What is in submarines. What ate "Gray Wolves" Sennie

Anyone who read any science fiction, at one point or another, thought about how wonderful it would be to live in strange habitats, for example, under water. Over the past half century, people tried to realize this fantasy and surprisingly that many of them succeeded. If you are ready to surpass on a rather round sum and do not object to live next door with one or two tiger sharks, there are several ways that you can actually live in the sea.

10. "Sub-Biosphere" (Sub-BioSphere)

Photo: Phil Pauley (Phil Pauley)

One of the most ambitious attempts to create a submarine dwelling is the brainchild of a person named Phil Poly. Sub-biosphere in essence is exactly what you thought, based on its name, and the project of its creation is closest to the construction underwater city Of all the projects that are currently under development. Despite the fact that the sub-biosphere is not yet functioning housing, concept art and drawings are enough to make any of us want to descend in salty depths and hold a long period time under water.

The sub-biosphere consists of several floors in capsules, each of which will be able to accommodate up to 100 inhabitants. An idea is a submarine city that will be completely self-sufficient and include areas for growing crops and producing its own electricity. Whether the sub-biosphere is ever built yet to find out, but Poly continues to work hard on logistics and financing to begin construction, as well as, at a particular coincidence, over a artistic work based on the concept of the underwater city.


How can someone ever mention the idea of \u200b\u200blife under water, not remembering the only and unique Jacques Cousteau? The most famous water expert in history has successfully created underwater housing and research facilities. Unlike something like a sub-biosphere, the Konself project was not intended for long-term residence, despite the fact that it was most of the comforts of the house, which was in the giant metal drum. The Konself project has already passed three iterations, and Konself III was already home to six researchers who lived under water for almost a month.

The idea was embodied in life in 1962, when Konselph I was located 10 meters below the surface of the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Marseille. A small, close room, technically called Diogenes (Diogenesis) served as a house for a couple of scientists during the week. It was equipped with a library, television and radio, and was used as a research station for the study of marine life. Soon after the success of the Experiment, Konselph I was launched Konselph II. It was equipped with a large number of fantastic amenities such as a garage, aquarium, and another research center that was deeper into the sea, this time there were five people in the premises for a month. Finally, the most ambitious project was Konself III, which was at an incredible depth of 100 meters from the water surface.

8. Underwater laboratory La Chaloup "La Chalupa Research Lab" / Hotel underwater (Jules Undersea Lodge)

Photo: Hotel under the water "Jules Undersea Lodge"

What was originally underwater laboratory La Chaloup, an object that, in fact, was running "Taco Bell", has become a hotel for water after the object has exhausted its benefit as a station in which the maritime life has studied off the coast of Puerto Rico . The object was particularly popular among celebrities, since he was a research station converted into a kind of underwater hotel.

The structure is completely immersed in water and is located at the bottom of the lagoon. It is controlled using the ground-based management center. Visitors get to the hotel using the underwater port, which delivers them to the center of the object. The hotel has two bedrooms and a common seating area in which there is even air conditioning, because at the bottom of the sea is apparently not as cold as it is shown in the films. The lounge is equipped with a TV and DVD player, as well as a telephone. Each of the bedrooms also have giant glass portholes that allow curious divers to look at you while you sleep, so this hotel is definitely not for shy people.

7. Underwater Laboratory Galatia (Galathee Underwater Lab) / Sorbiter Project (Seaorbiter Project)

Photo: Jacques Rougerie (Jacques Rougerie)

Syorbis is the concept of completely mobile, mostly underwater research and exploration object. It's kind of underwater spaceshipdrifting around the world to facilitate the study of the ocean and animals living in his depths. The underwater laboratory of Galatia, open by Jacques Rugery in 1977, served as inspiration for this project. It was an underwater habitat designed specifically in order to minimize interference in peace sea Mira. It could be placed at any depth of 9 to 60 meters below the surface of the ocean.
Just like space stations, on the design of which it was founded, Syorbiser allows you to commit long-term sea travel around the world, in which approximately 20 people can participate at a time. Project executives plan to develop underwater vehicles that would allow them to explore depths that are up to 6,000 meters from the surface of the ocean. Sorbiser can also be potentially used to help preparing astronauts. Increased pressure and insulation are similar to those conditions with which cosmonauts will have to face outer space. The Syorbis project is actively looking for funding, and at the moment the creators have collected only 45 percent of the required amount.

