The period of the second Chechen war years. "Chechen war was conceived as a huge defeat of Russia

- Detailed study of life and crimes Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo

The name of Andrei Chikatilo in Russia became nominal: he is undoubtedly the most famous domestic serial killer. Perhaps so popular Chicatilo became because before his business in the Soviet Union of the crime of maniacs, especially sexual, were not discussed by the general public. In a prosperous socialist state, moving towards communism, there can be no maniacs, this is capitalist infection, the Soviet person is not so ... about such a point of view was promoted by power. But this point of view was erroneous, and the loyal communist Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo turned out to be a serial maniac killer.

Chicatilo was born on October 16, 1936 in a small Ukrainian village in the Sumy region. Chicatilo's childhood was sometimes strong psychological shocks. An older brother Andrei, Stepan, disappeared in 1931. Parents suspected that he was eaten by cannibals in the period of terrible hunger in Ukraine of the 30s, which was about the mother and told Little Andrei. For a child, it was an incredible pressure on the psyche, perhaps he also played his role in the formation of a future killer.

The Great Patriotic began, Father Chikatilo went to the front, was captured. After his liberation in the 45th year, he was recognized as "Motherland's Movement", which, naturally, did not correspond to the truth. Andrei, another child, renounced his father, recognizing his "betrayal", but nevertheless subjected to attacks at school.

In general, he grew up a lonely child. He had no good friends, he was shy, timid. "Teachers were surprised by my helplessness," Chikatilo told during the investigation. "If I didn't have a handle or ink, I sat and cried." Despite the innate myopia, Andrei refused to wear glasses, I was afraid to be ridiculous, to enjoy the "swarm". In addition, for a long time, the teenager hid the problem of night incontinence, which was still manifested in his junior age.

It is worth saying that the girls with Chikatilo were width. He was very shy, he was rarely acquainted, and if it came to bed, he didn't get anything at the crucial moment, he was raised several times. Problems on sexual soil, most likely, very much affected life Andrei and his "career" maniac.

Subsequently, he will tell such an episode that happened to him in the youth. "A thirteen-year-old girl went into the courtyard to us, from under her dress, she had blue pantalons ... I said that my sisters were not at home, she did not leave. Then I pushed her, fell and lay down on her. I did not undress her and did not undress himself. But I immediately came sophisticated. I was very worried about this weakness, although no one saw it. After that, I decided to tame my flesh, my low-lying motivations and gave him an oath to no one to touch anyone, except for his future wife. " Another case contributing to the presence of Chicatilo in Monster.

After graduating from school, Andrei enters the university and successfully ends it. The distribution receives a telephone engineer in the small town of Radionovo-Nesvelova in the Rostov region. Chikatilo diligently works, coping a small amount of money, immediately sends them to parents.

In 1962, the sister introduces Andrey with the local girl Faine, she would soon be married. Despite the obvious passivity of her husband in bed, the couple is born two children, Lyudmila (1965) and Yuri (1969). Chikatilo loves his wife and children, is a caring, sensitive father and husband.

In 1970, Andrei Romanovich absently ends the course on Marxism-Leninism and literature, receives a diploma and is satisfied with the teacher to school No. 32 of Novoshakhtinsk. The work of the teacher is not laid. Chikatilo is not able to control his students, they constantly laugh and mock it. Despite such an unsuccessful state of affairs, Chikatilo remains at work. As he will later talk, to be in the company of children, boys and girls, he was nice.

The facts that the teacher Chikatilo domagins his students will emerge. Chikatilo politely asked to leave the educational institution, but the facts do not attach a broad publicity. In another school, Chikatilo is found for a more frank occupation. He tried a sleeping student to incline to oral sex, but noticed these senior students beat Andrei Romanovich. After this incident in the portfolio, Chikatilo always lay a knife.

Soon, Chikatilo with his family moves to the city of Mine. It was there that "Manyak from the forest belt", how to surround his newspapers, will begin their bloody crimes.

December 22, 1978 Chikatilo makes his first murder. His victim becomes 9-year-old Lena Zaktnova. Noticing her on the tram stop, the maniac lures her into his hut in the forest, promising to treat American chewing elastic, treasure for a poor Soviet girl. There, the killer brings Lena to the floor, trying to rape, after which she delivers a few knife wounds in the stomach. Semi-dimensional Girl Chicatilo throws into the river Grimers, where two days later and will find her body.

Surprisingly, the maniac could be caught after the first crime. There was a witness of how Lenu took a high thin man in glasses. At the composed photorobot was detained Chikatilo, however, Fain's wife gave him on that day Alibi. If it were not for it, perhaps a life of another 52 people would be saved ...

Another suspect, Alexander Kravchenko, was attracted to the case, from which literally beat recognition. Despite the foggy arguments, Kravchenko was executed in 1984. And the real killer, Chikatilo, remained at freedom.

He managed to restrain his terrible needs for three years. In 1981, another murder occurred, the victim was the 17-year-old Larisa Tkachenko. The girl was, in essence, the juvenile prostitute, the main clients who were young soldiers. Going to contact with Chikatilo, she did not suspect anything wrong, suggesting to engage in their usual matter.

Maniac noticed Larisa at the bus stop near the city library. He suggested a girl to walk, and she agreed without rear thoughts. Of course, she counted at all at all that she expected her. Chikatilo and Tkachenko went shallow into the forest, where the killer fell into the earth, the section and beat a lot. To muffle the cries of the unfortunate, her mouth he poured the earth. Soon, Larisa stopped resisting ...

The next day, September 4, the corpse Larisa Tkachenko was discovered. At the interrogation, Chikatilo will say that if the first murder frightened and confused him, then he killed Tkachenko, he experienced his adult and joy. It is not surprising that after such sensations, the maniac could not stop.

In 1982, the killer has already committed 6 crimes. He developed a plan for himself, practically did not give a failure: drive around on a bus or suburban train, visited the stations of lonely children. If you managed to lure the sacrifice in the forest belt, where Chikatilo most often killed, her fate was solved.

