Ege in Russian version 5. Approximate range of problems

Quest Source: Decision 2840. USE 2017. Russian language. I.P. Tsybulko. 36 options.

Task 5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the lexical error by matching the highlighted word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

After winning the semifinals, Konstantin began training with DOUBLE strength.

Just a few years ago, there was a wasteland on this place, and now a MAJOR building rises here.

In two months, the ANNUAL precipitation rate fell in the northern region. The young teacher felt PRIDE for his work.

Beyond the field could be seen a KIND house with an attic, to the left - two poor houses, behind them a black forest.


1. Define lexical meaning(meaning) of the highlighted words.

After winning the semifinals, Konstantin began training with DOUBLE (doubled) strength.

Just a few years ago, this place was a wasteland, and now a GREAT (beautiful) building rises here.

For two months, the ANNUAL (1 year old) precipitation rate fell in the northern region.

The young teacher felt PRIDE (self-satisfaction) for his work.

Beyond the field could be seen a KIND (well-made) house with an attic, to the left - two poor houses, behind them the forest was blackened.

2. Let's find the word that is used incorrectly.

For two months, the ANNUAL (1 year old) precipitation rate fell in the northern region.

3. Let's remember the word-paronym for the chosen one.

ANNUAL (resulting in a whole year)

Examination. Remember the words-paronyms for all the highlighted words in the assignment. When these paronyms were substituted, the sentences lost their meaning? If yes, then the answer is correct.

The mushroom pickers who came to the forest after the rain FILLED (restored what was lost) their baskets with mushrooms in just an hour. - the meaning is lost.

After winning the semi-finals, Konstantin began training with DUAL (joined together) strength. - the meaning is lost.

Just a few years ago, there was a wasteland on this site, and now a GREAT (of particular importance) building rises here. - the meaning is lost.

This option test items in Russian compiled in OGE format for the oral part of the exam. Detailed answers to all assignments are given, which will help students in preparation for the OGE.

The copy version is convenient for using the material in the lessons.

Job topics:


Task 1. Reading the text.

The text for reading is dedicated to proverbs. You guys, of course, know that these apt expressions make speech more imaginative, brighter.

Read expressively text about proverbs aloud.

You have 1.5 minutes to get ready.

Language is the most important means of human communication. At the same time, he is a mirror of the national culture. History, traditions, moral laws - everything is transmitted through language from generation to generation.

The treasures of the Russian language are proverbs. Created by the people, they have not lost their significance even in our 2000s. And even though the window is 21st century, but today you can hear the proverbs familiar to us from childhood: “You love to ride - love to carry sledges!”, “Measure seven times, cut one off”, “An old friend is better than two new ones” and many others.

Proverbs are small statements containing a generalized moral meaning. In them, folk wisdom is expressed in an allegorical form. How should one behave in society, what is valuable for a person, what kind of person should one be? All these questions can be answered in proverbs. Use them in your speech, and then it will become bright, accurate and expressive. As the proverb says, "It's a pleasure to listen to a good speech."

156 words.


Task 2. Retelling the text.

Think about where to use this quote in a retelling.

You have 1 minute to prepare.

"The genius, spirit, character of the people are manifested in its proverbs."

Francis Bacon(English philosopher, historian, politician of the 17th century).


Correct answer

Language is a means of human communication. It expresses the culture of the people, its traditions, moral principles passed down from generation to generation.

The wealth of the language is its proverbs, which express the wisdom of the people. Many of them are familiar to us from childhood.

Proverbs are statements that have a deep instructive meaning. You need to learn to use them in speech, then it will become more expressive.

The English philosopher, historian and politician of the 17th century Francis Bacon spoke excellently about proverbs. He noted that they show "the genius, spirit, character of the people." Indeed, the mind, ingenuity of the people, their views on life, character traits, patriotism, faith in goodness - everything is reflected in these statements. The people very subtly noticed the phenomena of life and reflected them in proverbs. “It's warm in the sun, good in the mother's presence”, “Motherland, love to stand up for her” - these and many other floorboards teach you what kind of person you need to be.


Task 3. Monological statement.

Choose one of the following conversation options:

  1. In a physical education lesson (based on the description of the photo).
  2. My unforgettable journey (storytelling based on life experience).
  3. Why is it so important to monitor your speech? (reasoning on the question posed)

You are given 1 minute to prepare. Your statement should take no more than 3 minutes.


Correct answer

Topic 1. At a physical education lesson. Describe the photo.

This photo shows one of the moments of a physical education lesson at school. The guys are competing. They were divided into three teams and in the relay they perform actions with the ball. It shows how tense the participants are, how they wait for the baton to be handed over to them to join the fight for victory. The audience is also watching the competition intensely.

In physical education lessons, we also often have various competitions. I like to compete in teams. And you test yourself, and you worry about your classmates, because you always want to win.

Topic 2. Tell us about how you traveled.

I like to travel. Most often this happens with my parents. We went to the Crimea, were in the Caucasus. I love the sea and the mountains.

I especially remember my first trip to the mountains. We had been preparing for it for a long time, because we had to reach our first peak. We prepared sports equipment, thought over the route.

I remember our first trip through the mountainous terrain, when you see how the road winds like a snake between the mountains, and below, somewhere in the depths, a stream flows. Beautiful! The trip was remembered for its unusual nature, the grandeur of the mountain landscape. I was struck by the one-grass (one slope of the mountain could be all yellow with flowers, the other lilac, the third scarlet), this is what distinguishes our nature with its forbs.

Of course, I was struck by the very top of the mountain, on which snow lay at the height of summer, and huge black tulips bloomed on small islands. Yes, as V. Vysotsky wrote, "only mountains can be better than mountains!"

