Korsunskaya Vera Mikhailovna. The value of activity B

Vera Mikhailovna Korsunskaya occupies a prominent place among the major Methodists of the second half of the 20th century. She not only trained and educated an army of teachers, but also wrote for them a large number of teaching aids.

As a teacher-methodologist, Vera Mikhailovna is characterized by the fact that her works illuminate many aspects of the methodology of teaching biology, and at the same time are subordinate to the main problem - the unity of teaching and upbringing.

Great importance for methodological science and school practice have the results of Vera Mikhailovna's research in the field of general and specific methods of teaching biology. The main attention in the works is paid to clarifying the conditions that ensure the strength of students' knowledge, highlighting the general biological concepts that need to be developed in schoolchildren in a certain system, starting with a botany course and ending with a course general biology.

Vera Mikhailovna connects the continuity of knowledge, the development of concepts with the selection of methods and techniques of teaching that contribute to the activation of the students' mental activity.

Many years of creative work on the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in the classroom and outside has led to theoretical generalizations and the creation effective methodology learning. Korsunskaya's book "Activating teaching methods in biology lessons" classifies methods according to the source of knowledge and learning activities teachers and students in the learning process.

In collaboration with Yu. I. Polyansky, NM Verzilin and other prominent scientists-biologists and methodologists, VM Korsunskaya took part in the creation of a textbook on the course of general biology (grades 9-10). In collaboration with other methodologists, Vera Mikhailovna prepared to help teachers methodological manuals "How to teach general biology", "Lessons in general biology", "Reader in general biology" and others. written jointly with N.M. Verzilin. Korsunskaya created a series of tables on evolutionary learning for 9th grade students.

Vera Mikhailovna wrote popular science books for schoolchildren: From the Life of Plants, The Adventure of Fruits and Seeds, The Great Naturalist Charles Darwin, The Exploit of the Life of Chevalier de La Marc, Carl Linnaeus, etc.

Through all these books, V.M. Korsunskaya consistently pursues the ideas of pedagogical influence, aimed primarily at instilling in young readers the interest and desire for cognition of nature, the study of the history of biology.

Methodological aids for teachers and books for children are widely accepted. They are a significant contribution to the theory and practice of methods of teaching biology, and can also be an example of a pedagogically thought-out solution to issues of popularizing scientific knowledge.

Instead of a conclusion

1. Gone in history XX the century was a period of great achievements in all fields of science and technology, which was a consequence of progress in the field of public education. Achievements in the educational system speak for themselves. If we compare the ratio of the level of education at the beginning of 1900, when the majority of the population of Russia was illiterate, at the end of the century, in terms of educational and cultural level, our country was one of the most developed countries in the world.

The content of educational subjects of the natural cycle was improved, among which biology occupies a leading place. It is enough to analyze the biology textbooks of the twenties, thirties, fifties, seventies and nineties to be convinced of this.

The problems of textbooks in the new millennium will be given top priority, especially scientific research on the selection of didactically grounded teaching material for certain age groups students.

2. The methodology of teaching biology as a science and as an academic subject has received significant development, the teaching of which has become compulsory in all educational institutions where biology teachers are trained. Leading methodologists of the country have created methodologies for teachers and students, according to which they have been preparing for work in school for decades. They summarize and scientifically analyze the mass and advanced experience of the country's biology teachers from the standpoint of the achievements of didactics, developmental physiology and educational psychology.

All methodological developments of the twentieth century are the foundation on the basis of which one can confidently continue research to improve the content of educational subjects and teaching aids, establishing successive links between them. Along with this, it is necessary to set priorities and determine the prospects for the development of methodological science in the 21st century.

There are still unresolved contradictions associated with the need and opportunity to teach children to live in modern world high tech and complex social problems... It is known that the possibilities of the school curriculum are limited, therefore the introduction of new subjects into it or an increase in the volume of existing ones comes into contact with many questions, the answer to which must be given by methodological science.

This is partially solved by reducing obsolete material, but while maintaining the leading biological concepts, the widespread development of electronic computing, computer technology, and the intensification of the learning process.

The most important problem of the place and significance of biological subjects in the education of schoolchildren, their preparation for life in the context of the reduction of the planet's biological resources, arises.

3. In world practice, bets are placed on the integration of knowledge, the creation of complex curricula... This also applies to natural science in our country. The first experience of the twenties was not crowned with success, and in the thirties the subject teaching of biology developed, starting from the 5th grade. In the 90s, the development of integrated natural science courses and experimental testing of them in school practice began again. Teachers are wary of this course, since it practically excludes the necessary biological training of students in a general education school. Once again, a contradiction arises due to the fact that the world community has defined the 21st century as the century of biology and ecology, and an integrated course in natural science minimizes biological education. Especially this circumstance must be taken into account when the school is moving to a 12-year period of study.

4. The problem of standardizing biological education in our country arose in the 90s, when the decentralization of the education system began. The standards, first of all, affect the scope of the content of academic subjects and determine what students need to know and be able to do. In the Soviet school, the term "standard" was not used, although in fact it existed in the form of unified curricula, programs and textbooks. Instead of the term "standard", other concepts were defined, the essence of which was reduced to the development of state requirements for the basic (basic) content of biological education, compulsory for all students.

V modern school concept basic education is practiced, first of all, in the selection of knowledge and skills necessary for an educated person who applies the knowledge gained in life and practice.

5. After completing the XX century, biological education at school came to new level modernization of curricula, manuals and other teaching aids, the analysis of which will determine the methodology for mastering them school practice.

This can be done with a deep historical comparison with the biological education system in soviet period school development. The Soviet school, although it was uniform, was not uniform, as some believe. An example of this is the excursion boom of the 1920s and 1930s, the massive naturalistic movements in schools and out-of-school institutions in the 1940s and 1950s, or the polytechnic and ecological-nature conservation orientation of biological courses in the 1960s and 1990s.

Unfortunately, many methodological developments of the last century are consigned to oblivion. And it is even worse when, with frequent reorganizations or liquidations of methodological and pedagogical institutions, many valuable documents and manuals are not preserved. The most important historical material is irretrievably lost. Therefore, the departments of the methodology of biology of pedagogical universities and other methodological centers must preserve what can still be preserved, besides, everything positive in methodological science and in school practice should be applied in the new conditions of the development of the national school.

