Third Anglo Dutch War. English-Dutch rivalry

Anglo-Dutch Wars (Anglo-Dutch Wars), three wars on the sea in 1652-54, 1665-67 and 1672-74. Between the connected prov. Netherlands and Britain on the basis of bargaining, and mor. rivalry. Goll. The fleet was commanded by experienced admirals, and the English, the sailors used the advantages, which they were filled with them. Winds. The 1st war began when Eng. Navigation acts complicated the movement of the Gol. Bargaining, ships and they refused saluting English, flag, passing by La Mansu. Troms crushed Blake from Dangens on Dec. 1652, but the wiring of the Goll. Bargaining, the ships on the strait turned out to be difficult, and de Witt managed to agree with Cromwell in 1654. Pretty acceptable terms of the contract. The Dutch recognized the English, sovereignty in the Strait, agreed to compensation for the "Amboinacian side" (amboine) and promised not to help the expelled Karl II. The collision off the coast of Africa began the 2nd war, which ended with the new Amsterdam (later - New York), the British, which in June 1665 won the Dutch at Loweofta. However, in 1666, when Karl felt FI-NAS. Difficulties, Cornelis Tromo with Reuters won a four-day war, and Reuters made his famous bold raid on the English, docks in Chedema. In 1667, the Bradi world was concluded. Acts about navigation changed in favor of the Dutch, but terr. Captured during the war were not returned: the Dutch retained Surinames, and British - Delaware and New England. In 1672, Karl II, dependent on Franz. Subsidies, supported Louis XIV in the war with the Dutch. Goll. Admirals managed to defeat, and the Westminster Agreement (1674) restored the conditions of the Bredian world.

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English-Dutch Wars (1652-1674)

Wars between England and the Netherlands for the domination of the sea.

The edition of the English Parliament in 1651 of the navigation act, according to which it was possible to import foreign goods to England only in English courts. Thus, the Dutch mediation maritime trade was undermined.

The Anglo-Dutch War began in 1665. On June 11-14, 1666, the British were defeated in sea battle In the Para de Calais Strait. After that, on July 19, the fleet of the Dutch admiral de Ryuter broke through the mouth of Thames and blocked him, while destroying several enemy ships and warehouses.

The Dutch has 85 ships and 18 firemakers. On August 1, the English fleet, which had one Brander, was released from the mouth of the Thames. De Ryuyter decided to meet him at the island of Nordofeld. On the morning of August 4, English Avangard attacked the avant-garde of the enemy. Because of the weak wind, the main forces of the Dutch fleet could not enter into battle. All three Dutch admirals who commanded the avant-garde were killed. Dutch avant-garde appealed to flight. But de Ruyuter with the main forces endured the strike of the enemy fleet, despite the fact that the vehicles of avant-garde ships were joined by the main part of the English fleet.

Meanwhile, the English Aircircle fastened the Dutch Ariřard, who was commanded by Admiral Cornelius Trompl. When the thrombus was able to move to the aid of his main forces, they had already receded to the Dutch coast and in the evening August 5 reached the port of Vilingen. The next day arrived and the Trompa squadron arrived. Dutch fleet lost 10 ships. 2 thousand Dutch died, and another thousand was captured. The British lost 4 ship and 1.5 thousand killed and prisoners.

In 1667, the world was signed. Dutch lost their colonies in North AmericaBut they achieved the abolition of some articles of the navigation act.

In the new English-Dutch war, France, Sweden and some German principalities were allies. Allies of Holland were Spain, Hermann Empire, Denmark, Brandenburg and a number of other German principalities. In March 1672, the English fleet attacked Dutch shopping ships. In April, the French army invaded Holland and walked over to Amsterdam. However, the Dutch opened the gateways and, flooding part of the territory, stopped promoting the enemy.

Dutch fleet failed to prevent the compound of the escords of England and France. On August 21, 1673, the battle of Texel was happened. The English fleet consisted of 65 ships, French - 30, and Dutch - 70. The Dutch avant-garde managed to break through the system of the French squadron, which was derived from the battle. The Dutch Arjergard Admiral Thrompa tied the fight with the English Aircircle Admiral Sprog-Ge. As a result, the main forces of the British Admiral Rupert, which counted 30 ships, were forced to fight against the main forces and the avant-garde of the enemy, in which there were 40 ships.

