Samuel Marshak famous works. Biography Marshaka

Who does not know the works of Kornea Chukovsky, Sergey Mikhalkov, Agnia Barto? And of course, there is no such corner in our country, where they would not know our wonderful children's writer Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak.

Start of creativity S. Ya. Marshak

Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak was born in 1887 in Voronezh. His childhood and the first school years Passed in the small town of Ostrogogosk Voronezh province, where the father of the future poet worked as a technician on a soapy plant. The little marshak was very early to read, and for four years he began to compose poems. In the gymnasium, where he subsequently began to learn, educated Latin teacher, loved in literature himself, drew attention to a small capable gymnasium, introduced him to Russian and classical poetry. Marshaca was barely 11 years old when he had already composed a few poems and translated the Horace OED.

And then ... happy case. A thirteen-year-old boy, hitting the province to St. Petersburg, Marshak met with the famous Russian criticism and a tireless champion of domestic art Vladimir Vasilyevich Stasov, who was very similar to literary experiments and creation Little gymnasium, "one and a half copper from the floor."

Marshak began to be constantly at Stasov, the whole days was sitting in the St. Petersburg Public Library, where the famous critic worked, he lived in the country, and soon the young poet was instructed to compose a joking welcoming ODU into the fame of the "four Russian warriors" who had to visit Stasov in the country. That was the Repin, Shalyapin, bitter and glazing. The mastery has a great success.

Alexey Maksimovich became interested in a young poet and, having learned that he had bad health, he invited him to Yalta.

For some time, Marshak lived in the Crimea, in the bitter family. He was treated, he was engaged in his education, read a lot. But when in 1905, Gorky's family because of the police persecution was forced to leave the Crimea, the boy came to St. Petersburg again, for the Nevskaya Zastava, where his father worked at the factory.

There was a hard time in life writer. Gorky should have left abroad. Stasov died. I had to earn a young poet to make living for lessons, random cooperation in humorous journals and in newspapers. Everything free time Marshak spent in the halls Public Library. He sought to become a truly educated person. But in the eyes of the then authorities, he was, due to the connection with bitter, not quite "trusty" politically.

Doors to the university were closed for him. Having agreed with some Petersburg magazines, Marshak got the opportunity to leave for learning to England.

How Marshak became a children's writer

Marshak returned to his homeland in 1914, literally a few weeks before the beginning of the First World War. He lived in Voronezh, feeding the random work and translations of the British and Scottish ballads and classic lyrics of the English poets.

Then the fate first brought Marshak for the first time with those who soon dedicated his talent for many years, his work, his life. He had to take part in the work to assist refugees from those places where the war was raging. Children from roasted, deprived of their native bed families made a particularly strong impression on S. Ya. MarshakaAlthough at that time he still did not think that the main thing was the creation of his closest future literature for children.

It started after the Great October Socialist Revolution, when Marshak, together with a group of teachers, created a "Children's Town" in Krasnodar. In this "town" except the library, kindergarten And all sorts of amateur circles was a children's theater. For the scene, he had to write all sorts of intermediates, short plays, fairy tales. Here Marshak began to write for children. And already in 1922, the book "Theater for children" came out of the press in Krasnodar, in which the plays written by Marshak or him were collected in cooperation with E. Vasilyeva.

After the theater collapsed, Marshak In 1923 he returned to Leningrad. Here and began already a genuine flourishing of his creativityfacing k children. He worked in the Leningrad theater of the Young Spectator, translated the folk songs of England, among whom was now the famous "house that Jack built." He came up with a new kind book - a book-picture book "Kids in a cage", which won since then greater fame. Then he wrote his first original tales in verse for children. It was a gentle and funny "fairy tale of a stupid little face" and by heart the "Fire" guys learned by millions.

