The village where Peter 1 comprehended military sciences. Promotion and training

Received no education other than simple literacy and some historical information... His amusements were of a childish military character. The situation in his life gave him several difficult impressions. As a tsar, at the same time he was under disgrace from the age of 10 and with his mother had to live in amusing villages near Moscow, and not in the Kremlin Palace. Such a sad situation deprived him of the opportunity to receive the correct further education and at the same time freed him from the fetters of court etiquette. Lacking spiritual food, but having a lot of time and freedom, Peter himself had to look for activities and entertainment. One might think that the mother never embarrassed her beloved only son and that Peter's educator, Prince Boris Golitsyn, did not follow his every step. We do not see that Peter is particularly subservient to the mother's authority in his tastes and occupations, that Peter is occupied by others. He himself chooses his comrades from a close circle of courtiers and servants of the tsarina's court, and he himself with these comrades seeks fun for himself. Peter's adolescence was marked by self-activity, and this self-activity went in two directions: 1) Peter still indulged in military amusements, 2) Peter strove for self-education.

Soldiers of the "amusing regiments" of Peter I in the circle (tavern). Painting by A. Ryabushkin, 1892

Since 1683, instead of "amusing children" near Peter, we see "amusing shelves" ("amusing", because they stood in amusing villages, and not because they served only for fun). In November 1683 Peter begins to form Preobrazhensky regiment of eager people (up to recent years Peter remembered that the first hunter was the court groom Sergei Bukhvostov). With regard to this amusing regiment, Peter was not a sovereign, but a comrade-in-arms, who studied military affairs on an equal basis with other soldiers. With the permission, of course, of the mother and with the approval, perhaps, of B. Golitsyn (even, perhaps with some of his assistance), Peter, as they say, both day and night with his amusing ones. Maneuvers and small campaigns are being undertaken, a funny fortress is being built on the Yauza (1685), called Presburg, in a word, military science is practically studied not according to the old Russian models, but according to the order of regular soldier's service, which was in the 17th century. was borrowed by Moscow from the West. These military "fun" require military supplies and Money, which are released to Peter from the Moscow orders. Sophia's government does not see any danger for itself in such "fun of Mars" and does not interfere with the development of amusing troops. It was frightened of these troops later, when a solid military force... But Peter grew this strength unhindered. One should not think that Peter amused himself with one courtyard servant. Together with him in the ranks of the amusing were his comrades from the upper strata of society. Standing outside the court etiquette, Peter interfered with noble people and commoners in one "squad", in the words of S. M. Solovyov, and from this squad unconsciously prepared for himself a circle of devoted employees in the future. Military affairs and the personality of Peter united the heterogeneous aristocratic and democratic elements into one society with one direction. While this society was amused, it later began to work with Peter.

Somewhat later than Peter's war games were organized, a conscious desire to learn aroused in him. Self-study somewhat distracted Peter from exclusively military amusements, broadened his mental horizons and practical activities... Deprived of a proper education, Peter, however, grew up in a circle that was far from completely ignorant. The Naryshkins from Matveyev's house brought some acquaintance with Western culture. The son of AS Matveev, close to Peter, was educated in a European way. Peter had a German doctor. In a word, not only was there no national isolation, but there was a certain habit of the Germans, acquaintance with them, sympathy for the West. This habit and sympathy passed on to Peter and facilitated his rapprochement with foreigners and their science. This rapprochement happened around 1687 in this way: in the preface to the Maritime Regulations, Peter himself says that Prince. Ya. Dolgoruky brought him an astrolabe as a gift from abroad, and no one knew how to cope with a foreign instrument; then they found Petra knowledgeable person, Dutchman Franz Timmermann, who explained that to use the astrolabe you need to know geometry and other sciences. From this Timmerman, Peter "was much more eager to learn geometry and fortification." At the same time, he found in the village of Izmailovo an old English boat lying in a barn. Timmerman explained to Peter that on this boat you can walk against the wind, maneuver (which the Russians did not know how). Peter became interested and found a man (like Timmerman - from the German settlement), the Dutchman Karsten-Brant, who began to teach Peter how to sail. First they studied at the narrow Yauza, and then - in the village of Izmailovo on a pond.

