Day of radio engineering troops. Radio engineering forces of the Russian Air Force

Day radiotechnical troops Air Force celebrate on December 15th. The date of the celebration coincides with the day of the creation of radio engineering troops in Russia - the Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers on their formation was signed on December 15, 1951. Radiotechnical troops boast high-tech equipment and the latest technique, which allows continuous support of aircraft anywhere in the country.

Servicemen of radio engineering troops celebrate their professional holiday In the service, being in a state of constant combat readiness. Otherwise, it cannot be - after all, the safety of the country and every citizen depends on them.

Guard heavenly expensive
It is not much honored for many.
Every year we celebrate in December
The holiday of our glorious RTV.

Again and again we will congratulate
You, and commanders and soldiers.
Your native sky is protected
Motherland entrusted guys.

Let the holiday be ill painting
All units and parts.
We want to wish you the world
Joy, love, health, happiness!

Radio engineering, you congratulations!
Let it be waiting for you only success,
As well as in the career up Promotion,
Do not know any trouble, no concerns, no interference!

We wish forever in excellent to be shape,
Huge energy, cheerfulness, forces!
Let your health always be normal
So that you brought joy every day!

Congratulating you, I will say
I am lyrics words.
We do not really need without troops

All who service here carries
I wish goodness.
At the post, in the civilian sphere
Live without dull.

Country sleeps while
In the rank of radio engineering troops.
There are no provocateurs in the country,
Drive radar radar.

Let him not break the enemy airspace,
And our state flourishes.
And friendly family will meet you at home
Honor and respect among colleagues familiar.

You serve you in the RTV? I congratulate you
And I wish the defender from the soul
Be healthy, persistent, brave,
Well, with the technique - skillful.

Catch all signals smoothly
So that our homeland slept calmly.
Let you, dear my soldier,
Always only peaceful waves fly!

Radio machinery for air force
This is pride, it is fame, and technical progress,
So that the world was and peace, in our sky blue,
Happy and night at the post of Falcon of Russia!
Let them not hope for a miracle spies, provocateurs,
Take it in one moment of them, radar!
And you, serving these troops, our congratulations,
Let you accompany luck and in affairs luck,
Let you bypass you, and trouble, and grief,
Joy to you Ocean, Love and Happiness Sea!

Radiotechnical troops The holiday has come.
I wish you new meetings, smiles, forces.
Let a wonderful holiday bring you success.
So that you become awesome and lucky all!

Let, like a long radar
Happiness, laughter and joy arrive at you.
Collect rather close all friends.
Holiday mark your brighter, fun!

Let's notify about the imminent approach of the enemy
Radiotechnical glorious troops.
Carry permanent combat duty,
In the sky, on the ground there is a storing.

Locators are their tearful eyes.
Ears serve tracking stations.
It is impossible to deceive them to the enemy.
And we are proud of them, no doubt!

Various intelligence and tracking devices,
Airspace is protected from invasion.
At any time of the day, at any time of the year,
Everyone is kept under control - not looking at the weather.

Military electronics and craftsmanship
Air borders can be safely trusted.
Honor and respect - all specialists,
Let the sky be peaceful, let him be clean!

In the world of complex modern technologies
Eating VKS - After all, the twenty-first century!
Yes, technology newest high-precision,
But the technique today is managing a person.

To discover the opponent's aircraft,
And give reliably information -
Technical exploration posts work,
Station tracking, radar.

Congratulations: 28 in verse, 5 In prose.

The emergence of radio engineering troops began before World War II. To detect the opponent's aviation, monitoring its actions, alerts and air defense tools and the population of air hazard cities, alerts and communication (VNOS) was organized.

During the Great Patriotic War Personal composition introduced courage, courage, high combat skills.

IN post-war years The need and importance of information on the air opponent, the beginning of its possible attack, control and the prevention of intelligence activities in the country's airspace are constantly increased. In this regard, on December 15, 1951, a resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On the establishment of an early detection service of the aircraft aircraft" was published. From this day, the Radio Engineering Forces (RTV) is starting to count.

An excellent professional learning specialists of the RTV demonstrated in front of the whole world on May 1, 1960 during the detection, capture on the wiring and destruction of the American exploy aircraft "Lockhid" U-2.

Radiotechnical troops of the Air Force have a rich history of ensuring the landing of domestic spacecraft, including landing of the first cosmonaut of the Earth - Yuri Gagarin, Soviet spacecraft Reusable use "Buran".

The RTV servicemen carried out international duty in China and North Korea, Vietnam and Egypt, Syria and Angola, in Cuba and in Afghanistan, in a number of other countries.

