's book is inconsistent, communication type - management)

Inspected definition based on adjoining:

I want to buy her a gift for more expensive.

Wed: Gift is more expensive - a gift dear

(a gift is more expensive - an inconsistent definition, the type of communication is the adjoining, and the gift is dear - a consistent definition, the type of communication - coordination)

In inconsistent definitions include definitions expressed by syntactically indivisible phrases and phraseologists.

On the contrary built shopping center In five floors.

Wed: Center in Five Floors - five-story center

(center in five floors - inconsistent definition, communication type - management, and five-storey center - a consistent definition, communication type - coordination)

The girl entered the room with blue hair.

(Girl with blue hair - inconsistent definition, communication type - management.)

Different parts of speech can act in the role of inconsistent definition:

1) noun:

Bus stop moved.

(buses - noun)

2) adverb:

Grandma has prepared meat in French.

(French - adverb)

3) verb in an indefinite form:

She had the ability to listen.

(Listen - verb in an indefinite form)

4) Comparative degree of adjective:

He always chooses the way to easily, and she - the tasks are groured.

(easier, threatening comparative degree of adjectives)

5) Pronoming:

Her story touched me.

(her - possessive pronoun)

6) syntactically indivisible phrases


A special type of definition is an application. The application is a definition expressed by a noun agreed with the defined word in the case.

Applications denote various signs of the subject, which are expressed by nouns: age, nationality, profession, etc.:

I love my sister - baby.

A group of tourists - Japanese lived in the hotel with me.

The species of the application are geographical names, company names, organizations, printed organs, artistic works. The latter form inconsistent applications. Compare examples:

I saw the embankment of the river Sukhona.

(Sukhonov - a consistent application, the words of the river and the Sukhona stand in one case.)

The son read the fairy tale "Cinderella".

("Cinderella" - an inconsistent application, the words fairy tale and "Cinderella" stand in different cases

Separation (comma release) inconsistent definitions It also depends on several factors:

a) from the part of the speech of the determined (main) word;
b) on the position of determination in relation to the definable (main) word - before the main word, after the main word;
c) from the presence of additional shades of values \u200b\u200bat the definition (circumstantiated, explanatory);
d) on the degree of propagation and method of expressing the definition.

However, in general, the separation of inconsistent definitions is less categorically, rather than the separation of agreed definitions. It occurs in the event that this context needs to highlight any characteristic, strengthen the value expressed.

Terms of separation of inconsistent definitions

A) the definition expressed by indirect cases of nouns (more often with pretexts)

1. Nouns definitions are isolated if they relate to personal pronoun:

Today she is, in a new blue hood, was especially young and impressively beautiful (M. Gorky).

2. Noun definitions are isolated if they are separated from the sentences determined by other members:

After dessert, everyone moved to the buffet, where, in black dress with black mesh on the head, Sita Carolina (Goncharov).

3. Noun definitions are separated if a number form homogeneous members With a preceding or subsequent separate consistent definition:

This crowd people, dressed, dressed with tanned persons and with squirrel tails on heads, produced a strange impression (Arsenyev).

4. Nouns definitions are usually isolated if they refer to the name of their own, since complement, clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bthe face or about the subject.

Sasha Berezhov, in a silk dress, in Chepzts on the back and Shali.sat on the sofa (Goncharov).

5. Nouns definitions are usually isolated if they relate to a noun, characterizing a person in the degree of kinship, occupied by the situation, profession, etc. The definition of the noun in this case gives an additional feature to the face. Such a definition is more often common, that is, it contains dependent words. Frequently often such definitions are several.

Majestly came out mother, in a lilac dress, in lace, with a long pearl thread on the neck (Goncharov).


1) With the placement of punctuation marks, it is very important to correctly determine the type of a secondary member expressed by nouns, since it may be not only a definition, but also an addition, circumstance.

Wed: Majestly came out mother, in a lilac dress, in lace. - Mother came out in a lilac dress, in lace.

2) If an inconsistent definition, expressed by nouns, is separate, it is distinguished by pauses.

3) Separation of inconsistent definitions expressed by nouns is often not mandatory, but optional. If the author wants to give an additional feature to the face, if the separation of the definition serves as a way of intentional turnover from the neighboring tag, then such a definition is separate.

Baba, with long robbles in hands, wand in the field (Turgenev).

In this case, I.S. Turgenev wanted to emphasize that the turnover with long robbles in hands applies not to the lean radutand to the subject baba ("Baba with rakes", and not "wand with rakes").