Soon Marshak became the head of the Children's Department of the State Date in Leningrad. And small readers received such excellent books as the "Mountains and People", "Story about the Great Plan" M. Ilina, "Forest Gazeta" V. Bianki, " Sea stories"B. Zhitkov," Package "and" Clock "L. Panteleeva. At that time, Leningrad was the center of our children's literature. And soon and in Moscow, a large detachment of new children's writers appeared, whose names are now well known.

Supported in his principles of A. M. Gorky, defending Marshak from attacks of critics, who tried to fuck against bright fascination and joyful fabulous freshness of Marshakovsky books, Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak became the favorite children's poet.

Creativity Marshak - Creativity for children

Do you need to list all the books of S. Ya. Marshak, his fairy tales, songs, riddles, plays, chasing the good strength of workers, cheerful branding masters, firefighters, ridicule lazy people, cowards, greedy?! Contact any of the guys from 4-5 years old and even younger, and you will immediately remind you about the "Usat Street", and about the ubiquitous "mail", and about the famous "baggage", in which so unexpectedly increased during the short path rose Dog dog, turning into huge PSA... And about that, "where the table came from", and about the "multicolored book", which is equally pleased with the rumor and the vision of the guys. And about the "Koshkin House", "Teremka", "Twelve Months" and other plays that are not going with the scenes of our children's theaters. And about the ingeniously built poetic journey "from A to Z" and about Mr. Twister.

The poet of the high thought that he knows how to put in simple, available poems, a person of extensive culture, a writer wide horizons and brilliant craftsmanship, owning all the colors, all fine meanswho creates a verse light, full-Russian, using all the shades of the word and at the same time extremely concise, brief in its poetic language, Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak has long won not only the enthusiastic love of several young generations, but also earned everyone to recognize as one of our largest poets countries.

All his huge skill, magnificent poetic experience, amazing knowledge of a folk word, the ability in two-three rows to state the thought, portray the picture, full of paints and actions, recreate the feeling, shift the memorable image puts Marshak to any work for children and adults.

Satirical works

And in the days of the Great Patriotic War Other side revealed before the reader creativity Marshaka. At all the fronts, his satirical poems printed in "Pravda", the labored epigram, which he as a genuine sniper of the word broke the Nazis. What has recently sounded in a charming child half-weather, half-patt about the wizard-lomaster ("Once, two-to-polenu. Three, four - on the knee"), it was already called with another intonation in the deadly and rapid lines, posters, poetic leaflets , anti-fascist epigrams, for example, in such aimed against the Gauleer Palags, who drew from fascist Germany, avoiding the court of nations and are now looking for suitable work for the previous specialty:

Kuli carry? Chopping wood?
For it they pay poorly.
Moreover, firewood is not a head,
Hug them very hard.
Brown, soldering, cut, dug
Harder than dubing.
Wear more difficult than to convey
And it is easier to steal than painting.

Here are such verses, full of crushing burning force built on the ingenious and resourceful game of the word, which is always revealed by Marshak deep respect for human labor and fierce contempt for idleness and cruelty, participated Poet Marshak in the Great Wrestling soviet people For the general right.

Marshak as a translator. Poems, Sonnet Shakespeare, Ballads Translated Marshak

There is finally another big section creativity S. Ya. Marshakin which the poet showed himself an incomparable master, the artist of the classical power, an outstanding leader of the most advanced culture. Name marshak like poet translatorwill always take one of the most honorable places in the history and practice of Russian artistic transfer.

Marshak made the property of millions of Soviet readers the whole depth, poetic charm and the finest lyrical wisdom sonnet Shakespeare, for the first time in Russian who has gained their true sound. He made a wide-wired and popular with the poet of the Great Scottish Burns., I introduced our readers with Kitts, Wordsworth. Finally, he presented our children's brilliantly translated by him poems The Italian poet Gianni Rodari, who, thanks to this now known we have even much more than at home, in Italy. He translated Petfi and Heine, Tuvima and Kvitko. In England and Scotland, he was met as a tested friend, a lot of done for the convergence of Russian, Scottish and English cultures. With great success and inspiration, Marshak performs this honorable role of the poetic "communicator" between centuries and peoples.

