Outline of compassion is an active helper. Composing the problem of mercy reasoning with examples from the literature of the exam

(1) Compassion is an active helper.

(2) But what about those who do not see, do not hear, do not feel when it hurts and is bad for another? (3) To an outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. (4) How can we help both those who suffer from indifference and those who are indifferent themselves?

(5) From childhood, educate - first of all, oneself - so as to respond to someone else's misfortune and rush to help someone in need. (6) And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, sentimentality alien to us.

(7) Empathy is a great human ability and need, a blessing and a duty. (8) People who are endowed with such an ability or who have anxiously felt a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to turn sympathy into assistance, have a harder life than the insensitive. (9) And more restless. (10) But their conscience is clear. (11) They usually have good children. (12) They are generally respected by those around them. (13) But even if this rule is violated and if those around them do not understand, and the children deceive their hopes, they will not abandon their moral position.

(14) ... they seem to feel good. (15) They are endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. (16) But it only seems to them, they are not endowed, but deprived. (17) Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!

(18) I recently had the good fortune to meet a wise old doctor. (19) He often appears in his department on weekends and on holidays, not out of an emergency, but out of a spiritual need. (20) He talks with patients not only about their illness, but also on complex life topics. (21) He knows how to instill in them hope and courage. (22) Long-term observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone's sufferings, finding himself in front of his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. (23) Miserable and helpless he meets such a test. (24) Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. (25) Blind fear. (26) Loneliness. (27) Late remorse.

(28) One of the most important human feelings is empathy. (29) And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. (30) Promoting. (31) To those who need him, to whom it is bad, although he is silent, one must come to the rescue, not waiting for a call. (32) There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. (33) If you tune it to a wave of high humanity.

Lvov Sergey Lvovich (1922-1981) - prose writer, critic, publicist, author of numerous articles on the Soviet and foreign literature, works of biographical and children's literature.

Main problems:

1. The problem of cultivating compassion (Is it necessary to cultivate the ability to empathize in a person?)

2. The problem of a person's ability to sympathy (How does the ability to empathize and his lack of such ability affect a person's life? Does a person need the ability to be compassionate?)

3. The problem of the relationship between empathy and active assistance to a person (What is the relationship between empathy and assistance?)

1. The talent of kindness and compassion must be brought up in a person from childhood, and one must start with oneself.

2. A person who has never sympathized with anyone is not protected from his own troubles and may remain alone.

3. A person who has the ability to sympathy will be able to understand the pain of another person and hear his silent request for help, and then sympathy will become assistance.

Sections: Russian language


  1. formation of language competence of students using ICT
  2. updating the knowledge and skills of schoolchildren to create an essay
  3. phased development of the algorithm for writing an essay
  4. deepening students' knowledge about the features of the journalistic style
  5. continuation of work on the formation of skills of using means of expressiveness in the text.

Lesson equipment: presentation (appendix 1), text of the article by S. Lvov (appendix 2), "worksheets" (appendix 3)

Vocabulary work:

publicus - public, public
sympathy, compassion, empathy
humanity, humanity
selfishness, indifference

During the classes

I. Communication of the goals and objectives of the lesson-workshop.

II. Teacher's word.

1. The objective of today's lesson is to improve the skill of writing an essay-reasoning on the text of the journalistic style. Part C with passing the exam- one of the most difficult stages. It is impossible to do well the work that you do not know how to do. The practical lesson will help you overcome the psychological barrier, acquire the skill of working in part C. Working in groups will create more comfortable conditions in the lesson for writing an essay-reasoning based on S. Lvov's article on compassion. (Texts were distributed to all students).

(For more successful work, it is necessary to appoint consultants from among the strong students, "on duty in the dictionary").

2. Deepening knowledge students about the features of journalistic style.

- Name distinctive features journalistic style of speech.

(Each group completes the task, students' answers are written on the board).

- Specify linguistic features of journalistic style.

3. Vocabulary work.

- In the "worksheets" write down lexical meaning words:

("The attendants according to the dictionary" represent the results of the work)

- Name the words - synonyms, antonyms, continue the synonymous rows of these words. This work will come in handy while creating the text.

(Examples: selfishness- heartlessness, mental callousness, moral deafness; compassion- sympathy, empathy, sensitivity, responsiveness, cordiality.)

