Drawings showing the shape of the earth's surface of the Trans-Baikal Territory. Abstract to the world around the world

The world.
Topic: Universe, or Cosmos.
Give an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe, space, the significance of the sun for life on earth.
rave students' speech;
Relieve careful attitude towards nature through the development of an emotionally sensual attitude towards the world around.
Wood formation:
Personal: Positive attitude to school and learning activities; Awareness of human responsibility for the overall well-being of life on the planet.

Cognitive: the creation of activity algorithms in solving problems of creative and search nature;

During the classes
Stage lesson content educational material Teacher's activities Activities of Fuad students
I. Organizing time. The game "How do you live?"
- How are you? (like this)
- And you go?
- Do you run?
- Well, sleep?
- Do you sit for a piece of paper at school?
- What is the lesson to live today? I am sure that everyone you will work carefully, but to think on your own. Set up a job. Set up a job. Personal: Positive attitude to school and training activities.
II. Definition of the topic and objectives of the lesson. Actualization supporting knowledge. ("I know.")
- Listen to the passages of poems. Who is in them the main character?
It's good that summer again,
Again the sun is high
That water in the pond is heated,
How paired milk.
Summer sun rolled out
Zasiailo, lit up
In the paint bright dressed,
Hot sun sinted.
- What is the importance of the sun for life on earth?
Setting goals.
- Look at with. 8-9 in the textbook and tell me what we want to find out today in the lesson?
- Yes, we will talk about the sun today, we learn something interesting about the solar system, universe and space. Invitation to think.
Definition and justification of the lesson themes Cognitive: analyze objects with the allocation of essential signs and make generalizations, formulate the simplest conclusions;
Communicative: Formulate personal opinion and position in statements, to build a statement understandable for a partner;
III. Work over the theme lesson.
1. Statement of the problem.
Universe - village, unail (Russian meaning).
What changes will occur on earth, if there is no sun? Why?
"Remember how the animals were frightened in the fairy tale K. I. Chukovsky, when" crocodile the sun in the sky swallowed. "
- Why did you push?
- Do you know that the sun is a star?
- The sun is a huge split ball, the luminous body - the star. This star is seen during the day. The sun's rays carry light and warmth on the ground. All the lively stretches to the sun. When can we observe this?
- Guys, if the sun is a huge ball, then why do we see it not very big?
Work with sources.
2. Work on the textbook (p. 8-9).
a) What pictures do you prove that the sun is a split ball?
- What picture explains why we see the sun small?
- What can be said about the magnitude of the aircraft, birds flying high in the sky?
Choose the correct answer:
The sun is ... 1. Star.
2. Planet.
3. Satellite.
- Why are those stars that we see at night, we seem very small to us?
- What colors of the stars have you seen? (Yellow, red, blue color.)
- We see with you a naked eye, that is, without a telescope, 3000 stars in our northern hemisphere.
b) solar system. Using ICT.
- Our land - Star? (No, planet.)
- And the moon, what is it? (Satellite.) Invitation to think.
Hypotheses extension, work with a textbook - solution problem situations. Cognitive: analyze objects with the allocation of essential features and make generalizations, formulate the simplest conclusions;
Communicative: to formulate your own opinion and position in statements, to build a statement understandable for a partner; Regulatory: to form and develop the ability to understand the actors dedicated by the teacher in educational material;
V. Dynamic pause. In the sky swims the moon. (Shawl and right.)
She went into the clouds.
One, two, three, four, five - (cotton hands.)
We can get the moon. (Hands up.)
Six, seven, eight, nine, ten - cotton over your head.) And lower it. (Hands down.)
Ten, nine, eight, seven - (walking in place.)
So that the moon shine to everyone. (Quietly sat down.) Show movements Movement
VI Working on the lesson. (continued)
Determine the extra object (p. 9).
Mars, Sun, Earth.
Moon, Mars, Earth.
- Prove.
- What planets get more heat from the sun? Why?
- What other cosmic bodies?
3. Work on the notebook (p. 10, tasks 8, 9).
Students independently fulfill the task, and the teacher checks and asks students who rightly fulfilled the task, explaining those who did not cope. Working with a textbook.
Regulatory: to form and develop the ability to understand the actors dedicated by the teacher in educational material;
The outcome of the lesson. Self-assessment and evaluation of activities Evaluate yourself on the Laneke of Success, in Weekly. Moderation
Self-esteem and correction.
Communicative: to formulate your own opinion and position in statements
Personal: Positive attitude to school and training activities;

Subject: Forms ground surface.


  • give an initial idea of \u200b\u200bthe relief of the earth, know the surface forms native region;
  • define various shapes of the surface on the map;
  • develop interest in the world around;
  • education of careful attitude towards nature.

