Not a cast, not a soulless face. The rhythmic side of the poem

FI Tyutchev had the gift of seeing the soul of nature, the proof of which is the poem, which will be discussed in the article. High school students disassemble it in detail, and in grade 4 it is recommended for extracurricular activities... We suggest that you familiarize yourself with brief analysis"Not what you think, nature" according to plan.

Brief analysis

History of creation- the poem was written in 1836, in the same year it was published in the Sovremennik magazine.

Poem theme- the soul of nature, its true essence.

Composition- According to the meaning, the work is divided into two parts: a story about the soul of nature and reflections on the life of people who do not know how to understand the language of nature. The poem consists of 6 quatrains, in the original version there were 8 of them.

genre- elegy.

Poetic size - iambic tetrameter, ABAB cross rhyme.

Metaphors"There is a soul in her, there is freedom in her", "the rays did not descend into their souls, the spring did not bloom in their breasts", "the forests did not speak."

Epithets“Not a cast, not a soulless face”, “birthmark”, “alien forces”, “unearthly tongues”, “friendly conversation”.

Comparison- “Live in this world, as in the dark».

History of creation

The poem "Not what you think, nature" FI Tyutchev wrote in 1836. The poet believed that nature is not subject to anyone and nothing. This position was displayed in the work. The censorship considered that such thoughts are unacceptable, because they contradict the church point of view. Thus, two stanzas (second and fourth) were "thrown out" from the text. N. Sushkov tried to restore the missing parts. He turned to Fyodor Ivanovich, but he replied that he could not remember the lines.

Researchers of F. I. Tyutchev's work believe that the poet created the poem under the impression of Batyushkov's work "There is pleasure in the wildness of the forests ...". For the first time, Tyutchev's creation was published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1836.


Motives of nature are very popular in the literature of different peoples and eras. Many poets portrayed nature as a being with a broad soul. This image was recreated by F.I.Tyutchev. In the poem being analyzed, Fyodor Ivanovich revealed the theme of the true essence of nature, the soul. The main characters of the work are nature, natural phenomena and people who do not know how to listen and hear the world... A lyrical hero tells about all of them.

In the first lines, the hero turns to invisible listeners, trying to refute their false opinion about the world around him. He claims that nature is not impersonal, that it has a soul, love and language. It develops independently of "external, alien forces."

The fourth quatrain begins with the line "They neither see nor hear." Who are "they" can only guess, since the previous stanza was removed by the censorship. Most likely, this image hides those to whom nature is alien and indifferent. The lyrical hero compares the life of such people with darkness. They do not let spring and rays into their souls, they do not believe that there is life in the sea too. The nature, seeing such an attitude towards itself, also refuses to communicate: “in their presence the forests were not spoken, and the night was silent in the stars”.


The composition of the analyzed poem is simple. Its content is divided into two parts: a story about the soul of nature and reflections on the life of people who do not know how to understand the language of nature. The poem consists of 6 quatrains, in the original version there were 8. The removal of the stanzas distorted the meaning. It is difficult not to notice their absence, therefore, when printing a work, dots are put in their place.


The genre of the work is elegy. The poet ponders a question that has troubled and troubled the minds of many writers and philosophers. The poetic meter is iambic tetrameter. The lines are united by the ABAB cross rhyme. The work features male and female rhymes.

Expression tools

The image of nature F.I.Tyutchev created help artistic means... They are also a tool for communicating ideas. Play a key role metaphors: "There is a soul in her, there is freedom in her", "the rays did not descend into their souls, the spring did not bloom in their breasts", "the forests did not speak." The set of metaphors also includes personifications that make it possible to humanize nature and natural phenomena. The expressiveness of philosophical meditations is given epithets: "Not a cast, not a soulless face", "birthmark", "alien forces", "unearthly tongues", "friendly conversation" and comparison- "they live in this world, as in the dark."

Attracts attention and intonation. In the work, the author used rhetorical questions, exclamation clauses and dangling syntactic constructions... They help to convey the emotions of the lyrical hero, to emphasize the most important. For example, the last quatrain expressing main idea, consists of three exclamation sentences.