Consequently, the primary tasks of methodological science can be a careful selection of everything positive that has been accumulated by the methodology of teaching biology. What has been verified by school practice must be taken into account in the further improvement of the content of school subjects, giving them an ecological and practical orientation. It is necessary to pay attention to the development of new teaching aids, including the creation of videos, computer programs, models, didactic materials and others, while strengthening the contacts of students with wildlife.

The main works of D.I.Traitak 1

1. From the experience of teaching botany in high school(in Ukrainian) // Sat. Natural science at school. - К .: Radianska school. - 1955. - Issue. nine.

2. Development of students' interest in botany // Sat. Development of students' interest in nature and agriculture. - M .: APN RSFSR, 1957.

3. Polytechnic training in botany in some schools of the city of Krivoy Rog (Ukrainian language) // Scientific notes of the Krivoy Rog pedagogical institute. - К .: Radianska school. - 1957. - Issue. 2.

4. Social and productive labor of rural school students. Its educational and educational value (in Ukrainian) // Scientific notes of the Krivoy Rog Pedagogical Institute. - К .: Radianska school. - 1958. - Issue. 3.

5. Reader on botany: A manual for secondary school (Ukrainian language). - K .: Radianska school, 1958.

6. Excursion on the topic "Plant diversity in the VI grade" // Biology at school. - 1959. - No. 2.

7. Work of the circle of young naturalists for the study and protection of nature (Ukrainian language) // Yearbook of the Ukrainian Botanical Society. - No. 1. - Kiev: Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1959.

8. Tasks and exercises in the lessons of botany // Sat. Study of nature at school. - M .: APN RSFSR, 1959.

9. Tasks and exercises in botany: A guide for the teacher. - M .: Uchpedgiz, 1959.

10. Distribution of ferns in the vicinity of Kryvyi Rih // Yearbook of the Ukrainian Botanical Society. - No. 2. - Kiev: Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1960.

11. Tasks and exercises in botany (in Ukrainian): A guide for the school. - K .: Radianska school, 1961.

12. Aesthetic education in the classroom, excursions and extracurricular activities // Sat. Aesthetic education in the process of teaching biology. - M .: APN RSFSR, 1961.

13. Workbook on botany (Ukrainian language): A manual for students. - K .: Radianska school, 1962.

14. Workbook in teaching botany and the formation of agricultural concepts among students (in Ukrainian) // Sat. The relationship between biology and agriculture. - K .: Radianska school, 1962.

15. Preparation of students of pedagogical universities for conducting extracurricular activities on

biology // Sat. Questions of biology methodology. - Krasnodar, 1962. 16. The peculiarity of laboratory classes in botany in evening (shift) schools // Sat. Enhancing the cognitive activity of students in biology lessons in an evening (shift) school. -M .: APN RSFSR, 1962.

17. Using herbarium material in the process of studying botany at school // Yearbook of the Ukrainian Botanical Society. - No. 3. - Kiev: Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, 1962.

18. Methodological instructions for individual tasks of educational field practice on the methodology of teaching biology, the basics of agriculture and the production of visual aids. - K .: MP of the Ukrainian SSR, 1963.

19. From the practice of making visual aids in botany (Ukrainian language) // Sat. The link between biology teaching and agricultural production. - K .: Radianska school, 1963.

20. Protection and enrichment of nature native land: Educational tables and guidelines for them (in Ukrainian). - K .: Radianska school, 1965.

22. Virginia Tradescantia // Floriculture. - 1965. - No. 7.

23. Popular science literature on biology and its use in teaching and educational work: Methodical letter(Ukrainian language). - K .: Radianska school, 1965.

24. Some questions of preparing students for work at school in practical classes on the method of biology (Ukrainian language) // Coll. Methods of teaching biological sciences. - K .: Radianska school, 1965. -Vyp. 1.

25. Cards for independent work students // Biology at school. - 1966. - No. 4.

26. Botanical quizzes (in Ukrainian): A manual for students. - K .: Radianska school, 1966.

27. About the lecture on the method of biology at the Pedagogical Institute (Ukrainian language) // Sat. Methods of teaching biological sciences. - K .: Radianska school, 1966. - Vol. 2.

28. About the holiday of young naturalists (in Ukrainian) // Sat. Methods of teaching biological sciences. - К .: Radianska school, 1967. - Issue. 3.

29. The connection between the institute and the school in carrying out research work on the methodology of teaching biology // Sat. Development and improvement of the relationship between the university and the school. - Simferopol: Crimea, 1968.

30. Laboratory studies on the method of biology (Ukrainian language) // Sat. Methods of teaching biological sciences. - K .: Radianska school, 1969. -Vyp. 4.

31. On the method of posing questions in individual lessons of botany (Ukrainian language) // Sat. Teaching biology at school. - K .: Radianska school, 1969. - Issue. 4.

32. The system of methodological training of students at the natural faculty of the pedagogical institute // Sat. Scientific basis for teacher training. - Lutsk, 1969.

33. The place and importance of amusement in teaching botany // Biology at school. - 1970. - No. 3.

34. Seminars on biology methods in teacher training // Sat. Methods of teaching biological sciences (in Ukrainian). - K .: Radianska school, 1970. - Vol. 5.

35. Raising students' interest in the study of biology in the process of nature conservation work (in Ukrainian) // Coll. Teaching biology at school. - K .: Radianska school, 1971. - Issue. 5.

36. Making visual aids in biology (in Ukrainian): A guide for the teacher. - K .: Radianska school, 1971.

37. Making Extracurricular Activities in Biology Interesting: A Manual for Teachers. - M .: Education, 1971.

38. Formation of students' methodological skills and abilities during the passage teaching practice// Sat. General problems of biology methodology as a science and academic discipline. - L., 1971.

39. The role of pedagogical practice in reinforcing students methodological knowledge obtained in the process of teaching at a teacher training university // Sb. Improving the relationship between universities and schools. - Grodno, 1971.

40. Tasks and exercises in botany (in Ukrainian). - 2nd ed. - K .: Radianska school, 1972.

41. Textbook on the general methodology of teaching biology // Biology at school. - 1973. - No. 1.

42. To the question of the ways of development of the cognitive activity of schoolchildren in the process of teaching biology (co-authored) // Sat. Ways to improve the effectiveness of teaching biology. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1973.

