Presentation on the topic of word wrap. Summary of the Russian language lesson on the topic "Word transfer" and presentation to it (grade 1)

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Slide captions:

Lesson number 4 Topic: Recalling the rules of hyphenation

Calligraphy Vv Va Vo Vu vov v vu V ikt about r entered in about the company.

Guess riddles I love, akimbo, Climb onto the tray, Then I bow politely, Then I turn up my nose. chain and k / What rule do you need to know in order to transfer this word from one line to another? cha d-n and k (Remember! The letter Y never wraps to another line!

Guess the riddle If a boy is crying loudly, So he hurt ... p and lch and k / What rule do you need to know in order to transfer this word from one line to another? p a l b and k (Remember! The letter b is never wrapped on another line!

Who has eyes on the horns, and the house on the back? st and tka / What rule do you need to know to transfer this word from one line to another? ul t - to a (Remember! Two consonants, as if in a fairy tale, are carried in a brotherly way!

Exercise warm-up For exercise, the sun Raises us, We raise our hands At the command "One!" And above us the foliage rustles merrily. We give up our hands At the command "Two!"

Inna, mill, penny, crane, whirligig, skates, bench, cashier, class, youth, cucumber, pumpkin, fish. Divide words for transfer In-na, mel-ni-tsa, ko-pei-ka, crane, whirligig, horses-ki, ska-mei-ka, kass-sir, class, youth, ogu-rets, pump-va, fish.

Phonetic analysis of the word Children, children, [d * et * i] [d *] - acc., Soft. steam. ([d]) ringing. steam. ([ T* ]); b. "De"; [e] - voice., blow; b. "E"; [t *] - acc., soft. steam. ([t]), deaf. steam. ([d]); b. "Te"; [and] - voice., unstressed .; b. "and"; children - 4 sounds, 4 letters.

Remember. Write it down. Underline the main terms. He is happy.

He is happy.

Assignment for home U. page 12, exercise 4

Right. The topic of the lesson is: "Generalization of the transfer rules" .

To accomplish this goal, you will work in groups today.

Work instructions

Each group receives a card with a set of words. Your task:

2.Find common feature in these words, but remember that there may be a "trap".

3. Determine which way of transfer these words refer.

4. Draw up a diagram and depict it on a piece of paper.

(Each group is given a sheet with words that the children analyze, generalize according to a common criterion, find a "trap", draw up a diagram, agree on who will defend the group's opinion)

Word sheets for groups

(After completing the work, the group raises their hands up with a house)


(1 student from the group goes to the blackboard and talks about the transfer case.)

(Student answer:

-In our group of words there is a common feature - all words are written with ь. When word wrap occurs, b stays on the line.

"Trap" is the word loach, because it is not transferred, there is 1 syllable.

Here's our schematic.)

(The teacher puts on the board the transfer schemes drawn up by the students, and the words for this rule appear on the screen (at the same time)).

Slide number 3.

On the board of 6 hyphenation rules, you were able to summarize the words and yourself made diagrams of hyphenation cases. Well done!

Look carefully at the diagrams and think if there are diagrams (rules) very similar and what can be done with them?

1 account There are three similar schemes: with Y, b, and b.

-2 uch. All letters remain in the first boat, remain on the line. All this is as one rule, only the letters are different and these rules can be combined into one

Well done! This is the discovery you've made today!

(a curly brace appears on slide 3, joining the three rules)

Let's open the tutorial on page 32.

Let's read the rule in the textbook in a chain and compare it with the rules that we ourselves deduced in the lesson (reading children).

Rule in the tutorial

Transfer words by syllable: m at-R a-v e th,

compare: bld e smiling.

Do not leave a syllable from one vowel on a line and do not transfer it to another: O woo-shi, a ist.

Do not separate the letters b, b, Y from the letter in front of them: ma-le ny-ky, oh bb-yav-le-nie, mu-ra-in her-Nick.

When hyphenating words with double consonants, one letter is left on the line, the other is transferred: su b-b ota, su m-m a.

Did we draw the right conclusions?

- Yes, right.

Why did Natalya Vasilievna Nechaeva combine the three rules with b, b, J into one rule?

-1 account Natalya Vasilievna also saw the same method in these transfer rules.

-2 uch. She combined them so that it was easy for us to use them.

-3tch. And her rule says that these letters cannot be separated from the letter in front of them.