III. Practical work in preparation for writing an essay.

1. Composition-reasoning refers to the journalistic style, and its writing is subject to a certain algorithm, which clearly reflects all stages of work (slide 3).

First stagefamiliarity with the algorithm.

    1. The wording of one of the problems of the original text
    2. Comments on the selected issue
    3. Formulation of the author's position
    4. Arguments "for" or "against" the author's position (one - from literary sources)
    5. Conclusion

- The sequence of stages must be taken into account when writing an essay and evaluating it. Let's turn to the text.

2. Students reading the source text:

(1) Compassion is an active helper.

(2) But what about those who do not see, do not hear, do not feel when it hurts and is bad for another? (3) To an outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. (4) How can we help both those who suffer from indifference and those who are indifferent themselves?

(5) From childhood, educate - first of all, oneself - so as to respond to someone else's misfortune and rush to help someone in need. (6) And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, sentimentality alien to us.

(7) Empathy is a great human ability and need, a blessing and a duty. (8) People who are endowed with such an ability or who have anxiously felt a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to turn sympathy into assistance, have a harder life than the insensitive. (9) And more restless. (10) But their conscience is clear. (11) They usually have good children. (12) They are generally respected by those around them. (13) But even if this rule is violated and those around them do not understand, and the children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.

(14) It seems to the insensitive that they feel good. (15) They are endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. (16) But it only seems to them, they are not endowed, but deprived. (17) Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!

(18) I recently had the good fortune to meet a wise old doctor. (19) He often appears in his department on weekends and on holidays, not out of an emergency, but out of a spiritual need. (20) He talks with patients not only about their illness, but also on complex life topics. (21) He knows how to instill in them hope and courage. (22) Long-term observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone's sufferings, finding himself in front of his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it. (23) Miserable and helpless he meets such a test. (24) Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. (25) Blind fear. (26) Loneliness. (27) Belated remorse.

(28) One of the most important human feelings is empathy. (29) And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. (30) Promoting. (31) To those who need him, who feel bad, although he is silent, one must come to the rescue without waiting for a call. (32) There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. (33) If you tune it to a wave of high humanity.

(According to S. Lvov)

3. Analysis of the text.

A) Determination of the style and type of speech.

What style of speech does this text refer to?

- What type of speech is predominant? Prove.

- Name the grammatical, syntactic, stylistic features text.

Pupils work on sheets, then announce the results of the analysis.

(the text belongs to the journalistic style, since it combines book and colloquial vocabulary; the predominant type of speech is reasoning with elements of the narrative (18-21 sentences); the text is saturated with rows homogeneous members, parceled offers; the style of the text is distinguished by restrained pathos, the appropriate use of proverbs, metaphors, laconic judgments, rigor in the selection expressive means; the author of the article is categorical in his conclusions, which finds expression both in the selection of vocabulary and in the syntax - sentences are most often affirmative, parcellation enhances the importance of argumentation; the uncompromising judgment emphasizes the author's firm position).

You can use the results of the analysis when writing a commentary on the essay.

B) Finding the problem of the text.

What problems do you think the author of the text is considering?

(From the students' answers, we single out the most significant ones and write them down in the "worksheets"):

  1. how to cultivate the ability to compassion in a person.
  2. not every person has the ability to empathize. How does this affect his life?
  3. the problem of active compassion: to empathize is to really help.

We draw the attention of students to the fact that, having chosen only one problem, they should talk about it, comment on it and select arguments on this problem.

It is impossible to do without this stage of work, since it is the support, the "skeleton" of the future composition. Without a correct definition of the problem, the essay will not be evaluated by experts.

4. Second stage - source text comments(slide 4).

Each group writes comments only on their chosen issue.

  • Relevance of the problem that you have formulated
  • Analysis of the author's conclusions (consistency, antithesis technique, question-answer form of presenting the material, etc.)
  • What audience is being addressed to (youth, middle generation, general audience, etc.)
  • The persuasiveness of the arguments (indisputable facts, liveliness in the presentation of the material, good knowledge raised problem, emotionality)
  • What means of expression does the author use (original metaphors, vivid epithets, rhetorical addresses, etc.) Comments should be written only on the selected problem (slide 6)

Each group reads out the comments on the selected issues from “worksheets”. Proofreading: What's Missing? And what is superfluous? What can be summarized more generally?

