The end of the Russian Swedish war. New page (1)

Sweden is the largest state of Northern Europe. In the past, she dominated in its region and in certain periods of its history could well be considered one of the great European powers. Among the kings of Sweden was a lot of great commander - such as, for example, the "Lion of the North" Gustavi II Adolf, the rival of Peter the Great Karl XII, as well as the former French Marshal and the founder of Renna of the ruling Swedish royal dynasty of Bernadov Karl XIV Yuhan. The victorious Wars of Sweden, which the state led for several centuries, allowed her to create a rather extensive empire in the Baltic Sea basin. However, in addition to major interstate conflicts, the Swedish military history knows several internal - for example, at the end of the XVI century in Sweden broke out civil War between supporters of two monarchs: Sigismund III and Karl IX.

An important eventwho united the Swedish and russian history, Great has become North Warcontinuing from 1700 to 1721 years. The fundamental reasons for this 20-year-old conflict were wound in the desire of Russia to obtain strategic access to the Baltic Sea. The beginning of the war against Russia and its allies, quite successful for the Swedes, was still not able to provide this northern power to the final victory. The final results were disappointing for Sweden: from the defeat in this war, the gradual decline of the country began as a great power. We can assume that the military history of Sweden ended in 1814, when the country spent its last war.
However, in our days, the Scandinavian kingdom has a highly developed defense industry and albeit a small but superbly equipped and trained army. In a special section of the portal, the site collected author articles and editorial materials dedicated to the rich military history Sweden and today's day of its armed forces.

The confrontation between Russia and Sweden began in 18th century, when Peter first decided to get to the country to the Baltic Sea. This was the reason for the unleashing of the Northern War, which lasted from 1700 to 1721, which Sweden lost. The results of this conflict changed political map Europe. First, Sweden from the Great and Mighty Marine Power, which dominates the Baltic Sea, has become a weak state. To return the position, Sweden had to fight for one decade. Secondly, the Russian Empire with the capital in St. Petersburg appeared in Europe. The new capital was built by Peter first on the Neva, next to the Baltic. This facilitated control over the region and the sea. Thirdly, between the Russian Empire and Sweden, the war continued for a long time. The peak of the struggle was the war known in historical literature and documents as the Russian-Swedish war. It began in 1808 and ended in 1809.

The situation in Europe at the end of the XVIII century.

The revolutionary events that began in France in 1789 were influenced by the situation in Russia, Sweden, Germany, England. The political and economic situation in many countries has changed not by day, but by the hour. In particular, the monarchy was overthrown in France, King Louis Sixteenth killed, the republic was proclaimed, which quickly changed by the Board of Jacobins. The military, who led to the authorities of Napoleon Bonaparte, who created a new empire in France, took advantage of the political confusion. Napoleon sought to conquer Europe, subordinate not only to its Western regions, but also to extend its power to the Balkans, Russia, Poland. The Russian emperor Alexander first was opposed against the grand planes of the French emperor. He managed to stop the Army of Napoleon in Russia and deceased by the French state. The empire created by Bonaparte began to fall apart.

So, to the main prerequisites of the Russian-Swedish war of the early 19th century. The following factors include:

  • Loss Sweden in the Northern War.
  • Creature Russian Empire And the transition to its authority of important trade routes, which were located in the Baltic Sea.
  • The Great French Revolution, which was inevitable and which influenced the course of European history in the XIX - twentieth centuries. Many consequences of events in France of the late 1780s - 1790s. Feel in Europe and now.
  • The coming to the power of Napoleon, its conquests in Europe and loss in Russia.
  • Constant war monarchs of Europe with Napoleon's army to protect the national borders of their states from French influence.

Hiking of the Napoleonic Army at the beginning of the 19th century. contributed to the unification of European states in the anti-armnce coalition. Austria, England and Russia opposed Bonaparte. Emperor Alexander The first of the last he had a long time, which way is it to prefer. Such a choice was associated with two important factors. First, the influence on the Russian emperor of the so-called German party, the members of which determined the foreign policy of ambitious Alexander the first. Secondly, the ambitious plans of the new ruler of Russia, who constantly intervened in the internal affairs of the German principalities and lands. Germans in the empire were everywhere - at important state posts, in the army, at the courtyard, german princess He was married and emperor. His mother was also from a noble German family and had the title of princesses. Alexander wanted to hold permanent conquesting companies, win, win battles, seeking their achievements to wash off the stain of shame from the killing of the Father. Therefore, Alexander first personally led by all the campaigns to Germany.