Type of lesson: combined.

Scientific and methodical content of the lesson: The main form of relief of the Earth: mountains, plains, ravines, hills. Differences of mountains and plains in height.

Leading concepts: Mountains, plains, ravines, hills.

Equipment: Presentation on the topic of lesson, layouts of mountains and mountain systems, Map of the Krasnodar Territory, Globe.

During the classes

  1. Organizing time.
  2. Message Topics lesson

Today in the lesson we will talk about the forms of the surface of our country, learn how to find and distinguish them on the map.
(1 slide)

  1. Repetition of the material passed

On the palm he will fall all.
Not a clock, but the arrow is.
He is useful on the road -
Not get lost with him anywhere.

  • - What is this mystery?
  • - What is a compass? (2 slide)
  • - Who enjoys them at work? (Sailors, pilots, travelers, geologists, tourists)
  • - Why do people use this device?
  • - How is the compass? Magnetic arrow, housing, fuse.
  • - What features can be nature? (3 slide)

- on the spring melting of snow on the slopes of ravines;
- on melting snow on the roofs of houses;
- Mukhov and lichens are more on the north side;
- In detached tree branches from the south side longer and thicker.

4. Work on the subject of the lesson.

Which of you had a long time to climb on a hill?
- How did you feel?

You probably thought that there was nothing better than a smooth surface of the Earth, on which it is very convenient to go.
But in this case, we would not be able to live on such a flat planet, because All waters would grow out on the surface of the soil and we would have been at the bottom of the ocean, a depth of more than two kilometers.
Therefore, it is better to leave her as it is: with mountains and plains, hills and ravines.

Consider the image of sushi on globus.

Why is she sled in different colors? ( Susha on the map is denoted by shades of green and brown.
- Think that they indicate these colors.
- Compare images (4 slide)
- What surface forms do you see?
- Try to explain what it is. - What do you think, why plain called plain?
- Let me read about them in the textbook on page 76 (5 slide video about the formation of mountains, depression, plains)
- What is plain? (6 slide)
- What can you meet on the plains? (hills and ravines) (7 slide)

Distinguish flat and hillyplains. On the map, they are marked with green and with an impact of light brown.

Open the map of Russia in the textbook on page 90
- Find the plain on the map. Name them.

The plains seem flat only at first glance (8 - 14 slides) - viewing the slides of the plain.

Consider on the map the territory of our region (Customized Cards) + (15 slide)
- Is there a plain on the territory of our edge? (Azov - Kuban Plain.)
Most of the territory of the edge, located north of the Kuban River, occupies Azov - Kuban Plain. (16 slide)
- How do you imagine the hill? (17 slide)
The hill is a small elevation, having a rounded peak and detached or steep slopes, not exceeding 200 meters above the surrounding area.

The figure shows the type of terrain: the river, the bridge over it, the hill. Oak grows on the hill. (18 slide) - hilly terrain.

What do you think is the ravine? On the plains there are not only elevations, but also lowering. Such downsions are ostragi. (19 slide)
- How are they formed?

The formation of ravine begins with a small crystal. Tella and rainwater blur her, and the ravine gradually increases. Raisses can be small, and can be deep. On the bottom of the ravine often flows the river or stream. If there is a lot of herbs and shrubs along the edges of the ravine, then it turns into a swamp.
The ravine is a deep stretched lean with steep slopes blurred by rain and snow waters.
Ravines bring harm to man, because Destroy the upper fertile layer of soil, roads, cities suffer from ravines.

Find on the map of Russia a place with a pronounced brown color.
- What do they designate?
- What is the mountains?
(20 slide)

Mountains are sections of the earth's surface that strongly towering over the surrounding area. (21, 22, 23 slides) Mountains are high, secondwithland, low.
(24 slide)
The hill and mountain rise over the surrounding area. They have the same parts: foot, slope, top.

What is the difference in hills and mountains? (height)
- Read the text on page 77. (under the picture)
- What is the sole? (Read)
- What is the top? (Read)
- Open the map of Russia in the textbook on page 90
- Are there mountains in Russia? Name. (Ural Mountains)
(25, 26, 27 slide)
- Consider the territory of our Territory
(Customized Cards) + (28 slide)
- Are there mountains? (Caucasian Mountains) (29, 30, 31, 32 slides)

The main mining area of \u200b\u200bthe Caucasus is a large Caucasus (33 slide) URANDIOSE Mountain raising consisting of numerous ridges. Approaching the Caucasian ridge for another 200 km you see the outlines of Elbrus, (34, 35, 36 slides)

Altitude Elbrus 5642 meters. This is the highest mountain in Europe.
The Caucasian State Reserve is located on the northern and southern slopes of the Chief Caucasus Range. (37 - 45 slides)

Its main goals - the protection of nature, the restoration of the number of valuable species of animals and birds.