The investigation made three facts: first, the crimes of this kind were in a novelty, in the Rostov militia there were no good specialists in serial killings. Secondly (which follows from the first), the investigation believed that the killer of boys and the killer of girls was two different people. And, thirdly, many bodies were found a few months after the murder (some were not found at all), they were hard to identify and process, revealing the killer style. Thus, the case was sluggish, there was no suspect.

The following year, Chikatilo doubled his bloody account, making another 8 murders (among victims of 4 children). Manyak made all his crimes with terrifying cruelty. Of the materials of the investigation: "In the study of the corpse (sacrifices), the following injuries were found: Multiple Koloto-cut and cut-back damage to the face, abdomen and external genital organs: nine Koloto-cut penetrating blind wounds of abdominal with damage to the thin and thick intestinal sections, complete cutting section The intestines and partial removal of it from the abdominal cavity with rude bursts of the mesense cheeks of the thin and large intestine. Two of these damages were formed as a result of multiple (at least 18-20) dives of a blade with rotation around the axis at different angles ... one wound-cutting wound of the right-handed eye socket, two wound wounds of the right ear shell. The cutting wound of the language with a complete cut-off of its tip, by means of a few saws-cutting movements in the transverse language direction. Rezanaya wound in the field of external genital organs with a complete cutting off of the scrotum and penis. 23 Koloto-cut wounds in the field of chest and abdomen ... "Arabic corpses were regularly found in the forest bel.

The position became critical. In September 83, an experienced Major Mikhail Fetisov and his investigative group arrived from the capital. Fetisov extremely critically treated the work of their predecessors, immediately stating that all the murders are the work of the same sex maniac. In addition, he actively uses the concept of "serial killer", before being submitted as inherent western countriesBut not an ideologically pure Soviet Union.

The first evidence obtained during the investigation is a sperm sperm of the killer, obtained from the body of one of the victims. Sperm of the 4th group, therefore the circle of suspects is significantly narrowed. However, the evidence gives the opposite effect. A suspicious subscriber on September 14, 1984 is delayed by the police. Subject seems to Andrei Chikatilo. However, the subsequent check shows that Chicatilo 2-blood group (in 99.9% of cases of a group of various discharge and blood coincide), and it is safely (excluding, however, from the party) is released. Where he is accepted for killing.

For 1984, the maniac committed 15 cruel murders: 9 adult women and girls and six children became victims of the maniac. In December, he goes to a new job place, a factory near Novocherkasska. His position is connected with permanent departures and business trips, which gives a convenient opportunity to commit crimes. Murder in different cities big countriesIt is very difficult to wait, it was also proved by the American Ted Bandee.

Next year, he commits two murders of women, one of which in Moscow. In December 1985, the Operation of Lesopolos starts, passing under the control of the CPSU Central Committee. The new head of the investigative-operational group Issa Kostoev organizes patrols at railway stations, the best militia forces and even the warriors were thrown to the capture of Manyak. However, operatives do not know that in the warriors from the seventies and Chikatilo. He also duds at stations, diligently catching himself. The operation takes place with a big sweep in three cities: mines, Rostov and Novocherkassk. In the course of the operation, more than a thousand (!) Different crimes were disclosed, over 200 thousand people were tested for business involvement, many persons with sexual and mental disabilities were registered. However, the criminal is not found. Kostoev even resorted to the help of the previously caught maniac-pedophile cream, however, he could not help: "it is useless. This is impossible to calculate. I know by yourself. "

A surge of excitement around the case forces chikatilo to be very careful. In 1986, losing the peak of the active work of the investigation, he does not make a single murder, peacefully celebrates its fiftieth anniversary (for the average maniac, by the way, a significant age). However, next year, he begins to kill with a new force, and will continue his bloody more than four years ...

On May 16, 1987, being on a business trip in the Urals, Chikatilo kills 13-year-old Oleg Makarenkov. During the next business trip, already in Zaporizhia, it makes an incredibly cruel killing of a 12-year-old boy. The attack was so fierce that the knife was remained at the crime scene, which maniac was performed. The third murder is already in Leningrad. September 15, the victim of the killer becomes Jura Tereshonok (16 years old). Already after the guy was dead, Chikatilo began to run around and shouting: "I am a red partisan! I took the language. I captured the enemy in captivity! "

As can be seen, Chikatilo knew perfectly well that so far there is such a fierce hunt, it is better to commit crimes in other regions. As already mentioned, such tactics make it difficult to work very much by law enforcement agencies. While all the forces were thrown to the capture of Manyak in mines and Rostov, he quietly committed killings in Moscow and Leningrad.

In the 88th year, once again believing in his elusiveness, Andrei Romanovich returns to the murders in his region. An unknown girl in April, 9-year-old Lucy Voronko in May and Zhenya Muratov 15 years old in July become new victims of Chikatilo. All the efforts of the police are still vain, the serial killer is free.

The next year he begins with the murder of 16 year old Tatyana Ryzhova. The maniac lures E in the empty apartment of his daughter (she left her husband and lives with his parents), where they will "Guest" vodka. After that kills: a semi-man girl is not even able to resist. Corpse Chikatilo greets the kitchen knife, pieces of the body makes out of the apartment and calmly carries down the street to the place of "Zakonnia". Check it at this moment, the police patrol - and everything would be over. But Andrei Romanovich is lucky again.

For 1989, he makes four more cruel murders. 19 Summer Elena Wargu he kills on the way to his father's birthday on August 19th. Noticing at the stop of a lonely girl, he, in his favorite manner, invites her to himself. However, in the grove, hesitated to the ground and kills. Saving a girl, the maniac is cruelly mocking over the corpse, cuts off his chest, after which the remains in scraps of clothing and ... quietly continues the path for the holiday.

The corpses found by the militiamen are often so worn out that they cannot identify. Even experienced operatives who have seen a lot were horrified by what he saw.

The beginning of a new decade, 1990, becomes the end of the bloody rampage of Maniac Chikatilo. However, before he entered into custody, the serial killer will make another eight blood crime.

On November 3, a corpse of the seventh in that year the victim was chikatilo - 16-year-old Victor Tishchenko. Issa Costaev makes a decision to increase the number of police patrols. Small groups of militiamen in civilian clothes, follow the literally behind each suspicious man, carefully examine the forest belt and seats adjacent to railway stations. But, nevertheless, they cannot prevent the last murder, perfect chikatilo.