6. Sillab (Sealab)

One of the first attempts to allow people to live below the surface of the ocean became the Saviba project. No, Sillib is not the cartoon you look late in the evening, a member of research laboratories, ordered from Tao Bell (Taco Bell). Like Konself, the Sillab project also passed into three stages. The first Silb was launched from the coast of Bermud in 1964, but cut off by the approaching storm.

Silb II was launched in 1965 and was equipped with the amenities that did not possess SILEB I, for example, hot running water and refrigerator. The length of this underwater laboratory reached 17 meters, and it could plunge 62 meters under water. On board Sillab, the divers team knew, and each team lived on board at least two weeks at a time. Among those who lived at Suelbe was Scott Carpenter, which received fame as one of the astronauts of the Mercury 7 group. Carpenter made an underwater call to his colleague on "Mercury 7" by astronaut Gordon Cooper (Gordon Cooper), which was at the same time in the orbit of the Earth in the Cosmic Capsule of Gemini (Gemini), because astronauts are a nausea.

Silb III was launched in 1969 off the coast of California, but the project ended in the tragedy when the vessel began to flow and an unsuccessful attempt to repair led to the death of "Aquava" Berry Cannon (BERRY CANNON).

5. Aquarius (Aquarius)

If you are lucky enough to be a student of the International University of Florida (Florida International University), you can be provided with access to one of the last remaining underwater research facilities in the world, a tank-called aquarium. Within periods of up to 10 days, at once, researchers swim in aquarium studying sea life off the coast of Florida-Keyshs (Florida Keys). Metal cocoon can withstand water pressure at a depth of 37 meters below the surface of the ocean and accommodates up to six people at a time.

Inside Aquarius is a fully equipped apartment, which includes refrigerators, air conditioning, shower, toilets, microwave, and even internet access. Most recently, in November last year, a group of students of the last course of the International University of Florida, specializing in maritime studies spent a week, living and conducting research on board aquarium. The cost of studying at the university is probably much cheaper than staying in a commercial underwater hotel, which makes Aquarius the main goal of ocean lovers limited by financial capabilities.

4. Tectite (Tektite)

In 1969, the United States government financed the project called Tetitite, named after meteors, which are crashed into the ocean and fall on the bottom. The Tectite project, consisted of four water lines, which lived in the station submersible water from February to April 1969, and its goal was to prepare cosmonauts for long stays in space.

The second incarnation of the Tectite project was launched in 1970 and included 11 different missions, allowing 53 aquavatans to spend 2-3 weeks submersible in the underwater world. Tectite itself looked more or less than a pair of giant metal tanks. They were located apartments of the crew and hardware, connected with the bridge, plus a common area for research. The apartments provided domestic amenities with radio and televisions, as well as beds and almost fully equipped kitchen. Despite the fact that it no longer functions as a research laboratory, you can still view on the underwater house at the Tektite Museum (Tektite Museum).

3. Hydrolab (Hydrolab)

For many years, hundreds of researchers enjoyed a hydrabator belonging to National Ocean and Atmospheric Studies (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration) as a base for scientific research Atlantic Ocean. The hydrolaborator, located off the coast of the American Virgin Islands (Virgin Islands), allowed scientists to work for several weeks at a time at the bottom of the ocean, and on board it could freely accommodate up to four scientists.

The laboratory itself was quite small and cramped, its length was only 5 meters, the height is 2.5 meters and it could be immersed to a depth of up to 40 meters. Despite the fact that it was less than the perfect medium for the claustrophobia of people, it was equipped with water supply, electricity and bedrooms, along with large viewing ports to observe the surrounding underwater world. After it was in operation for more than ten years, the hydrolaboratory was written off in 1986, but it is still possible to see it in the Museum of Natural History.

2. Atlantica (Atlantica)

Dennis Chamberland (Dennis Chamberland) is a little dreamer, but it belongs to the rare form of dreamers who actually embody their dreams into reality. It is likely that this is facilitated by the fact that he is an engineer in NASA, and among his tasks attempts to make it possible to accommodate people, both under water and in space. In the center of his plans there is an expedition on the Atlantic, which is his quite real and very serious attempt to create a real underwater city.

Chamberland has already built an underwater house designed for two people, but its ultimate goal is to create an extensive society, which will allow people to stay at the bottom of the ocean almost infinitely. In accordance with his plans, the Atlantic must be something like the area of \u200b\u200bthe residential complex in addition to the fact that it will be a research center. When he is asked about life in the community proposed by him, he describes incredible scenarios, which are taken from the Jetsons animated series (Jetsons), in which people jump into their submarines to go to the movies.