Topic 3. Why is it so important to monitor your speech?

Language, speech play a vital role in the life of a person and society. They are a means of communication, information transfer. With the help of words, you can literally express any shades of feelings.

The power of the word is great, because it can support a person, instill in him confidence, the desire to live, or it can humiliate, simply destroy. We must try to make the language a friend, not an enemy.

I believe that a person's speech testifies to himself, his character, the level of culture and education. You need to be attentive to your words, monitor your speech, remember that a word can offend, hurt another and at the same time support in difficult times.

You can learn to speak correctly and beautifully. I think that for this you need to read a lot, preferably out loud in order to hear your speech. We must take seriously the lessons of the Russian language, in which the rules are studied, the skills of oral and written speech... You just need to want to learn how to speak beautifully, and then, I think, everyone will succeed.


Task 4. Dialogue.

Please give full answers to the questions asked by the interlocutor.


Correct answer

I believe that physical education lessons are needed at school. They help to improve health, because not everyone finds time outside of school to go in for sports. In physical education lessons, the guys move, run, warm up. This is a kind of rest from classes in other lessons.

Yes, competitions in the classroom allow you to check the level of training of students, bring children closer, make them active. And how many emotions and joy they experience at these moments!

I dream that physical education lessons will take place not only in the gym, but also, for example, in the pool, on the tennis court, so that there are sports equipment. Ordinary amenities such as shower rooms would also be appropriate. I think this is a very real dream; such conditions have already been created in many schools.

I think that people are always drawn to see something unusual, unusual. I would like to see the world, find out how other peoples live, what their traditions are, get acquainted with their culture.

Yes, I love TV shows that talk about other countries, when authors invite viewers to travel by distance. After all, a person will not be able to visit everywhere, but he so wants to learn more about our land, about peoples and countries. Such TV shows broaden the horizons, will make it possible to learn a lot about our planet. I especially like to watch the program "Around the World" on the channel "Russia" (presenter Mikhail Kozhukhov), "Let's go, let's eat!" on NTV (hosted by John Warren).

My dream is to see the pyramids. I read so much about them, I just dream of standing at their foot, seeing the avenue of sphinxes, feeling this connection of centuries. Hope my seat will come true.

I try to follow my speech, especially if I am at school, among adults. Of course, when talking with friends, I sometimes allow myself to pronounce words that are not quite necessary (I really do not like this word "shorter", which is so difficult to get rid of).

Yes, unfortunately, there were times when I was ashamed of my words. But not because these were rude, obscene words (I don’t pronounce such words), but because there was indifference in them. They expected support from me, but I could not immediately provide it. Of course, then together we solved the problem with this person, but for my words "I have enough problems without you" I am still ashamed.

Yes, I want to speak beautifully. This will help me in my future profession, and simply in communicating with people. After all, a beautiful speech attracts, makes you look at a person with respect. This is a sign of his culture.

Option number 5.

Part 1

Answers to tasks 1-24 are a digit (number) or a word (several words), a sequence of numbers (numbers). Write down the answer in the answer field in the text of the work, and then transfer it to ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

((1) Genetic engineering is a direction modern science, which is based on the transfer of the necessary genes from living organisms of the same species
into organisms of another species, often very distant in origin. (2) So,<…>managed to insert into the genotype of a bacterial cell genes encoding such an important protein as interferon. (3) Interferon is produced in human blood leukocytes in response to viral infection and protects the human body from viruses.

With the help of genetic engineering, based on the transfer of the necessary genes from one species of living organisms to another, scientists have managed to integrate genes encoding interferon into the genotype of a bacterial cell, which protects the human body from viruses.

Scientists-geneticists managed to exclude interferon from the genotype of the cell, thereby ensuring the protection of a person from colds.

The genes that encode interferon, an important protein that protects the human body from viruses, geneticists managed to integrate into the genotype of a bacterial cell, which became possible thanks to modern achievements in the field of genetic engineering.

With the help of genetic engineering, which is based on cell selection, scientists have succeeded in obtaining such an important protein as interferon, which reduces the number of leukocytes in the blood.

Genetic engineering is a branch of modern science that is based on the artificial extraction of genes.

Which of the following words (word combinations) should be in place of the gap in the second (2) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Despite this,

for example,


Read the snippet vocabulary entry, which gives the meanings of the word PROVIDE. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

PROVIDE, -chu, -chish; -chenny; owls.

Answer: ___________________________.

4. One of the words below contains a mistake in the stress setting: WRONG the letter denoting the stressed vowel sound is highlighted. Write this word down.


will call


Answer: ___________________________.

5. In one of the sentences below WRONG used the highlighted word. Correct the lexical error by matching the highlighted word with a paronym. Write down the chosen word.

A timid smile flashed through the STONE expression on his face for a second, and Evgeny Ivanovich looked inquiringly at Mashenka.

Awareness of the deputy in matters of agriculture helped to solve many problems quickly and efficiently.

Rain drops glittered on the dark foliage.

ETERNAL dust covered all the furniture, and the room made a depressing impression on us.

He became the CREATOR of a new animation genre.

Answer: ___________________________.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and write the word correctly.

climbed more HIGHER

Go ahead

FOUR sleighs


no time

Answer: ___________________________.

7. Match grammatical errors and

sentences in which they are allowed: to each position of the first

column, select the appropriate position from the second column.


A) violation in the formation

sentences with participle


B) error in construction

complex sentence

C) violation in the formation

proposals with uncoordinated


D) violation of the connection between

subject and predicate

E) an error in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members


I wanted to know how to plant primroses and care for them.

