Light defeat. “Everything is allowed to me, because at this moment I am perfectly aware of what I am doing


Hide your light, protect yourself; accept a difficult task.

Figurative row
Resilience is favorable in difficulties.

Hide your mind and discernment to protect yourself. Pay attention to what is below you. This may be necessary in order to avoid persecution or to cope with a difficult new challenge. You are in danger. By dimming your light, you can avoid it and find a way out of a difficult situation.

Take up hard and boring jobs, even if you feel like you're being underestimated. Hard and thankless work will ultimately benefit you and give you enlightenment. Go to work with your head. Liberation is just around the corner, so accept what falls to your lot.

Pay close attention to your desires, do not give vent to your feelings. If you can tell right from wrong even in the dark, your example will inspire others.


  1. The woman is sitting at the well. It means either a trap or being involved in a hopeless situation.
  2. There is a tiger in the well. This means "the hero is intimidated by a gang of weaklings when his luck has changed."
  3. A broken coin means loss of money or bankruptcy.
  4. The signal pole is broken in the middle. It means "not knowing which direction to turn in."
  5. A man is chasing a deer. This means "to achieve nothing" - a very bad sign.

the phoenix flies with its wings lowered.
Symbol: leave the light, enter the darkness.

Explanation of the hexagram according to Weng-wan .

Blackout. Bad times... Resilience is favorable.

  1. This is the August hexagram. It is good in winter and bad in summer and autumn.
  2. Your energy is so strong that, when directed outward, it will make it possible to fulfill your dreams.
If the patient consults with the I Ching and receives Min-i, then the situation is very dangerous and one must be very careful.

Explanation of individual Yao according to Zhou-gun

First Yao.

Initial nine. Blackout during flight. You lower your wings. You will not find food for three days in your wanderings. But you have a purpose. Your master will gossip about you.
  1. You set yourself a lofty and glorious goal, but failure unsettles you. Instead of completely withdrawing, you all try to fix the matter and face more and more difficulties, and friends say that you are crazy.
  2. Even a clouding of reason does not justify such behavior.
  3. Your mind is not influenced by prejudices.

Second Yao.
Six second. Blackout. The left thigh is damaged. He helps with the strength of the horse. Luck.
  1. The bad people at your job have convinced your boss to treat you like a second-rate, exploited being. You do not have the opportunity to speak, but you continue to listen to your inner voice, which tells you that everything will change for the better.
  2. You are going on a yacht ride with friends. A sudden storm overturns the yacht. While you wait for help, you do everything to make sure your friends are safe and no one gets hurt.
  3. You join a peaceful demonstration against some social evil. But the political climate is unfavorable for her, and provocateurs begin to use violence to compromise the demonstration. By risking yourself, you protect your friends and help them get out unharmed.

Third yao.

Nine third. Blackout while hunting in the south. They got the leader. One should not rush with perseverance.
  1. You are participating in a political confrontation. As luck would have it, the opposition leader was implicated in a scandal and discredited. Your friends say, “We have won,” but you warn them that the opposition is supported by many people and can easily nominate new leaders.
  2. If you go south, you may find yourself a job and a friend.

Fourth Yao.
Six fourth. Pierced the left side of the Abdomen and hit the very heart. Dimmable. Leaves the courtyard through the gate.
  1. You think that your stronger opponent is simply misdirected and greedy, but by chance you find out about his secret plans and realize that he is much more dangerous. Now, knowing this, you can leave before the trouble breaks out.
  2. All aspects of the problem must be taken into account.
  3. Birds with different feathers do not live in one flock.
Fifth Yao.
Six fifth. Blackout, Like Tszi-tzu. Burden of perseverance.
  1. Like Prince Tszi-tzu, you find that your relatives are committing evil deeds. You don't want to leave your family, so you pretend not to notice. Since you are not trusted, you do not have to do bad things, and you look all the time how to help the good side.
  2. The wise man who knows what is best for him can protect himself from harm.
Sixth Yao.
Top six. There is no light, only darkness. First he rose to heaven, then he penetrated inside.
  1. The bully who ruled your company survived all of it good people... There was no one left who could have meeked him, and he became completely uncontrollable. Now the police have taken him and he will not return.
  2. If there is no road leading to Heaven, then there is no gate leading to the depths of hell. Can you imagine such a situation?
  3. To avoid temptation, you need to keep your sanity.

