Show on map Alpine Himalayan seismic belt. Mountain belts

The seismic belts of the Earth are lines for which boundaries between lithospheric plates pass. If the plates move towards each other, then mountains are formed at the joints (such sites are also called the zones of the area). If lithospheric plates diverge, then faults appear in these places. Naturally, such processes as a convergence of lithospheric slabs do not remain without consequences - about 95% of all earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occurs in these areas. That is why they are the name of seismic (with Greek Seismos - shake).

It is customary to distinguish between two main seismic belts: the latitudinal Mediterranean-trans - transziat and perpendicular meridional Pacific. In these two areas there is an overwhelming majority of all earthquakes. If you look at the seismic hazard card, it becomes clearly seen that the zones isolated by red and burgundy are at the location of these two belts. They extend to thousands of kilometers, rich ground ball, run on land and under water.

Almost 80% of all earthquakes and volcanic eruptions fall on the Pacific seismic belt, otherwise called the Pacific Fire Ring. This seismic zone is really as if a ring, worst almost the entire Pacific Ocean. There are two branches of this belt - Eastern and Western.

The eastern branch begins from the shores of Kamchatka and goes through the Aleutian Islands, passes through all the west coast of North and South America and ends in the South Antille Lena area. In this area most powerful earthquakes It happens on the California Peninsula than the architecture of such cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco - there is dominated by houses in one or two floors with rare multi-storey buildings, mainly in the central parts of the cities.

The western branch of the Pacific Fiery Ring stretches from the Kamchatka through the Kuril Islands, Japan and the Philippines, covers Indonesia and, rich Argued Australia, reaching the Antarctica itself through New Zealand. In the area there are many powerful underwater earthquakes, often leading to disastrous tsunami. The strongest of earthquakes and tsunami in this region are such island states such as Japan, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, and TD.

The Mediterranean-Transasian belt, as follows from its name, extends through the entire Mediterranean Sea, including South European, North African and Middle Eastern regions. Further, it stretches almost through the whole of Asia, on the ridges of the Caucasus and Iran to the most Himalayas, to Myanmar and Thailand, where, according to certain scientists, it is connected to the seismic Pacific zone.

According to seismologists, about 15% of world earthquakes account for this belt, while the Romanian Carpathians, Iran and East of Pakistan are considered the most active zones of the Mediterranean-Trans-Prosatian belt.

Secondary seismic belts

The secondary seismic activity zones also distinguish. The secondary they are considered because they account for only 5% of all earthquakes of our planet. Seismic belt Atlantic Ocean It begins at the coast of Greenland, stretches along the entire Atlantic and finds his end near Tristan da-kun islands. There is no strong earthquakes here, and due to the remoteness of this zone from the continents, underground shocks in this belt do not bring destruction.

The western part of the Indian Ocean is also characterized by its own seismic zone, and although it is large enough in length (reaches its southern end to the Antarctica itself), the earthquakes are not too strong here, and their foci are shallow underground. The seismic zone also exists in the Arctic, but due to the almost complete dearness of these places, as well as due to the low power of underground jokes, the earthquakes in this region do not have a special effect on the lives of people.

The most powerful earthquakes 20-21 centuries

Since the Pacific Fire Ring accounts for up to 80% of all earthquakes, the main in their power and destructiveness of the cataclysms occurred in this region. First of all, it is worth mentioning Japan, which has become a victim more than once strongest earthquakes. The most destructive, though not the strongest on the magnitude of his oscillations, was the earthquake of 1923, which is called the Great Earthquake of Kanto. According to various estimates, 174 thousand people died on the effects of this disaster, another 545 thousand were not found, the total number of victims is estimated at 4 million people. The most powerful Japanese earthquake (with a magnitude of 9.0 to 9.1) was the famous disaster of 2011, when a powerful tsunami caused by the underwater jokes off the coast of Japan, caused destruction in seaside cities, and the fire at the petrochemical complex in the city of Sendai and the accident on Focusima-1 nuclear power plants caused huge damage to both the economy of the country itself and the ecology of the whole world.

The strongest Of all the documented registered earthquakes, a great Chilean earthquake with magnitude to 9.5 is considered, which happened in 1960 (if you look at the map, it becomes clear that it happened also in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Pacific seismic belt). Disaster taken a large number of lives in the 21st century, an earthquake in Indian Ocean 2004, when a powerful tsunami, which was his consequence, took almost 300 thousand lives of a person from almost 20 countries of the world. On the map, the earthquake zone refers to the western tip of the Pacific Ring.

In the Mediterranean-Trans-Said Seismic belt, there also also had many large and destructive earthquakes. To one of these, the 1976 earthquake in Tanshanians, when only on official data of the PRC, 242,419 people died, however, according to some data, the number of victims exceeds 655 thousand, which makes it an earthquake with one of the most fatal in the history of mankind.

On Earth there are special zones of increased seismic activity, where earthquakes are constantly occurring. Why is this happening? Why is earthquakes more often occur in mountainous terrain and very rare in the deserts? Why in the Pacific Ocean Earthquakes constantly occur, giving rise to the tsunami of varying degrees of danger, but we almost did not hear anything about earthquakes in the Arctic Ocean. It's all about the seismic belts of the Earth.