The sixth of November, the maniac takes the 22-year-old Svetlana Kostostik from the Leschoz station. He turns her into the forest, where he kills. After it begins to cut off the body of Svetlana pieces of flesh, some eats. Having finished his bloody ritual, Andrey falls asleep to the disadvantaged and the divided corpse of a woman's land and fallen leaves. It would seem that everything is as usual, but Chikatilo commits a puncture, which will cost him freedom (and then life). Returning to the station, he attracts the attention of Sergeant Igor Rybakov: the blood of the victim was left on the cheek and the urine of the ear of the killer. Fishermen makes testing documents, but there is no grounds for arrest of sergeant, and the maniac is again on freedom.

Nevertheless, a meeting with Fishermen played a decisive role in capturing the serial killer from the forest bel. Kosteev came across the message of Rybakov, emerged episode about a man with an inappropriate blood group and a few more episodes associated with killing and Chikatilo. By order of Costoyeva, a special group of disguised aspratimnikov was allocated for surveillance for Andrei Romanovich.

On November 20th, she took away from work: a boy, one of the victims, bitten him for his finger during the struggle, Chikatilo went to see a doctor. By making X-ray (the finger was broken), Andrei Romanovich went to search for victims. At that time, while he tries to lead the boys in the forest, the surveillance group is observed behind him. There is no doubt about Chicatilo. On that day, the maniac was not lucky: one boy took the mother, there was no other to persuade. The killer went to the store - drink a bottle of beer. At the exit of the grocery mortar, three in civilian clothes came to him. "Have you chikatilo?" On the wrists of the maniac, handcuffs snapped.

With you, the maniac had a portfolio in which they found a knife, a piece of rope and a can of Vaseline. After the search of the apartment of Chikatilo, another 23 knives, a hammer and a pair of shoes were found, the trail of which was found near the corpse of one of the victims. Faina Chikatilo refused to believe that the murderer from the forest belt was her own husband, "such a soft, kind, responsive". The spouse wrote to her from the detention facility: "Now I would sit at home and I would pray at you, my sun. And why did God send me to this land - such a tender, gentle, caring, but completely defenseless with his weaknesses? "

After the series began a series of endless interrogations, investigative experiments. Chikatilo was taken across the country, in all cities where he managed to commit murders. Once, when he was taken to place one of the murders, information about this was known to residents of the city of Mine. Mobs of people gathered, and police officers and the prosecutor's office had to urgently cause a riot police so that people would not break the chikatilo. The maniac confessed to his crimes, showed on the mannequin, as he cut, Bil, stifled. However, by the beginning of the court hearing, he refused all his recognition, assuring that he made them under the pressure of law enforcement agencies.

Court of killer began on April 14, 1992. During the process, he was kept in the KGB insulator, carefully guarded: among the relatives of the victims there were employees of the authorities, to the murderer could get in a simple detention facility. Being in court, Chikatilo was locked into a cell-cell that defended him rather from the relatives of the victims than from escape. Speaking at the court, the father of the 11-year-old Ivan Fomina could not express a word for a long time, then she gathered with the Spirit and said: "I have a request for a court. No need to sentence him to death. Do not. Let it be 15 years old. Let less. But then from the KGBAs, where it is hidden so long, he will fall to us. Listen, Chikatilo, what we will do with you: We will repeat everything you did with our children. Chikatilo, we will repeat everything! And you all, on the droplet, you feel - how it hurts ... "

The lawyer Chicatilo showed a client as a seriously ill, unfortunate person who needs urgent help. The maniac himself diligently flew out of himself unbearable: he carried that insulted nonsense, insulted the judge and the prosecutor. Once he lowered his pants and, shaking his cock, said: "..."

Despite all the signs of the maniac, he was sentenced to the highest. The sentence "execution" was met by applause. However, after this, the killer continued to resist justice. Every day in a single chamber, where he was kept, Chikatilo started with charging. And after he wrote complaints to representatives of the law, investigators, a judge. Before making a sentence, Chikatilo wrote a petition for pardon to the president then Russian Federation Yeltsin. But the petition was rejected.

On February 14, 1994, Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo, sentenced to death for 52 deliberate murders, was executed by a shot of the only bullet in the head.

The Soviet Jack Ripper received fame, making fifty-three proven murders mainly in the Rostov region. The offender confessed to fifty six murders, and according to the information of the investigation, they had more than sixty-five fatal attacks.

Biography until 1978

Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo was born in the Kharkiv region of the USSR in 1936. Now the village belongs to the Sumy region of Ukraine. There is information that the criminal was born with signs of hydrocephalus, that is, with an excessive accumulation of fluid in the brain. Up to twelve years suffered from Enuresum, for which the mother often raised his hand on him.

According to Chikatilo himself, his grandfather was a middle peasant, who in the years of collectivization was declared. The father served as a commander of the partisan squad during the war, but he was captured, and later he was recognized as a traitor and the enemy of the people. Released Roman Chikatilo from the captivity Americans. The USSR was subject to repression, worked in the forests of the Komi Republic.

In 1944, Chikatilo became a first-grader, a year earlier he had a sister. During hunger in the USSR in 1946, Andrei was afraid to leave the house, because the mother said that his older brother Stepan in the Holodomor in Ukraine (1932-1933) was kidnapped and eaten. But was it really? There is a version that Stepana ate the father and mother themselves during hunger.

Doubts about the accuracy of this story are expressed. So an American judicial psychologist K. Ramsland believes that there was no documentary evidence of the birth and death of the elder brother. Russian writers paid attention to the fact that investigators and journalists went in the footsteps, but did not find anything. Information about Stepan was not preserved in papers, nor in the memory of fellow villagers. To establish whether Andrei Chikatilo's older brother existed at all, today it is not possible.

To the second sustainable myth of the criminal information about the fact that he, together with other rural boys, was present on the execution of some local residents of the Germans during the war. Soldiers opened fire on running away children. The six-year-old Andrei stumbled and broke his head, but he was taken for the dead and unconsciously threw into a pit with corpses. Chikatilo woke up and was able to get out of the pit, and home returned at dawn. This case had an extremely negative impact on the rapid psyche of the boy. The story has not been proven.