Total thickness forging according to Yu. Shutsky.

When reading the "Book of Changes" it is not difficult to notice that the hexagrams follow each other in opposite directions. So, if the first hexagram consisted entirely of strong features and denoted pure creativity, then the second hexagram consisted only of weak features and represented pure performance.

The previous hexagram was the image of the sun rising over the earth, and this 36th hexagram is the image of the sun descending to the earth.

This, in fact, indicates the following moment: the ability to also retreat at the right moment, because if a person only acted outside, then the correct rhythm of a person's activity would be disrupted, we would face the threat of defeat of his radiance.

therefore this situation is called Light defeat. Here the light must descend into darkness, into the depths of the earth. In addition, there is another interpretation of the name of the hexagram, for the second of the words denoting it means
also a barbarian.

If we proceed from this meaning, then the name Min-i can be translated "enlightenment of the barbarians", i.e. the descent from a cultural height of a high level to people of a low culture. Both options exist in the commentary literature, although Wan Yi only insists on the former.

With such a descent, man naturally encounters difficulties. But it is precisely in difficulties, in particular in tarnishing, that he must remain persistent, i.e. always speak out on the basis of their innocence.

Therefore, the short text says here: Defeat of light. Resilience is favorable in difficulties.

Defeat clarity

I condemn not words, these selective and precious vessels, but the wine of delusion that drunken teachers bring us in them.
Aurelius Augustine




Dispersion of clarity. Hiding the obvious. Destruction of light. Bug coverage. Eclipse.

Explanation of the structure

Clarity is subject to dissipation. The state of clarity overcomes difficulties, but without delusion there is no cognition of clarity.

The structure of both gua



A man in his declining years can be overcome by delusion, he can lower his wings, like the mythical bird MIN I, but there is always someone who can tell.


There are eclipses of the heart (left half, thigh), then it is necessary to turn to the support of Light, power, conditionally - the Horse.


Volition, direction of feeling (South), great success.



Bird MIN And strengthens feelings, "entering from the left", heart's thoughts are fully justified.


To be experienced solar eclipses as well as the eclipses of the spirit, they are beneficial to man, since they are necessary in nature.


Darkness, eclipse, first in Heaven, then on earth; stability is maintained.

The main thing in gua

Clarity enters the Earth - the defeat of clarity, outside - the obedience of gentleness, which creates difficulties. In relations with the crowd, the will of the ruler is needed, not his gentleness.

The main thesis

Clarity is what the world is illuminated by. If you overdo it with it, it is easy to fall into error, into an eclipse.

The prophetic aspect

Judgments and actions are wrong.
Clarity is needed, otherwise the issue will not be resolved in the near future.
An accident, a delicate situation, criticism addressed to you is possible.
The state of health can be shaken due to nervous shocks, mental disorders.
No travel by water.
Gradually enlighten consciousness.

Conformity with the Tarot

Arcanum of correspondence - Arcanum XVIII, Moon, - Arcanum of Light in the Tarot, but the light of reflected, regressive consciousness. This is the Arcanum of mistakes and negative behavior. Arcanum of misunderstood words, delusions, "eclipses". Arcanum Moon in Tarot is associated with the Moon and its abode, the sign of Cancer. The path to light lies through the well of death. The moon also means descent into the underworld (parallel with the Arcanum Death), a journey in it, in the terrible depths of the unknown. This is a terrible path into the abyss of the soul, a meeting with horror face to face. The night is near and it is hostile! Arkan Moon expresses in the divine world of the endless abyss, in the intellectual world - darkness that envelops the spirit, in the physical world - flight from reality, delusion, secret enemies.

If we talk about the Minor Arcana, then this sign, perhaps, fully corresponds to the Eight of Swords. Metaphysical force is realized in this Arcana as a critical mass. The Eight of Swords means the predominance of a strong beginning, struggle, condemnation, bewilderment, activity in very delicate conditions. Criticism, condemnation, betrayal, depression, depressed state of mind, mind, sometimes - rock, fate.