Each programmer is assigned to a specific computer that monitors its state.

According to the plan, as a final work, we wrote a review of a recently read book.

The Encyclopedia "Lives of Remarkable People" contains many interesting biographies.

In March, those who have reached the age of 18 participated in the presidential elections Russian Federation.

I like the room because it is light, large and clean.

I was assigned the main role in the school play "Don Quixote".

Mom always scolds me for throwing my things around.

Studying folklore, the composer created wonderful lyric works.

Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

8. Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.


warm up .. warm up


put out

supporting ...

Answer: ___________________________.

9 ... Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

in .. splash, ra .. move

pr..popular, pr..brush

from .. bent, pose .. covered

s..gral, disinfection..infection

pre ... said, oh ... gave

Answer: ___________________________.

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

Lukov ... tsa

Get frustrated ...

Call ... to

Answer: ___________________________.

11. Write down a word in which a letter is written at the place of the pass E

you wanna

hear .. my

Answer: ___________________________.

12 ... Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE.

Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

We remained in (NOT) DOUBT when the strange guest suddenly left.

It is impossible to master higher mathematics, (NOT) KNOWING elementary mathematical concepts.

It is impossible to allow anything (NOT) JUSTIFIED denial of the new in science.

The heroine was (NOT) FUDDED to connect her life with the life of a loved one.

When Arthur got to the opposite bank, he found himself at a sheep pen that he (NOT) previously (NOT) SPECIFIED by him.

Answer: ___________________________.

13. Determine the sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled

LITTLE... Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

In response to compelling reasons, the doctor agreed to be my second; I gave him (SAME) several instructions (ON) ABOUT the conditions of the fight.

(B) OVER 24 hours M.V. Lomonosov observed the passage of Venus along the solar disk and (B) CONSEQUENCES published his findings in a special work.

(B) CONSEQUENCE that the operation of electrical potential forces does not depend on the shape of the path of a single charge, on each of the parallel-connected conductors there is one and TO (SAME) voltage.

There is no way to see the figure of the prodigal son in the picture, his face is almost invisible, but (B) FOLLOWING him, we mentally fall on our knees and LIKE (SAME) we experience the meeting with the father, like the returning son.

(B) DURING the whole of June, strawberries are harvested, and (PO) LATER, in July, raspberries are harvested.

Answer: ___________________________.

14. written N.

On the letter (1) on the table-manuscript of the story "The Old Woman", leather (2) folder for papers, silver (3) paper with the monogram "IB", heavy(4) glass inkwell with copper cap.

Answer: ___________________________.

15. Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) In 1856 in German city Karlsruhe published the first edition of the poem "The Demon" by the former lieutenant of the Tengin regiment M.Yu. Lermontov and in the same year in Omsk in the family of the captain of the same Tenginsky infantry regiment A.M. Vrubel's son was born - the future artist Mikhail Vrubel.

2) Many canvases by I.K. Aivazovsky is perceived as musical or poetic improvisation.

3) The story of E.I. Zamyatina "On Kulichki" is full of love and compassion for her compatriots and protests against social conditions.

4) With the Decembrist poets of the composer A.A. Alyabyev was connected by both general views and many circumstances of life and difficult personal fate.

5) Here the sources of rivers and springs and groves and oak groves have become reserved.

16 . Arrange punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which

A young falcon (1) unexpectedly high (2) soared over the plain (3) disappeared from the summer sky (4) outlining the space above the horizon.

Answer: ___________________________.

17. Arrange the punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which

the sentence must contain commas.

In nature (1) undoubtedly (2) there is nothing more musical than the early morning coming. Yet people sleep in stone houses, and the forest (3) opposite (4) is full of life: birds begin to sing joyfully, foliage rustles, butterflies tremble.

Answer: ___________________________.

18. Arrange the punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which

the sentence must contain commas.

Thunder struck (1) the rumble (2) of which reminded me (3) the sound of a terrible earthquake.

Answer: ___________________________.

19. Arrange the punctuation marks: indicate all the numbers in the place of which

the sentence must contain commas.

Hadji Murad was sitting side by side in the room (1) and (2) although he did not understand the conversation (3)felt (4) that they were arguing about him.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the text and complete assignments 20-25.

(1) Tenderness is the most meek, timid, divine face of love. (2) Love-passion - always with an eye to oneself. (3) She wants to conquer, to seduce, she wants to be liked, she loves herself, puts on her hips, measures, all the time she is afraid to miss the lost. (4) Love-tenderness gives everything, and there is no limit to it. (5) And she will never look back at herself, because "she is not looking for her own." (6) She alone does not seek. (7) But one should not think that the feeling of tenderness belittles a person. (8) On the contrary. (9) Tenderness comes from above, it takes care of the beloved, protects, takes care of him. (10) But only a defenseless creature in need of guardianship can be patronized and protected, therefore the words of tenderness are diminutive words, coming from the strong
to the weak.

(11) Tenderness is rare and less and less common. (12) Modern life is difficult and complex. (13) Modern man and in love seeks first of all to assert his personality. (14) Love is a single combat.

- (15) Aha! (16) Love? (17) Well, okay. (18) Roll up their sleeves, straighten their shoulders - well, who will win?

(19) Is it tender here? (20) And whom to take care of, whom to pity - all good fellows and heroes. (21) He who has known tenderness is marked.

(22) In the minds of many, tenderness is drawn without fail in the form of a meek woman, leaning towards the head of the bed. (23) No, it is not there that you need to look for tenderness. (24) I saw her differently: in images that were not at all poetic, in simple ones, even funny.