After graduation high School Andrei Chikatilo tried to enter Moscow at the Faculty of Law, but did not pass. He believed that the university refused to him because of the father of the "traitor of the Motherland." After a while he graduated from the Communications School. He worked under the lower tagil on the laying of power lines. After arrived on correspondence training In the Moscow Institute on the Engineer of Railway Transport, but he studied only two years.

In his youth, Andrei Chikatilo was served in the border troops of the USSR in Central AsiaAnd then worked as a telephone in Berlin. After the service, he moved to a small town near Rostov-on-Don, where he worked as an engineer at the telephone exchange. At the same time wrote notes about sports competitions, feats of workers, population census and early new school year. He worked for a freelance correspondent in the newspapers "Banner" and "Miner's Banner".

At twenty-eight years, I met Faini (Evdokia) ODECH, who had already become his wife in a year. After marriage, Andrei entered the Faculty of Philology in Rostov (in absentia). The university graduated in 1970 (the direction of "Russian language and literature"). By this time he already had two children: Lyudmila's daughter was born in 1965, and Son Yuriy - in 1969.

While studying at the University, Andrei Chikatilo was appointed Chairman of the District Committee of Physical Education and Sports, and in 1970 he graduated in absentia by the University of Marxism-Leninism. In August 1970, immediately after graduating from a higher educational institution, he was hired to work as a boarding school, but the first of September of the same year became a simple teacher in his specialty. Then he once performed the duties of the director. He was fired for sexual harassment to students with the wording "at their own request."

In 1974 he began working as a master in vocational school, but was fired during a reduction. In 1978, he moved with his family to the city of Shakhty, and from September he went to work in vocational school number 33. Soon the pupil began to continue, for which she was subjected to students. Andrei Chikatilo was called "Blue" and "Onanist."

In the future, psychiatrists made a conclusion that during the time pedagogical activity He began to experience sexual plan from feeling and looking at girls and boys, and the excitement increased with the resistance and screams of the partner. He had a weak erection and accelerated ejaculation, there was a tendency to Sadizm. His actions were gradually freed from the experiences, the coldness increased in the emotional plan.

The murder of Elena Zaktnova

The case of the murder of Helena Zaktnova, the first victim of Maniac Andrei Chikatilo, became one of the most discussed and contradictory both in the Soviet and Russian forensic. The murder of a nine-year-old girl with special cruelty occurred at the end of December 1978 in the city of Shakhty. The corpse was discovered next to the bridge over the river.

The examination showed that the killer committed a sexual act in various forms, causing the girl heavy gaps of the rectum and vagina. Three knife injuries were caused, but death came from suffocation mechanically. Lena was killed on his disappearance (parents appealed to the law enforcement authorities on December 22) not earlier than eighteen hours. At the time of death, the girl studied in the second grade.

In the hottest tracks, the consequence was conducted by checking local residents. The killer Andrei Chikatilo was already in the field of vision of the police. According to the testimony of the witness, the man was seen with the girl on the street. The photomobot was promptly compiled, in which the Director of PTU identified Chikatilo. The development of this version of the crime was soon completed in connection with the detention of Alexei Kravchenko. The investigation went on a false path.

Alexander Kravchenko was first convicted for committing a crime, and later, after clarifying all the circumstances and details of the criminal case, the suspicion was presented with Andrei Chikatilo. Alexander Kravchenko was previously convicted of rape and killing a ten-year-old child. He had an Alibi on the day of the murder, but on December 23 he made theft. Kravchenko put into the camera with a drug addict and a killer who beat him, forcing him to confess the murder of Helena Zaktnova. In the sixteenth of February 1979, a man confessed to murder. In July 1983, Alexander Kravchenko was shot.

As a result, both convictions were canceled. Until now, it remains unknown who accurately accomplished these crimes. Perhaps a judicial error occurred.

In this case there was another suspect - Anatoly Grigoriev. The fifty-year-old native of the city of the mine hanged himself in 1979. On the eve of the New Year, he boasted to colleagues, which raped "a girl about which was written in newspapers." The workers knew that in a drunk he was "waking up a fantasy", so I reacted to the story is not serious.

The beginning of a series of murders

After his first murder over the next three years, Andrei Chikatilo did not kill anyone. He decided to make a criminal activity again after making an indictment Alexander Kravchenko. In September 1981, Chikatilo strangled a seventeen-year-old prostitute, having previously stamped her mouth with mud. The body of the girl was discovered on the bank of the Don next to the "Nairi" cafe. Larisa Tkachenko was covered with nipples. The examination found that the vagina and anus of the girl the rapist was inserted a half-one-step stick.

A year later, Andrei Romanovich Chikatilo killed twelve-year-old L. Boruk. In 1982, the maniac in total killed seven children with age from nine to sixteen. With victims, he acquainted at bus stops, stations. Under the faithful pretext, he lured children in the forest belt. Always passed with his victims a couple of kilometers, removing in a secluded and deserted place.

On bodies found knife injuries. Many have been cut off or bought parts of the body. The first victim Andrei Chikatilo tied his eyes with a scarf, and then scic than them. He was afraid that his image would remain on the retina. In general, a man was afraid to look into the eyes of people, in particular with his victims.

Psychiatrist and psychoanalysts based on the case materials found that a criminal has a strong sexual attraction and a tendency to cruel manifestations of sadism. Pedophilia and masturbation no longer brought him former satisfaction. Against the background of this, pronounced deviations were formed. Murders were made with special rigidity, manifestations of cannibalism, necrophilia, vampirism.

"Case of Fools"

In 1983, the investigation united several murders of women in one production. The initial version - crimes are made by a mentally ill person. In this regard, there was a check of persons who were registered in mental hospitals. In September of the same year, Shaburov was detained in the depot tram, which suffered mental retardation. The detainee said that, together with his comrade, a car hijacked and several killings of children committed. The investigation was obtained by the conditional name "Case of Fools".