Seismic belts of the Earth call places where the lithospheric plates of the planet come into contact with each other. In these areas, where the seismic belts of the Earth are formed, an increased mobility of the earth's crust is observed, volcanic activity caused by the process of the area that lasts millennia.

The length of these belts is incredibly big - the belt stretch for thousands of kilometers.

There are two large seismic belts on the planet: Mediterranean-Transasian and Pacific.

Fig. 1. Seismic land belts.

Mediterranean-Transzatsky The belt originates from the shores of the Persian Gulf and ends in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. This belt is also called a latitudinal, as it stretches in parallel to the equator.

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Pacific belt - Meridional, it stretches perpendicular to the Mediterranean-Transasian belt. It is on the line of this belt that there is a huge number of existing volcanoes, most of the eruptions of which occurs under the thickness of the poherest ocean itself.

If you draw seismic belts of the earth on the contour map - it turns out an interesting and mysterious pattern. The belt seems to be fused the ancient platforms of the Earth, and sometimes they are introduced into them. They are conjugate with gigantic faults of the earth's crust and ancient, and younger.

Mediterranean-Transasian seismic belt

The latitudinal seismic belt of the Earth passes through the Mediterranean Sea and all the mining European arrays adjacent to it, located in the south of the continent. It stretches through the Mountain Asian Mountains and North Africa, reaches the mountain ranges of the Caucasus and Iran, runs through the entire Central Asia and Hindukush straight to the coel and the Himalayas.

In this belt, the most active seismic zones are the Carpathians, located on the territory of Romania, all Iran and Belukhistan. From Beloohistan, the earthquake zone stretches to Burma.

Fig.2. Mediterranean-Sransi seismic belt

In this belt there are active seismic zones, which are located not only on land, but also in the waters of the two oceans: Atlantic and Indian. Partially this belt captures the Northern Arctic Ocean. The seismic zone of the entire Atlantic passes through the Greenland Sea and Spain.

The most active seismic zone of the latitudinal belt falls on the bottom of the Indian Ocean, passes through the Arabian Peninsula and stretches to the south and south-west of Antarctica himself.

Pacific belt

But, no matter how dangerous seismic belt is dangerous, most of all earthquakes (about 80%), which occur on our planet, falls on the Pacific seismic activity. This belt passes through the DNU of the Pacific Ocean, on all mountain chains, encircling this largest ocean of land, captures the islands located in it, including Indonesia.

Fig.3. Pacific seismic belt.

The most huge part of this belt is Eastern. She originates in Kamchatka, stretches through the Aleutian Islands and Western coastal zones of North and South America straightforward to the South Antille loop.

The eastern branch is unpredictable and little studied. It is full of sharp and winding turns.

The northern side of the belt is most seismically active that residents of California, as well as Central and South America, are constantly felt.

The western part of the meridional belt originates on Kamchatka, stretches to Japan and further.

Secondary seismic belts

It is no secret that during earthquakes, waves from the oscillations of the earth's crust can reach remote areas, which are commonly safe for seismic activity. In some places, the echoes of earthquakes are not felt at all, and in some they reach several points on the Richter scale.

Fig.4. Map of the seismic activity of the Earth.

Basically, these zones that are sensitive to the oscillations of the earth's crust are under the thickness of the water of the World Ocean. The minor seismic belts of the planet are located in the waters of the Atlantic, Pacific Ocean, the Indian Ocean and in the Arctic. Most of the minor belts fall on the eastern part of the planet, so, these belts reach from the Philippines, gradually going down to Antarctica. Overtakes are still able to feel in the Pacific, but in the Atlantic almost always seismically calm zone.

What did we know?

So, on Earth, earthquakes do not occur in random places. The seismic activity of the earth's bark is possible to predict, since the main part of the earthquakes occurs in special zones, which are called seismic belts of the Earth. There are only two of them on our planet: the latitudinal Mediterranean -Transatrian seismic belt, which stretches in parallel to the equator and the meridional Pacific seismic belt, located perpendicular to the latter.

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A year ago - 25 April 2015 - A resonant earthquake of magnitude 7.8 occurred in Nepal.

In April 2016, the main seismic studies took place in the Pacific Fire Ring in the Philippines, in Kamchatka, in Japan, Vanuatu- April 13, 2016 , Guatemala, in Japan, April 15, 2016., in Ecuador on April 16, 2016.

But - April 13, 2016. - An earthquake occurred magnite Myanmar . This is the zone of the Alpine - Himalayan seismic belt. Forecast.

On the ground from April to July 2016, the period of seismic turbulence occurs. In seismically active regions, two resonant earthquakes per day, a huge number of Aftersokov, subsequent jokes occur. The number of resonant earthquakes on a short period of time increases.

As mentioned in the forecast of earthquakes for April 2016:

In March 2016, under the action of cosmic resonance factors, a large seismic energy has accumulated in the geosphere of the Earth. IN april - May - June 2016 The accumulated seismic energy will be released in the form of resonant earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Himalayan tectonics trigger 2015. Alpine - Himalayan seismic belt.

Seismic calm period in south-East Asia It comes to an end, and a catastrophic earthquake that occurred in Nepal 25, 2015 may become a trigger for even more destructive underground jokes in Himalayas, geologists are approved on the pages of the SCIENCE NEWS.