"The grandfather of the Russian fleet". Franz Timmerman shows the boat to Peter I. Painting by G. Myasoedov, before 1911

The art of navigation captivated Peter so much that it became a passion in him. He took the study of this case very seriously. In 1688, dissatisfied with the fact that there was nowhere to swim near Moscow, he transferred his fun to Lake Pereyaslavskoe (over 100 miles north of Moscow). Mother agreed to Peter's departure, and Peter began to build ships in Pereyaslavl with the help of Dutch craftsmen. At this time, he did not want to know anything except mathematics, military science and ship fun. But he was already 17 years old, he was very developed both physically and mentally. His mother had the right to expect that the son, who had reached the age of majority, would pay attention to state affairs and remove the hated Miloslavskys from them. But Peter was not interested in this and did not think to give up his studies and fun for politics. To settle him down, his mother married (January 27, 1689) to Evdokia Fedorovna Lopukhina, to whom Peter had no attraction. Obeying the will of his mother, Peter got married, but some month after the wedding he left for Pereyaslavl from his mother and wife to the ships. But in the summer of this 1689 he was summoned by his mother to Moscow, because a struggle with the Miloslavskys was inevitable.

Amusing troops were provided to the young Tsarevich Peter in 1682, when the boy was 10 years old. It was with these troops that the future emperor mastered the basics of the art of war. V modern history much is said about the "funny", but for some reason little attention is paid to the specifics of this training of the king, during which thousands of ordinary people died. Historians focus only on the positive, completely forgetting that every coin has two sides. And there is a huge amount of evidence of the opposite, hard-hitting side in the literature. In today's article we will look at the amusing shelves of Peter 1 from various points of view in order to understand the specifics of this phenomenon, the main thing is to pay attention to the fact that history textbooks are silent.

Childhood years and military fun

Since 1682, Peter has been actively engaged in "amusing". A whole regiment was recruited at his disposal, and the prince began to learn to command adults, mastering military affairs. At this time, all the fun was extremely peaceful. The shotguns were loaded with blank shells, and the guns were fired with peas or turnips.

The changes took place in 1685, when a small city was built on the Yauza, which Peter himself called the “capital city of Presburg”. From that moment on, funny games have changed. Now one army was on the defensive in the city, while the other army was on the attack. Often the young prince attacked peaceful people: passing merchants, boyars and others. And this is not a fiction! All these stories are described in the stories of Alexei Tolstoy and are simply striking in their cruelty.

... At this time, they began to teach the troops to shoot cast-iron bombs. They taught conscientiously. Fyodor Sommer, whom Peter appointed general of the amusing troops, did not want to receive money just like that. It was no longer fun or a game. In the teachings, they killed many livestock in the fields and crippled hundreds of people in the villages ...

Alexey Tolstoy

At the same time, the number of troops increased markedly. Even two real regiments are being formed: Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky.

Adult fun

Time passed, Peter grew up, but his attraction to the amusing troops (where he was a real commander in chief!) Did not weaken. Moreover, since 1686, the "army" has been replenished with real men who are liable for military service. As a result, a number of tasks were solved:

  • Peter 1 received good skills in real command and control of troops. Moreover, he received these skills from childhood, which was very important.
  • In the framework of miniature battles, the future king honed tactics and military skills, which later came in handy.

Of course, all this is very important and necessary, but at what cost did Peter achieve military literacy? Every year the fun became more and more dangerous and large-scale. The amusing battle of 1694 is indicative.