Example of a comment:

Effective compassion is a problem at all times. Addressing a wide audience, S. Lvov unconditionally condemns a person's indifference to other people's troubles and sufferings. The author gives a vivid example of an old doctor's selfless service to people. S. Lvov contrasts this type of personality with selfish, callous, heartless people. Sooner or later, the author of the article believes, the insensitivity of a person will return to him like a boomerang (“as it comes around, it will respond!”).
The author's uncompromising reasoning is justified by his firm moral position. Selfishness, moral deafness, lack of compassion "are cruelly avenging themselves," the publicist believes.
Using parceling (24-27 sentences), evaluative vocabulary (miserable, helpless), an original metaphor (radio - a human soul), the famous prose writer draws the attention of us, readers, to the problem of human indifference. The article urges everyone not to stay away from human grief. According to S. Lvov, compassion should be active.

5. The third stage of work - finding the author's position(slide 5).

When rereading the text, find keywords, phrases that help to identify the author's position. (We find out that there are several of them: in sentences 5, 7-8, 28-29.)

Learning to generalize: we work in groups. Each group highlights the author's position on their problem.

It turns out the following:

Group 1: compassion must be cultivated from childhood, first of all in oneself.

Group 2: a person who does not know how to sympathize with others is morally defective. Moral deafness can turn against him.

Group 3: Empathy must be effective. You need to come to the aid of those in need without waiting for a call.

6. The fourth stage of the lessonargumentation(slide 7).

Start argumentation can start with words

  • "I fully share the author's point of view ..." and then give 2 arguments "for"
  • "I can only partially agree with the author of the article ..." and give the arguments "for" and "against"
  • "I do not consider it possible to agree with the author of the text, because ..." and give 2 arguments "against"

The work on the selection of arguments can be carried out both in groups (for weaker students - a consultant), and individually.

Examples of arguments given by students:

  1. One of the clearest examples of active, effective compassion is the behavior of the heroine of L. Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" by Natasha Rostova during her flight from Moscow. Natasha without any hesitation gives carts for the wounded, leaving the property to the mercy of fate.
  2. selflessness, active compassion was shown by Yulia Vrevskaya, the heroine of IS Turgenev's lyric miniature "In Memory of Y. Vrevskaya".
  1. Do not be distracted from the formulated problem: both comments and arguments should correspond to this particular problem
  2. Keep track of the paragraph articulation of the text
  3. Avoid bulky sentences
  4. I'm not sure - don't write! Replace words you doubt the meaning of
  5. Do not abuse exclamation sentences and the answer-question form in the comments (no more than 2-3 times)
  6. Check your essay: tautology (repeating the same word in adjacent sentences) is the most common speech error... Use paraphrases to avoid tautology. Example: author of an article, publicist, author's surname (for example, S. Lvov), well-known author of articles on moral and ethical topics, critic, prose writer
  7. Use synonymous series, epithets, rhetorical figures of speech, phraseological units, a figure of silence, comparative phrases, introductory constructions, rows of homogeneous members - and your essay will become more expressive

IV. Summing up the lesson.

What was the most difficult thing for you in the lesson?

- What should be paid more attention to in subsequent lessons?

Students note that they have certain difficulties in writing a comment and choosing arguments.

- The next practical lesson we will devote to practicing the skills of writing a commentary, the selection of arguments. Using the worksheet materials, prepare the draft discourse essay in the second hour of the workshop.

In the second lesson, students, using the information on slides 3-8, create essay-reasoning texts. Counselors and teacher assist weaker students.

V. Creation of the text (an example of one of the compositions is given below)

How can you learn one of the most humane qualities - compassion? Can this be taught? What should be true compassion? The well-known publicist S. Lvov raises these problems in his article.

I will focus on the issue of active, effective compassion.

The urgency of this problem today is indisputable. By reaching out to a wide audience,

S. Lvov with restrained pathos, but at the same time, uncompromisingly condemns a person's indifference to other people's troubles and sufferings. The author gives a vivid example of selfless service to people - a story about an old doctor. S. Lvov contrasts this type of personality with selfish, callous, heartless people. Sooner or later, the author of the article believes, the insensibility of a person will return like a boomerang (“as it comes around, it will respond!”).