43. On the preparation of students for work with students at the school training and experimental site // Sat. Improving the methodological training of biology teachers. - Vladimir, 1973.

44. Lesson about potatoes // Biology at school. - 1974. - No. 4.

45. Questions of methods of using local lore material in the process of teaching biology // Sat. Local history work at school. -Ch. 1. - M .: NIISiMO APN USSR, 1974.

46. ​​Planning the work of the school circle of young naturalists (co-authored) // Sat. Naturalistic work in biology. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1974.

47. The role of textbooks in the biological education of schoolchildren // Sat. Problems of a biology textbook in high school. - M .: Education, 1975.

48. The role of illustrative material in students' understanding of the text of a botany textbook // Sat. Problems of a biology textbook in high school. - M .: Education, 1975.

49. Formation of students' cognitive interest in botany: Monograph. - M .: Pedagogy, 1975.

50. Programs of pedagogical institutes. Educational field practice on the methodology of teaching biology (co-authored): - M .: Education, 1975.

51. Varieties of verbal methods in biology lessons // Sat. Modern lesson biology. - L., 1975.

52. Fostering in students a sense of respect for nature // Biology at school. - 1975. - No. 6.

53. Scientific-practical conference on the use of didactic teaching aids // Biology at school. - 1975. - No. 6.

54. On the features of didactic materials // Yearbook Problems of a school textbook. - M .: Education, 1976. - Issue. 4.

55. Didactic materials on botany. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1976.

56. Cabinet of Biology: A Manual for Teachers (MBS). - M .: Education, 1976.

57. On the continuity of the formation of nature conservation concepts in the courses of natural history and botany // Sat. Interdisciplinary connections in school environmental education. - M .: NIISiMO APN USSR, 1976.

58. Respect for nature // Sat. Raising the traits of a harmoniously developed personality of a student. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1976.

59. Practical orientation of teaching botany: A guide for the teacher. - M .: Education, 1977.

60. Questions of methodology for the use of didactic materials in teaching // Sat. Methodology for the use of didactic materials in teaching biology. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1977.

61. The use of symbols and signs in didactic materials on botany // Sat. Methodology for the use of didactic materials in teaching biology. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1977.

62. On the features of methods of teaching biology // Sat. Teaching methods in the subjects of the natural and mathematical cycle. - Part 4. - M .: APN USSR, 1977.

63. Problems of school textbooks on biology: The program of a special course for students of the biology faculty of pedagogical institutes. - M .: MP USSR, 1977.

64. About teaching methods at the present stage of school development // Sat. On the methods of teaching in secondary school. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR, 1977. - Issue. 1.

65. Teacher of teachers // Biology at school. - 1978. - No. 1.

66. Continuity of courses in pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching biology in the preparation of a teacher of biology // Sat. Actual problems improving the methodological training of the future biology teacher at the pedagogical institute. - Vilnius, 1978.

67. The use of didactic materials in teaching biology // Biology at school. - 1978. - No. 6.

68. Reflection of nature conservation concepts in natural history and botany courses // Sat. Environmental education in secondary school. - M .: NIISiMO APN USSR, 1978.

69. On the implementation of the principle of local lore in teaching biology // Sat. Experience in researching the problems of content and teaching methods academic disciplines specific to general education schools union republics... - M .: APN USSR, 1978.

70. Botany Reading Book: A Student's Handbook. - M .: Education, 1978.

71. On some types of printed didactic materials of biological content // Sat. Problems of didactic means of teaching biology at school. - M .: Education, 1979.

72. Functions of didactic material in educational process// Sat. Problems of didactic means of teaching biology at school. - M .: Education, 1979.

73. Continuity in the disclosure of the leading biological and polytechnic concepts in the course of botany // Methodology for the formation of polytechnic knowledge in the course of biology. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the MP RSFSR, 1979.

74. About the polytechnical orientation of the content of the textbook of botany of secondary school // Manual Methodology for the formation of polytechnic knowledge in the course of biology. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1979.

75. Nature as a factor in the education of patriotism // Sat. Patriotic education in the classroom and in extracurricular work. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1979.

76. Making Extracurricular Activities in Biology Interesting: A Handbook for Teachers. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 1979.

77. Practical orientation of teaching botany: A guide for teachers. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 1980.

78. On the problem of generalizations in the course of high school botany // Sat. The method of generalizations in school biology courses. - M .: Research Institute of Schools 1MP RSFSR, 1980.

79. Cabinet of Biology: A Guide for Teachers (in Ukrainian). - K .: Radianska school, 1980.

80. Promoting the ideas of nature conservation // Evening school. - 1980. - No. 5.

81. Generous talent // Biology at school. - 1980. - No. 5.

82. Scientific conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of B. Ye. Raikov // Biology at school. - 1980. - No. 6.

83. About the first domestic textbook of natural science for school // Yearbook Problems of a school textbook. - M .: Education, 1981. -Vyp. nine.

84. Generalization in the lessons of natural history and biology (co-authored): A guide for teachers. - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the RSFSR MP, 1981.

85. Practical orientation of the content of problems in mathematics textbooks // Yearbook Problems of a school textbook. - M .: Education, 1982. - Issue. eleven.

86. Programs of pedagogical institutes / Methods of teaching biology (for specialties "Biology", "Biology with an additional specialty chemistry") (co-authored). - M .: Education, 1982.

87. Formation of students' research skills in the process of studying the course of biology methods // Sat. Formation of the personality of a biology teacher in the process of higher teacher education... - Poltava, 1982.

88. Veteran of Soviet pedagogy // Biology at school. - 1983. - No. 2.

89. Teacher of teachers (Bulgarian) // Biology and Chemistry. - Bulgaria. - 1983. - No. 3.

90. Organization of research to identify the effectiveness of students' assimilation of biological knowledge // Coll. Organization and methodology of experimental pedagogical research... - M .: Research Institute of Schools of the MP RSFSR, 1983.