The detainees gave testimony about alleged crimes, but were confused in detail, and also recognized in the murders committed after their arrest. At the same time, the murders continued. In September 1983, Chikatilo killed the unknown near Novoshakhtinsk, and then four more people. On suspicion of committing these crimes, several more psychologically patients were detained. According to the investigation, they were members of the same grouping. The detainees continued to confess, but the murders continued.

Peak criminal activity

The peak of Maniac's activities came in 1984. Then the victims of Andrei Chikatilo became fifteen people, and the total number of those killed reached thirty-two people. In July, he killed nineteen-year-old Anna Lemeshev. During the attack, the girl had resistance, but the killer inflicted her numerous injuries, including about ten shots in the region of the mammary glands and pubis. In the future, the investigators found that the criminal removed with the victim of clothes, cut off the genitals and threw them away, and the Makeup of Sgzzz. Photo of the victims of Andrei Chikatilo appeared in all newspapers.

In August of the same year, a man moved to the position of head of the supply of "Spec EnergyAutomatics". This work was associated with permanent business trips. Andrei Chikatilo drove around the country. During the first business trip to Tashkent, the criminal killed a young woman and a ten-year-old girl. The rest of the murders were committed in Rostov-on-Don, mainly near the boarding house. " Silent Don."And in the park of aviators.

Arrest Andrei Chikatilo

The maniac was detained in mid-September 1984 in the central market. In the evening of the previous day, the man attracted the attention of law enforcement agencies by his behavior at the suburban station. By that time, the bodies of the seven of his victims were found in this place.

The captain of the police, who conducted the detention, the week had previously checked the documents chikatilo in the same place. He led to observing the criminal who transplanted from one transport to another, followed the young girls and praised them, he was engaged in oral sex with a prostitute.

In the portfolio of the detainee, a knife was discovered, two ropes, a vaseline, a dirty towel and a piece of soap. Andrei Chikatilo could explain the presence of these things with the work of the supplier. Vaseline, as he pointed out, was used by them for shaving on business trips. A fake certificate of police officer (out of the state) was found in the portfolio.

The detainees took blood for analysis, but the group did not coincide with the sperm, which was discovered on one of the corpses. Later, they were explained by the "paradoxic separation". Chicatille let go.

Later, he was excluded from the CPSU and sentenced to the year forced work for the stealing of the battery. He also imputed theft of linoleum, but it was not proved. The killer was released after three months, in December 1984. After the first arrest, Andrei Chikatilo killed another twenty-one person.

Operation of "Lesopolos"

Murders in the forest belt continued. According to this fact, under the control of the Central Committee of the CPSU, a large operation of the Lesopolos began. This is the biggest event that has ever been conducted by the Soviet and Russian law enforcement authorities.

During the search operation, more than two hundred thousand people checked for killings, more than a thousand crimes disclosed, accumulated information about almost 50 thousand people with sexual disabilities. War helicopters were used to patrol the forest bar. The search for the killer cost the state about ten million rubles (1990 prices).

The head of the special group appealed to the psychotherapist so that psychological picture maniac. The specialist made a conclusion that the criminal is an ordinary Soviet citizen, and not a sick person. Most likely, he has a family and children. The versions that the maniac is mentally sick or homosexual rejected. Then Andrei Chikatilo, whose biography (if you exclude crimes) and the truth was the history of the usual life soviet man, got the nickname "Citizen X".

Police officers constantly drove by train. Law enforcement agencies fully controlled the track of Taganrog - Donetsk - Rostov - Salsk. Chikatilo participated in this operation, duty at the suburban train stations, because he was a warriot. In 1986, he became more careful. Then the criminal did not kill anyone. The following year killed only outside the Rostov region. Murders continued. The victims of Andrei Chikatilo were found in Zaporizhia, Domodedovo, Ilovaisk, in the Leningrad region and so on.

Psychological picture

Psychological portrait of Chikatilo took eighty-five pages of typewritten text. According to this document, the criminal did not suffer from mental retardation or psychosis, and was ordinary personwho trusted the victims. He had a clear plan, which he strictly adhered. Boys for the criminal performed with "symbolic objects", on which he smelled humiliation and resentment. To get satisfaction, he needed to observe the death of his innocent victims.

According to a psychological portrait, Andrei Chikatilo's growth was above average, he was in good physical form. Most likely, he was an impotent. Sliced \u200b\u200bparts of the body saved her victims. The age of the criminal was evaluated within the borders from 25 to 40 years. The investigation was inclined that the killer from 45 to 50 - at this time sexual disorders are most often developing.

Second arrest and court

In 1990, Chikatilo killed eight more people. One of the victims became a prostitute Svetlana Kostostik. Immediately after the crime, he was noticed by a police officer who asked to provide documents. There was no formal reason for arrest, so the policeman released the criminal. A few days later, a corpse of a girl was discovered near that place.

Chikatilo came out after checking reports of law enforcement officers who were on duty on that day nearby. The investigation requested the last name, because he had already been delayed on suspicion of murder in the forest belt. For Chikatilo, observation was established, which found that it often appeared in places where the corpses were found.

Arrested the killer in November 1990. He went to the clinic, and then in the kiosk for beer or kvass, and was arrested when he was trying to get acquainted with a minor boy.

Chicatilo was interrogated for ten days. There were no direct evidence, but he himself did not confess. Then the investigation appealed to the psychiatrist, who agreed to talk with the detainees. After a long conversation with the doctor Andrei Chikatilo burst up and immediately made recognition. The psychiatrist then noted that during the conversation he did not resort to hypnosis, and the maniac himself was confessed during the competent crimes.

Materials in the case of Andrei Chikatilo occupied 220 volumes. They accused him of fifty six killings, but only fifty-three of them managed to prove completely. The documents were attached photo of the victims of Andrei Chikatilo, the investigation prepared a powerful evidence base. The lawyer tried to build protection on the fact that his client was a sick person who needs help. About Andrey Chikatilo then wrote all the newspapers.

The criminal himself was placed in the iron cell, fearing the sophob by his native victims. During the meetings, he tried to imagine himself crazy: shouted, insulted those present, expressed the genitals, argued that he was waiting for a child and breastfeed. According to the results of the consideration of the case, Andrei Chikatilo (photos from the court are presented in the article) sentenced to shooting. The word "execution" caused applause in the courtroom.