The well-known prose writer, using parceling (24-27 sentences), evaluative vocabulary (miserable, helpless), an original metaphor (a radio receiver is a human soul), draws the attention of us, readers, to the problem of immorality of human indifference. The article urges everyone not to stay away from human grief.

And I cannot disagree with him. In fact, co-suffering, co-feeling, co-experiencing are words of the same order. So - means together, at the same time, together to overcome the hardships of life with those who are in dire need of it. You are stronger and you can lend your shoulder to a weaker one - isn't that the meaning of human co-existence? Otherwise, life will turn into existence (you just eat, sleep, everything else does not concern you).

Recently I happened to read the memoirs of my contemporaries about Anton Pavlovich Chekhov. The noblest person ... He never stood aloof from human misery. Selfless work during the cholera epidemic, the construction of hospitals for ordinary peasants, schools for peasant children, constant care for numerous relatives, for everyone who turned to the famous writer - is this not an example of effective compassion ?!

Chekhov's hero, doctor Dymov from the story "The Jumping Girl", saves a child with diphtheria at the cost of his own life.

Are there many such people in our life? From my own, albeit small, experience I know that now the majority are characterized by selfishness, mental callousness, indifference. It is no coincidence that in our days the slang word "do not care" reflects the life position of modern youth, not the best part of it. People sometimes live according to the principle "My house is on the edge - I don't know anything." Otherwise, how can one explain the fact that I know from the TV show: my daughter drives her own mother out of the house, condemns her to vagrancy and calmly talks about it with journalists. The woman who gave life to this creature is slowly dying from the onset of gangrene ... The daughter feels neither compassion nor remorse. Who will teach such a person to be merciful? And how can such a person be considered a Human?

I think there is no answer to this question. It all starts from childhood ...

Vi. Homework.

Finalize the draft text created in the "worksheets", taking into account all comments and recommendations. Establish logical connections between parts of the essay.

The writing

“Compassion is the ability to see one's own in other people's misfortunes,” F. La Rochefoucauld once remarked. The author of this text adheres to the same opinion. The main problem posed by S. Lvov in this passage is the problem of compassion, the problem of helping one's neighbor.

This problem was and remains "eternal" throughout the history of human existence. That is why the author wants to draw the attention of readers to it, awakening not only their minds, but also their hearts.

S. Lvov is sincerely concerned about people's indifference to the troubles of their neighbors, insensitivity, and anger. According to the writer, compassion is not only a duty, but also a blessing. People endowed with the talent of kindness have a difficult and restless life. But their conscience is clear, their children grow up to be good people, finally, they can find the necessary strength in themselves to survive their own misfortune. People who are indifferent and selfish turn out to be unable to survive the trials that have fallen to their lot. “Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness are cruelly avenging themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated repentance, ”the writer notes. The feeling of compassion is, according to S. Lvov, a necessary component of the human soul. Indifference and insensitivity cannot be justified by any "sober" arguments, they all sound immoral on the lips of cold, pragmatic people. Therefore, at the end of his text, the writer notes: “One of the most important human feelings is sympathy. And let it not just remain sympathy, but become action. Promoting. For those who need it, who feel bad ... There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. If you tune it to the wave of high humanity. "

This publicistic text is very emotional and expressive. The author uses a variety of tropes and rhetorical figures: epithets ("talkative old people", "frisky children"), phraseological units ("will deceive their hopes"), a proverb ("as they come around, they will respond"), rhetorical question(“How to help both those who suffer from indifference, and the indifferent themselves?”).

I fully share the position of S. Lvov. Compassion is an essential part of our relationship to life and people. Without her, our life is empty, meaningless. The problem of the lack of kindness and compassion is posed in the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Tosca". The driver Jonah, who survived the death of his son, has no one to go to with his grief. As a result, he talks about everything to the horse. People remain indifferent to it.

F.M. Dostoevsky in his story "The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree." In this story we have a sad story little boy, who came with his mother to St. Petersburg from a small town. His mother died suddenly, and the child was left alone on the eve of Christmas. He wandered lonely around the city, hungry, poorly dressed, but everyone remained indifferent to his fate. City dwellers were having fun at Christmas trees. As a result, the child died, freezing in one of the gateways. If there is no love and compassion in the world, then children inevitably suffer. But children are our future, they are the best in us and in the world.