1. Floating house "H2OME"

Photo: Underwater structures of the United States (US Submarine Structures)

While most underwater houses are not available for those who are not marine scientists or are ready to wait until the next decade in order to collect enough funds, there is another option. At a low price, only 10 million dollars, you can purchase your own luxurious underwater house, or rather, the floating house "H2OME". The same people who built one of the most famous underwater hotels in the world called Poseidon (Poseidon), now offer underwater houses made to order.

The company, called the underwater structures of the United States, apparently, is trying to monopolize the underwater ownership market. The web site describes underwater casinos and restaurants, in addition to fully finished homes, as well as a number of underwater opportunities. They boast the fact that their homes support the same pressure as on the surface, that is, you never blocked the path to the staircase or elevator. Houses consist of two floors, with a pair of bedrooms, recreation rooms, and absolutely everyone that you could ever wish to have in your house, which is ideal for beginners of the villains of the world, published from the screens of the Bond.

Thanks to the novel Lotra-Günther Bukhaym and the Tolfgang of Petersen "Das Boot", who saw the light in the 70s and 1980s of the last century, sharply increased interest in the actions of the German underwater fleet in World War II. Lovers of history began to arise a lot of questions not only on combat actions, but also in the life of submariners. Of particular interest is theme of the nutrition of crews, choice and storage on the submarine in the conditions of long campaigns of products, including those without which a person cannot do long. Why did German submariners take with them fresh bread, which in conditions of high humidity quickly covered with mold, and not a crown stored longer?

Problems of supply

The Germans perfectly supplied their underwater ships. After establishing Germany's hegemony in Europe, the products on the submarine base were supplied from France, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, Italy, etc. A boat hike took fresh and boiled meat, fresh vegetables and fruits, cheese, honey, chocolate, smoked sausages, juices, various canned food and much more. The problem was one - in the campaign, in conditions of poor ventilation and strong humidity, fresh products quickly spoiled. As a result, submariners had to sit on a preservative and vitamin diet - the longer there was a hike, the worse it was with food.

In general, the nutrition of German submariners was very diverse and not deprived of delicacies. On this photo, made in 1944, two members of the crew of the submarine U 672 posing with lobsters

Sensibles and refrigeration chambers were also provided at the boats, but when issuing technical assignments of submarine constructors in a peacetime, the command of the Navy Germany was difficult to imagine that second-hand type VII boats would operate off the coast of the United States, Africa and the Caribbean, and large boats of type IX - in the Indian Ocean.

During the war I had to improvise, to adapt to the situation that required an increase in the autonomy of boats. The submarines received provisions in the sea from the shipping vessels, came to replenish the reserves into the ports of Spain, then "dairy cows" appeared - XIV series transport boats. However, it did not completely solve it. The provisioning was spoiled, soaked in different odors - in general, gourmet with a subtle gastronomic taste on the "seven" or "nine" there was nothing to do.

How the stock of food for the crew was calculated

In this issue, the role of two members of the crew of the submarine - the third watch officer (or navigator) and Coca, who were responsible for the preparation of provisions were very great. Kok, or, as his name was submariners, "SMUTJE" (SMUT, SMUT - that approximately can be translated as a mocking "dirty", "disgusting"), was on a boat man with a special status. He was supposed not only to cook well, but also possess the talent of the restaurant to make the menu on every day of swimming.

COC boat U 604 manages loading provisions. In the foreground, jars with fruit canned foods (left). Numerous sausages and ham hang from the ceiling of the compartment, adjacent to the equipment (right)

Based on the approximate duration of the hike, a calculation was made by the amount and range of products that were obtained in the warehouse of the navigator. After that, the provision was loaded onto the boat under the control of the navigator and the mechanical engineer to the places that were most suitable for storage. Placing products on the boat always corresponded to the three main rules:

  1. Products were supposed to be placed and secured so as not to fall and not fly away during the maneuvering of the boat and its attack in deep bombs.
  2. The provisional was to be distributed evenly in order not to create a differential or minimize it, and the consumption of products should be taken into account. Daily food consumed weighed so that the mechanic engineer could compensate for their weight ballast.
  3. Product accommodation should not have impede free access to all hatches and valves.

The main seats of storage provisions were nasal, feed and electromotive compartments, and it was logical. In the diesel compartment, it was impossible to store anything, since the products would be quickly soaked in the smell of a solarium known to the all-permissive ability. In no case, the central post could not be lit, as this is the place of control of the ship, in the residential compartments of officers and foreman would not have been able to accommodate a lot, and all the passages were to stay free.