Poem test

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Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul, she has freedom,
It has love, it has a language ...

You see the leaf and the color on the tree:
Or did the gardener glue them?
Or the fetus ripens in the womb
Play with external, alien forces? ..

They neither see nor hear
They live in this world, as in the dark,
For them, the suns, to know, do not breathe,
And there is no life in the waves of the sea.

The rays did not enter their souls,
Spring did not bloom in their chest,
With them the forests did not speak
And the night was dumb in the stars!

And with tongues unearthly,
Exciting rivers and forests
I did not consult with them at night
In a friendly conversation thunderstorm!

It's not their fault: understand, if it is possible,
Organa life is deaf and dumb!
Soul him, ah! will not alarm
And the voice of the mother herself! ..

More poems:

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  2. We did not talk about love with her, She told me, as a friend, about her sad past youth. I admired the purity of Her crystal soul, Her heartfelt simplicity, Her welcoming eyes with beauty ...
  3. Dedicated to Olga Alekseevna Baratynskaya Oh, the city of lies; oh, the city of gossip, Where the mind, conscience drowning, To our blessings is carefree And we are hardworking to the detriment; Where there is plenty of food for the womb, But not ...
  4. Nature is the same Rome and is reflected in it. We see images of his civil power In the transparent air, as in a blue circus, In the forum of fields and in the colonnade of the grove. Nature...
  5. Rike Keep this night on your chest, shivering in your winter room, stepping as if into water, you are all - the rustle of the river, all - the rustling of ice floes, all - my muffled exclamation ...
  6. It's hard for me to watch how your step is getting heavier, It's hard for me to hear how you breathe heavily, Going out to a plot of seven acres, into a singing garden, - In our poor country there is only a garden ...
  7. Nature! Man is your creation, and this honor will not be taken away from you, but he put him on his feet from all fours and did the work as a man of the ancestor. Labor ... Is there anything more stubborn and winged! ...
  8. So that nature was beautiful, the Lord took the stack in his fingers. Soon the day of your departure Through the spotted snow. I move the curtains aside And I look after the flying bird ... No, we are not segments of time, ...
  9. What pain pierced him? What did you hear in the scream of the eagle? What depth, what power did genius draw to the Urals? He stroked euonymus leaves, sadly took water in his palms. At the feet of the great poet ...
  10. Ginger cat - a pipe tail! The clock has an old battle, there is moonlight on the floor ... There is love, but there is no happiness. Do not grieve, do not worry, it happens sometimes, happiness is red water: drip ...
  11. Yesterday was spring, I saw with my own eyes how she carried the blue banner. Yesterday was spring, you touched my hands, the blue fire still remains in my eyes. Close them tight ...
  12. ... His soul is deaf, deaf, No matter how you break or bang. And that means that there is no sin in this, That mine was deaf too? Long deaf, long dried up like twigs, Silent, strange movie We are all spinning, ...
  13. Was wonderful spring! They sat on the bank - The river was quiet, clear, The sun was rising, the birds were singing; Stretched across the river valley, Calmly, magnificently green; Nearby, a scarlet rosehip was blooming, There were dark lindens ...
  14. In a garden dappled with flowers, In the dense grass, in a secluded corner The lovely rose bloomed; It bloomed calmly, but - was not happy! Who is not sick with envy? Who is happy with his lot? She...
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You are now reading a verse Not what you, nature, think of the poet Tyutchev Fyodor Ivanovich

Not that you think nature ...

Writing on literature

pupils of grade 11A

MBOU SOSH number 1

Yartsevo, Smolensk region

Fedotova Karina

Man and nature have always existed together. But since the growth of technical progress, man has forgotten his place in nature. Today he lives in a world of iron and concrete, surrounded by cars and all kinds of electronic devices... Why have we fenced ourselves off from the natural world with plastic, steel, concrete, not realizing that this artificial isolation oppresses us, negatively affects our health and psyche. Nature is our home. But man purposefully destroys it day after day. Some hundred years ago, there were more trees in our cities, clean water flowed in the rivers, and the air was clean and transparent. Today, there are less and less untouched corners on our planet every year, and we do not realize that we are gradually getting used to the absence of wildlife around us. And if we still have something to remember, then perhaps our children will accept such a reinforced concrete world as the norm. Who will teach today's generation to love and protect nature? First of all, Russian classical literature.