If you take damage outside, you will definitely return to your loved ones. This latter is accepted by means of the sign JIA REN, FAMILY MAN.

Summary. Divination interpretation

1. Social status, politics.

Temporary difficulties from misinterpreting the goal. Organization of administration, production are wrong. Rebuilding required. Sensitive circumstances, misfortunes are possible. "Eclipses" human, as well as solar or lunar, take place.

2. Business (everything related to the material world, Taurus, Pentacles).

It will be easier for you to overcome difficulties by clarifying both your own responsibilities and those of your partners. (The process of realizing partnerships and their responsibilities overcomes difficulties.) Rapprochement is difficult. Currently, you cannot count on making a profit or being lucky in business.

3. Relationships (love, gender relations, family life)

Love "cataclysms", quarrels, alienation, petty quibbles, jealousy.

4. Interpersonal relationships.

Neither family relations, nor kinship, nor industrial relations develop.

5. Health (on the physical and subtle planes).

Psychophysical and nervous disorders. Manic syndromes. Cleansing of the body is shown.

6. Trend.

A gradual way out of the impasse. Enlightenment of consciousness.


Arcanum of illusion, the embodiment of the Hindu Maya, the extrapolations of which lead people to the loss of illusion. He encourages a person to live without indulging in fantasies and without falling into gullibility. Arcanum Attributes: dog, wolf of Hecate or Diana, moon hunter. Hecate is the goddess of witches, darkness, divination. The moon drops inverted dewdrops on the Arcana field (the tendency to receive without giving anything) on ​​the yellow dry ground between the two towers (warning against inappropriate behavior endangering mental balance and physical health). Cancer personifies the past, repression, complexes, conservatism, but also rebirth.

Fortune-telling interpretations: extravagance, quirks, stupidity, tactlessness, intrigues.

Vera Sklyarova. Card Canon "I Ching"

The Hexagram Ming, appearing in a love story, brings with it many positive moments. She predicts a wonderful period of life when everything will work out, work out and you will be happy in love. But, nevertheless, you should know that the period. The person personified by the hexagram Min has one unpleasant quality - he is capricious. Yes, luck will be on your side, but too capricious.

Hexagram Min says that everything will be fine in the end, but you still have to get a little nervous and try not to spoil anything.

The appearance of the Ming hexagram in a love story suggests that your relationship is entering the stage of "pleasant peace", but, strangely enough, because of this, capriciousness will suddenly wake up in you. For some reason, you will be dissatisfied with something all the time. Everything seems to be fine, you are loved, you love, but for some reason you don’t want to enjoy it. This is what we need to get rid of. You behave this way because you are so used to stress that you simply cannot live without it. But if now you do not stop being capricious, then not only spoil this positive period, which could fill you with love happiness, but also destroy your own love relationship. Therefore, remember - yes, everything will be fine, just wonderful, but the biggest threat now is not envious people or gossip, but you yourself. In a word, the Min hexagram checks whether you are able to enjoy love happiness or not, whether you should still be given the opportunity to be happy person, or you actually feel comfortable when things go wrong, when you need to be nervous, and so on. Pass this test with honor, because for this all you need is just to enjoy the love that you have.

If love fortune telling is carried out for someone who has just entered into a love relationship, then the Ming hexagram will symbolize a situation when all your undertakings will be crowned with success.

But no matter what and for whom love fortune-telling is carried out, the Min hexagram, although it portends a positive period of life, nevertheless, it will not last long, so be prepared for this.

© Alexey Korneev © Alexey Kupreichik

Luck is good right now, but don't be overconfident, the situation is about to change. Act deliberately and prudently, do not get carried away by love adventures. From the outside, you give the impression of a darling of fate, and therefore it is quite possible that others interpret your actions wrongly, but do not worry, in the near future everything will fall into place. Your desires will not come true now. Be frugal.