Thus, the author solves this problem from the point of view of absolute moral values. Compassion and empathy are as necessary for a person as water or air. Therefore, you need to cultivate the talent of kindness.


Compassion is an active helper.

But what about those who do not see, do not hear, do not feel when it hurts and is bad for another? To an outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. How can we help those who suffer from indifference and those who are indifferent themselves?

From childhood, educate - first of all, oneself - so as to respond to someone else's misfortune and rush to help someone in need. And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, sentimentality alien to us.

Compassion is a great human ability and need, a blessing and a duty. It is more difficult for people who are endowed with such an ability or who have anxiously felt its lack in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to turn sympathy into assistance, life is more difficult than the insensitive. And more restless. But their conscience is clear. They usually have good children. They are usually respected by those around them. But even if this rule is violated and those around them do not understand and children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.

It seems to the insensitive that they feel good. They are endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. But it only seems to them, they are not endowed, but deprived. Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!

I recently had the good fortune to meet a wise old doctor. He often appears in his department on weekends and on holidays, not out of emergency, but out of mental need. He talks with patients not only about their illness, but also on complex life topics. He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. Long-term observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone's suffering, faced with his own misfortune, is not ready for it. Miserable and helpless, he meets such a test. Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness are cruelly avenging themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated remorse.

I say this and remember how many times I have heard not words of support, but objections. Often irritated. Sometimes embittered. The characteristic line of thought of those who object is as follows: “You say, more often - here you are trying to prove: the weak, the old, the sick, the disabled, the children, the parents must be loved and respected, they must be helped. Why are you blind, don't you see how many disabled people are alcoholics? Do you not know how boring many old people are? How annoying are many sick people? How nasty are many children? " That's right, there are disabled people who drink, and boring old people, and annoying sick people, and nasty children, and even bad parents... And of course, it would be much better for everyone if the disabled (and not only the disabled) would not drink, the sick would not suffer or suffer in silence, talkative old people and excessively playful children would be silent ... And nevertheless, parents and children must be loved and respected, small, weak, sick, old, helpless to help. There were no excuses to exempt from this, no. And it can't be. Nobody can cancel these immutable truths.

One of the most important human feelings is empathy. And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. Promoting. Those who need him, who feel bad, although he is silent, need to come to him for help, without waiting for a call. There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. If you tune her into a wave of high humanity.

Compassion is an active helper. But what about those who do not see, do not hear, do not feel when it hurts and is bad for another? To an outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and, perhaps, their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. How can we help those who suffer from indifference and those who are indifferent themselves? From childhood, educate - first of all, oneself - so as to respond to someone else's misfortune and rush to help someone in need. And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, sentimentality alien to us. Compassion is a great human ability and need, a blessing and a duty.

It is more difficult for people who are endowed with such an ability or who anxiously feel a lack of it in themselves, people who have cultivated a talent for kindness, those who know how to turn sympathy into assistance, life is more difficult than the insensitive. And more restless. But their conscience is clear. They usually have good children. They are usually respected by those around them. But even if this rule is violated and those around them do not understand, and the children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position. It seems that they are good. They are endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries.

But it only seems to them, they are not endowed, but deprived. Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond! I recently had the good fortune to meet a wise old doctor. He often appears in his department on weekends and on holidays, not out of emergency, but out of mental need. He talks with patients not only about their illness, but also on complex life topics. He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. Long-term observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone's suffering, finding himself in front of his own misfortune, turns out to be unprepared for it.

Miserable and helpless, he meets such a test. Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness cruelly avenge themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated remorse. One of the most important human feelings is empathy. And let it not just remain sympathy, but become action. Promoting. To those who need him, who feel bad, although he is silent, you need to come to the rescue without waiting for a call. There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. If you tune it to a wave of high humanity.

(According to S. Lvov)

Sample composition

What is compassion? According to the definition of V. I. Dahl, this is “heartache, sympathy, love in practice, willingness to do good to everyone, compassion, kindness.” How important it is to have a heart that would be able to respond to a request for help. how you want to be treated is of great importance. If we realize the importance of caring in our own lives, we need to learn to show concern for others. How to do this if your heart is not so rich and generous?