Fruit boxes in the nose bout of the boat U 295 are adjacent to the torpedoes. Well visible "Nantes" - the surroundings of French Nanta are famous for their apple orchards to this day

This is how IXC-type provisions looked out at a carriage of 55 people with the calculation of its power for a 12-week period. The boat loaded food and drinks weighing more than 12 tons (12,583 kg), including:

  • fresh and boiled meat - 224 kg
  • sausage products - 108 kg
  • canned meat - 2180 kg
  • canned fish - 150 kg
  • fresh potatoes - 1750 kg
  • other vegetables - 1555 kg
  • lemons - 416 kg
  • fresh fruit - 300 kg
  • fresh eggs - 270 kg
  • creamy oil - 50 kg
  • cheese - 50 kg + 65 kg (solid and melted)
  • coffee - 60 kg
  • tea - 3 kg
  • milk - 784 kg
  • fresh bread - 456 kg
  • canned bread - 660 kg

"Bread to dint to measure take ..."

Bread on a submarine was a necessary product, and there were special problems in storage with him. Undoubtedly, in these conditions, the problem of the problem would be to use superstars, which are stored much longer, but losing bread in taste and with long-term use cause problems with digestion, so the Germans approached the question in a different way. They used fresh bread, which by submariners received an interesting nickname "Rabbit". Here is how the famous German underwater AS Reinhard Suhren wrote about this (Reinhard Suhren):

"The biggest problem was bread. We hung it in the grids so as to provide an air flow for it, but still after a while he spoiled, I started to mold and became like a white and fluffy rabbit, because it was covered with plenty of mold. We cut her as far as possible, and ate bread. When the campaign lasted more than four weeks, the food turned into a problem, and to keep the health team in good condition became not easy. "

Kok "Calls" over the preparation of food in a close galley of the German submarine (left).
Reception of food on the top deck of a German submarine. Picture made in pre-war time (on right)

In addition to fresh bread, there was also canned, but what was it quality? This question answered a very unusual witness. On November 21, 1942, the U 163 boat sank the British trading ship "Empire Starling" (Empire Starling), then taking on board as a prisoner of the ship Eric Monkkton. Subsequently, Moncton left curious memories of staying aboard U 163, including meals:

« Breakfast was served at seven in the morning and consisted of dairy soup, coffee and cookies or bread with a jam. The bread was stored in hermetically packed cylindrical banks about 10 cm in diameter and 23 cm long. In this form, it remained very well and, perhaps, was only a bit dry. "

As a result, the supply system is quite logical. The stock of bread on the submarine shared two almost equal parts consisting of fresh and canned bread. Fresh bread, of course, did not lie for a long time, and he was trying to eat as soon as possible. After the fresh bread was eaten or visited, the boat remained a fairly large stock of canned bread, the use of which is strictly limited.

Wash dishes on a submarine after receiving food (left).
Judging by the vegetation on the submariner faces, the campaign lasts not the first week, and no one mind to diversify the menu with fresh fish. In the photo, cutting sharks on the deck of the German submarine (right)

If you look at the Cup of the boat crew U 93, compiled by Kok on the fourth week of the campaign (January 12-18, 1942), it will become clear that the bread was served to the "table" twice a day (it is not clear what the lack of dinner on Thursday explains - was missing It is in the menu to overlook, or it was the official "Luck day"):


breakfast: coffee, bread, Saletz

lunch: lentils and sausages, plums

dinner: tea, oil, bread, Various sausages and meat

breakfast: coffee, buns, oil, jam

lunch: soup, pork, potatoes, vegetables

dinner: tea, oil, bread, various sausages

breakfast: cornflakes, buns, butter

lunch: Pashota Eggs, Spinach, Potatoes, Apricots

dinner: tea, oil, bread, language, sausage, cheese

breakfast: coffee, bread, oil, jam, cheese

lunch: sauerkraut, pork steering wheel stewed apples

breakfast: coffee, oil, bread, Eggs

lunch: soup, goulash, potatoes, peaches

dinner: tea, oil, bread, various sausages

breakfast: coffee, oil, bread, Jem.