91. Use all the possibilities of a biology lesson // Public education. - 1983. - No. 8.

92. Biology: Reference Materials for High School Students (co-authored). - M .: Education, 1983.

93. Cabinet of Biology (Armenian). - Yerevan: Louis, 1983.

94. Book for reading on botany (Tatar language): A manual for students. - Kazan: Tatar Book Publishing House, 1983.

95. Making natural visual aids (co-authored) // School and production. - 1984. - No. 1.

96. How to make extracurricular work in biology interesting: A guide for teachers (Kazakh, lang.). - Alma-Ata: Mektep, 1984.

97. Methodology for the procurement of seed and planting material for school training and experimental sites // School and production. - 1984. - No. 3.

98. In memory of NM Verzilin // Biology at school. - 1984. - No. 4.

99. The role of questions in testing and assessing students' knowledge of biology, (German).

101. A book to read in botany. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 1985.

102. On strengthening the polytechnic orientation of teaching biology (co-authored) // Biology at school. - 1985. - No. 1.

103. School training and experimental site and the organization of work on it (in co-authorship) // School and production. - 1985. - No. 4.

104. Biology: Reference materials for high school students (co-authored), (Mold. Lang.). - Chisinau: Lumina, 1985.

105. Methodology for the formation of general labor and polytechnic skills in schoolchildren in the process of agricultural labor // Sat. Medical and pedagogical problems vocational training schoolchildren and adolescents. - M .: Ministry of Health of the USSR, 1985.

106. The role of teaching aids in the formation and development of teaching methods of natural science in schools in our country. // Yearbook Problems of a school textbook. - M .: Education, 1986. - Issue. 16.

107. Biology: Reference materials (Lithuanian). - Kaunas: Shvi-esa, 1987.

108. Polytechnic orientation of teaching biology as a condition for preparing a student for life and work (German).

109. Methods of teaching biology: historical aspect(co-authored) // Biology at school. - 1987. - No. 5.

110. What to be a school textbook // Soviet pedagogy. - 1988. -No. 1.

111. What should be the program for labor training // Soviet pedagogy. - 1988. - No. 6.

112. Alexander Yakovlevich Gerd // Biology at school. - 1988. - No. 6.

113. Comparison as a didactic method that increases the cognitive level of educational texts // Yearbook Problems of a school textbook. - M .: Education, 1988. - Issue. eighteen.

114. Teaching and Experimental School Site: A Guide for Teachers. - M .: MGIUU, 1988.

115. Problems of labor training and education // Biology at school. - 1989. - No. 2.

116. Comparison functions in textbook texts (German).

117. Labor training 5-7. Agricultural work: Tutorial(co-authored). - M .: Education, 1989.

118. Labor training in grades 5-7. Agricultural Work: A Handbook for Labor Teachers (co-authored). - M .: Education, 1989.

119. The pedagogical aspect of the ecological education of students of the pedagogical university // Sat. Environmental problems in teaching humanities and natural sciences in teacher training universities. - Belgorod, 1989.

120. A word about the new textbook // School and production. - 1990. - No. 3.

121. Agricultural ecology in the naturalistic work of children. Sat. Ecological movement of pioneers and schoolchildren. - M .: APN USSR, 1990.

122. Agricultural labor: Teaching aid for grades 5-7 (co-authored). - M .: Education, 1990.

123. Methodological guide to the educational-visual aid "Agricultural labor" grades 5-7: A manual for the teacher (co-authored). - M .: Education, 1990.

124. Methodological training of a teacher of biology // Soviet pedagogy. - 1990. - No. Yu.

125. Classroom as an object of study of local environmental issues by students of the pedagogical university // Sat. Education in the field environment... - T. 2. - Kazan, 1990.

126. Labor training. Agricultural work in grades 5-7 (mold. Lang.) (Co-authored). - Chisinau: Lumina, 1991.

127. On the issue of creating an educational and methodological kit for labor training of students in grades 5-7 (agricultural cycle) // Yearbook Problems of a school textbook. - M .: Education, 1991. - Issue. twenty.

128. Rural school programs / Biology with elements of agriculture. Moscow: APN USSR, 1991.

129. Organization of classes on drawing up an ecological passport educational institution// Materials of the conference Ecology in theory and practice. - Part 1. - Belgorod, 1992.

130. N. M. Verzilin's contribution to the development of domestic methods of teaching biology // Sat. Problems of Biology Teaching Methods.- Moscow: MPU, 1993.

131. Problems of methodological training of a teacher of biology in pedagogical universities of Russia (Bulgarian) // Sat. First Symposium on Biology Teaching Techniques. - Part 2. - Stara Zagora, 1993.

132. Contemporary problems initial natural science // Sat. Problems of successive ties in the development of methods of natural history and biology. - M .: MPU, 1994.

133. In love with nature: Preface // Verzilin NM Following in the footsteps of Robinson. - M .: Education, 1994.

134. Agricultural labor. Introduction to Agriculture: A Textbook for Students in Grades 5-7 (co-authored). - M .: Education, 1994.

135. Soils of the native land as an ecological object of study at school // Sat. Ecological problems in the practice of teacher education and in production. - Part 3. - Belgorod, 1994.

136. About ecological training of students at faculties, preparing teachers primary grades// Sat. Ecology and Geography: Problems of Teacher Training. - M., 1995.

137. Natural science: what it should be like in elementary school // Pedagogy. - 1995. - No. 2.

138. Environmental knowledge as the basis for environmental protection // Coll. Environmental education in Russia: problems and practice. - M., 1995.

139. The study of environmental issues in the analysis by students of textbooks on natural history for primary school // Sat. Environmental education: innovative pedagogical technologies... - M .: Change, Horizon, 1996.

140. Programs educational institutions/ Biology with elements of agriculture 5-7 grades. - M .: Education, 1996.

141. Plants: A biology reading book for students in grades 6-7. M .: Education, 1996.

142. Problems of school textbooks. Special course: Program // Biology at school. - 1996. - No. 5.

143. Fundamentals of agriculture. Agricultural labor (grades 5-7 of a rural school): Program // School and production. - 1997. - No. 4.

144. Problems of scientific research on the methodology of teaching biology // Sat. Modern problems of methods of biology and ecology at school and university. - M., 1997.