S. Lvov ponders over this "eternal" moral problem. Can you cultivate a sense of compassion? How does possession of such an ability affect a person's life? This problem of fostering compassion is the main one in this journalistic text by S. Lvov.

In our turbulent times, feelings such as mercy and compassion seem to many to be a relic of antiquity. The violation of moral laws has led to the fact that these feelings are forgotten. The author rightly notes that “a person who has never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone’s suffering, facing his own misfortune turns out to be unprepared for it. Miserable and helpless, he meets such a test. Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness are cruelly avenging themselves. "

The author convincingly proves that the talent of kindness and compassion must be brought up in a person from childhood, and one must start with oneself. A person who has the ability to sympathy will be able to understand the pain of another person and hear his silent request for help, and then sympathy should become an action, assistance. Compassion is a great human ability and need, a blessing and a duty. It is impossible not to agree with this author's position.

In fostering feelings of compassion, sympathy, there is no more reliable ally than fiction... It is she who has the ability to penetrate into the very heart of a person, to touch the strings of his soul. Being alone with a book, a person is completely frank and honest with himself, and then a living word falls on fertile ground.

Everyday life an elderly person in a modern city, house, society is known in detail only to those who already look "from the inside". For those of us who are just running past, it is difficult to imagine on what "flat" place we will stumble, having lived to old age, what minor problems will baffle us. The most important thing we can give our elderly people is love. When a person feels that he is loved, his pain goes away and he lives longer. How important it is to be able to respond to another person's call for support.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, who despised the smug happiness of a tradesman, wrote: happy person someone stood with a hammer and would constantly remind with a knock that there are unfortunate people, that, no matter how happy he is, life will sooner or later show him its claws, trouble will strike ... and no one will see or hear him, as now he does not see or hear others ... "
Valentin Rasputin's book "Money for Maria" is about human heartlessness, indifference to someone else's misfortune with extraordinary openness and the power of tragic experience.

The first story of V.G. Rasputin's "Money for Maria" was published in 1967. The test that fell to Kuzma's lot highlighted the multidimensionality and ambiguity of human behavior and life, and most importantly - a mature understanding of the need to accept and experience life in its entirety, as it has developed. This event for the family of Maria and Kuzma becomes a disaster - a lack of 1000 rubles. And the auditor, understanding the reasons for the shortage (kindness and ineptitude), pitying Maria and her family, suggests a possible way out: collect the missing amount in 5 days and deposit it in the cashier.

V. Rasputin uses the well-known literary device- "hero's dream". In a dream, the human reaction to the grief of Mary is easily and naturally carried out, as it should be in the world of kinship, brotherhood, true collectivism. A car drives up to a house where there is money, lights it up, and people bring out "money for Maria." Kuzma's first dream can be called a "dream-conviction", which expresses the ideal ideas of the protagonist about disinterested comradely mutual assistance. Or in another dream - fellow villagers divide the shortage among everyone, and very little comes out to everyone, and the person is saved. But this is in a dream.

What happens in life, in reality? What kind psychological types shown by the author in the story? All the characters in the work can be grouped according to their attitude to the misfortune of Kuzma and Maria. People ready to help: Aunt Natalya, Vasily's mother, gives Kuzma everything she has — money for her own funeral. At the same time, she asks for one thing: if necessary, return this money to her son and use it for its intended purpose. Grandfather Gordey sincerely wants to help, and the next day he brings 15 rubles borrowed from his son. Friend Vasily helps Kuzma in search of money, but he is not immediately imbued with his misfortune. People are envious, selfish, greedy: Aunt Stepanida is also an old woman, like Aunt Natalya.

But all attempts to get at least a small amount were unsuccessful, although she had the money, the day before she received a bull for the bull she handed over to the collective farm. The director of the school is the most moneyed person in the village, but gives only 100 rubles and then reluctantly, while informing the whole village. Only the chairman of the collective farm wants to help Kuzma, but now there is no money in the cash desk of the collective farm, but he believes that it can be borrowed from the salaries of collective farm specialists. The idea of ​​the chairman that it is easier for people to be kind together seems to be a good one at first glance.