Ryutra managed to surround 20 ships of the British, but Rupert escaped from the environment and went to the aid of his ariecard. Now 65 English courts confronted 70 Dutch. The battle ended with the onset of darkness. 2 English vessels have stood and 7 burned. Dutch fleet losses in ships did not have. The outcome of the battle was influenced by the bad shooting of English commanders. The Dutch Ariřard as a result did not have losses in the personnel, even wounded. And among the main forces of the victims was a little. Shortly after the battle, de Ruyter had a caravan of ships from East India in the Dutch ports.

After the defeat in the battle of Texel, England terminated the Union with France and in 1674 concluded peace with Holland based on the status quo. As a result of the English-Dutch wars of Holland, he managed to defend his status of the leading marine power and maintain a reliable connection with his overseas colonies. However, the further strengthening of the Navy of England and its accelerated industrial development forced the Dutch to refuse beginning of XVIII century from rivalry with her.

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The results of the English-Dutch Wars

Composition of the fleet and classification of ships

Based on the experience of Anglo-Dutch wars, a new classification of fleet ships was developed. The ships of the first three ranks were called linear ships, as they put in a combat line. The ships of the fourth and fifth ranks were called frigates and were used for intelligence purposes, actions on marine messages and for covering damaged in battle of linear ships. The ships of the sixth rank had different names and were used as messenger vessels.

Branders - Small displacement sailing vessels with good maneuverable qualities that filled with explosives or combustible substances - were intended for an explosion or arson of enemy ships by clutch with them closely with special hooks.

The organization of the fleet evolved as follows: Fleots began to share on the squadron. Usually there were three and each consisted of three avant-garde divisions, the center and an ariergard. At the head of the division was flagship. The senior was the commander of the Center (Admiral), following the seniority, the commander of the Avangard (Vice-Admiral), and the younger, the commander of the Aerierhard (counter-admiral).

There were changes in the ways of warning war on the sea.

For the First English-Dutch War, the struggle on maritime messages as a main way to manage the war is characterized. In the first war, the main task of the English fleet was the destruction of the marine trade of Holland. The main task of the Dutch fleet was the protection of its trade and the fight against the enemy trade.

In the first English-Dutch war, the British captured such many armed chartered privatirovs (who had previously the basic force of the Netherlands fleet) that the authorities had to urgently build special warships (from 1653-1654). Until 1666, large ships of the East India Company also included in the battle line, but they had a weak structure and weapons, in the Lowist battle of 1665 the percentage of their shared losses was disproportionately, and the next year they got rid of them.

In the second and especially in the Third English-Dutch war, both enemy refuse the method of direct provision of commercial ships by the fleet by the Fleet. The main task of the fleet is to conduct hostilities against the enemy's combat forces in order to destroy them in battle, which simultaneously achieved its live trade.

For the first English-Dutch war, the absence of established combat orders is characterized. The fight, which begun an artillery shootout, soon passed into a common landfill, where the outcome was made by the boarding grasp of individual ships.

In the second and especially in the third English-Dutch war, the battle loses the nature of the landfill. The main combat order becomes the kilvater column (Battle line), which the battle fleets try to keep throughout the battle. The appearance of the kilvater system was due to the onboard arrangement of artillery, which became the main weapon sailing ship, the possibility without rebuilding, a simple increase in the intervals between the ships, skip the attacking branders to the wind and the simplicity of shipping ships in battle.

The combat line included the strongest artillery ships, approximately with the same tactical and technical data that could destroy the main forces of the enemy. A hiking system was the system of one, two and three kilvater columns, depending on the numerical composition of the ships participating in the campaign.

Before the fight, the fleets sought to take a windward position, which allowed to dictate the enemy time, place and distance of the attack, and when favorable atmosphere Use branders. After the entered position of the fleet in combat order, the Kilwater Column began to descend to the enemy line until the artillery fire was distinguished. Come on this distance, the fleet was brought to the wind, lay down on the course, parallel to the enemy, and opened the artillery fire. Although artillery has become the main weapon of a sailing ship, she in view of not enough high combat qualities could not always solve the outcome of the battle. Therefore, boarding and attacks of branders continue to apply.