Hexagram 36. "Min-i". Light defeat

(Additional Information)

When reading the "Book of Changes", it is easy to notice that the hexagrams follow each other in opposite directions. So, if the first hexagram consisted entirely of strong features and denoted pure creativity, then the second hexagram consisted only of weak features and represented pure performance. The previous hexagram was the image of the sun rising over the earth, and this 36th hexagram is the image of the sun descending to the earth. This, in fact, indicates the following moment: the ability to also retreat at the right moment, because if a person only acted outside, then the correct rhythm of a person's activity would be disrupted, we would face the threat of defeat of his radiance. Therefore, this situation is called Light defeat. Here the light must descend into darkness, into the depths of the earth. In addition, there is another interpretation of the name of the hexagram, for the second of the words denoting it also denotes a barbarian. Based on this meaning, the name Min-i can be translated "enlightenment of the barbarians", i.e. the descent from a cultural height of a high level to people of a low culture. Both options exist in the commentary literature, although Wan Yi only insists on the former. With such a descent, man naturally encounters difficulties. But it is precisely in difficulties, in particular in tarnishing, that he must remain persistent, i.e. always speak out on the basis of their innocence. Therefore, the short text says here: Defeat of light. Resilience is favorable in difficulties.

Since the starting point for this situation was the ascent of light, i.e. the sun, to its heights, insofar as the first position of this hexagram begins with the image of flight, for from the heights of his years it descends down here. Therefore, here it is better not to act for yourself. Here you need to have the courage to end your ascent and you need to have the courage to endure hardships in your actions aimed at the benefit of other people, for it is in overcoming difficulties that what is the goal of the activity of a given situation can be achieved here. Only with activities directed in this way, a person can count on the fact that the person standing above him will pay attention. Therefore, the text says here: In the beginning is a strong line. Light defeat. His wings drop in flight. A noble man does not eat for three days on the way, but he has a place to speak, and his master will talk about him.

The defeat, which is characteristic of this situation, here begins to act further and further. And a very great power of the one who provides support is needed in order for the situation to have a favorable outcome. The horse in the symbolism of animals according to the "Book of Changes" denotes great power, active strength. Therefore, in the text we read: Weak line in second place. Light defeat. It is affected in the left thigh. You need support as powerful as a horse. Happiness.

Ancient Chinese views did not view the south as the most illuminated area. sunlight, but, in view of the dynamism of this worldview, as an area where the sun begins to gradually decline. Therefore, the third position, where most of all makes itself felt general characteristics this situation, - defeat of the light - gives an image of the southern hunt. But at this time there can be a victory over a great evil, for the light, lifted above the earth, here descends back to the earth in order to illuminate the stragglers, i.e. destroy their evil of ignorance. Of course, with such a descent, a person can move away from his own greatness, into in a certain sense to lose it, but this is precisely what he should not grieve about, for such is his mission - to descend to the stragglers. These thoughts are expressed in the text as follows: Strength in third place. The light is struck in the southern hunt. But a big head will be obtained. You can't be sick about endurance.

The mood of self-giving, of a sacrificial departure from one's height is very much felt in the aphorism of the fourth line. Here, from his own experience of being, a person already comes out to something else. For here the upper one already begins, i.e. outer trigram. This is the mood of a person leaving his proper place. And it is all permeated with the feeling of defeat of the light. This lesion affects the very part of the abdomen. Therefore, the text says: Weak line in fourth place. Defeat will pierce left side belly. You will retain the feeling of being defeated by the light when you step outside the gates of your house and yard.

In the arsenal of the Chinese national heroes there is a famous courtier Tszi-tzu. This is a person who lived in the 11th century. BC, according to tradition, and was the main adviser at the court of the then king. At this time, a change of dynasties took place. Tszi-tzu, in spite of the fact that the ruler of the new dynasty tried in every possible way to win him over as a man who had achieved the art of governing the state, nevertheless preferred to retire from all political activities and, as the legend says, settle on the edge of the country, somewhere in the territory of modern Korea. He preferred complete solitude and life among people of a foreign and less developed culture than serving someone whom he considered a usurper. The lending says that he wrote the so-called "Great Plan" ("Hong Fan"). This work later became very widely known. Even for us, as the first rudiments of philosophizing in China (although the authorship of Tszi-tzu is hardly true), it is of great interest. And the Chinese authors consider Tszi-tzu as an image of a person who consciously departed from his possible glory, who gave his knowledge to less developed people, but, nevertheless, was subsequently glorified and ascended to a height. The fifth position represents the maximum expression of the given situation as a whole. Therefore, an image associated with the name Tszi-tzu is revealed here. The text says here: Weak line in fifth place. Defeat of the light of Tszi-tzu. Resilience is favorable.