Experts believe that the Nepalese Earthquake of the magnitude of 7.9 has long been "Narrel." The fracture area on which the epicenter of the jokes was seismically stable since 1344. The source of underground jokes was at a depth of 15 km, where the Indian stove is lifted under the south tibet at a speed of about 20 mm per year. Squeezing the plates leads to an increase in pressure, as a result, the rocks of the earth's crust are not kept and give a crack.

Alpine - Himalayan seismic belt.

Tectonic plates located under the territory of Nepal, have been approaching the fracture point for several centuries. The shocks were too weak to remove all the accumulated pressure, they only "released steam." Now we should expect powerful earthquakes, however, accurate terms of scientists are unknown.

A source

Activity in Alpine - Himalayan seismic belt at the end of April 2016.

This seismic activity in the region determines the high probability of the resonant earthquake of magnitude of more than 7.0 - at the end of April, early May 2016.

Resonant seismic activity dates at the end of April 2016.

Since March 2016, seismic resonance acts - the factor of the emerging quadrature of Jupiter Saturn.

Cosmological compliance is a resonant earthquake of magnitude of more than 7.0, resonant tsunami, resonant eruption of active volcanoes.

The period of action of accurate and wide quadratus Jupiter - Saturn - March - July 2016.

Mars turn around Saturn - April 17, 2016 - Seismic resonance - factor.

Mars in turn on the return movement from April 15 to 20, 2016 on the Aldebaran-Antares catastrophe axis - seismic resonance - factor.

Relief of Pluto in the opposite movement - April 18, 2016 - Seismic resonance - factor.

Moon's connection, Jupiter in the quadrature to the compound Mars, Saturn - April 18, 2016 - Seismic resonance - factor.

Tau- Square Moon - Pluto - Venus, Uranus - April 20, 2016 - Seismic resonance - factor.

The compound Mars, Moon, Saturn in the quadrature to Jupiter, in the square to Neptune - April 25, 2016 - Seismic resonance - factor.

Relief Mercury in the opposite movement - April 28, 2016 - Seismic resonance - factor.

Ingression, Venus's transition in Taurus - April 30, 2016 - Seismic resonance - factor.

Spot of Jupiter in Direct Movement in the Quadrature to Saturn - May 9, 2016 - Seismic Resonance - Factor + - 14 days.

Studies of seismic relationships, volcanic activities, intense manifestation of elements with space factors, gravitational fields of planets, the activity of the Sun, the torsion fields and the rays of the near and far space - fixed stars, nebulae - Galaxies - are conducted in the method "Cosmology - Astrology as a security system." Software - ZET GEO Astroprocessor.

Andrei Andreev- Cosmoritmologist.

The forecast of earthquakes, seismic activity for 2016. Regions Seismic activity 2016.

The forecast of earthquakes for April 2016.

Grille of the crystal of the earth.

The location of the planetary mountain belts on Earth, as well as flat-to-pool belts, unequal. Alpine-Himalayan belt stretched in a subshiride direction, Andi-Cordillersky - in the submeridional direction, and the East Asian as if escalating the mainland of Asia from the east, following his bends.

The Alpine-Himalayan Mountain Belt begins in the southwest of Europe and stretches the uninstalled strip to the east. It includes, Apennins, Balkans, as well as in inner depressions. One of them is Vpadina. Pyrenees are fencing from the northeast of the Plateau Plateau Barrier with a length of almost 600 km. This is a small mountainous country, in size equal. The width of the ridge on the base is approaching 120 km. The highest point of Pyreneev - Peak de Anetoe - 3404 m. Starting at the eastern end of the Cantabrian Mountains, where they represent a single ridge, to the east of the Pyrenees are crushed into several parallel ridges. In its axial area of \u200b\u200bPyrenees, Paleozoic shales, sandstones, quartzites, limestones, granites are composed. In the north and southern slopes, Paleozoic breeds are hidden under mesozoic and paleogenic sediments. They are crushed into the folds and places are hidden on each other. The only volcanic area of \u200b\u200bPyrenees is the Tectonic Depression Olot. The Alps are one of the largest mountain countries of this belt. Its length is about 1200 km, and the height of individual vertices exceeds 4 km (Mont Blanc - 4710 m). The mountains are strongly dissected and, as well as pyrenees, do not represent a single mountain range. The axial zone is made by the rocks of crystalline foundation - granites, gneisses, metamorphic shale, which approached the outskirts are replaced by sedimentary strata of clay shale of thin-grained sandstones and argillites. From the north of the Alps, the low plateau, located at the site of the foothill, in the south there is Venetsian-Padan Vadina. The eastern outskirts of the Alps intersect rift depressions separating them from the Danube Plains. There are no volcanoes in the Alps.

Carpathians have a length of almost 1500 km. The highest marks in high tatras - 2663 m. Width, however, less than the Alps, but the ridges are more separately. Intergurious basins deeply penetrate the mountains, which are composed mainly of sandstone and clays, but in Western Carpathians there are granites and granite. Along the southern slope of the Eastern Carpathians, the volcanic ridge stretches. Carpathians are more fragmented than the Alps.

Caucasian Yuras in their relief are more like the Alps. But their morphostructures are different.

The length of the Caucasus reaches 1100 km, and the area is about 145 thousand km2. This is a mountain system consisting of longitudinal and transverse ridges stretched into one line of depression, volcanic arrays. According to the peculiarities there are northern and southern slopes, as well as the axial band.