Despite its 70 years and often visiting the poet, he works with an inexhaustible young pressure. When you come to him, it is always in work, always dealt with manuscripts, strangers and its own, always ready to read you completely new poems, translations, epigrams. The phone is continuously ringing - everyone needs Marshak, everywhere they are waiting for his poems, his articles, his words, his advice, his participation. And he is all, sleeves on the elbow, in continuous work. It seems that the thirst for creativity is insatiable. Looking at him when he sits at the table, heavily smoking the cigarette, the porky layers of the manuscripts and Voroch the piles of multilingual books, I remember the mighty Masters of the Renaissance, which, probably hesitated the same thirst for activity ...

From the magazine "Family and School", 1963

Old grandfather

There was a cheerful king.

He shouted loudly in his own:

Hey, pour us cups,

Yes, bring us a handset,

Yes call my violinists, trumpeters,

Yes, call my violinists!

Were violins in his hands from his violinists,

There were pipes for all trumpeters,

Due to the marshes from a small well

Rouh, not clever, poured.

It is not impressed with pure streams,

Not wide, not a call, not deep.

Make it through the table,

And you look - the stream broke into the river,

At least a river in some places

And the chicken will go in the summer.

But they sing her keys, streams,

And snow and shower summer thunderstorms

Works broken on pages

Each of us since childhood remembers lovely fairy tales for children about "scattered from the Pool Street" or fun history About a woman who "surrendered to a luggage sofa, cardigan, sacvoyuzh ...". You can ask anyone who wrote these extraordinary works, and everyone, without thinking for a second, will fall out: it poems Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak.

Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak created a huge number of poems for children. Throughout his life, he was good children. All his poems with love teach children to enjoy the beauty of the poetic word. His children's fairy tales Marshak easily draws colorful pictures of the surrounding world, tells interesting and informative stories, as well as learning to dream of a distant future. Samuel Yakovlevich Children's poems tries to compose already at the earlier age. At the age of 12, he began to write entire poems. The very first collections of the writer with verses for children began to go out more than seventy five years ago. With the children's tales of Marshak, we get together pretty early. We listened to very young guys with extreme pleasure, looked and read by heart of his children's fairy tales: "Must-striped", "kids in a cage". The famous poet I. professional translator, playwright and teacher, and everything else editor - such is a huge creative baggage Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak, read poems which is just necessary.

Samuel Marshak was born on October 22 (November 3) of 1887 in Voronezh in the Jewish family. The surname of the genus Marshak comes from the famous Rabbi of Aaron Kaidovover, and in the brief translation means - "Our Teacher". The first formation of Marshak was obtained in the gymnasium under Voronezh. A teacher of literature allocated his talent among other children in the classroom, considered it the most gifted. Back in school years, the first poems of Marshak were written. Famous critic Vladimir Stasov, after reading one of the poetic tetrada Samuel, helped him enter the gymnasium of St. Petersburg.

Start of a creative path

After acquaintance in 1904 with Maxim Gorky, Marshak has lived in Yalta to Gorky at the cottage from 1904 to 1906. In 1907, the first works were published in the biography of Marshak (a collection for the Jewish theme "Zionida").

In 1911, the writer journey to the Middle East as a newspaper correspondent. He visits Greece, Turkey, Palestine and Syria. Under the impression of the trip, Marshak writes some of the most successful his poems of that period. In the journey, he meets his future wife Sophia.

Literary career

After the wedding in 1912, the couple leaves for England. The next step in education was learning at the University of London. Living in England, Marshak began to translate into Russian Sonnet V. Shakespeare, Poems W. Blake, R. Kipling, J. Austin, Ballads and Songs R. Berns. Transfers made by him became classic, and Marshak himself received the honorary title of a citizen of Scotland.