The final completion of the process leads to the fact that all the light forces of light that were acquired in the previous situation should fade here. It is only possible here to remember what was in the past the glory of a given person, but it is here that the most intense comparison of what was achieved in the past and what the necessity in the present has led to. Therefore, the text says here: Above is a weak point. You will not shine, but fade. First you will ascend to the sky, and then you will plunge into the ground.

© Yu.K. Shchutsky. Chinese Classical Book of Changes I Ching

36 Hexagram I Ching

Min-i (Light defeat): min - light from fire, sun, moon and stars; consciousness, awareness, reason, understanding; illuminate, distinguish clearly; clear, obvious; also: bird with bright plumage, golden pheasant; the hieroglyph depicts the sun and the moon; and - keep out of sight; remote, remote; lower, erase, iron out, level with the ground; simple, ordinary, colorless; cut, wound, destroy, eliminate; barbarians, foreigners, low, uncultured people; the hieroglyph depicts a man armed with a bow.

Resilience is favorable in difficulties.

Hide your mind and discernment to protect yourself. Pay attention to what is below you. This may be necessary in order to avoid persecution or to cope with a difficult new challenge. You are in danger. By dimming your light, you can avoid it and find a way out of a difficult situation. Take up hard and boring jobs, even if you feel like you're being underestimated. Hard and thankless work will ultimately benefit you and give you enlightenment. Go to work with your head. Liberation is just around the corner, so accept what falls to your lot. Pay close attention to your desires, do not give vent to your feelings. If you can tell right from wrong even in the dark, your example will inspire others.

When reading the “Book of Changes”, it is easy to notice that the hexagrams follow each other in opposite directions. So, if the first hexagram consisted entirely of strong features and denoted pure creativity, then the second hexagram consisted only of weak features and represented pure performance. The previous hexagram was the image of the sun rising over the earth, and this 36th hexagram is the image of the sun descending to the earth. This, in fact, indicates the following moment: the ability to also retreat at the right moment, because if a person only acted outside, then the correct rhythm of a person's activity would be disrupted, we would face the threat of defeat of his radiance. Therefore, this situation is called Light defeat. Here the light must descend into darkness, into the depths of the earth. In addition, there is another interpretation of the name of the hexagram, for the second of the words denoting it also denotes a barbarian. If we proceed from this meaning, then the name Min-i can be translated “enlightenment of the barbarians”, i.e. the descent from a cultural height of a high level to people of a low culture. Both options exist in the commentary literature, although Wan Yi only insists on the former. With such a descent, man naturally encounters difficulties. But it is precisely in difficulties, in particular in tarnishing, that he must remain persistent, i.e. always speak out on the basis of their innocence.

External and Inner worlds: Earth and Fire

The earth outside hides the light and consciousness inside.

Hidden opportunity: 40 (Resolution)

Muting the light of consciousness contains latent opportunity release from danger and internal tension.


When you ascend, be prepared for adversity. The defeat of the light is in the difficulties of endurance.


The defeat of the light means condemnation.


The light lurks in the center of the earth. Light defeat.
The noble man rules over many, alternating between enlightenment and obscurity.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

Light defeat.
In flight, the wings drop.
A noble man does not eat for three days on the way.
He has a place to perform.
The master will talk about him.

You better not act for your own sake now. Have the courage to stop and endure hardships while helping others. Only then can you expect to be paid attention from above. The situation is already changing.

Since the starting point for this situation was the ascent of light, i.e. the sun, to its heights, insofar as the first position of this hexagram begins with the image of flight, for from the heights of his years it descends down here. Therefore, here it is better not to act for yourself. Here you need to have the courage to end your ascent and you need to have the courage to endure hardships in your actions aimed at the benefit of other people, for it is in overcoming difficulties that what is the goal of the activity of a given situation can be achieved here. Only with activities directed in this way, a person can count on the fact that the person standing above him will pay attention.