The highest mountains are located in the axial band (4-5 km), composed of Precambrian and Paleozoic rocks. Their protrusions are bordered by sandstones, limestone and shale of Mesozoic age. The main Caucasian ridge is sharply dissected by deep valleys, glaciers meet on steep slopes, and the highest top of the Caucasus and all of Europe Mount Elbrus is a huge volcanic cone, the height of which reaches 5633 m. Rivers of the thresholds, with a rapid flow.

The Caucasus looks like a gigantic arch, broken into a block of huge cracks. The movements of these blocks continue until now, which often leads to the collaps on the slopes.

Between the chains of the Grand Mountains in this part of Europe there are Danube Plains, formed on the site of the immersed median array. The average height of the surface is: at the Upper-Danube Plain - 11o - 120 m, at the Mid-Danube - 80 - 85 m, at the Nizhne-Danube - 10 - 30 m.

Most of the Apennine Peninsula occupy Apennine Mountains. This is the system of medieval ridges that have risen and arranged only 800 thousand years ago. There is a zone of the most significant earthquakes and the largest existing Europe. The highest point of the Apennine is Mount Corporation Grande (2914 m). Volcanoes are focused along the west coast and at the bottom of the sea: Amiata, Vulsino, Vesuvius, Etna, Vultea, etc. The largest ones are the dinar Highlands, Albano-Pinda Mountains, folded mountains of Stara Planina, Rila-Rhodopian Mountain Array.

The continuation of the Alpine-Himalayan belt is the Majual Asian Highlands. In the north of the long chain stretches the Pontic Ridge, in the south - Mountain Mountains.

Armenian volcanic Highlands (5156 m) is east of Anatolian Plateau. Here you can see the volcanic plateau, the cones of volcanoes, failed basins and other forms of volcanic relief. In general, the Armenian Highlands is a huge arch, raised and split into separate parts. The largest square Huge Iranian Highlands (5604 m) is occupied by the Ridge Elbec, Mountains Pagros and extensive plains between them. This is an active seismic zone where earthquakes are taking up to 10 points.

In the south-east, the Alpine-Himalayan belt ends with Burmese Highlands (4149 m), composed of granites, crystal shale, limestones and sandstones. Submeridional ridges are separated here by longitudinal depressions. Axial zones are composed of mesozoic granites and shale. It looks like him and the Shang Nagoray.

Thus, for the entire Alpine-Himalayan belt is characterized by dynamism and contrast (in the Alps, the movements are 10-12 km; in the Carpathians - 6 - 7 km; in the Himalayas - 10-12 km). Although it was not developed in all this belt, but seismic tensions are quite high. Zones "Seismic silence" alternate with frequent power zones up to 10 points.

Andi-Cordillers Mountain belt with a width from 600 to 1200 km stretched over 18 thousand km. It begins on Alaska and goes along Western coasts and. Alaska mountains and plateaus differ in a variety. The seaside plains are separated from the inner areas of high ridges, the Yukonsky plateau is divided into sites of intermountain depressions, and the Brooks Ridge is an impassable wall separates the Yukon from the ocean ice ice. IN geological structure The rocks of the Precambrian, Paleozoic and Mesozoic age are participating in this territory. They are usually crushed into the fold and shifted along the zones of the head. For East, Alaska is characterized by deep longitudinal pivops, stretching far from south.

Rocky Mountains are a chain of high parallel ridges and mountain ranges stretched out 3200 km. The width of the chain is significant (400 - 700 km), although not constant. The thickness of the earth's crust is about 40 km. The mountains reach the height of 4399 m. The tectonic and geological structure of the Rocky Mountains in the north and the south differ markedly. In the north they can see deep rally, boulder arrays. In the central and especially in the southern part of the Rocky Mountains, rift-bearers are widespread. Until now, one of the riddles remains the origin of the giant RVA Rocky Mountains - narrow (about 6-12 km) cracks stretched along the western slope of the mountains by 15 thousand km. In the thickness of rock thickens, you can establish the heads of the Precambrian strata for Mesozoic breeds. The huge Length of the RVA is explained only by tectonic stretching of the earth's crust. In the central part, the main ridge has a width of about 300 km. The southern part of the Rocky Mountains is sharply different from the northern and central parts.

Between the rocky mountains and the sea coast are an internal plateau, mountains and a plateau. They include Plateau Stikin, Nechachno-Fraser, Colombian, Colorado, as well as the province of ridges and pools. Internal plateau and plateaus are characterized by a wavy relief with the mountains. Colombian plateau (200-1000 m) is composed mainly by volcanic rocks; Colorado - horizontally bombing sedimentary rocks and only the province of ridges and pools is a unique territory with an unusual relief. The average height of it is 1400 - 1700 m, the maximum - 4356 m. In its relief differs from the rocky mountains and internal plains Mexican Highlands. This is a mining area with disassembled ridges 600 - 1000 m high. Some of them reach 2500 m. There are extensive plateau and volcanic arrays. From the most famous volcanoes, a popo-pathpet (5452 m) and Orizaba can be called (5747 m). They are distinguished by well-pronounced conical arrays. In the coastal zone there are high ridges and deep depressions, and the relief is less contrast, although it is here that the highest point of America is the highest point (6193 m). The characteristic feature of the relief is the exceptional fragmentation of the blocks, the linear location of the ridges and the depression.