An example of a funny battle

In the fall of 1694, the Kozhukhovskaya amusing operation was carried out. For its implementation, the amusing regiments were supplemented by soldiers from the active army. The troops were divided into two groups:

  • "Russian Army". The commander was Fyodor Romodanovsky. At his disposal were the Semenovsky, Preobrazhensky and Butyrsky regiments. In the army, the soldier Peter Alekseev (one of the pseudonyms of the young tsarevich) stood out, who performed a glorious feat in battle and captured the enemy general. This army numbered about 9000 people.
  • "Polish Army". The commander was Ivan Baturin. At his disposal were 7,500 people, most of whom were brought from the active army, for the "amusement" of the young tsar.

The "Poles" were defending the fortress - the "Russians" were advancing. It all ended with the complete victory of the Russian army. At the same time, during the battle there were the following losses: 24 people were killed and 50 were wounded. This is written in detail in many sources, including Boris Kurakin.

Peter was simply delighted with the battle. What a scale, how many people! And the losses were not taken into account. These are the "fun".

Several times a year, Peter's amusing troops practiced an attack on settlements... The king chose one of the villages as a "victim" and the assault began. An ordinary village in which they lived ordinary people and went about their day to day business. And suddenly an army appears and "fun" begins: the fields are burned, people are killed (of course, all for fun and not for the sake of malice).

Funny shelves for many years they were the favorite brainchild of Peter. Even at the moment when he became Tsar of Russia and was completely absorbed in state affairs, he devoted a long time to his children's amusements.

Airborne troops emerged from the so-called Petrov's regiment, which was formed by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich and named after his regimental commander - colonel to give the future emperor's games a more correct character, since the tsar noticed in his brisk, agile and energetic son a special attraction to military affairs. Petrov regiment was dressed in green uniforms, had banners, guns and was equipped with all sorts of regimental things. The tsarevich himself was appointed regimental commander - colonel, in accordance with this he was reported on all the needs of the regiment, and orders were also demanded from him. The sovereign personally watched the orders of the four-year-old commander and directed his actions. For the amusing Petrov regiment, a small fortification city was built, which Peter himself called the "Capital City of Presburg".

The name "amusing" was determined by the place of their deployment, for they stood in the tsar's amusing villages.

Contemporaries did not leave any notes about the original structure of the "amusing"; it is only known that their number, at first not exceeding 50, rapidly increased, so that due to the lack of premises in the Tsar's village of Preobrazhenskoye, some of them were transferred to the Tsar's village of Semyonovskoye.


A.M. Nazarov writes that the goal was to train future soldiers and

The purpose of the lesson: Acquaintance of students with the history of the creation of a regular army in Russia.

Audience: from 3rd to 11th grades.


  • Personal Computer
  • Multimedia projector
  • Screen

Lesson structure:

  1. Organizational moment (acquaintance with the audience, announcement of the topic of the lesson, familiarization with the rules of the control quiz)
  2. View informative presentation "Amusing shelves of Peter the Great"
  3. Conducting a quiz to test the acquired knowledge.
  4. Winner's reward ceremony

Hello guys!

Today we will talk about the "amusing" shelves of Peter the Great. I understand that the word funny evokes associations with children's games, but Petrusha was only 11 years old then. From an early age, Pyotr Alekseevich was distinguished by his growth, physical strength, dexterity and intelligence. How tired he was of these endless receptions, lavish festivities and ceremonies taken at court.

It is not surprising that the boy ran away from the stuffy royal chambers into the courtyard, where a band of boys were already waiting for him.

Here he felt free and ruled not by the right of the royal heir, but thanks to his qualities of a born leader. The company he had picked up, frankly, mismatched.

There were not only the sons of boyars and princes, but also ordinary people: sleeping bags, stewards, falconers, grooms, etc. Strength, dexterity, intelligence, the ability to make friends - this is what Petrusha valued much more than a noble birth. When he grew up and became a king, among his entourage one could see the simplest people ... but more on that later. What are the boys having fun with, well, of course, playing war games, but our Petrusha's toys were different. Yes, at first the war games were held on a “funny” site opposite the Kremlin Palace. The number of "amusing" troops did not exceed 50 boys, the guns were wooden, the guns were toy, broadswords were not sharpened, and only the rifle uniform, sewn according to childish standards, was real. But this did not last long. By order of the heir, real muskets, fuzees, squeaks, cannonballs, bullets and gunpowder were delivered from the armory. The guys begin to learn target shooting. The number of "funny" is growing rapidly, so Peter transfers the war games to the Moscow region (the village of Vorobyovo and Preobrazhenskoe). To tell the truth, his move with his mother Natalia Kirillovna to the suburbs of Moscow was by no means voluntary. After the Streltsy revolt, where the power was taken by Peter's sister, Princess Sophia, the disgraced queen was exiled with her son to the village of Vorobyovo. The bloody scenes of riot took place before the boy's eyes.