lunch: noodles soup, beef, pudding

dinner: tea, oil, bread, Cold meat


breakfast: coffee, bread, eggs, oil

lunch: Pork, Cabbage, Strawberry and Cream

dinner: tea, oil, ham, bread, sausage

It is worth noting that the German submarines had the opportunity to receive fresh-sawmed bread and straight into the sea, on Randevo with "dairy cows" - the latter were equipped with electric bags for baking bread. So, in the report on the first campaign of the transport U 459, the head boat of the project XIV, said:

"For about 10 hours, about 80 kilogram loaves of fresh bread can be baked on board. About 800 such loafs were baked at night, handed over boats and with joy taken by their crews. In addition, approximately 250 loaves are prepared for their own needs. Baked rye bread satisfying, has a wonderful taste and stored well ... "

A snapshot made from the side U 604 in February 1943, captured Randevo with the "Doyle Corn" U 459 in the North Atlantic to replenish stocks, including provisions

It is worth adding to the foregoing that there were own 300-kilogram test of the test on each fighting boat, as well as the galley - it is obvious that the crowns subordinate admiral Denitians were not needed.

Literature list:

  1. Paterson L. U-Boat Combat Missions - Chatham Publishing, London 2007
  2. Paterson L. U-Boat War Patrol - The Hidden Photographic Diary of U 564 - Chatham Publishing, London 2006
  3. Malmann Showell J. Wolfpacks At War - The U-Boat Experience in World War II - Compendium Publishing, 2001
  4. Uboat.net (http://uboat.net)
  5. U-Boat Archive (http://www.uboatarchive.net)

I studied at the Naval School. Dzerzhinsky, but this is an officer's way. And the sailor on the submarine you can get through the draft board: they send recruits in the educational centerwhere half a year is prepared. Each specialty corresponds to its combat part, such as departments in the company. The first is the navigator, the second - rocket, third-mino-torpedo, fourth - radio equipment and connections, where I got it later, and the fifth - the electromechanical, the largest. From the first to the fourth part is the so-called BC-suite. They go straight and tidy. And the BC5 is "Maslophape", they are knee-deep in oil and water, they are all the tricks, pumps and engines. After text there is a distribution to the base. Now the submarines are based either in the north, in Western face, Gadzhiyevo, Vidyaevo, or in Kamchatka, the city of Vilyuchinsk. Another base is on Far East - It is popularly called a large stone or Texas. There are no nuclear submarines in the Baltic and Black Sea of \u200b\u200batomic submarines - only diesel, that is, not combat. I got on the northern fleet, to Western face.

First dive

When the submarine comes out for the first time in the sea, all sailors must pass the rite of initiation. I had a minimal: in the ceiling plafof was flooded with waters, which we need to drink. It is terribly binding and bitter. Repeatedly there were cases when people immediately sick. At the same time handed a certificate drawn by hand that I am now a submariner. Well, on some boats to this rite, the "Kiss of Sledgelines" is added: it is suspended to the ceiling and when the ship shakes, the sailor must be hung and kiss her. The meaning of the last rite will elude me, but it is not accepted here, and this is the first rule that we learn by entering on board.


Almost that there are two crews on each submarine. When one goes on vacation (and they are postponed after each autonomy), it takes up another. First there is a working task: for example, immerse yourself and get into touch with another submarine, deep-water immersion on the maximum depth, training shooting, including overwhelming ships, if all the exercises the headquarters are accepted - the boat goes to combat service. Autonomix lasts differently: the shortest - 50 days, the longest - 90. In most cases, we floated under the ice of the North Pole - so the boat is not visible from the satellite, and if the boat floats in the seas with clean water, it can be seen even at depth 100 meters. Our task was the patrol of the sea section in full readiness and application, in the event of an attack, weapons. One submarine with 16 ballistic missiles on board can erase from the face of the earth, for example, the UK. On each of the 16 rockets there are 10 autonomous warheads. One charge is approximately five to six Hiroshimam. It is possible to calculate that we took 800 Hirosim every day. Was it scary? I do not know, we were taught that they were afraid for whom we can shoot. And so I did not think about death, you don't walk every day and do not think about the notorious brick that can fall on your head? So I tried not to think.


The crew of the submarine around the clock carries a watch in three shifts for four hours. Each change is breakfast, dins and dinner separately, almost without communicating with each other. Well, except for meetings and common events - holidays, such as or competitions. From the entertainment on the boat - chess tournaments and domino. I tried to arrange something sports like lifting Giri, pressing from the floor, but we were banned from the air. It is artificial in the submarine, with an increased content of CO2 carbon dioxide, and physical exertion poorly influenced the heart.