In your homework, you will draw the mountains of our area, who remembered - sign their name.

5. Practical work

Open the workingbook on page 32 Task number 2 - to sign the hill parts. P. 33. № 3 Draw a mountain and pee its parts.

Check:(46 slide)

Show them on the layout (mountain layout).

6. Homework : in printbook Task number 1, №4 p.33, tutorial p. 76-79 (explain)

7. Outcome (47 slide)


2. A large space of a smooth surface. (Plain)
4. The lowest part of the hill. (Sole)


1. Elevation, a height of more than 200 meters above the surrounding area. (Mountain)
3. The highest hill place (Vertex)
5. Winding sharp decrease in terrain (Ravine)

- Does anyone know what is the highest mountain in the world?

Guys, we will rise to the highest earth top - beautiful and impregnable Everest and get the opportunity to look at our land with the "roof of the world"! (video phrase)


The lesson uses:
Fragment of video tapes " National parks peace »Reidents Digest; Pictures, photos from the library of electronic visual benefits "Geography 6-10".

Sign in the hill and mountain scheme. Finish Drawing up the scheme: Mail arrows of a part of a hill and mountain.

Using the textbook card "The World World Grade 4" fill the table.

Height of the mountains of Russia

List the mountains in the order of increasing their height; In order to reduce height. Ask your neighbor on the desk to check you.

Pictures showing the shape of the earth's surface of your edge, or place a photo.

With the help of additional literature, the Internet prepare a message about any plains or mountains of Russia, your edge (optional). Write the basic information for your message. Specify the source of information.

West Siberian Plain - Third largest after the Russian plain of the world. Its area is about 2.6 million km2. From the harsh coast of the Kara Sea, it stretches to the foot of the mountains of Southern Siberia and the semi-desert of Kazakhstan by 2500 km, and from the Urals to Yenisei - 1900 km.
Nowhere in the world does not find such a huge space with such a flat relief, as if down to its center. Crossing the plain on the train from Tyumen to Novosibirsk, you see the unbarrible planes - neither Buggray nor talked. Such a relief was formed loose deposits of rivers and anticipation of the nanos.
When the glacier retreated, the north of the plain was conquered by Tundra and Taiga, although before there were broad-sized forests, in which mammoths, wool rhinos, giant deer were inhabited.
Minerals are very diverse. Oil and gas reserves, such deposits such as Urengoy, Yamburg, Bear, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk, bring Western Siberia to the number of world leaders. It also focuses 60% of the total reserves of Peat Russia. In the south of the plains are located rich fields salts. Brown coal deposits are associated with the ancient sedimentary rocks of the Triassic and Jurassic age.
However, the main wealth Western Siberia. - These are petroleum and gas deposits. It has been established that this plain is a uniquely rich oil and gas province.
The great wealth of Western Siberia is its water resources. In addition to surface water - rivers and lakes, there are huge groundwater tanks.
Veliable economic significance biological resources Tundra and timber tundra - this seemingly not life of the zone. It produces a significant amount of fur and game, in its rivers and lakes a lot of fish. In addition, Tundra is the main area of \u200b\u200bbreeding of the reindeer. The Taiga of Western Siberia has long been famous for the prey of the flies and wood.

Source of information: V.P. Maksakovsky, I.I. Barnov, V.P.Dronov, V.Ya. Rum, N.N. Petrov "Geography".

    But in this case, we could not live on a flat plate, as all waters would spread over the surface of the soil and we would be at the bottom of the ocean, a depth of more than two kilometers.

    Plain is a smooth section of the earth surface, occupying large square and having small differences in height. Breaks flat plains and hilly plains. On the map, they are marked with green (Western Siberian Plain) and with the impression of light brown (Eastern European Plain). Find them on your map.

    Once in prehistoric times on the place of the plain, the mountains could rise. Then, for long millions of years, the mountains were once-rooted under the action of earthquakes, winds, water, there were only small elevations.

    It is impossible not to mention the era of the great glaciation. In the past, our country to the Southern Urals was covered with ice. Then the glaciers melted. Slipping of huge multi-kilometer ice blocks entails a change in the surface of the Earth. That is exactly what Valdai hill originated.

    Consider the map of our area.

    Now you know the designation of the plains and elevations.

    Determine the surface shape of our area.

    What is a ravine?