And the chairman manages to collect money from specialists, but ... most of the specialists, having agreed to help Kuzma in a single impulse, come one by one or send someone and take their money for family needs. The author leaves the final of the story open. For some reason, Kuzma turns to his brother, living in the city and probably having money, last but not least. V.G. Rasputin says about it this way: “It turned out that they were“ brothers ”not always, not every minute, but only when they met, and even they were in childhood, when they grew up together.” Therefore, when sending her husband to her brother, Maria knows in advance: “He won't give it!

Thus, the story “Money for Maria” by V.G. Rasputin fosters moral feelings in us, his readers. As he wrote in one of his articles that "even Aristotle said:" If we go forward in knowledge, but yield in morality, we go back, not forward. " The ideal of a person is kindness. Plus the desire to help each other. It may sound trite, but if your friend's hut is covered with snow, and you will not help to dig it up. I have nothing to talk about with you "

The theme of mercy and compassion for man is also of concern to A. Solzhenitsyn in his story "Matryonin's Dvor". Matryona had to sip a lot of grief and injustice in her lifetime: broken love, the death of six children, the loss of her husband in the war, hellish, not every peasant's feasible work in the village, a serious illness-illness, a bitter resentment against the collective farm, which squeezed all her strength out of her, and then wrote off as unnecessary, leaving him without a pension and support. But Matryona was not angry with this world, so cruel to her, she retained a good mood, a feeling of joy and pity for others, her radiant smile still illuminates her face.

She unselfishly helps her neighbors, sincerely admiring the size of someone else's potatoes. “Matryona was angry with someone invisible,” but she did not hold any grudge against the collective farm. Moreover, according to the very first decree, she went to help the collective farm, without receiving, as before, anything for the work. Everyone is so confident in her consent, so accustomed to using her labor that they do not ask to come, but simply state the fact: “Comrade Grigorieva! It will be necessary to help the collective farm! I'll have to go to take out the manure tomorrow! And take your pitchfork! ”,“ Tomorrow, Matryona, you’ll come to help me. We will dig up the potatoes ”. Work was never a burden for her, “Matryona never spared neither work nor her good”. And everyone around Matrenin's unselfishness was shamelessly used.

Relatives almost did not appear in her house, fearing, apparently, that Matryona would ask them for help. All in unison condemned Matryona that she was funny and stupid, working for others for free. The sister-in-law, who recognized Matryona's simplicity and cordiality, spoke of this "with contemptuous regret." Everyone mercilessly used Matryona's kindness and innocence - and amicably condemned her for this. Matryona Vasilievna, besides her kindness and conscience, did not accumulate other riches. She is used to living according to the laws of humanity, respect and honesty. The author admits that he, having become related to Matryona, does not pursue any selfish interests, nevertheless, he did not fully understand her. And only death revealed before him the majestic and tragic image of Matryona.

And the story is a kind of author's repentance, bitter repentance for the moral blindness of everyone around him, including himself. He bows his head to a man of great disinterested soul, but absolutely unrequited, defenseless, crushed by the entire ruling system. With the departure of Matryona, something valuable and important passes away ...

Compassion is an active helper.

But what about those who do not see, do not hear, do not feel when it hurts and is bad for another? To an outsider, as they consider everyone except themselves, and perhaps their family, to which, however, they are also often indifferent. How can we help those who suffer from indifference and those who are indifferent themselves?

From childhood, educate - first of all, oneself - so as to respond to someone else's misfortune and rush to help someone in need. And neither in life, nor in pedagogy, nor in art should we consider sympathy as a demagnetizing sensitivity, sentimentality alien to us.

Compassion is a great human ability and need, a blessing and a duty. It is more difficult for people who are endowed with such an ability or who have anxiously felt its lack in themselves, people who have cultivated in themselves the talent of kindness, those who know how to turn sympathy into assistance, life is more difficult than the insensitive. And more restless. But their conscience is clear. They usually have good children. They are usually respected by those around them. But even if this rule is violated and those around them do not understand and children deceive their hopes, they will not deviate from their moral position.

It seems to the insensitive that they feel good. They are endowed with armor that protects them from unnecessary worries and unnecessary worries. But it only seems to them, they are not endowed, but deprived. Sooner or later - as it comes around, it will respond!