145. A word about ID Zverev - teacher, methodologist, ecologist // Biology at school. - 1997. - No. 6.

146. Fundamentals of agriculture. Agricultural labor: A textbook for grades 5-7 of a rural school. - M .: Mnemosina, 1998.

147. Biology: Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens: A guide for students in grades 6-7 of educational institutions. - M .: Mnemosina, 1998.

148. Collection of tasks and exercises on the biology of plants, bacteria, fungi and lichens: A guide for students in grades 6-7 of educational institutions (co-authored). - M .: Mnemosina, 1998.

149. Ecological-polytechnic and practical orientation of teaching biology in a rural school // Sat. Modern problems of methods of biology, geography and ecology at school and university. - M .: 1999.

150. Cabinet of Biology // Series School room(co-authored). - M .: Vlados, 2000.

151. Biology: Plants, bacteria, fungi, lichens: Textbook for the 6th grade of educational institutions (co-authored). - M .: Mnemosina, 2000.

152. Formation and development of methods of biology and ecology in the XX century // Coll. Development of methods of biology and ecology in the XX century. - M .: MPU, 2000.

153. An academic subject that leads to an understanding of environmental issues and provides skills rational nature management// Sat. Environmental safety and human health in the XXI century. - Belgorod, 2000.

154. Programs of educational institutions / Natural science grade 5. Biology grades 6-9 // Fundamentals of Agriculture. Agricultural labor technology (grades 5-7 in rural schools). - M .: Mnemosina, 2001.

155. About a universal means of teaching biology // Sat. Actual problems of teaching means of biology, geography and ecology at school and university. - M., 2002.

156. Biology 6-7: A collection of problems and exercises. - 2nd ed. - A manual for students (co-authored). - M .: Mnemosina, 2002.

I consider it my duty to express my deep gratitude and great gratitude to the Editorial and Publishing Council of the International Academy of Sciences of Pedagogical Education, director of the publishing house "Mnemozina" Marina Ilyinichna Bezvikonnaya, my dear students - doctor pedagogical sciences, Professor Vladimir Vasilyevich Pasechnik, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Tatyana Mikhailovna Efimova, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Senior Lecturer Irina Vladimirovna Khomutova and all employees of the Department of Natural Science, Geography and Ecology Methodology of the Moscow State Regional University for the initiative in organizing and preparing the manuscript for publication.

CHAPTER 1 Biology teaching methodology and students' cognitive interest..................................................................................................................................... 5

1.1. The value of cognitive interest in teaching students and the role of the teacher in this ....................................... .................................................. ................................................. 5

1.2. What is the main thing in determining interest ........................................... .............. 13

1.3. On the classification of interests ............................................... ............................................... 15

CHAPTER 2 A place teaching aids in biological education of schoolchildren............................................................................................................................... 19

2.1. The role of teaching aids in the formation and development of teaching methods of natural science in schools of our country .................................... ............................................... 19

2.2. About the first Russian textbook of natural science for school ..................................... 33

2.3. Natural science: what it should be like in elementary school .......................................... ............ 42

2.4. The role of textbooks in biological education of schoolchildren .......................................... 47

2.5. About the polytechnic orientation of the content of the textbook of botany of secondary school .......................................... .................................................. .............................................. 52

2.6. About a universal means of teaching biology ............................................. ................ 57

2.7. Comparison as a didactic technique that increases the cognitive level of educational texts ........................................ .................................................. ............................................... 61

2.8. About the notebook for independent work in biology ........................................... .......... 67

2.9. Tasks and exercises as a means of stimulating cognitive activity students ................................................. .................................................. ................................. 72

2.10. Biological and agricultural orientation of the content

problems in mathematics textbooks .............................................. .................................................. .75

2.11. How to be a school textbook .............................................. .................................... 81

CHAPTER 3 Education by means academic subject ..................................................... 84

3.1. Opportunities for aesthetic education in biology lessons ............................................................. 84

3.2. Aesthetic education on excursions to nature ............................................ ........... 89

3.3. Aesthetic education of students in extracurricular activities ... 96

3.4. Fostering in students a sense of respect for nature ............................. 100

3.5. Nature as a factor in the upbringing of patriotism ............................................. ................... 103

CHAPTER 4 Generalizations and the formation of concepts in teaching biology............... 107

4.1. On the problem of generalizations in the course of high school botany ....................... ................... 107

4.2. Continuity in the disclosure of leading biological and polytechnic concepts in the course of botany ....................................... .................................................. ................................. 112

CHAPTER 5 Problems of methods of teaching biology............................................................ 125

5.1. About teaching methods at school ............................................. ............................................... 125

5.2. Varieties of verbal methods in biology lessons ............................................ ... 134

CHAPTER 6 Methodology for organizing and conducting biology lessons................................ 141

6.1. Making full use of the possibilities of a biology lesson .................................. 141

6.2. The place and importance of entertaining in teaching biology ........................................... .148

6.3. Lesson about potatoes ............................................... .................................................. .............. 154

6.4. Using printed didactic materials on biology in the classroom ........... 160

CHAPTER 7 Didactic tools in teaching biology............................................... 166

7.1. Questions of methodology for the use of didactic materials in teaching botany ... 166

7.2. Functions of didactic material in the educational process ............................................ . 175

7.3. On the features of didactic materials in biology ........................................... 180

CHAPTER 8 About labor and polytechnic training and education of students...........187

8.1. Problems of labor training and education of students ............................................ ... 187

8.2. Ecological, polytechnic and practical orientation of teaching biology in a rural school ...................................... .................................................. ................ 194

8.3. On the issue of creating an educational and methodological kit for labor training of students in grades 5-7 (agricultural cycle) ............................... .......................... 201

CHAPTER 9. The role of the school training and experimental site in teaching biology and technology of agricultural labor........................................................................ 205

9.1. Features of the methodology of conducting classes at the school training and experimental site ........................................ .................................................. ............................................ 205

9.2. Methodology for the procurement of seed and planting material for school training and experimental sites ...................................... .................................................. ........................... 210

9.3. Production of visual aids in biology ............................................. .............. 216

CHAPTER 10 Ecological and environmental education at school and university….……...222

10.1. Environmental knowledge as the basis for environmental protection ................ 222

10.2. On the continuity of the formation of environmental concepts in the courses of natural history and botany ........................................ .................................................. .......... 226