(25) We lived in a sanatorium near Paris. (26) We walked, ate, listened to the radio, played bridge, and wentssip. (27) There was only one real patient - an angry old man recovering from typhus.

(28) The old man often sat on the terrace in a chaise longue, covered with pillows, wrapped in blankets, pale, bearded, always silent and, if anyone passed by, turned away and closed his eyes. (29) Around the old man, like a quivering bird, his wife curled around. (30) The woman is middle-aged, dry, light, with a faded face and anxiously happy eyes. (31) And she never sat quietly. (32) I was correcting something around my patient. (33) She turned the newspaper over, then fluffed up a pillow, then tucked in a blanket, then ran to warm milk, then medicine dripped. (34) The old man accepted all these services with obvious disgust. (35) Every morning, with a newspaper in her hands, she rushed from table to table, talked affably with everyone and asked:

Maybe you can help me? (36) Here is a crossword puzzle: "What happens in a residential building?" (37) Four letters. (38) I write on a piece of paper to help Sergei Sergeevich. (39) He always solves crosswords, and if he finds it difficult, I come to his aid. (40) After all, this is his only entertainment. (41) The sick are like children. (42) I'm so glad that even though it amuses him.

(43) She was pitied and treated with great sympathy.

(44) And somehow he crawled out onto the terrace earlier than usual. (45) She sat him down for a long time, covered him with rugs, put pillows. (46) He frowned and angrily pushed her hand away if she did not immediately guess his wishes. (47) She, shivering happily, grabbed the newspaper.

- (48) Here, Seryozhenka, today, it seems, is a very interesting crossword puzzle.

(49) He suddenly raised his head, rolled out evil yellow eyes and shook all over.

- (50) Get off to hell with your idiotic crosswords! he hissed furiously.

(51) She turned pale and somehow sank down.

- (52) But you ... - she babbled in confusion. - (53) After all, you were always interested in ...

- (54) I was never interested! he kept shaking and hissing, looking at her pale, desperate face with bestial pleasure. - (55) Never! (56) It was you who climbed with the tenacity of the degenerate, which you are!

(57) She did not answer. (58) She only swallowed air with difficulty, pressed her hands tightly to her chest and looked around with such pain and with such despair, as if she was looking for help. (59) But who can take seriously such ridiculous and stupid grief? (60) Only little boy, who was sitting at the next table and seeing this scene, suddenly closed his eyes and cried bitterly.

(According to N.A. Teffi *)

* Nadezhda Alexandrovna Teffi(1872-1952) - Russian writer, poet, memoirist and translator.

20 ... Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

Answer: ___________________________.

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

End of form

Form start

21. Which of the following statements are true? Enter the answer numbers.

Answer: ___________________________.

22. Write out the antonyms (antonymic pair) from sentences 5-10.

Answer: ___________________________.

23. Among sentences 28-34, find one that is related to the previous one
using a union and a personal pronoun. Write the number of this sentence.

Answer: ___________________________.

Read the fragment of the review based on the text that you analyzed in tasks 20-23.

This fragment examines the linguistic features of the text.

Some of the terms used in the review are missing. Insert the numbers corresponding to the numbers of terms from the list in the places of the gaps (A, B, C, D). Write down the corresponding number in the table under each letter.

Write down the sequence of numbers in the ANSWER FORM № 1 to the right of the task number 24, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional symbols. Write each number in accordance with the samples given in the form.

24. “The text analyzes a problem that has worried people for centuries. To express his understanding of love and tenderness, the author uses the technique - (A) __________ (sentences 2, 3-4, 5) and syntactic means-(B) __________ (in sentences 1, 9). To create the image of a tender wife, the writer helps-(V)__________("Anxiously happyeyes "in sentence 30) and the syntactic means-(D) __________ ("like a quivering bird" in sentence 29) ".

List of terms:

comparative turnover

colloquial words

ranks homogeneous members suggestions


phraseological units


rhetorical questions

Do not forget to transfer all answers to answer form # 1 in accordance with the instructions for the work. End of form

Part 2

Use ANSWER FORM # 2 to answer this task.

25. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems delivered the author of the text.

Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without reference to the text read (not according to this text) is not evaluated. If the essay is a retelling or completely rewritten of the original text without any comments, then such a work is scored zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

for example


higher or higher

be aware

public hairstyle




also about

strong weak

Answers to tasks 1–24 are a word, phrase, number or sequence of words, numbers. Write your answer to the right of the assignment number without spaces, commas, or other additional characters.

Read the text and complete assignments 1-3.

(1) The ancient Greeks and Romans wrote on wax-covered wooden tablets. (2) The letters were scratched into the wax layer with a pointed stick called the stylos, or style; at the other end of the style there was a spatula with which it was possible to smooth out the wax again if it became necessary to make corrections in the records. (3) _____ the expression “everyone has his own style” is directly related to this writing instrument.


Which of the following sentences correctly conveyed the MAIN information contained in the text?

1. The expression "each has his own style" is associated with the writing instrument of the ancient Greeks and Romans, who scratched letters in a layer of wax with a sharpened stick - a stylus.

2. The ancient Greeks and Romans scratched letters in a layer of wax with a sharpened stick, on the other end of which there was a spatula, with which it was possible to smooth out the wax again.

3. The pointed stick, which the ancient Greeks and Romans wrote, was called the stylus, or style; there was a spatula at the other end of the style that could be used to smooth out the wax again

4. The ancient Greeks and Romans wrote on wax-coated wooden tablets with sharpened sticks called the stylos, or style.

5. The ancient Greeks and Romans used to write a sharpened stick - the stylus, which formed the basis for the expression "each has his own style."


Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

1. Probably

3. Of course

4. By the way,

5. Really


Read the fragment of the dictionary entry, which gives the meanings of the word LETTER. Determine the meaning in which this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

LETTER O, -A, pl. NS and seven, -sem, -smam, cf.

1. Written text sent to message something. someone Write the item to your relatives. Customized p.

2. Ability to write. Learn to read and write. The art of writing.

3. The system of graphic signs for transmission, capturing speech. Verbal and syllabic n. Hieroglyphic n.

4. The manner of artistic depiction. Realistic p. Icon of old writing.


In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.





One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

1. The participation of such a REPRESENTATIVE audience in the forum is due to the global importance of the issues of protection and conservation of the country's water resources.

2. Collection of initial data and assessment of the TECHNICAL condition of pipes for the design of new heating networks will allow for high-quality repairs by the beginning of the heating season.

3. The writer sincerely considers this work to be the most LUCKY of all that has been written.

4. In the work of the jury of the festival of amateur theaters, a professor of the Department of STAGE PLASTICS of the University of Theater Arts takes part.

5. In the presence of significant personnel potential, the setting of new tasks is quite real.


In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.



Wolf's tail


stocking sale


Establish a correspondence between the sentences and the grammatical errors made in them: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.

A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition 1) Everyone who came to Volgograd came to Mamayev Kurgan.
B) an error in constructing a sentence with homogeneous members 2) The director of a small business was independently engaged in the selection of personnel and their management.
C) violation in the construction of a sentence with an inconsistent application 3) The painting by Borisov-Musatov "Spring" depicts the branches of blossoming cherry and dandelions ready to fly around
D) violation in the construction of a sentence with participle 4) Nothing, not even the beginning of the rain, could interfere with our walk.
E) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate 5) In the village they were interested in and believed in everything unusual.
6) According to the Old Russian Tale of Bygone Years, Princess Olga was from Pskov.
7) It seems that the cloud has turned into a monster looking at you from above.
8) A lone passenger attracted attention not only by the decent modesty of the suit, but also by the lack of luggage.
9) I returned from Rostov late in the evening.

Write down the answer in numbers without spaces or other signs.


Identify the word missing the unstressed alternating vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.

to ... ramel

floor ... slope

n ... triotic

obm ... whip

w ... nimble


Define a row in which the same letter is missing in both words in the prefix. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

ave ... negligence, ave ... raised

from ... snorted, under ... skat

ra ... encrypt, triumph

by ... built, oh ... written

ned ... eating, ave ... grandma


treat ... to

hoped ...

shoot ...

arrogant ...


Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

hearing ... m

lifting ... may

resha ... may

hung ... lousy


Write down the word in which NOT (NOR) is spelled LITTLE.

1. At home, there was (NOT) GOOD news.

2. We (NEVER) have ever seen my father sad or confused.

3. It was (NOT) SOMEONE other than the headmaster.

4. The artist had a (NOT) BEAUTIFUL, but surprisingly expressive face.

5. The fence was (NOT) PAINTED and fell to one side.


Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

1. (BY) THIS sign and (BY) THAT, as the lower part of the trunk was burnt, I figured out the origin of the pit.

2. At the foot of the spruce, translucent (ON) THROUGH, fragile, tender, (FROM) INSIDE, lilies of the valley will light up.

3. Girls THAT (SAME) unceremoniously considered him (IN) FOR some time.

4. (C) ON THE TOP of the mountains, it was clearly visible where (ON) the coniferous forests were STILL green.

5. Slightly perceptible, (ON) EVENING fragrant smoke stretched from WHERE (THAT) in the cooling air.


Indicate all the numbers in the place of which НН is written.

On the left, above the oak grove, towered over the Majesty (1) the temple, on the right stood the temple dedicated to (2) the goddess Ceres, and next to it was the many-colossal (3) basilica.


Arrange punctuation marks. Indicate the numbers of sentences in which you need to put ONE comma.

1. The secretary took documents and a pen from the table and went to the chief's office.

2. A stormy mudflow completely washed away both the dining room and the residential buildings under construction.

3. Where will you rest and how long will this trip last?

4. The sea sparkled and rustled and played with waves.

5. The sun hid behind a passing cloud and a large shadow ran across the ground.


Magpies and crows (1) flying from tree to tree (2) swaying branches (3) hitting with a wing (4) breaking off fragile twigs.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, which should be replaced by commas in sentences.

Give (1) Jim (2) luckily a paw to me.

Please (3) darling (4) don't lick.

Understand with me even the simplest.

After all (5) you (6) do not know what life is ...

(S.A. Yesenin)


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas.

He understood (1) that the battle was over (2) that he himself had survived (3) and was not even wounded (4), but now he felt nothing (5) except nausea and fatigue.


Arrange punctuation marks: include all numbers, in their place in the sentence must be commas.

I was finally convinced (1) that I was completely lost (2) and went at random to (3) where fields stretched endlessly.


Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error by replacing the misspelled word. Write down the selected word, observing the norms of the modern Russian literary language.

Read the text and complete assignments 21-26.

(1) Love is a difficult mental work, not everyone can master it. (2) But everyone dreams of her, looking for her. (3) What are we looking for in love? (4) We seek in her an escape from loneliness, spiritual support. (5) It is important for us to know that everything that happens to us, everything that concerns us is important and dear to a loving person. (6) And on the other hand, this person needs us, our care, help, our understanding. (7) Friends - even the closest ones - can only love us. (8) And we are looking for someone who will share our life, with whom we will have in common not only joys, but also pains and resentments ...