Differences in the major features of the relief of this part of the Andi-Cordillers mountain belt are due primarily to the history of their formation. Mountain arrays of the Rocky Mountains were formed at the end of the Mesozoic, when there were still low-lying plains on the site of the internal plateau and the plane. Crushed, but less active in the tectonic attitude of the morphostructures of the Rocky Mountains is already about 10 million years ago, they turned into large linear ridges and depressions, and then into the system of alternating volcanic ridges and a plateau, block mountains, pylmonous pivons. The narrow and long experiencing connecting the North and South is called Central America. It is characterized by a variety of volcanic arrays and ridges, lavva plateaus and plateaus. The thick felt chain permeates the entire region. Andi-Cordillers belongs to South America. Most feature The Andes located here are the branched ridge system called. They stretch almost parallel to each other and are separated by deep depressions, high plateaus and plateaus. The highest mountain range crowned Mount Akonkagau (6980 m).

On both sides of the Andes are linear deflection. They have a different origin. In the north, the belt begins the sub-liaum of Venezuelan Andes, which without sharp transitions are replaced by Colombian Andes. The largest ridges here are Western, Central and Eastern Cordillera, as if divergen to the rays from one node in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Cumbal array in the south. Located to the south, Ecuadorian-Peruvian Andes have a width of only 320 - 350 km. There are no bending mountain chains. The average height reaches 4 - 5 km, and the highest marks have vulcanic arrays of Chimborace (6272 m) and Kotopaxi (5896 m). In this area, the so-called alley of volcanoes is distinctly expressed in the relief - the bottom of a large graben filled with pep and sandy and crubstone sediments and framed on both sides by chains of volcanic cones. In the south of Peru, the raising of the intertons, Kotlovin led to the formation of huge plane.

If you move to Andams from the Pacific Ocean, then the Andes Mountain Chain occurs somehow immediately, without a gradual lift. The path blocks the gorges with stormy threads, the slopes become very cool, coated with yellow spots of fresh and collaps. In the valleys there are practically no river terraces.

Here you can start the rise in Western Cordille. Steep slopes go up, the road is wriggled, adapting to the relief. And here on both sides of the road, a dry steppe appears, a dried earth is clearly visible between the curtains. The cones of volcanoes grow, which first do not produce a special impression - they simply have nothing to compare. Suddenly, the road begins to descend, and the traveler falls on the bottom of the extensive depression, occupied by numerous villages, fields, pastures. This depression is called in different ways - the alley of volcanoes, an in-depowieth depression, a strip of giant rabes. Depression on both sides bordered by the mountain ridges of Western and East Cordiller, its width reaches 40 km.
For residents moderate belt Such relief and landscapes are largely unusual. In and Peru they call Paramo. i.e. alpine plain dry stepsy. Paramo occupies between 2800 and 4700 m. Hilly plains here - combinations of surfaces composed of volcanic ashes and wreckage chosen when. Lacher strips are clearly visible - frozen hot fluxes.

In the geological section, the landscapes of Paramo - "Puff pastry", consisting of various breeds and preserving the memory of the cataclysms of the past.

Studied not as good as on land. In the largest oceans - the quiet and atlantic, extending on both sides of the equator, the relief cannot even be comparable to the most significant mountain belts on land. The Pacific Ocean is surrounded from the north, the West and the South-West in the overwhelming seas, deep in the continents. The main morphostructures of the bottom are the mid-ocean ridges and underwater basins with mountain and flat relief.

The mid-oceanic ridges of the Pacific Ocean are elongated for many thousands of kilometers and places acquire a view of broad and extended hills that are often divided by transform faults to segments of different sizes and different ages. The planetary system of the mid-ocean ridges and elevations in the Pacific is represented by the wide and weakly rested South Pacific and East Pacific raising. Not far from the California Bay East Pacific Raising Fitting to the Continent North America. This rift rhyps is poorly pronounced, and there are no places. In the relief, the cups are traced by dome hills, which are 200 - 300 km away from each other.

Mountain structures in other parts of the Pacific are represented by novice-block ridges, sometimes arcuate outlines. For example, the northern arc forms a Hawaiian volcanic ridge. Hawaii Island is a vertex of a volcanic array of panel underwater volcanoes that rose from the panel underwater volcanoes. To the south of the Hawaii, the mountain system is located, the length of which reaches 11 thousand km. In different parts, it has different names. These underwater mountains begins from the Mass Cartographers, then Marcus Nacker is moving to Mountains and then represented by underwater ridges near Line and Tuamot Islands. This mountain system comes to almost the foundation of the East Pacific Raising. According to the assumptions of scientists, all these mountains are fragments of the former Mid-Oceanic ridge.

The huge northeastern hollow at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean lies at a depth of about 5 km (the maximum depth of it is 6741 m). At the bottom of the basin prevails hilly relief.

The planetary formas of relief also refers - the second size and depth among the oceans of the Earth. It stretches from before. The planetary is the middle-atlantic ridge, which divides three ridges: Reykjanes, North Atlantic and South Atlantic. Reykjanes Ridge is traced from the island to the south. Russian scientist O. K. Leontyev believed that it was not even a ridge, but Highlands with well-pronounced axial and flanking zones. The North Atlantic Ridge is divided into many segments of transformers, and in the place of their intersection, deep rabes are marked, often significantly deeper than axial rift vpadina. The South Atlantic Ridge has a meridional strike and divided into segments of the same faults. The bed of the Atlantic Ocean does not contain a particularly large underwater kitelin, but the plateau and the mountains are often found. One of the largest underwater kitelins is North American. Three flat plains were found within its limits.