Execution of Andrei Chikatilo

Waiting for executions in the prison chamber, Chikatilo did a charge, he fed well, did not smoke. He wrote numerous complaints and petition about pardon in the name of Boris Yeltsin. The criminal tried to set himself a victim of the communist system. In February, Andrei Chikatilo (the photo of the execution of which is not exhibited by ethical considerations) delivered to Moscow to a new survey. On February 14, 1994, he was executed by a shot in the head. He is buried as a prison messenger in Novocherkassk cemetery. Photo of the execution of Andrei Chikatilo preserved, perhaps only in the internal archives.

After the execution of a psychotherapist, who worked with the criminal and amounted to his psychological portrait, turned to law enforcement agencies in order to get the Manyak brain for research. He hoped to find the origins of the effect of Andrei Chikatilo - a mental disorder that encouraged this person to make brutal crimes. The doctor was denied, because at that time the death penalty was shot in the head.

Sexual violence

With the first and last arrest, the same set of objects was detected in the portfolio of Chikatilo. Later, the criminal confessed that she used these things to rape his victims. But many experts who participated in the case, argued that he never raped the victims, because he was an impotent. Some Russian writers and journalists expressed the opinion that he was nekrophil, but this was not proven by the official consequence for the insufficiency of the evidence base.

Clamping maniac

Three examinations confirmed the imagination of Chikatilo (the photo of the criminal is presented in the article). However, this could be dictated by the desire of doctors to save society from the killer, whom (in case of recognition of mentally ill) were not shot, but sent for forced treatment. After some time, he could be on freedom again. Andrei Chikatilo's crimes were brutally, the investigation could not assume that a person would remain free after treatment. At the same time, some witnesses said that the killer is clearly mentally abnormal.

Paradoxic separation

In the sentence of the court, the long-term closer to the maniac was explained by the "paradoxic separation", and not errors of the investigation. So, according to the system Av0, his sperm and blood did not coincide according to the group. The blood group was second, but in sperm traces of the antigen, but, which gave a complete reason to believe that the killer has a fourth group. For this reason, Chikatilo was released in 1984 without additional examination. Today it is proved that "paradoxical excitation" does not exist. This phenomenon would contradict the basics of the AV0 system. The phenomenon is due to the bacterial contamination of the objects under study.

Family Manyaka

Photo Andrei Chikatilo show the usual Soviet citizen, not a sick person. In this matter, there are many different opinions in general. On the advice of the investigation, all family members of Chikatilo appealed to the registry office with statements about the change of surnames, and after they moved to Kharkov. The wife of Feodosia Semenovna ODECHEV worked as the head of the kindergarten, but after everyone learned about the crimes of her husband, I had to forget about the career. In order to obtain a residential area in 1989, a woman fictitiously broke up with her husband. In the future, worked as a market realizer.

The daughter of Lyudmila first married in the ninety year, but gave birth to a daughter only in the second marriage. Andrei Chikatilo's son served in Afghanistan, was injured. Then he worked at the factory in Novocherkassk. In 1990, he took part in the plundering of the shutows by 10 thousand dollars, for which he received two years conditionally. In 1996 she was engaged in a racket. Was sentenced to two colony. Once again was convicted in 1998. After lived with the mother on the outskirts of Kharkov. Was convicted in 2009. Twelve years served for a total of twelve years. His son Andrei called in honor of his grandfather.

The rapist and killer Andrei Chikatilo during a court meeting.

The life of Andrei Chikatilo to the first murder in 1978 was typical of a person born in 1936 in the village of Kharkiv region. Father Roman fought on the front, during the hunger did not leave the house, fearing to be eaten. Young chikatilo got a few higher education, served in the army in the army of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 1964, the future maniac married, and several years later - his daughter and son had born.

In one of the houses in the city of Shakhty, where Chicatilo moved with his wife and two children in 1978, he acquired an apartment that I used for meetings with prostitutes. It was there, in the house number 26 on the landline and the first brutal crime was committed, Chikatilo. So, still the future maniac lured 9-year-old Elena Celebration into the house with the promise to give chewing gum. According to Chikatilo himself, he wanted only to "coat" with the child. However, when the girl shouted, the maniac began to choke the child and received great pleasure from this. As a result, 9-year-old Elena was found explored under the bridge with numerous internal injuries, knife wounds.

For the first murder, Chikatilo was mistakenly executed by the killer Alexander Kravchenko.

The next cruel crime is only three years later - September 3, 1981. The second, and the sign for the further series of killings, the victim was the 17-year-old prostitute Larisa Tkachenko, killed in a forest belt on the left bank of the Don.

In almost a year, June 12, 1982, 12-year-old Lyubov Biryuk was killed, found with a large number of knife wounds. That year, Chikatilo, a total of killed and raped seven children aged 9 to 19 years old.

The doctor and nurse, constantly on duty in the courtroom at meetings in the case of the rapist and killer Andrei Chikatilo, because during the process there were cases of fainting.

Leonid Akubzhanov, a member of the Rostov Regional Court, presiding for the case of the rapist and killer Andrei Chikatilo.

I get acquainted with the child at a stop or train station, the maniac offered to help show the road, give the brand, demonstrate a puppy or a tape recorder, thereby lubricating in the forest belt, where cruelly washed over boys and girls.

Thus, on July 25, the 14-year-old love Volobuev was killed, and on August 13, 9-year-old Oleg Indulsion. Three days later, Chikatilo killed 16-year-old Olga Kuprina, and on September 8th, a 19-year-old Irina Shippetnikov was pushing with his parents. Sergey Kuzmina who escaped from the boarding school of 15-year-old Syrothe kicatilo killed on September 15. And the last murder in 1982 was committed over 10-year-old Olga Stelmachenok. Eight children "Rostov Ripper" killed in 1983.

The relative of the victim of Andrei Chikatilo, the rapist and the killer, became bad in the courtroom during the meeting.

However, the very bloody for Andrei Chikatilo became the 1984th year - then he brutally killed 15 people. Among the 32 total numbers of the victims were women, boys, girls who were mentally retarded, vagabonds.

