Pekhov Biology Medical Genetics and Parasitology. Book: A.

The textbook presents the main sections of biology, which constitute the theoretical base of medicine: the patterns of the existence of living, heredity and variability, normal and pathological heredity of man, individual development, patterns of evolution organic WorldThe main features of the evolution of animals, the origin of a person, a biosphere and a person. When preparing the materials of the tutorial, the author was used modern achievements Physico-chemical biology and other biological sciences. For students medical universities and medical faculties of universities.

Publisher: "Gootar-Media" (2014)

Format: 60x90 / 16, 656 pp.

ISBN: 978-5-9704-3072-9

On ozone

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Basal kernels (Nuclei Basales ) Contempt the gray substance in the thickness of the white substance of large hemispheres. In the gray matter distinguished the striped body, the fence and almond-shaped body. The striped body (Corpus Striatum) consists of two formations: the taper kernel and lentilicular kernel. The gray substance of the tailed and lentilicular nuclei alternates with the layers of white matter, which led the general name of this group of subcortical nuclei - a striped body.
The tail core is a rounded curved and elongated the body in the head-rear direction, located above and medially lential kernel). The front extended part of the taper (head) forms the lateral wall of the front horns of the side ventricular brain. The head of the front adjusts the front forced substance and is connected to the shell. The rear curved and pointed part (tail) forms a part of the bottom of the middle part of the side ventricle and continues to the lower horns of the side ventricle, ending in close proximity to the almond-shaped body. The medial surface of the tail is adjacent to the topless surface of the Talamus.
The lential core is located laterally and ahead of the Talamus and is separated from it with a white substance - an inner capsule, in which ways are held connecting the bark of large hemispheres with the underlying brain departments. The lental core consists of a darker lateral part - shells and a brightest medial part - a pale ball. Both parts are separated by a white substance strips. The shell is connected to the taper core with thin heavy agents, which are located between the bunches of the inner capsule fibers.
The taper kernel and the shell have phylogenetically later origin compared to the pale ball. Both of these formations have a similar neural structure, and they are united by striatum, or non-natured. Streatum and a pale ball (Pallum) are associated with a large brain bark, a thalamus, cerebral cores, cerebellum. Thanks to this streaming and pallum, as well as communications formulated by them constitute a stream-pallide system. This system controls the complex theordinated automated movements of the body, controls and supports the tone of skeletal muscles, and is also the highest regulation center for these vegetative functions, such as heat-product and carbohydrate exchange in body musculature. During damage to the shell and a pale ball, slow stereotypical movements may be observed (athettos).
The black substance of the midbrain is functionally connected with striatum and palloidum and anatomically closely connected. In case of degeneration of paths from a black substance to strituum, Parkinsonism develops, for which a strong tremor (trembling) of limbs and heads and difficulties in controlling movements due to a violation of the regulation of muscle tone from a stream-pallide system.
The fence is the vertical plate of the gray substance, the lower part of which continues in the substance of the front reinforced plate on the base of the brain. The fence is located laterally lentil kernel and separated from it the outer capsule of the brain. From the cortex, the excitement of the fence separates the thin layer of white substance of the outer capsule of the brain. The fence is the most new in phylogenetic attitude among the basal nuclei and has numerous links with the crust of large hemispheres.
The almond-shaped body is located in the area of \u200b\u200bthe temporal lobe and borders the hippocampus. It includes three groups of nuclei: basolateral, associated with a large brain bark; Corticomedial, associated with the structures of the olfactory system, and the central associated with the hypothalamus and cerebral cores controlling the vegetative functions of the body. The almond-shaped body is an important part of the limbic brain system. Its destruction leads to aggressive behavior or apatic, sluggish state. Due to its relations with the hypothalamus, the almond-shaped body affects the endocrine system, as well as on reproductive behavior.
Basal kernels are separated from each other in layers of white substance: internal, outer and outer capsules (Fig. 95).
The inner capsule is located between the tailed core and the Talamus on the one hand, and the lentilicular core - on the other. It consists of the projection fibers of the ascending and downstream paths connecting the brain bark with the brain barrel and the spinal cord. Fibers passing rigorous, form the front leg of the inner capsule, and caudal - the rear leg connected to the front leg knee. In the front leg, cortical and thalamic fibers are passing, as well as fibers from the frontal share to their own bridge nuclei (and further to the cerebellum). In the back leg of the fibers go to the core of a large brain from the organs of the senses and Talam-sa. Here are descending fibers in the composition of cortical and spinal pathways, as well as from a dark, temporal and occipital fraction towards their own bridge nuclei. Through the knee of the inner capsules follow the fibers of the crocker path.
The outer capsule separates the fence from the lentilicular nucleus, the outer capsule is from the cortex of the island lobe. In these capsules passes big number Fibers connecting the fence with various zones of bark of large hemispheres.
41 The cavity of the final brain (departments and walls of the side ventricles) In the hemispheres of the final brain, there are below the level of the corpulent body, symmetrically on the sides of the midline two side ventricles, Ventriculi Laterales separated from the upheneral surface of the hemispheres of the entire thickness of the brain. The cavity of each ventricle has the shape of a hemisphere: it begins in the frontal share in the form of bend down and in the lateral side of the front horns, it stretches through the area of \u200b\u200bthe parmer share called the central part, which at the level of the rear edge of the corpus body is divided into the lower horn and the rear rog. The medial wall of the front horns is formed by Septum Pellucidum, which separates the front horn from the same horns of another hemisphere. Lotter wall and partly the bottom of the front horns are engaged in the elevation of the gray substance, the head of the tail core, Caput Nuclei Caudati, and the upper wall is formed by the corpus body fibers. The narrow part of the side ventricle also consists of a molden body fibers. There is a sorrow of the rog in the layer of white nerve fibers, a roller bird is noticeable on its medial part - the Bird's Bird, Calcar Avis. Tapeetum is formed by Tapeetum. , hippocampus, which is divided into in Aliki. The medial side of the side ventricular in its central part and the bottom horn is governed by a soft brain shell, forming vascular plexus.Plexus Choroideus Ventriculi Lateralis is the lateral edge of Tela Choroidea Ventriculi Tertii.
42 Internal capsule (location, department, topography of conductive pathways) The inner capsule, Capsula Interna, represents a layer of white substance between Nucleus Lentiformis, on the one hand, and a taper core and a thalamus - on the other. On the front-cut brain section, the inner capsule has the appearance of a spinning white strip, which is continuing into the brain leg. On the horizontal cut, it appears in the form of an angle opened in the lateral side; As a result, Capsula Interna distinguishes the front leg, Crus Anterius Capsulae in-Ternae, - between the taper core and the front alarm surface of the Nucleus Lentiformis, the back leg, CRUS POSTERIUS, -

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