The system of the mid-ocean ridges in the third largest ocean of the Earth is different from such ridges in the Atlantic Ocean by the fact that they consist of separate links (Arabian-Indian, West Indian, Central Indian Ranges; Australly Antarctic Raising), which as would converge at one point. Inside such a node is a deep canyon, which gradually expands and leads to the decay of the underwater mountains into separate parts. At the bottom of the Indian Ocean there are also. The bottom in them is lowered to a depth of 5 - 6 km. In the relief of the West Australian Basin (-6429 m), underwater ridges and hills are well expressed. In the largest central hollow (-5290 m) at the bottom there is an inclined surface of the accumulative loop with distinct hollows - traces of the mundage flows. But in the middle of a gentle loop there are also mountains height 3 - 3.5 km. In the northeastern part of the ocean there is an East-Indian submarine ridge with a length of about 4800 km and a relative height of about 4000 m. On the climbing slopes of this ridge, young precipitation is almost never found, and the ancient sediment contains inside the magmatic bodies. The ridge was formed on the site of a large meridional fault of the earth's crust of about 75 million years ago (i.e. in latex time). The powerful outpouring of volcanic lavs has repeatedly led to the appearance of vertices of the ridge in the form of islands, towering over the surface of the ocean. Following the theories of "Plates", the mid-ocean ridges in the Indian Ocean are the boundaries of African, Indo-Australian and Antarctic lithospheric plates. The bottom itself is the result of the sprawling of these plates.

In the Arctic region of the northern hemisphere is located relatively small in size. Its area is about 13.1 million km2, and the average depth is 1780 m. In addition, within its limits there are numerous outdoor seas and huge underwater plains of mainland shelves. The width of some of the shelves reaches 1,300 km. These are the largest shallow plains on our planet. It is characteristic that in the Arctic Ocean there are no deep-water gutters. At the point, the depth of the ocean is about 4400 m.

The folded belt crossing North-West Africa and Eurasia in the latitudinal direction from the Atlantic Ocean to the South China Sea, separating the Southern Group of Ancient Platforms, until the middle of the Jurassic period, the Gondwan's supercontinent, from the Northern Group, which had previously previously continued the Lavravia and the Siberian Platform. In the East, the Mediterranean fold belt is articulated with the western branch of the Pacific geosynclinal belt.

The Mediterranean belt covers the southern regions of Europe and Mediterranean, Maghreb (North-West Africa), Small Asia, Caucasus, Persian Mountain Systems, Pamir, Himalayas, Tibet, Indochina and Indonesian Islands. In the middle and central part of Asia, it is almost combined with the Ural-Mongolian geosynclinal system, and in the West is close to the north-Atlantic system.

  • Mesozoids -
    • Indosiniya (Tibeto-Malay);
    • West Turkmen (Nebitdag);
  • Alpida -
    • Caucasian;
    • Crimean;
    • Balkan;
    • Central European;
    • Apennine;
    • North-Magribskaya;
    • Irano-Oman;
    • Copetdago-Elbursk;
    • Belukhistanskaya;
    • Afghan-Tajik;
    • Pamir;
    • Himalayan;
    • Iravadian;
    • West Malaya



Topic 3-piece features of the geological structure of alpine folding areas (Geology of the Grand Caucasus, the folded area of \u200b\u200bthe Eastern Carpathians and the mountain Crimea)

Task 4. Scheme of the structures of the Alpine folded area of \u200b\u200bthe Big Caucasus

Purpose:create a scheme of the structures of the folded region of the Big Caucasus

Work plan:

1 legend to the scheme of the structures of the Big Caucasus

2 border of the Big Caucasus

3 Basic structural elements of the Big Caucasus


  • literature: Koronovsky N.V.

A brief course of the regional geology of the USSR. - ed. Moscow University, 1984. - 334 p., Lazko E.M. Regional Geology of the USSR. Volume 1, European part and Caucasus. - M.: Nedra, 1975.

- 333 s., Abstract lectures on the geology of the Eastern European Platform.

Basic concepts on the task

In the north, the border between Megantiklinoria of the Grand Caucasus and the Scythian slab is carried out along the roof of chalk sediments. South of the Anticlinorium is the southern slope of the Big Caucasus, which is an alpine geosynclinal deflection, folded by the deposits of the lower - upper Yura.

The scheme reflects the following structural elements of the Grand Caucasus: the main anticlinorium, an advanced ridge, the North Caucasian monocupal, the southern slope of the Big Caucasus, Rionan and Kurinsky deflection, Dzirulsky Mass, Azerbaijani folded zone.

When highlighting the above structural elements of the Big Caucasus, it is necessary to take into account the following features.

Within the main anticlinearium on the surface, the Precambrian breed, penetrated by Mesozoic and Alpine, mainly granitoid intrusions.

In the structures of the advanced ridge, the deposits of the average, upper Cambrian and Silura, the Middle, Upper Devon and the Lower Carboni (Paleozoic), which are pronounced, and the Mlasoid thickness of the medium, upper carbon and perm are exposed.