4) Separate inconsistent definitions are synonymous by the pressing proposals.

Wed: Baba, with long robbles in hands, Brave in the field. - Baba, in the hands of rake, Brave in the field.

B) the definition expressed by turnover with the form of a comparative degree of adjective

1. The inconsistent definitions expressed by the turnover with the form of a comparative degree of the adjective name are usually separate, since the value is approaching a weakened, secondary to the lean. Therefore, such definitions can be replaced by the appropriate proposal or an independent offer. Such revisions are usually worth the words and have dependent words:

Force, stronger his will, dropped it from there (Turgenev). - Wed: This power was stronger than his will. This power dropped him from there.

Often before the defined nouns are another definition, consistent. In this case, the definitions have a shade of explanations (the value "namely"):

Short beard, a little darker hair, slightly shaded the lips and chin (A.K. Tolstoy); Others guys, shame, with delight we looked at us (Trifonov).

2. Definition with a form of a comparative degree of adjective is not separated if it is closely related to the well-defined noun:

But at another time was not man is active (Turgenev).

C) definition expressed by an uncertain form of verb

1. The definition expressed by an indefinite form of the verb (infinitive) is isolated (using a dash) if it has an explanatory value and before it can be put in words namely. IN oral speech Such infinitive definitions precedes a pause:

But this lot is beautiful - to leake and die (Buses).

2. The definition expressed by an indefinite form of verb (infinitive) is not separated if it forms a single phrase with the name of the noun. Usually such definitions are in the middle of the sentence and are pronounced without pauses:

Think marry Oles increasingly and more often came to me (Kuprin).


1) Infinitive definitions are highlighted using a dash, not a comma or colon.

2) If a selected definition, expressed by the infinitive, is in the middle of the sentence, it is separated by a dash on both sides.

Each of them solved this question - leave or stay - for yourself, for your loved ones (Ketlin).

But if, under the context conditions, the comma should stand, then the second dash is usually lowered.

As one choice remained - lose the army and Moscow or one Moscowthen Feldmarshal was supposed to choose the last (L. Tolstoy).

  • Sasha Berezhnov, in a silk dress , In the cape on the back of the head and in Shali , Sit on the sofa.
  • (I. A. Goncharov)
  • So what you, With your mind , Found in it?
  • (I. S. Turgenev)

2. If separated From the defined word other members of the sentence.

  • On ruddy lying his , with direct big nose , Strictly shone bluish eyes.
  • (A. M. Gorky)
  • Approached a priest, large man of heroacle, fat, broadly , With a bugs good-natured face.
  • (Gi de Maupassan)
  • Forgotten owners house, spacious and cozy , with large windows and fireplace heating , Waiting for the arrival of spring.

4. If the signs expressed by inconsistent definitions are extremely important for characteristics Defined face or subject.

  • Officers, in new imprisoners , White gloves and shiny epoletas , Flared on the streets and boulevard.
  • (L. N. Tolstoy)

5. If the isolation serves as a means intentional separation inconsistent determination from neighboring faithful and attributing it to the subject.

  • Mercury Avdeevich preparing that the stars are growing in the sky and the whole yard , With buildings , Rose and went silently up.
  • (K. A. Fedin)

Without separation combination "With the buildings" Not played the role of definition.

  • Wed: Long-haired student in Latany pants Juliel Bow on the violin.
  • (V. P. Astafiev)
  • Red yacht, Much more and luxurious white, Always attracted the attention of tourists.

If defined definition is absent, inconsistent definitions expressed by a comparative degree of adjectives are isolated when they are attached special meaning, And are not inspired if you have grief intonation-semantie Communication.

  • Force, stronger his will , dropped it from there.
  • (I. S. Turgenev)
  • Wed: There was no yacht on the pier more beautiful and luxurious red.

III. Inconsistent definitions expressed infinitive, isolated with help dash, If you can insert words "namely".

  • Probably it is already character Human - remember funny and forget unpleasant.
  • (E. T. Krenkel)
  • The ruling elite may be one output - build a management pyramid.
  • (According to A. G. Shavaev, S. V. Dzvoshu

IN middle Offers such a definition stand out dash on both sides.

  • And this one choice - stay in the rear or go to the front - She needs to be done today.

If under the context conditions after determining must stand comma, then the second dash is lowered.

  • Her long torque thoughts - stay in the rear or go to the front , And this choice needs to be done today.
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