There were several coalitions against Napoleon, the third of them joined Sweden. Her King Gustav Four was as amphibious as the Russian emperor. In addition, the Swedish monarch sought to get back the lands of Pomerania, selected in the 18th century. Only Gustav Four did not calculate the power of his country and the military abilities of the army. The king was confident that Sweden was able to cut the map of Europe, changing the borders and win, as before the grand battles.

Relations of Russia and Sweden before the war

In January 1805, two countries signed an agreement on the creation of a new union, which is considered the third anti-Napoleon coalition of European monarchies against revolutionary and unprofitable France. In the same year, a company was held against Bonaparte, which ended with a serious defeat of the allied troops.

The battle occurred in November 1805 under Austerlitz, whose consequences were:

  • Escape from the battlefield of the Austrian and Russian emperors.
  • Huge losses among the Russian and Austrian armies.
  • The attempt of Sweden to independently hold a hike in Pomerania, but from there they quickly kicked out the French.

In such an atmosphere, Prussia and Austria tried to escape independently, bypassing the conditions of cooperation with Russia. In particular, Austria has signed an agreement with France in the press, which historians are called separable. Prussia went to establish an allied relationship with Napoleon Bonaparte. So, in December 1805, Russia was left alone with France, which made everything that Alexander first went to sign a peace treaty. But the ruler of the Russian Empire was in no hurry to do this, since he defended the interests of German dynasties and related ties.

Scientists believe that Alexander is the first to preserve domination in Baltic, control in Finland and over Black Sea StraitThe Caucasian republics should have agreed to peace with Bonaparte. Instead, he showed stubbornness and began to fight him.

In 1806, new conditions have developed to create a new coalition against Napoleon. In it, England, Russia, Sweden, Prussia took part in it. The English monarch performed the main financial sponsor of the coalition, the army and soldiers provided, mainly Prussia and the Russian Empire. Sweden was needed by the Union for the balance to control Alexander the first. But the Swedish king did not particularly hurried to send his warri at the European continent from the Scandinavian Peninsula.

The coalition once lost, and the troops of Bonaparte captured Berlin, Warsaw, got to the Russian border, which was held along the Neman River. Alexander first personally met with Napoleon, and signed a Tilzite peace treaty (1807). Among his conditions should be noted:

  • Russia should not have interfere in the internal affairs of states Western Europe, including Germany and Austria.
  • Full breaking of diplomatic relations and union with Austria.
  • Compliance with Russia of strict neutrality.

At the same time, Russia received a chance to deal with Sweden, as well as Turkey. Napoleon during 1807-1808. I did not allow Alexander the first to Austria, not allowing to conclude "communicate."

After the tilzist world, diplomatic and military games on the European continent did not end. Russia continued actively intervened in all the works of Germany, Britain continued to attack all ships, which were regarded as a threat to their state. So by chance the ships of Denmark were attacked, the age rather to avoid retracting french wars and coalition unions against Bonaparte.

In the summer of 1807, British troops landed on the territory of Denmark, Copenhagen bombardment was held. The British captured the fleet, shipyard, marine arsenal, Prince Frederick refused to capitulate.

In response to the attack of England to Denmark, Russia was announced due to obligations and related ties. So the Anglo-Russian War began, which was accompanied by the blockade of trading ports, goods, reviews of diplomatic missions.

England was taken in blockade and France, which did not appreciate the capture of the Danish fleet and the destruction of Copenhagen. Bonaparte demanded that Russia put on Sweden and closed ports for all British ships. This was followed by the exchange of diplomatic letters between Napoleon and Alexander first. The French emperor offered Russian all of Sweden and Stockholm. So was given a direct hint of the need to start hostilities against Sweden. To prevent loss of this Scandinavian country, England has signed an agreement with it. Its purpose was to preserve the positions of merchant ships and Britain companies in Scandinavia and cut off Russia from Sweden. Among the terms of the Anglo-Swedish Agreement are worth noting:

  • Payment by the Government of Sweden 1 million pounds every month.
  • War with Russia and its holding as much as circumstances will require.
  • Sending to the British soldiers to Sweden so that they take under their guard the western border of the country (there were important ports here).
  • Shave the Swedish Army to the East to fight with Russia.

In February 1808, there was no longer opportunities for both countries to avoid military conflict. England wanted to quickly get "dividends", and Russia and Sweden solve their many years of disputes.