Well done! So you can think and draw conclusions like adults!

Why you need to be able to wrap words from one line to another?

- Knowing how to transfer, we save space on a line, save a sheet in a notebook, and, consequently, save paper and take care of the forest.

1.- Head straight. We looked up, to the left, to the right, down with our eyes.

2.-With your eyes, draw a circle, square, triangle.

3.-Close your eyes: imagine a meadow, sun, river, forest.

4.-On the count of "three" we open our eyes, we continue to work.

Slide number 4

What you need to know and be able to do to correctly wrap words from one line to another?


-1 training Find vowels.

-2 training Determine the number of syllables

-3tch. Remember the necessary rule.

Slide number 5

Dunno, who often attended our lessons, came to visit us. And since generalizing lesson, he also did the job and is ready to show you his knowledge.



skates work Dunno


watering can


Show with a signal if he did everything right?

- No!

What is your challenge?

-Fix mistakes in Dunno and write down words with the correct hyphenation.

Write down the words in a column. Watch your posture and

calligraphy (work of students in a notebook).

Check No. 1

What should be done after writing?


-According to the algorithm (point, boat, stress)

Check No. 2

Now we will check the work of Dunno. You are in the role of teacher. 1 student explains the word, and the class uses signal cards to control the student's response.


Dunno transferred the word "fire" incorrectly, tk. one letter is not left on the line and the whole word is wrapped.), etc.

And who else saw Dunno's mistakes?

-He wrote his name with lowercase letter, but it should be with a capital letter.

What group of rules does this error belong to?

-Spelling of proper names.

Well done!

Check No. 3

Now check your work according to the sample: if you spell the word correctly, then put next to the word +, if not, then -.

Sample student work

fire +

lifting +

horse-ki +

snake +

lei - ka +

van - on +

Let's summarize the results of this work.

Raise your hands, who did the job without mistakes

(22 people);

Who made 1-2 mistakes (4 people);

Who was wrong 3 times (0).

Well done! Everybody tried!

Raise your hand for those who can say, "I have learned the transference rules well and perfectly."

(24 people)

Who else can be wrong?

(2 persons)

We will help you. After all, everyone came to school to study.

And here is how one first grader transferred words in A. Shibaev's poem “How I transferred words”.

(read by a student)

We are studying transference,

This is how I transferred the words:

I barely endured e-two

And he got "two" for it.

I got the injection

And he received a "stake" for this.

Again I moved about-five.

Now, probably, there will be "five" ?!

What do you think. Will the student get a "5" for the last word?


-The word "again" does not carry over.

Let's repeat this rule again for the boy so that he still gets his A.

-A single vowel syllable cannot be left on a line.

Guys, you have on your table "Tree of joy"... Mark on it the place how you evaluate yourself in the lesson: what worked out, what did not, what you will strive for.

Slide number 6.

(Children on individual cards mark their place in the lesson with an icon and talk about their achievements, failures in the lesson).

(Student answer:

I am on this branch, tk. I answered a lot, but made mistakes. I will try to be attentive! I really liked the lesson!)


I also really liked how you worked together, were active and I am my sun

placed at the very top of the tree.

Well done!

Thank you all for the lesson!

Lesson topic: "Word wrap"

Lesson type : a lesson in the discovery of new knowledge (lesson ONZ)

Lesson construction technology: problem-dialogical.

Target: familiarization of students with the rules of word hyphenation.

Tasks :

1. Formation of subject skills:

spelling skills:

Divide words into parts for hyphenation;

Make a proposal on the letter ( capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, a punctuation mark at the end of a sentence);

To write correctly calligraphically;

Teaching and language skills:

Divide words into syllables, put stress;

Speech skills:

Make sentences from words;

Correctly copy words and sentences;

Check the written by comparing with the sample;

2. Formation of metasubject skills:

personal skills:

Accept and master social role student;

Establish a connection between the purpose of the activity and its motive (why?);

regulatory skills:

Prepare a workplace, everything you need to be included in educational activities;

Determine and formulate the goal of the activity in the lesson;

Pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; work according to plan;

Express your assumptions based on educational material;

Distinguish a correctly completed task from an incorrect one;

Exercise self-control;

Together with the teacher and classmates, give an emotional assessment of the activities in the lesson;

cognitive skills:

To navigate in a textbook, in a notebook;

To navigate in your knowledge system (to determine the boundaries of knowledge / ignorance);

Find answers to questions using your life experience;

Analyze educational material;

Draw conclusions about the result working together teacher and class;

communication skills:

Communicate your position to others: formalize your thoughts orally;

Listen to and understand the speech of others;

Learn to work in pairs.