10.3. Agricultural ecology in the naturalistic work of children ......................... 229

10.4. Soils of the native land as an ecological object of study at school ............................ 231

CHAPTER 11 Questions of training a teacher of biology in a pedagogical university....................................... 233

11.1. Methodological preparation of a biology teacher .............................................. ................. 233

11.2. Continuity of courses in pedagogy, psychology and teaching methods in the training of biology teachers ...................................... .................................................. ....... 240

11.3. The role of pedagogical practice in the consolidation of students' knowledge gained in the process of training at a pedagogical institution .................................... .................................................. ............ 245

11.4. Preparing students of pedagogical institutes for extracurricular activities in biology ........................................ .................................................. ..................................... 247

11.5. Problems of scientific research on the methodology of teaching biology ........................................... .................................................. ....................................... 253

11.6. Organization of research to identify the effectiveness of students' assimilation of biological knowledge ......................................... .................................................. ................... 257

11.7. Formation of students' research skills in the process of studying the course of biology methods ....................................... .................................................. .......................... 260

CHAPTER 12 On the pedagogical experience and university methodology of teaching biology.................................................................................................................................. 264

12.1. To the problem of covering the pedagogical experience ............................................. .............. 264

12.2. A textbook on the general methodology of teaching biology ............................................ .... 271

CHAPTER 13 Essays on Methodist Biologists........................................................................ 276

13.1. N.M. Verzilin's contribution to the development of Russian methods of teaching biology ...................................... .................................................. ............................................ 276

13.2. In love with nature ............................................... .................................................. .278

13.3. Alexander Yakovlevich Gerd ............................................... ............................................. 280

13.4. A word about I. D. Zverev - teacher, methodologist, ecologist ..................................... .......... 285

13.5. The generous talent of V.M. Korsunskaya ........................................... ...................................... 287

Instead of a conclusion ................................................ .................................................. ................. 288

The main works of D.I.Traitak ........................................... ................................................ 291

2Petrosova ra., Goloe V.P., Sivoglazov ow. Methods of teaching natural science and environmental education in primary school. - M., 1999. - p. 73-74.

With the help of collapsible models, children can get acquainted with the inner content of the object. These can be models from the course of human anatomy (eye, ear) or a collapsible model "Formation of the ravine".

The non-collapsible model is globe. He very clearly conveys the concept of the shape of the Earth, location earth axis, equator, poles, distribution of land and the World Ocean. With the help of the globe in elementary school, the shape and movement of the Earth, the change of day and night and the seasons are studied.

The class should have one large globe (about 50 cm in diameter) for demonstration and several small ones (about 15 cm in diameter), which are handed out to desks during practical work.

Dummies (casts) - these are life-size models of an object that accurately convey its external features (color, shape), but without internal content. For elementary school, dummies of mushrooms, vegetables and fruits have been released.

Students can make their own models of natural objects from plasticine, papier-mâché, or clay.

Close to volumetric and embossed visual aids. These benefits are one-sided. These include the systems of the respiratory system, blood circulation, the structure of the skin, etc.

Plane manuals reproduce natural objects or their symbolic substitutes using a two-dimensional image.

Static the manuals do not convey the movement, the development of natural objects. These are study tables, pictures, photographs, slides, geographic maps, which are widely used in teaching. initial course natural science. They help the formation of ideas about those natural objects and phenomena that are inaccessible to direct perception.

Study tables are used in almost every lesson to form generalized images of natural bodies or landscapes in younger schoolchildren, such as "tree", "bush", "herbaceous plant", "plain", "mountain", "tundra", "forest", "steppe" , "Desert", etc.

Primary school tables must meet the following requirements:

    any table is a monographic image, so there must be one object, process or phenomenon on it;

    the objects shown in the table must be large enough, their proportions are kept on the same scale;

    pictures, text and numbers are arranged in a certain didactic sequence so that the table is "readable";

    the table must meet aesthetic requirements (according to V.M. Pakulova).

In the course of natural history, a series of laminated tables with guidelines for their use has been published.

If the tables are paper, they should be glued to cardboard or laminated. On the board should be devices for hanging the tables during the demonstration.

Tables are stored vertically in a cabinet. They should be numbered and arranged according to course topics. A list of numbered tables is placed on the inside of the cabinet door.

Geographic Maps form in children spatial ideas about the size of various parts of the earth's surface and the placement of natural objects on it. Geographical objects on the map are indicated using certain symbolic symbols, i.e. have a high degree of abstraction.

The first acquaintance of children with the map begins already in the 2nd grade. First of all, the teacher must acquaint children with the rules for working with the card.

By the end primary school students should learn to navigate on a map, know the names and be able to show continents and oceans, use a scale. Younger schoolchildren receive initial knowledge about the map of Russia (borders, seas, main rivers, plains, mountains), the ability to show the natural zones of our country.

Children should become familiar with the physical map of their region. To be able to show borders, main cities, landforms, minerals, rivers and lakes on it. In elementary school, they begin to use contour maps of their edge. Students should learn how to find the desired objects on the contour map and sign the corresponding names. The teacher should draw the attention of the children to how they sign up. geographical names on the contour map:

    The inscriptions are made finely, clearly, beautifully.

    River inscriptions are parallel to the direction of the rivers. The inscriptions of mountain ranges, elongated bays and seas are also made.

3. Inscriptions of cities are everywhere parallel to the parallels. Islands and lakes are also inscribed 1.

On contour maps, students apply relief forms, conventional signs of minerals of their region and the names of the largest rivers and lakes. Children learn to work with colored pencils. In this case, it is necessary to follow the rules of conditional colors adopted on the maps (waters - blue, lowlands - green, etc.); to achieve clarity, accuracy and beauty in coloring.

These skills are basic for the subsequent study of the course of geography.

In the initial natural science courses, wall-physical maps of the hemispheres, the Russian Federation, and their region are used; map natural areas Russia, a plan of the area, as well as geographical atlases for primary school. Maps are in all natural science textbooks and notebooks.

The requirements for school geographic maps were formulated by A.A. Polovinkin in his textbook "Methods of Physical Geography".

School maps differ from others in that they are tailored to the age and developmental level of students. This is achieved by simplifying the maps, increasing their visibility, emphasizing their specificity and reducing the load to the limits close to those provided in the programs.