The course of hostilities in 1808-1809.

The war began in February 1808, when Russian troops invaded Sweden in the Finnish area. The effect of surprise gave a serious advantage of Russia, which by the middle of the spring was able to capture half of Finland, Sveaborg, Gotland Islands and Aland.

The Swedish army carried huge losses and on land and on the sea. In the Lisbon port at the end of the summer of 1808, the Swedish fleet capitulated British, who received ships to store until the end of the war. England provided his troops and fleets provided serious assistance to Sweden. Because of this, the situation of Russia in Finland worsened. Further events took place in such a chronological order:

  • In August - September 1808 russian troops She won a number of victories in Finland. Alexander first sought to clear the captured territory from the Swedes and the British.
  • September 1808 - a truce was signed, but the Russian emperor did not accept it, because he wanted the Swedes to go from Finland.
  • Winter 1809 - Winter campaign, which began the Russian Empire to isolate Sweden. The invasion passed through the Batnic Bay (on the ice) and on the shore of the bay. From the sea, the British could not help Sweden because of weather conditions. The Russian army began offensive through the combat bay to the Aland Islands, which they managed to capture, knocking out the Swedes from there. As a result, the political crisis began in Sweden.
  • After the winter campaign of 1809, a courage took place in the kingdom, during which the Fourth Gustav overthrew. The formed government appointed a new regent, and made a truce. Alexander first did not want to sign the contract until he gets Finland.
  • March 1809 - The army of General Shuvalov passed along the northern shore of the Botnik Bay, capturing Tornoo and Calix. Near the last settlement The Swedes folded the weapons, and the troops of Shuvalov again moved to the offensive. The soldiers under the skillful leadership of the general won, and the city of Slaftheo, another Swedish army capitulated.
  • The summer of 1809 - the battle of Ratan, which is considered the last in the Russian-Swedish war. Russians fell on Stockholm, seeking it to seize in a short time. By that time, the ice in the bay came up, the British ships hurried to help the Swedes. Decisitancy and suddenness were the main factors in the victory of Kamensky's troops, which gave the last fight Swedam at Ratan. They lost, losing one third of the army.

Peace treaty 1809 and its consequences

Negotiations began in August and lasted several weeks by signing the conclusion of the world. The contract was signed in the city of Friedrichsgam, now Khanin in Finland. From Russia from Russia, the document was signed by Count N. Rumyantsev, who performed the functions of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and D. Alopeus, who served as Ambassador of Russia in Stockholm, and from Sweden - Colonel A. Sheldend and Baron K. Steedinka, who was a general from infanteria.

The terms of the contract were divided into three parts - military, territorial and economic. Among the military and territorial conditions of the Friedrichsgam world, these items attract attention as:

  • Russia received the Alanian Islands and Finland, which received the status of the Grand Duchy. It had the rights of autonomy as part of the Russian Empire.
  • Sweden was forced to abandon the Union with the British and go to participate in the continental blockade, aimed at weakening England and its trade in the ports of Sweden.
  • Russia brought troops from the territory of Sweden.
  • Mutual exchange of hostages and prisoners of war.
  • The border between the countries was held on the Munio and Torneo rivers, along the Munioniski-Enonteki-Kilpysyarvi, which stretched to Norway.
  • In the cross-border waters of the island shared along the Farviter line. East island territories belonged to Russia, and in the West - Sweden.

Economic conditions were beneficial to both countries. Trade between states continued, according to a previously signed agreement. Duty-free trade in Russian ports in the Baltic Sea, between Sweden and Finland. Other conditions in the field of economic cooperation were profitable Russians. They could get back selected property, ownership, land. In addition, they treated the court to get back their property.

So, the situation in the economic and political spheres after the war changed the status of Finland. She became part of The Russian Empire, began to integrate into its economic and economic systems. Swedes, Finns, Russians committed favorable trading operations, returned property, ownership, strengthened positions in Finland.

Northern war, broken in the XVIII century between Russia and Sweden, became a significant event For the Russian state. Why Peter 1 began the war with the Swedes and what it ended - about it in more detail on.

Russian state under Peter 1

To understand the reasons for the Northern War, you need to know what Russia was to the beginning of the conflict. The XVIII century is the time of ambitious changes in the economy, culture, politics and social relations. Peter the Great is known as the king reformer. He inherited a huge country with a low-developed economy and an outdated army. Russian state lagged in development european countries. Besides it weakened long wars from Ottoman Empirewho conducted for the domination on the Black Sea.