Lesson plan:

I. Psychological attitude (the formation of communicative, personal UUD)

II. Updating and checking basic knowledge(the formation of cognitive, personal, communicative UUD)

III. Learning new material (the formation of cognitive, regulatory, communicative ECD)

IV. Application of new knowledge (formation of regulatory, cognitive, personal, communicative, logical ECD)

V. Reflection (formation of personal UUD)


  1. Psychological attitude to the lesson

Guys! Today we have another meeting with the Russian language. I hope you are in a great mood and the lesson will be interesting! Sit down!

Guess the riddle.

Joy has a girlfriend

In the form of a semicircle.

She lives on her face.

Then somewhere suddenly it leaves,

It will suddenly return.

Sadness is afraid of her.

(smile) SLIDE 1

Let's give each other a smile.

Look who came to our lesson? SLIDE 2-3

Today, together with our friend Luntik, we will rush along the steps of knowledge to new discoveries.

Lesson motto:

On the desk : I observe - I notice - I reflect - I draw conclusions.

  1. Updating and testing basic knowledge. Vocabulary work

Luntik flew to Earth and is also learning to write and read with you.

And now we have vocabulary work. SLIDE 5

Luntik, together with his friends, learns to write words - the names of objects.

Teacher demonstrates pictures, students write down.

Open your notebooks, grab your pens, sit up straight and write.


Name the missing letters on the slide(students show letters on a fan). Checking for SLIDE 6

What do these words have in common?(words-objects, answer the question WHO ?, animate, animals)

Find an extra word? (a rooster is a pet, a hare is a beast)

What is the word in which all consonants are solid?

Name a word that has more sounds than letters.

Divide words into syllables.(Check by sample)

How was the number of syllables determined in words?

(As many vowels in a word, as many syllables)

III. Learning new material

1.Formation of the problematic question


Luntik woke up today and saw a beautiful blue sky... He even came up with a proposal. And which one - you yourself will guess if you compose it from the words written on the cards.

(WORK IN PAIRS. On the desks, cards with words, children, discussing in pairs, make up a sentence)


What suggestion did you get?

By blue sky the clouds are floating. SLIDE 9

Luntik decided to write down this sentence and send a letter to his friend Kuza, a grasshopper. SLIDE 10

But what is it? The last word does not fit on the line. How to be?

What advice do you have for Luntik? (divide the word into parts, transfer)

Do you think you need to transfer words according to the rule or the way you want?

Yes, words must be transferred according to the rules.

Who guessed what the topic of our lesson was?

What goals will we set?

What are we going to learn? (We will learn to transfer words)

- The topic of our lesson is "Word wrap." SLIDE 11-12

Read the text on the card. Observe, reflect, and maybe someone will be able to draw a conclusion on how to transfer words.



U ro | -za sharp | ry | e shi | -py.

Bro | -dit one hundred | -do by lou | -gam. SLIDE 13

(The teacher walks through the rows, listens to the discussion in pairs)

That's right, words must be transferred by syllables ... Let's learn ourselves and teach Luntik to transfer words.


The order here is very strict.

Divide all words into syllables

We transfer over syllables:

Bro-dit a hundred-to on the lou-gam.

And now we will help Luntik to finish the sentence.

Take a look at the proposal you have made. Take scissors and show how you can transfer the last word.

(WORK IN PAIRS. Children simulate word wrap clouds .)

Check SLIDE 15

Write this sentence in a notebook.The transfer sign will be denoted by a dash. SLIDE 16

Exercises to consolidate the transfer rule.

Luntik is glad, he learned the first rule of word hyphenation.

He immediately wanted to tell this rule to his friends. SLIDE 17

He ran along the shortest path, but there was a swamp in the way. We will help Luntik get across the swamp if we complete the task.

Divide words for transfer: stream, stump, swamp, forest.

On the blackboard words. They need to be divided into parts so that there is enough for each bump.

The teacher, with the help of the children, cuts the words into pieces with scissors. The words stump and forest do not share.