(9) But when love is born, how to raise it so that it survives? (10) How to restrain yourself, how to keep the one you love, in order to remain the one and only among all women, as the rose of the Little Prince remained the only one in the garden, where there were five thousand of the same roses?

(11) Many years ago, when I was still a teenager, middle-aged woman she revealed to me a secret: it is not difficult to win love, it is difficult to keep it. (12) Then I could not understand the worldly wisdom of this secret: I saw something shameful in the word "hold". (13) I read Pushkin: "Who is able to keep love?" and Blok: "Oh yes, love is free like a bird."

(14) And in fact, there are, there are secrets and laws of love, and Saint-Exupery was one of those who know these secrets.

(15) When the little prince just started his journey, he visited the planet where the old king lived. (16) Seeing that his guest was tired and therefore yawning, the governor was not offended, but ordered him to yawn. “(17) Everyone should be asked what he can give. (18) Power must be reasonable, ”said the king.

(19) In our youth, we do not think about the limits of our power over the beloved and a loving person and very often we break the wise law of the old king: "the government must be reasonable." (20) Young wives, yesterday's girls, feeling a ring on their finger - a symbol of absolute power - suddenly begin to demand from the dumbfounded husbands no less than the famous old woman demanded from the goldfish.

Option 5

Read the text and complete assignments 1 - 3

(1) Studying the features of Old Russian literature, researchers have repeatedly drawn attention to the fact that in different works episodes that are similar in content are transmitted using the same literary techniques, and sometimes with almost the same words. (2) Such uniformity in different monuments of ancient Russian literature, some scholars

explained by the meager imagination of medieval authors who could not clearly and originally present the events in the work. (3) Academician D.S. Likhachev in his works convincingly proved that medieval authors deliberately sought to imitate, professing the so-called "identity aesthetics": they saw the artistic merit literary work in that its author follows an authoritative model.

1. Indicate two sentences in which the MAIN information contained in the text is correctly conveyed. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) Researchers of Old Russian literature believed that the monotony of artistic techniques of medieval authors was due to the fact that these people were not able to present the material in an original way.

2) One of the most important features of Old Russian literature is that its authors sought to create their works according to a single template.

3) D.S. Likhachev, refuting the opinion of a number of scholars, proved that in different works of Old Russian literature, similar episodes are conveyed using the same means intentionally, since the authors deliberately focus on known samples.

4) The fact that in the works of Old Russian literature the reader finds a set of constantly repeating artistic techniques became the subject of research by Academician D.S. Likhachev.

5) The use of the same techniques in the transmission of similar episodes in ancient Russian literature is explained not by the poverty of fantasy of medieval authors, as some scholars believed, but by the desire to follow an authoritative model, which is proved by the works of D.S. Likhachev.

2. Which of the following words (combinations of words) should be in place of the gap in the third (3) sentence of the text? Write down this word (combination of words).

Therefore, So However, Certainly, Moreover,

3. Read the fragment of the dictionary entry that describes the meanings of the word FOLLOW. Determine in what sense this word is used in the third (3) sentence of the text. Write down the number corresponding to this value in the given fragment of the dictionary entry.

TO FOLLOW, -blowing, -blowing; nesov.

1) Walk, move, follow the trail, directly behind someone-something. Follow me.

2) Go, go, move. The train goes to Moscow.

3) Be guided by something, act like someone. C. fashion.

4) Be the result of something., flow out of something. Hence the conclusion follows.

5) Bezl. It must, must. The experience of production leaders should be widely disseminated.

4. In one of the words below, a mistake was made in the formulation of stress: the letter denoting a stressed vowel sound is WRONGLY highlighted. Write this word down.





5. One of the sentences below uses the highlighted word WRONG. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.

The most amazing thing is that I just can't write his WORD portrait.

His face is very expressive: aristocratic, Predatory, long and hunchbacked, the most aquiline nose, high cheekbones, deep eye sockets.

Infection weakens the RESISTANCE of the body and increases the risk of a new disease.

Mercy is a big theme that finds a CALL in the heart of any person.

Krymov did not distinguish between Dobrolyubov and Lassalle, Chernyshevsky and Engels.

6. In one of the words highlighted below, a mistake was made in the formation of the word form. Correct the mistake and spell the word correctly.


six saucer

BEST way

Seven hundred answers

curtain TULLE

7. Establish a correspondence between grammatical errors and sentences in which they are allowed: for each position of the first column, select the corresponding position from the second column.



A) incorrect use of the case form of a noun with a preposition

B) incorrect construction of a sentence with an participial turnover

C) violation of the connection between the subject and the predicate

D) violation in the construction of a complex sentence

E) violation in the construction of a sentence with homogeneous members

1) St. Basil's Cathedral has not only rich decor, but also an unusual overall composition.

2) I sincerely admired and loved this painting by Surikov, an unknown power emanated from it.

3) The generation of our fathers and grandfathers perceived the reforms with distrust.

4) Tired of a long walk, we wanted to get to the camp as soon as possible.

5) In 1871-1872, Dostoevsky's sixth novel was published with the defiant symbolic title Demons.

6) Seeing this clearing, you cannot forget it.

7) At the meeting of the group, the issues of attendance were discussed and whether it was possible to pass the tests ahead of schedule.

8) Gorky could vividly depict the life of tramps, since he knew the life of these people well from the inside.

9) Contrary to expectations, the service in the regiment was full of surprises, often pleasant ones.