Considering the question of why Peter 1 began a war with the Swedes, it is necessary to understand that this was the most good reasons. The Northern War was carried out for entering the Baltic coast, which was vital for Russia. Without trade relations with western countries She could not develop his economy. The only port at that time, through which Russian goods were supplied to the West, was Arkhangelsk. Sea Path Through it was complex, dangerous and irregular. In addition, Peter 1 understood the need for an urgent development of his fleet on the Baltic and in the Black Sea. Without this, it was impossible to create a strong state.

That's why the War with the Swedes under Peter 1 was inevitable. Russia's previous rulers have seen the chief enemy in the Ottoman Empire, which constantly attacked Russian border areas. Only such a visionary politician, like Peter the Great, understood that the country is now more important to be able to trade with Europe through and the struggle for the Black Sea coast can still wait.

Karl XII.

The Northern Country During this period, the rules are the same young and extraordinary monarch as Peter 1. Charles XII considered a military genius, and his army is invincible. The country was considered the strongest in the Baltic region. By the way, Carl his name is in Russia, and in Sweden, the king was known as Charles XII.

He became edited, like Peter, at a young age. He was 15 years old when Father died, and Karl inherited the throne. Possessing a hot-tempered character, the king did not tolerate any tips and solved everything himself. At 18, he made his first military expedition. Announced at the courtyard that he leaves for fun in one of his castles, in fact, the young ruler with a small army went on the sea in Denmark. Fast march being under the walls of Copenhagen, Carl forced Denmark to get out of the Union with Russia, Poland and Saxony. Almost 18 years after that, the king spent out native countryBy participating in various military campaigns. Their goal was made from Sweden the strongest state in Northern Europe.

Peter 1 and Swedes: Causes of Military Conflict

Russia and Sweden were opponents long before the occurrence of the king reformer. The Baltic Coast, which had an important geopolitical value, was always of great interest to many countries. Poland, Sweden and Russia many centuries tried to strengthen their influence in the Baltic region. Starting from the XII century, the Swedes have repeatedly made attacks on the north of Russia, trying to capture the lady, the coast of the Finnish Bay and Karelia. TO beginning of XVIII The century Baltic countries were completely subordinated to Sweden. August II, the king of Poland and Kurfürst Saxony, Frederick IV, the ruler of Denmark and Peter the Great formed a coalition against Sweden. Their hopes for victory were based on the youth of Charles XII. Russia in case of victory received the long-awaited way to the Baltic coast and the opportunity to have a fleet. It was main reasonWhy Peter 1 began a war with the Swedes. As for the remaining participants of the Union against Sweden, they sought to weaken the Northern opponent and strengthen their presence in the Baltic region.

Great: Northern War with Sweden proved the colonical talent of the Russian king

The union between the three countries (Russia, Denmark and Poland) was concluded in 1699. The first opposed Sweden August II. In 1700, the siege of Riga began. In the same year, the Danish army began the invasion of the Holstein territory, which was the Allian Sweden. Then Karl Xii made a bold march to Denmark and forced her to get out of the war. Then he sent troops to Riga, and without deciding to enter the battle, took his troops.

Later, Russia joined the war with Sweden. Why Peter 1 began a war with the Swedes not simultaneously with the allies? The fact is that the Russian state at that time fought with the Ottoman Empire, and the country could not participate immediately in two military conflicts.

The day after the conclusion of a peace treaty with Turkey, Russia entered the war with Sweden. Peter 1 began a campaign to Narva, the nearest Swedish fortress. The battle was played, despite the fact that the troops of Charles XII was much inferior in the number of poorly trained and not enough armed Russian army.

The defeat near Narva led to the rapid transformation of the Armed Forces of Russia. In just a year, Peter the Great was able to completely transform an army equipped with new weapons and artillery. Since 1701, Russia starts winning victories over the Swedes: Poltava to the sea. In 1721, Sweden signed a peace treaty with Russia.

Results of the Northern War

After the conclusion of the Nesteadt peace treaty, Russia is firmly established in the Baltic region and Kurland.