In the conditions of a squadron combat, the value of the fleet control has increased. The fleet commander to preserve the squadron management was located on the strongest ship in the center or in the head of the combat order. The control in combat was carried out by signals or orders transmitted by the messengers. The inability of the English fleet to act in the rapid winter months was most often used by the Dutch for applying a big damage to the enemy.

Estimation of changes in fleets after English-Dutch wars

New tasks set in front of the fleets, demanded not only changes to tactics, but also the ships themselves. The desire of the Flotovodians to take a covered position at the beginning of the battle required from the vehicles of the ability to walk cool to the wind, which resides the disappearance of the add-ons and turrets in the nose and stern.

The battle in the line imposed the requirements for the unification of speed, weapons, etc., which was a consequence of the development of the series of ships and the use of the methods of drawing and mathematical analysis during the construction of artillery development led to the unification of the cutting of gun ports and in general, decorate decorates.

From the help of fleets during the English-Dutch wars, such names as neli, galleons, caravels came out.

Special importance was now attached to the supply of fleet. Indeed, unlike the Army, the fleet could not feed himself in someone else's territory, and the long-term crashes of the squader in the native coast now became an urgent need. During the English-Dutch wars, detachments of auxiliary transports were organized, which helped warships to keep at sea for months, and even years. Some of these transports were sent to pre-negotiated points (Randevo).

In the Dutch and English fleets, flag and cannon signals were developed, facilitating the management of the squadron. In 1672, he saw the first book of "instructions for a campaign and battle" edited by Duke York, in which for the first time various types and types of signals were collected together.

In 1678, Vice Admiral John Narboro issued "Combat Instructions" for his squadron, which was in the area of \u200b\u200bZante in the Ionian Sea. There for the first time a thought was expressed about the use of ships outside the line as coniferous vessels, but the British did not go further. The first such vessels introduced the French.

In the Dutch Fleet until the war Augsburg League Each admiralty itself itself was instructions for himself. The consequence of this was the slow degradation of the Dutch naval art.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

Historically, England had to be pretty for a long time fight on the adjacent territories of OP for various reasons.
Wars between England and Holland (Netherlands) - no exception. They had completely explained facts. So the English-Dutch wars broke out in 1651 on the soil of maritime dominion.
This problem was briefly as follows. Both England and the Netherlands are identical geographical location - both are washed by the seas. So marine dominion is the main trump card of both countries, which gives the right to establish their laws to the sea.
The reason for the beginning of the first English-Dutch war was that the English parliament ruled that imported goods should be imported exclusively by transporting on ships belonging to the British crown.
It affected the fact that the trading forces of Holland weakened significantly.
Moreover, England wanted complete dominion in the North Sea. Of course, the Dutch authorities did not like such an active political position.
Both countries, realizing that are those states that are in principle equal rights to possessions sea \u200b\u200bpathsstill drawn into conflict.
The first war began with a battle in the Para de Cala. The British were pushed out at the mouth of the River Thames, to the city of London. At the disposal of the Dutch fleet were ships, bastards in sufficient quantities to destroy the entire British fleet.
The British continued to defend violently. They were undertaken desperate attack. This time, weather conditions were not favorable for the Dutch: the lack of wind prevented the Dutch men to intercept the initiative in their hands. Moreover, the British were at the mouth of the owners.
As a result, a brilliant operation taken by the British, the Dutch fleet appealed to flight, three admirals were killed.
Thus, the Dutch admiral de Ruyuter capitulated quickly.
In parallel military campaign With another Dutch admiral - Cornelius Trompom. When the admiral nominated to the revenue to his ariecard. As a result, the mass offensive of the British Dutch fleet retreated to his port of Vilingen. As a result of this unsuccessful offensive operation from the Nerland - a loss of several squadron ships. The English army lost somewhat less than the units of floating technology and about 2,000 people killed and wounded.
Later, both sides signed a peace treaty: Now Holland lost its colonies on the continent North America.
The next English-Dutch war was also fiercely, but this time, France, Sweden, partly Germany also fought on the side of England. The Dutch could rely on the help of the next allies: Spain, the other part of Germany, Denmark, the Brandenburg Principality.
The war began with the attack of the British at sea. France, meanwhile, attacked Holland from Sushi, attacking Amsterdam, but they could not take the city thanks to his good defense and powerful fortifications.
The Fleet of England has now exceeded its original composition. Together with the French ships, he had more ships than in Holland. The same Dutch General Trombus returned to position and commanded the most advanced Dutch detachments. In a difficult situation, General Rupert was forced to fight practical alone (with a small army) against the main forces of the British and French.
General Ryuyter was able to sow the ring of the environment around 20 English ships.
In this battle, the English fleet began to endure defeat. After that, Ruyter led the court with goods on his ships from East India.
In the diplomatic field, England went to terminate the Union with France, which turned out to be a weak ally in the war with Holland. The opposing parties concluded the world. According to this agreement, the humiliating for England, Holland confirmed its claim to dominion at sea. Communication with colonies in the new light also restored for the Netherlands.
Although the Anglo-Dutch wars ended with the defeat of England, in the future she managed to defend the high and honorary status of maritime ladders in almost peaceful way: Holland himself stopped claiming this superiority.