The famous poet of the 19th century F. Tyutchev wrote:

Not that you think nature

Not a cast, not a soulless face, -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has a language ... ..

The poet opposes those who underestimate nature, speaks of human deafness, hardening of the soul due to the distance between man and nature. Throughout the entire work, the author carries the idea that “deaf” people do not know how to feel, and, therefore, do not know how to live.

And if for them she is faceless, then for Tyutchev nature is the “voice” of the mother herself. These four lines contain that true attitude to Nature, which should be inherent in every person. Therefore, this poem has not lost its relevance today.

Not only poets, but also writers raised their voices in defense of nature. B. Vasiliev is one of them. With heartache, he writes about the relationship between man and nature in the novel "Don't Shoot White Swans." The attitude to nature, as it were, divides the heroes of the work into two camps: those who understand and love nature, and others - cruel, ruthless. The main character Yegor Polushkin is closely connected with nature, at the sight of how its riches are being destroyed, he suffers with all his soul. He cannot understand what motivates people when they burn the anthill. He does not understand how man, the king of nature, can calmly observe how thousands of small creatures writhed from the fire. Yegor himself is in love with the forest, with the river, with nature in general. He is trying to awaken in people a craving for the good and the beautiful: he brings a couple of swans to the now dead Black Lake in order to revive the destroyed beauty. Egor's natural delicacy, moral purity do not find a response in environment... Yegor's open, gentle character is the source of all his failures. He dies at his post, as befits the “eldest son” of nature, defending the work of his whole life, about which he simply and sincerely speaks at the meeting in the capital: “And nature, it endures everything as long as it is. She dies silently, for a long time. And no man is king of her, of nature. Not a king, it is harmful to be called a king. He is her son, the eldest son! So be wiser, do not drive “mama!” Into the coffin. B. Vasiliev's novel makes us think about our attitude to nature. The author wants to convey the idea that it is impossible for a person to break away from nature, to be in hostile relations with it.

Love for one's native nature is one of the most important signs of love for one's country. The unsurpassed master of Russian landscape K.G. Paustovsky. One cannot but agree with him. One cannot love the Motherland without living one soul with the life of a beloved birch tree. It is worth more often to enjoy the natural beauty of our Earth, while we have such an opportunity. Disunity with nature, opposition to it invariably leads a person to spiritual death, moral poverty, but interaction with what surrounds us is the path to peace, to harmony, to harmony with nature and oneself. I want to finish my essay with lines from a poem by E. Yevtushenko:

Take care of these lands, these waters,

Even a small blade of love,

Protect all animals inside nature,

Only kill the beasts within you

Not a cast, not a soulless face -

She has a soul, she has freedom,

It has love, it has a language ...





You see the leaf and the color on the tree:

Or did the gardener glue them?

Or the fetus ripens in the womb

Playing with external, alien forces? ..





They neither see nor hear

They live in this world, as in the dark,

For them, the suns, to know, do not breathe,

And there is no life in the waves of the sea.

The rays did not enter their souls,

Spring did not bloom in their chest,

The forests did not speak with them,

And the night was dumb in the stars!

And with tongues unearthly,

Exciting rivers and forests

I did not consult with them at night

In a friendly conversation thunderstorm!

It's not their fault: understand, if it is possible,

Organa life is deaf and dumb!