More cinema is shown to us. When there were no all these tablets and DVD players, the film projector stood in the common room. Twisted mainly something patriotic or comedy. The whole erotica, of course, was banned, but the sailors twisted: they cut the most frank moments of films, where the girl undresses, for example, glued them into one and allowed in a circle.

Living in a closed space is not as difficult as it seems. In many ways, because you are busy all the time - you spend eight hours on the watch. It is necessary to monitor the sensors, the remote control, to make records - in general, do not distract to sit and think about life. Every day, at about 15:00, everyone is raised to "small tidy". Everyone goes to clean some kind of plot. Someone has a control panel from which the dust should be cleaned, well, and someone has a gallun (restroom for sailors in the nose part of the ship. - Approx. Ed.). And the most discerning - the plots fixed for you do not change all the service, so if I started to drag the toilet - you drag it to the end.

What I liked in swimming is the absence of a marine disease. Shatalo boat only in an overnight position. True, according to the rules, the boat is obliged to emerge once a day to conduct a radio communication session. If under the ice, they are looking for a wormwood. It is impossible to go out, of course, although there were cases.


During the day, Kok should not only nine times on the ohanu in 100 hungry sailors, but for each shift to cover the tables, then collect dishes and move it. But, it should be noted, the submariners are fed very well. For breakfast, usually cottage cheese, honey, jam (sometimes of rose petals or walnuts). For lunch or dinner, a red caviar and a bald fish from sturgeon fish. Every day, the submariner is 100 grams of dry red wine, chocolate and vobla. Just at the very beginning, even in Soviet times, when they talked about the submariners to raise appetite, the Commission was divided: they voted for beer, others for wine. Won the last, but Vobla, which was paired with a beer, for some reason remained.


The crew consists of officers, midshipmen and sailors. The main thing is the commander, although the inner hierarchy also exists. Officers, for example, besides the commander, call each other only by name-patronymic, well, they require appropriate appeal. In general, the subordination as in the army: the boss gives the order - the subordinate is performed without comment. Instead of deducting on a fleet there is annivshchina. Those sailors who only came to the fleet are called Karasi: they must quietly sit in the trunk and clean the water and dirt. The next caste - the subdocate is a sailor who served two years, and the coolest one - they have more service life than 2.5 years. If there are eight people at the table, from which, for example, two nails, the food is divided into half: one half is them, and the second is all the others. Well, there may also be a condensedum to select or shill to run off. Compared to the fact that in the army occurs, there are practically equality and fraternity.

Charter is the Bible, our everything, consider. True, sometimes it comes to funny. For example, according to Art. 33 of the raised charter of the Russian military forces, the movement runs only on the team "Run March". And now, after the Deposcrime, I went to Galuin in the sea, and there the castle hangs. He came to the Central and Starpus orders: "Starp, Galun Open." Starpom sits back - does not react. Cammadiva could not stand: "Starp, bring the key to running." And he continues to sit as sitting. "Run, I tell you! What don't you hear me? Run! Bl .. !!! What are you waiting for?" Starpo closed the charter that he read, it seems, everything free time, and says: "I'm waiting, Comrade Captain of the first rank, the" march "team."


Commands are different, but everyone should cause trepidation. Sacred. Disobey or move to him - get a reprimand into a personal matter at least. The most colorful chief who came across, - the captain of the first rank of Haponenko (the name was changed. - Ed.). It was in the first year of service. Only in the Motovsky Bay came out, Gaponenko disappeared with the flagship kip (a boat position, a mechanic of kipia - control and measuring equipment and automation) in their cabin. Five days drank not rising, for the sixth day, Haponenko suddenly rises to the central in the Canadian jacket and boots: "Let's, say, pop up, smoke." Smoked. He went down, examined: "What are you doing here, eh?" We speak, educational maneuvers work out, so you need to cooperate with a neighboring boat, 685th onboard. He suddenly crashes himself for the remote, took the microphone and went on the air. "685th onboard, I am the 681st side, please perform the" word "(and the word in the seabed means to stroke the move, stop)." At the other end of the wire there was some kind of soap. And then: "I am the 685th side, I can not fulfill" the word ". Reception. " Gaponenko began to be nervous: "I order to execute the" word "immediately!" And in response even more persistently: "I repeat to you, I can not fulfill" the word ". Reception. " Then he was completely overwhelming: "I, B ..., I order, Su ..., execute" the word "...! Immediately, hear! I am the captain of the first rank Gaponenko! You will come to the database, Su ..., I'm you, bl ..., hurt you! .. "His confused silence. There is a radio lady, half-off from fear, it is still stronger and whispers: "Comrade Captain of the first rank, I apologize, I was mistaken, we need the 683rd onboard, and the 685th onboard is the aircraft." Gaponenko broke the remote, exhaled: "Well, you and the assholes are all here," he left back to the cabin and did not appear before the float.