- Wars between England (with 1707 Great Britain) and the Republic of the United Provinces of the Netherlands (Holland) in 1652-1654, 1665-1667, 1672-1674, 1780-1784. The conflict was based on the desire to keep to domination on maritime trading paths and competition in colonial expansion. In the first half of the XVII century. The connected provinces turned into one of the leading marine powers of the old light. Owing numerous factors on the Own of spices (Indonesia) and pushing out the Portuguese and the British, the Dutch became a monopoly supplier of spices to Europe. English traders constantly faced Dutch competition also in the Mediterranean and Caribbean seas, off the coast of Africa and America. Special irritation of the British caused Dutch trading hegemony on the Baltic and the North Sea, where the Dutch was controlled by the trade in grain and shipwood.

Despite economic contradictions, Protestant Holland in the years of the English revolution of the XVIII century. Perceived by the supporters of the English Parliament as a natural ally in the fight against monarchical tyranny and papal counterformation. In April, 1649, the British Republic suggested the connected provinces to conclude an alliance. The Netherlands Republicans, represented in general states the richest provinces, met this proposal favorably, but oranges - supporters of Stathawder Wilhelm II Orange, relative of the executed Karl I., opposed. Wilhelm II puts the patronage of the British royalists even after they killed in his own seasons of the English envoy I. Dorislaus. Relations between the two republics deteriorated. 09.10.1651 The English Parliament adopted a navigation act that was allowed to import goods to England and its colonies only on domestic ships and on the ships of manufacturers. It seriously hurt the interests of Holland, receiving significant income from intermediary trading and freight of their merchant ships, and now she has already initiated new negotiation on the conclusion of the military union, during which the parties agreed on almost all points of the future contract. At the same time, Dutch Corsairs, acting from the French ports, continued to attack on behalf Karl II. on English ships.

09.07.1652 England announced the war to the United Provinces, accusing them in the implementation of the Orange Plan on the overthrow of the British Republic and Restoration [. In June 1652, Blake attacked the Harbor fishermen's Orkneysky fooles and accompanying their military convoy. 07/02/1652 In La Manne, the English squadron escales attacked a large shopping caravan: 6 ships were captured, 3 burned, 26 stranded and only 7 reached the Dutch banks. In mid-August, 1652 escades Eski attacked the Dutch shopping caravan of West Indies and guarding his warships Admiral M. A. Ryutra, however, the attack was offended with considerable damage for the British. 10.28.1652 Blake near Kent defeated the Dutch fleet under the command of K. de Witt and Ryutra. After a part of the Blake squadron was sent to the Mediterranean Sea, M. Trome broke the Blake 10.12.1652. In March 1653, the Dutch defeated the British and off the coast of Italy. However, having gathered in La Manne Fleet from 80 ships under the start of Blake and J. Monk, the British intercepted the initiative. 02/18/12/03/1653 In Portland, the Trompa and Ryudera have saved significantly, capturing more than 10 commercial vessels from the caravan protected by them. In June 1653 Blake broke a throm and K. de Witt near the coast of Suffolk. In summer, 1653 Monk blocked the Dutch ports from the sea. In August, 1653 Dutch fleet tried to break through the blockade of Scheveningen, but was broken. Troms killed in battle. This defeat strengthened the positions of the Republicans led by Ya. De Witt, who managed to agree with O. Cromwell Acceptable conditions of the world. According to the Westminster World of 1654, the United Provinces recognized the articles of the navigation act 1651 and pledged to limit the power of the Orange House.