8. Identify the word missing the unstressed verifiable vowel of the root. Write this word by inserting the missing letter.


rel .. mother

hint .. chit



9. Determine the row in which the same letter is missing in both words. Write these words by inserting the missing letter.

ave ... deed (of the temple), ave ... increased

in..yuga, from..ecision

the day before yesterday, the narrator is singing

s..el (apple), super..bright, adult..mall

10. Write down the word in which the letter E is written at the place of the pass.

to grow


human ... to

de-energize (line)

11. Write down the word in which the letter I is written at the place of the pass.

hide .. you

hurt ... in (hand)

obsessed (a passer-by dog)

expect .. my


12. Define a sentence in which NOT with a word is written LITTLE. Expand the parentheses and write out this word.

To the aid of the city, memory, art came people who (NOT) WISHED to obey the onslaught of militant indifference.

He presented himself as a martyr and partly even proudly thought that the cup was (NOT) DRINK yet to the bottom, that he would still suffer for his honesty.

I shook her hand twice; the second time she pulled it out, (NOT) SPEAKING a word.

The French were repelled at all points, but we (didn’t) have enough strength to cross the river on the same day and complete the rout.

Let it be (NOT) MY ME, I am ready to compromise.

13. Define a sentence in which both highlighted words are spelled LITTLE. Expand the brackets and write out these two words.

(B) CONTINUING the sea voyage, we (NOT) once fell into storms.

It was not SO (THAT) easy to lure Chekhov into a political party: he expressed his protest against injustice and cruelty (OWN).

(B) DIFFERENT from others, Zelensky was ready to speak, although he perfectly understood that Rybin had (B) LOOK when he made the appointment.

"(FROM) WHY are you so sad?" - with excitement in her voice, bowing her head (ON) BOK, asked Maria.

Whatever the guest said, he knew how to (ON) TRUE to ignite, to inspire the interlocutor ..

14. Indicate all the numbers in the place of which НН is written.

I patiently examined the sand (1) shallows and fresh pebbles, looking for interesting pebbles; a light breeze was blowing, the waves were gentle and quiet (2) s. It seemed to me that I was wandering in the sacrament (3), leaving (4) all the world.

15. Arrange the punctuation marks... Indicate two sentences in which you need to put ONE comma. Write down the numbers of these sentences.

1) The motive of desolation and decay of death and degradation is closely connected with the image of Plyushkin in Gogol's "Dead Souls".

2) Revolution and Civil War not only changed the socio-political situation in the country, but also influenced the thoughts and attitudes of people.

3) They talked about the appearance of a stranger in the city the next day and a week later, and even a month later.

4) Every day I tried to learn something new and did not want to waste a single hour, not a single minute.

5) And in the morning, the gray and hazy sea roared the same way and the heavy spray of the surf flew to the embankment.

16. Arrange all punctuation marks:

In the evening, grandfather Trofim (1) wearing a sheepskin coat (2) left the hut and appeared on the doorstep only a couple of hours later with a bundle of firewood; covered with (3) gray hoarfrost (4) he looked like Santa Claus.

17. Arrange any missing punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

I have a presentiment, - said the doctor, - that (1) poor Grushnitsky (2) will be your victim ...

The princess said that your face was familiar to her. I noticed to her that (4) it was true (5) she met you in Petersburg, somewhere in the world ... I said your name ... She knew it. It seems (6) your story made a lot of noise there ... The princess began to talk about your adventures, adding (7) probably (8) her comments to the gossip ... If (9) you want, I will introduce you ...

18. Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

Late German romantics presented passions as external, often deceiving and hostile forces (1) a toy in the hands (2) of which (3) he is (4) and likened love to fate.

19. Arrange all punctuation marks: specify the number (s), in the place of which (s) in the sentence should be a comma (s).

We did not know (1) that there is enough room in these rough hearts (2) to serve as a battleground between God and the devil (3) and (4) that the idea of ​​merging with the people or being separated from them is important only for us (5) and not for

public consciousness.

20. Edit the sentence: correct the lexical error, eliminating unnecessary word. Write this word down.

Now the steppe opened up distant and silent, now low, blood-covered clouds, or even people, and the steam engine, and the thresher at once drowned in blackening darkness.

Read the text and complete assignments 21 - 26

(1) The sky was clouded with evil clouds, the rain sadly beat against the glass and made the soul melancholy. (2) In a thoughtful pose, with an unbuttoned waistcoat and putting his hands in his pockets, he stood at the window and looked at the gloomy street, the owner of the city pawnshop Polycarp Semyonovich Iudin.

(3) “Well, what is our life? - he reasoned in unison with the crying sky. - (4) What is she? (5) A book of some kind with a mass of pages, on which more suffering and sorrow is written than joy ... (6) Why was it given to us? (7) After all, God, good and almighty, did not create the world for sorrow! (8) And it turns out the other way around. (9) There are more tears than laughter ... "

(10) Judah took his right hand out of his pocket and scratched the back of his head.

(11) “Well,” he continued thoughtfully, “in terms of the universe, obviously, there was no poverty, venality and shame, but in fact they are. (12) They were created by humanity itself. (13) It itself gave rise to this scourge. (14) And for what, one wonders, for what? "

(15) He took out his left hand and mournfully ran it over his face.

(16) “But how easy it would be to help human grief: you just have to lift a finger. (17) For example, there is a rich funeral procession. (18) A gear of horses in black blankets carries a lush coffin, and behind a row of carriages rides almost a mile away. (19) Torchbearers perform importantly with lanterns. (20) Cardboard coats of arms hang on the horses: an important person is buried, the dignitary must have died. (21) Has he done at least one good deed in his entire life? (22) Did you warm up the poor man? (23) Of course not ... tinsel! "

- (24) What do you want, Semyon Ivanovich?

- (25) Yes, I find it difficult to evaluate the suit. (26) In my opinion, more than six rubles cannot be given for it. (27) And she asks for seven; says the kids are sick, they need to be treated.