North Caucasian Monocupal is located the north of the main anticlinorium and advanced ridge structures. The case is represented by the deposits of Yura and Chalk.

The southern slope of the Big Caucasus is south of anticlinorium.

It is made by the breeds of Central Yura and Chalk.

Rionan and Kurinsky deflection are between the folded buildings of the Grand and Small Caucasus.

They are terminated according to the Cenozoic sediments.

Dzirulsky Massive shares Rionan and Kurinsky deflection. Here, Rhypsian and Paleozoic breeds with Hercinsky and Kimmerian granites come to the surface.

The Azerbaijani folded zone is located in the eastern part of meguanticlinorium and is terminated for the deposits of Pliocene-Antpogen.


Task 5. Scheme of the structures of the Alpine Folded Areas of the Eastern Carpathians and Mountain Crimea

Purpose:make a scheme of the structures of the Eastern Carpathians and the mountain Crimea

Work plan:

1 legend to the scheme of the structure of the folded system of the Eastern Carpathians

2 border of the folded system of the Eastern Carpathians

3 Basic structural elements of the Eastern Carpathians

4 border of the folded system of the mountain Crimea


  • Tectonic map of Europe and adjacent regions M 1: 22500000, geological map of the USSR M 1: 4000000, contour map of Europe M 1: 17000000 - 20000000;
  • notebook for practical training, simple soft pencil, set of colored pencils, eraser, ruler;
  • literature: Koronovsky N.V.

A brief course of the regional geology of the USSR. - ed. Moscow University, 1984. - 334 p., Lazko E.M. Regional Geology of the USSR. Volume 1, European part and Caucasus. - M.: Nedra, 1975. - 333 s., Abstract lectures on the geology of the Eastern European Platform.

Basic concepts on the task

The meganticinery of the Eastern Carpathians has a well-pronounced longitudinal structural-facial zonality and the internal zone to the external and last on preparpatic edge deflection.

The diagram displays the following structural elements of the Eastern Carpathian. Financial Regional Deflection, Skibe, Marmarhsky Crystalline Massive, Zone of Rocks, Transcarpathian Regional Deflection. The folded area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain Crimea should be contrary to the diagram.

When highlighting the above-mentioned structural elements of the Eastern Carpathians, the following features must be taken into account.

Preparate regional deflection is located on the border of the folded building of the Eastern Carpathians and the Eastern European Platform.

It is made by Miocene postponement.

The skill zone is the most exportation of Karpat. It is terminated by petrogen and paleogenic sediments.

The Marmaros Crystal Massif occupies an inner position in the Far Southeast.

With the limits of Marmarh, the ancient varietary variety-Mesozoic breeds are exposed. Deposits break through medium-powerozoic granitoids. In the coating structure of the Marmaros Massif, the top-in-lawyaries, Perm, Triassic and Jurassic deposits are also involved, blocked by the sediments of the upper chalk and Cenozoic.

The Marrmaros array is narrowed to the northwest and then there is a zone of rocks, which is pronounced by a narrow, places of double strip of the exits of Triassic, Jurassic and chalk sediments randomly scattered among chalk and paleogene breeds.

From the back, inner, the side of the mountain building carpathia is limited by the Transcarpathian regional deflection. It is made by non -ogenic Moless.

When the folded area of \u200b\u200bthe mountain Crimea, it is necessary to take into account that the boundaries extend from G.

Sevastopol in the west Dog. Feodosia in the East. The northern border separates the mountain Crimea from the structures of the Scythian slab and is carried out on the roof of chalk sediments.

ProgressThe technique of its implementation and design is similar to that in the task 1 and 2.

Theme 4-line features of the geological structure of Belarus

Task 6. Describe the basic structures of the territory of Belarus on cartographic materials

Purpose:Describe the basic structures of the territory of Belarus, pronounced swelling, using cartographic materials

Structure Description Plan:

1 The name of the structure I of the order and the structures selected in their composition.

2 borders of the structure I of order.

3 The depths of the foundation are minimal and maximum depths within the boundaries of the structure of the iPood, the depth of the occurrence within the structures II of the order, the characteristic features of the surface of the foundation.

4 Time and conditionality of structure formation.

6 Characteristics of basic discontinuous disorders, limiting structures of the order of separating the structures of SiOripe (rank, time of formation, location, length, width of the zone of influence, vertical amplitude, outlines in the plan, activity at the present stage).

7 Structural complexes and floors (name, distribution and rocks of which formations are complicated).


  • tectonic maps Belorussim 1: 500000 and M 1: 1000000;
  • notebook for practical training
  • literature: Geology of Belarus: Monograph // Ed.

A.S. Makhnach - Minsk, 2001. - 814 s., Frails of the earth's bark of Belarus: monograph // under Red R.E. Aizberg. Minsk: Beauty-Print, 2007. - 372 p., STB Legend to geological content (working draft). - Minsk: Ministry of Protection, 2011.

- 53 s., Abstract lectures on geology of Belarus.

Indolo-Kuban deflection

Page 1.

Indolo-Kuban Progibe is a foothill.