Luntik got over the swamp and saw Kuzya and told him about his discovery. SLIDE 18

What did Luntik tell Kuza?

Conclusion: a word from one syllable does not carry over. SLIDE 19

Write these words in a notebook, separating them with hyphenation lines.

(The teacher shows on the board)


2. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Discovery of new knowledge.

SLIDE 21 - Guys, what do you think, are there any more rules for word hyphenation?

Now we will be convinced of this!

You will work in groups.

Let's remember the rules for working in a group. SLIDE 22

And the work plan is as follows: SLIDE 23

  1. Read the words.
  2. Pay attention to the highlighted letters.
  3. See where the transfer sign is.
  4. Make a conclusion.

You should now have a hyphenation rule.

(each group receives task cards)

3. Presentation of the result.

We listen to the results of the work of the groups. SLIDE 24-29

IV. Applying new knowledge.

The little bee, a friend of Luntik, goes to the Bee School. There he also studied word transfer. Listen to the story that came out with him. SLIDE 30

We studied transference,

This is how I transferred the words:

As soon as I endured:

e - two,

And got "two" for this,

I suffered an injection:

an injection -

And he received a "stake" for this.

Again I transferred:

again ,

Now, probably, there will be "five" ?!

Which transfer rule did you break Little bee what can not be done when hyphenating words by syllables? (leave one letter per line)

Ladybug MilaI decided to train my friends so that they never make mistakes again. Let's complete these tasks together with Kuzya and Luntik. SLIDE 31

Work in pairs.

Assignment: find animate objects;

Option 1 - write out words that cannot be divided;

Option 2 - write out the words, separate with a dash for hyphenation.

swamp, wasp , cancer, beetle, oak, spider, bee, toad, stump.

V. Reflection.

What new discovery did you make in the lesson?

When will you use the new knowledge?

Who was interested?

Who found it difficult to complete the task?

And who easily coped with the task?

In the next lessons, we will still practice and learn well how to divide words for hyphenation.

And who wants to praise himself for the lesson? For what?


TRANSFER OF WORDS 1. Learn the transfer rules. 2. We will learn to apply new knowledge in writing.

U ro | zy sharp | ry | e shi | - py. Bro | dit one hundred | to half | - din.

The order here is very strict. We divide all the words into syllables, We transfer them by syllables: Bro-dit hundred-to-lou-gam. 1 rule. The word is carried over syllables.

O B L A K A O B - L A K A O BL A - K A

Clouds float across the blue sky.

If there is one syllable in a word, Do not share it, my friend! 2 rule. Words from one syllable do not carry over.

Guys, what do you think, are there any more rules for word hyphenation?

Group rules make sure everyone is in the conversation; speak calmly and clearly; speak only on the case; not telling everyone at once; refer to each other by name.

skates, day-ki, small-chik

cha y-ka, za-ka, line y-ka

The soft sign and the letter Y Do not dare to tear off the syllable. 3 rule. Letters L, Y cannot be torn from the previous syllable.

Yu la, oh troubles, u catch

kra i, linen yo, lini i

There are two syllables in the word Anya, it cannot be transferred. You will tear off one letter and you will fall into a trap. 3 rule. One letter cannot be left on a line or wrapped to another line.

2 E-two punch 1 o-five?

WORK IN PAIRS Task: find animate objects; Option 1 - write out words that cannot be divided; Option 2 - write out the words, separate with a dash for hyphenation. swamp, wasp, cancer, beetle, oak, spider, bee, toad, stump.

Figurative reflection You think that the lesson was fruitful and profitable for you. You have learned and can help others. You think you have learned, but you still need help. You think it was difficult in the lesson.

Russian language lesson summary, grade 1 (Kotova E.V.)

Theme: Hyphenation. Word hyphenation rule.

Lesson type : learning new material.
Lesson Objectives : Understand and keep in mind learning task lesson.

To acquaint students with the rules of word hyphenation.

Formation of subject doctrines: divide words into parts for transfer,

make out a sentence in writing, divide words into syllables.

Formation of metasubject skills: find answers to questions,

listen and understand the speech of others, learn to work in pairs, ohappreciate the results of their activities.

Equipment: textbook of the 1st grade "Russian language" by V.P. Kanakin, V.G. Goretsky; presentation on the topic of the lesson, screen, multimedia projector; a set of cards for composing a sentence, cards with words divided for transfer by the number of pairs; a picture with the image of the sun; memo with hyphenation rules.