Illustrations: Masha Shishov

In contact with

While on the yard holidays and widespread entertainment, we will not tell about cars, but about ... submarines. Especially about this we promised in the material about Arkhangelsk pokatushki Ford. Remember another Soviet joke: "The man falls into the chamber. Sacks ask him: "What are you planted"? - "At the work of the window opened." - "Where did you work?" - "On the submarine".

After the collapse of the USSR, domestic military ships rarely appeared in the waters of "not our" seas. The Navy of submarines fell into decay, and the tragic death of Kursk in 2000 was the symbol of Russia's defeat. But, fortunately, the situation in last years I changed, and we all know everything. Modern aircraft carrier is worth over 6 billion dollars - too expensive for the budget of the country, who has given the latter on the winter Olympiad in Sochi and the coming football Mundala.

Instead of an aircraft carrier, the country has invested in new submarines that are 250 million "green" each. At the same time, the submarines easily can outrude the aircraft carrier, and so simply can compensate for their lag. "Russia has invested significant funds in his fleet, especially in submarines. Russian submarine activities are now on the highest level from the time of cold War"," Said NATO Jens Stoltenberg at the end of 2017, and he is right. According to some estimates, today our fleet has 49 submarines, and how much laid on shipyards ...

Severodvinsk - one of major centers Military shipbuilding of Russia. The city there are: on the "Northern Machine-Building Enterprise" (Former. Factory No. 402), which is engaged in the construction of a submarine, and the center of ship repair "Star, repairs them. And, what is interesting, they are located opposite each other. The most common profession at Sevmash is a welder. To make a 100-melayer body of a durable metal submarine, how much will the welds have to make?! That and it.

A large modern boat has a height with a 9-storey house and a length with a football field, on her deck is able to turn "KAMAZ". At the same time, there are not so many inside the place, because the submarine is not created in order to roll people, but to be secretly delivered to any point of the ocean torpedoes and rockets.
What is the difference between our submarines from the American? The fact that our two-circuit. Any submarine is durable from the inside and light outside. The boat has no roof, no walls. The worst case in a thin location is 40 mm. Outside there is a light housing - so that the boat guarded our north border. Freely goes under ice, and the metal is not afraid of it.

As soon as the body is welded, its hydraulic tests are carried out - mandatory testing of welders. 30 years ago, domestic submarines began to build in a new way. After all tests of the body, it is cut on the compartments. And in every compartment is equipped with equipment. This is a quick construction method. An experienced sample "Yuri Dolgoruky" was built about 20 years. When he went into the series, the boats of his series began to make only 3 years. For comparison: in Soviet times, about 2 years left for this. The most important weapon of any submarine - torpedoes. The torpedo compartment is placed in the nose. The lower part of the nose is made of composite materials. They are more expensive metal, stronger and well spend noise. Since our boats have 2 housings, the portholes are not provided. But if at the bottom of the nose to install powerful hydroacoustic equipment, you can hear all the noises that are sideways under water. The strongest noise in the sea makes it ... Do not believe ... the colony of shrimp. Durable boat housing withstands nuclear explosion and wave tsunami. But the crew does not withstand the wave. Hearing the tsunami noise, the boat, as a rule, leaves this place as far as possible.

The noises published by civilian ships are completely different than from the military - in particular, they are louder. As soon as the submarine put on the water, its noise characteristics immediately enter the noise registry. Until the end of the 80s, our boats won the Americans at speed, but lost in noiseing. Now in this sector parity. By the way, why is the submarine going to zonal blocks? Yes, in order to rare less, because good noise insulation is installed between the blocks. And the black submarine is because it is covered with a thick layer of rubber. Rubber boiler must stick the layers correctly. If it is mistaken and, say, sticks not to that side, the submarine will be overly noisy.

Today, the V generation of PL is design, create an IV generation, and the third generation is collected. Single cabins are only at the commander and doctors. If a person, for example, has been found appendicitis, it is torn to the last antibiotics, the boat does not pop up. And every doctor who served on the submarine, at least once in his life, but removed appendicitis. The weakest place at the submariners - teeth, as you have to drink desalinated water. On the boat there is a boron car. Often, the doctor prescribes relaxation: fish in aquarium, birds in a cage, a winter sauna, a gym. And on large rocket people there is even a pool. Feeding submariners Well: per day give 2 dried fish to maintain a salt balance, wine, caviar ...