(1836) Stanzas 2 and 4 were banned by the censorship. Pushkin insisted that they be replaced by dots, since the absence of these stanzas violated the compositional integrity of the article. In 1851, preparing the texts of Tyutchev's articles for publication, N.V. Sushkov asked the author to recall the missing stanzas, but the poet could not restore them in his memory or did not want to print them. In a number of editions the article was printed in its entirety according to the list of Tyutchev's poems, made according to N. A. Nekrasov's article "Russian secondary poets" (p. 1850, No. 1), where there was an amendment by Nekrasov to art. 31: "Alas, the soul in him will not alarm" vm. "His soul, ah, will not disturb him." This amendment was not noticed by Tyutchev when he looked through the list of ST. Meanwhile, it came into conflict with the tone and meaning of the article, which is an invective and has a derogatory ending for opponents. "Alas" vm. “Ah” muffled her angry intonation in the final phrase, the highest point of which, as is typical for the melody of Tyutchev's exclamation, is in the center of the phrase. The article is programmatic for all of Tyutchev's natural philosophical lyrics. It is based on the romantic idea of ​​the spirituality of matter, living for its own internal reasons, which is characteristic of Schelling's philosophy of identity. In a broad sense, the article is directed against the traditional church ideas about nature and the mechanistic views on it that prevailed in the era of rationalism in the 17th - 18th centuries. The unacceptability of pantheistic views from the orthodox church positions explains the reason for the qualifications. bills. At the same time, individual expressions ("cast", "face", "external, alien forces", etc.) indicate that the polemical addressee of the article is Hegel's objectively idealistic teaching with its fundamental isolation of nature from spirit. This isolation acquired an even sharper expression among the Young Hegelians of the right, theistic wing. Apparently, the article was written in 1833 - 1834. during the controversy between Schelling and the followers of Hegel. It began in connection with the publication of the book by the French philosopher V. Cousin "Philosophical Fragments" (Paris, 1833), the foreword to which was written by Schelling. This preface was his first literary performance after twenty years of silence. H. Rothe suggested that Tyutchev's reading of the books by G. Heine "The Romantic School" (1833) and "On the History of Religion and Philosophy in Germany" (1834), which also contain critical attacks against the later Hegel's interpretation of nature. See Rothe H. "Nicht was ihr meint, ist die Natur": Tjutcev und das "Junge Deutschland" // "Studien zu Literatur und Aufklärung in Osteuropa". Giessen 1978 S. 319-335.

It is difficult to read the verse “Not what you think, nature…” by Tyutchev Fyodor Ivanovich, because 2 stanzas were cut out of the work because of religious censorship. Despite the fact that the work is a landscape lyricism, unacceptable lines were found in it, which were never restored. The poet wrote this creation, inspired by Batiushkov's verse "There is pleasure in the wildness of the forests ...". He talks about his incredible love for nature, comparing it to his mother. There are some similarities in both works, which are impossible not to notice.

Tyutchev's work can be called accusatory. The author sincerely does not understand people who are unable to appreciate the beauty of nature, its unsurpassed and greatness. He himself speaks of her with rapture. “There is a soul in it, there is freedom in it ...” - the inspired author writes, and one cannot help but believe him. By the way, Fyodor Ivanovich's landscape lyrics often reflect this vision of the world around him. He puts his opinion in opposition to materialists, whom he considers vulgar. They are unaware of the simple fact that intrusion into the possession of nature is nothing more than a crime. Religious people are trying to prove that she is an ordinary cast that does not have any power.

The text of Tyutchev's poem "Not what you think, nature ..." is a kind of protest of the poet. He is bright and sincere, passionate and unyielding. One gets the feeling that the author is fighting for something incredibly valuable to himself. He puts all his strength into this struggle, as if it is vital to him. Indeed, nature has always played a huge role in the work, and therefore in the fate of the poet. It is impossible not to notice when reading his work. By the way, they are very fond of teaching in literature lessons in high school. And read this poem online or you can download it in full on our website.

Not what you think, nature:
Not a cast, not a soulless face -
She has a soul, she has freedom,
It has love, it has a language ...

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

You see the leaf and the color on the tree:
Or did the gardener glue them?
Or the fetus ripens in the womb
Play with external, alien forces? ..

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

They neither see nor hear
They live in this world, as in the dark,
For them, the suns, to know, do not breathe,
And there is no life in the waves of the sea.

The rays did not enter their souls,
Spring did not bloom in their chest,
With them the forests did not speak
And the night was dumb in the stars!

And with tongues unearthly,
Exciting rivers and forests
I did not consult with them at night
In a friendly conversation thunderstorm!

It's not their fault: understand, if it is possible,
Organa life is deaf and dumb!
Soul him, ah! will not alarm
And the voice of the mother herself! ..

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