After the Tilzite world of 1807, two huge bars in the Napoleonic continental blockade of England remained in Europe. In the south of Europe, Spain and Portugal did not participate in the British Islands blockade, in the north - Sweden. If Napoleon could cope with Spain and Portugal, then the case was more complicated with Sweden. The Swedish king Gustav IV fell a huge hostility to Napoleonic France, and no admonition could force him to break the union with England. To overcome the Sweden lying behind the Baltic Sea, the French required to hold a large amusement operation. With the domination of the sea of \u200b\u200bthe British Fleet, this operation could end for them a disaster.
To incline Gustav IV to the continental blockade, the French emperor needed the help of Russia, which had a land border with Sweden. Such a position of Napoleon provided Alexander I the opportunity to seize Finland from Sweden and thereby eliminating the centuries-old threat to the Northern turns of Russia. The reason for the beginning of hostilities against the Swedes was the refusal of their king to enter into an alliance with Russia against England. In the hope of helping Britain Gustav behaved defiantly. For example, he returned the Russian Emperor the highest Order of Andrei First Called, writing that he could not wear the Order, which is in Bonaparte. Meanwhile, Sweden was not ready for war. Her forces scattered across the expanses of Finland, had only 19 thousand people. This was used by the Russian emperor.

Campaign 1808 years. On February 9, 1808, Russian troops under the command of General Buksghevden (24 thousand people) crossed the Swedish border in Finland and began military actions. Thanks to the suddenness of the attack and the lack of Swedish forces, the Russians managed to take most of the Finnish territory (to the Uplaborg region) and block the Swedish army in Sveaborg (7.5 thousand people). On April 26, Sveaborg (the largest naval base of Sweden in the Finnish bay) capitulated. On the sea, the Russian landings occupied the Aland Islands and the island of Gotland.
The rest of the Swedish troops, led by General Klingspor, managed to avoid the environment and move away without significant losses on the position of Ulaborgu. In Finland flashed partisan traffic against Russian troops. The large territory and action partisans demanded from Russian to allocate significant forces on the device of garrisons and rear support. This war was carried out predominantly small detachments (from 2 to 5 thousand people), and there was no large battles.
In April, after spraying forces on huge wooded-swampy spaces, only 4-5 thousand fighters came to the Uplan Bogogo positions. This allowed General Klinzpore to create a numerical advantage here and go to counteroffensive. Due to lack of power and poor knowledge of the Russian terrain, the Russians were defeated in April during revival and Pulkkil. The remains of broken parts with difficulty broke out of the environment and retreated south. These failures caused the growth of the activity of the Finnish partisans against the Russian troops, who had to move to the southern part of Finland, on the line of TamemersFors - St. Michel. The poor work of the intensity forced the troops to go actually at the foot of the feed. For example, in summer, due to delays in food delivery, soldiers and officers often had to eat mushrooms and berries.
At the same time, the Anglo-Swedish fleet was activated at the sea. In early May, Russians lost the Aland Islands and Gotland Island. The Baltic Fleet could not seriously resist the Anglo-Swedish forces. The returned from the Mediterranean Sea to the Baltic squadron of the Senavine was blocked, and then captured by the British in the Lisbon port in August 1808 by the terms of the capitulation, Senjavin passed them his ships for storage until the end of the war.
The situation for the Russians in Finland in May took a threatening character, since 14-thousand English corps under the command under the command of General Mura arrived to help the Swedes. With the support of the Fleet, the Swedes could start active offensive actions. But the English Corps soon was overdone to fight french troops To Spain, where England had more substantial interests. As a result, equilibrium was established on land. At sea, the Anglo-Swedish fleet, which blocked the Russian fleet on the coast of Estonia prevained. However, the sabotage of the British against the Revel Port and the attempt of the Anglo-Swedish fleet to plant a 9-thousand landing in the south of Finland were reflected.
By August, Russian troops at the Finnish Theater of Military Action were brought to 55 thousand people. against 36 thousand people from the Swedes. On August 2, the 11-thousandth building of General Nikolai Kamensky Kamensky 2nd, which broke the troops of Klinzpora in Battles in Kuorutan, Sabli (August 20-21) and Oworis (September 2). These victories made a fracture in the course of the war. In September, at the request of the Swedish side, a truce was concluded. But Alexander I did not approve him, demanding all Finland from the Swedes from the Russian command. In October, the Russian troops switched to the overall offensive. Coming to Tornoo (Torno), to the area of \u200b\u200bthe Finnish-Swedish border, they took the main part of Finland. In December, General Knorring was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Forces in December instead of Buksgeveden.