- (28) And six rubles will be a bit too much. (29) Do not give more than five, otherwise we will burn out like that. (30) Only you will take a good look around, if there are any holes and if there are any spots left ...

(31) “Nda-s, so this is life that makes you think about the nature of man. (32) Behind the rich hearse is a carriage, on which a pine coffin has been piled. (33) Behind her, only one old woman weaves, splashing in the mud. (34) This old woman, perhaps, is putting her breadwinner in the grave ... (35) And ask if the lady who sits in the carriage will give her even a penny? (36) Of course, he won't, although he may express his condolences ... "

- (37) What else is there?

- (38) The old woman brought a fur coat ... how much to give?

- (39) Rabbit fur ... (40) Nothing, strong, it costs five rubles. (41) Give me three rubles, and interest, of course, go ahead ... (42) “Where, in fact, are people, where are their hearts? (43) The poor are dying, but the rich don't care ... "

(44) Judah pressed his forehead to the cold glass and thought. (45) Tears appeared in his eyes - large, shiny, crocodile tears.

(according to A.P. Chekhov *)

*Alexander Pavlovich Chekhov (1855-1913)- Russian writer, prose writer, publicist, older brother of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

21. Which of the statements correspond to the content of the text? Enter the answer numbers.

1) The city pawnshop is on the verge of bankruptcy, so Judah, the owner of this pawnshop, cannot afford to do charity work.

2) The lady in the carriage gave one kopeck to the old woman who was burying her son that day.

3) Funeral processions - rich and poor - led Polycarp Semyonovich to speculate about the poor and the rich.

4) The owner of the pawnshop, despite his philanthropic reasoning, strictly observes the financial interests of the institution.

5) Polikarp Semyonovich is convinced that it is very easy to help people.

22. Which of the following statements are faithful? Enter the answer numbers.

Indicate the numbers in ascending order.

1) Proposition 2 contains a description.

2) Sentences 11-14 are narrative.

3) Proposition 23 answers the question posed in Proposals 21-22.

4) Sentences 34-36 present the reasoning

5) Sentence 45 explains the reason for what is said in sentence 44.

23. Write out the antonyms (antonymic pair) from sentences 39–45.

24. Among sentences 15–23, find the one (s) that is (s) related to the previous one using a compositional conjunction and a personal pronoun. Write the number (s) of this offer (s).

25. “Chekhov's stories are compact in form and deep in content, and the author avoids direct value judgments - his voice sounds quiet, but at the same time firm and distinct. This is facilitated by a complex composition and, of course, a competent selection pictorially expressive funds. In the presented fragment, it is worth noting the trope - (A) __________ (“evil clouds” in sentence 1, “gloomy street” in sentence 2), lexical means - (B) __________ (“hanging out” in sentence 20, “burn out” in sentence 29 , “Weaving, spanking ...” in sentence 33), the syntactic means is (B) __________ (sentences 3, 14, 21). It is worth paying attention to such a technique as (D) __________ (sentence 11), which becomes, perhaps, one of the main in the construction of this text. "

List of terms:

1) phraseological units

2) antithesis

3) epithets

4) colloquial vocabulary

5) rows of homogeneous members of the sentence

6) interrogative sentences

7) lexical repetition

8) hyperbole

9) synecdoche

26. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Please comment on the formulated problem. Include in your comment two illustrative examples from the text you read that you think are important to understanding the problem in the original text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Argue your opinion, relying primarily on the reader's experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The length of the essay is at least 150 words.


1. Answer: 35 | 53.

2. Answer: however.

3. Answer: 3.

4. Answer: mosaic.

5. Answer: response.

6. Answer: tulle.

7. 94372

8. Answer: irreconcilable

9. Answer: ate super-bright

10. Answer: little man

11. Answer: hurting

12. Answer: lacked

13. Answer: why on one side

14. Answer: 234.

15. Answer: 12

16. Answer: 124

17. Answer: 345678

18. Answer: 14.

19. Answer: 1235.

20. Answer: blackening | blackening.

21. Answer: 345

22. Answer: 134.

23. Answer: 21

25. Answer: 3462


Approximate circle problems

1. The problem of human duplicity, hypocrisy. (What appreciation is worthy of a person who complains about human vices and at the same time does evil himself?)

1. A hypocrite, a two-faced person is worthy of ridicule and contempt.

2. The problem of true and false compassion, mercy. (How is true and false compassion manifested?)

2. Behind beautiful, compassionate speeches, there is not always true compassion. Compassion, mercy is demonstrated by actions, not words.

* To formulate the problem, the examinees may use vocabulary that differs from the one presented in the table. The problem can also be cited from the source text or indicated by referring to sentence numbers in the text.

Composition based on the text "The sky is covered with evil clouds ... (A. Chekhov)"

How often are we hypocrites, deceiving ourselves and others? What does this lie carry?


The problem of hypocrisy, hypocrisy, duplicity is drawn to our attention by the genius writer, master of short stories - A.P. Chekhov. This topic, unfortunately, is still relevant in our society.

Formulation of the problem

The personification of a terrible antihuman essence is Polycarp Semyonovich Iudin in the story. Master of words - A.P. Chekhov - endows the hero with a "speaking" surname, which indicates his inner essence, who he really is. With all his soul regretting that there is so much evil and injustice in the world, the hero himself is a source of deceit, greed, and anger. His experiences are nothing more than hypocrisy and hypocrisy, covered with ostentatious complacency. This duality, "double-mindedness" of Judas is the essence of his nature. Like Judas Iscariot, he is a traitor to himself and those around him.

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