Returned to Russia in 1914, and in 1920, he organized several theaters in Krasnodar for children. For his biography, Samuel Marshak composed many works for children. For example, the tales of "twelve months", "the house that Jack built." Then Samuel Marshak wrote some time in the genre of satire.

Along with children's verses, poems, Marshak is working on serious issues (for example, "Favorite Lyrics", "Lyrical epigram"). The writer received several awards, awards, orders for their work, among which Lenin and Stalinist premiums.

Death and heritage

The books of Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak were translated into many languages. The name of the writer is named streets and installed memorial boards in many cities: in Native Voronezh, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yalta and others.

Samuel Yakovlevich Marshak; Voronezh, Russian empire; 22.10.1887 – 04.07.1964

Samuel Marshak - Popular soviet poet And prose, laureate of several premiums. From under his pen there was a lot of works for children. On the motives of Marshak's stories, several animated films were shot. The latter in 1987 the picture was published under the name "Believe Non-Believe".

Biography Samuel Marshaka

Samuel Marshak was born in the fall of 1887 in one of the freedoms of the city of Voronezh. His family had Jewish roots. Father of the future writer for a long time held the post of Master at one of the plants for the production of soap. Samuel childhood passed in a small town near Voronezh, where he lived his native uncle. At twelve, Marshak went to the local gymnasium. It was during training that Samuel was awakened by love for literature. The first breakdown of his pen was small poetry.

Of brief biography Marshak learns that somehrone once a notebook with poems entries got to the famous Petersburg criticism. It was he who took care that Samuel Marshak immediately moved to Petersburg and provided the boy a place in one of the best gymnasiums of the city. All days, Nasuel loved to spend in the library for reading books in the library. In seventeen years, the biography of Marshak acquired an unexpected turn: he met. The writer so liked the poetry of a young man that he immediately invited him to dwell on his cottage in Yalta. There Samuel spent the next two years.

1907 became the year of the release of the first book Marshak. The young man managed to publish a poetic collection called "Zionides", all the works of which were devoted to the Jewish people. At the same time, in addition to writing their own works, Samuel deals with the translation of the works of popular authors with Hebrew and Yidisha.

In connection with the revolution and repression in 1905, the whole family of Marshak was forced to leave the Crimea. Thus Samuel again moved to Petersburg. At the age of twenty-three years, the writer decides to travel through the Middle East. For the company with me he takes his good friend - the young poet of Godina. Samuel Marshaka Biography says that during the swimming, they visited Turkey, in Syria, Greece and even Palestine. The initial purpose of the journey was covered by the events occurring in the countries of the Eastern Mediterranean. Marshak went there as a journalist of the St. Petersburg newspaper. However, he saw so much struck a young man that Marshak verses were published home, united in the Palestine cycle.

There, during the trip, Samuel met his future wife Sophia. Young people got married in the fall of 1912, after which they moved to England. At the new place of residence Samuel entered the local technical school, after which he studied at the University of London. English literature So inspired the writer that he began to work on the translations of the classic ballad from poems. Marshak did not know that a little later, these works would bring him great glory.

Marshak stayed in England to twenty-seven years, after which he returned to his homeland and settled in the province. One after another in St. Petersburg periodic editions becomes possible poems, translations and fairy tales Marshak read. In 1917, Samuel, together with his family, moves to Petrozavodsk. There he receives a position in the local education department.

In 1919, the first full-fledged collection of works of Marshak called "Satira and Epigram" is published. In parallel, he is engaged in public activities. Samuel takes part in organizing the children's theater for which small plays himself writes.

You can read about Marshak that in 1923 the writer organizes children's periodical called "Sparrow". There he prints both his works and poems, and, and other famous children's writers. In forty-seven years, Marshak takes part in the congress soviet writerson which he performs with a report dedicated to children's literature. After that, he receives a member of the Board of the Union of Writers of the USSR, and in the fortieth year it holds the post of deputy of the Moscow City Council.