Campaign 1809. Alexander I sought to such a world with Sweden, which would make it recognize the entry of Finland to the Russian Empire. Ask Gustav IV to the adoption of such conditions, Russians could only in the Swedish territory. Therefore, Alexander I ordered to start a winter campaign in order to invade Sweden on the ice of the combat bay. In winter, the English fleet was powerless to prevent this operation.
Her plan amounted to General Kamensky 2nd. He provided for the movement in Sweden of three buildings. One of them, under the command of General Shuvalov, was moving along the shore of the Boat Bay, through Torno. Two others walked on the ice of the bay. The body under the command of General Barklay de Tolly was headed on ice from Vasa on the Umea. South (from ABO through the Aland Islands to the north of Stockholm north), a building of General Bagration is moved. Knorring, skeptically related to this enterprise, in every way tightened its holding. Only the arrival of the Tsarist Representative of General Arakcheev made it possible to speed up the ice campaign that glorified this war.

Aland expedition (1809). The greatest impression on the Swedes produced the actions of the Bagration Corps (17 thousand people), which moved on the ice of the Botnik Gulf to the Aland Islands and the shores of Sweden on March 1-7, 1809. At first, the Russians moved to the Aland Islands who defended the Swedish Corps (6 thousand. people) and locals (4 thousand people). The ice campaign of the Russian army took place in difficult conditions. Not wanting to detect yourself, the soldiers did not bust the fires and slept right on the snow. Moving on the ice to the Aland Islands, the squad of Bagration with the battle mastered by them, took captivity 3 thousand people.
After that, Avangard was sent to the shores of Sweden under the command of General Yakov Kulnev. Before the speech, the general told his soldiers: "The campaign to the Swedish coast crowds all the works of yours. To have two chairs of vodka on a person, a piece of meat and bread and two Garnitsa oats. The sea is not scary, who relies on God!" On March 7, the Kulnev detachment reached the Swedish coast and took the city of Grislejamn, 70 km from Stockholm. Soon with great difficulties overcame ice spaces and Barclay de Tolly Corps, which was reached by the Swedish coast on March 12 and took the Umea.
The entry of Russians on the territory of Sweden caused a political crisis there. In Stockholm there was a coup. The opposing world with Russia Gustav IV was overthrown. The regent was the Duke of Südermanland (afterwards Karl XIII). The new Swedish government made a traffic proposals. The feared opening of the ice, General Knorring, concluded a truce and withdrawn the part of Barclay de Tolly and Kulnev from the territory of Sweden.
However, Alexander I did not want to hear about the truce. He needed a world confirming the consolidation of Finland for Russia. The emperor removed the Knorring from the command and ordered the head of the troops to General Barklay de Tolly. But by that time began spring melting of snow, and no new invasion in Sweden could be speeches. Now all hopes assigned to the Northern Corps of General Shuvalov (5 thousand people), which moved along the coast. It was he who ultimately managed to end this war victoriously.

Capitulation of Swedes in Caliks and Shellefteo (1809). While the glorious Bagration and Barclay buildings overcame iceback, Shuvalov acted on the northern coast of the combat bay against the Swedish detachment of General Grippenberg (7 thousand people). Schivalov parts took TORNEO and moved after the retreating Swedes to Kalecs, meanwhile on March 12 to the Umea, in the rear of Grippenberg, the Barclay de Tolly housing was released. Having learned that the path to retreat to him was cut, Grippenberg folded the weapon in Kalikse.
After canceling the truce, the Shuvalov Corps, which now remained the only one in Sweden, again moved to the offshield along the coast. Shellefteo has a swedish corps with a swedish case under the command of General Furumarka (5 thousand people). Shuvalov decided on a brave bypass maneuver. To enter the Swedes, a group of General Alekseev, who bypassed the margin of Furumarka, was moved to the rear on ice the Bay and cut off his path to retreat.
The operation was associated with a huge risk, because by the time the opening of ice has already begun. The troops walked literally knee-deep in the water. Through the wormwings were transferred along the walkways, and even by boats. The guns were taken in a disassembled form on the sledding. Schellefteo Ice by the time he moved away from the shore almost a kilometer, and the Russian had to make a significant hook, risking to be worn into the sea on the cracked floes. A little concern Alexeyev, his detachment was waiting for a catastrophe, as two days after the landing of the Russians on the shore, the ice was completely cleaned. The risk was justified. Having learned about the emergence of Russians in his rear, Furumarka on May 3 capitulated.