The first arrest of Chikatilo took place on September 14, 1984, the same year was marked for a maniac with the very bloody (15 victims) and successful in his career - then he entered the position of head of the Special Energy Authority department.

The district inspector with his partner in the Rostov market was detained by a non-painted maniac for "suspicious behavior" - he pester to girls in public transport And persistently tried to meet them, he was engaged in oral sex at the bus station with a prostitute. Then the precincts discovered in the portfolio of Chikatilo "Universal Set": a knife, a vaseline jar, a piece of soap and two ropes. However, due to the error in the analysis of sperm found on one of the victims, and taken from the detained blood, the maniac was released.

After her first arrest, Chikatilo killed another 21 people. Each crime records the originality and sophistication of the criminal. At the disheveled bodies, it was discovered up to sixty knife wounds, many Chicatilo scattered his eyes, boned their noses, languages, genitals, chest. In 1989, the maniac lured a 19-year-old student from Hungary in the forest belt, killed, cut off his chest, the uterus, cut off the soft fabrics of her face and wrapped the "trophies" in the fragments of the deceased girl, went on his father's birthday. According to some information, Chikatilo later used the remnants of the killed in food, as a dessert. And he buried the 10-year-old Alexei Hobotova in the grave at the city cemetery, which Andrei Chikatilo his own pulled out for himself in 1987. Some murders maniac did not only in the hometown of the mine, but in the Leningrad region, near Rostov-on-Don, in Novocherkassk, Tashkent, Moscow region.

The last detected murder was committed on November 6, 1990, a 22-year-old prostitute Svetlana Kostostik.

In December 1985, it began under the control of the CPSU Central Committee, the Operation of the Lesopolos, called the largest event of Soviet and Russian law enforcement agencies. About 10 million rubles were spent on the search for the "Rostovsky Ripper". During this time, military helicopters were used, more than 200 thousand people were checked, 1062 crimes revealed, accumulated information by 48 thousand people with sexual deviations, and 5845 people put on a special.

As a result, on November 20, 1990, on the road from beer stall, Chikatilo was detained by operatives. When searching in his house, shoes were found coinciding with a print found near the corpse of one of the victims, as well as 32 kitchen knives. Perhaps Chikatilo used the victims of: The maniac's wife told that her spouse was usually taken on a business trip to the saucepan.

With the help of a psychiatrist on November 28, Chikatilo began to testify and recognize in committed murders. October 15, he was sentenced to death penalty (The total sentence document contains 232 sheets).

July 18, 1992 Andrei Chikatilo sent last letter With a request for pardon by Russian President Boris Yeltsin. There, Chikatilo calls himself a "victim and an instrument" of communism, calls himself a sick person with "psychopathy of a schizo-mosaic circle with sexual perversions, headaches from cranial and brain pressure, insomnia, nightmares, heart arrhythmias." However, the request was canceled, and on February 14, 1994, Andrei Chikatilo for the court sentence for 53 deliberate murders was executed in the Novocherkassian prison.

Almost every person, having heard the surname of "Chikatilo," immediately recall the story of a terrible and ruthless maniac, whose acts in the twentieth century stood the whole world.

So far, there was a consequence, the arrested criminal was in a single chamber. Most investigators were confident that if Chikatilo would expect a solution in one room with thieves, he would simply not survive. The reason for this is bloodthirstiness, groundlessness and immorality of the deed. Even the criminal world does not accept sadists and strictly punishes such perverted killings.

What exactly did the usual, seemingly a man on a similar murder? Why did the usual boy from the village turned into the most terrible, merciless and frightening killer, which is still talking to the whole world?

"The killers are not born, but become" with this expression sign everyone. Most often aggression and all kinds of perversions are a consequence of children's offensive, problems and complexes. The biography of Andrei Chikatilo is another confirmation of the statement known for the whole world.

"Soviet Jack Ripper" was born on October 16, 1936. The boy grew and studied in his native village of Apple, which at the moment belongs to the Sumy region. Many argue that Andrei had a congenital neurological disease - hydrocephalus. The problems indicated the incontinence of urine even in a relatively adult age. The incontinence has become one of the main reasons for the ease of the mother.

Father the guy did not particularly remember, because after returning from captivity, the man equated to the traitor and repressed. Chikatilo went to school in 1944. Suffering during educational process Intensified. The boy was the object of constant ridicule. Because of constantly constraint, he could not normally learn, was afraid to ask questions to teachers and attract attention.

Children's psyche continued to break the stories of the mother about terrible hunger, during which the elder brother Andrei was eaten. Because of the terrible fear of being caught the guy stopped going outside in 1946, when hunger came to the Soviet Union. Permanent self-control and complexes have always strangle him impulses and did not allow to feel relief.

Chicatilo graduated from school in 1954 and tried to enroll in Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov. The refusal was argued by the fact that the graduate did not pass through the competition. But Andrei did not believe the said. The guy lived with the brain of the "son of the traitor and a traitor," he was sure that the reason lies in this. Despite the refusal of Chikatilov believed in his significance. As a result, he received technical specialty.

In the period from 1957 to 1960, the future serial killer have to survive a number of new problems. All this time, Andrei served in the army. There, he again turned out to be the cause of ridicule, bullying and even sexual perversions from colleagues.

The inability to remove stress, constant voltage and injustice of the surroundings bombed in Chikatilo hatred to the whole world. He could not give delivery to peers, but she gladly suppressed more weak people. This was evidenced by the situation that occurred with him in the tenth grade.

A few months before the execution

That day, the teenager first experienced an orgasm. The ejaculation did not occur during sexual intercourse, namely at the time of use of force. Having visited the yard Chikatilo girl intended to entered him to conflict, continuing to annoy the young man for some time. Without sustaining, Andrei pushed her to the ground. He did not have to do any manipulations or undressing a 13-year-old guest. Ordinary perturbed cries gave an unexpected result.

Chikatilo was very hard worried about this situation. Despite the experiences, psychologists do not get tired to insist on the fact that it was the first time "Rostov Rutter" felt his power and power over a weak girl.