    Organizing time.

Good morning, guys! Today we have guests at the lesson, say hello to them.

Check your readiness for the lesson and answer the questions: how are you living?

(The guys show the answer with movements and say "like this")

How are you going?

How are you running?

Do you sleep at night?

How are you standing?

How are you sitting?

- Guys, a guest is asking for our lesson. Guess Who: It Warms the World

And he does not know fatigue.

It stares at the window all day

And everyone calls him ... (Sun)


To greet our guest, let's write his favorite letter beautifully. What is this letter? (es)

Tell us about the sound that this letter means in the word "sun" (Consonant, hard, voiceless)

Write this letter in the following pattern:

Ss Sss Ssss ...

Find your most beautiful letter "c" written. Try to write every "s" today as beautifully, in order to further delight our guest.

    Dictionary work.

We are not the only ones enjoying the sun. Look who came out to bask in its rays.

Turn on the projector. 1 Slide

Who is this? (Crow, sparrow, fox)

Records appear under the pictures: in ... rona, in ... r ... beat, l ... sitsa.

Write these words separated by commas by inserting the missing letters.

Turn off the projector. The teacher opens a side board with correctly spelled words.

Exchange notebooks with your neighbor and check what you have written.

What do these words have in common? (Nouns answer the question "who", vocabulary words, consist of 3 syllables)

How did you know which of the 3 syllables? (By the number of vowels, as there are vowels in the word, there are as many syllables)

Divide words into syllables.

One person at a time goes to the board, underlines vowels and divides words into syllables. The rest of the guys work in notebooks.

4. Formulation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

The sun came to us for a reason, but with a gift: it made a proposal about itself and about us. This offer is in envelopes on your desks. Get it out and read it.

Children take out of envelopes single words.

Probably, the offer fell apart. Collect it again by working with your neighbor.

What offer did you get? (The sun is shining through our window)

Let's write this sentence under dictation.

One person dictates each word, the children write in notebooks, the teacher - on the blackboard. The word "sun" does not fit in a line, the teacher leaves it unfinished.

Why didn't I write the last word? (did not fit)

Raise your hand, who has not yet fit. How are we to be? (Postpone)

Guess what the topic of today's lesson is? (Word wrap)

5. Explanation of the new topic.

What does "transfer" mean? (At the end of the line put "-" and write the inappropriate part on another line)

Have you had to transfer before? (Yes)

Let's see how you do it.

Turn on the projector. 2 Slide.

Why did I fix your transfer method? (We did it wrong, we did it wrong)

Why were you wrong? (There are probably some hyphenation rules that we don't know yet)

Allow me, I will correct the topic of the lesson you named: not "Word hyphenation", but "Word hyphenation rules"

Turn off the projector.

What are we going to learn in class today? (Wrap words correctly)

On the cards that are on your desks, there is a riddle about the sun's favorite place. Read it.

Le-zhit co-faith big big,

And do not go-drink on the no-go.

What is it? (Sky)

Why is it the favorite place of the sun? (The sun is in the sky)

Each word in this puzzle is split for hyphenation. Read the text on the card again. Observe, reflect with your neighbor, and maybe someone will be able to draw a conclusion on how to transfer words.

The teacher walks through the rows, listens to the discussion in pairs.

Who guessed how to transfer words correctly? (Yes, words wrap across syllables)

Words wrapby syllables

Let's add a proposal about the sun. Start the nose, take the card with the word "Sunny" and divide it with a simple pencil for transfer.

The teacher looks at what the guys have done and puts some options on the board. Children see that there are several options for the transfer of this word, because it has 3 syllables.

Choose a transfer method that is convenient for you and add the sentence in your notebook.

6. Physical minutes.

To the accompaniment of "Nightingale Trill", children represent what the teacher is saying.

Imagine that you are icicles. The sun came out, and the icicles began to slowly melt, they become smaller, smaller and smaller, until they turn into a puddle. A puddle seeped into the ground, where it met a small seed. Now you are a seed. The seed was saturated with water, put a root into the ground, and a sprout made its way out of it. The sprout rises higher and higher, leaves appear on it, the bud swells. And now the bud has blossomed and a beautiful flower has blossomed.