Battle at Ratan (1809). In the summer, Shuvalovsky Corps was headed by General Kamensky, who continued the offensive along the coast. Slowly, but the right small squad of the Russians moved towards Stockholm. Around the hundreds of kilometers lay Swedish lands, and one strike, cutting a thin coastal highway, was enough for the environment of Russian troops. Moreover, the Swedish fleet dominated the Botnik Gulf, and could not expect any help from the sea of \u200b\u200bthe Kamensky.
Trying to surround the Kamensky squad (5 thousand people), the Swedes squandered in August with him in the rear, under the command of General Wakhtmeister (6 thousand people). Kamensky turned to towards the detachment of Wakhtmeister and August 8 resolutely attacked him near Ratan. During the battle, the Swedish detachment was headed off. Losing 2 thousand people. (A third of the composition), he retreated in disarray. It was the last battle of the last Russian-Swedish war.

Friedrichsgam Mir (5 (17) September 1809). In August, peaceful negotiations began between Russia and Sweden, which ended with the signing of the Friedrichsgam world (now Hamina, Finland). According to his conditions, all Finland and the Aland Islands moved to Russia. Finland was part of the Russian Empire for the Rights of the Grand Principality with Wide internal autonomy. Sweden terminated the Union with England and joined the continental blockade. And Napoleon, and Alexander reached this war of their goals.
In general, thanks to the Union with Napoleonic France, Russia has strengthened the safety of its northwestern and southwestern frontiers, displacing the Swedish and Ottoman possessions outside the Eastern European Plain. At the same time, it is worth noting that this war with the Swedes was not popular in russian society. The attack on a weak neighbor, even in the past, the terrible enemy, in every way condemned and was considered to be inglorious. The losses of the Russian army in the war 1808-1809. amounted to about 8 thousand people.

Chiefs N.A. The most famous wars and battle of Russia M. "Veche", 2000.

Northern War (1700-1721)

If you say that the war is angry, the world will be their healing.


The Northern War of Russia with Sweden lasted a long 21 year from 1700 to 1721. Her results were very positive for our country, because as a result of the war, Peter managed to "cut the window to Europe." Russia fulfilled its main goal - he entrenched in the Baltic Sea. However, the course of the war was very unambiguous and the country had to be not easy, but the result cost all the suffering.

Causes of Northern War

A formal reason for the beginning of the Northern War was the strengthening of the positions of Sweden in the Baltic Sea. By 1699, there was a situation in which almost all coastline The sea was under the control of Sweden. It could not not cause the concern of her neighbors. As a result, in 1699, the Northern Union was concluded between the countries concerned with the strengthening of Sweden, which was directed against the dominion of Sweden in Baltik. The participants of the Union were: Russia, Denmark and Saxony (the king of which was at the same time the ruler of Poland).

Narva Confuciusia

The Northern War for Russia began on August 19, 1700, but its beginning for the allies was just a nightmare. Taking into account that Sweden Rules is still quite a child Karl 12, who was almost 18 years old, it was expected that the Swedish army had a threat to himself and would be easily crushed. In fact, it turned out that Karl 12 commander is strong enough. Understanding the absurdity of the war on 3 fronts, he decides to smash opponents alone. For several days he inflicted a crushing defeat of Denmark, which actually came out of the war. After that, there was a turn of Saxony. August 2 at that time was deposited by Riga, which belonged to Sweden. Karl 2 inflicted his enemy a terrible defeat, forcing him to retreat.

Russia actually remained in the war alone with the opponent. Peter 1 decided to defeat the enemy on its territory, but in no way he wonders that Karl 12 became not only a talented, but also experienced commander. Peter sends troops to Narva, Swedish fortress. The total number of Russian troops is 32 thousand people and 145 artillery guns. Karl 12 for the help of his garrison sent an additional 18 thousand soldiers. The battle turned out to be configured. The Swedes hit the joints between Russian units and broke through the defense. Moreover, many foreigners fled to the opponent's side, whom Peter appreciated russian army. This defeat is modern historians call "Narva Confucius."

According to the results of the Narva battle, Russia lost 8 thousand people killed and all artillery. It was a nightlord opposition. At that moment, Karl 12 showed nobility, or made a miscalculation. He did not pursue the departing Russians, believing that without artillery and with such losses, the war for the army of Peter was over. But he became mistaken. The Russian king announced a new set in the army and began to restore the hered pace of artillery. For this, the bells of churches were even interlaced. Peter also engaged in the reorganization of the army, since it clearly saw that at the current moment his soldiers could not fight on equals with opponents of the country.