A.-g. in. 1665-1667 began with the capture of the British factories and colonies of Holland in Zap. Africa and sowing. America. After the Dutch fell by force returned to themselves lost, England declared war (March 1665). In the battle of Laustofta (June 1665), the British destroyed 17 enemy ships, but the Dutch managed to save the bulk of the fleet. In August, 1665 the British tried to capture the Bergen Caravan of the Dutch East India company in the Danish port of Bergen, but their attack was reflected by the fire of coastal batteries. In 1666, France (January) and Denmark (February) took place on the side of the United Provinces. At the end of May - early June 1666, the Dutch squadron under the command of Ryuder and K. Trompa won a four-day battle in La Manne, destroying 20 English ships. However, in August 1666 English Admiral R. Holmes committed a successful raid on O-in-in terchelling, where there was about 130 Dutch courts with goods. In 1667, the English fleet was not able to reach the sea due to financial difficulties, which I took advantage of Rüuyter: In February, he spent his squadron upwards to Chatham shipyard, where many enemy ships burned. After that, the British were requested by the world, which was signed in Razda 31.07.1667. The United Provinces received the right to import German goods to England, returned to themselves after Surinam, but were forced to refuse their North American colony a new Amsterdam.

A.-g. in. 1672-1674 England led in coalition with France. In 1668, England, the United Provinces and Sweden concluded the Antifranzuz Triple Union, but behind the allies of Allys, Karl II signed a secret treaty with France, linding to support her at sea against Holland. In 1672 England (28.03) and France (06.04) declared the war to the Republic of the United Provinces. On land, the success accompanied the French, but the Sea of \u200b\u200bthe Dutch was. The evapacon of Admiral Ryutra defeats the Anglo-French fleet with a stente (June 1672), Shanyelde (June 1673) and Texel (July 1673). The unsuccessful course of hostilities and the growth of opposition sentiment inside the country forced Karl II to conclude February 19, 1674 Separate Westminster world, repeated the conditions of the Bredian world of 1667.

Cause of A.-G. in. 1780-1784 was the position of Holland during the war of independence of the North American colonies of England. Dutch shipowners and merchants, using the neutral position of their country, supplied weapons and ammunition to the rebels. After the English fleet received an order to detain all the Dutch ships heading in America, confiscation of their goods and delay the crews, the connected provinces joined the league of neutral powers. 12/31/1780 Great Britain declared Holland War - 05.08.1781 Dutch squadron in the North Sea defeated the English fleet, but some time later he managed to fully block the Dutch ports from the sea. In February 1781, the British seized about Saint Evastius, through which the basic Dutch deliveries went to North. America, and then almost all the Dutch faces in Africa. The war ended with the signing of the Parisian world of 1784, according to which the United Kingdom received negatates in India and the right to trade freely in Indonesia.

Shatokhina-Mortrentseva G. A. Foreign policy Netherlands. 1713-1763. M., 1998; Hainsworth R. and churches ch. The Anglo-Dutch Naval Wars 1652-1674. Stroud, 1998; Pincus S. C. A. Protestantism and Patriotism; IDEOLOGIES AND THE MAKING OF THE ENGLISH FOREIGN POLICY, 1650-1658. Cambridge, 1994; Wilson C. PROFIT AND POWER: A Study of England and Dutch Wars. L., 1957. S. V. Kondratyev.

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