Line 2

Six second

Light defeat. It is affected in the left thigh.
You need support as powerful as a horse.

A serious but not fatal obstacle. You need powerful support. The path will be opened if you seek help from an active force.

The defeat, which is characteristic of this situation, here begins to act further and further. And a very great power of the one who provides support is needed in order for the situation to have a favorable outcome. The horse in the symbolism of animals according to the “Book of Changes” denotes great power, active force.

Line 3

Nine third

The light is struck in the southern hunt.
But a Big Head will be obtained.
You can't be sick about endurance.

In ancient Chinese tradition, the south was considered the least illuminated area. You are in the midst of a crisis, but this is where hope for the best arises. Having lost something, you should not be sad and desire the return of the old times. Let go of sadness and despair.

In ancient Chinese views, the south was viewed not as the area most illuminated by sunlight, but, in view of the dynamism of this worldview, as an area where the sun gradually begins to decline. Therefore, the third position, where the general characteristic of this situation makes itself felt most of all - the defeat of the light - gives the image of the southern hunt. But at this time there can be a victory over a great evil, for the light, lifted above the earth, here descends back to the earth in order to illuminate the stragglers, i.e. destroy their evil of ignorance. Of course, with such a descent, a person can move away from his own greatness, in a sense, lose it, but this is precisely what he should not be sad about, for such is his mission - descent to the laggards.

Line 4

Six fourth

The lesion will pierce the left side of the abdomen.
Keep the feeling of defeat for the light
When you leave the gate of the house and yard.

You sacrifice yourself, acutely aware of the meaning of your actions. When you leave a familiar place, you take with you the memory of it. This is the time of departure, final and irrevocable.

The mood of self-giving, of a sacrificial departure from one's height is very much felt in the aphorism of the fourth line. Here, from his own experience of being, a person already comes out to something else. For here the upper one already begins, i.e. outer trigram. This is the mood of a person leaving his proper place. And it is all permeated with the feeling of defeat of the light. This lesion affects the very part of the abdomen.

Line 5

Six fifth

Defeat of the light of Tszi-tzu.
Resilience is favorable.

According to Chinese history, the advisor Tszi-tzu, who lived in the XI century. BC e., preferred to retire despite the most tempting offers to participate in government. The image of a person who voluntarily decided to give their knowledge more low people and subsequently glorified for this, characterizes your life situation.

In the arsenal of Chinese national heroes there is the famous courtier Tszi-tzu. This is a person who lived in the 11th century. BC, according to tradition, and was the main adviser at the court of the then king. At this time, a change of dynasties took place. Tszi-tzu, despite the fact that the ruler of the new dynasty tried in every possible way to win him over as a man who had achieved the art of government, he still preferred to retire from any political activity and, as legend says, to settle on the edge of the country, where something on the territory of modern Korea. He preferred complete solitude and life among people of a foreign and less developed culture than serving someone whom he considered a usurper. The lending says that he wrote the so-called "Great Plan" ("Hong Fan"). This work later became very widely known. Even for us, as the first rudiments of philosophizing in China (although the authorship of Tszi-tzu is hardly true), it is of great interest. And the Chinese authors consider Tszi-tzu as an image of a person who consciously departed from his possible glory, who gave his knowledge to less developed people, but, nevertheless, was subsequently glorified and ascended to a height. The fifth position represents the maximum expression of the given situation as a whole. Therefore, an image associated with the name Tszi-tzu is revealed here.

Line 6

Upstairs six

You will not shine, but fade.
First you will ascend to Heaven, then you will plunge into the Earth.

Your intentions and actions do not clarify things, but obscure them. It is time to confront the experience of the past with the urgent need. Introduce yourself.

The final completion of the process leads to the fact that all the light forces of light that were acquired in the previous situation should fade here. It is only possible here to remember what was in the past the glory of a given person, but it is here that the most intense comparison of what was achieved in the past and what the necessity in the present has led to.

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