7. Working with the textbook.

Open the tutorial on page 37, find the rule that we derived earlier. Read it in a whisper.

How are we going to wrap words from one line to another? (By syllables)

Find Exercise 3. What plants are there? (Cornflower, bell, chamomile)

See how these words are split for hyphenation. Can they be transferred differently? (You can, because each of them has more than 2 syllables)

Together with your neighbor, think about and separate these words with a simple pencil as you can still transfer them.

List all possible ways hyphenation of each word. (The guys check their work. If necessary, make changes)

Read the assignment at the bottom of the exercise. (Write any word as many times as there are ways to transfer this word)

Why is the word “bell” written 3 times in the sample? (Because there are three ways to transfer it)

How many times should you write the words chamomile and cornflower? (2 times each, because there are two ways to transfer these words)

Turn on the projector. 3 slide.

Pick a word you like and write it as many times as you can wrap it up.

Exchange notebooks with your neighbor and check what you have written. (4 slide)

8. Work on the topic of the lesson.

The sun looks not only through our window. It often looks into many other windows as well. And then one day it saw a story that it will now tell us. (5 slide)

We studied transference,

This is how I transferred the words:

As soon as I endured: e - two ,

And got "two" for this,

I suffered an injection: an injection

And he received a "stake" for this.

Again I transferred: again ,

Now, probably, there will be "five" ?!

Why do you think the boy got bad marks, didn't he transfer them syllables? (Probably broke some transfer rule)

Quite right. It turns out that in order to transfer words correctly, it is not enough to transfer them across syllables. There are still others important rules... Does anyone suggest what rule this boy broke? (Maybe left one letter on the line)

Yes, open the tutorial on page 37 and read the transfer rule at the bottom of the page.

(One letter is not left on the line and is not transferred to another line)

The teacher posts this rule on the board.

One letternot leave

not carry over

Do you think the boy will get an A for carrying the word "again"? (No, he again left one letter on the line, but this cannot be done)

How to transfer this word? (This word cannot be transferred in any way)

Turn off the projector.

    Lesson summary.

So, what new discovery did you make in the lesson?

When will you use the new knowledge?

In the next lessons, we will still practice and learn well how to divide words for hyphenation.


What did you particularly like?

What difficulties have you experienced?

Why do you think?

Assess your work in the margins of the notebook. Whoever thinks that he worked very well and understood and remembered everything, draw a cheerful sun. Whoever thinks that he does not understand everything, needs the help of a friend, draw a serious one. And who remembered nothing at all in the lesson - sad.

All of you guys have done a good job. Thank you for the lesson!

The presentation is designed to explore the topic of hyphenation with double consonants, a soft sign and repetition of already learned rules on the topic. Can be used in Russian lessons in the second and third grades.



Slide captions:

TRANSFER OF WORDS Petrova Alla Alekseevna Teacher primary grades GBOU Secondary School No. 484 in St. Petersburg

A A M cosm o s

TA, R a keta Z e mlya,

O = E, and Mars Planeta, Z

Make a sentence out of words and try to write it down on one line. ... space rockets will fly to Mars Soon space rockets will fly to Mars.

The word is transferred from one line to another by syllables. Read funny poetry. We are studying transference. This is how I transferred the words: As soon as I transferred: "e-two" I got "two" for it. I transferred the "injection": "u-kol" And received a "kol" for it. "Again" I transferred: "oh-five." Now, it will probably be "five"? V. Volina

One letter cannot be left on a line or wrapped to another line. What words cannot be transferred?

Warm-up for the mind Cinderella's legs Fell by accident She was not easy, But crystal ... She grows upside down, Not in summer, but in winter.


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Slide captions:

What unites these words: icicle, Malvina, shoe? And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself, Her name is simply, guys, - ...

Conclusion: If the words contain b or b, then they remain on the line. Ma-lion, Mal-wine, so-icicle, suck-lka, icicle, tu-felka, tuff-lka, shoes. Se-mya, vyu-ha, dress. ... ...

These twin letters are Daring fellows, You finish one line, And start it with the other. Write these double consonants. bb lj kk ll mm nn pp ss Read the poem and try to formulate the rules for hyphenating words with double words

Find the right word and write it horizontally 1. Ice skating game. 2. A road with rows of trees on the sides. 3. The place where the tickets are sold. 4. A person who makes a trip by transport. 5.A road covered with asphalt.

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