    The ravine is a deep stretched lean with steep slopes blurred by rain and snow waters. There are very few precipitation in the forest-steppe and steppe areas, they fall very unevenly. Where, along rivers, natural grassy growth is destroyed during rare, but strong rainstones or with a spring stormy snow, a jet of water, going on the slopes, cut them and form deep fast-growing oar-gi. The ravines are out of order of large areas of fields, pasture land. From ravines also suffer from roads, cities located on high river shores.

    From the vintage books, it is known that in the city of Torzhok at the beginning of the 14th century, the ravine, which was formed in one hour as a result of the strongest shower, there are several buildings from the face of the earth.

    Find places on the map of Russia with pronounced brown-lot color.

    What are you denoted by this color?

    What is the mountains?

    Mountains are sections of the earth's surface, highly elevated over the surrounding area.

    What is the difference of hills and mountains? J.

    Consider the territory of our area.

    Are there mountains?

    What of which you heard, maybe we visited there, say.

    Are the tops of the mountains covered with snow? Why?

    What mountains with snow vertices can you call?

    Find them on the map of Russia.

    Read the text (p. 78-79).

    Help Sergei to figure out, under what numbers of the wives of the ravine, the hill, the mountain.

    III. The outcome of the lesson.

View the contents of the document
"Forms of the earth's surface"

Forms of the earth's surface

Know:study the shape of the surface of the earth and the native edge; Learning to determine various shapes of the surface on the map.

Equipment:physical map of Russia and its field, atlases, paintings of mountains, hills, plains, ravines.


I. Forms of the surface of the Earth.


Which of you had a long time to go on foot on the road to the hill?

    How did you feel?

    What did you want most?

    Probably, you thought that there was nothing better than a smooth surface of the Earth, on which it was very convenient to go.

But in this case, we could not live on a flat planet, since all waters would spread over the surface of the soil and we would be at the bottom of the ocean with a depth of more than two kilometers.

Therefore, it is better to leave her as it is, with mountains and plains, hills and ravines.

View the image of the sushi on the hemisphey map.

Why she is Pestrit different colors?

Susha on the map is denoted by shades of green and brown.

Think what denote these colors.

The earth's surface is flat and mountainous.

Teacher's story with interview elements.

Plain is a smooth section of the earth's surface, which occupies a large area and having small differences in height. Breaks flat plains and hilly plains. On the map, they are marked with green (Western Siberian Plain) and with the impression of light brown (Eastern European Plain). Find them on your map.

Plains seem flat only at first glance.

For example, there are hills, ridges on Valdai Hills. How did these unevenness of the plains come?

Once in prehistoric times on the place of the plain, the mountains could rise. Then, for long millions of years, the mountains were destroyed under the action of earthquakes, wind, water, only small elevations remained.

It is impossible not to mention the era of the great glaciation. In the past, our country to the Southern Urals was covered with ice. Then the glaciers melted. Slipping of huge multi-kilometer ice blocks entails a change in the surface of the Earth. That is how Valdai hill originated.

How do you represent the hill?

The hill is a small elevation, having a rounded peak and detached or steep slopes.

    Consider the map of our area.

    Now you know the designation of the plains and elevations.

    Determine the surface shape of our area.

Did you pay attention to the fact that there are ravines in the area?

What is a ravine?

The ravine is a deep stretched lean with steep slopes blurred by rain and snow waters. In the forest-steppe and steppe areas there are very few precipitation, they fall out very unevenly. Where a natural herbal vegetation is destroyed along rivers during rare, but strong shower or with a spring stormy snow, a jet of water, going on the slopes, cut them and form deep fast-growing ravines. The ravines are out of order of large areas of fields, pasture land. From ravines also suffer from roads, cities located on high river shores.

From the vintage books, it is known that in the city of Torzhok at the beginning of the 14th century, the ravine, which was formed in one hour as a result of the strongest shower, there are several buildings from the face of the earth.

Find on the map of Russia a place with a pronounced brown color.

    What are you denoted by this color?

    What is the mountains?

Mountains are sections of the earth's surface that strongly towering over the surrounding area.

    What is the difference of hills and mountains? J.

    Consider the territory of our area.

    Are there mountains?

What of which you heard, maybe we visited there, tell.

    Are the tops of the mountains covered with snow? Why?

    What mountains with snow vertices can you call?

    Find them on the map of Russia.

P. Work on the textbook, p. 78-B1.

    Read the text (p. 78-79).

What is the similarity and what is the difference of a hill and mountains?

Help Sergei to figure out, as the numbers are depicted ravine, hill, mountain.

III. The outcome of the lesson.

What forms of the surface of the earth did you find out?

Homework: tutorial with. 78-81; workbook

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