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There is no "Eye" submarine, there are only "ears", and they are located at the bottom of the nose. Instead of floors - decks. And if the 1st floor in the house is the bottom, then on the submarine it is on top. And it is called deck. 1 compartment - torpedo. 2 compartment has 4 names: central, residential, commander, shelter. Because this compartment is multifunctional. On our boats, how many people, so many beds. Americans have two beds smaller than personnel. The chair is the commander - on the 2nd floor. One of the most important people on the submarine - steering.

Any boat is easily immersed and flooded in 2 minutes - up to 5 million liters of water is poured between the housings. Many times at the limit depth of the boat can not be immersed - there are metal fatigue. Why did the Komsomolets boat immersed at a depth of more than 1 km? Because she was not from steel, but from Titan. Today do not build such, expensive. Submarizers are saved from the shelter. If the boat lay on the ground at a depth of more than 100 meters, through the torpedo, people do not go out. Then people on the orders of the commander rose from the residential compartment to the wheelhouse and, taking the place in a certain capsule, are put forward to the top. Another 10 years ago no one experienced a pop-up capsule - it was expensive. Today it is normal. What if on the boat, say, fire? The boat pops up and the crew leaves the boat if the fire is not extinguished. Dress up rescue wetsuits, through the wheelhouse turn out to be on the housing. Under the covering of the light case there is a hatch. And in the hatching rescue means.

3 compartment is called compartment of auxiliary mechanisms, which are designed to help a person. On the bottom deck are refrigerated installations (cooling of nuclear reactors) and the compressor (so that the boat surfaced), as well as the pump. There is a cleric: from fresh water Oxygen is obtained. Ingress from the absence of oxygen on a nuclear submarine submariner today can not. Therefore, such a boat can be under water as much as possible - only changing the crews. Usually like this: 5 months under water and shift.

From above and donomis are the pipes periscopes. Each boat for any scenario is necessary sooner or later to come into contact - at least in order to know about the end of hostilities. The boat sends to the periscope depth, and this is about 20 meters to the level of leading, that is, as the length of the periscope itself. The boat is not visible, and from under the water, the antenna mast devices are put forward. A conversation with a team in Moscow is carried out through space connection. To a secret communication session, the team composition of the boat is preparing consistently and thoroughly. Periskop, which is called "Swan" (neck long), is put forward for only a few seconds. Modern periscope "Signal-3" is the essence of the camcorder. Space radio session is only 20 seconds. Periscope takes an encrypted radio room and immediately hides in the thickness of the water.

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The world ocean is full of riddles, and it gives us the opportunity to dream and fantasize. He takes about 70 % our planet and only 5 % Water space were studied. This means that under the aquatic shell of the Earth, many secrets are hidden, which are still not discovered.

website collected 10 amazing objectsfound under water. But this is just a drop in the sea. We cannot imagine what awaits us in water depths.

Big Blue Hole, Belize

In recent years, as a result of the movement of the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates The distance between them has increased significantly. This impressive phenomenon can be seen both on land, and plunging deeply under the water. The phenomenon was sealed by several underwater photographers.

Sea biologist Alexander Mastard Noted that visitors can be very surprised by crystal clear water and charming species. The speed of the plates at the same time is about 2.5 cm per year.

The ancient city of Heraklion, Egypt

Once in the province of Zhejiang there was a mysterious city called Shied. His mystery was that one day he simply disappeared. As it turned out later, the valley in which the city was located, turned into an artificial reservoir for the construction of a new hydroelectric power station. The authorities had to move 290 thousand people. Dam was built on the territory of the city, as a result of which she turned out to be at the bottom of the lake.

It is difficult to believe it, but more than half a century, wooden beams and stairs of the city are in good condition, as if time in it flows somehow differently.

Sculpture underwater park

A unique museum was created by an English sculptor. Jason Taylor. It is located at the Day of the Caribbean Sea, not far from the shores of Grenada. The first exhibits were shipped to the seabed in 2006.

To date, the museum has more 65 ExhibitsThe collection of which is replenished annually. This project benefits not only as a cultural object, but also as an important part of the ecosystem of wildlife.

"Black smokers" at the bottom of the ocean

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