Miocene-Pliocene deposits of Indolo-Kuban deflection include mainly sandy layers of Chakracian-Karagan, Sarmatian, Maeotic and Pontic age, with which the gas-infrared Anastasian-Troitskoye deposit is connected. Industrial oil and gas detection deposited in Kimmerian, Pontic, Maochemical and Sarmatian sediments.

The mineralization of the water of Sarmatian breeds in the Western Precocal region increases from the east to west, reaching a maximum (60 g / l) in the central part of the deflection. In this case, the composition of water changes from sulphate-sodium to hydrocarbonate-sodium and chloride calcium.

In the central part of the Indolo-Kuban deflection below the cutoff surface - 4 5 km will be opened by the wells of paleogenes. Lowerogen deposits.

The East-Seversk deposit is located on the southern board of the Indolo-Kuban deflection. The field is built very difficult and is an anticlineal fold in eocene and oligo-price deposits of Paleogene, buried under the monocillic-banging sediments of neogen. Structuring structure close to latitudinal, asymmetric fold: the north wing is sharper than South.

Anastasian-Troitskoy GasObondensate Nonephrase deposit is located in Indolo-Kuban.

The deposit of multi-faceted, openly in 1952 with the Kimmerian and Pontic Horizons associated gas deposits, with Miotic - oil.

Against the background of highly mineralized chloride-calcium waters of Maochesky sediments in the central part of the Indolo-Kuban deflection, a hydrochemical minimum is observed within Anastasian-Troitskaya folds associated with the introduction of weak-mineralized water from the diapiration nucleus.

The reduced water pods are reduced from the east to the west of from 400 to 160 m and are due to the infiltration mode. In the most submerged part of the Indolo-Kuban deflection in the Anastasian-Troitsky field in Miocene sediments, there is an elusive mode and extensive AVAP zones are established.

Alpine-Himalayan Movable Belt

The southern part of the pool adjacent to the Kerch and Taman Peninsula is located within the Indolo-Kuban deflection experiencing intensive immersion. The power of marine holocene precipitation reaches the first tens of meters.

Among them are prevailing and clay-aeuritic ily with different sinks of mollusks.

The deposit is a wide beam - cheerful, opened in 1937, is located within the southern board of the Indolo-Kuban deflection.

Here, in the sediments of the middle MAKOP, a strip of sand-aleur-tica rocks was revealed, in the southern part of which ugly-like protrusions form a number of lithological traps filled with oil. One of them is called a wide beam, the other is cheerful.

They are combined with a common nestless band.

Belt of the ancestor of the BSK of their advanced deflection: i] - Terek-Caspian and Kusaro-Divne - Ginsky deflection; L - Indolo-Kuban deflection. III, Transcaucasian intergranium deflection: iii] - Dzirul-Okrnbskaya zone of raising; Sh2 - the foothill defditions of Western Georgia; Sh3 - COLVHIDE PROGRIBER; Sh4 - Ku-Rinskaya Vpadina; ILLS - Apsheron-Kobistansky Progr.

Meganticlinorials of the Small Caucasus: IVI - Ajaro-Trialy folded zone; IVA - Somato-Karabakh anticlinorium; IV3 - Sevvan Synclinor; IV4 - Zangezur-Ordubad zone; IVS - Armenian-akhalkalak volcanic shield; IVA - Araksinskaya Vadina; IV.

The Novodmitrian field, opened in 1951, is located within the Kaluga belt of buried anticline folds, complicating the southern board of the Indolo-Kuban deflection, is an anticline fold of an almost latitudinal stretch (with a deviation to the southeast) complicated by a large number of disjunctive violations.

In addition to those considered Ust-Labinsky and Nekrasovskoye deposits in the southern part of the Esco-Berezan zone of raising, dedicated to Ust-La - Binsky, the foundation, separating the East Kuban depression from Indolo-Kuban, are located dvubraş, Ladoga deposits.

Within the steppe Crimea, in addition to the Sivash depression, other main tectonic elements are: the Novoselovskoy-Simferopol raising of the Paleozoic foundation, which in the West is immersed in the Alm region, and in the east goes to the Indolo-Kuban deflection.

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Mediterranean (Alpine-Himalayan) fold (geosynclinal) belt - The folded belt crossing the North-West Africa and Eurasia in the latitudinal direction from the Atlantic Ocean to the South China Sea, separating the Southern Group of Ancient Platforms, until the middle of the Jurassic period, which was the supercontinent of Gondwan, from the Northern Group, which had previously previously continent Lavravia and the Siberian platform.

In the East, the Mediterranean fold belt is articulated with the western branch of the Pacific geosynclinal belt.

The Mediterranean belt covers the southern regions of Europe and the Mediterranean, Maghreb (North-West Africa), Malny Asia, the Caucasus, Persian Mountain Systems, Pamir, Himalayas, Tibet, Indochina and Indonesian Islands.

Alpine-Himalayan seismic belt

In the middle and central part of Asia, it is almost combined with the Ural-Mongolian geosynclinal system, and in the West is close to the north-Atlantic system.

The belt was formed for a long time, covering the period from Precambria to the present day.

The Mediterranean geosynclinal belt includes 2 folded areas (mesozoids and alpids), which are divided into systems:



  1. Zeisler V.M., Karaulov VB, Uspenskaya E.A., Chernova E.S. Basics of regional geology of the USSR. - M: Nedra, 1984. - 358 p.


Folded belts on the world map

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