Relatives and friends of his mother were chopped off with sabers, lifted to peaks and burned with a red-hot iron, all this left its imprint on the personality of the future king. The young heir to the Russian throne understood perfectly well that the monarch's power rests on the bayonets of his soldiers.

If you are at least three times the heir to the throne, but you will not sit on the throne without the support of the army, and with redoubled zeal he begins to create his own army, but not any, but the best! Peter's landmark to the west was also no coincidence. Prince Yakov Lukich Dolgoruky, who was leaving for France as an envoy, came to Preobrazhenskoye to bow to the young tsar.

Peter proudly showed his army to Yakov Lukich, but complained about the difficulty of determining distances during artillery fire. Dolgoruky said that he had a German instrument (astrolabe) with which you can find out the distance to the target without leaving the place, but only it was stolen. The king became very interested in the curiosity and ordered the prince to buy it abroad. Having received the desired device, Petrusha faced another problem - HE DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO USE IT! WHO WILL TEACH? The Russian military were not familiar with this instrument, and only the Dutchman Franz Timmermanis of the “German” settlement was able to teach the tsar how to use it. From this moment, Peter begins to study mathematics, geometry and fortification. The lack of military specialists forced the tsar to look for them among foreigners. I didn't have to go far. Indeed, in Moscow, all foreigners who came to serve at the Russian court settled in the “German” settlement. There he met Fyodor Sommer (specialist in subversive business), Patrick Gordon (military engineer and artilleryman), Franz Lefort (professional warrior, mercenary), Karsten Brandt (ship carpenter), ... and many others. Now real professionals were engaged in training of Peter and his soldiers. The army was built according to the Western European model (like Louis XIV). "Amusing" were taught how to handle the most modern types of weapons (fuzei, cannons, grenades).

The use of guns demanded considerable physical strength, therefore, adults began to be recorded as “amusing” ones. One of the first to sign up was the court groom, Sergei Leontyevich Bukhvostov. It was he who first put on a European-style soldier's uniform and became the “first Russian soldier”.

In 1684, in the village of Preobrazhenskoye, near Moscow, on the banks of the Yauza River, a “funny” earthen town “Preshburg” (named after the Austrian fortress “Pressburg”, now Bratislava) was being built; Peter himself worked on its construction (he participated in the design of fortifications, drove land, installed tools). Under the command of foreign officers, the troops maneuvered on two sides, stormed the fortifications from land and water.

Already in 1691, the "amusing" troops received the correct organization and were divided into two regiments, Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky, they receive uniforms according to the Western European model.

What does it mean?

Preobrazhentsev and Semyonovites were divided into companies, they had their own banners, sergeants and a unified uniform. Dark green for the former, and blue for the latter.

The final exam of the newly minted army was "Kozhukhov maneuvers" (September 27 (October 7) - October 17 (October 27) 1694) - in fact, these were the first major military maneuvers in the history of Russia!

The attacking side was the regiments of the “new order” and the local cavalry (about 9 thousand people in total), the defending side was mainly the rifle regiments (about 7.5 thousand people).


The “funny” Kozhukhov maneuvers near Moscow almost turned into a tragedy for Lefort: a firepot filled with four pounds of gunpowder hit him in the shoulder, which burned his neck and face. But the general still managed to hoist his banner on the ruins of the “enemy's” fortification.