Wall maps are viewed from afar by the whole class and should be sized appropriately. Maps less than one meter cannot serve as wall maps. Pupils look at the wall map from a distance of 5-6 m or more. From this distance, the coastline and rivers can only be visible if they are depicted thicker, if their outlines are simplified, if the details are discarded. On maps for primary schools, this simplification is most pronounced.

(1900-1991) Vera Mikhailovna Korsunskaya occupies a prominent place among the major Methodists of the second half of the 20th century. She not only trained and educated a whole army of teachers, but also wrote a large number of teaching aids for them.

For Vera Mikhailovna, as a teacher-methodologist, it is characteristic that her works illuminate many aspects of the methodology of teaching biology, and at the same time are subordinate to the main problem - the unity of teaching and upbringing.

The results of Vera Mikhailovna's research in the field of general and specific methods of teaching biology are of great importance for methodological science and school practice. The main attention in the works is paid to clarifying the conditions that ensure the strength of students' knowledge, highlighting general biological concepts that need to be developed in schoolchildren in a certain system, starting with a course in botany and ending with a course in general biology.

Vera Mikhailovna connects the continuity of knowledge, the development of concepts with the selection of methods and techniques of teaching that contribute to the activation of the students' mental activity.

Many years of creative work on the study and generalization of advanced pedagogical experience in the classroom and outside has led to theoretical generalizations and the creation of an effective teaching methodology. Korsunskaya's book “Activating teaching methods in biology lessons” classifies methods according to the source of knowledge and educational activity of the teacher and students in the learning process.

In collaboration with Yu.I. Polyansky, N.M. Verzilin and other prominent scientists-biologists and methodologists V.M. Korsunskaya took part in the creation of a textbook for the course of general biology (grades 9-10). In collaboration with other methodologists, Vera Mikhailovna prepared methodological manuals "How to teach general biology", "Lessons in general biology", "Reader in general biology" and others to help teachers. written jointly with N.M. Verzilin. Korsunskaya created a series of tables on evolutionary learning for 9th grade students.

Vera Mikhailovna wrote popular science books for schoolchildren: From the Life of Plants, The Adventure of Fruits and Seeds, The Great Naturalist Charles Darwin, The Exploit of the Life of Chevalier de Lamarck, Carl Linnaeus, etc.

Through all these books V.M. Korsunskaya passes the idea of ​​pedagogical influence, aimed primarily at instilling in young readers the interest and desire for knowledge of nature, the study of the history of biology.

Teaching guides for teachers and books for children are widely accepted. They are a significant contribution to the theory and practice of biology teaching methods, and can also be an example of a pedagogically thought-out solution to issues of popularizing scientific knowledge.

What is the contribution of V. M Korsunskaya in the development of methods of teaching biology?

Vera Mikhailovna Blagovidova-Korsunskaya (1900-1991)

Curriculum Vitae and stages of professional development

Vera Mikhailovna Korsunskaya was born in Samara in the family of a teacher.

In the early 1920s, she came to Leningrad and entered to study at the Leningrad Agricultural Institute. After graduating from the institute, starting in 1926, Vera Mikhailovna worked as a biology teacher in Leningrad.

She created an exemplary biology room, organized a wildlife corner, a school area. Her experience was disseminated among Leningrad teachers. Since 1944, V.M.Korsunskaya worked in the Leningrad state institute improvement of teachers, since 1948 - a senior researcher at the Institute of Pedagogy of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the RSFSR.

In 1959, Vera Mikhailovna was appointed director of the Institute of Evening Schools, later renamed the Research Institute for Adult Education, where she worked together with the famous methodological biologists Nikolai Mikhailovich Verzilin and Nikolai Alexandrovich Rykov. Together they were engaged in research in the field of problems of methods of teaching biology. Later, since 1967, scientific activity brought them together at the Department of Methods of Teaching Natural Science of the Leningrad State pedagogical institute them. A. I. Herzen. As a methodologist-biologist, Vera Mikhailovna brilliantly read lectures to students, conducted classes at advanced training courses for teachers high school (pedagogical universities and universities) at the department.

Vera Mikhailovna's scientific interests covered the problems of the methodology of teaching biology in secondary school, especially the problems of the methodology of teaching the foundations of Darwinism (later - the foundations of evolutionary doctrine), which were especially urgent and not developed in those years. VM Korsunskaya left behind a rich pedagogical heritage. She is the author of over 200 scientific and methodological works in the field of biology teaching methods.

Vera Mikhailovna paid special attention to the selection of educational content and the development of an effective methodology for teaching general biology. Her

The contribution to the development of methods of teaching biology ideas about the high ideological significance of biological education are still relevant today.

In their methodical works VM Korsunskaya paid great attention to the theory and methodology of the development of biological concepts, teaching methods, the problem of enhancing the cognitive activity of students. She was looking for ways to improve the quality of students' knowledge, defining a system of forms of teaching biology, including research work students.

Vera Mikhailovna considered it necessary to familiarize students with the basics of scientific research, paid special attention to the organization of independent activities of students in the field and laboratory conditions.

Vera Mikhailovna paid no less attention to the issues of visualization of teaching. As one of the authors of the first textbook in our country "General Biology", she provided for the inclusion of drawings illustrating the content of the studied material, thought out the apparatus, contributing to the better assimilation of knowledge. For example, when studying the "Foundations of Genetics", considering the issues of heredity and variability, tasks were developed that contribute to the development of observation.

Vera Mikhailovna attached great educational and educational value to excursions into nature. She developed specific guidelines organizing and conducting excursions. She believed that "in late autumn and even in winter, it is possible to conduct excursions into nature, the materials of which should be used for the course." For teachers Vera Mikhailovna developed a methodology for conducting excursions to study the diversity and fitness of organisms, to study issues of the struggle for existence and natural selection, about the variety of varieties of cultivated plants and breeds of domestic animals.

Vera Mikhailovna is known not only as a methodologist-biologist, but also as a children's writer, author of popular science literature. Together with N.M. Verzilin, she worked on popular science and educational and methodological editions. Expressive literary language she wrote books for schoolchildren: Three Great Lives, Karl Linnaeus, V. I. Vernadsky "," Reader in general biology "," From the life of plants "," Adventures of fruits and seeds "," Forest and life ".