Poltava battle

In this material, we will not stop in detail during the pastava battle. Since that historical event In detail is set out in the relevant article. It should only be noted that the Swedes were stuck in the war with Saxony and Poland. In 1708, this war, the young Swedish king actually won, applying August 2 defeat, after which there was no doubt that the war was completed for the last.

These events sent Karl again to Russia, since it was necessary to finish the last enemy. Here he met a decent resistance, which resulted in the Poltava battle. There Karl 12 was literally defeated and fled to Turkey, hoping to lean her to war with Russia. These events made a fracture to the position of countries.

Protian hike

After Poltava, the Northern Union was re-relevant. After all, Peter inflicted defeat, which gave a chance for a common success. As a result, the Northern War continued that the Russian troops mastered the cities of Riga, Revel, Korel, Pernov and Vyborg. Thus, Russia actually won the entire eastern coast of the Baltic Sea.

Karl 12, who was in Turkey, even more actively began to decline the Sultan to oppose Russia, because he understood that a big danger was hung over his country. As a result, in 1711, Turkey entered the war, which forced the Army of Peter to loosen the grip in the north, since now the Northern War forced him to fight on two fronts.

Peter personally decided to hold protian hiketo break the enemy. Near the river Prut, the Army Peter (28 thousand people) came to the environment of the Turkish army (180 thousand people). The position was just catastrophic. The king himself was surrounded, as well as all his approximate and russian army In full force. Turkey could complete the Northern War, but did not do this ... should not be considered as a mischief of Sultan. In muddy water of political life, everyone catches soy fish. To smash Russia meant to strengthen Sweden, and to strengthen very much, creating a strong power of the continent from it. For Turkey, it was more profitable for Russia and Sweden to continue to learn the weakening of each other.

Let's go back to the events that the Protian hike brought. Peter was so shocked by what was happening that sending his ambassador to the negotiations on the world, said that he agreed on any conditions except Petrograd's loss. The huge redemption was also assembled. As a result, Sultan agreed to the world, under the terms of which Turkey received back Azov, Russia destroys black Sea Fleet And it does not interfere with the return to the Sweden King Charles 12. In response to this Turkey completely released Russian troops, in full equipment and with banners.

As a result, the Northern War, the outcome of which after the Poltava battle seemed predetermined, received a new round. It complicated the war and demanded much more time for victory.

Sea battles of the Northern War

Simultaneously with the land battles, the Northern War was carried out at sea. Sea battles were also quite massive and bloody. An important battle of that war took place on July 27, 1714 at Cape Gangeut. In this battle, the squadron of Sweden was almost completely destroyed. The whole fleet of this country, who ordered in the battle of Ganguut, was destroyed. It was a terrible defeat for the Swedes and a great triumph for Russians. As a result of these events, Stockholm was almost completely evacuated, because everyone was afraid of Russia's invasion already deep into Sweden. In fact, the victory from Gangrat became the first major sea victory of Russia!

The next significant battle occurred on July 27, but already 1720. It happened not far from the island of Greengam. it sea battle It also ended with the unconditional victory of the Russian fleet. It should be noted that the Swedish flotilla featured British ships. This was due to the fact that England decided to support the Swedes, since it was clear that the last long time would not hold out alone. Naturally, the support of England was not official and she did not enter the war, but the ships "kindly" presented Karl 12.

Nesteadsky Mir

Russia's victories on the sea and on sushi forced the Swedish government to go to peace negotiations, agreeing actually on all the demands of the winner, because Sweden was standing on the verge of complete defeat. As a result, in 1721 an agreement was concluded between the countries - Nesteadsky world. The Northern War after 21 combat operations was completed. According to her results, Russia received:

  • the territory of Finland to Vyborg
  • estland, Liflandia and Ingermanland

In fact, Peter 1 this victory fastened the right of his country to enter the Baltic Sea. For many years of war paid off in full. Russia won an outstanding victory, as a result of which many political tasks of the state were resolved, which stood before Russia since Ivan's time 3. Below is presented detailed map Northern War.

The Northern War allowed Peter to "cut the window to Europe", and Nesteadsky world consolidated by Russia, this "window" officially. In fact, Russia confirmed its status of the Great Power, creating the prerequisites for all European countries to actively listen to the opinion of Russia, which by the time the empire has already become.

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