The campaign showed the advantage of the regiments of the "new system" and revealed the need for military reforms in the Russian state. His experience was used in the Azov campaigns of 1695-1696.

That's just until the moment when the regiments received their high rank of Guards was still far away. For the first time, the Transfiguration and Semenovites "sniffed gunpowder" during Azov campaigns and earned the reputation of "good soldiers" from the tsar and his foreign advisers. However, in addition to the army, the state also needed a fleet: not only shipbuilders, but also naval officers. And it was also necessary to reorganize the artillery, create and train new regular regiments.

So the Transfiguration Semenovites from soldiers became students, and then teachers.

The most talented of them - sergeants and officers of the bombardment (artillery) company - travel with Peter to Europe to study sciences.

It is noteworthy that Peter himself comprehends the wisdom of carpentry, blacksmith, naval and military crafts on an equal basis with everyone else. There is no such case that Pyotr Alekseevich was not familiar with.

Talented shipbuilders, diplomats, gunners, engineers and officers emerge from among the Transfiguration and Semenovites ...

The Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments officially became guards on August 22, 1700, on the day of the defeat of the Russian army near Narva.

In this battle, the guards saved the remnants of the defeated Russian troops. As a token of gratitude, the officers were presented with silver bibs. In addition, the Transfiguration and Semenovites received red stockings as a sign that the guards stood "knee-deep in blood."

The defeat was heavy, but Peter learned a lesson from it ...

The Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments took part in all the major battles of the Northern War:

The capture of Noteburg, the fortress of Nyenskans, Narva, Vyborg, Ivan city, Mitava, the battle at Lesnaya and the famous battle of Poltava.

Peter the Great said, addressing the guards:

"Your brave deeds will never be forgotten by posterity."

Many talented and famous people served in the guards regiments ...


  • Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov (Generalissimo)
  • Tukhachevsky Mikhail Nikolaevich (Marshal Soviet Union)
  • Chaadaev Pyotr Yakovlevich (philosopher and publicist, friend of Pushkin)
  • .. And many others


  • Alexander Menshikov (Russian statesman and military leader, associate and favorite of Peter I)
  • Ivan Buturlin (general-in-chief)
  • Bukhvostov Sergei Leontievich (first Russian soldier)
  • Ibrahim Petrovich Ganibal (military engineer, general-in-chief, great-grandfather of A.S. Pushkin).
  • Mussorgsky Modest Petrovich (composer)
  • .....and many others

After Civil War the guards regiments ceased to exist. And what about these days?

Funny shelves

Airborne troops emerged from the so-called Petrov's regiment, which was formed by Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, from "small robots", for the fun of Tsarevich Peter. Contemporaries did not leave any notes about the original structure of the "amusing"; it is only known that their number at first did not exceed 50, rapidly increased, so that, due to the lack of premises, some of them were transferred to the village of Semyonovskoye.

  • Since 1682, the Moscow Kremlin Palace had a special amusing playground.
  • Since the spring of 1683, 11-year-old Peter - physically developed beyond his years - transferred military training in the field, and from that time the old game of soldiers turned into real military-practical training. At the end of this year, adults began to register as "amusing". The first on November 30, 1683, was the court groom S. Bukhvostov who signed up for the funny ones. He is considered the first soldier.
  • In 1684, a funny town was built in the village of Preobrazhenskoye near Moscow "Pressburg", on the device of which Peter himself worked; then the amusing troops stormed this fortress and maneuvered on two sides.
  • In 1691, the amusing troops received the correct organization and were divided into two regiments, Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky, outfitted according to the Western European model.

Various military training exercises, under the guidance of foreigners, concluded with the Kozhukhov campaign. Already in these years, the system of views of Peter I on the issues of military education began to take shape. "Amusing" did not need Peter as fun. The great historian A. M. Nazarov, the author of the book about "funny", wrote that here a special goal is to train future soldiers and military leaders, for whom "the service would not be a heavy lean burden", but on the contrary - "a cutting workshop in which they would become a crystal of amazing brilliance. " Taking into account his own experience, Peter and his associates developed the first military vocational guidance program for young men in the history of Russia.