Today, radiotechnical troops are the native of the air-space forces (VKS). They lead radar intelligence and provide radar information combat calculations of higher teams and team points of compounds, military units and units, anti-aircraft missile troops and electronic combat.

The RTV VKS consists of radiotechnical regiments, which are organizationally part of the aircraft and missile defense forces, air defense compounds of military districts.

In peacetime, all the deployed units and command points of the compounds and parts of radio engineering troops carry combat duty on air defense, carry out security tasks state border In airspace.

The focus of troops with the new radio electronic technique is given to raising the maneuverable possibilities of units, their ability to issue combat operational information in a new positional area as soon as possible.

By 2020, it is planned to conduct a general re-equipment of radio engineering troops on modern and promising mobile samples with a distance of detection to 1.2 thousand km and at altitudes up to 600 km. At the same time, the number of types of radar means of radiolocation for radio engineering troops will be reduced several times. Common equipment with new samples of radiotechnical troops will be more than 70 percent.

Day of troops of decisive and bold
Today, our people, the country,
The day of the Russian Air Force - the guys of good and skillful,
Radiotechnical - the necessary troops!

We wish you victories, good luck and success,
And on this day - more laughter,
Our guys, you rest today,
We are proud of you, firmly know it!

There are professions in which it is impossible to be wrong.
Each slip is the loss of human lives.
Day after day you need to fight tirelessly
For peace on Earth by rest in the sky.

The profession has this name complex
Like a long, and difficultly excluded.
Being a radio engineer - it is honorable
And in the forces of the Air Force - the occupation is difficult, but favorite.

Congratulations on the day of the radio engineering forces of the Russian Air Force! I wish you all involved and seeking to get into our ranks - purposefulness, excellent skills in work, both theoretical and practical! Let any difficulties and surprises scare you, because we are a huge force! Let always clear be a signal, a free line, a working appliances and a clear new equipment! Health, strength and energy!

Today is a birthday celebrate
Russian radio troops,
They will notice all violators
Those who are near and who are far away.

They store airspace,
It is known to them who flew out where.
Reliable all equipped with them,
So that the violator did not harm us.

We congratulate the valiant military,
Carry your service true, as always.
Good luck to you in life, extraordinary,
And happiness in personal life, gentlemen.

Yours exact science We are saved from the enemy.
Our peace is your merit, thank you by the country.
We wish you good luck, peaceful days and long years.
Let the hard work bring a lot of victories.

Radarrs are always ready.
The troops of the young country is our proud.
Technology newest and cool specials,
Air borders erase fighters.

Your holiday today! Service is notherent:
Good luck is important here, hard hand.
Light you intelligence in pure heavens,
New knowledge, strength, clarity in the eyes.

Radiotechnics - Glory and Honor!
Scary for enemies they.
They have an excellent way to eat
Prevent war.

Capable guys enemy
On the approach to us.
Enemy! Right not to lose -
Not that will suffer myself.

Congratulations together these guys
What properly we caress.
Opponents if they fall,
Then in speed escape.

Attention, accuracy I wish you,
To be always a clear signal.
On guard we have a very strong detachment -
Let me remember any fucking.

I congratulate today,
Nice radicals.
And wish everyone
It was always healthy.

So that only luck
Your radio wave.
And all the tasks were solved,
What a fate threw up.

On guard of our rest
You keep exploration every day
The enemy in the air will not hide,
It will not be able to cross the boundaries of the regions.

We congratulate you today,
We wish the Spirit do not fall,
And then, we are securely guarding
We wish the life to enjoy the vast.

Let the service bears only joy,
Work is always happy
Colleagues appreciate, respect,
The enemy will not break through your defense ever.

Radar, system and fields ...
Without you, flights are not accomplished!
You know where the air, where the water and the earth ...
And even how aircraft fly!

Let the radar do not force you;
The work will be easy and short.
Let it be the most accurate your temper eye,
And let him not be filled with anxiety!

Combat duty, not empty interest
You, keepers of the world, RTV Air Force!
All who are in flight composition for protection from troubles,
You, air communication, send hot hello.

Those who peacefully and rightly wait home for lunch,
You, loved men, make a boiler,
And who with a secret malice, suddenly launches missiles
The sky scouts have a worthy answer.

On December 15, the Armed Forces of Russia marks the Day of the formation of the Radio Military Troops of the Air Force (Air Force). On this day in 1951, the decision of the Council of Ministers of the USSR was created by the early detection of the opponent aircraft.

Radiotechnical troops (RTV) - the genus of the military-air forces of Russia, which are included in the air-space forces of the Russian Federation.

Radiotechnical troops of radar information about the air situation. They lead radar reconnaissance and provide radar information for the combat calculations of higher team points (KP) and the CP of compounds, military units and units of aviation, anti-aircraft missile troops and radio electronic struggle.

