Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies. Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies, NGKEHT Nikolaev Cellge Food Technology Documents for INPUT

- Higher educational institution I-II levels of specialization.

History NKKEPT

In 1965 was created Nikolaev Institute of Soviet Tradewhich in 1991 was transformed into the Nikolaev commercial technical school. In accordance with Decree of the MON of Ukraine No. 15 of January 18, 1993, the Nikolaev commercial technical school was taken to the structure of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

In 1998, the name of the technical school is changed - the Nikolaev state commercial technical school. 3 2007 The establishment becomes Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies.

General information about NKKEPT

In the institution formed the necessary conditions For theoretical I. practical formationwhich provide highly educated scientific and teaching staffs, computerized audiences and workshops, sports clubs, educational and production branches, in implementing educational process Enter outstanding pedagogical technologiesaimed at ensuring the conditions and needs of the labor market.

Forms of education: full-time and correspondence.

A set of students is carried out on the basis of 9 classes. Students 11 classes are credited to the II course, if you have a certificate about VOO from the Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics (chemistry, geography, history of Ukraine)

Training can be financed for funds:

State budget;

An account of individuals and legal entities.

Specialty and qualifications in Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies

Nikolaevsky state College Economy and Food Technologies Conducts the formation of junior specialists in the following areas:

Economy and entrepreneurship;

Service industry;

Food sphere and processing of agricultural products.

History, outstanding traditions and achievements of the institution suggest that the educational institution is one of those known in the formation of specialists for the trade industry, catering and restaurant service of the region.

Through training in NKKEPT Students receive accounting skills, auditing and control, audit basics. Students can occupy the posts of an accountant, head office, cashier expert, inspector-auditor and are able to professionally carry out accounting in organizations of all forms of ownership and types of work.

Skills and practical abilities obtained during marketing training, management, basics of entrepreneurial work, merchant food and non-food products, interactive technologies and commercial labor, legal entities provide students with highly efficiently carry out merchandise, commercial, mediation, marketing, managerial functions in commodity trading, commercial agent, inspector for product quality control, deputy unit, section, warehouse, director of a small commercial enterprise, Merchandiser. The development of objects "commodity and examination in customs activities", "Basics of Customs", "Basics of Customs Law" gives students to act in bodies and institutions of the customs service of Ukraine.

The training plan provides for the development of training subjects "Technology of baking and pasta production", "Confectionery technology", "Implementation and production management", "Economics of enterprises", "Computer technique", "Automation of production processes". The younger specialist can occupy the places of technology, master, laboratory, director of a small enterprise, head of the site.

Specialist of restaurant service NGKEPT It may occupy primary positions: Administrator of the SERS Hall, Metrotel, Director of the enterprise SERS of small and medium power, bartender. An important place in the curriculum is assigned to objects: "SERVICE TECHNOLOGY", "SERVICE ORGANIZATION", "ORGANIZATION OF CONSUMER RIGHTS", "CONFLICTOLOGY", "MANAGEMENT".

Formation of specialists Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies

The formation of special qualifications specialists is aimed at becoming students of the ability to exercise production functions In the service sector in hotels and solve certain issues and problems of social work. Educational items: "Hotel Service Technology", "Organization of Services in hotels", "Fundamentals of Management", "Basics of Marketing", "Information Structures in the Hotel Branch", " English"And" German"Provide the opportunity to students find the place of employment in positions: a hotel manager, an operator of an automated calculation at the hotel, the hotel administrator.

On education to obtain an educational and specialized rank of the younger specialist with the simultaneous acquisition of full total secondary education full-time Training is accepted by persons with basic general secondary education on the condition of entrance exams, the number of which for each direction is determined by the Charter of the institution.

For the formation of an educational and specialized rank of the younger specialist on the basis of the main general secondary education, the institution takes on vacant places of the second course (with a legislative term for obtaining education) those who received full overall secondary education and provide for participation in the competition certificate in two disciplines of these For each qualification.

Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies takes on the first course (on the reduced duration of the training) and the second course (with the legal training time for vacancies) of those who received the training and specialized rank of highly educated worker, to obtain an educational and specialized level of the younger specialist, subject to receipt of the referral direction, which is determined In accordance with the decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of September 11, 2007 No. 1117 "On state registration of the number of professions on the formation of highly educated employees in professional and technical educational institutions" and dated June 20, 2007 No. 839 "On Approval of the Qualifications", on which the formation occurs specialists in higher educational institutions According to the educational and qualification rank of the younger worker.

Hence, Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies - This is a modern institution that provides a solid education to its students.

Sincerely, IC "Kursoviks"!

our history

In 1965, the Nikolaev technical school of Soviet trade was organized, which in 1991 was renamed Nikolaev commercial technical school. According to the order of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine No. 15 of January 18, 1993, the Nikolaev commercial technical school was adopted in the system of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine.

In 1998, the technical school name is changed to the Nikolaev state commercial technical school. Since 2007, the technical school becomes the Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies.

general information

In college, appropriate conditions for theoretical and practical trainingwhich provide highly qualified scientific and pedagogical shots. There are computerized cabinets and laboratories, sports sections, educational and production units operate; In the organization educational process Advanced pedagogical technologies focused on ensuring labor market requests.

Forms of study: day and correspondence.

A set of students is carried out on the basis of 9 classes. Graduates of 11 classes are credited to the II Course in the presence of a certificate of independent external assessment on ukrainian language and literature, mathematics (chemistry, geography, history of Ukraine).

Sources of financing learning:

  • the state budget;
  • tools of individuals and legal entities.

The Nikolaev State College of Economics and Food Technologies is preparing primary specialists in the following areas:

  • Management and Administration

  • Accounting and taxation Finance, banking and insurance Entrepreneurship, trade and stock activities
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