In 1937, a publisher founded by the writer was completely defeated, and all his employees were repressed. Then Samuel decides to move to Moscow. During World War II, Marshak's creativity acquires satirical character. At the same time, he begins to think about writing an autobiographical book, which publishes in 1960. Throughout this time, Marshak continues to write poems, fechens, diluting all this serious "adult" poetry.

In the early 1960s, the writer began health problems. Doctors have found heavier lung disease, which arose due to frequent smoking. Prolonged treatment did not bring a positive result, and in 1964 Samuel Marshak died.

Book Samuel Marshak on the site top books

Children's stories Marshak read so popularly that they are presented in a lot in our. In addition, its works are presented in among. And considering, a consistently high interest in the work of Marshak, we will still see his works on the pages of our site.

List of books Samuel Marshak

Great about verses:

Poetry is like painting: a different work will be captivated by you more if you will consider it near, and otherwise - if you leave away.

Small chemmered poems annoy nerves more than the creaking of non-scam wheels.

The most valuable in life and in verses is something that has broken.

Marina Tsvetaeva

Among all the arts, poetry is more than others being tempted to replace their own peculiar beauty stolen sparkles.

Humboldt V.

Poems succeed, if created with sincere clarity.

Writing poems closer to worship, what is usually believed.

When you know, the poems grow out of what kind of sera, without keeping shame ... as a dandelion at the fence, like burdocks and a swan.

A. A. Akhmatova

Not in some poetry poetry: she is spilled everywhere, she is around us. Take a look at these trees, on this sky - everywhere blows beauty and life, and where beauty and life, there is poetry.

I. S. Turgenev

Many people have an essay of poems - this is a disease of the growth of the mind.


Lovely verse is similar to a bow conducted by sound fibers of our being. Nothing - our thoughts makes the poet sing inside us. I tell us about the woman he loves, he delightfully awakens in our soul our love and our grief. He is a cockpit. Understanding him, we become poets like him.

There, where graceful poems are poured, there is no place to be favored.

Murassaki Sikiba

I appeal to the Russian renovation. I think that in time we turn to white verse. Rhymes in Russian too little. One causes another. The flaper inevitably drags the stone. Because of the feeling, art looks. Who is not bored with love and blood, difficult and wonderful, faithful and hypocritical, and so on.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

- ... good your poems, tell me yourself?
- Monstrous! - Suddenly, boldly and frankly said Ivan.
- Do not write anymore! - I asked the newly imploringly.
- I promise and swear! - solemnly uttered Ivan ...

Mikhail Afanasyevich Bulgakov. "Master and Margarita"

We all write poems; Poets differ from the rest only by what they write them in words.

John Falez. "Lover of French Lieutenant"

Any poem is a bedspread, stretched at the episodes of several words. These words will glow as stars, because of them there is a poem.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.

The poets of antiquity Unlike modern rarely created more dozens of poems during their long life. It is understandable: they were all excellent magicians and did not like to waste themselves on trifles. Therefore, for each poetic product of those times, the whole universe, filled with miracles, is often dangerous for the one who carelessly wake the rear-arms lines.

Max Fry. "Cattle Dead"

One of his clumsy hippopots-poems, I attached such a paradise tail: ...

Mayakovsky! Your poems do not warm, do not worry, do not infect!
- My poems are not a stove, not the sea and not a plague!

Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky

Poems are our inner music, clothed in words, permeated with thin strings of meanings and dreams, and therefore, drive critics. They are only miserable in poetry pebbles. What can the critic about the depths of your soul? Do not let his vulgar feeling handles there. Let the poems seem to him with a ridiculous muming, chaotic sticks of words. For us, this is the song of freedom from a tedious reason, a nice song, sounding on the snow-white slopes of our amazing soul.

Boris Cryger. "Thousand Lives"

Poems are the thrill of the heart, the excitement of the soul and tears. And there are nothing more tears, as a clean poetry that rejected the word.

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