In peacetime, all the detailed units and the CP of the compounds and parts of the RTV carry combat duty on the air defense, perform the tasks of protecting the state border in airspace.

Radiotechnical troops - relatively young bodies of troops. In its current form, they were formed in January 1952. However, RTV roots go to the story significantly deeper. Already during the First World War, a question arose about the timely prevention of troops and the population about the approach of enemy aviation. It was at the time when organizing the air defense of Petrograd and the Tsarsky village, "posts of observation of the sky" appeared, subsequently united in the air surveillance service, alerts and communications (VOS).

Until the end of the 1930s, posts were equipped with the simplest optical instruments. In 1938, the first radar station "Rus-1" was created in the world (aircraft radio carrier), which received combat baptism in the war with Finland in 1939-1940. In the autumn of 1939, the designers created a more perfect station "Rus-2" ("Reduce"), widely used during the Great Patriotic War to detect the opponent aircraft.

In the postwar years, the necessity and importance of information on the air opponent, the beginning of its possible attack, control and preventing intelligence activities in the country's airspace constantly increased. In this regard, on December 15, 1951, a resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers "On the establishment of an early detection of aircraft aircraft", on the basis of which, on the basis of parts, the deposits of air defense (air defense) of the country and radiolocation service of fighter air defense were formed radio engineering troops as a genus of troops .

The period from the late 1950s to the mid-1960s was characterized by the rapid development of radio engineering troops. In those years, mass supplies of radar techniques were carried out, troops were deployed. From the mid-1960s until the end of the 1970s, the development of dominant heights continued, the introduction of new equipment into the troops, first of all, automated control systems.

The 1980s in the history of the development of the RTV are characterized by qualitative changes in service and military equipment. The troops began to receive more powerful radar complexes and radar stations that enabled the best achievements of Soviet scientists in the field of radio engineering and computer science. The mass flow of automation tools made it possible to create automated radar systems across the compounds and associations of air defense troops.

Radar field created on site Soviet UnionIt allowed almost any point to carry out continuous support of aircraft.

The process of decaying the Soviet Union and the events that followed them noticeably weakened the troops anti-heart defense. Due to disbanding large number Radiotechnical parts disappeared a solid radar field over the territory of the state. The overall system of air defense of the country was significantly weakened.

On January 14, 1994, the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation created a federal system of intelligence and control of airspace (FSR and KVC), which provided for the combination of radar systems and means of air defense systems, the Department of Air Transport, Air Force (Air Force) and the Navy (Navy ) Through the automation system.

In 1998, the military air defense troops and the Air Force was merged into one type of Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - air force. The divisions that solved related tasks were combined, and on the basis of radio engineering troops there was a single system of radar reconnaissance and radar support.

Air Force Radiotechnical troops have a rich history of ensuring the landing of domestic spacecraft, including the landing of the first cosmonaut of the Earth - Yuri Gagarin, the Soviet spacecraft of the reusable use "Buran".

The military personnel of the RTV carried out international duty in China and North Korea, Vietnam and Egypt, Syria and Angola, in Cuba and in Afghanistan and a number of other countries.

The RTV of the Air Force consists of radiotechnical regiments (RTP), which are included in the Association of Air Force, Aircraft Defense Brigade (East Kazakhstan), as well as other parts and organizations directly subordinate to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force.

Radiotechnical troops (RTV) are in service with radio equipment (RTS) and automation tools (CSA) complexes (CSA), intended for maintaining air enemy radar intelligence and issuing radar information about the air situation, within the radar field, the management bodies of the Air Force and other types and labor of the troops Armed Forces, to the Points of Management of Aviation, SPR and Radio Electronic Fight (RES) in solving them of peaceful and military time.

Currently, the Air Force Radio Engineers solve the tasks of controlling the sky of Russia, the protection of its state border in airspace. In 2014, the Air Force Radio Engineering forces was played by more than 380 thousand aircraft flights.

The main directions of development of the Radio Military Troops of the Air Force - Improving the technical equipment of military units and units through conducting measures to extend the resource and modernization of existing equipment and weapons, the development of the new fleet.

The RTV as part of the state defense order began to receive promising radar resources and automation tools complexes, such as the "foundation", including in the mobile version of the execution, the RLS "Sky" of various modifications, "raid", the ominous detector, which have no analogues in the world having Large detection ranges that have the opportunity to work, including on ballistic goals, which have a high accuracy of detection of any types of objectives.

Specialists of radio engineering troops undergo retraining to new samples of equipment in training Center Preparation of specialists of the RTV, and also study at the manufacturer's factory factories.

Material prepared on the basis of RIA news and open sources

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