I recently had the good fortune to meet a wise old doctor. He often appears in his department on weekends and on holidays, not out of emergency, but out of mental need. He talks with patients not only about their illness, but also on complex life topics. He knows how to instill hope and cheerfulness in them. Long-term observations showed him that a person who never sympathized with anyone, did not empathize with anyone's suffering, faced with his own misfortune, is not ready for it. Miserable and helpless, he meets such a test. Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness are cruelly avenging themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated remorse.

I say this and remember how many times I have heard not words of support, but objections. Often irritated. Sometimes embittered. The characteristic line of thought of those who object is as follows: “You say, more often - here you are trying to prove: the weak, the old, the sick, the disabled, the children, the parents must be loved and respected, they must be helped. Why are you blind, don't you see how many disabled people are alcoholics? Don't you know how boring many old people are? How annoying are many sick people? How nasty are many children? " That's right, there are disabled people who drink, and boring old people, and annoying sick people, and nasty children, and even bad parents. And of course, it would be much better for everyone if the disabled (and not only the disabled) would not drink, the sick would not suffer or suffer in silence, talkative old people and excessively playful children would be silent ... And nevertheless, parents and children need to be loved and respected, small, weak, sick, old, helpless to help. There were no excuses to exempt from this, no. And it can't be. Nobody can cancel these immutable truths.

One of the most important human feelings is empathy. And let it not remain just sympathy, but become action. Promoting. Those who need him, who feel bad, although he is silent, need to come to him for help, without waiting for a call. There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. If you tune her into a wave of high humanity.

(S. Lvov)

The writing

“Compassion is the ability to see one's own in other people's misfortunes,” F. La Rochefoucauld once remarked. The author of this text adheres to the same opinion. The main problem posed by S. Lvov in this passage is the problem of compassion, the problem of helping one's neighbor.

This problem was and remains "eternal" throughout the history of human existence. That is why the author wants to draw the attention of readers to it, awakening not only their minds, but also their hearts.

S. Lvov is sincerely concerned about people's indifference to the troubles of their neighbors, insensitivity, and anger. According to the writer, compassion is not only a duty, but also a blessing. People endowed with the talent of kindness have a difficult and restless life. But their conscience is clear, their children grow up to be good people, finally, they can find the necessary strength in themselves to survive their own misfortune. People who are indifferent and selfish turn out to be unable to survive the trials that have fallen to their lot. “Selfishness, callousness, indifference, heartlessness are cruelly avenging themselves. Blind fear. Loneliness. Belated repentance, ”the writer notes. The feeling of compassion is, according to S. Lvov, a necessary component of the human soul. Indifference and insensitivity cannot be justified by any "sober" arguments, they all sound immoral on the lips of cold, pragmatic people. Therefore, at the end of his text, the writer notes: “One of the most important human feelings is sympathy. And let it not just remain sympathy, but become action. Promoting. For those who need it, who feel bad ... There is no radio receiver stronger and more sensitive than the human soul. If you tune it to the wave of high humanity. "

This publicistic text is very emotional and expressive. The author uses a variety of tropes and rhetorical figures: epithets ("talkative old people", "frisky children"), phraseological units ("will deceive their hopes"), a proverb ("how it comes around and will respond"), a rhetorical question ("How to help , who suffers from indifference, and indifferent themselves? ").

I fully share the position of S. Lvov. Compassion is an essential part of our relationship to life and people. Without her, our life is empty, meaningless. The problem of the lack of kindness and compassion is posed in the story of A.P. Chekhov's "Tosca". The driver Jonah, who survived the death of his son, has no one to go to with his grief. As a result, he talks about everything to the horse. People remain indifferent to it.

F.M. Dostoevsky in his story "The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree." In this story we have a sad story of a little boy who came with his mother to St. Petersburg from a small town. His mother died suddenly, and the child was left alone on the eve of Christmas. He wandered lonely around the city, hungry, poorly dressed, but everyone remained indifferent to his fate. City dwellers were having fun at Christmas trees. As a result, the child died, freezing in one of the gateways. If there is no love and compassion in the world, then children inevitably suffer. But children are our future, they are the best in us and in the world.

Thus, the author solves this problem from the point of view of absolute moral values. Compassion and empathy are as necessary for a person as water or air. Therefore, you need to cultivate the talent of kindness.

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