The military vocational guidance program for young men included:

  1. development of physical strength and dexterity of children 9-12 years old through games in the air and gymnastic exercises; no particular importance was attached to the military system;
  2. the development of courage and enterprise in children by introducing a certain amount of danger and risk into games. For this, they used climbing on cliffs, ravines, crossings on unsteady bridges, logs, and playing robbers. During this game, the "amusing" will imperceptibly comprehend the guard service, intelligence, experience will reach the consciousness that "reason and art are more victorious than the multitude";
  3. training in the use of weapons, not only rifle techniques, but also the ability to shoot and stab. Tsar Peter from the age of 12 already fired from a cannon;
  4. familiarization with "amusing" military equipment and teaching to use it;
  5. developing discipline, a sense of honor and camaraderie;
  6. cognition of the fatherland and clarification of its historical tasks by acquainting the "amusing" ones with the brightest and darkest pages of our history: as well as with the forces and aspirations of the most dangerous neighbors;
  7. development of love for the sovereign and fatherland;
  8. instilling "amusing" love for the army.

The Transfiguration and Semyonovites will be the basis of the future regular army of Russia. On their first trip to the Turkish fortress of Azov, they will leave early in the morning on April 30, 1695. Later, participation in the Northern War, gave both regiments an opportunity to show combat training and measure themselves with the model troops of Charles XII.


  • Maslovsky, "Notes on the history of military art in Russia";
  • "Petrovskaya Brigada" ("Russian Antiquity",).
  • P. Dirin Amusing Shelves of Peter the Great

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what "Funny Shelves" are in other dictionaries:

    - ... Wikipedia

    FUNERAL, military detachments created in the early 1680s in Russia for the "fun" of Tsarevich Peter Alekseevich (see PETER I the Great). Teenagers and young men from the families of courtyards, grooms, sleeping bags and volunteers of nobles were recruited into the amusing ones. In 1682 in ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Detachments of children and young people, created at the beginning. 80s 17th century for the military fun of the Russian Tsar Peter. At the end. 17th century of them were formed Guard Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky regiments ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Detachments of children and young people, created in the early 80s of the 17th century. for the military fun of Tsar Peter I. At the end of the 17th century. of them were formed Guard Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky regiments. Source: Encyclopedia Fatherland ... Russian history

    - "funny troops", detachments of children and young people, created in the early 80s. XVII century for the "war fun" of the Russian Tsar Peter. V late XVII v. of them were formed Guard Preobrazhensky and Semyonovsky regiments ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Officer and soldiers of the Semyonovsky regiment. Amusing troops are military detachments of "small robots" created by the tsar for the "fun" of the tsarevich. In 1682, a special site for war games was set up near the Kremlin Palace. In the spring of 1683, eleven-year-old Peter moved ... ... Moscow (encyclopedia)

    - ("Funny",) military detachments created in the beginning. 80s 17th century in Russia for the "fun" of Tsarevich Peter. In "P." children and young people were recruited from courtyards, grooms, sleeping bags and volunteers of the nobility. In 1682 in Moscow, near the Kremlin Palace, there was ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Military. detachments created for the fun of Tsarevich Peter from children and young people (from courtyards, grooms, sleeping bags and volunteers of nobles). In 1682, a special site for the military was created near the Kremlin Palace. games, which were transferred to the field in 1683, and in ... ... Soviet Historical Encyclopedia

    "FUNERAL" TROOPS- military. detachments in Russia in the 80s and 90s. 17th century, created for the military. games ("fun") of young Peter I of the court servants and their children. Until 1682 military. the games were held on a specially equipped "amusing" area near the Kremlin Palace, with ... Military encyclopedic dictionary

    FOOD- detachments of young people, created in the early 80s. XVII century for the "war fun" of the future Tsar Peter I; in 1687, guards regiments were formed from them - Preobrazhensky and Semenovsky ... Russian statehood in terms. IX - early XX century


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