Education and work

After the army, the educated Andrei moved to Rostov-on-Don, in the settlement of Rodionov-Nesbetayskaya. He combined the work by an engineer with a creative profession. In parallel, Chikatilo wrote articles for the regional newspaper "Banner". These classes have not brought pleasure and the desired satisfaction.

In search of yourself a man entered extramural in Rostov University And finished it. Five years later received another education. University of Marxism-Leninism with pedagogical Institute allowed to borrow senior positions in educational institutions and teach. It was here that Andrei Chikatilo's path began, behind which the blended traces of children's victims stretched.

Chairman of the district committee physical culture And sports (1965) became the first job, from which the future killer enjoyed. Communication with adolescents, observation of them and the study of child psychology - it all interested him. Interest in the younger generation gradually increased.

Already in 1979, he was able to join the boarding school number 32. The teacher of the Russian language and literature, the head and even the director - Chikatilo managed to visit all these posts. Despite such rapid career growth, the man had to quit. The reason for this was the complaints of two students for harassment from his part.

After leaving the school "At your own request", the man took the position of Master of Production Training in Novoshakhtinsky GPTU-39. Here he is delayed for four years.

In 1978, the teacher with his family moves into Rostov region. - City of the mine. Chikatilo Andrei Romanovich is arranged to work in GPTU-33 as an educator.

In court

It cannot hide the inner gusts and interest in the younger children. Now the teacher was interested not only by girls. Pretty boys delivered him pleasure and pleasure. Similar hobbies and practicing onanism did not remain unnoticed students. The children laughed and frankly mocked Chikatilo, beat and called him "pedophile", "blue".

Personal life

Andrei Chikatilo was married and raised two children. Even after the first incident with a 13-year-old girl, he promised himself to make love only with his wife.

He suppressed sexual desires and passion until 1962. It was at that time that Andrei meets the girlfriend of his native sister Faine, who after a year and a half becomes his wife. The spouse is close to his man during all his career victories and falls.

The first son of Fainy and Chikatilo dies immediately after childbirth. A year later, a woman gives her husband a daughter Lyudmila, and in 1969 (four years later) in their family a boy Yuri appears in their family.

In the family life, Chikatilo was everything smoothly and calmly. The wife, having learned about all his acts, could not believe the heard. Her quiet, digestible, hard working and responsive husband, the father of two children could not cruelly straighten with the children, and after returning home and play with his own daughter and son.

A sutured, modest, well-read and a soft man who thought close to, could not be offended by even flies, cruelly and mercilessly killed children over the years. Looking at the photo Chikatilo, it is difficult to call it mentally unbalanced and frightening.

He instilled fear in the hearts of the parents of all of the USSR. For ten years, operational services have tried to calculate the maniac, mother and fathers everywhere accompanied their children, moreover, the authorities managed to shoot innocent Alexander Kravchenko in the death of the first victim chikatilo.

First murder

The first victim of Chikatilo became a nine-year-old girl Elena Zaktnova. This murder visually showed the rapist what exactly makes him happy and satisfied. The murder of Elena Zaktnova was accused of a completely different person - Alexander Kravchenko.

The first victim of Elena Zaktnova and condemned Alexander Kravchenko

The fact that this girl was the first victim, told Chikatilo himself during the investigation:

"After we went to Mazanka, I hired on the girl. She screamed, and I pushed her mouth with my hands ... These screams brought my excitement to extreme point. I wanted to constantly suck and tear. When I stole her, she hoarse. It was at this point that I experienced the brightest orgasm in my life "- in his interview, the serial killer was frank.

After a case with a girl, Chikatilo restrained for three years. The tension was accumulated, and the desire to repeat those "bright feeling" only intensified.

Murder and arrest

1982 became the beginning of a terrible nightmare and fatal for each resident Soviet Union. Fear does not give rest to parents and children. Police officers every month (and sometimes several times) visit the forest belt to identify new corpses.

The criminal is brutally and pervertedly killed every of his victims: he cut off the testicles, women's semi The nipples agitated and cut out their genitals, the tongue, the clothes of the victims of the victims and scattered around the district, caused a numerous amount of knife wounds, scattered his eyes and perverted methods carried out sexual acts (with the help of sticks and other technicrafts).

The cause of such cruelty and hate to the genital organs was his insecurity. Chikatilo felt an infallible impotent that could receive pleasure from observing the flour of his victims.

For the first time, the criminal and maniac detained in 1984. Plot inspector alerted the behavior of a man. He was overly excited, patted to adolescents. The contents of the suitcase (knife, rope, dirty towel, vaseline) confirmed concerns.

The main evidence that could confirm or refute the guilt of the criminal, there were traces of sperm. Unfortunately, then medicine was not so developed, because it was believed that the sperm group should coincide with the blood group. The feature of Chikatilo (the incomprehension of these two analyzes) played him for the benefit. Soon, due to the lack of evidence, the man was recognized as innocent and let go.

The killer was released and for the six years continued to make his merciless atrocities. When the crimes continued, the operatives began for the operation of the "Lesopolos". Law enforcement officers have been hunting for a thoughtful maniac for several years. And only in 1990, Chikatilo managed to delay. After another killing, the maniac came to the station station, where he was detained by the police sergeant. A young man asked a man to present documents. Without noticing anything suspicious, the police officer recorded the name "Chikatilo" and let him go.

Finding the corpse led to the revision of all documents over the past week. Faced with a familiar name "Chikatilo", operatives began to plan the mission of the interception. Caught Maniac when he returned home from the store. The man began to speak only for the tenth day from the date of detention.

Court sentence

At the trial of 1992, the killer was accused of 56 murders, and in several dozen crimes of his fault was not proved. Chikatili was sentenced to shooting, which satisfied every person sitting in the hall. The furious parents dreamed of committing self-seeming, and only a high iron cell was saved from this maniac. Singing a criminal in a Novocherkassian prison.

He wrote a large number of letters to the president, asked about the pardon and the preservation of his life. All requests were rejected. February 14, 1994, the bloodthirsty sadist, the desire of children and women Andrei Chikatilo was executed by a shot in the head.

Currently, this sadist and pervert have never ceased to speak. Films and numerous transmissions that tell about the history of the child's clogged, which turned into a real monster was removed.

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