For her contribution to the development of the theory and methods of teaching biology, Vera Mikhailovna Korsunskaya was awarded the Order of the Badge of Honor and the V. K. D. Ushinsky.

The largest specialist in the field of teaching methodology for a course in general biology, as well as general problems of natural science education in general and biological education, in particular (substantiation of the theory of the formation and development of concepts, development of the content of teaching methods and means, education of a scientific worldview, activation of independent thinking).

(Methodological ideas of V.M. Korsunskaya and their development in modern theory and teaching methods of biology and ecology. - SPb., 2005.S. 3-5)

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  • - genus. March 3, 1927 in Izhevsk. Musicologist. Graduated in 1949 f-p. dep., in 1955-historical-theoretical. Faculty of the Ural cons. , in 1960-here graduate school ...

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  • - Vera Mikhailovna Velichkina, activist revolutionary movement, a writer. Member of the Communist Party since 1903. Born into a priest's family. Graduated from the University of Bern ...
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"Korsunskaya, Vera Mikhailovna" in books


From the book Hiking and Horses the author Mamontov Sergey Ivanovich

NOVO-KORSUNSKAYA At about 10 am we heard shots. Nikitin gave the order to saddle, to ammunition, and the battery left the village of Novo-Korsunskaya and went on the lead to the south. Captain Aglaimov, an Akhtyr hussar, a blond Tatar galloped towards us. He wore the showy uniform of the peaceful

Vera Mikhailovna

From the book Direct aim at the enemy the author Kobylyansky Isaac Grigorievich

Vera Mikhailovna behaved in a peculiar way when she arrived at the regiment, the captain of the medical service, a Muscovite Vera Penkina, an attractive girl of about twenty-five. Having a high enough military rank and strong character, she kept herself independently and began by

4.1.6 The idea of ​​countering excessive taxes. "The Korsun legend" and the epic about Gleb Volodyevich

From the book History and Antiquity: Worldview, Social Practice, Motivation actors the author Kozlovsky Stepan Viktorovich

4.1.6 The idea of ​​countering excessive taxes. "The Korsun legend" and the epic about Gleb Volodyevich Today, there is an almost official scientific interpretation of this epic plot, which is available in the text of the "Code of Russian Folklore". It is characterized as follows: “One

Korsun icon of the Mother of God Tenderness Icon of the Moscow school of the 16th century, 26 × 19.5 cm

From the book The meaning of icons the author Lossky Vladimir Nikolaevich

Korsun icon of the Mother of God Tenderness Icon of the Moscow school of the 16th century, 26 × 19.5 cm The name of the Korsun icon of the Mother of God comes from the city of Korsun, by which it is understood ancient Kherson, or Khersones, a Greek commercial port in Crimea near Sevastopol, in which, according to


From the book God Is With Us author Frank Semyon

1. FAITH-TRUST AND FAITH-RELIABILITY What should be understood by “faith”? What is the difference between “faith” from “unbelief” or “believer” from “unbeliever?” It seems that the overwhelming majority of people, following the long-standing prevailing understanding of “faith”,

Substitution of concepts (faith in general and religious faith in particular)

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Substitution of concepts (faith in general and religious faith in particular) From the American TV series "Cool Walker" the repentant bandit, the father of the family, who believed in Jesus Christ, says: “I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about faith. If you don't believe in anything, life becomes empty. ”Or:

Velichkina Vera Mikhailovna

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (BE) of the author TSB

Inber Vera Mikhailovna

From the book Great Soviet Encyclopedia (IN) of the author TSB

5. Two Elia Vera God the Father and God the Son It turns out the Christian trinity: Elia Adrian and two Elia Vera

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5. Two Elia Vera God the Father and God the Son It turns out the Christian trinity: Elia Hadrian and two Elia Vera As we have already said, in the Scaligerian history of Rome there are “two Elia Vera”. Now we will show that in fact these are two phantom duplicates of Andronicus-Christ. To avoid

Day 5. Faith in yourself, faith in method, faith in the Dharma

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Day 5. Faith in yourself, faith in method, faith in Dharma The King of Dharma is the highest in this world; Awareness that countless hosts of Tathagatas are identical to each other. Now I will show you all-perfect pearls; Whoever believes does not depart [from the Dharma]. This stanza contains two special

e. Conclusion: Abraham's Faith and Our Faith (23-25)

From the book of Romans author Stott John

e. Conclusion: Abraham's Faith and Our Faith (23-25) Paul concludes by teaching his readers a lesson in Abraham's faith. He says that the biblical words ... were imputed to him not in relation to him alone were written (23), but also in relation to us today. The whole story of Abraham, like everyone else

Faith of Jesus Christ and Russian Faith

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The Faith of Jesus Christ and the Russian Faith One of the representatives of the All-World Literacy association, during the celebration of the 7,500th anniversary of its acquisition, told in passing that in one of the ancient books kept by the bearers of this tradition, the following is reported: “Jesus Christ, son

b. Faith, unbelief and partial faith

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b. Faith, Unbelief, and Partial Faith Jesus' word and father's answer (23, 24) raise an important question. Do Jesus' words mean “everything is possible to the believer” that “I, Jesus, can do everything in accordance with the quantity and quality of my faith,” or “everything is possible for you, if you have


From the book Orthodox Calendar. Holidays, fasts, name days. Calendar of veneration of the icons of the Virgin. Orthodox foundations and prayers the author Mudrova Anna Yurievna

Korsunskaya According to legend, the Ephesian, or Korsunskaya, icon of the Mother of God, was painted by St. The Apostle Luke and even during her lifetime the Most Holy Theotokos, seeing her image, said: "May the grace of him who was born of me and mine be with this icon." On October 22, 988, the list from this icon was

Korsun Icon of the Mother of God

From the book The Radiant Guests. The stories of the priests the author Zobern Vladimir Mikhailovich

The Korsun Icon of the Mother of God The daughter of the court councilor Alexander Alekseev brought the miraculous Korsun icon to the St. Isaac Cathedral in St. Petersburg Holy Mother of God... On the same day, fervent prayer was performed in front of this shrine.

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